dec. at ocala, fla. new florida line · florida, to-wi-t: lots one and three of block one hundred...

NOTICE OF MASTER'S SALE Through Sleeper to St. Louis via r. c. & p. Take the YSTEBS1" FLr . Points Leave Jacksonville, 6:45 p.'m. PBHDu1) Leave Atlanta, 5 :3o a. m. Arrive St. Louis, 7 :i6 a. m) Schedule in effect Dec. 20, 1896 Arrival and Departure of Trains at Ocala, Fla. New Florida and Northern Air Line To Cure a Cold in One Day Take laxative Brorao Quinine Tab No 23, leaving Ocala at 1 :jo p. m.t is solid train, carrying Pullman Sleeping Car to St. Louis. ii Gainesville. Hizh ifprinirs and Montcomerv, connecting at Wavcros with Pullman AND FLORIDA TRUNK LINE Time Table in Effect Feb..!, 1897 lets. All druggists refund the Sleeping Car tor Macon, Atlanta, Chattanooga ar d Nashville, also connect at Waycross with Pullman sleeper for Richmond,- - Washington, Baltimoie, Philadelphia and New York. money if it fails to cure. 25c. illman ! i rain No 32, leaving ucala 1:55 a. m., via tjamesviiie ana High Smng. carries l' leering i,arinrougn to ivew 1 ciic without change via ivicnmond. Washington, Bait 1 moe. 3 'Philadelphia and isew ork. connecting at a?hin$rton with the Old Co'oniil Ei tor f rr j 33 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS M -- 5 M C Qk Q Ito ion with 'Hit ch-- n' of cars. No. 12 also connects at Wavcross with throucrh Wrinf rar NORTBEKN fOINTS. 1x1 M Cm v for St. Louis and for Cincinnati without change. Direct connection made at Montgomery for New Orleans, at Birmi gham for Memphis and at St. Louis for Kansas City, at Nash- ville direct connection with the Chicago Liiriled Vestibule solid through train vi the Evans-vill- e Koute. ooa; Lt... Jacksonville.. .Ar; 9 33op Creditors, Legatees, distributees and all persons having claims or demanas against the Estate of Thomas Playfair Lloyd deceased, must present them within two years. And all persons indebted to said deceased Estate must settle the same at ioiia'...... ?tP ivaoa; 9 ooa 4ooP 4 43p 055PH It 12 StSa 401 lv Yulee Ar 2 47P 0 9 -- UNDER AND LY VIRTUE OF A FINAL DECREE rerxer-e- d on the 31st day cf August, A. D. 1896, by the Honorable John D. Broome, judge of the Circuit court of the 7th judicial Circuit of Florida in and for Lake County in chancery, in a certain c:use therein pending, transferred frcm Marion County, in the Fifth Judicial Circuit of Fiorida,wherein Lewis Davis is complainant Thom- as R. Gary, ct al were defendants. I the undersigned special master named and appointed therein to execute said decree will, on, Mon- day the ist day of February A. D. 1897, between the hours cf 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. in front of the south door of the court he use in Ocalz, Marion Co, Fla., offer and expose for sale, and will sell at pubHc auc tion, for cash, to the highest and best bidder therefor, the mortgag It 25a 10SS i5PlAr....Fernanduia...Lv tt top 7 5iH 633W 70 .Everett Ar 9 oop, t o?p I09Pj 5P 9 35a, o35p 1037 7jop ...... ta iSp 12 a6D- - .... 13 runs wick ....Lv ARRIVG. 640a S ooa once. Henry b. Lloyd. January ist, 1897. Executor. P. O., Ocala, Fla. lop 44P 12 I0P II32P ...I 2 It lopj 2 11 top a ....savannah 43374 4SW Lv.... Savannah .... Ar II 22P Mrt 93 Daily arrive, :o5 P. from Gaines- - 49p!Ar.... Fairfax. S C.Lv m 23 4 cop 8 oup 9 3P 4 5a 3 ooa a I7 10 ooa 603a; 4 3 1 ara 2 ira a 199 53P NOTICE. ville. Live Oak, Waycross. bavannah. 