defining ecosystem thresholds for human activities and ... · defining ecosystem thresholds for...

Dening ecosystem thresholds for human activities and environmental pressures in the California Current JAMEAL F. SAMHOURI, 1,  KELLY S. ANDREWS, 1 GAVIN FAY , 2 CHRIS J. HARVEY , 1 ELLIOTT L. HAZEN, 3 SHANNON M. HENNESSEY , 4 KIRSTIN HOLSMAN, 5 MARY E. HUNSICKER, 6 SCOTT I. LARGE, 7 KRISTIN N. MARSHALL, 1 ADRIAN C. STIER, 8,9 JAMIE C. TAM, 10 AND STEPHANI G. ZADOR 5 1 Conservation Biology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, 2725 Montlake Boulevard, Seattle, Washington 98112 USA 2 Department of Fisheries Oceanography, School for Marine Science and Technology, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 200 Mill Road, Fairhaven, Massachusetts 02719 USA 3 Environmental Research Division, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, 99 Pacic Street, Suite 255A, Monterey, California 93940 USA 4 Department of Integrative Biology, Oregon State University, 3029 Cordley Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 USA 5 Resource Ecology & Fisheries Management Division, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, 7600 Sand Point Way N.E., Seattle, Washington 98115 USA 6 Fish Ecology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, 2032 SE OSU Drive, Newport, Oregon 97365 USA 7 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), H.C. Andersens Boulevard 44-46, 1553 Copenhagen V, Denmark 8 National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, 735 State Street, Santa Barbara, California 93101 USA 9 Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106 USA 10 Northeast Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 USA Citation: Samhouri, J. F., K. S. Andrews, G. Fay, C. J. Harvey, E. L. Hazen, S. M. Hennessey, K. Holsman, M. E. Hunsicker, S. I. Large, K. N. Marshall, A. C. Stier, J. C. Tam, and S. G. Zador. 2017. Dening ecosystem thresholds for human activities and environmental pressures in the California Current. Ecosphere 8(6):e01860. 10.1002/ecs2.1860 Abstract. The oceans are changing more rapidly than ever before. Unprecedented climatic variability is interacting with unmistakable long-term trends, all against a backdrop of intensifying human activities. What remains unclear, however, is how to evaluate whether conditions have changed sufciently to pro- voke major responses of species, habitats, and communities. We developed a framework based on multi- model inference to dene ecosystem-based thresholds for human and environmental pressures in the California Current marine ecosystem. To demonstrate how to apply the framework, we explored two dec- ades of data using gradient forest and generalized additive model analyses, screening for nonlinearities and potential threshold responses of ecosystem states (n = 9) across environmental (n = 6) and human (n = 10) pressures. These analyses identied the existence of threshold responses of ve ecosystem states to four environmental and two human pressures. Both methods agreed on threshold relationships in two cases: (1) the winter copepod anomaly and habitat modication, and (2) sea lion pup production and the summer mode of the Pacic Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Considered collectively, however, these alternative analytical approaches imply that as many as ve of the nine ecosystem states may exhibit threshold changes in response to negative PDO values in the summer (copepods, scavengers, groundsh, and marine mammals). This result is consistent with the idea that the inuence of the PDO extends across multiple trophic levels, but extends current knowledge by dening the nonlinear nature of these responses. This research provides a new way to interpret changes in the intensities of human and environmental pressures as they relate to the ecological integrity of the California Current ecosystem. These insights can be used to make more informed assessments of when and under what conditions intervention, preparation, and miti- gation may enhance progress toward ecosystem-based management goals. Key words: ecosystem indicator; ecosystem threshold; ecosystem-based management; nonlinear; reference points. 1 June 2017 Volume 8(6) Article e01860

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Defining ecosystem thresholds for human activities andenvironmental pressures in the California Current




1Conservation Biology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic &Atmospheric Administration, 2725 Montlake Boulevard, Seattle, Washington 98112 USA

2Department of Fisheries Oceanography, School for Marine Science and Technology, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth,200 Mill Road, Fairhaven, Massachusetts 02719 USA

3Environmental Research Division, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic &Atmospheric Administration, 99 Pacific Street, Suite 255A, Monterey, California 93940 USA

4Department of Integrative Biology, Oregon State University, 3029 Cordley Hall, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 USA5Resource Ecology & Fisheries Management Division, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service,

National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, 7600 Sand Point Way N.E., Seattle, Washington 98115 USA6Fish Ecology Division, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic & Atmospheric

Administration, 2032 SE OSU Drive, Newport, Oregon 97365 USA7International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), H.C. Andersens Boulevard 44-46, 1553 Copenhagen V, Denmark

8National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, 735 State Street, Santa Barbara, California 93101 USA9Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106 USA

10Northeast Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration,166 Water Street, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543 USA

Citation: Samhouri, J. F., K. S. Andrews, G. Fay, C. J. Harvey, E. L. Hazen, S. M. Hennessey, K. Holsman, M. E.Hunsicker, S. I. Large, K. N. Marshall, A. C. Stier, J. C. Tam, and S. G. Zador. 2017. Defining ecosystem thresholds forhuman activities and environmental pressures in the California Current. Ecosphere 8(6):e01860. 10.1002/ecs2.1860

Abstract. The oceans are changing more rapidly than ever before. Unprecedented climatic variability isinteracting with unmistakable long-term trends, all against a backdrop of intensifying human activities.What remains unclear, however, is how to evaluate whether conditions have changed sufficiently to pro-voke major responses of species, habitats, and communities. We developed a framework based on multi-model inference to define ecosystem-based thresholds for human and environmental pressures in theCalifornia Current marine ecosystem. To demonstrate how to apply the framework, we explored two dec-ades of data using gradient forest and generalized additive model analyses, screening for nonlinearitiesand potential threshold responses of ecosystem states (n = 9) across environmental (n = 6) and human(n = 10) pressures. These analyses identified the existence of threshold responses of five ecosystem statesto four environmental and two human pressures. Both methods agreed on threshold relationships in twocases: (1) the winter copepod anomaly and habitat modification, and (2) sea lion pup production and thesummer mode of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Considered collectively, however, these alternativeanalytical approaches imply that as many as five of the nine ecosystem states may exhibit thresholdchanges in response to negative PDO values in the summer (copepods, scavengers, groundfish, and marinemammals). This result is consistent with the idea that the influence of the PDO extends across multipletrophic levels, but extends current knowledge by defining the nonlinear nature of these responses. Thisresearch provides a new way to interpret changes in the intensities of human and environmental pressuresas they relate to the ecological integrity of the California Current ecosystem. These insights can be used tomake more informed assessments of when and under what conditions intervention, preparation, and miti-gation may enhance progress toward ecosystem-based management goals.

Key words: ecosystem indicator; ecosystem threshold; ecosystem-based management; nonlinear; reference points.

