december weeks 2 and 3 - final - parkview kids team · 11/12/2016 · december weeks 2 and 3...

December Weeks 2 and 3 December 10 th /11 th December 17 th /18 th OVERVIEW CARD Key Question: Why is Jesus special? Bottom Line: Jesus is God’s Son. Memory Verse: “I bring you good news of great joy.” Luke 2:10, NLV Bible Story Focus: The angels tell about Jesus. Shepherds Luke 2:6-18 Coloring Page: Shepherds come to greet Jesus. Music: Best Present Ever It’s Christmastime Oh What a Special Night Nobody Loves Me Like You Bible Lesson: The Beginner’s Bible Shepherds Visit Pages 277 to 281 Story: J is for Jesus By Crystal Bowman Service Time: 61 minutes (week 2) 61 minutes (week 3) Memory Verse “I bring you good news of great joy.” Luke 2:10, NLV

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Key Question: Why is Jesus special? Bottom Line: Jesus is God’s Son. Memory Verse: “I bring you good news of great joy.” Luke 2:10, NLV Bible Story Focus: The angels tell about Jesus. Shepherds Luke 2:6-18 Coloring Page: Shepherds come to greet Jesus. Music: Best Present Ever

It’s Christmastime Oh What a Special Night Nobody Loves Me Like You Bible Lesson: The Beginner’s Bible Shepherds Visit Pages 277 to 281 Story: J is for Jesus By Crystal Bowman Service Time: 61 minutes (week 2) 61 minutes (week 3)

Memory Verse –

“I bring you good news of great joy.”

Luke 2:10, NLV



Gather the Sheep Big Idea: Have the children collect cotton ball “sheep”. What You Need: Cotton balls What You Do: Before the Activity: Have kids stand with you and toss the cotton balls up in the air. During the Activity: Count to three and have the kids go and collect as many of the cotton ball sheep as they can. Repeat. After the Activity: Sit down in a circle and put all the “sheep” in the middle as you review the Bible lesson.

What You Say: Before the Activity: “Come stand with me, friends. Let’s pretend these cotton balls (show kids all the cotton balls in your hands) are sheep. Can you say hello to the little sheep? (Pause.) Hello, little sheep! I’m going to count to three and I’ll scatter the sheep. Then I need your help to gather them all up.” During the Activity: “One, two, three! (Throw the cotton balls up in the air.) Now go gather the sheep! (Pause.) Great job! Look around. Did we get all the sheep? (Pause.) Super! Let’s gather them again! (Repeat as many times as desired.) Super duper!” After the Activity: “Come sit in a circle with me. (Pause.) Now toss all the sheep in the middle of our circle. (Pause.) You guys did such a good job gathering all the sheep, just like Shepherds do. We heard a Bible story today about some Shepherds and their sheep that got some super good news. Do you remember what happened?”

Memory Verse –

“I bring you good news of great joy.”

Luke 2:10, NLV

ACTIVITY 1 – 2’s/3’s only

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Bouncing Sheep Big Idea: Children will play with the parachute and plush toy sheep. What You Need: Large parachute, and several stuffed sheep What You Do: Before the activity: Spread out the parachute and have the children gather around it and pick it up. Make sure every child is holding a portion of the parachute. During the activity: Toss the stuffed sheep into the middle of the parachute while the children are holding it. Instruct the children to bring their arms up and down to make the parachute bounce the sheep. Play as long as desired. What You Say: Before the activity: “Let’s bounce some sheep! Everyone stand around our parachute and pick it up. Make sure all of our friends are holding some of the parachute.” During Activity: “Now let’s put our sheep on! (Toss the sheep into the middle of the parachute.) Bring your arms up and down so that the sheep are bouncing. Great job! Keep bouncing!” (Play as long as desired.) After Activity: “Whew! All of that bouncing made me tired! I am sure our sheep had fun, though. Good job taking care of the sheep. Today in our Bible lesson, we learned about people who take care of sheep! Do you remember what they are called? (Pause.) Right! They are called shepherds. The shepherds had a BIG surprise while working out in the field the night Jesus was born! I bet they NEVER expected a group of angels to appear with such awesome news I can only imagine how excited those shepherds were to hear about the best gift ever and to actually SEE Jesus on the night He was born. What a special gift. Why is Jesus special? Jesus is God’s Son.”