3a Sta .. p ".Denmark, 5. "....Augusta, Ga..."1 Daily. i?:2j P. M., for Fitz- gerald, Trilr-y- . Lakeland, Tampa and U intermediate stations. Dailr, P.M.'or Lwburg. Fitzger- ald. 1 rilby. Lakeland, Tampa, Dartow 8 toil iuonrgnmery and all points north, east and west. This train caT es through Sleeper 620a 727a Creditors. Legatees, distributees and all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of Putnam P. Bishop, deceased, must present them 3SSa 44p ..toiumwa.5. C..- - 1247a N-J- . 35 520P andPur.ta Gorda mkinclose connection at Dailv arrives. P. M . from Tact- - i4opl ao$P n 139 5 50a sonviue. ral tka. Kockelks and all oop 105SP 9tja ..Ashe ville, K C.. ..Charlotte, NC" Saiisburrr. NC .Greensboro. N C. within two ,ears. Ana all rersons indebted to said decease?. Estate must settle. same at once. January 7th, 1897. L. Jesse P. Bishop, P. O.. Cltra, Ja. Executor. 515a 3 3$a 8 zop' 93M I0 44P intermediate stations. 1047a 05a a 9tp tra o5pi 740P 704a iSa 40a a 33 1 ixa 1 x lif) -- In Dauy 4:31 Pm from Gtinesville, Live uj Oak, Way rc. Montgomery, bavan- - -.- ..Danville, Va...' $Soa 640M 11 oop 6 ooai 1 5&a' a ooa 11 ana an point notn tne nortn. 005P I2 35P 4 oop 2 OTP ..Richmond, Va... ..Lynchburg, Va.. ..Charlottesvilla.. 3SSP 11 top 344 past anu west. 1 nis train carries tiuougn aieper 3 35a S5or 4?a JU 45 tSSal w korKto 1 anpa via Ucala. NOTICE OF MASTER'S SALE 940? M...s loJH o 42a 800a r eesburg daily ex Sunday, ur hustis. Umatilla, Ast.jr, 1 a.vrer and al stations on M.J.& L. K.K K.&t l""itzgerid for 15rooksville at Trilby daily forTa'jo Syings, D nedin,Clartersnd bt, Petersburg south, and Clermont, Oakland, an-fo- rd ard all st-tio- rs north, on S. U St. P. K. K. at Lakeland for Punta Gorda, Arcadi i, Bartow an.t all intern ed.ate strftions. and Tampa and Pert I at-ip- -. west, and all stations est to anford. Ma 73 Taily, i:?o P. M., for Gainesville, Lake Ult I 0 Oty, Live Cak. t??vannih and all fKi- - ts north, ta't. and v esf, ?lo con- nexion Via KocLelle for Talatka. Ja:l sonvilleand al'Hi termet'iate stations. No. ;8 canie through Sleeper from Port Tamra to it. Louis via Ocala. Gainesille, Montgomery and L. & N. IfA Q9 Uaily t amfrona Po't Tampa. Tarn 22P 5 cop 3fP II IS 94aa 720a 9 top iSp .. .Washington....4 M Baltimore M... Fruladelphia...-..- .. New York..... - Boston 10 15a 6tD lv vm pa. Lakeland. Punta Gorda, Uartow, Fitzgerald. Leeburgand all roints ii5P 2 s 6 23a 3 oop "43P 53P 12 lop 4 W 12 i$a Sop irom vuiiu inis tr in CAjnes through Sleeper 9 oop 9 ooa). ... run iimraio ftew vorK via ucala. FJa 72 Dailyi:i-p- . m.,from Leesbu g. Fitz- - llv I U ge-al- d, Ilro,kvillf, Tiilby. larpon . P'iKS, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, CINCINNATI AND JACKSONVILLE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that under and by virtue of a cer- tain final decree in cb2ncery, en- tered on the 22nd day of January, A. D., 1897, by the Hon. Wm. A. ed premises described in said finsl decree, lying and being in Marion County, Florida, tc-wi- r: Beginning HOLLY SPRINGS ROUTE To St. Louis, Chicago, Sioux City. iKeiana. iampa, rort l?mpa. and naily ex- cept Sundiy f cm Fus:R Umatilla. stor prd A. M., for Gainesville. Live Montgomery, Charles- - l 32 ok,Hvi iroin itaitow and Punta Oorda and all intennedi- - 'fi. x ,v.nicago, loiedo, Uleve-- j ?te .stations. Indiaxup 37 Dally LJL. at center of line dividing the Al- varez Grant east and west, and Daily arrives 11 A M.,excpt Sun- - . . t HI N44 Hocker, the judge of the Circuit-- f olis. 9 ooa it jacJtstaoriue an 00 aav 1 mm iiomosassa, urjstal and In- - 5$p 5 3a .Atlanta lv lermecuaie stations. 