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Received 7 December 2016; revised 29 March 2017; accepted 19 April 2017; final version received 15 May 2017.Corresponding Editor: Guy Ziv.Copyright: © 2017 Samhouri et al. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons AttributionLicense, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.� E-mail: [email protected]


Any performance management system—whether it is focused on health care, nationalsecurity, business, or the environment—rests firstand foremost upon a reliable set of measure-ments. These measurements, or indicators, canbe used to evaluate a system’s status (Otley1999). The rise of ecosystem-based management(EBM) of the ocean is no exception to thisgenerality. As scientists and managers have triedto move marine EBM from theory to practice(Pikitch et al. 2004, Arkema et al. 2006, Levinet al. 2009, Samhouri et al. 2013, Link andBrowman 2014), a frequent first step has been toidentify and report on indicators of ocean condi-tions (Kershner et al. 2011, Halpern et al. 2012,Andrews et al. 2015). In marine EBM and else-where, however, indicators are necessary but notsufficient for successful performance manage-ment (Otley 1999). Useful indicators mustdescribe a system in relation to the objectives setfor it (Melnyk et al. 2004). Reference points pro-vide just such a basis for comparison of an indi-cator’s value to an internal or external standard.(See Appendix S1: Table S1 for definition of indi-cator, reference point, and other terms used inthe text.) Thus, they are a critical component ofadvancing EBM from concept to commonplace.

An increasing variety of environmental perfor-mance management approaches are built aroundreference points, from global to local scales (Hal-pern et al. 2012, Hamel et al. 2015, UMCES2016). For example, the most familiar referencepoint in fisheries science is the concept of maxi-mum sustainable yield, which is calculated basedon estimates of population size, carrying capac-ity, and growth rates (Hilborn and Walters 1992).One of the most informative techniques to estab-lish reference points relies upon thresholds inecosystem state. Following Groffman et al.(2006), we define an ecosystem threshold as alarge, nonlinear change in an ecosystem stateindicator (e.g., biodiversity of a key species or

functional group) in response to an incrementalchange in an anthropogenic or environmentalpressure(s), such as pollution or temperature(Lackey 1998, Methratta and Link 2006, Martinet al. 2009, Samhouri et al. 2012).Determining where ecosystem thresholds

occur, and how large a shift may be induced bycrossing them, is key for informing managementthat prepares for and is designed to avoid abruptand undesired changes (Doak et al. 2008). Forinstance, the concept of rising variance, wherethe variability in an ecosystem state(s) can pro-vide advance warning of an ecosystem shift, hasled to new insights about both terrestrial andmarine systems (Carpenter and Brock 2006,Sydeman et al. 2013, Litzow and Hunsicker2016). Many analytical techniques for identifyingecosystem thresholds based on state–pressurerelationships have also been proposed (Samhouriet al. 2010, Large et al. 2013, 2015a, b, Hunsickeret al. 2016), leaving an open question: Which ismost appropriate, and under what conditions?Here, we propose a framework centered on

multimodel inference (MMI), rather than a singlestatistical tool, to define ecosystem thresholds forenvironmental and human pressures. To illus-trate how our MMI framework can be used, weapply it to the U.S. California Current System(CCS), which supports more than $23 billion inrevenue from fisheries, tourism, and recreation(data source: NOAA Coastal Services Center,2013 GDP data for living resources and tourismand recreation sectors; The vast majority of ocean condi-tion reports for the CCS focus on ecosystemstates, as well as environmental and human pres-sures, relative to internal standards—long-termaverages of conditions (Halpern et al. 2014, Har-vey et al. 2014, Leising et al. 2014, ONMS 2015,Zador 2015). Here, we seek to enhance theseassessments by directly connecting variability inenvironmental and human pressures to thepotential for nonlinear ecosystem responses.Such nonlinear ecosystem responses are common

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in many ecosystems (Hunsicker et al. 2016) andcan alter the human-derived benefits of a system(Selkoe et al. 2015). As such, we believe our MMIframework that identifies ecosystem thresholdshas broad application to other regions in the pro-cess of operationalizing EBM.


Analytical frameworkWe developed an analytical approach to define

ecosystem thresholds for environmental andhuman pressures. The goal was to represent thevalue of a pressure relative to an inflection pointin its relationship to one or more ecosystem states,and to quantify the magnitude of ecosystemchange associated with crossing that value. Thispressure–state approach is distinct from one thatfocuses on changes in state or pressure variablesover time, or the time at which a threshold wascrossed (Bestelmeyer et al. 2011, Scheffer et al.

2012). The workflow (Fig. 1) can be summarizedin four parts, including (1) pre-treatment, (2)screening, (3) functional form identification, and(4) threshold identification.Step 1: Pre-treatment: Which data?—The first step

in this workflow represents scoping, winnowing,and data preparation. Scoping precisely definesthe focus of the analysis in terms of ecosystemstate and pressure indicators. It is important toclarify whether the focus of the analysis will be onunivariate or multivariate ecosystem indicators,and on bivariate pressure–state relationships orassociations between univariate ecosystem indica-tors and multiple pressures.The goal of pre-treatment is to narrow the

universe of possibilities to a manageable subsetof time series, a suite of spatial data from a lim-ited time period, or a spatio-temporal data set.This winnowing of data sources can be accom-plished via expert opinion, reference to pre-established indicator frameworks (e.g., European

Specified functional form

GAM with autocorrelation







Gradient forest

Gradient forestBreakpoint analysisThreshold GAM

ID sh


ID th




Which human and environmental pressures are likely to have nonlinear relationship with indicators?

What is the sign and functional form of the relationship(s) between pressure(s) and indicator(s)?

What is (are) the location and magnitudeof the threshold(s)?

Culling (expert opinion)Supplementation (add indicators)Interpolation (DFA)

Which human activities (H)? Which ecosystem states (S)?

Which environmental pressures (E)?

QuestionsStep Purpose ToolsConcept


E or H

E or H















What type of nonlinearity exists?

How strong are the nonlinearities?

Are there thresholds?

Which data?


E2 E3 H1 H2 H3

Fig. 1. Analytical framework for defining ecosystem-based thresholds for environmental and human pressures.S = ecosystem state indicator(s); E = environmental pressure indicator(s); H = human pressure indicator(s);DFA = dynamic factor analysis; mag = magnitude of ecosystem response across a threshold. Note that the toolslisted here are intended as examples, rather than an exhaustive list. GAM, generalized additive model.

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Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Tett et al.2013, California Current Integrated EcosystemAssessment, Harvey et al. 2014, the Puget SoundPartnership Science Update, PSP 2011), or multi-variate analyses intended to reduce dimensional-ity for large data sets (e.g., dynamic factoranalysis; Zuur et al. 2003). This step helps toreduce the occurrence of statistically spuriousresults. The process of winnowing also providesan opportunity to ensure that the state andpressure variable data are derived at spatialscales that allow for biologically plausible rela-tionships. While it is difficult to provide prescrip-tive guidelines about requirements without apriori knowledge of effect sizes, variances,and other characteristics of the data, a minimumof ten matched state–pressure data points isrecommended.