ACTIVITY 2 – 2’s/3’s only

Memory Verse –

“I bring you good news of great joy.”

Luke 2:10, NLV

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All the Sheep Big Idea: Volunteers will use noodles to corral children and have them say their memory verse. What You Need: Pool Noodles (2)

What You Do: Before the Activity: Gather all the kids in an open area in the room. During the Activity: Have kids scatter in the open area. Have two leaders walk around and corral the kids one, two, or three at a time. To corral the kids, have the two leaders hold the pool noodles one in each hand to make a circle, similar to “London Bridge” when the bridge comes down (volunteers using the noodles instead of linked arms). Say the Memory Verse together when corralling the sheep. After the Activity: Sit down together and say the Memory Verse. What You Say: Before the Activity: “Come on over here and stand with me. We are going to play a game where you are the sheep and we (point to yourself and the other leaders) are the shepherds. The shepherds are in charge of corralling the sheep.” During the Activity: “Okay sheep, time to move around. (Pause.) Here come the shepherds. (Work with the other leader to corral one to three kids.) ‘I bring you good news of great joy!' (Let those sheep go and then go corral other sheep.) Keep moving, sheep! (Pause.) Here come the shepherds. (Pause.) ‘I bring you good news of great joy!’ (Repeat as many times as desired.) After the Activity: “That was super fun! In our Bible lesson today we heard about the angels that came to tell the shepherds that a special baby had been born! God loves us so much that He gave us His Son, Jesus! Why is Jesus special? Jesus is God’s Son!”


Memory Verse –

“I bring you good news of great joy.”

Luke 2:10, NLV



Roll the Christmas Dice Big Idea: Children will roll the Christmas Dice and answer questions about the Christmas story. What You Need: “Christmas Cube” What You Do: During the Activity: Gather the children around a table or sit in a circle on the floor. Roll the cube in the center of the group. When it lands, look at the picture shown and talk about that part of the story. Let the children take turns rolling the cube to review this month’s Bible lessons as long as time and interest allow. What You Say: During the Activity: “Today, I thought it would be fun to review what we have learned in Large Group by using this special cube. On it, you’ll see pictures from all the stories these past two months. Let’s take turns rolling the cube and talking about our Bible stories as we look at the picture. Are you ready? (You can ask the following questions to help the children if they need it.) Who do you see in this picture? What happened to him/ her in our Bible lesson today? What did this person (or animal) do when they heard the best news ever?” After the Activity: “Great job, everyone! You were really listening in Large Group. I can only imagine how excited those shepherds were to hear about the best gift ever and to actually SEE Jesus on the night He was born. What a special gift. Why is Jesus special? Jesus is God’s Son.”

ACTIVITY 4 – 4’s/5’s only

Memory Verse –

“I bring you good news of great joy.”

Luke 2:10, NLV



Huddle Up Big Idea: Children will hold onto the hula-hoop in groups of 4-6 and walk around the room without letting go. What You Need: 1 Hula-hoop for every 4-6 children and some fun preschool Christmas music What You Do: During the Activity: Divide the children into groups of four to six children. Give each group a Hula-hoop and instruct them to hold on to the outer edge with one hand. The goal is for the groups to walk around the room while the music plays without letting go of the Hula-hoop. What You Say: During the Activity: “Who knows what this is? (Hold up Hula-hoop.) Yes! This is a Hula-hoop. We’re going to do something a little different with it today. First let me put you into teams. Now I want you to grab the Hula-hoop with one hand. When you hear the music I want you to walk around the room without letting go of the Hula-hoop. That’s right! You have to stay together and keep one hand on the Hula-hoop at all times. Ready? Listen for the music!” After the Activity: “You did a great job staying together. Our Bible lesson today has shepherds in it and part of their job was to keep their sheep together. Something very, very special happens one night while these shepherds are watching their sheep! Do you remember what happened?”

ACTIVITY 5 – 4’s/5’s only

Memory Verse –

“I bring you good news of great joy.”

