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ISCAP APPEAL NO 2009-068 document no 254 DECLASSIFICATION DATE May 142015


EDITOR IN CHIEf _____ Cdr pounddgor )( Lofton Jr

EOITOJt________ John W Rusull

fDITOR ______ Andrew Pouornok

AAT ED ITOR- --------- Robltrt L llutfelgh

sa IlLUSTRATOR ___ _______ llr ion W McMullin

SENIO R EDITO_S__________ fro~ciJ A Cohn

Philip M10onnell

EDITORS___ ___ _ bullbull ------- -- -- Jone R Hoopbullr D Edwin Schmoher

EDITOIUAL ASSISTANT __ ____ Egtlo I Grob oln


Contributing Artolyth PaJD

OIAAP-9C3 ---- -- - - - -- --- ---- - ------ - - 2

GQor-ge D WoHcar Cdr USN rD1AAP-4AlL 4

Kultlon R Zoblotkos DIAAP--4C21

Harvoy W Nbull lson IDI4AP-4A1L _ ll

J L Cortin Copt USAF lfT()AfSCl 15

Jono A len Brocck (01AAP-4A2) 16

lowoilS Lowlbull DIAAP-7Gll 1B

Virgin ia Wheelock DIAAP-3A41 - ---- 20

Richerd R Wong Moj USAF IFTD-AFSCL 24

Mlchoo-1 T Gollogh or lt USN ID IAAP-3A7l ----------------- - - 26

Anno Hall IOIAAP-5C41 _ ____ ___ 29

Robot E Wood DIAAP-3A6l 33

Winston l Carlson (01AAP-3A2)____ ___ _ 34

Bornord T Dovonoy IDIAAP--5C4L 37

Roy G Hotltnor Moj RCT OIAAP-3C l 40

May 1967 Volume 5 Number 5

Portion identified as nonshyresponsive to the appeal

Luna 13- A Oua lified Soviet Spa ce Success

Portion identified as nonshyresponsive to the appeal

bull bull 2

4 B

11 15 16 1S 20 24 26 29 33

34 37 40 44

FOREWORDMISSION The miss ion of the monthly Difmse l ntelligr-nce Digrst is to provide all com ponents of the D eDarLmcnr of Defense and other U ni ted Staccs agcnci(S with tim~ly intelligence or wide professional inshyte res t on sign ifi cant developments nd trends in lhc military ca pabili~ ues and vul nctmiddotabilities of foreign nations Emphasis is placed prishy

arily on na_rions and forces wid1ll middotbull Commumst World


SOVpoundT Tn---95 (Uear swept-wing four-engin e turboprop heavy

in flyby ove1middot a ground radar station Bomber aircraft and elecshytronic equipment are basilt elements of the modern warfure doctrine of the USSR Soviet R ampD in both areas has led to tht t~~abl ishment of effective aiJmiddotbornc ECM tactics-chafr corridors- against sea rch and height finder radars and to thc d eployment

WARNING This publication is classhysified secrc t because it reflects intellishygence collection efforts of the United Scates and contains information afshyfecting the national defense of the Uni ted Stares within the meaning of the Espionage Laws T i tle 18 USC Seccion 793 and Section 794 Its transmission or the revelation of i~s contents in any manner to an unmiddot au thorilcd person is prohibited by Jaw Although the pubhcation is marked No Foreign Dissrmination certain articles are releasable ro

of sophisticated new radars wirh ex tensivc varuttions of the basic radar parameters New complex modultion radar tcchniltJIICS offer accurate target discrimination grea ter resisrshyance to interference a nd jamming andconsiderably better performa1ce Fornwltc detlt~i)s in these areas see ChaffA Major Factor in Soviet AirborncECM Tactics beginning on page 24 a nd Soviets Employ New Radar Techniques on page 26 ~



fo reign governmcms however such release is con rrollcd bv che Defense Inrelligencc Ageucy

