december 2020 good contacts: news · medieval nativity scenes and romantic or dickensian winter...

CONTACTS: Chaplain & President: Revd Hazel Door Phone no: 05 49 87 71 45 email address: [email protected] Vicarage: 27 rue de Malvoisine, 85110 St Vincent Sterlanges: Vicarage Phone no: 02 51 31 23 71 Church Warden and Lay Vice-Chairman David Martin Phone no: 02 51 00 92 97 email: [email protected] Church Warden: Doug Green Phone no: 05 49 72 18 46 email address: [email protected] Lay Minister: John Matthews: Phone no: 05 49 75 29 71, e-mail: [email protected] Website: 4 thought December 2020 As Jacqui has previously commented it goes on and on…and on… The widely predicted second wave of covid-19 has reached us and the number of cases recorded and hospitalized is soaring. Just when we were hopeful that we could resume worshipping together, all worship has been stopped again. Following the success of the Zoom AGM, the church council have debated the possibility of using that method for virtual worship and will be actively pursuing some opportunities. We look ahead now to Advent, the season of preparation for Christmas. As yet we do not know if we will be able to worship in church together. We may be able to have a Zoom service each Sunday, and make sure that as many people as possible are sent copies, so that all can join in, with or without technology! With a little forward planning, why not make an advent crown So that if we cannot physically be together, at least we could light our candles at the same time. Page 1 Church of All Saints in the Vendée “To know and to share Jesus Christ” December 2020 GOOD NEWS: For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour which is Christ the Lord Luke 2:11

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  • CONTACTS: Chaplain & President:

    Revd Hazel Door Phone no: 05 49 87 71 45 email address:

    [email protected] Vicarage:

    27 rue de Malvoisine, 85110 St Vincent Sterlanges: Vicarage Phone no: 02 51 31 23 71

    Church Warden and Lay Vice-Chairman David Martin Phone no: 02 51 00 92 97

    email: [email protected] Church Warden:

    Doug Green Phone no: 05 49 72 18 46 email address: [email protected]

    Lay Minister: John Matthews: Phone no: 05 49 75 29 71,

    e-mail: [email protected] Website:

    4 thought December 2020

    As Jacqui has previously commented it goes on and on…and on… The widely predicted second wave of covid-19 has reached us and the number of cases recorded and hospitalized is soaring. Just when we were hopeful that we could resume worshipping together, all worship has been stopped again.

    Following the success of the Zoom AGM, the church council have debated the possibility of using that method for virtual worship and will be actively pursuing some opportunities.

    We look ahead now to Advent, the season of preparation for Christmas. As yet we do not know if we will be able to worship in church together. We may be able to have a Zoom service each Sunday, and make sure that as many people as possible are sent copies, so that all can join in, with or without technology! With a little forward planning, why not make an advent crown So that if we cannot physically be together, at least we could light our candles at the same time.

    Page 1

    Church of All Saints in the Vendée “To know and to share Jesus Christ”

    December 2020 GOOD


    For unto you is born this day in

    the city of David, a Saviour which is

    Christ the Lord Luke 2:11

    mailto:[email protected]://

  • The four traditional advent themes for the four advent Sundays are:

    God's people -The Candle of Hope. Hope is like a light shining in a dark place. ... The old testament prophets - The Candle of Peace. ... John the Baptist - The Candle of Love. ... Mary the mother of Jesus - The Candle of Joy.

    According to Wikipedia: Advent wreaths are circular, representing God's infinite love, and are usually made of evergreen leaves, which "represent the hope of eternal life brought by Jesus Christ". Within the Advent wreath are candles that generally represent the four weeks of the Advent season as well as "the light of God coming into the world through the birth of Jesus Christ" although each of the candles can be attributed its own significance as well. Many Advent wreaths also have a white candle in the centre to symbolize the arrival of Christmastide, sometimes known as the "Christ candle." It is lit on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. The Christ candle is coloured white because this is the traditional festal colour in the Western Church.

