decorah public opinion. (decorah, winneshiek county [iowa ......worked out if the city council would...

' "*}¦ 1 j.v , SPuAtlc 0 ' BY^HARRrXGRE^r^ DECORAH, IOWA, JAN. 10, 1912. Curtain .Rises at 8:20. Those who contemplate attending the play, “The Country Boy’’ next Monday night, and who does not, should remember that the curtain will rise promptly at 8:20. Be in your seats before that time so as not to disturb everyone else. Next Lecture Course Numl»er. The next number of the lecture course will be William A. Colledge, on Wednesday, Jan. 24th. Dr. Col-' ledge has been a wqrld-wide travel- er, with a varied and ripe experi- ence, is a finished scholar, author and educator, and his lecture prom- isee to be a masterpiece. The Decorah Choral Union. Prof. Sperati wishes us to an- nounce that there will be no re- hearsal of the choral union on next Monday, on account of union revival meetings. The next meeting of the union will be at Marsh’s hall on Monday, Jan. 22d. Elks Ball a Success. The annual dance of Decorah Lodge, No. 443, B. P. O. Elks at Steyer’s hall Thursday night was a success in spite of the cold weather. There was a good crowd present, the music was fine, and everybody thoroughly enjoyed it. Yearly Festival. The Symra society held its annual festival for the members and their families at the Norske Selskab rooms on Friday night. An elaborate sup- per was served, delightful music rendered by Prof. Sperati and his family orchestra, and several Inter- esting speeches made. All who par- ticipated had a fine time. Former Spring Valley Man Murdered Mayor Daubney hands us a copy of the Centralia, Washington Even- ing News-Examiner, containing an account of the murder of Mr. Lawr- ence Bar, president of the Farmers’ and Merchants’ bank of that place, by an unknown young man who ep- tered the bank and attempted to bold up Mr. Bar and the porter. In the struggle which followed Mr. Bar was shot in the heart, and in two other places, death following, f He was formerly a resident of Spring Valley, Minn., and will probably be remembered by some of our readers. The Bonds of Matrimony. This Wednesday morning at ten o’clock, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herwig, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Miss Mabel Edna, to Mr. Louis Stoskopf, Rev. W. M. Lemen efficlating. Both the bride and groom have a host of friends here who join us in hearty congratu- lations and good wishes. The groom is the proprietor of the Modern Bak- ery, a gentleman who is popular with everybody, and his chosen bride is a young lady of many graces and charming qualities which make her the friend of everyone. They will be at home to their friends after Feb. Ist. Death of Miss Karen Hoifoss. Miss Karen Hoffoss, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hof- foss, died early Saturday morning, after more than a year’s severe ill- ness, from tuberculosis. She was born in Decprah, Aug. 14, 1876, her twin brother dying six years ago. She was always poorly, but of a kind- ly disposition, and uncomplainingly bore her trials until the end. She leaves to mourn her death her par- ents and three sisters, Mrs. O. W. Holm, Mrs. Prof. C. A. Sperati and Miss Ida. The funeral services were held yesterday from the United Lutheran church, Rev. O. E. Schmidt officiating. The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of all in their affliction. Preserving the Old Flag. In the second floor lobby of the court house there Is a fine new red cedar case, with bevel plate glass front and sides, which contains the old flag presented to Co. D, Third lowa Infantry by the people of De- corah when it went to the war, and was carried by them throughout the war. Since then it was in charge of the family of the late Captain E. I. Weiser, and after his death Mrs. Weiser turned it over to the G. A. R., who took the matter up with the board of supervisors, and as a re- sult this case has been made. It is intended also to contain other relics of the early history of Wlnne- . shlek county, and will make a safe depository In which to place any- thing ot the kind that anyone may desire to give to the public. And many a young man loves