820a Daily arrives 1:25 P. M-- . from Juliette. 9 No 46 ti lop iaop 8 oop A 03p 6 ssp lr.... Jacksonville 9 o$p ar Everett. lv I 5$a ar Macon lv Newberry. Archer and intermediate 1037a 43 I 40a Ijcsp 8IJP 7 16a 11 15a 4 4 4SP s'atiows from north, and from ista- - Dirxnlcgham. ......... Holly Sprinffs st:us?: Chicago ....Dabccne . ..... .... Sioux City 9I2p 635P loasa 7 20a ocia tonnd?!! points north, east, and west. This train carries through bleper frm Port Tampa to New Vo k, via Ocala, Gainesville, Savannah and Charleston. Ma Mfl Djiy ,:5; m- - Fo -- helle. Palatka IiA I7U tPcksonv ille. and all ir.tern.eaite sta tions connecting at JacLsoLVille with all trains diverging. Na Q Daily departs, irfo P.M.. exrejt Sun- - T"0 day for Jul.ette snd intermediate sta- tions. flft AC Dily departs, 4:3? P. M. for Juliette. tO l'ort Tampa and ad poiuts south, and daily except bunday for Crystal ani Horr.osassa. 7 45P cnatta. City Inverness, and all stations 11 rop 4 jpa ar Atlanta. lv 4 4S,1t .Atlanta. lv irom tne south. 10 ?oo ar. ...Chattanooga. .. .lv 9P 12 10a uirnungitam.... ar1 3 ISP am ... . It Atlanta ar 4 4Sa I40P loaop .$P 10 $op jucHipnis.... Chattanooga. ... ar L Kansas Cut 5SP 7op'ar ..Cincinnati art 30a Nos. 16 and carry Cincinnati north and south, trience running south 315 yards, thence east 460 yards thence north 315 yards, thence west 460 yards to the point of beginning, containirg 30 acres of land more or less. Also.. Lot No 84 according to the survey and plat of the S. M. G. Gary's addi- tion to Ocala, being situate in the West half of the South-eas- t quar- ter of section 18, Township 15 South, Range 22 East: Also, that and Florida Limited Solid Vcsti- - AS HEVILLE ROUTE Through Pullman Stoppers betveea Jackson vill bulcd trains. Also the Cincinnati Sleeper via Asheville and the and Cincinnati. i Great- - West Coast Hotels. TstkJOnTlIfe.. Ar 6 5SP1L It 2P Lt Savannah .Ar Ar Columbia Ar connections tot Chicago and all western points. Pullman nassen- - 3S$a N THE at b part en burg Lt 4$a I4$P grers for Atlanta should take berths f ooa 45 1247m Stop 3 oop 2 05P if joa 8i$a '1SS Ax HendersonTiUe Lt Ar AshvlUd Lt Ar Het Springs .....Lt I40W 4 tip in the Kansas Citv sleeper, which KnorrUle Lv ptAr Ar. ....... .Lexington Lt certain tract described as com- mencing at the South-wes- t cornor of Mrs. Lucretia Pike's lot on does not move from Atlanta until Gam Ar ...CinfinTratl Lt LIME OF THE PLANT SYSTEM. OCALA HOUSE, Ocala, Fla. SEMINOLE, Winter Park, Fla HOTEL PUNTA GORDA, THE INN. Port Tamaa, Fla. Punta Gorda. Fla. KISSIMMEE, Kissimmee, Fla. BELLEVIEW, Bellair, Fla. THE TAMPA BAY HOTEL, Tampa, Florida, tSThe Inn and Ocala House csen all the year round. Court for Marion County, Florida, in a certain cause then ; pending in said court, wherein theFiorida Na- tional