    There are traditional prayers to accompany each lighting.

    So, we wait, somewhat impatiently, until prudence, and the French Government, decide that it is safe for the resumption of worship without any restrictions.

    I commend Psalm 27 to you.

    Every blessing,


    Psalm 27 - King James Version 27 The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? 2 When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. 3 Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident. 4 One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple. 5 For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock. 6 And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord. 7 Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me. 8 When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek. 9 Hide not thy face far from me; put not thy servant away in anger: thou hast been my help; leave me not, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation. 10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up. 11 Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies. 12 Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty. 13 I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 14 Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.

    Page 2


    In one of our best-loved carols, Christina Rossetti situates the birth of Jesus ‘in the bleak

    midwinter’. She paints a severe and freezing manger scene, with howling wind and deep snow. She

    represents the frosted earth and water with iron and stone.

    From the biblical narrative, it seems unlikely that Jesus was born in the bleak mid-winter, as the

    shepherds would not be putting their sheep out to pasture in freezing conditions. But that does not

    stop us gladly enjoying Rossetti’s romantic poetic licence and reminding ourselves that the

    conditions of the first Christmas were hard, extraordinarily hard by modern standards.

    Mary was a young girl giving birth a long way from home. The town of Bethlehem was crowded

    with strangers registering with the tax authorities of the occupying powers. Mary laid her new-born

    baby in an animal’s stone feeding trough. And the first visitors were not close family but rough

    men from the fields.

    It is extremely difficult to recover this first Christmas. The festival has become overlaid with

    medieval nativity scenes and Romantic or Dickensian winter scenes. In the twentieth century,

    Christmas became the setting of the perfect family gathering. Most significantly, the run up to the

    commercial Christmas – the ‘golden quarter’ – is a now a vital part of the retail industry’s overall

    wellbeing so that vast sums are expended on advertising to persuade us to acquire more goods and

    more debt.

    But not in 2020. This year it will be very different. Travel bans, lockdowns and quarantines mean

    it will be harder and perhaps impossible to get together with our loved ones. People are poorer.

    High streets, at least at the time of writing, are closed in many countries. And even when they re-

    open, shopping isn’t quite the same when you have to physically distance and wear a mask.

    Christmas will be simpler this year. And for many it will be sadder. As Covid-19 has progressed,

    more and more families have been affected by the virus and its frightening and sometimes long-

    term symptoms. Some of us have a relative who has been in intensive care, struggling to breathe.

    Many of us know someone who has very sadly lost their life, and some of us face the first Christmas

    without someone close to us. This year, perhaps we more intuitively sense the harshness of the

    manger scene, the cruelty of death, the pain of a bleak mid-winter.

    Another well-known – and much older – carol speaks to us about ‘tidings of comfort and joy’. In

    2020 we need to hear these tidings. For Christmas is at heart the story of a God who draws near to

    us in Jesus, sharing the sorrows and joys of human experience. In the mystery of the incarnation,

    the eternal God wonderfully condescends to be born as a human baby, in the roughest conditions.

    He is ‘Immanuel’ – the God who is with us.

    Page 3

  • Whatever conditions you face this Christmas, I hope you will be able to reach out and find the God

    who is with us. I hope you will take comfort from the presence of God with you, and perhaps also

    find opportunity to comfort others.

    ‘God rest you merry’ in modern English means ‘may God grant you peace and happiness’. The

    unknown author continued:

    ‘Let nothing you dismay

    for Jesus Christ our Saviour was born on Christmas Day.

    To save us all from Satan’s power

    when we had gone astray

    Which brings tidings of comfort and joy.’

    I wish each of you and your families comfort and joy as we approach this Christmas season.