a girl for the qualities she possesses which he wouldn’t tolerate In his own sister for a minute. A HOT r IRE. Reuin Poultry House Burns. Need of Adequate Fire Alarm and Sug- gestion For Providing One. About one o’clock Monday morn- ing- the poultry house of Fred Reum & Co. on the flat in the rear of Water street, was discovered on fire, and before the fire companies could get there it was practically destroy- ed. Fortunately they were able to protect the adjacent buildings. It w-as a very intense, hot fire, and the firemen fought hard to control it. The house was well stocked with live and dressed poultry, some thirty live turkeys and also two fine dogs being suffocated. The loss is about $1,200, with insurance of SSOO. The cause of the fire is unknown, Mr. Reum finding everything all right when he went there at 11:30 o’clock to close up for the night. Mr. Reum says that he is still doing business in the poultry lfhe as usual, and the fire will not interrupt the business in any way. Again the inefficient, in fact the disgraceful fire alarm system in vogue in Decorah is brought into notice. When tne men who discov- ered this fire went to the city hall the rope leading to the dinky little bell m the tower was frozen in so that they could not budge it, and one brave fellow climbed up the tower in the cold, bitter night and with a hammer pounded out the alarm. But a few of the firemen responded, as only a few heard the alarm. Others were roused by tele- phone. Is it possible that Decorah must have a fire loss running way up into the thousands before a decent alarm is furnished? We believe this is a matter in which public interest should be aroused. We have sug- gested two different methods of pro- viding an adequate fire alarm to members of the city council, either of which we believe to be practic- able. One is that a special telephone wire be stretched through the main streets of the city, with branches to the rooms of firemen, with electric bells at their bedside, and telephones in the rooms of the officers of the various companies, these bells to be rung ahd the ward alarms sounded throughout the entire city by the simple touch of one button in the central office. Every fireman could be instantly awakened, and perhaps a hundred thousand dollars saved to the city in a short time. This ought not to be expensive, and we believe the details could easily be worked out if the city council would look into it. Mrs. E. R. Stull Dead. Mrs. E. R. Stull passed away on Friday evening at eight o’clock, at her home in this city, from Bright’s disease and dropsy’, after being an invalid for two or three years. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Beall, and she was born in Fayette county, Pa., April 23, 1850, being married o,n July 6, 1878 to Elijah R. Stull, to which union one son, Wm. M. was born. Jhe family came to Decorah two years ago, and the acquaintances she made here regarded her as a sin- cere Christian woman of many ad- mirable qualities, a good friend and neighbor. She Is survived by her husband, son, two sisters, one broth- er, five half sisters and one half brother. Brief funeral services were held from the home at eight o’clock Sunday morning and the remains taken to Roseville, Allamakee coun- ty, where services were held at the Baptist church and interment took place. Mr. Berg is Cashier. The annual meeting of the De- corah State Bank was held last week, and on account of hia continued ill health, cashier A. L. Haakenson, who has served the bank faithfully and efficiently, felt It his duty to resign, whereupon the directors elected the assistant cashier, Mr. E. E. Berg, to the position of cashier. Mr. Berg has proven a capable and competent banker and has made many friends in this place who will be glad to know of his advancement. Mr. R. A. Engbretson was re-elected president and Mr. G. E. Soland vice president. The directors are R. A. Engbretson, G. E. Soland, T. O. Storla, Dr. T. Stabo, Prof. L. S. Reque, Borger Hanson, E. E. Berg. Silver Creek Creamery Co. The postponed meeting of the stockholders of the Silver Creek Creamery Co. will be held at the l. O. O. F. hall in Burr Oak on Tuesday, Jan. 23d, at one o’clock p. m. A full attendance is desired. 