december 12, 1867.vol+23...der and other hi~orians can trust the states) mr yeral departme ts, and...


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Page 1: DECEMBER 12, 1867.Vol+23...der and other hi~orians can trust the States) Mr yeral Departme ts, and ordered print-~! ~eet~I~~e!e~n~~! ~~::lte!O ~~ scription of thirty dollars for each
Page 2: DECEMBER 12, 1867.Vol+23...der and other hi~orians can trust the States) Mr yeral Departme ts, and ordered print-~! ~eet~I~~e!e~n~~! ~~::lte!O ~~ scription of thirty dollars for each

time, wer~ all Je'i8."(i:Jl~utr:Qhl1r:cli~ estabhshed sf· ter'tbilt"'llieicC'rilp,~~e,d of !Jews and

to those and

Jilwis,h con­Hentife con­


DECEMBER 12, 1867.

towns or 'in t~;'!;;~~;!1ii~:: moirs of the .I!

of the ProIPb~i~~l~'I~~i~~',=I~: long as is st

four O'clock, when we left to take spring they Will meet them at tbe h cti· to t to Philadel proper place, Phil. Kearney. What "\iV:sshington seemed t e cars, expe ng ge - h will a h

one in my own phia that evenillg, which place we t ey 0 t en canno~be said J.llJ,ar'ted

er stops, the prelslaent pr~'tniilnc,es prOI~hets, I· sldm,onit,ion, and extlortsto me<lmit ....

in the house of reacbed at twelve o'clock. TIlE corner stonll of the Washing l'Solottled own people, while I have thus h tily sketched a few ton Monument wa~ a few days

nT,neir and praise But items, thinking they may interest a 0 ·th· . inel'em,oniies~ R tices, g, Wi Impre8~lve ,V

W~'V'l.I~"U so, he shall be , kingdom of heaven;

soe·"I>.,. shall do and teach' shall 1 be called great

kiillg!1om of heaven" de~ltlv' refi>M"'RiI to the .ueC!lI,ogtle

remark necessarily was in that code, as he ~X(leplt8

no.thinjg. Now he says, ")1V'hqlsoelver break one of these

day notwithstand- 80me of the read rs of t?e EC~RDEII, were ignorantly Cbief J nstice Chase, assisted in it as a Sabbath, have never seen the capital of officers unnecessarily ceremonies, first placed in the

11\"tne.1 emti.relv alone, in a our conntry W B GILurrrE ment, then, was the r most cavity of the stone la Bible, saying study, surrounded thing. The keepin,g of that it was the grea~ (lorper'stone of

why doe~ not tlhltoompol!ed his ex- and mounted orderlies at nel,a-qllllrt-'1 our religions hope and faith ~ he next 1.!~~E:1~!m~~~~:e~~;:~:~t:~~~ .. j dialogue with The proceedin s in Congress last ers wa~ abolished; the deposited a copy of the CoDstitution discnsses the question ~ E week, although 0 some extent form- Rebel Archives and th~ of the United States, whicb, he re-

NeW-Dian Halltof ng- 1 Exchange of Prisoners were marked, was the great corner-stone Mr. T next draws his critical pen 1 d th a'lccellspr of n~wland HilI, al and prepara ry, included severa fi d to th W De art • e an, e u' ~"" erre e ar P menl'> r - of Ollr political institutions,' and he

against Barllabas, 'Tho also beloDJ!te~rl had arrived in ashington. Among items of intere t an_d importance. lieving a large number of clerkBi &c.; placed it iII the receptacle to be in to the apostolic age. Because the religious the U nion-\oving, On MO!lday, th first ~ession of the accumulations of unnecessary' storee harmony with that greater collstiitn." nabas says, in his~Catholic hll' is making a sensation. It Fortieth Congre s was formally clos- were sold, and the storehouses no tion of religious liberty already de-chap. xv, "We ke p the eighth day while the most ed, and the sec nd sessIOn opened. longer rented; civil employees were posited. Senators Fre1ingbnysen