After winnowing, any data preparation suchas the interpolation or extrapolation of missingdata points should be completed. (We cautionagainst using interpolated missing values whenthey occur at the beginning or end of time series).Decisions about whether and how to considertime lags and spatial-scale mismatches in pres-sure–state relationships should be made at thisstage. For example, are large-scale indicators ofthe intensity of human activities appropriate foridentifying threshold changes in an ecosystemstate measured at a smaller spatial scale? Simi-larly, are thresholds in a pressure–state relation-ship expected to occur simultaneously, or wouldthresholds be more likely to be observed whenecosystem state data are lagged?

Step 2: Screening: Are there nonlinearities?—Thesecond step explores the potential for nonlinearrelationships between ecosystem states and pres-sures and seeks to identify the potential existenceof thresholds. This portion of the analysis relieson MMI, rather than a single statistical tool.Broadly defined, MMI is the application of sev-eral quantitative representations of a system tolearn how the system works (Townsend et al.2014). As this step is intended to eliminatepressure–state relationships from the analysisthat are unlikely to show evidence for thresh-olds, we recommend comparing model resultsqualitatively (rather than developing a quantita-tive model consensus). Strongest inferencescan be made where models agree on the exis-tence and location of thresholds, and quantitative

descriptors of the identity and magnitude of thethreshold can be developed in the followingsteps.Common approaches for identifying the pres-

ence of thresholds include gradient forest, gener-alized additive and generalized additive mixedmodels (GAMs and GAMMs), and specifiedfunctional form analyses (Samhouri et al. 2010,Large et al. 2013, 2015a, b, Baker and Hollowed2014, Hunsicker et al. 2016). Importantly, thechoice of methods may be influenced by the com-pleteness of the indicator data, as some methodsuse all ecosystem and pressure indicators simul-taneously and require complete data sets (e.g.,gradient forest), while other methods evaluateindividual pressure–state relationships and canreasonably handle missing values in a time series(e.g., GAM).Step 3: Functional form identification: What type

of nonlinearity exists?—For relationships identifiedas nonlinear in the preceding screening step, thenext stage of analysis derives relevant statisticsfrom the models to describe their signs and func-tional forms. The outcome of this analysis shouldbe a quantitative description of whether a pres-sure is positively or negatively correlated withan ecosystem state, and at a minimum a qualita-tive description of the shape of the relationship(e.g., hockey stick, sigmoidal, parabolic). Whilemany statistical models will allow such a quanti-tative description (e.g., GAMs, specified func-tional forms), others will not (gradient forestanalysis).Step 4: Threshold identification: How strong are

the nonlinearities?—For relationships that emergeas nonlinear, a final set of analyses is used todetermine the location (inflection point) andstrength of the threshold. This step provides (1) aquantitative estimate of the threshold level(s) ofa pressure corresponding to an abrupt change inthe direction of its relationship with an ecosys-tem state, typically defined as the point of inflec-tion where the second derivative changes sign(Samhouri et al. 2010, Large et al. 2013), and (2)the magnitude of change in an ecosystem stateassociated with breaching the threshold level of apressure. Several statistical tools can be used tolocate the threshold, estimate the uncertaintyaround its location, and describe the magnitudeor effect size corresponding to the threshold(Andersen et al. 2009, Foley et al. 2015).

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California current applicationWe applied the MMI framework described

above to the CCS. A comprehensive assessment ofthe conditions within this coupled social–ecologi-cal system is reported in NOAA’s California Cur-rent Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (CCIEA;Harvey et al. 2014). The following section repre-sents the pre-treatment steps for application ofour MMI framework for identifying thresholds.

The CCS is an eastern boundary currentecosystem, with seasonal periods of upwelling ofcold nutrient-rich waters along the coast thatdrive primary and secondary productivity andaffect the dynamics of the diverse resident andmigratory species throughout the food web(Bograd et al. 2009, Hazen et al. 2014). In addi-tion to fluctuations in the oceanographic and bio-physical environment, the CCS is affected by avariety of human uses that include fisheries andother marine activities, as well as land-basedactivities that result in localized (i.e., pointsource) and broadscale (i.e., nonpoint source)transfer of materials to the coastal zone (Halpernet al. 2009, Andrews et al. 2015).

Changes in environmental pressures in the CCScan be abrupt. Some vary at relatively short time-scales, including short-term variability in upwel-ling strength as tracked by the North Pacific High(Schroeder et al. 2013) and the Northern Oscilla-tion Index (NOI; Schwing et al. 2002). Other pro-cesses act at interdecadal scales; for example, thestrength of transport by the North Pacific Gyre isindexed by the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation(NPGO; Di Lorenzo et al. 2008), and decadal

changes in sea surface temperature regimes in thenortheast Pacific are tracked by the Pacific Deca-dal Oscillation (PDO; Mantua and Hare 2002).When warmer-than-average temperatures andweak upwelling dominate the CCS (e.g., positivePDO and negative NOI), large ecosystem statechanges have been observed (King et al. 2011),including shifts in planktonic communities (Peter-son et al. 2014) and lower trophic-level fishes(Chavez et al. 2003), as well as higher trophic-level fishes (Lindley et al. 2009), seabirds, andmammals (Leising et al. 2014).Human activities within the CCS are also quite

dynamic (Andrews et al. 2015). Economic shocks(e.g., McKenna et al. 2012), emerging technolo-gies (Kim et al. 2012, Plummer and Feist 2016),and regulatory shifts (e.g., in fisheries; Hilbornet al. 2012, Lubchenco et al. 2016) have causedrapid changes in ocean uses. As with variabilityin the environment, these changes have bothdirect and indirect effects on various componentsof the ecosystem (Halpern et al. 2009). Here, wedrew from the 19 human activities presented inthe CCIEA (Harvey et al. 2014) and focused onthe 10 that provided available data across mostof the period of interest (Table 1).Data sources.—Our analysis centered on the

identification of levels of pressures likely toinduce the crossing of a threshold for one or moreindicators of ecological integrity and was basedon time series data. While spatial variability iscertainly a key feature of the California Current,an analysis of whether and how relationshipsbetween ecosystem states and pressures differ

Table 1. Indicators of environmental and human pressures in the California Current System.

Component Pressure Indicator Time series

Environmental Basin-scale sea surface temperature PDO summer and winter indices 1900–2014Basin-scale atmospheric forcing NOI summer and winter indices 1948–2014

Changes in source waters NPGO summer and winter indices 1950–2014

Human Atmospheric pollution Deposition of sulfate 1994–2014Commercial shipping activity Volume of water disturbed 2001–2012

Dredging Dredge volumes 1997–2014Groundfish fisheries removals Commercial groundfish landings 1981–2014

Habitat modification Distance trawled 1999–2012Inorganic pollution Toxicity-weighted chemical releases 1988–2012Invasive species Tons of cargo 1993–2013Nutrient input Nitrogen and phosphorus input 1945–2010

Organic pollution Toxicity-weighted concentrations of pesticides 1993–2010Total fisheries removals Total commercial and recreational landings 1981–2014

Note: Further details of data sets can be found in Appendix S1: Table S2.