Building and Loan Associa- tion, for the use, etc., was com- plainant, and C. Canizares, et ux , et al., were defendants, the under- signed special' master in chancery, appointed in and by said final de- cree to execute the same, will offer for sale in front of the Court house door in Ocala, Marion Coun- ty, Florida, between the hours of 1 1 a.m. and 2 p.m., on Monday, the ist day of March, 1897, and will then and there sell to the highest bidder for cash the follow- ing described real property, situate, lying and being in Marion County, Florida, to-wi- t: Lots one and three of Block one hundred and fifty-fou- r, according to plat of west end Ocala, Florida, being a part of the northwest quarter of tje southeast quarter of section 13, in township 15, south, range 21, ess, or so much thereof as may be nec- essary to be sold to satisfy said final decree and costs and expenses ot sale. N. M. Allred, Special Master in Chancery. 8 and 18 I 9 Dally (Daily SOUTH AND WEST FLORIDA AND NEW OR LEAN ft 7 and 14 1 1 ted 10 Dally I Dally Fort King Avenue, in the city of Ocala, thence running north 231 feet, to Sol. Benjamin's lot, thence west along said lot, 75 feet, thence south 231 feet to Fort King Ave- - nue, tnence cast 75 teet to tne point of beginning-- , or so much thereof as may be necessary to PLANT STEAMSHIP LINE SEMI-WEEKL- Y SERVICE BETWEEN satisfy said decree and costs. PORT "TAMPA KEY WEST AND HAVANA. T. E. Biggs Special Master. 7 4alv Fernandina.. .an SaPt 9ooa;lr .Callahan ar 4i?P 9aop 9iSailr Jacaroarlle ar 735a 4 MP ioisp 94Uar Baldwin It 64Sa 337P 37P 10 53a SlpS S ira a 25P tiooaii2 .Waldo.. 440a soar aop Gaiaesrill j $ca 10 $ja ...... 63or Cedar Keys 630a ...... isssaiiim Hawthorne 350a 1099 3oa 12 40P ... Cltra. J oSa ti 51a 1 ifp Silver Springs uoip a3a 3P ...Ocala t4Si5Sa ............ Iiomosassa .. .... ...... ...... 3 37a 230P Wildwood MespioSSP Jara 3cip Lees burg to Job 10 22a 320P I,? 9 55P J$4 8osa 4 47P ..Orlando taop 83s...... ...... 11 20a 5 up Winter Park ta $jp 810a 4 44a 33P St. Catherine 10 $So 10 13a).... S 3 3r Lacoochee i33P 9aa S a?a 3 53P Dade City 1013P 037a 620a 44&P Plant City gop 848a 73ca 5 3-- P Tampa 8 oop 8 ooa t;o p 9 15a It Jacksonville 8 05a ti i$p "1!.! 7 3op ti 25a ar Lake City 6oja 1 oop S2opi2i3P Live Oak 5 24a 12 13p ...... 92SP 1 13P Madison 4 31a 11 07a ...... io3?p 235P Montieello 310a 940a iijop 330P Tallahassee 245a 900a 4 3P s,vQVBCt . ,4a S ISP River Junction 1 10a 11 oop Pensacfrla M 8 ojp ...... ...... 303a ...Mobile 430P 735a New Origans isosp Steamer Leaves Port Tampa 10 p. m. Mondays and Thursdays. Weekly Service Between p0RT TAMPA AND MOBILE. Steamer Leaves Port Tampa 10 p. m. Saturdays. Anderson & Hocker, Steamers leave Port Tampa dailv evcept Sunday at 733 a. m. ror St. Petersburg and aH Solicitors for Complainant. The above sale is postponed un rHiVxNV X JLAY VxC points. Ketunung arrive at Fort Tampa 5:33 p. m. Steaitrs run between Port Tampa and St. Petersburg every few hours daily except Sunday. til Monday, March 1, I897. , T. E. Biggs, ' Soecial Master. For further information and tickets, call on or address F. J. Huber, H. G. Haycraft, Ticket Agent, Trav. Pass. Agt., Ocala, Fla. Tampa, Fla. il. C. McFadden, F. M. Jolly, Aas't Gen. Pass. Ag't, Div. Pass. Ag't Savannah, Ga. Tampa, Fla. B. W. WRENN, Passenger Trapfic Manager. Savannah, Ga, BILL FOR DIVORCE. 