is well known, dispensed with wherever possible. and Wilson and others delivered ad- ,.u.wrm" as a J·oyful holy day on which day I f th clergy of England On Tuesday, t e Message of the In th W t I . t·ll r " popn ar 0 e e es arge expense IS B 1 ne- dresses. iSeveral life members, in-also Jesus arose' frbm the dead," he took a decided for tlie South President was resented, with the necessary, but the Pacific Railroad c)udIDg President Johnson and Chief pre~i0l!,' must be impeachedj Well, if Nean- and slavery accompanying ports from-the se- will reduge the cost and the number JllStice Chase, were made by a sub- st!1,rigtl!.aiid ~soln.t1on der and other hi~orians can trust the States) Mr yeral Departme ts, and ordered print- ~! ~eet~I~~e!e~n~~! ~~::lte!O ~~ scription of thirty dollars for each

so cau I IF' nd Todd" seems who were bold "'altritlts, raised their ed The Hous took final and de- Some one proposed to make I' f the organization of the Freedman'8 General Gra~t a hfe member,

to have confounded the allowed spu-' . t and advocated the cI·ded action up n the questions 0 B b h b ad VOICes agams Uleau, no-c ange as een m e subseribed five dollaJ8, when 'hilef]~;';riki,~.; rious work, entitled Barnabas' GOB- rights of the and the n'ecessi- impeachment an contract Jon of the cept [n reducing the number Chase claimed pel, with his genume Catholic Epis- tyof currency, as ·11 be seen, below. agents. The Freedmen are progress- snbscribing the tle. In short, friend f[' seems una- h' ·t· h h IlL. the Sen a''', a resolu'l·on ~ns 109 in educatf.on, mecha.nic and sixths for that purpose IS POSI Ion ome, e was re- "'I t ," ~ industry., claims of colored sol,dielrs ble to endnre, from I the New Testa- cClved at W"~~lipl,tonas a friend and reqUeSfing the President to _. ~ are being rapidly settled; A NEW WAY TO PAY THE PUBLIC

or from the el'l'ly Christian a brother was giv ,.11 the commnnicate to the Senate Copies of are beihg closed, and the 1 I ,..

'iWTitel's; any statclIlE'nts that look fa- papers, tbat he p _ tr_ tqe correspoll ""Ito -bot"f"AD the nOIl11031 dispenlss:an~·e:{s~~1~[!~:~~::;~i DEBT has ~en suggested bY the I'v()ra·blv upon the substitution of the day morning in capitol at eleven United States d the British Gov- ingtlie slCli: , d Boston Journal, which says, that ill Lord'sdayfortbetheocraticSabbath, o'clock. It a trial for me to ernment Abl waspassedtomake sarysupplieshas the city of New York a man was h .. f h d' . limited extent; fined ten dollaTs for qsing twenty t e emanCIpatIOn 0 ~ e Ivme mstl- forego the of hearing the five Judges of t e Supreme Court a ed ~n number and . h S I •

tution from its 10cal,lcivil, and cere- distinguished ; but havlDg en- quorum Mr dmund's bill, pledg- teachers~ 699 are oaths, the law lD t at tate assessmg monial bands, and its exaltation to gaged to the First Baptist ing the paym nt of Government white tl1e average the utterance lof an oath at fifty new historic and moral heights, and Church at the h I bonds in coin, as discussed at con- month by the cenbts k It is an Americanp pecl uliarlty

our, was comi 1 ~""'()')(); expenditures have to ac up a statement y anguage to a world-wide adaptation and com- pelled to I informed that he slderable lengt ,and refened to the the original estimates. whicb "savors more of strength than

of heaven," which he mand. preached a Finance Comm ttee. The Standing the report of the At!Jutant General he righteousness," as a deceased clergy-set up; and the fourth I only wonder If friend Todd, hav- from Gal. 5: Committees for he Fortieth Congress shows that oh the 30th Sept, ~8G7, !pan once mildly described words nu-ment IS one of them. "But !W~ln.,,_ mg, as he thinks, elb(twed back fore, in the were chosen motion to use the the aggregate strength of the army fit for polite ears In Massachusetts ever shall do and teaoh Luke, Paul, Jobn, Ignatius, Clement, hath made you term" honorable" before the names (officers and men) \f{lS 56,815; the the ~a~ prdovidehs that whfodeyer, ~av-