2-2 J. A. Thompson, Sec. Dance January :llst at Marsh's The 1912 dancing season will open at Marsh’s hall on the evening of Wednesday, Jan. 31. Full particu- lars of the event will be announced lu a few days. The artificial blond’s method of keeping her hair light is a dark sec- ret. I THE UNION MEETINGS. Interest, Growing in Meetings and Attendance Good Despite Cold Weather. The union meetings being held at Marsh’s hall “got the swing of things’’ last Sunday, despite the awful weather with which they have' had to contend for a week. All the meet- ings were well attended and the in- terest deep. Smith and Colburn, while they make every moment in the meetings alive and full of in- terest, are absolutely devoid of sen- sationalism and clap-trap methods. The music is made a great feature of each meeting. Both gentlemen sing and have been members of promin- ent male quartettes. Prof. Colburn is a hymn writer of note. Their duets are always enjoyed. As a prominent foot ball player puts it, “Their team work is well nigh per- fect.” At the various Sunday ser- vices they were splendidly assisted by the large chorus and by Messrs. Willett and Groves and Mesdames Adams and Perry. One of the special musical feat- ures of this evening will be a cornet and vocal duet rendered by Messrs. Groves and Smith: “More Like the Master.” Mr. Smith will speak upon “Lessons from a Fool.” The Christian people of the city are urged to attend the afternoon meetings of tomorrow and Friday, held at 3:00 p. m. at the’Methodist church. Mr. Smith says’ no other meetings will be of so great import- ance. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. Items of Interest From the Decorah High School, Reported by Our Special Correspondent. The two churches, Methodist and Congregational, will unite In their morning service at the Methodist church next Sunday, and be address- ed by Evangelist Smith and Prof. Colburn will lead In song. At 3:00 p. m. a second mass meeting for men will be held at the hall and Mr. Smith will tell the story of “Win” McClure, the rescue of a railroad engineer. No services will be held Saturday. The Semi-Annual Meeting. The semi-annual meeting of the Norske Selskab was held on Thurs- day night, when the following offi- cers were elected: President—Chr. Brandt. . Vice Pres:—N. C. Qualley. Secretary—G. Jorgenson. ' 1 ' Vice See. —N. N„ Quandahl. Treasurer—O. C. Johnson*; , Even the 1 -high flyer always above suspicion. i*d The Basket Ball Games. On last Friday occurred the dou- ble header basket ball games, High School vs. Alunmae and High School vs. Alumni. Both games were inter- esting to watch. Due probably to the fact that the Alumnae were en- tirely out of practice, they were “swamped” to the tune of 34 to 1. The work of the high school for- wards was brilliant at times. The line-up and score follows: Alumnae High School R. Helwig, f Brandt, f Naeseth, f Thompson, f R. Engbretson, c Holm, c M. Engbretson, c Haakenson, c F. Helwig, g Wold, g E. Jewell, g N. Jewell, g Field Goals: Brandt, 8; Thomp- son, 7. Free throws: Brandt, 3; Thompeon, P; Naeseth, 1. The boys’ game was a more evenly matohed contest as the score, 56 to 32, plainly indicates. The game was marred by numerous fouls, which are explained by the fact that some of the Alumni have been playing col- legiate basket ball. The playing was swift, however, and several pretty baskets were netted. The team work of the high school, especially during the last quarter, was excellent. The line-up and score: Alumni High School order as follows: Lillian Winter, Norman Bradish and Myron Downie. These three will be sent to Cresco on Friday of this week, to debate the same question with the Cresco high school. Annual Church Meetings. The annual meeting of the United Lutheran church, Rev. O. E. Schmidt pastor, was held last Thursday, and of the First Norw. Lutheran church, Rev. I. B. Torrison pastor, on Mon- day, when official church business was transacted. A week ago the annual meeting of the Congregation- al church was held/ the reports show- ing that the church was free from debt, the money for the final pay- ments