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from place to place was beyond the scope of thisstudy.

The CCIEA defines ecological integrity as thespecies composition, biodiversity, and functionalorganization of an ecosystem and includes ninecoast-wide indicators: a mean trophic index, spe-cies density, species richness, Simpson diversity,scavenger biomass, the Northern copepod anom-aly (winter and summer), and California sea lion(Zalophus californianus) pup abundance and pupgrowth rate (Table 2; Williams et al. 2014). Theseecosystem state time series were derived fromthree fishery-independent data sets that spanseveral major taxonomic groups (invertebrates,fishes, and mammals), and summarized at thelargest spatial domain possible given the data set(see Williams et al. 2014 for details).

There are a wide variety of pressures with thepotential to effect change in these ecosystemstates. Although there are regional differenceswithin the CCS in physical forcing, climatic vari-ability, and ecosystem responses (Mendelssohnet al. 2003, Garc�ıa-Reyes and Largier 2012), wefocused on six basin-scale environmental pres-sures in the North Pacific (Table 2; Appendix S1:Table S2). These environmental pressures are theprimary basin-wide indicators of oceanographyand climate in the CCIEA (Hazen et al. 2014) and

include the winter and summer anomalies in theNOI (NOIw and NOIs, respectively), NPGO(NPGOw and NPGOs, respectively), and PDO(PDOw and PDOs, respectively). We include bothwinter and summer indicators because two modesof upwelling in the CCS drive different compo-nents of biological productivity. While the stron-gest upwelling occurs in the summertime, thewinter mode (upwelling at the beginning of theseason) can be equally important for growth andreproduction in some species (Black et al. 2011).As with the environmental pressures, many

human activities are likely to be associated withvariability in ecological integrity in the CCS.Here, we focus on ten human activities that havereceived global (Halpern et al. 2008, 2015) andregional (Halpern et al. 2009, Andrews et al.2015) attention in relation to changes in marineecological integrity (Table 1; Appendix S1:Table S2). Four activities relate to pollution(atmospheric, inorganic, nutrients, and organic),three pertain to habitat disturbance (commercialshipping, habitat modification, and dredging),two concern extraction (total fisheries andgroundfish landings), and one is associated withinvasive species. The intensities of all of theseactivities were summarized at the scale of the fullCCS (see Andrews et al. 2015 for details).

Table 2. Ecosystem states assessed in the case study of the California Current System.

Ecosystemattribute Indicator

Taxonomicgroup Community

Definition and sourceof data Time series



Northern copepodanomaly, winterand summer

Invertebrates Pelagic Monthly anomalies in therelative biomass ofcopepods with cold-wateraffinities off Newport, OR(Peterson et al. 2015, NOAA)

1996–2014 Biweekly;summarizedas winter andsummeranomalies

Biodiversity Species richness,Species density,Simpson’s index

Groundfish Benthic Index of groundfish communitycomposition (Bradburnet al. 2011, NWFSC)

2003–2014 Summers,annual


Mean trophic index Groundfish Benthic Trophic structure of groundfishcommunity (Bradburnet al. 2011, NWFSC)

2003–2014 Summers,annual


Scavenger biomass Groundfishandinvertebrates

Benthic Relative biomass of scavengers,as defined by esp. Brand et al.(2007), from fishery-independentsurveys (Bradburnet al. 2011, NWFSC)

2003–2014 Summers,annual


California sea lionpup productionand growth



Average no. of pups onSan Miguel Island in late Julyand predicted daily growthrate of pups between Juneand October (Melin et al. 2012,Wells et al. 2013, NMML)

1997–2014 July andJune–October,respectively;annual

Notes: These “Ecological integrity” indicators are used by NOAA’s Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for the California Current with detaileddescriptions in Williams et al. (2014). Note that the California sea lion pup growth time series was missing data for a single year (2011). Prelimi-nary investigation suggested that a simple mean interpolation was the most parsimonious way to fill this gap. NOAA = National Oceanic andAtmospheric Administration; NMML = National Marine Mammal Laboratory; NWFSC = Northwest Fisheries Science Center.

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Implementation of the analytical framework.—Toembrace the MMI philosophy of the frameworkdescribed above, we used gradient forest, GAM,and GAMM analyses to screen for nonlinearitiesand potential threshold responses of ecosystemstates (Liaw and Wiener 2002, Ellis et al. 2012,Baker and Hollowed 2014, Large et al. 2015b,Hunsicker et al. 2016). We tested for nonlinearitiesin all possible pressure–state relationships, butsubsequently excluded those without plausiblemechanistic relationships. While this approachincreased the possibility that we would detect sig-nificant thresholds and nonlinearities, our interestwas in the precautionary identification of poten-tial thresholds rather than statistical significance(White et al. 2014), especially given the limitationsof inferences based on P-values (Barber and Ogle2014).

We implemented the gradient forest, GAM,and GAMM analyses on a subset of the full timeseries. When considered collectively, the time ser-ies of ecosystem states spanned a 19-yr periodfrom 1996 to 2014 (Table 2), but the span of over-lap among all ecosystem and pressure time serieswas 10 yr (2003–2012). For the gradient forestanalyses, missing data for any time series isproblematic; we truncated each time series to this10-yr period for the purposes of MMI (hereafter,truncated analyses). We removed two humanpressures (organic pollution and nutrient input)from the truncated analyses due to missing datain 2011–2012.

While the truncated analyses allowed fordirect comparison of results among models, thisapproach had the obvious drawback of not usingall the available data. Therefore, we also con-ducted GAM/GAMM analyses on the longesttime series available for each pressure–state pair(hereafter, full GAM analyses).

Detailed description of the gradient forestanalyses.—The gradient forest analysis quantifiedthe ability of each environmental or human pres-sure to predict variation in the time series of mul-tiple ecosystem states (Breiman 2001, Large et al.2015b). Gradient forest analysis is an ensemble ofrandom forest models, each of which splitsecosystem states into two groups at specific val-ues of an environmental or human pressure. Par-titions are further made until one group becomesa terminal node. The R2-importance of each valueof the pressure—in other words, the possibility

that it represented a threshold—was calculatedbased on maximizing the homogeneity of vari-ance of the ecosystem state values within eachsubsequent partition. Ecosystem states with zerovariance explained by random forests were notincluded in the final gradient forest models.We estimated the aggregate response of all

ecosystem indicators, called the cumulativeecosystem response, to each pressure. The cumu-lative ecosystem response was calculated fromthe cumulative importance distributions of splitimprovement for each ecosystem state, scaled foreach ecosystem indicator by R2-importance andstandardized by the density of observations.Though the gradient forest analysis identifiedpotential thresholds wherever splits in the pres-sure improved the homogeneity of variance ofthe cumulative ecosystem response values, wefocused only on improvements in cumulativeecosystem response R2-importance that exceeded0.01.For pressures that increased cumulative

