
E-Commerce & Web Solution Online Shopping mall Group members Md.Ramiz Uddin Md.Reduanur Rahman Rafi

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Post on 09-Feb-2017




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E-Commerce & Web Solution

Online Shopping mall

Group membersMd.Ramiz UddinMd.Reduanur Rahman Rafi

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Contents will covered within this session 1.Project overview with PPT2. Showing demo product live on browser3.Submit report.

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We proposed forA system in which will include the following features• Business-to-Consumer (B2C) • Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) • CMS for all sorts of users• Custom search

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What we have achieved ?1.Very user friendly interface.2.A very useful project architecture.3.Strong security system 4.Clean code

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User experience Design1.Easy Navigation- The navigation is not hazy just added the

necessary pages in the navigation bar.- User need not to round up here and there for

their desired product.- Easy to crate account

- Only few information needed to create account.

2.Supper easy management system.- Just do everything in one click

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Security system in detailSQL injection

How does hackers inject bad thing lets have an example.The most common thing the hacker do first is bypassing

how dose it works ? Lets have a look on our sql query for a login system $query="select username,pass from users where username='$uname' and password='$passwrd' limit 0,1";

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Security system ContinuedHackers generally perform bypassing like thisUsername : ' or ''='Password : ' or ''=‘Then the query looks likeselect username, pass from users where username='' or ''='' and password='' or ''='' limit 0,1;To get ride of this we took 2 stepsFirst one is to validate the form so that user could not enter any special character.Then we used PDO Which contains prepare function to execute query.

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Project Architecture

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Project Architecture

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Project Architecture How does it works ?

User’s request • Frontend


controller• Check

valid request

• Find model

Model • find data• Save data

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Project Architecture Example of controlling a process

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Complete system at a glance

Search with product name

Know price limit

View product and order

View shop

Bring products with shops


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Complete system at a glance


• Buy and sell

• Find ads

• Create ads

• Create account

Product list

Search Product

Get seller info

Find categori


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Let’s Move on towards demo