upon the parsonage having been raised. Haakenson, f McClaskey, f Shima, f Downie, f Slack, c Cox, c Wold, g Groff, g Hansen, g Conover, g Field goals: Haakenson, 8; Shima, 4; Wold, 1; Downie, 4; Mc- Claskey, XI; Cox, 4; Conover, 3; Groff, 1. Free throws: Haakenson, 2; Shima, 3; Wold, 1; Downie, 10. The Debate Contest. On Monday evening a debate was held in the high school assembly room. The«program was opened with a duet by Agnes Thompson and Ruth Ingvoldstad and a solo by Nellie Jewell. The question for debate was, “Resolved that the movement of organized labor for the closed shop should receive the support of public ©pinion.” The speakers for the af- firmative were Norman Bradish, Rudolf Evans and Lawrence Acres. The negative was defended by Jamie Groff, Lillian Winter and My- ron Downie. Mr. Harry Green, who presented a loving cup to the win- ning society, gave a short talk, after Which he announced the decision of the judges in favor of the negative. The highest marking were given In Many a man is able to buy an automobile because he doesn’t. r > Installation of Garfield Circle. MADE IN DECORAH SOLD THROUGHODT THE UNITED STATES J ¦ FOR THE PUBLIC HEALTH J TRADE MARK A HIGH GRADE LINE OF ONE HUNDRED TOILET AND MEDICINAL PREPARATIONS Uenqualled in Beauty of Package, in Quality of Ingredients, or in Results to be Obtained by Their Use Endorsed and Recommended by Over Five Hundred of the Leading Physicians, Pharmacists and Newspapers of the Middle West. American Drug & Press Association EXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVES: E. J. PARMAN, Decorah HAZLETON DRUG CO., Calmar H. H. BLANCHAINE & CO., Osaian H. G. WARD, Burr Oak J. M. THOMA, PostviJle ARTHUR PRATT, Waukon FRED SCHNEIDER, West Union R. P. BERRY & CO„ Clermont Mrs. Mary J. Couse, department inspector and past president of Gar- field Circle, L. of G. A. R., will in- stall the following officers at the Yeoman hall Wednesday evening: President—Elenora J. Coffeen. Sr. Vice —Ellen Wohlford. Jr. Vice—Anna Wingaard. Treasurer —Josie Cutting. Secretary—Christine Meyrick. Chaplain—Mary J. Couse. Conductor —Rose Larson. Guard—Nellie Thompson. Ass t. Guard —Emily Stortz. Organist and First Delegate—El- mina Houg. Second Delegate—-Orlena Francisco; Third Delegate—Olive A. Wicks. Fourth Delegate—Christine Meyrick* First Alternate —Rose Larson. Second Alternate —Emily Stortz. Third Alternate —Clara Beruatz. Fourth Alternate —Nellie Thompson, And occasionally a woman’s wis- dom is only skin deep. Germs Spread In Skin Eczema, Psoriasis and other skin We have had experience with many troubles are caused by myriads of remedies for skin trouble but have germs at work in the skin. Unless never seen such remarkable cures as these germs are promptly destroyed those from D. D. D. Prescription. In- they rapidly multiply, gnawing their stant relief from the very first appli- way deep into the sensitive tissue, cation. This is what causes that awful itch. We are so confident that D. D. D. and what seemed a mere rash will reach your case that it will cost jn»y grow worse and develop into a you nothing if the very first full size loathsome and torturing skin disease bottle fails to make good every claim, with its years of misery. If you have skin trouble of any Don t take any chances! Destroy the kind, we certainly advise you to drop germs at the beginning of the trouble in ahd Investigate the merits of D. D. with that soothing and cleansing wash, D. anyway. We know that D. D. D. the D. D. D. Prescription for Eczema. A 26c bottle will prove this to you. will help you. E. J. PARMAN, DECORAH, IOWA. Business Counsel. The accessibility of its officers is one of the features of this bank's business which can scarcely be too strongly emp- hasized. Our Aim is to Serve. \ We are constantly informed as to the values of real es- tate and securities—their desirability as investments. We are ready at all times to share with you our knowledge of these and kindred subjects. Our counsel may enable you to avoid financial pitfalls and to secure absolute safety of principal and a proper annual in- terest return. I Citizens Savings Bank. Decorah - lowa. -’vm- if-: - -y-w* ¦¦ -If|

