decision making


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Decision making..Organising..


Page 1: Decision Making
Page 2: Decision Making

Decision making is an essential part of the every function of management . It is a process of selection of a particular action out of various alternatives.

“No business can survive without decision making.”

Whatever a manager does , he does through decision making.

-By Peter Drucker

Page 3: Decision Making

•Identifying the problemIdentifying the problem

•Analyzing the problemAnalyzing the problem

• Developing alternative solutionDeveloping alternative solution

• Weighing alternative solutionWeighing alternative solution

• Choosing the best solutionChoosing the best solution

• Implementing and verifying the Implementing and verifying the decisiondecision

Page 4: Decision Making

Policies are not simple statements , they have certain purpose behind them. They are the guidelines on the general limits within which the members of an enterprise act.

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•Originated policies

•Traditional policies

•Policy by flat

•Externally imposed policies

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Policies should aim at contributing to the achievement of enterprise objectives

Policies should be definite and in writing

Policies should be flexible and stable

Lower level policies should be derived from high level policies

Policies should be fair and equitable

Policies should be periodically reviewed and modified

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Strategies are the major part of an organization for the achievement of its objectives in an uncertain and competitive environment. Strategy may be defined as any decision or behaviour which , after taking into account the probable or actual actions , policies and strategies of competitors , suppliers , government , trade unions is aimed at achieving organizational goals. For example:

•Marketing strategy•Personnel strategy•Union relations strategy

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External Economic strategies

External Social strategies

Internal Organizational strategies

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After the objectives of the enterprise have been determined, the next logical step in the managerial process is organising .

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•Determination of specific activities required for the implementation of plans and policies leading to the accomplishment of pre-determined goals.

•Logical regrouping of these activities into jobs , and regrouping of jobs into functions and departments so as to create effective inter-relationships and coordination among them.

•Assignment of jobs to specific people and positions.

•Linking them through a network of authority-responsibility relationships.

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