    +Robert Gibraltar in Europe

    Rue Capitaine Crespel 47 box 49, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

    Tel: +3222137480; E-Mail: [email protected],

    Diocesan web site:

    Page 4

    Sunday Club will take place once again in

    the Salle at Puy de Serre when our services recommence. If you know of any children who would like to join our Sunday Club

    please bring them along at 11a.m. They will be most welcome.

    All children welcome from all denominations, we have lots of interest

    Please contact Jenny if you require more information: email: [email protected]

    turn to the end of this edition of Grapevine for our December project…..

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]

  • Prayer List

    Please remember in your prayers:

    Barbara Carol David and Susan

    David and Chris Dick

    Heidi and her parents, Joël and Jo Isi and family

    Jenny and Ray Ken Ivin Malcolm

    Millie-Jean, Hazel and Martins’ granddaughter

    Pat and David Pat and Roy Peter

    ….and for the bereaved:

    The family and friends of:

    Janice Adams Pam Davies

    Ken Ferguson Terry Fraser-Wilson

    Barbara Sue Stock

    Tim Johnson

    Tim Bravington

    Beccy Sackley Dot (Julie Taylor’s mother)

    Johnathon Mark Sykes

    [If you would like a name to be added to the Prayer List, please contact David Pearson. Tel: 02 51 61 05 04 or Email: [email protected]]


    Page 5







    6th December LCP

    All services have been cancelled until the Restrictions are lifted Please check with the Church Wardens or website for updates.

    13th December PDS

    20th December

    24th/25th December

    Christmas Eve/ Christmas Day

    27th December PDS

    3rd January LCP New Years Day

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Churchwardens’ Notes for December 2020:

    Well we finally managed to hold our AGM last month by using the Zoom

    platform on the internet and a summary is published elsewhere in

    Grapevine. Thank you to those who were eligible and able to join the

    meeting and ratify the elections. We were re-elected as Wardens and Iain

    and Anne were re-elected to serve for three more years but we now have

    two vacancies which we would love to fill. Please consider prayerfully if you are being called to fill

    one of these vacancies. You will be most welcome.

    Now ASV has some experience of Zoom (thank you Fiona for your technical expertise) we are in

    the early stages of considering "Virtual" services for our usual congregations. We will let you know

    further details by email if we have your contact details on our new membership list. This is the

    third month we have asked for your details to be sent to us or Chris Green to form a membership

    list for mailing purposes. Apart from replies from Council members there have only been 9 (nine)

    replies! Under the Data Protection legislation, this new membership list will be the only way we

    can legally contact you as by supplying the data you consent to such contact. So PLEASE, if you

    are a member of our congregations and have not sent in your name, address, email address and

    fixed and mobile phone numbers, now is the time to do so in order for us to keep you up to date.

    This is the December Grapevine so, as it is most unlikely we will be able to meet face-to-face

    before Christmas, may we wish you a healthy and joyous Christmas - the celebration of the birth

    of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

    Doug and David


    Page 6

    Date Salle Setup/

    Clearing away (Chris Green at PdS)

    Refreshments after the service

    (Jenny Wilkinson at PdS)

    6th December 2020

    All services have been cancelled until the Restrictions are lifted Please check with the Church Wardens or website for updates.

    13th December

    20th December

    24/25th December

    27th December

    3rd January 2021

  • Summary of Church Annual Meeting (AGM)

    Because of the restrictions imposed the COVID-19 pandemic, All Saints Vendée could only hold this year's AGM by using a Zoom platform on the internet. Advance warning was published in the October Grapevine and full details were given in the November Grapevine in a special "Important" box on the first page. The AGM was held on Thursday, 12th November 2020 and 21 people signed in to the meeting with 14 apologies for absence.

    - The meeting commenced with an Act of Worship which had been prepared by our Chaplain, Revd.Hazel Door.

    - The minutes of the 2019 AGM (held on 28th April 2019) were accepted, approved and will be signed at a later date.

    - David Martin and Doug Green had been correctly nominated and agreed to serve as Churchwardens and they were duly elected. They will sign their Declarations when we are able to meet.