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Page 1: Decorah public opinion. (Decorah, Winneshiek County [Iowa ......worked out if the city council would look into it. Mrs. E. R. Stull Dead. Mrs. E. R. Stull passed away on Friday evening


1 j.v ,

SPuAtlc 0' BY^HARRrXGRE^r^

DECORAH, IOWA, JAN. 10, 1912.

Curtain .Rises at 8:20.Those who contemplate attending

the play, “The Country Boy’’ nextMonday night, and who does not,should remember that the curtainwill rise promptly at 8:20. Be inyour seats before that time so as

not to disturb everyone else.

Next Lecture Course Numl»er.The next number of the lecture

course will be William A. Colledge,

on Wednesday, Jan. 24th. Dr. Col-'ledge has been a wqrld-wide travel-er, with a varied and ripe experi-

ence, is a finished scholar, author

and educator, and his lecture prom-

isee to be a masterpiece.

The Decorah Choral Union.Prof. Sperati wishes us to an-

nounce that there will be no re-hearsal of the choral union on nextMonday, on account of unionrevival meetings. The next meeting

of the union will be at Marsh’s hall

on Monday, Jan. 22d.

Elks Ball a Success.The annual dance of Decorah

Lodge, No. 443, B. P. O. Elks atSteyer’s hall Thursday night was asuccess in spite of the cold weather.

There was a good crowd present,

the music was fine, and everybody

thoroughly enjoyed it.

Yearly Festival.The Symra society held its annual

festival for the members and theirfamilies at the Norske Selskab roomson Friday night. An elaborate sup-per was served, delightful musicrendered by Prof. Sperati and hisfamily orchestra, and several Inter-esting speeches made. All who par-

ticipated had a fine time.

Former Spring Valley Man MurderedMayor Daubney hands us a copy

of the Centralia, Washington Even-ing News-Examiner, containing anaccount of the murder of Mr. Lawr-

ence Bar, president of the Farmers’and Merchants’ bank of that place,

by an unknown young man who ep-

tered the bank and attempted tobold up Mr. Bar and the porter. In

the struggle which followed Mr. Barwas shot in the heart, and in two

other places, death following, f He

was formerly a resident of Spring

Valley, Minn., and will probably be

remembered by some of our readers.

The Bonds of Matrimony.This Wednesday morning at ten

o’clock, at the residence of thebride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. HenryHerwig, occurred the marriage oftheir daughter, Miss Mabel Edna, toMr. Louis Stoskopf, Rev. W. M.Lemen efficlating. Both the brideand groom have a host of friendshere who join us in hearty congratu-

lations and good wishes. The groom

is the proprietor of the Modern Bak-ery, a gentleman who is popular witheverybody, and his chosen bride isa young lady of many graces andcharming qualities which make herthe friend of everyone. They willbe at home to their friends afterFeb. Ist.

Death of Miss Karen Hoifoss.Miss Karen Hoffoss, the youngest

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hof-foss, died early Saturday morning,after more than a year’s severe ill-ness, from tuberculosis. She wasborn in Decprah, Aug. 14, 1876, hertwin brother dying six years ago.

She was always poorly, but of a kind-ly disposition, and uncomplaininglybore her trials until the end. Sheleaves to mourn her death her par-

ents and three sisters, Mrs. O. W.Holm, Mrs. Prof. C. A. Sperati andMiss Ida. The funeral services wereheld yesterday from the UnitedLutheran church, Rev. O. E. Schmidtofficiating. The bereaved familyhave the sincere sympathy of all intheir affliction.

Preserving the Old Flag.In the second floor lobby of the

court house there Is a fine new redcedar case, with bevel plate glass

front and sides, which contains theold flag presented to Co. D, Thirdlowa Infantry by the people of De-corah when it went to the war, andwas carried by them throughout thewar. Since then it was in chargeof the family of the late Captain E.I. Weiser, and after his death Mrs.Weiser turned it over to the G. A.R., who took the matter up with theboard of supervisors, and as a re-

sult this case has been made. Itis intended also to contain otherrelics of the early history of Wlnne-

. shlek county, and will make a safedepository In which to place any-

thing ot the kind that anyone may

desire to give to the public.

And many a young man loves a

girl for the qualities she possesseswhich he wouldn’t tolerate In his

own sister for a minute.


