defamation & misuse of images m. meyer game programming 2011

Defamation & Misuse of Images M. Meyer Game Programming 2011

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Page 1: Defamation & Misuse of Images M. Meyer Game Programming 2011

Defamation &Misuse of Images

M. MeyerGame Programming


Page 2: Defamation & Misuse of Images M. Meyer Game Programming 2011

Defamation & Misuse of Image• Defamation— also called slander (for transitory

statements), and libel (for written, broadcast, or otherwise published words)—is the communication of a information, that may give an individual, business, product, group, government, or nation a negative image.

• Defamation is a crime under U.S., U.N. and NY law.

• Misuse of image – is exactly what it sounds like and violators can be sued in civil court under TORT laws.

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There is a certain kind of student...

• Who is clever and possessed of a certain disregard for authority figures.

• Who sees their instructor prancing around the front of class and thinks: " I would like to take him/her down a peg. "

• Who takes it upon themselves to create a game or presentation or application

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... like this ...

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It should be clear that...

• such a game is clearly a "misuse of image" offense.

• the context of the game or application (how the instructor is portrayed) may also rise to the level of defamation (as a crime).

• most Universities and College Departments are going to take a very dim view of this sort of behavior.

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• Mr. Meyer has a sense of humor.• Mr. Meyer is very difficult to shock. • Mr. Meyer is nearly impossible to embarrass.• And indeed, no man living, has ever seen Mr.

Meyer angry.

And so, up till now, games featuring Mr. Meyer (usually Mr. Meyer's head) have been judged purely on their merit as games.

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Let me be clear...Up till now, that is in the past, when encountering games like this

I have judged games featuring my visage, solely on the merits of the game AND as to whether or not I thought the student had actually applied themselves and worked HARD on their program.

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• I have now decided to put my foot down.• Enough is enough! • From now on, any game that features my

visage, or references me as a person, in any way, will, at the very least, get an automatic


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Unless, it is somehow better than this!!!

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Compelling Storyline!!

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Exciting Game-Play!!!

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And yes, even comments in the code!

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So, just so we're clear.

If you are even thinking about including a reference to Mr. Meyer in your game or application, ask yourself the following:

1. Are you going to really really really apply yourself and work hard to make a great game or application?

2. Is the game or application that you am going to turn in BETTER than "Meyers Punch"?

Because if (in Mr. Meyer's opinion) the answer to questions 1 or 2 is no, then...

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You Fail! Got it?

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Final note.

• Whenever and wherever Mr. Meyer's likeness is used that image is the property of Mr. Meyer. Such images are not intended for sale or commercial use.

• Mr. Meyer reserves the right to press charges against any and all students, faculty or third party individuals who use his image without his permission and in a manner that he finds derogatory.

• Mr. Meyer also reserves the right to seek disciplinary action against students who use his likeness without his permission.

• You have now been warned!

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Have a nice day.