3" Parlor cars on Nos. 9 and 10 between Jacksonville and Tampa In the Circuit Court, Tnfth Judi NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- - Land Office at Gainesville, Fla.. Jan. 15, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his chum, and that said proof will be raaae before Clerk Circuit Court at Ocala, Florida, on February 27, 1897, viz: Ben- jamin F. Freer of Moss Bluff, Fla.. Homestead 22297 for the S. E. quarter of S. w. quarter. S. ha'f of S. E. quarter Sec 22 and S. W. quarter of S. W. quarter Sec. 23 Tp. 16 S. R. 24 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Clarence J Smith, of Clarksville, Fla. William O. Nix of Moss Bluff, Fla Andrew J. Smith of 4 " Charles F. Waterman of Moss Bluff, Fla. J. M. BAKCO, Register. Sleeping Car Service. Nos. 3 1 and 32, New York and Florida Limited, solid vestibuled cial Circuit, Marion County, Florida In Chancery. train, very elegant, with compartment, observation, dintog and Pull- man sleepers between New York, Jacksonville and St. Augustine. Anna D. Nonan vs.-- Tames Tr I liaO fll Oris AST IBQAST BA1LVAV Nos. 35 and 30, iast mail, sleepers between New York and Jack Nonan Bill for Divorce. sonville, also carries the Cincinnati and Florida Limited via Everett, a solid vestibule train, and the Cincinnati sleeper via Ash evil le; also the Time Ynljle Itx direct: JPcU. S9 1897 St. Louis sleeper. Connection for Chicago at Cincinnati or Holly Southbound Read Down -- :o:- Northbound Read Up IT APPEARING BY AFFIDA-vi- t appended to the bill filed in the above stated cause that James T. Nonan is defendant therein Springs; only one change of sleeper. Connection for Kansas City at STATIONS 78 209 23 37 74 1 32 I 36 Holly Springs; only one change. Passengers for Atlanta proper 33 1 iSp 12 20 p 8 ioa'io $oa 6 4:P 7 3-- a! b 40a should take the St. Louts sleeper. Parlor cars on Nos. 9 and 10, be' 64SP 5 35P 5 asp iu 20a. 4 4cp 7 45i' 7 ooa 9 5oa an 1ri tween' Jacksonville and Tamp. Nos. 1 and 2, through Pullman sleep 63SP t t?n named is a non-reside- nt of the state of Florida and is a resident of the United States of America er between Jacksonville and New Orleans. t Dailvexcept Sun da v. II This train does not run Mondav SSundav II 05a II 23a 11 45a 1 55P 12 4op 5 25P . o isp . 3 20? . 7 0S? . 930a 9 55a 9 ooa 12 40P 8 10a 10 41a 10 51a and Monday only. Connections at Tampa for St, Petersburg RELIEF FOR WOMEN Avoid imitations. Get Caton's and save regrets. At druggists, or sent sealed $1. Our booklets 4 cents. CATON SPEC. CO., Boston, Mass. Sold by Wm. Anderson and Wright & Fraser 4 5P 4 43P 4 ijp Sosp 3 aop 7 0jp 3 09P 2S7P 2 46P 2 2jp and over the ?.ge of fctwenty-cn- e years; It is therefore ordered that 5 10a I2 4$P Manatee River and Key West and Havana steamers, bt earner "LLa- n- 4 40P 4 29P I OOP I 1 op atee" for all points on Manatee river. At Starke for LaCrocse. At said non-reside- nt defendant be Lv Jacksonville Ar Ar St. Augustine Lt Lv St. Augustine Ar Hastings East Palatka Ar talatka Lv Lv Palatka Ar Ar San Mateo Lv Lv San Mateo Ar Ormond Daytona Port Orange New Smyrna. Oak Hill Titusviile City Point Cocoa Kockledge Hotels .' Eau Ciallie Sarno Melbourne Koseland