JOS EPH F CARROLL Lt Creneral USAF Director

May 1967 Overall classification of this doc umentigt SECRET Sceltl 3

bullbull More sophisticated than its predecessor Luna 13 yields

valuahle data for possible manned lunar exploration buf

a true solt landing still remains in the Soviet space future



0~ 2middot~ December 1966 Luna 13 corrective 1naneuver its retrorocket achieved the SC)vi~t l nions ere igmiddotniccd app roxi mately 3H nltlutishy

second conrrolled sem isoft landing on cal 1nilcs above the moons surface the moons smfacc The vehicle lt1 The payload tucased in a shockshyp ossible forerunner of 11a nned lnnar absorbing shroud bounced onto the rnissions tc~ted the load-bcari ng ca~ lunar middotSurface iu tht area known as the pacity of th moons surface The Sea of St()tms Vhcn it came to rest prob able six1h in tbc USSRs series of the outer protective layer peehd back soft or semisoft landing a ttcrnpts it in fOlr segmlt~nts to provide the base for was only tJH second succ(~SS the i11stnnncnt package

Lnna 13 was launched flmiddotom th middot Accorcl iupoundi lOSoviet pHss conunen ts Tymatam M issile T tgtst R ange on the L1111a 13 capsule resembled that 1 Dccernbemiddot by til SL-fi Jnmch of its p redecessor L1ma 9 The la l[(T sys tem This sysleru used for all capsnlc was a two-foot sphere that middotin ovic t lunar probes sine middot 1963 conshy Jsts anuar) thr fint payshy

of au ss~6 966 became boostcdsustaiocr a load to land intact on the lunar surshy

Vcn ik third stage and an interplaneshy face At approximately 220 pounds l~ ry fmnmiddotth stage Frorn il nominal

the Luna middotg capsule wcighcd about a 52-degree earth parking orbit the vehicle was injected intO a 1unar trJ shy third as much as the US SwVcyor I jecrory frer a nomirm1 80-hour which made the fi rsr true soft lnndin flight which included a midcourse on rhe moon i1 J unc 1966

Ae ~

Luna 13 differed from Lunl Y in that the more recent vehicle was equipped with middotrwo instrument dcshyploylllcll t booms Vlounted on the end of one boom was a mcchameal surface test meter or pcnenmiddotomet~r a radia tion demimeter was mounttd on the other The a ntennas and booms of Luna 13 middotvltTe dt~ployed by m onboard timltr approximately fo ur minute$ after the capsllc came to rest

T lw d eployed cclcvision scanner of LJtna I3 possessed a d ~pth of fi~ld of from tive feet to infimty and mcormiddot por-atcd an automatic concrat adjust~ ment system lt transmmcd HS filst pic tures of the lunar landscapy un 25 December ~faking a 360-degn c ~wtcp CCry 100 rninutes thr scm1ncr disti nguished detai ls 06 to OH mch long at a distance of live fcltt [)hoto of the lwuumiddot landscape processed by the Coordinating Comp uting Center in llfo~cow confirmed the Lunar 9 find ings that the luna ttrfacc iR not ltovered bv ltl chick layt~r of dust

The pcnc tromctcr consisted of amiddot titaniurn-cipp~d rod and soiid-proshypelhlll t charg The probe wns d mmiddotc1 7H to liH inches iato rhc luna r ml with a kn()wn force of 15lt lbsec On th~ basis of dlis experiment chc Soviets concluded chat lunar soil hal mc-cha nictll properties sirn il r to thomiddot~~ of earth soil of average density

The radi a tion clensirnetcr dep loyltd to a dL~tancc of approximately five feel (imiddotom the capsule consi ted of a small garr 11la-radiation somee mel tbree gas-discharge gan1ma -quar_Jtacounters scpatated by a proncnvc screen Thlt~ intensity of th~ gamma rays dispersed by the lunar soil Vas q uivalent to that of porous or gnmushyar loosd y bonded rock and less thlt~n the den~itv of ltlYcragc eartn sod

Soviet state n1 enrs point to future soft landers ltgt semisoft landers instmshymcntcd for detailed chemical and physical analyses of te lunar ~urflce and subs1trface Poss1ble cxpcruncms will include soil som pling rad ittion llCa~uremcnts soil weight-bea ring stremiddotngth d e tertninatior micr~Jlleleoshyri te detec tion and s~lsnwlogtcltU reshycording (END]