ecosystem response R2-importance by ≥0.01, weidentified individual ecosystem state thresholdsbased on a range of pressure values. This rangewas defined in relation to significant increases inthe cumulative R2-importance values of eachecosystem state given a split at specific values ofthe pressure (Large et al. 2015b). We used the Rpackages “randomForest” (Liaw and Wiener2002, R Core Team 2016) and “gradientForest”(Ellis et al. 2012) for all calculations.Detailed description of the GAM/GAMM

analyses.—We used a model selection approach todetermine whether a nonlinear GAM or GAMMprovided a more parsimonious explanation ofpressure–state relationships than a linear model(Sonderegger et al. 2009, Bestelmeyer et al. 2011,Samhouri et al. 2012). However, because our anal-yses focused on time series data, we first used alog-likelihood ratio test adapted from the meth-ods described in Gilman et al. (2012) to determinewhether a generalized additive mixed model withautocorrelated error structure (GAMM) was moreappropriate than a GAM with normal error struc-ture. The log-likelihood ratio test was based on acomparison of (1) the fit of residuals from theGAMM in a linear model with autocorrelatedstructure in the residual covariance matrix to (2)the fit of residuals in a simple linear model.Where temporal autocorrelation was determined

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to be significant, we used Akaike’s InformationCriterion (corrected for small sample sizes; AICc)to select between GAMM (“gamm” function in R)and linear models with autocorrelated structurein the residual covariance matrices (Eqs. 1–3).Where temporal autocorrelation was deemednonsignificant, we used AICc to select betweensimple GAM (gam() function in the mgcv() pack-age in R) and linear models (Eqs. 1, 2 and 4).

Formally, let Ey be the value of the ecologicalindicator in year y, a a fixed intercept effect, Py

the value of the pressure in year y, s() the smooth-ing function, e a normally distributed randomerror term, and Rac and R the structures of theresidual covariance matrices (represented herefor a three-year period), with and without auto-correlation, respectively, yielding:

Ey ¼ aþ sðPyÞ þ ey (1)

Ey ¼ aþ Py þ ey (2)

Rac ¼ r21 q q2

q 1 qq2 q 1


35 (3)

R ¼ r21 0 00 1 00 0 1


35 (4)

The formulation of Eq. 3 implies that the mostrecent values of a pressure have the greatestinfluence on the response of the ecosystem indi-cator, and the previous influence of a pressurediminishes quickly according to the autocorrela-tion coefficient q. In contrast, the formulation ofEq. 4 implies that values of a pressure in a previ-ous year have zero influence on the response ofan ecosystem indicator.

We determined whether there was more evi-dence for linearity or nonlinearity based on thefollowing three criteria: (1) The estimated degreesof freedom, which increases with a curve’s nonlin-earity, was ≥2.0 (Zuur et al. 2009, Hunsicker et al.2016); (2) the generalized cross validation score(GCV; Wood 2004b) was minimized in the GAMcompared to the LM (GCV is not a calculated cri-terion for GAMMs); and (3) the difference in AICc

values was ≥2.0 units in favor of the nonlinearmodel (Burnham and Anderson 2002). For bothGAM and GAMM, we used thin plate regression

spline smoothing terms, the “mgcv” (Wood2004a) package, and set the size of the basisdimension to 4 to reduce the possibility of over-fitting (Large et al. 2013).For pressure–state relationships identified as

nonlinear, we defined the location of the thresholdas the inflection point, that is, the value of the pres-sure where the second derivative changed sign(Fewster et al. 2000, Bestelmeyer et al. 2011, Sam-houri et al. 2012, Large et al. 2013). For these anal-yses, we calculated the 95% CI of the smoothingfunction itself, along with its second derivative,via bootstrapping of the residuals in order to allowfor autocorrelation. This procedure generated arange of pressure values where a threshold mightoccur. Because location of the inflection point onthe second derivative function is based on a statis-tical fit and cannot be determined exactly, wedefined that location as the place where the secondderivative is most different from zero. Thus, weare most confident that the second derivativechanged from zero to nonzero at this point.We determined the functional form and mag-

nitude of change in ecosystem state variablesassociated with crossing a threshold based on thefull GAM/GAMM analyses only. The functionalform of the nonlinear GAM/GAMMs wasdefined based on the sign of the smoother coeffi-cient on each pressure, the number of inflectionpoints, and visual inspection of the shape of eachpressure–state relationship. The magnitude ofchange associated with crossing a threshold wasestimated based on the proportional difference inecosystem indicator values on either side of thethreshold, bounded as the maximum, minimum,and best estimate of the threshold value (asdefined in the preceding paragraph).Model output.—In the interest of using MMI to

detect thresholds, we report the results of each ofthe three analyses (gradient forest analysis, fullGAM analyses, and truncated GAM analyses).Note that for both the full and truncated GAManalyses, model selection criteria never identifiedGAMs with autocorrelated error structure(GAMM) as the most parsimonious model; thus,the following results are based on output fromGAMs.For relationships with identified thresholds and

plausible mechanistic explanations, we mappedthe range of threshold values for each ecosystemindicator to the corresponding pressure time

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series to identify the relative frequency withwhich the pressure exceeded the ecosystem-basedthreshold.


Our analysis reveals effects of both environmen-tal and human pressures as major predictors ofindividual and aggregated ecosystem states in theCCS. These threshold relationships were evidentfor individual ecosystem indicators as well as thecumulative ecosystem response, though the typesand magnitudes of nonlinearities varied amongecosystem states. Encouragingly, while the impor-tance of many of these pressures for the CCS waspreviously known, we identified several novelnonlinear pressure–state relationships with poten-tial utility for EBM. Below we present the resultssuch that they parallel the MMI framework intro-duced in Fig. 1 (except for pre-treatment stepsdescribed in Methods). We also demonstrate howthe ecosystem thresholds can be mapped to timeseries of pressures, providing new insights intohow variability in the environment and humanactivities may influence ecological integrity.

Screening for nonlinearitiesWe identified two pressure–state relationships

as potentially nonlinear via multiple methods.Both the truncated and full GAM analyses sug-gested that the relationships between (1) the win-ter copepod anomaly and habitat modification,and (2) sea lion pup production and PDOs, werecharacterized by thresholds. In addition, weflagged nine other potential nonlinear pressure–state relationships based on a single method(Figs. 2–4, Table 3; Appendix S1: Table S3).

PDOs and PDOw both showed evidence fornonlinear relationships with three ecosystemstates and the cumulative ecosystem response,underlining the potential importance of environ-mental conditions for the CCS. In contrast,NPGOw, NOIs, and habitat modification eachonly showed evidence for nonlinear relationshipswith a single ecosystem state. While both gradi-ent forest and GAM analyses pointed to individ-ual ecosystem thresholds in relation to PDOs andPDOw, only gradient forest analysis highlighteda potential ecosystem threshold in relation tocommercial shipping activity (Fig. 2, Table 3;Appendix S1: Tables S3 and S4).

There was no evidence for nonlinear responsesof groundfish species density, species richness, orSimpson diversity to the environmental andhuman pressures we tested. Of the five ecosystemstates with nonlinear responses, four showed evi-dence for thresholds in relation to more than onepressure (Table 3; Appendix S1: Table S3).