    - Council Member elections. Anne Condie and Iain McGregor had come to the end of their terms of office but had agreed and been correctly nominated to continue. They were elected to commence new 3-year terms. Mike Mylod had previously indicated that he wished to resign his Council post and the meeting formally recorded a vote of thanks for Mike's work in the past. This leaves two vacancies on Council but no nominations had been received.

    - Archdeaconry Synod representatives. ASV are entitled to two lay representatives but only one nomination had been received. Martin Door was duly elected and there remains a vacancy.

    - Independent Examiner. Curtis Parkin had agreed to this post during the year, following a resignation, and this had been approved by Council. Curtis was thanked for his work and he had been nominated to continue - the AGM confirmed this appointment.

    - All of the reports, which had been received and circulated in advance of the meeting, were received and thanks offered to everyone who had worked for ASV during the year.

    - In her closing remarks, Hazel, our Chaplain, spoke of the difficulties we have all experienced in the last year due to the pandemic. We have put on hold the idea of re-starting physical services but with the Zoom platform the possibility of holding virtual services will be explored further.

    The meeting held a moment's silence to remember loved ones who have passed away and then the meeting closed with everyone saying together The Grace.

    Subsequent to the AGM, a Council meeting has been held and elections held to appoint officers. A full list of Council members is as follows.

    Revd. Hazel Door, Chaplain and President David Martin, Churchwarden and Lay Vice-Chairman Doug Green, Churchwarden Sally Pearson, Secretary Iain McGregor, Treasurer Anne Condie, (also Safeguarding Officer) Chris Green, (also Electoral Roll Officer) Geoff Kent Maggie Kent (also Sacristan) Fiona McGregor Vacancy Vacancy John Matthews, ex-officio, Lay Minister Martin Door, ex-officio, Archdeaconry Synod Representative.

    Page 7

  • Page 8


    December 2020 into January 2021

    With the closure of all our services until further notice, our Lectionary Readings are included so you can use them for your personal devotions

    If, and when, the Covid-19 Restrictions are lifted, please refer to the Church Wardens or website for service times.

    6th December 2nd Sunday of Advent Isaiah 40.1-11 2 Peter 3.8-15a Mark 1.1-8 Psalm 85.1-2,8-13 13th December 3rd Sunday of Advent Isaiah 61.1-4,8-11 1 Thessalonians 5.16-24 John 1.6-8,19-28 Psalm 126 or Canticle: Magnificat 20th December 4th Sunday of Advent 2 Samuel 7.1-11,16 Romans 16.25-27 Luke 1.26-38 Canticle: Magnificat or Psalm 89.1-4,19-26 24th December Christmas Eve 2 Samuel 7.1-5,8-11,16 Acts 13.16-26 Luke 1.67-79 Psalm 89.2,19-27

    25th December Christmas Day Isaiah 52.7-10 Hebrews 1.1-4[5-12] John 1.1-14 Psalm 98 27th December 1st Sunday of Christmas Isaiah 61.10 - 62.3 Galatians 4.4-7 Luke 2.15-21 Psalm 148 3rd January 2nd Sunday of Christmas Jeremiah 31.7-14 Ephesians 1.3-14 John 1.[1-9]10-18 Psalm 147.13-21

  • December 2020

    Page 9

    1st Tuesday 6th Sunday 10th Thursday 2.30pm Sewing Circle (Contact Joan Stewart) 13th Sunday 17th Thursday Ladies Circle (Contact Joan Stewart) 20th Sunday 24th Thursday Christmas Eve 25th Friday Christmas Day 26th Saturday Boxing Day 27th Sunday 31st Thursday New Year’s Eve

  • January 2021

    Please note: The Training Day for Emergency First Aid

    [Training to HSE standard, leading to a certificate valid for 3 years]

    Was Tuesday April 7th 2020

    Has now been postponed indefinitely.