DmiddotENS IMkTetR ~middot1cent

May 1967


EDITOR IN CHIEf _____ Cdr pounddgor )( Lofton Jr

EOITOJt________ John W Rusull

fDITOR ______ Andrew Pouornok

AAT ED ITOR- --------- Robltrt L llutfelgh

sa IlLUSTRATOR ___ _______ llr ion W McMullin

SENIO R EDITO_S__________ fro~ciJ A Cohn

Philip M10onnell

EDITORS___ ___ _ bullbull ------- -- -- Jone R Hoopbullr D Edwin Schmoher

EDITOIUAL ASSISTANT __ ____ Egtlo I Grob oln


Contributing Artolyth PaJD

OIAAP-9C3 ---- -- - - - -- --- ---- - ------ - - 2

GQor-ge D WoHcar Cdr USN rD1AAP-4AlL 4

Kultlon R Zoblotkos DIAAP--4C21

Harvoy W Nbull lson IDI4AP-4A1L _ ll

J L Cortin Copt USAF lfT()AfSCl 15

Jono A len Brocck (01AAP-4A2) 16

lowoilS Lowlbull DIAAP-7Gll 1B

Virgin ia Wheelock DIAAP-3A41 - ---- 20

Richerd R Wong Moj USAF IFTD-AFSCL 24

Mlchoo-1 T Gollogh or lt USN ID IAAP-3A7l ----------------- - - 26

Anno Hall IOIAAP-5C41 _ ____ ___ 29

Robot E Wood DIAAP-3A6l 33

Winston l Carlson (01AAP-3A2)____ ___ _ 34

Bornord T Dovonoy IDIAAP--5C4L 37

Roy G Hotltnor Moj RCT OIAAP-3C l 40

May 1967 Volume 5 Number 5

Portion identified as nonshyresponsive to the appeal

Luna 13- A Oua lified Soviet Spa ce Success

Portion identified as nonshyresponsive to the appeal

bull bull 2

4 B

11 15 16 1S 20 24 26 29 33

34 37 40 44

FOREWORDMISSION The miss ion of the monthly Difmse l ntelligr-nce Digrst is to provide all com ponents of the D eDarLmcnr of Defense and other U ni ted Staccs agcnci(S with tim~ly intelligence or wide professional inshyte res t on sign ifi cant developments nd trends in lhc military ca pabili~ ues and vul nctmiddotabilities of foreign nations Emphasis is placed prishy

arily on na_rions and forces wid1ll middotbull Commumst World


SOVpoundT Tn---95 (Uear swept-wing four-engin e turboprop heavy

in flyby ove1middot a ground radar station Bomber aircraft and elecshytronic equipment are basilt elements of the modern warfure doctrine of the USSR Soviet R ampD in both areas has led to tht t~~abl ishment of effective aiJmiddotbornc ECM tactics-chafr corridors- against sea rch and height finder radars and to thc d eployment

WARNING This publication is classhysified secrc t because it reflects intellishygence collection efforts of the United Scates and contains information afshyfecting the national defense of the Uni ted Stares within the meaning of the Espionage Laws T i tle 18 USC Seccion 793 and Section 794 Its transmission or the revelation of i~s contents in any manner to an unmiddot au thorilcd person is prohibited by Jaw Although the pubhcation is marked No Foreign Dissrmination certain articles are releasable ro

of sophisticated new radars wirh ex tensivc varuttions of the basic radar parameters New complex modultion radar tcchniltJIICS offer accurate target discrimination grea ter resisrshyance to interference a nd jamming andconsiderably better performa1ce Fornwltc detlt~i)s in these areas see ChaffA Major Factor in Soviet AirborncECM Tactics beginning on page 24 a nd Soviets Employ New Radar Techniques on page 26 ~



fo reign governmcms however such release is con rrollcd bv che Defense Inrelligencc Ageucy