Sebastian St. Lucie Port Pierce I 32P Waldo, steamer for Melrose. Connects at Tallahassee for St liana 11 1 6a 12 cSp 4 07P 32ip 2 oip I 2jp Carrabelle and Apalachicola. At River Junction for Chattahoochee James Chace and he is hereby required to ap- pear to the bill of complaint filed I2 56p nver steamers. At Ocala for Komosa&sa. J. E. Chace ID. E- - S- - I2 49P I2 35P All baggage will be checked from Union Depot. Tickets still sold 2 3;P 12 55p 1 2jp entist. I 5&P in said cause on or before Monday, the 1st day cf March, A at the city ticket office, 202 Hogan street, as well as at the Union I 4Sp 1 3P 54a II 5ia II 442 II OSa it 01a 10 10a Office over First National Bant Depot ticket office. J. h- - Marshall, licket Agent, D., 1897. 10 05a 3oSP 12 23p 2 Oipj .. 2 35P .. 34P!-- . 35P 3 3opj.. 4 "p;.. 4 I3P !.. 4 20pj. . 4 59Pf. 53P 5 5P .. o cb, . . 635P.. 048P;.. 7ip .. 72iPi-- . 7 34PN. S Oipj.. S 1 op . . S 50pi .. S 25p!.. 8 3opj. . S35D .. FLA OCAIA. otherwise the allegations of said bill will be taken as confessed by said defendant. ...Lden ..Jensen N020S S?3P 3 50P 332P 3 oop 2 sbp 1 3op 202 West Hay bt, cor. Hogan, Jacksonville, Flo. R W. Campbell, Walter G. Coleman, Passenger Agent, General Traveling Agent, Jacksonville. N. S. Pennington, A. O. MacDonell, Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent John Dozier, Ticket Agent, Ocala Fla. j ooa o ooa 6 151 634a 7 02a S331 9 55a It is further ordered that this 9 32a 927a 9 19a 9C6a 845a lig 755a 7 45a ia 54P ii aoa ord-j- r be published once a week io 25a II 20a 4 45P 4 55P Stuart ..Alicia llobe Sound West Jupiter Kiviera Ar West Palm Beach Lv Koyal Poinciana Palm Iteach inn Lv Palm Beach Inn Ar Koyal Poinciana West Palm Beach Linton Fort Lauderdale Lemon City Ar Miami Lt 7 4oa 10 33a 10 23a IO 201 10 15a 11 10a for four consecutive weeks in the Ocala Evening Star, a newspaper 7 33a 5 oop 5 05P 5 top 5 2op 10 ooa 11 051 S45pj.-- 9 2ip;.. L. S. BLACK published in said county and state. This 30th day cf January, 12 440 o$a 9 4oa I 7iSa 7 3oa 720a 643a 5 53a a 5 ooa lOiip 10 57p 12, i3 and Jr9 City oVTaricet: j 2 4P j 4 25P I 4 45P 5 32a 8 ooa H 05p' I897. S. T. Sistrunk, 1 5 10a 720? Notice to the Public ! SAVE MONEY by purchasing your fresh meats, Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fish and Fresh Oysters at Stal Nc. 12, City Market. All kinds of market supplies at prices lower than the lowest. Give us a trial. G. S. WRIQHT. A. Ss W. Branch Trains 31, 32, 33 and 78 between Jacksonville and St. Augustine daily. (3 mum Trains 23, 36 and 3S between Jacksonville and Clerk Circuit Court, Marion County, Fia. James II. Hill, Solicitor for Complainant. St. Augustine daily except Sunday. I 1 STATION?. 2 i 4 10 o- - J LvNew SmyrnaAr I ijp 540? iiaSai Lake Helen i2 3cp 4 irp 11 2a I ...Orange City.... 12 9p t 3 3p II 59 1 Ar Orange City Jc. 12 i;p ' 3Ap . 