    Page 10

    1st Friday 3rd Sunday 10th Sunday 17th Sunday

    24th Sunday 31st Sunday

  • Grapevine Treasurer’s report: October 2020:

    Income: 792.00 €

    Expenditure: 901.42 €

    The balance, therefore, is negative for the month: -109.42 €

    Overall, this year, we have been losing approximately 300 € per month, and we

    really need some more people to join the Planned Giving scheme, or to make a

    donation if they feel able.

    Keep healthy, keep isolated, and keep talking to each other!

    Iain McGregor


    through the Standing Order Scheme

    ADVANTAGES If you set up a standing order (virement) through your French bank, online, it is cost-free. If you need help doing this, please just ask me, or other council members. You stay in total control of what you give – the standing order (virement) can be changed at any time, but only by you! Only the treasurer knows how much you give per month. You know what you are giving, and exactly when the money comes out of your account, and so your budgeting is much easier. If you complete a French tax form, then you will get a rebate of 66% at the end of each financial year in which you have made a contribution. That means that a monthly virement of 30€ per month, will only cost you 10€ after tax. A monthly virement of 60€ will only cost you 20€ etc! If your French tax bill is small, then you will pay no tax at all.

    ASV can plan ahead much more effectively, as it knows what contributions are coming in, rather than guessing who is going be at church! If you would like to physically put something into the collection plate each service, then there should be small cards which you can collect on your way into church, which you can put into the collection plate as it is passed round. DISADVANTAGES:

    I can’t think of any, so why not come and join the party! British residents: If you do not have a French bank account, but would like to support the work of ASV on a regular basis, then please contact me, and I can help you. Please note, you cannot use tax-efficient giving in both France and the UK.

    Iain McGregor Treasurer, ASV

    [email protected] Page 11

    mailto:[email protected]

  • These are YOUR pages..... My thanks to all the Contributors of notices and articles for this

    month’s “Grapevine” “Hanging Hearts” and “Our Daily Bread” from Mair Pugh;

    “European Health Card” and “Carte de Sejour” urgent information from Doug G; Poem from Linda G; Polly’s Quiz results + A Geographical Challenge;

    “Books” and “Women’s Fellowship” from Marian; Restos de Coeur; Sunday School Project


    Thursday 10th December, 2.30pm Sewing Circle

    Thursday 17th December, 11am Ladies Circle Get ready for Christmas! Bring and share Christmas lunch

    For more information of get-togethers in December, please contact: Joan Stewart: [email protected] or phone: 02 51 00 34 70

    and in the New Year, please contact: Marian Rackham: [email protected]

    Page 12

    A very big “Thank You” goes to Joan Stewart for the years she has spent organising

    events and opening up her home for this very successful group of friends. She is

    passing on the mantle to Maggie Calton and me, when meetings can again resume. As

    Maggie declares that she is not a “sewer” we have decided to hold the craft meetings

    at her home whilst I will host the sewing sessions. I doubt if things will resume this year

    so please watch next year’s Grapevine for further details, by which time we hope the

    present Covid problems will have considerably reduced.

    God bless you all,

    Marian Rackham

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Mike Mylod is our link with

    Restos du Coeur

    He will continue to collect your gifts

    of dry goods, etc. which are

    particularly important now and

    which will be delivered to the local depot at Coulonges-sur-L’Autize.

    Please phone Mike before leaving goods with him

    at Mouilleron-en-Pareds: 02 51 51 07 36


    If you live in France, and currently have a EHIC card issued by the U.K. government,

    then you need a new card from JANUARY 2021. The following information has been

    shared by the RAFA Sud-Ouest.

    "You may not be aware but if you live in France and have a current EHIC issued by

    the UK Government, it has just been announced that you will need a new card valid

    from 1 January 2021. Unlike the old system you can order the new EHIC online. The

    new card will be valid for all EEA countries and Switzerland but not France for

    obvious reasons. Here is the link and good luck:


    Apply for a free European Health

    Insurance Card (EHIC) - NHS A European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) gives you the right to access state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in another EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland. On this page you can find out: if you're eligible to apply for a new UK EHIC valid from 1 January 2021 how to ...