number of recruits, 34,191 ; aud de- anue at t e age 0 lSoretlOn, be called great in of Eusebius, Justin, and Barnabas, Will entangfed with of Senators, was discontinued There sertions, 13,608 At the date of the curses or swears, is liable heaven" He 8hall be "llIC[UIVI try his inky lance upon Ireneus, DlO- 1.ifter havmg was some debate on Mr. Sumner's last report, 11,043 volunteers still not exceeding five dollars, ed of God, bnt the other dis:bpnolreil nysns of Alexandria, Tertullian, Hlp- Baptist ()hl~rclh~ I was urged to go bill, passed at the last session, bnt remained in serVIce. That number nor less than one If this law should Christ, bemg diVIDe, was the polytus, Cyprian, VlCtoriue, Nova- and speak to inmates of tbe Fe- not signed by the President;, giving has been reduced, and now only 203 be enforced throughout the wholJ

that law, and he carne tlan, Basil, Chllysostum, Theophllus male Asylum tbree o'clock; and further secnritj to tbe black race, commissioned Officerstemain, and no country, 1'e might Improve the mor-T dAb • enhated men As to Ordnance, Gen. als of th~ community, and pay otl" Ceme·ter'v.

alld magmfy it, and thns of Antioch, heo oret, m rose, heariug that Hall was to he at a aud tbe bill was passed by 20 to 8 Grant thinks our altered Spriugfield the national debt in a very short as the standard of mo.ralitv Augustine, and all who have written colored near by at half past A resolution w,s adopted, requirin,g rifles equal to any of the new Euro- time. kingdom, and conformity to of early Chri~tiamty ~ D. my exercises at the the Secretary or the Treasury to re- peaI! armB'1 and recommendsdth2e~ re

b- A Tt'mE at-jan River, Mass, Dec.

Bet as the test of discipleshIp, _ W"TEUH, R I there, but found port to the Senate the amount and tentlOn; a so, our 13, 15 an O-mc ~ " 1 ., hOO h Th 5th, destroy the main building of condition upon whicb he UII,ml.lU every part I was cbaracl.E\r of thJ taxes levied and col- smoot re eavy guns. e con-

REPLY TO DENISON'S REPLY NO 2 I ditlOn df the Nrl2tary Acq.demy at ~he Globe int Worb, and dam-them It WIlS by this law -- . • sjl(lcelssfl~1 in gettmg up to the lected by the sevel al States from Na- West Point is favorably noticed, and aged propert to the extent of $100,-"'as conV'i.cted as a Binner °'llren~~e!n In the RECORDEII of Nov. 28th, Mr. could see the man t' 1 B kIth 't f' f .. b f ad ts ,. D. , IOna an s; I II so e amoun 0 an morease 0 tue num er Q c e 000 The Works contained six print-years afterwards By it he opl;ai[led Denison attempt~ to meet my reply of what he said honds deposited by them with the to 400 is recommended, by adding the knowledge of his sin to his statement, that the first Chrls- tbat large ~ompany ernment as secukty, the amount Or in- three at large to be appointed by the ing machines and a large , quantity of wa~ ever convicted and led to , .. 'IJ"u..... tians met on that day, &0. He admits AIrimlns one of the most terest paid thereon aunually in gold, President each year, and regarding printed goods unfinished The fire

d S bb h vacanCIes as existIDg in a Congres- was caused by the explosion of the anee by any other law Luke applie the term !to at instru*ve, practic:¥ sermons and the value thereof m legal ,tender sional dIstrict wben Its cadet euters ste:tm boiler The boller house was ner was ever forgiven oj; for a the seventh day So much, then, It would notes. The FinanceCommittee were the second year of the course l TM entirely demolished. The boiler was sm that did not involve the breach settled But what are we to think to any spjlakCT, in instructed to in~uire into the expedi- repons of the Fzve !J[llztary Command- thrown 200 yards distant Another of this law. And Panl tells that of him, and his inspiration, for so any cOll21·egati,bn. It showed man's ency of reportihg I> bill to authorize ers are also embodied in Gen. Grant's boiler was blown through a wall in

, If th th f M D b He highly commends the the main buljding, which is stone, i\ gospel faith does not ,,~u·~s e eory 0 r. . e proper mamhoQlI, and his ttue reI a- a new five per loao, redeemable IjU'!-IC;lOUIS and soldierly manner in two feet thick, mlikmg a breach of this law, but establishes it, the seventh day had ceased to tlOnshlp fellows an~ to his after twenty at the option of th~ir duties have been per- wide, the entire height of al >\ tbe gospel reoognizes its be the Sabbatb from the resnrrection God. the and payable in forty I", Two or three other P - d force, of Christ. And Luke, in numerous In the Mr. Hall hreached -ellrs--thelpril~pi:pal d' t t .. UUlJ""~ were blown into the ai~, de-' Ire, ope!,e on