Reuin Poultry House Burns. Needof Adequate Fire Alarm and Sug-

gestion For Providing One.

About one o’clock Monday morn-ing- the poultry house of Fred Reum& Co. on the flat in the rear ofWater street, was discovered on fire,and before the fire companies could

get there it was practically destroy-ed. Fortunately they were able toprotect the adjacent buildings. Itw-as a very intense, hot fire, and thefiremen fought hard to control it.The house was well stocked with liveand dressed poultry, some thirty liveturkeys and also two fine dogs being

suffocated. The loss is about $1,200,with insurance of SSOO. The cause

of the fire is unknown, Mr. Reumfinding everything all right when hewent there at 11:30 o’clock to closeup for the night.

Mr. Reum says that he is stilldoing business in the poultry lfhe asusual, and the fire will not interrupt

the business in any way.Again the inefficient, in fact the

disgraceful fire alarm system invogue in Decorah is brought intonotice. When tne men who discov-ered this fire went to the city hallthe rope leading to the dinky littlebell m the tower was frozen in sothat they could not budge it, and

one brave fellow climbed up thetower in the cold, bitter night andwith a hammer pounded out thealarm. But a few of the firemenresponded, as only a few heard thealarm. Others were roused by tele-phone.

Is it possible that Decorah musthave a fire loss running way up intothe thousands before a decent alarmis furnished? We believe this is amatter in which public interestshould be aroused. We have sug-

gested two different methods of pro-viding an adequate fire alarm tomembers of the city council, eitherof which we believe to be practic-able. One is that a special telephone

wire be stretched through the mainstreets of the city, with branches tothe rooms of firemen, with electricbells at their bedside, and telephonesin the rooms of the officers of thevarious companies, these bells to berung ahd the ward alarms soundedthroughout the entire city by thesimple touch of one button in thecentral office. Every fireman couldbe instantly awakened, and perhaps

a hundred thousand dollars savedto the city in a short time. Thisought not to be expensive, and webelieve the details could easily beworked out if the city council wouldlook into it.

Mrs. E. R. Stull Dead.Mrs. E. R. Stull passed away on

Friday evening at eight o’clock, ather home in this city, from Bright’sdisease and dropsy’, after being aninvalid for two or three years. Hermaiden name was Elizabeth Beall,and she was born in Fayette county,Pa., April 23, 1850, being marriedo,n July 6, 1878 to Elijah R. Stull,to which union one son, Wm. M. wasborn. Jhe family came to Decorahtwo years ago, and the acquaintancesshe made here regarded her as a sin-cere Christian woman of many ad-mirable qualities, a good friend andneighbor. She Is survived by herhusband, son, two sisters, one broth-er, five half sisters and one halfbrother. Brief funeral services wereheld from the home at eight o’clockSunday morning and the remainstaken to Roseville, Allamakee coun-ty, where services were held at theBaptist church and interment tookplace.

Mr. Berg is Cashier.The annual meeting of the De-

corah State Bank was held last week,and on account of hia continued illhealth, cashier A. L. Haakenson,who has served the bank faithfully

and efficiently, felt It his duty toresign, whereupon the directorselected the assistant cashier, Mr. E.E. Berg, to the position of cashier.

Mr. Berg has proven a capable andcompetent banker and has mademany friends in this place who willbe glad to know of his advancement.Mr. R. A. Engbretson was re-electedpresident and Mr. G. E. Soland vicepresident. The directors are R. A.Engbretson, G. E. Soland, T. O.

Storla, Dr. T. Stabo, Prof. L. S.Reque, Borger Hanson, E. E. Berg.

Silver Creek Creamery Co.

The postponed meeting of thestockholders of the Silver Creek

Creamery Co. will be held at thel. O. O. F. hall in Burr Oak onTuesday, Jan. 23d, at one o’clock p.

m. A full attendance is desired.2-2 J. A. Thompson, Sec.

Dance January :llst at Marsh'sThe 1912 dancing season will open

at Marsh’s hall on the evening ofWednesday, Jan. 31. Full particu-lars of the event will be announced

lu a few days.