    If the link does not work, just use your search engine to find EHIC

    applications. Chris and I have applied for ours online and it was, surprisingly, a

    very straightforward process.


    (Note: If needed, you can also apply for your EHIC over the phone,

    by calling the automated EHIC application service on 0044 300 3301350. Jacqui)

    Page 13

  • IMPORTANT NEWS about the Carte de Sejour

    If you are British and plan to continue to live in France then you MUST apply

    for a new "Titre de Sejour" and be issued with a new "Carte de Sejour" even if

    you hold an existing 10-year CDS. Not wishing to "re-invent the wheel" I have

    copied the information published in "Jubilate”, the magazine of the Chaplaincy

    of Christ the Good Shepherd, Poitou-Charentes.

    "We expect that by now you will all have heard that it is necessary for every

    Briton living in France to apply for a new Withdrawal Agreement (“Brexit”)

    Carte de Sejour if you are planning to continue living in France. This applies

    even if you hold an existing 10-year permission to stay. You must apply before

    30 June 2021, so that all the cards can be issued by the 1 October 2021 deadline.

    The French government have launched an on-line application process.

    The French government have advised that they are taking a sympathetic

    approach and this application process is rather simpler and less demanding than

    the one used previously. The process does vary depending on whether you

    already have an existing Carte de Sejour, current or lapsed, and how long you

    have been resident here (more or less than 5 years).

    For those with an existing Carte de Sejour all that is needed at this stage is a

    digital copy of that existing card and normal personal details.

    For others there is a requirement to provide evidence similar to before, for

    instance about period of residence, income and health cover, depending on

    circumstance but rather less demanding. BUT YOU MUST apply. The sooner

    the better. Don’t put it off!

    You can go about obtaining your residency permit by going to


    At the bottom of the first page, CLICK on the Blue (Brexit) Box which says

    “Accéder au service en ligne”

    At the bottom of the next page there is the opportunity to click on a Union Flag

    in order to get all the information, including the application form, in English.

    We hope that this does not prove too difficult for you all to do."

    Can I repeat , YOU MUST apply, don't put it off!!!


    Page 14

  • As Christmas approaches our thoughts

    turn to how blessed we are, even in this

    time of confinement and COVID-19. Now

    is the time to help others less fortunate.

    Over the past several years I have used

    Christmas as a time to fundraise for

    various UK based charities. Now back in

    France we have chosen to support the

    Resto Du Coeur this year, supporting

    some of the most needy families in our area.

    I make felt hanging hearts, all hand sewn, either with a Christmas theme or a variety of

    other embellishments in a variety of colours. They are perfect as a small gift for your

    neighbours or friends and are light to post to family in the UK too. Ideal for Christmas,

    birthdays, get well and even weddings.

    Size 8cm x 9cm, ribbon extra.

    Cost per heart is €2 each,

    Postage would in addition or we are happy to

    deliver depending how far from us you live!

    All money taken will go to Resto...via Mike Mylod who is ASV’s representative.

    My gift is my time and materials.

    Looking forward to hearing from you and getting your orders.

    Stay safe and keep well.

    A happy and peaceful Christmas to you all,

    love from

    Mair and John Pugh.

    Tel 0752672658 or email [email protected]

    Page 15

    Also, we have several ”Our Daily Bread” booklets left. If you know

    anyone who might like one... ask any friends... we are happy to drop

    them to you or we are happy to post them.

    Mair and John Pugh.

    Tel 0752672658 or email [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • BOOKS!

    As many will know Richard and I have run the book-exchange for many years, but the time has come for this to finish. I am intending to put the house on the market next year with a view to moving back to the bosom of the family if and when! Meanwhile I need a new

    home for all the books and a volunteer to take over the “exchange”

    Actually, there is no need to exchange as there are ample to take away! There are many boxes housing fictional paperbacks in alphabetical order by authors. What else does one do in “confinement”? Nigh on a thousand in all and also a small amount of hard backs.

