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Dedic8ed trail publishing


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To all of the Bladerswho skated for this publication,

I thank you for yourdedication.

Roll on.

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Alley Oop Soul

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We have been deemed unacceptable by society, and by skateboarders alike. We have been kicked out of the X-Games, and we have been looked down upon since

still get up. Rollerblading has never let the negativity get them down. When we got dissed by the skateboarding community for being a sport that rides off the coattail

we started making our own history. When our tricks were called small and easy, we went bigger than the critics will ever be able to go. The Pros and Ams repping our

sport did it out of dedication, constantly evolving, and evolving and growing is just what the sport has been doing, worldwide through competitions such as bittercold showdown, winterclash, and the blading cup, which attracts hundreds of bladers and spectators forming new bonds and friendships. Rollerblading has always been underground, but now, with more exposure to the mass media, blading is surfacing again.

“Gay. Fruitbooters. Easy. The hardest part about rollerblading is coming out of the closet.” These are age old terms that have been spat to rollerbladers all over the world for the past century. Yet in the face of all negativity, rollerblading pushes on. We still do it. This is a passion. Our passion. It is unknown to others what compells us to go dashing down a rail; This is the reason. This is Rollerblading.

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None of us blade to get famous. None of us blade, just to get the hottest girls or to get the most cash from sponsorships. Getting sponsored does not even let us earn that much money, compared

aside when we fall; our sport is strapped to our feet. We get more injuries, more risks, and less money, so why do we even continue this seemingly ridiculous and non-profitable lifestyle?

Passion. It is corny, but passion drives us. I dare say none of us will ever forget the first grind we executed, nor will we ever forget the feeling and the rush we get from learning a new trick. The feeling of accomplishment is just

enough to drive us on to bigger and crazier things. It pushes us to improve, it pushes us to do better than we ever have and we ever could. We love our sport, and we love doing what we do. Getting hurt is just part of the game. We learn to adapt, we learn to fall, we learn to take the pain. We learn to rollerblade.


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()%-+%-+!"#$%&'Rollerblading started in the early 1980s when the first bladers modified their rollerblades to be fit for grinding. In 1988, Rollerblade released their first agressive skate, the Rollerblade TRS. Aggressive inline only developed as an organised sport in the 1990s, and the Aggressive Skaters Association was formed only in 1994 to govern the competitions and set rules. The sport peaked in popularity in the 90s and then died down in the early 21st century. Rollerblading received alot of hate from the skateboarding community, with skate magazines openly dissing the sport, deeming it “gay”. Rollerblading was seen as a sport trying to replicate what

skateboarding has already built. Slowly, the number of bladers started to dwindle.

However, in 2009 blading had a revival, with efforts from blading legends

They started the world rolling series, and slowly revived blading. Shima later went on to form the skate company

produces skates with a skin put over the old Valo skate company, which also makes

skates and slowly started to form the Remedyz company.

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The soul plate. The very “soul” of our skates, no pun intended. The soulplate is that enables us to do our grinds. The soulplate is what seperates Aggressive skate boots from regular/recreational/freestyle boots. Most of our grinds require the soulplate to be on the obstacle. Some examples are the soul grind, acid grind, and the makio, which requires only foot to be on the obstacle. Soulplates come in many different designs, all according to the manufacturer’s choice.

Soulplates often come in more than one pieces, although recently there have been advances in soulplate production, and more onepiece soulplates are surfacing in the market. Although soulplates with multiple parts make them more sturdy and therefore last longer, they also slowed down the grinds and had a very bulky feel and cheap plastic sound when locked on to a trick. Single piece soulplates deal with this problem by smoothening the

grind area. However, due to its nature, single piece soulplates’s lifespan is shorter as compared to the multi-pieced soulplates, as the whole plate has to be replaced if broken, as compared to being able to change individual parts on the older kind. In spite of all this, all soulplates are extremely sturdy, and both styles of construction has equal benefits.

There are two sides of a soulplate, as well as two grooves. The side of the soulplate facing the out side of the boot is called the positive side, whilst the side facing the inner of the boot is called the negative side. In the middle of the two sides, there are grooves that are also used for grinding. The groove on the positive side is called the royale groove, and the one on the negative side is dubbed the farv groove.

Tech #1


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Frames are yet another important part of our roller blading lives. Frames hold our wheels together, and they also allow us to grind on the H-block. Grinds that require purely the H-Block make up quite abit of our trick vocabulary, for example the full torque, fast slide, tabernackle or royale.