Functional form identificationThe truncated and full GAM analyses allowed

identification of functional forms of relationshipsbetween three ecosystem states and five pres-sures. California sea lion pup production showedevidence for hockey stick and inverse parabolicrelationships with three environmental pres-sures. First, it declined precipitously with initialincreases in PDOs but thereafter was relativelyinvariant (Figs. 3 and 4). This ecosystem statealso showed an inverse parabolic relationshipwith PDOw, increasing initially to a peak at avalue of around �0.5, and then declining withlarge positive values of this pressure (Fig. 3).Finally, California sea lion pup production exhib-ited little change associated with increases inNOIs until NOIs values of 0.25, whereby increas-ing NOIs values were associated with anoma-lously low pup production rates (Fig. 4).We also determined the functional form of

nonlinear relationships between the summer andwinter copepod anomalies and both environ-mental and human pressures. The relationshipbetween the summer copepod anomaly and theNPGOw was best described as a hockey stick,such that this ecosystem state was associatedpositively and linearly with NPGOw whenNPGOw was negative, but was relatively invari-ant for positive values of NPGOw (Fig. 4). Thewinter copepod anomaly showed a parabolicrelationship with habitat modification, with max-imum values at low and high values of this pres-sure, according to the truncated GAM analysis(Fig. 3). However, the full GAM analysis indi-cated precipitous declines in the winter copepodanomaly associated with initial increases in habi-tat modification, followed by small increases atintermediate values of habitat modification, andfinally a second set of declines associated withhigh levels of habitat modification (similar to asinusoidal relationship; Fig. 4). The contrast inthe functional form of this pressure–state rela-tionship demonstrates the potential for strong

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Fig. 2. Gradient forest analysis of nine ecosystem states, six environmental pressures, and eight human

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leverage of a small number of extreme datapoints when time series are relatively short.

Quantifying the strength of nonlinearitiesWe quantified the location of thresholds that

emerged from both the gradient forest and GAManalyses, and the magnitude of change in ecosys-tem states associated with breaching thresholdlevels of pressures based on the GAM analyses.The values of environmental pressures associ-ated with threshold changes in ecosystem statescorresponded to changes from positive to nega-tive anomalies in some cases (winter copepodanomaly and California sea lion pup productionvs. PDOw; summer copepod anomaly, scavengerratio, and groundfish mean trophic index vs.PDOs; California sea lion pup production vs.NOIs), but not in all comparisons (summer cope-pod anomaly vs. NPGOw and PDOw; Californiasea lion pup production vs. PDOs; Table 3, Fig. 5;Appendix S1: Figs. S4 and S5). One nonlinearrelationship did not meet our definition of hav-ing a distinct threshold (CA sea lion pup produc-tion vs. PDOs full GAM analysis).

For the thresholds related to human pressures(Table 3, Fig. 5; Appendix S1: Figs. S4 and S5),the truncated and full GAM analyses agreed onthe location of the threshold for the winter cope-pod anomaly in relation to habitat modification.The threshold for commercial shipping activitydetermined by the gradient forest analysisoccurred at intermediate values of this activity.

We observed a range of magnitudes in theresponse of ecosystem states across the associ-ated thresholds. At the low end, California sealion pup production changed by ~10% across thethreshold found with NOIs (Fig. 4, Table 3). Atthe high end, the winter northern copepodanomaly changed by 180% across the thresholdfound with NPGOw (Fig. 4, Table 3).

Mapping ecosystem threshold values ontopressure time seriesA useful way to visualize how the temporal

changes in the California Current pressuresrelate to ecosystem states is to plot the values ofpressures relative to ecosystem thresholds(Fig. 6). This approach complements one thatrelies strictly on anomalous variation to deter-mine whether conditions in any particular yearare “good” or “bad.” We focus here on thresholdvalues of pressures based on the full GAM analy-ses, which harnesses all of the data available tous. For example, in 10 of 19 yr between 1996 and2014 the NPGOw suggested conditions distantfrom the threshold corresponding to an abruptdecline in the summer copepod anomaly (blueshading), one year in which the NPGOw was inthe range of the threshold for the summer cope-pod anomaly (yellow shading), and 6 yr inwhich the NPGOw had exceeded this threshold(red shading; Fig. 6a). In nine of 19 yr between1996 and 2014 the NOIs index suggested condi-tions distant from the threshold corresponding toan abrupt decline in CA sea lion pup production(blue shading), one year in which the NOIs wasin the range of this ecosystem threshold, and oneyear in which the NOIs exceeded the thresholdcorresponding to an abrupt decline in CA sealion pup production (1998; Fig. 6b).


The quantitative identification of abruptchanges in ecosystems is an essential step towardforecasting and preparing for the acceleratingchanges of the Anthropocene (Rockstr€om et al.2009, Steffen et al. 2011, Scheffer et al. 2012). Inmarine environments, the consequences of cross-ing thresholds—for population extinctions, anox-ia, and acidification, for instance—are often

pressures using data from 2003 to 2012. Top: importance of environmental and human pressures weighted acrossall ecosystem states. Pressures with R2-importance ≥0.01 were considered capable of predicting variation inecosystem states. Cumulative importance (in R2-importance units) of the aggregate response of all ecosystemstates (middle) and four individual ecosystem states that were predicted by the best model for this set ofpressures (bottom) across the gradient of each pressure. Each plot is scaled to the maximum cumulative responseto allow for direct comparison of ecosystem responses to each pressure. PDO, Pacific Decadal Oscillation; NOI,Northern Oscillation Index; NGPO, North Pacific Gyre Oscillation; N copepod anom_s, Northern copepodanomaly summer; N copepod anom_w, Northern copepod anomaly winter.

(Fig. 2. Continued)

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difficult to reverse (deYoung et al. 2008, Selkoeet al. 2015). Anticipating, mitigating for, oravoiding (when possible) these thresholds mayreduce the risk of unwanted collapses and buffer

coupled social–ecological systems from dramaticchange (e.g., Groffman et al. 2006). Even in caseswhere environmental changes beyond the con-trol of resource managers cause thresholdecosystem responses, such recognition providescrucial context for decisions about human uses ofthe marine environment that are subject tomanipulation. The quantitative framework out-lined here can help to define ecosystem-basedthresholds for human and environmental pres-sures, an issue with potentially broad applicationto other regions in the process of operationaliz-ing EBM. Indeed, our application of the frame-work to the CCS revealed novel nonlinearecosystem responses, consistent with well-under-stood oceanographic forcing mechanisms.