, I' J' an meres pa:1- ,rO,ST OFFICE DEPAIlTllENT. upon the roof of thlll D ,Nov. 24th, • rehglOus t~::: The timJ is not far Ul~."U.t> from A D. forty-five to A. in the First Presbyterian 1 Church, able in gola--t\ilr the purpose of re- Gov."Raodall, the Postmaster smasbmg it of .the most.::-lmprIl8SIVeC'

the 1uestidn will not he bel;w~!en D fifty-five, called the seventh day Rev Dr GnrI1y's, but i~ wa, impos- tiring the Iiv,ert1I1'ellti{!s; also, to in- eral, reports that dunng the past bad tbe This ~emy was fonnded 8eve~th and the first day, bnt Qel;wElen the Sabbath. If it was not the Sab- sible for the people to be accommo quire into the of sU8pen~- years the Department hu paid when the entire waq by BlS~Op Seabory~nd has the seventb day and no bath, thau he deceived his readeTS dated, and hundreds' who were anx- ing the law under the transponation of our mails m ilames. BbereOnnso;r.mHa:~ wfloasnnsbu~lll?gat Ca'~n~liti(ln.

H d·d .... - D d th $150,000 to $200,000 a .,lear in • Christian world is rar-idly .cOl~itllg e 1 not say, a8 .au:. :,~ e ious to hear the man who Jv.d __ ~_ , ... which- the of the Treasul'1 OVCT its receipts to the British TOE EXPEDITION 'XO ABYS8IN[A. is $U,OO , hal. of whiiooll~~l~':I:r:X l' this; and the etl"ort!\belDg "Jewish Sabbath," or I'Je'l"~edl- tamealAmerican rigl'!ts,4t oontract the cnrren- ernment. This amoDnt we were'. .. ed byapupil'l! to .force submission to QU1"fI"'Y tion," but tile Sabbatll. Brotber, take sadly disappointed. He will to con- cy four millions per month. The compelled to pay, byl an old postal regarded: wItb much- enthUSiasm m I Prof. Bronson. hastening the time. For notice, that my reply to your position tinue his appointments in the dlffer- treaty recently! QOncluded with the treaty which expires 1/1 January next, India entire foree leaving In-b t th t tb. J et on the b h d · th . k and which the Pos,-nater-General dla of 12,000 etl"ective ecomes a political qU'lstlonl was, no a e ews m ent c urc es urmg e wee , so Danish Government for the purchase wu~

L~.Cl'~en1~h L b t th t L ,. In h II . h b d t d has refused to cOTltinu~ The 4000 Europ"~ns, be poht!cally and publicly di~cu!lseil, I.. day, u a u,.;e, an - t at a mig t e accommo a; e by the U nited ~tates of the Danish ..... . .., II h 7 d 1. tlSlDg of the department "_11'_ .... ___ or attendants and thefun~naqleness Of the spirea ,mlrter, ca s t e 88ventl' ay tl<O In the evenin,$, I heard inthe First West India lsI nds, was sent to tbe carrierB brought in two lines om~rtng occupie,1 by advocates of wiIl Sabbatll, in the years above indicated Baptist Church the "Rev. if. Hal- Senate, considered in executive ses- to take three mails per week a:ri~~~\e:ha~~~ri:ti~!,h!~~i v:; be expa'sed, !lnd then all for And- if so, as yon admit, then by lock, of Ottawa, ltansas, on-the .anb- sion, and referred to the Committee cents per letter-(instead of twelve camels, 1>c One of tbe it as a Christian institution what autbority is the term now ap- J' ect of "The West, its demands aDd on Foreign Relations cents, as charged by tlie Cunard Ime) i~~~~1:lci~;~;w!l1 be S1l}>phed with ele-