Frames come in many brands, mostly individual companies seperate from boot companies. They allow for different setups. There is the anti-rocker setup, which places 2 hard plastic wheels in the middle to prevent getting stuck. Also, there is the freestyle setup, which has nothing between the front and back wheels, giving maximum grind space. Then, there are flat frames, which is shown here, which allows for riding a flat setup, which mean having all 4 wheels as regular wheels, decreasing grind space but increasing speed, shock absorption and control.

Tech #2

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Tech #3Cuffs are yet another vital part of our dangerous sport. They provide support for our ankles when we have to bend them in awkward positions when executing our grinds and tricks. They also allow for forward flex, while supporting the back of our foot. Cuffs have 2 designs, the regular one which has a straight cut at the top to provide maximum support, and the V-cut, which has a cut at the back of the cuff to allow for bending our ankles backwards. Although v-cut provides less support, it allows for more flex which is welcome when jumping or sitting down on tricks.

Cuffs have cuffbolts which can be screwed on to them at the pivot point to sllow for them to be bent forwards. All cuffs are made

by the individual boot companies and this ensures that the feeling of the cuff is consistent with the boot. However, there are some bladers who switch the cuffs around diffferent brands of boots whiich allows for a more customised, comfortable fit.

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Tech #4Wheels are one ofthe things we buy the most, as they often get worn down. Our skates come without brakes, as the brakes often get in the way and end up making us fall. To stop, we often use a technique called t-braking, whereby we place a foot 90 degrees behind our other foot, slowly coming to a stop. This wears our wheels down fast, especially when done on asphalt.

Wheels come in many hardness, and is calculated by standard called a hardometer. The wheels range from 85A hardness to 110A depending on the company that

produces the wheel. All blading wheels are small, from 54mm to 60mm, as it provides us with more control and stability. As compared to regular wheels, that can range anywhere from 70mm to 120mm. All wheels are made with urathane, which is poured into a mould. Different companies have different formulas, and different moulds, providing a range of choices. A thinner wheel, e.g Eulogy wheels, allow for more speed, while a thicker wheel, e.g Scribe wheels, allow for more control and durability.

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Top-side Acid

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Dedic8ed is a group of individuals with a passion for blading. Started in 2011 by 4 skaters; Hakim, Haikal, Wei Xiang, and Glenn. Passionate and young, Dedic8ed has been slowly

more members are joining every month, from different races and backgrounds. The group brings together people with similar interests and passion, into a family. Dedicated, we roll.

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Soul Grind

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/#,%0Having skated for well over a year, Fariz is a skater that has been constantly improving. Having just ended his O levels, He skates in his free time, improving even faster than before.

“If theres one thing I've learnt about that you definitely need to

have discipline and commit towards what you're trying to land, what you're trying to skate. You need to be able to go out there with a mindset that you are going to get what you want done, and if you're not, you're gonna try your hardest to be able to try to do it. I learnt this through blading, and it applies to my

without trying your best, there is no chance of succeeding.

Everytime I go out and skate, I always want to learn something new, or just have fun. Either

turn helping my crew better themselves and pushing them to do better things, harder things.”

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Lim i old this year, Lim still blades nearly every day. A blader from Penang, his multiple years of skating shows through his style, easily landing tricks most people try hard to do.

and always a joy to watch.

“a preference as to where I skate; I like skating both street

smoke. I have no problem skating alone, and I love skating in secluded areas. I have been skating on and off since highschool, and that was 10 years back. I am born in 1985 and am currently 28 years old. I work as as”advertising account executive” and I love to skate with shorts. I also love customizing my skates.”

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Haikal is one of the skaters that started Dedic8ed. Currently serving National Service, he still finds time to skate during the weekends. Haikal skates with a flow that is hard to imitate, and laces tricks with the greatest of ease.

“It just feels like everytime I come out,

do; something new that I can do to improve myself, like I just wana beat

a sense of

and you do new things. You fall, you get hurt but you get right back up you know, you're strong enough. It gives you the strength to, you know, just do it. You know you're gonna do it, like (laughs) thats how I think every blader is out there.

for me to explain; I rollerblade, I love

best in my on a cereal



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Emil is currently 17, and he blades. Hard. Skating for just over a year, Emil works hard to get his tricks just right. He practices for countless of hours, and his style is just incredible. Although he mostly skates park, he is able to stay consistent in the streets too. He never lets people tell him what he can or cannot do, and proves people wrong every time. Such is his dedication.