Luke 2:10, NLV



Angels and Shepherds What You Need: “Angels and Shepherds” Activity Pages, star stickers, paint, paint brushes, cups and wet wipes What You Do: During the Activity: Talk about the Bible lesson as kids paint with watercolors to add color to the picture. Go to each child as they work and help them add star stickers on their page. Write their name on their papers and set them aside to dry. After the Activity: Say the Bottom Line together. What You Say: Before the Activity: “Hello, friends, what a great Bible lesson we heard today! Come sit with me and let’s make a picture about our story.” During the Activity: “Look at your picture. Tell me what you see. (Pause.) There are angels in the sky and shepherds on the ground, just like in our Bible story today! The shepherds were out in the field watching their sheep. Wait! Where are the sheep? You need to add some sheep to the field. (Pause.) Super! So the shepherds were out in the fields taking care of their sheep when angels appeared in the sky. Let’s add some stars in the sky. (Pause.) The angels came to tell the shepherds that Baby Jesus had been born! Look! Our Bible lesson is right there on your paper. There are the angels and the shepherds!” (Write kids’ names on their papers.) After the Activity: “The good news the angels brought the shepherds was that Jesus had been born! God loves us so much that He gave us His Son, Jesus. How do we know God loves us? God gave us Jesus.”


Memory Verse –

“I bring you good news of great joy.”

Luke 2:10, NLV



Shepherd Ornaments Magic Scratch What You Need: Shepherd Ornaments and pencil What You Do: Give each child an ornament and show them how to use the pencil to create their very own ornament to take home. What You Say: “Who knows what special day is coming!? (Pause.) That’s right! Christmas is coming! Do you know whose birthday we celebrate at Christmas? (Pause.) That’s right! Jesus’ birthday! Last week, we heard about how Jesus was born, but no one but Mary and Joseph knew about Baby Jesus! How was everyone going to find out about Jesus? (Pause.) Did Mary and Joseph send a letter? Did they send an email? Or maybe they called on a phone? (Pause.) Did they do any of those things? (Pause.) No! The first people to find out were shepherds, and they found out in an amazing way! “One day the shepherds were out in the field watching their sheep. Suddenly a bunch of angels filled the sky and had a message for the shepherds. They said, ‘Don’t be afraid. We’ve got great news for you! A baby has been born in Bethlehem. He is God’s Son, Jesus! You’ll find him wrapped up in blankets and lying in a manger.’ And then the angels started to sing, ‘Glory to God in the highest heaven! Peace on earth!’ Isn’t that amazing? The shepherds were so excited they grabbed up all of their stuff and went to where the angel said. The shepherds were so excited to see Jesus! They said, ‘Everyone needs to know that Jesus is born! God loves us so much that He gave us Jesus.’ Why is Jesus special? Jesus is God’s Son.”


Memory Verse –

“I bring you good news of great joy.”

Luke 2:10, NLV



Small Group Time What you Need: Parent Take Home Card, Playdoh, Angel Cookie Cutters, Rolling Pins, and Sticker Roll SMALL GROUP LEADER (SGL): “Today’s Bible lesson was SO exciting! Think about what it was like on the night the angels told the shepherds about Jesus being born. There they were, just taking care of their sheep, and then WOW! They looked up and the sky was filled with bright angels telling them the good news that Jesus, God’s Son, had been born! Look at these cookie cutters. They are angel cookie cutters! Let’s make some angels out of Play-Doh. Flatten out your Play-Doh. (Pause.) Now push down the cookie cutter. (Pause.) Look at that! You made an angel!” “This is one of my favorite parts of the Christmas story. God didn’t send the angels to important kings and queens with their big houses and fancy clothes first. No! God sent the angels to the shepherds, who worked outside with animals in their dirty clothes. I love how God thinks every person is special no matter what. And He wants every person to know how special Jesus is. Why is Jesus special? Jesus is God’s Son!” SGL: “Today, I want you to think of one person you can tell the good news that Jesus is God’s Son to this week. I want us to do like the shepherds did and tell people the good news so they can have great joy like us! When I say your name, tell me someone you want to tell that Jesus is God’s Son.” “Ok, it’s time to review our lesson. I am going to ask you some questions and you will get a sticker for answering them. I have some really cool stickers today. Are you ready? (Pause.) Great! (Ask the children the questions from the “Parent Take Home Cards”. You can also make up additional questions from our video lesson. Don’t forget to ask them to say their memory verse for another sticker. You can repeat the same questions over and over as repetition is good for preschoolers.) You are such great listeners!” “Now I’ll pray before it’s time to say goodbye until next week. (Read the prayer on the back of the “Parent Take Home Card.”)”


Memory Verse –

“I bring you good news of great joy.”

Luke 2:10, NLV