1 d difii tl ~ and newspapers and books at six .' ~ lJ'iIBlp-ts h· and tben the love~ of P Ie eren y its capabilities" He is fully west- In the House of cents per pound Gov Randall's re- . ~ for service m t e mountalDs, religion will begt·n to You say, ~.hat the Apostles "met ernized, and hig whole seems bill d b t f 14" port shows an unexpeuded balance of the artillery is of a hght-

h i: S bb h . h·' a was passe, y a vo e 0 a er a single gun bemg no fonndation, and search tor them on t elr a at s, m t Olr ~yn- to be identified with that flourishing against 20, exempting from Internal $700,000 available for the cm:relllt,1 more than a load for a mule. How-saith the Lord," by which agogues, juJt' as I have met and ad- and fast-growing country. If our Retenue tax a1 cotton grown after fiscal year, and estimates the it)lers weigh 200 pounds, mortars,

S bb t · " Th' d 6mency fo.. 1869 at $2,500,000 . . appeal to the public a a anaos IS oes kid-gloved, rattan-caned, patent- 1867. Four I the Kentucky mem- I I 150. A portable pontoon jtram 10

have all confidence in for not meet the case; for, unlIke Luke, leatber-booted, moustached young bers, Messrs feeck, Grover, THE PUBL~C LANDS sections can be taklln by five mules God' is ;n it, every J'ot 'and 01' yon apply the term Sabbath to an- men, who are loungtng about m the d K d . d I Tlie Secretary of the Interi01: says Not less than 24,000 of these'1ong-

.... k L k an nott, we e a mltte as t~at -during the last fiscal year the eared ammals are. being collected iu ; and It can nJmore be other day. But if, 11 e u e, In cities and· villages, seekIDg a posi- sentatives from that State. Mr. government disposed of 7,041,114 Iudia, Egypt, Spaiu and Syria

than God can. ne mill,!: speaking of these meetings With the tlOn, a clerkship, or some sedentary Golloday was ~I bsequently admitted acres of the publid lands. Nearly with the trntfi \ will Sabbatarians, you speak .of their be- business, living on t~e hard earnings as representati e of the Third Dis- two and a half million acres were 10- PRnl.NG AND FIGHTING -A Union mighty in the end than ing on the Sabbath, and of your meet- of an old father, or the last remalUS t t f K t k A I t· cated with college script one and Prayer .. ~ eeting, on behalf of the

. h Id S db· th riC 0 en c y. reso u Ion three qnarters million were taken for ru. world against him, for God mgs e on un ayas emg on e of a widowed mother's dowry, had wasadopted,in tructingtheWaysaud homesteads, one million acres of Abyssinian captives, was held recently him, and in him, and he first day of the tlJee7c, pray, brother, bel'n present, it did seem to me, Means commit e to IDquire into the swamp lands were approved to States, atEdinburgh The Re~ Dr. Charles ceed. Let us, then, stand 1 day would your readers fairly thllt they would feel like pUlling off expediency of issuing a 30-years 5 three quarters of a mUlion acres were h Bro~vIl" presided. Pra}er was otl"er-dignity of Christian you obser'llld' You are their coats and going to work at per cent. loan. A bill was otl"ered, Bold, and half a million each were ed up, first, that God would incline not be ashamed of the truth, wrong in saying that I have ad- once, that they might pay for their providing for ommon Schools l·n the taken on military warrants and grant- t1. b rt f th"· t I th ed to railways, roads and canals "e ea 0 e I<lUg 0 re ease e to snffer for it, and God mitted "two instances in: whicli own cigars, if not for the IlII\t b~eak- District of Col mbia. ThC! commit- The quantity disposed of this year ~aptives; secondly, for a blessing on

the first Christians met for worship fast they ate. Oh, what a OUTse is tee of Ways nd Means reported a exceeds that of last yellr by 2,411,- tlhe invading army; thiTdly, for the on the first day of the week. Have pride and indolence, to the young bill to preven Secretary McCulluch 800 aOTes The cash receipts thiS spiritual welfare the kIng and you any scriptural proof that "kurrake and poor year were $1,3(7,862, a sum greater kmgdQm and, fourthly, from contracti g the currency by re- that God and bless the

h k ~~~~inl~6by ring mea es no es. e Im- half a million dollars connse 8 an 0 e emera" lIleans first day of t e wee , nO' U·t d *t t t Th· I d f th