“I've never really thought about why I rollerblade. It was never really that big a deal, just thought it was the coolest thing that cool, I just decided that it was kinda somethign that I wana go out and do. I kinda had a little bit of talent, although I practice alot. It just evolved from there.


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Topside Soulgrind

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Farid never fails to bring fun and joy to the session. He skates well, and manages to keep things light and fun. Due to school and work, he does not skate as often as the other bladers, but still manages to skate every fortnight. Even after stopping for two months, Farid is able to shred like he did not stop at all.

“I rollerblade because balding(blading) is the only thing that makes me feel


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Nicholas Chun, often referred to as Small Nick due to the presence of multiple bladers named Nicholas, is only 14 years old. He attempted blading at the age of 12, but did not manage to keep blading. After stopping for 2 years, trying skateboarding, he came back to blading and we met him for the first time. Learning afresh, Nick is a fast learner. He worked hard to get his tricks right, skating every single day during his december holidays.

“I rollerblade because of the freedom it gives me and because of the feeling of having a second family in all the friends that I have.”


Soul Grind

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Silas stopped skating for awhile when he was in NATO, but he never lost it. He laced tricks at the call of it, and even learnt new tricks just to get the photo taken.

“Since I've been able to travel so much with rollerblading and meet so many people, alot of those people I've met have become my good

hang out with, are bladers or rollerbladers I've met through out the years and I've really become good friends with all of them.”

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Hakim is yet another founder of Dedic8ed, and true to its name, he is dedicated. He learnt how to design and do silkscreen printing just for the sake of making a group t-shirt for everyone to wear. He even hand cut all the stickers for the group.

“I rollerblade because I consider it to be a passion, not just a hobby. It's the only thing I'm actually good at and I've grown more attached to it. I know it's cliche but I rollerblade to express myself and my feelings and no other things allow me to do that apart from blading. Other than that, through rollerblading, I've met awesome people whom actually makes an impact on my life and makes me learn important values in life.

Stay true, stay Dedic8ed.”


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His tricks are always executed very solidly, and even his bails and falls are consistent.

“an individual identity and ability to express myself. It also improves my independence as I can only rely on myself to push my boundaries. That feeling when you land a trick is an everlasting high. ”


Acid Grind

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Lie Xiang is extremely commited to his tricks. He would fall over and over and over again, but still get up and land a trick no matter how badly he falls.

“I rollerblade to feel alive. It gives me an adrenalin rush and the pain brings me back to reality. It has let me get to know the people who are awesome and close to heart. Given me joy and excitement when I land a trick.


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Ryan is a blader that did not start out rollerblading. He used to be a slider, and only converted after being

club. For the photoshoot, he started skating street for the first time since he started rollerblading.

“Why do I rollerblade? I rollerblade for passion. I rollerblade to bring my up when I feel down. I rollerblade for the thrills

friends from different backgrounds with different styles. Rollerblading is an ongoing learning curve, with many new experiences and aquaintences along the way.


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A skater from down under, Nicholas Hart has been skating for more than 12 years now. Rails, ledges, parks, coping,

He skates with ease, with experience, performing tricks that are often unthinkable. Nick often helps bladers who have just started out, teaching them basics and helping them learn faster.

“I can spend all day saying what I love about skating, but I

there is something that I would love to take this oppurtunity

people blade without helmets, as I do myself. I have been asked about whether we should blade with helmets and all I have to say is that it is your own personal choice; blading is dangerous as fuck, and it sucks to learn that the hard way.

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True Top Soul

fails to improve himself, and always seems to strive for a new trick. He has a strong sense of right and wrong and always looks out for his friends.

“I rollerblade because it is fucking fun and the ladies are hot and it brings me joy. I meant that rollerblading brings me joy.”


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Amirul is a mentor to many of the beginners, myself included. Coming from a design school, Amirul often shoots photos and videos for the group. However, he still manages to land tricks with ease, and is one of the best teachers I know.

“Why do I rollerblade Why do I rollerblade Why do I rollerblade Why do I rollerblade Why do I rollerblade Why do I rollerblade Why do I rollerblade Why do I rollerblade Why do I rollerblade Why do I rollerblade Why do I rollerblade Why do I rollerblade Why do I rollerblade Why do I rollerblade Why do I rollerblade.”


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Topside Acid

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