JOS EPH F CARROLL Lt Creneral USAF Director

May 1967 Overall classification of this doc umentigt SECRET Sceltl 3

bullbull More sophisticated than its predecessor Luna 13 yields

valuahle data for possible manned lunar exploration buf

a true solt landing still remains in the Soviet space future



0~ 2middot~ December 1966 Luna 13 corrective 1naneuver its retrorocket achieved the SC)vi~t l nions ere igmiddotniccd app roxi mately 3H nltlutishy

second conrrolled sem isoft landing on cal 1nilcs above the moons surface the moons smfacc The vehicle lt1 The payload tucased in a shockshyp ossible forerunner of 11a nned lnnar absorbing shroud bounced onto the rnissions tc~ted the load-bcari ng ca~ lunar middotSurface iu tht area known as the pacity of th moons surface The Sea of St()tms Vhcn it came to rest prob able six1h in tbc USSRs series of the outer protective layer peehd back soft or semisoft landing a ttcrnpts it in fOlr segmlt~nts to provide the base for was only tJH second succ(~SS the i11stnnncnt package

Lnna 13 was launched flmiddotom th middot Accorcl iupoundi lOSoviet pHss conunen ts Tymatam M issile T tgtst R ange on the L1111a 13 capsule resembled that 1 Dccernbemiddot by til SL-fi Jnmch of its p redecessor L1ma 9 The la l[(T sys tem This sysleru used for all capsnlc was a two-foot sphere that middotin ovic t lunar probes sine middot 1963 conshy Jsts anuar) thr fint payshy

of au ss~6 966 became boostcdsustaiocr a load to land intact on the lunar surshy

Vcn ik third stage and an interplaneshy face At approximately 220 pounds l~ ry fmnmiddotth stage Frorn il nominal

the Luna middotg capsule wcighcd about a 52-degree earth parking orbit the vehicle was injected intO a 1unar trJ shy third as much as the US SwVcyor I jecrory frer a nomirm1 80-hour which made the fi rsr true soft lnndin flight which included a midcourse on rhe moon i1 J unc 1966

Ae ~

Luna 13 differed from Lunl Y in that the more recent vehicle was equipped with middotrwo instrument dcshyploylllcll t booms Vlounted on the end of one boom was a mcchameal surface test meter or pcnenmiddotomet~r a radia tion demimeter was mounttd on the other The a ntennas and booms of Luna 13 middotvltTe dt~ployed by m onboard timltr approximately fo ur minute$ after the capsllc came to rest

T lw d eployed cclcvision scanner of LJtna I3 possessed a d ~pth of fi~ld of from tive feet to infimty and mcormiddot por-atcd an automatic concrat adjust~ ment system lt transmmcd HS filst pic tures of the lunar landscapy un 25 December ~faking a 360-degn c ~wtcp CCry 100 rninutes thr scm1ncr disti nguished detai ls 06 to OH mch long at a distance of live fcltt [)hoto of the lwuumiddot landscape processed by the Coordinating Comp uting Center in llfo~cow confirmed the Lunar 9 find ings that the luna ttrfacc iR not ltovered bv ltl chick layt~r of dust

The pcnc tromctcr consisted of amiddot titaniurn-cipp~d rod and soiid-proshypelhlll t charg The probe wns d mmiddotc1 7H to liH inches iato rhc luna r ml with a kn()wn force of 15lt lbsec On th~ basis of dlis experiment chc Soviets concluded chat lunar soil hal mc-cha nictll properties sirn il r to thomiddot~~ of earth soil of average density

The radi a tion clensirnetcr dep loyltd to a dL~tancc of approximately five feel (imiddotom the capsule consi ted of a small garr 11la-radiation somee mel tbree gas-discharge gan1ma -quar_Jtacounters scpatated by a proncnvc screen Thlt~ intensity of th~ gamma rays dispersed by the lunar soil Vas q uivalent to that of porous or gnmushyar loosd y bonded rock and less thlt~n the den~itv of ltlYcragc eartn sod

Soviet state n1 enrs point to future soft landers ltgt semisoft landers instmshymcntcd for detailed chemical and physical analyses of te lunar ~urflce and subs1trface Poss1ble cxpcruncms will include soil som pling rad ittion llCa~uremcnts soil weight-bea ring stremiddotngth d e tertninatior micr~Jlleleoshyri te detec tion and s~lsnwlogtcltU reshycording (END]