J It T peachment re on; was diicussed at t PATENTS. conSiderable length, and on Saturday F th fth S f DENISON'S REPLY TO TODD'S ARITH­

llllTIO. In the RECOIlDE:$ of Dec 5th, friend

T. attempts an answer to my Reply No.!. I am astonished that he can­not read and reckon correctly. He trips himself np, and does not know that he has fallen, TIet us read what he -admits- -;~d qu~tes . "The day fbiQ.llilioig after this (the PassoveT) would be Saturday (Sabbath 'to Jews) Fifty days from this would bring us to Sun­day" Now comeB bis arithmetic, thns, "Sabbath ,and Sabbatb are eight," &c. Hold! hold! 0, DO, friend.T.; not at aU. Please to

from "this. ~ 0u.&t reck­on the fifty days "frOT1llfllllot wiJIz, the Sabbath. Read again, (l.ev. 23: 15, 16,) "Count nnto you frfllTl tbe nlorrow after the Sabbath," &c, "ever. unto the morrow"after the SaMath,' "fifty days." N~end T, hold up your fingers, and let me count

" From "and "after" Satur­not Wltl. it; Sn~day and Sunday

are eight; Sunday fifteen; Sunday,' twenty-two; twen-ty-nine; Suuday,: ihirtY·-I! forty-three j Sooday, fifty. Where is the ",~orti~1J;ion DOW) Friend T., OWJIl,tlip tG'1H:o!les,lpElI)ple, ~r11o;c18dmthe and Luke, and Ols:hallil me. J am Ao?1rV·fnp'v. powers. Bot .-,'"~''' to see, that HI"". fl' ..... the moriOlIF 8.1t1n'tlle' Sl

r(\1m e: l"j)port 0 e ecretary 0 is sutr~ring from ill a square vJ?te ~was taken on the reso- the Interior" we learn that d~ring the LJJI"""~Il.; says th~t for years be Intion, "!that ndrew Johnson, Fres- year endmg Septembm: 30th, 1867 ident of the nited States, be im- there were 16,547 apphcations for has preached eight V ten times a peached 'for hi~h, crimes and misde- patents, and 11,655 were issued The week, besides isruing ilie weekly ser-

T receipts of the l"lnsion boreau were mon, editing the lnlllrazine, oversee-meanors" e vote stood 57 ayes $611 910 d h d' $ \ ~ , ,an t e expen Itures 553,- ing the ohurch, Buperintending the to 108 nays, IWhich eft"ectnally dis- 599 The entire balance in th~ Treas- college, di:ecting 'til, e orphanage,

question. The House ury: to the credit of tbe patent fund ~rt1i!~lfipalilsed; Dya vote of 138 to 37, is n9W $286.00i. - founding new chure\ lies, attending .. • committees, and a thousand otber

the bill reported by the Commit- things; ]Jut manT signs indicate, thilt tee ofl Ways imd Mean8, declaring THE nmw OOKmSION. tbere mQ.l!t he a pause;1 and be adds, >Dal, 11'000 and after its pasSage the w nAT I T II A SAC C 0 MCJ.> I. I S nED " I 'am not leu willing, but 1 am far

of I Secretary of the A correspondent of the Chicago les6 able, than I was to serve\1tbe church by preaching. '

Trjlasllll}'~ e any reduction in Tribune, who has been in attle~ola,n'ool 1 • __ ~ __ -+ __ _ tbe clUTenoy by retiring or canceling OIll the recent councils of the ~()ia~·

StateB notes, is supe.ded. Peace Commissioners with The Message of the l"resident will dian ChiefBi thus gives his e&tJ·ma·te found entire in our pll~. It is as to the result dr their labors :

havitlllt:l !!li'~~o~l8lt commented on in the pa- ~~.:;~t~\:a,did of this country and of J£u~)Jle.~ I '1

rellll~,I/I'tle London speaks ofit

Page 3: DECEMBER 12, 1867.Vol+23...der and other hi~orians can trust the States) Mr yeral Departme ts, and ordered print-~! ~eet~I~~e!e~n~~! ~~::lte!O ~~ scription of thirty dollars for each


S pa nts for the SABBATH RF.CORDER re

acknowledged from week 0 week n tbe p. per Persons send ng money the rccei of wb eb IS nol dnly acknowledged should gI\"c us early, not ce of the aml5S D ,.

bllBhed WEEKLY fit es oJear fTce of postage

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Page 4: DECEMBER 12, 1867.Vol+23...der and other hi~orians can trust the States) Mr yeral Departme ts, and ordered print-~! ~eet~I~~e!e~n~~! ~~::lte!O ~~ scription of thirty dollars for each