Multimodel inference for ecosystem thresholdsUsing indicators developed by NOAA’s CCIEA,

we screened all bivariate state–pressure relation-ships for nonlinearities using multiple analyticalapproaches. This strategy has clear strengths, aswell as, arguably, some weaknesses. To its advan-tage, our framework introduces a common, step-wise, accessible, and data-driven approach tocharacterizing thresholds in state–pressure rela-tionships (cf. Bestelmeyer et al. 2011). As such, itcan provide multiple lines of evidence for associa-tions between certain pressures (e.g., PDO) andthreshold responses in an array of ecosystemstates. Our comprehensive exploration of thresh-olds also supports the concept that some ecosys-tem states are more prone to threshold responsesthan others (e.g., the northern copepod biomassanomaly; Fig. 5). Furthermore, employing multi-ple statistical approaches helped to identify ecosys-tem thresholds that individual methodologiesmight have missed. As an example, only the fullGAM detected a nonlinear, threshold response ofCalifornia sea lion pup production to NOIs (Fig. 4).Though beyond the scope of the current study, wefurther suggest that this MMI approach could beused (1) to harness the power of spatio-temporaldata sets to test for threshold changes in ecosystemstates across spatial gradients in pressures, and (2)to determine whether there are nonlinear relation-ships between ecosystem states, such as in the caseof trophic relationships between the abundance ofprey and their predators.While our multimodel approach helped identify

thresholds, using multiple lines of evidence

Fig. 3. Truncated GAM analyses (data from 2003 to2012) of ecosystem responses to environmental orhuman pressures, where the dashed line is the GAMsmoother, gray polygon is 95% CI, points are raw data,thick solid line indicates the threshold range where the95% CI of the second derivative does not include 0,and red dotted arrow indicates the best estimate ofthe location of the threshold (i.e., where the secondderivative is most difference from zero within thethreshold range). See Appendix S1: Fig. S4 for addi-tional details.

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sometimes led to inconsistent conclusions. Forexample, there was only one pressure–ecosystemstate relationship for which thresholds were iden-tified by multiple analyses (northern copepodanomaly in the winter with habitat modification—full and truncated GAM analyses; Table 3). Asmentioned above, a small number of extreme datapoints caused the functional form of this pres-sure–state relationship to differ in the analysis ofthe shorter and longer data sets. Furthermore, themechanistic underpinnings for this relationshipare unclear, though it is possible that indirecteffects cause habitat modification (trawling) to lagchanges in the northern copepod anomaly(ecosystem productivity). In addition, we tested>100 state–pressure relationships, increasing thepossibility of making conclusions about thresh-olds that were statistically spurious. This choicewas sensible because our interest was in the iden-tification of potential thresholds rather than statis-tical significance (White et al. 2014), but may notbe appropriate for all applications. We cautionagainst using this exploratory approach to identifynovel causal relationships. Instead, it is best used

for generating new hypotheses or confirmingexisting ones regarding mechanistic links betweenecosystem pressures and states. Lastly, we did notspecifically examine threshold responses of multi-variate ecosystem indicators or the potential forthresholds to emerge from multivariate predictors(Large et al. 2015a), though we did identifythreshold changes in the cumulative ecosystemresponse using gradient forest analysis (Fig. 2).These avenues are ripe for future research, withmultivariate thresholds providing context for eval-uating tradeoffs. We caution that it may be chal-lenging to use multivariate thresholds to informmanagement decisions (Fay et al. 2015).Given these strengths and weaknesses, we

believe the MMI approach may be particularlyuseful as a precautionary framework for identify-ing ecosystem components and relationshipsworthy of further detailed analyses. We contendthat the risks of identifying spurious thresholdsand over-interpreting a limited data set are coun-terbalanced by the need to anticipate, preparefor, and, if necessary, avoid crossing ecosystemthresholds (sensu Jacquet et al. 2015).

Fig. 4. Full GAM analyses (data from 1996 to 2014) of ecosystem responses to environmental or human pres-sures. See Fig. 3 caption and Appendix S1: Fig. S5 for additional details.

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Fig. 5. Location of thresholds for multiple ecosystem indicators related to (a) the summer mode and (b) thewinter mode of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Open circles: gradient forest; closed circles: GAM. Notethat for CA sea lion pup production in relation to the PDO winter, there are two key thresholds at both cold andwarm anomalies (also see Table 3).

Table 3. Nonlinear ecosystem state–pressure relationships as identified by gradient forest (GF), truncated gener-alized additive model (GAM), or full GAM analyses including functional form, location of threshold range,and magnitude of change in ecosystem state across the threshold range.

Ecosystem state Driver/Pressure AnalysisFunctionalform(s)

Location ofthreshold(s)

Best estimateof thresholdlocation(s)

Magnitude ofresponse(s)


Copepod anomalywinter

PDO winter GF – �0.5 to �0.2 – –

Copepod anomalywinter


Truncated GAM Parabolic 143–234 208 70Full GAM Sinusoidal 138–252 227 30

Copepod anomalysummer

NPGO winter GAM Hockey stick 0.2–0.8 0.2 180

Copepod anomalysummer

PDO summer GF – �1.2 to 0.5 – –

Copepod anomalysummer

PDO winter GF – 0.7–0.8 – –

Scavenger ratio Commercialshipping activity

GF – 14.7–15.2 – –

Scavenger ratio PDO summer GF – �0.6 to 0.1 – –Groundfish meantrophic index

PDO summer GF – �0.3 to 0 – –

CA sea lion pupproduction

NOI summer GAM Hockey stick �0.4 to 1.2 0.2 10

CA sea lion pupproduction

PDO summer Truncated GAM Sigmoidal �1.5 to �0.2 �0.8 10Full GAM Hockey stick NTI NTI NTI

CA sea lion pupproduction

PDO winter Truncated GAM Sigmoidal 0.7–1.5 0.9 30Truncated GAM �1.4 to 0.2 �0.8 0

Note: NTI, no threshold identified by CI of the second derivative; –, information not determined from the model.

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Ecosystem thresholds in the California CurrentIn the CCS, we identified the existence of

threshold responses of five ecosystem states tofour environmental and two human pressures.These results broadly corroborate existing evi-dence for the importance of physical forcing inthe CCS (Di Lorenzo et al. 2008, Bograd et al.2009, Black et al. 2011). Previous studies haveestablished the strong influence of human activi-ties in this system (Halpern et al. 2009, Hilborn

et al. 2012, Andrews et al. 2015). Our results addto this literature by demonstrating that whileecosystem states have changed in response tohuman activities over the relatively short lengthof our time series, there is little evidence thatthese changes have been nonlinear. However,this result does not imply that linear relation-ships between ecosystem states and humanactivities are inconsequential. Indeed, some mayrequire increased attention by resource managerswhen environmental conditions are poor. Forexample, given that sea lion pup productiondeclines precipitously when NPGO winter isnegative, it may be important to provideincreased scrutiny on human activities like fish-ing that affect sea lion prey during those periods(Chasco et al. 2017).Nonetheless, the analyses presented here stand

in contrast to results from other systems. Forinstance, in the Northwest Atlantic fisheries-related pressures were associated with substantialthreshold responses in the ecosystem (Large et al.2013, 2015b). It is important to note that the North-west Atlantic analysis focused specifically onecosystem responses to fishing and that thelengths of the CCS time series we used were com-paratively short. This latter point is a limiting fac-tor in identifying ecosystem thresholds for manystatistical methods and may explain why we didnot observe nonlinear associations betweenecosystem states and fisheries landings in the CCS.Notwithstanding such limitations, we found

two significant threshold relationships in the fullGAM analyses with plausible mechanistic under-pinnings. First, the summer northern copepodanomaly showed a positive, linear increase beforeasymptoting at values >0.2 with the winter modeof the NPGO (Fig. 4). Increasingly positive valuesof the NPGOw are associated with greater upwel-ling strength, nutrient transport into the photiczone, and primary productivity (Di Lorenzo et al.2008), which could fuel the increased secondaryproductivity we observed. Second, California sealion pup production showed a precipitous declinewhen values of the summer mode of the NOIexceeded 0.2 (Fig. 4). This threshold response iscounter to the assumption that highly positiveNOIs values (La Ni~na conditions) should be goodfor pup production. However, the NOIs also cap-tures the quick transition between El Ni~no and LaNi~na conditions experienced in the North Pacific,