    Is this something YOU can do for the Church? Just a matter of bringing one or two boxes along on Sundays when we resume services.


    [please contact: Marian Rackham: [email protected]]

    This from Facebook:

    Thank you, Doug, we all need the opportunity to

    Page 16

  • This from Linda Gorton (LCP)

    ”Refugees” by the internet poet Brian Bilston

    They have no need of our help

    So do not tell me

    These haggard faces could belong to you

    or me

    Should life have dealt a different hand

    We need to see them for who they

    really are

    Chancers and scroungers

    Layabouts and loungers

    With bombs up their sleeves

    Cut throats and thieves

    They are not

    Welcome here

    We should make them

    Go back to where they come from

    They cannot

    Share our food

    Share our homes

    Share our countries

    Instead let us

    Build a wall to keep them out

    It is not okay to say

    These are people just like us

    A place should only belong to those who

    are born there

    Do not be so stupid to think that

    The world can be looked at another way.

    ( Now read from bottom to top →)

    I thought this particularly relevant as we are refugees in France!

    Take care

    Love Linda

    Page 17

    The world can be looked at another way. Do not be so stupid to think that A place should only belong to those who are born there These are people just like us It is not okay to say Build a wall to keep them out Instead let us Share our countries Share our homes Share our food They cannot Go back to where they come from We should make them Welcome here They are not Cut throats and thieves With bombs up their sleeves Layabouts and loungers Chancers and scroungers We need to see them for who they really are Should life have dealt a different hand These haggard faces could belong to you or me So do not tell me They have no need of our help

  • This month’s puzzle from Polly is a

    Geographical Challenge We all know where to find the Caribbean – but how many of the islands can you identify? How about the following (which are all numbered on the accompanying map):

    Bahamas ….. Haiti ….. Barbados ….. Jamaica …..

    Cayman Islands ….. Puerto Rico ….. Cuba ….. Trinidad and Tobago …..

    Dominican Republic ….. Turks and Caicos …..





    2 3





    Page 18

  • N is for names!

    These are all popular songs which contain people's names

    Results of last month’s Singers’ Quizz

    1 Come on, ______ Eileen

    Dexy's Midnight Runners, 1982

    2 Good Golly, Miss _____Molly

    Little Richard, 1958

    3 _______ ________ Mrs Robinson

    Simon and Garfunkel, 1968

    4 My boy, ________ Lollipop

    Millie Small, 1964

    5 _________Billy don't be a hero

    Paper Lace, 1994

    6 _______ Vincent

    Don McLean, 1971

    7 Tell ________ Laura I love her

    Ray Peterson, 1961

    8 _________Sylvia's Mother

    Dr Hook and the Medicine Men, 1972

    9 _________ ________ Eleanor Rigby

    The Beatles, 1966

    10 ________ Delilah

    Tom Jones, 1969

    Stuart joins me in wishing you

    “All the Joys of this Christmas Season” however you manage to spend it, the message is the same.

    I hope you have enjoyed this edition of "Grapevine". My thanks to all the Contributors.

    I was hopeful last month but, maybe, just maybe this will be our final “Confinement” edition.

    Please consult the website for updates at

    Please send your items for the January edition to: Jacqui at: [email protected]

    before 15th December 2020

    Requests to be included on the emailing list should be addressed to: Jacqui Stainton-James at: [email protected]

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  • Sunday Club

    December 2020

    This week’s Bible activity:

    Read John 6:1-15 then fill in the gaps below.

    JESUS TAKES.........................................SMALL FISH

    AND FIVE.............................................FROM A YOUNG.......................................


    ...........................................WITH 12 FULL............................................................

    ..............................................................................................OF LEFTOVERS.










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