DmiddotENS IMkTetR ~middot1cent

May 1967


bullbull More sophisticated than its predecessor Luna 13 yields

valuahle data for possible manned lunar exploration buf

a true solt landing still remains in the Soviet space future



0~ 2middot~ December 1966 Luna 13 corrective 1naneuver its retrorocket achieved the SC)vi~t l nions ere igmiddotniccd app roxi mately 3H nltlutishy

second conrrolled sem isoft landing on cal 1nilcs above the moons surface the moons smfacc The vehicle lt1 The payload tucased in a shockshyp ossible forerunner of 11a nned lnnar absorbing shroud bounced onto the rnissions tc~ted the load-bcari ng ca~ lunar middotSurface iu tht area known as the pacity of th moons surface The Sea of St()tms Vhcn it came to rest prob able six1h in tbc USSRs series of the outer protective layer peehd back soft or semisoft landing a ttcrnpts it in fOlr segmlt~nts to provide the base for was only tJH second succ(~SS the i11stnnncnt package

Lnna 13 was launched flmiddotom th middot Accorcl iupoundi lOSoviet pHss conunen ts Tymatam M issile T tgtst R ange on the L1111a 13 capsule resembled that 1 Dccernbemiddot by til SL-fi Jnmch of its p redecessor L1ma 9 The la l[(T sys tem This sysleru used for all capsnlc was a two-foot sphere that middotin ovic t lunar probes sine middot 1963 conshy Jsts anuar) thr fint payshy

of au ss~6 966 became boostcdsustaiocr a load to land intact on the lunar surshy

Vcn ik third stage and an interplaneshy face At approximately 220 pounds l~ ry fmnmiddotth stage Frorn il nominal

the Luna middotg capsule wcighcd about a 52-degree earth parking orbit the vehicle was injected intO a 1unar trJ shy third as much as the US SwVcyor I jecrory frer a nomirm1 80-hour which made the fi rsr true soft lnndin flight which included a midcourse on rhe moon i1 J unc 1966

Ae ~

Luna 13 differed from Lunl Y in that the more recent vehicle was equipped with middotrwo instrument dcshyploylllcll t booms Vlounted on the end of one boom was a mcchameal surface test meter or pcnenmiddotomet~r a radia tion demimeter was mounttd on the other The a ntennas and booms of Luna 13 middotvltTe dt~ployed by m onboard timltr approximately fo ur minute$ after the capsllc came to rest

T lw d eployed cclcvision scanner of LJtna I3 possessed a d ~pth of fi~ld of from tive feet to infimty and mcormiddot por-atcd an automatic concrat adjust~ ment system lt transmmcd HS filst pic tures of the lunar landscapy un 25 December ~faking a 360-degn c ~wtcp CCry 100 rninutes thr scm1ncr disti nguished detai ls 06 to OH mch long at a distance of live fcltt [)hoto of the lwuumiddot landscape processed by the Coordinating Comp uting Center in llfo~cow confirmed the Lunar 9 find ings that the luna ttrfacc iR not ltovered bv ltl chick layt~r of dust

The pcnc tromctcr consisted of amiddot titaniurn-cipp~d rod and soiid-proshypelhlll t charg The probe wns d mmiddotc1 7H to liH inches iato rhc luna r ml with a kn()wn force of 15lt lbsec On th~ basis of dlis experiment chc Soviets concluded chat lunar soil hal mc-cha nictll properties sirn il r to thomiddot~~ of earth soil of average density

The radi a tion clensirnetcr dep loyltd to a dL~tancc of approximately five feel (imiddotom the capsule consi ted of a small garr 11la-radiation somee mel tbree gas-discharge gan1ma -quar_Jtacounters scpatated by a proncnvc screen Thlt~ intensity of th~ gamma rays dispersed by the lunar soil Vas q uivalent to that of porous or gnmushyar loosd y bonded rock and less thlt~n the den~itv of ltlYcragc eartn sod

Soviet state n1 enrs point to future soft landers ltgt semisoft landers instmshymcntcd for detailed chemical and physical analyses of te lunar ~urflce and subs1trface Poss1ble cxpcruncms will include soil som pling rad ittion llCa~uremcnts soil weight-bea ring stremiddotngth d e tertninatior micr~Jlleleoshyri te detec tion and s~lsnwlogtcltU reshycording (END]




DmiddotENS IMkTetR ~middot1cent

May 1967