Fig. 6. Time series of (a) the winter Northern PacificGyre Oscillation (NPGO) and (b) the summer North-ern Oscillation Index (NOI), relative to confidenceintervals for thresholds in ecosystem states (horizontalgray lines). The NPGO winter is shown in relation tothe summer copepod anomaly, while the NOI summertime series is shown in relation to thresholds for Cali-fornia sea lion pup production (note that pup produc-tion is higher when values of NOI summer are lower).Blue shading indicates that the value of the environ-mental pressure was associated with more positivevalues of the ecosystem state, while red shading indi-cates the opposite. Yellow shading indicates that thevalue of the environmental pressure was within theconfidence interval of the threshold for the relationshipbetween it and the ecosystem state.

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especially between 1998–99 and 2009–10. Thus,the 1998 and 2010 NOIs values were the most pos-itive values in the time series and represent thesubsequent La Ni~na conditions of the followingyears. It was curious that the winter mode of theNOI did not identify this nonlinear response inthe hypothesized direction. These relationshipshighlight the importance of considering time lagsbetween the pressure and the ecological response,which should be the subject of further research.

Perhaps the most interesting outcome of apply-ing the MMI framework to the California Currentdata is the strong evidence for threshold ecosys-tem responses to both modes of the PDO. Previ-ous studies have identified climate-driven“regime shifts” as recently as 1998, as the PDOreversed sign and many ecosystem componentsincluding salmon and anchovy responded (Peter-son and Schwing 2003). While the importance ofPDO in the California Current has a long history(Hare et al. 1999, Mantua and Hare 2002), evi-dence for associated nonlinear ecosystemresponses is more limited. For example, Bestel-meyer et al. (2011) provided evidence for a linearrelationship between euphausiid abundance andthe PDO in the Southern California Current, andthis conclusion has been complemented morerecently by analyses showing that copepod spe-cies and coho salmon in the Northern CaliforniaCurrent linearly track shifts in the PDO (Litzowand Hunsicker 2016). In contrast, our analysesimply that as many as five of the nine ecosystemstates we evaluated exhibited threshold increasesin response to negative PDOs values (copepods,scavengers, groundfish, and marine mammals;Fig. 5a, Table 3), a result consistent with the ideathat the influence of the PDO extends across mul-tiple trophic levels (Hare et al. 1999, Mantua andHare 2002). The location of thresholds associatedwith PDOw for copepods and marine mammalsranged more widely (Fig. 5b, Table 3), suggestingtaxon-specific responses. These interpretations aresupported by results from the gradient forestanalyses, which show that the aggregate ecosys-tem state in the CCS demonstrates a thresholdrelationship with both modes of the PDO (Fig. 2).

Recognition of taxon-specific vs. ecosystem-wide threshold responses is a novel insight thatcan be tailored to sector-specific or full-ecosys-tem management needs. Instead of categorizingall anomalously positive (or negative) pressure

values as “good” or “bad” across all ecosystemcomponents, taxon-specific thresholds allow amore refined evaluation of variability in environ-mental pressures (e.g., Fig. 6). On the other hand,cross-taxa agreement on the location of thresholdvalues of a pressure provides insights intoecosystem-wide responses to changing oceanconditions. In our application, gradient forestanalysis identified a threshold cumulativeecosystem response to PDOs (Fig. 2) thatspanned the same range of values as thresholdsfor individual ecosystem states identified viaGAMs (Figs. 3–5) and gradient forest analysis(Figs. 2 and 5). These results clearly point toimportant nonlinearities in ecosystem dynamicsacross a range of trophic levels.


This paper outlined a quantitative frameworkbased on MMI that allows for precautionaryscreening of threshold relationships betweenecosystem states and environmental or humanpressures. Establishment of quantitative ecosys-tem-based thresholds allows for direct ecologicalinterpretation of variability in environmentalpressures and the intensity of human activities.This approach provides a foundation for evaluat-ing the status of ecosystems and informing pre-cautionary management of the multitude ofhuman activities occurring within them. Themost successful applications of this frameworkwill provide advice to managers charged withdeveloping ecosystem monitoring priorities, pre-pare ocean users for major shifts in ecosystemconditions, and indicate when human activitylevels risk imposing critical transitions in indi-vidual or collective ecosystem states.Applied to the CCS, we demonstrated how the

MMI framework highlights potentially nonlinearecosystem state–pressure relationships. The CCS isa system increasingly crowded with human uses(Halpern et al. 2009), yet our results suggest thatwhile such activities may be associated with linearchanges in the ecosystem over the time period ofour study, broadscale oceanographic indices suchas the PDO, the NPGO, and the NOI are primarilyresponsible for threshold changes. These findingsprovide support for emphasizing the importanceof these particular environmental pressures toresource managers of the California Current. In

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particular, the PDO appears to be more associatedwith nonlinear ecosystem responses than the otherpressures we examined. While resource managerscannot directly and easily control large-scale envi-ronmental pressures, tracking their status andstrength provides critical context for decisionsabout human activities that can be managed.Along with parallel analyses in other regions ofthe United States (Large et al. 2013, 2015b; Tamet al., unpublished manuscript), our results under-score the importance of long-term monitoring datato capture ecosystem-wide changes driven byenvironmental and anthropogenic pressures.


J. Samhouri and K. Andrews contributed equally tothis work. All authors are especially appreciative of thescientists involved with collection of the data used inthese analyses, especially Bill Peterson, the NWFSCtrawl survey team, and Sharon Melin. This paper is aresult of research supported by the National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration’s Integrated Ecosys-tem Assessment (NOAA IEA) Program. Contributingsupport for this work was provided to JS, AS, and MHby the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation throughtheir generous support of the Ocean Tipping Pointsproject during the development of this paper. Thispaper is NOAA IEA program contribution no. 2017_2.All co-authors are grateful for support from the NOAAIEA program and to University of Washington SAFSfor providing conference space during the workshopthat culminated in this paper, and for socks, particu-larly the Aquasox, and the Pacific Northwest in general.


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