The artificial blond’s method of

keeping her hair light is a dark sec-ret.



Interest, Growing in Meetings andAttendance Good Despite

Cold Weather.

The union meetings being held at

Marsh’s hall “got the swing of things’’last Sunday, despite the awfulweather with which they have' hadto contend for a week. All the meet-

ings were well attended and the in-terest deep. Smith and Colburn,while they make every moment inthe meetings alive and full of in-terest, are absolutely devoid of sen-sationalism and clap-trap methods.The music is made a great feature ofeach meeting. Both gentlemen singand have been members of promin-

ent male quartettes. Prof. Colburnis a hymn writer of note. Theirduets are always enjoyed. As a

prominent foot ball player puts it,“Their team work is well nigh per-

fect.” At the various Sunday ser-vices they were splendidly assistedby the large chorus and by Messrs.Willett and Groves and Mesdames

Adams and Perry.

One of the special musical feat-ures of this evening will be a cornetand vocal duet rendered by Messrs.Groves and Smith: “More Like theMaster.” Mr. Smith will speak upon

“Lessons from a Fool.”The Christian people of the city

are urged to attend the afternoonmeetings of tomorrow and Friday,held at 3:00 p. m. at the’Methodistchurch. Mr. Smith says’ no othermeetings will be of so great import-



Items of Interest From the DecorahHigh School, Reported by Our

Special Correspondent.

The two churches, Methodist andCongregational, will unite In theirmorning service at the Methodistchurch next Sunday, and be address-ed by Evangelist Smith and Prof.Colburn will lead In song. At 3:00p. m. a second mass meeting formen will be held at the hall and Mr.Smith will tell the story of “Win”McClure, the rescue of a railroadengineer. No services will be heldSaturday.

The Semi-Annual Meeting.The semi-annual meeting of the

Norske Selskab was held on Thurs-day night, when the following offi-cers were elected:President—Chr. Brandt. .

Vice Pres:—N. C. Qualley.Secretary—G. Jorgenson. ' 1 'Vice See. —N. N„ Quandahl.Treasurer—O. C. Johnson*; ,

Even the 1-high flyer alwaysabove suspicion. i*d

The Basket Ball Games.On last Friday occurred the dou-

ble header basket ball games, HighSchool vs. Alunmae and High Schoolvs. Alumni. Both games were inter-esting to watch. Due probably tothe fact that the Alumnae were en-tirely out of practice, they were“swamped” to the tune of 34 to 1.The work of the high school for-wards was brilliant at times. Theline-up and score follows:Alumnae High SchoolR. Helwig, f Brandt, fNaeseth, f Thompson, fR. Engbretson, c Holm, cM. Engbretson, c Haakenson, cF. Helwig, g Wold, gE. Jewell, g N. Jewell, g

Field Goals: Brandt, 8; Thomp-son, 7. Free throws: Brandt, 3;Thompeon, P; Naeseth, 1.

The boys’ game was a more evenlymatohed contest as the score, 56 to

32, plainly indicates. The game wasmarred by numerous fouls, whichare explained by the fact that someof the Alumni have been playing col-legiate basket ball. The playing wasswift, however, and several prettybaskets were netted. The team workof the high school, especially during

the last quarter, was excellent. Theline-up and score:Alumni High School

order as follows: Lillian Winter,Norman Bradish and Myron Downie.These three will be sent to Cresco on

Friday of this week, to debate thesame question with the Cresco highschool.

Annual Church Meetings.The annual meeting of the United

Lutheran church, Rev. O. E. Schmidtpastor, was held last Thursday, andof the First Norw. Lutheran church,Rev. I. B. Torrison pastor, on Mon-

day, when official church businesswas transacted. A week ago theannual meeting of the Congregation-al church was held/ the reports show-ing that the church was free fromdebt, the money for the final pay-

ments upon the parsonage havingbeen raised.

Haakenson, f McClaskey, fShima, f Downie, fSlack, c Cox, cWold, g Groff, gHansen, g Conover, g

Field goals: Haakenson, 8;Shima, 4; Wold, 1; Downie, 4; Mc-Claskey, XI; Cox, 4; Conover, 3;Groff, 1. Free throws: Haakenson,2; Shima, 3; Wold, 1; Downie, 10.

The Debate Contest.On Monday evening a debate was

held in the high school assemblyroom. The«program was opened witha duet by Agnes Thompson and RuthIngvoldstad and a solo by NellieJewell. The question for debate was,

“Resolved that the movement oforganized labor for the closed shop

should receive the support of public©pinion.” The speakers for the af-firmative were Norman Bradish,Rudolf Evans and Lawrence Acres.The negative was defended by

Jamie Groff, Lillian Winter and My-ron Downie. Mr. Harry Green, whopresented a loving cup to the win-ning society, gave a short talk, afterWhich he announced the decision ofthe judges in favor of the negative.

The highest marking were given In

Many a man is able to buy anautomobile because he doesn’t.

r ’ >

Installation of Garfield Circle.





TOILET AND MEDICINAL PREPARATIONSUenqualled in Beauty of Package, in Quality of Ingredients,

or in Results to be Obtained by Their Use

Endorsed and Recommended by Over Five Hundred

of the Leading Physicians, Pharmacists andNewspapers of the Middle West.

American Drug & Press AssociationEXCLUSIVE REPRESENTATIVES:

E. J. PARMAN, Decorah HAZLETON DRUG CO., Calmar H. H. BLANCHAINE & CO., Osaian

H. G. WARD, Burr Oak J. M. THOMA, PostviJle ARTHUR PRATT, Waukon

FRED SCHNEIDER, West Union R. P. BERRY & CO„ Clermont

Mrs. Mary J. Couse, department

inspector and past president of Gar-field Circle, L. of G. A. R., will in-stall the following officers at theYeoman hall Wednesday evening:

President—Elenora J. Coffeen.Sr. Vice —Ellen Wohlford.Jr. Vice—Anna Wingaard.Treasurer —Josie Cutting.Secretary—Christine Meyrick.Chaplain—Mary J. Couse.Conductor —Rose Larson.Guard—Nellie Thompson.Ass t. Guard —Emily Stortz.Organist and First Delegate—El-

mina Houg.Second Delegate—-Orlena Francisco;

Third Delegate—Olive A. Wicks.Fourth Delegate—Christine Meyrick*First Alternate —Rose Larson.Second Alternate —Emily Stortz.Third Alternate —Clara Beruatz.Fourth Alternate —Nellie Thompson,

And occasionally a woman’s wis-dom is only skin deep.

Germs Spread InSkinEczema, Psoriasis and other skin We have had experience with many

troubles are caused by myriads of remedies for skin trouble but havegerms at work in the skin. Unless never seen such remarkable cures asthese germs are promptly destroyed those from D. D. D. Prescription. In-they rapidly multiply, gnawing their stant relief from the very first appli-way deep into the sensitive tissue, cation.This is what causes that awful itch. We are so confident that D. D. D.and what seemed a mere rash will reach your case that it will costjn»y grow worse and develop into a you nothing if the very first full sizeloathsome and torturing skin disease bottle fails to make good every claim,with its years of misery. If you have skin trouble of any

Don t take any chances! Destroy the kind, we certainly advise you to dropgerms at the beginning of the trouble in ahd Investigate the merits of D. D.with that soothing and cleansing wash, D. anyway. We know that D. D. D.the D. D. D. Prescription for Eczema.

A 26c bottle will prove this to you. will help you.E. J. PARMAN, DECORAH, IOWA.

Business Counsel.The accessibility of its officers is one of the features of

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Our Aim is to Serve. • \

We are constantly informed as to the values of real es-tate and securities—their desirability as investments. We areready at all times to share with you our knowledge of theseand kindred subjects.

Our counsel may enable you to avoid financial pitfalls andto secure absolute safety of principal and a proper annual in-terest return.

I Citizens SavingsBank.

Decorah - lowa.

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