3 J 2 300 2 i;o 3r-- 3 3''P Train 37 between Jacksonville and St. Augustine daily except Monday. Fresh and salt water fiih of all kinds received daily. Crystal Train 209 between Fort Fierce and Miami daily except Monday. All other trains south of St. Augustine daily River and Cedar Kev Oysters fresh daily at 25 cents per quart A Trains 37 and 3S are composed exclusively of Pullman cars. Butfet parlor car3 on trains 23, 35, 74 acd 7S. full stock of X-Tresl- x Meats of all kinds constantly on hand except Sunday. JJLso Heavy Groceries. Send me your X mas orders. The Elegant Stdewhcei Steamer City oflCeyWcst To cnnnintprl rrf 5prvirr p. fnll T.Mv Miami evrv Tue day, Thursday and Sttrrday; arrive Keywest same day. Leave Key west every Sunday, Wr.dcesday and Friday; arrive Miami same day. steamer Miini icello Stencils and Rubber Stamps. Those needing anything in the line of rubber stamps, steel stamps, brass stencils, check pro- tectors, notary seals and improved pocket stamp novelties will save We keep a fuU line cf fresh garden and flower seed3. Marti-oot'- s French Bakery. A full line cf new and second hand furniture cheap this week at Pittman & Ox's. Pete Mclntyre. wnts to see you at Pittman & Co.'s. He has a bargain for you. Engraving J. A. Mil's, the expert jeweler and only engra er in the city, next door to pojerTice, Wm. Gl L ES, Practical Carpenter & Undertaker OCALA. FLA. Steamship service between M?arni acd Nassau Proposed sailings: Feb. 15 to March 27 Leave Nassau Tuesdays,. Thursdays All kinds of second hand furniture bought.repaired, sold or exchanged, !. r . i . i t t : r n J monev bv writine tor mice ano March 30 to end of the season Leave Nassau Wednesdays and Saturdays. Leave Miami Tuesdays and Fridays. J 4 V M. particulars to John J. Webb, Fior Ail Kinas or wooa wonc maae io oraer. joDDirg oi au junos promptly executed. Shop in Biermann's block on Exposition St two doors from Dr. Lloyd's Drug Store, P, 0, Box 252 ida Stamp Novelty Co., Melrose, J. P. Beckwitii, J. D. Rahner, Traffic Manager. Ais't Gen Fass, Agcn JFla, d-tf-w-

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Page 1: Dec. at Ocala, Fla. New Florida Line · Florida, to-wi-t: Lots one and three of Block one hundred and fifty-fou-r, according to plat of west end Ocala, Florida, being a part of the

NOTICE OF MASTER'S SALEThrough Sleeper to St. Louis

via r. c. & p.Take


. PointsLeave Jacksonville, 6:45 p.'m. PBHDu1)Leave Atlanta, 5 :3o a. m.Arrive St. Louis, 7 :i6 a. m)

Schedule in effect Dec. 20, 1896Arrival and Departure of Trains at Ocala, Fla. New Florida and Northern Air Line

To Cure a Cold in One DayTake laxative Brorao Quinine Tab No 23, leaving Ocala at 1 :jo p. m.t is solid train, carrying Pullman Sleeping Car to St.

Louis. ii Gainesville. Hizh ifprinirs and Montcomerv, connecting at Wavcros with Pullman AND FLORIDA TRUNK LINETime Table in Effect Feb..!, 1897

lets. All druggists refund the Sleeping Car tor Macon, Atlanta, Chattanooga ar d Nashville, also connect at Waycrosswith Pullman sleeper for Richmond,- - Washington, Baltimoie, Philadelphia and New if it fails to cure. 25c. illman! i rain No 32, leaving ucala 1:55 a. m., via tjamesviiie ana High Smng. carries l'

leering i,arinrougn to ivew 1 ciic without change via ivicnmond. Washington, Bait 1 moe. 3'Philadelphia and isew ork. connecting at a?hin$rton with the Old Co'oniil Eitor frr j 33NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERSM -- 5 MC Qk Q

Ito ion with 'Hit ch-- n' of cars. No. 12 also connects at Wavcross with throucrh Wrinf rar NORTBEKN fOINTS. 1x1MCmvfor St. Louis and for Cincinnati without change. Direct connection made at Montgomery

for New Orleans, at Birmi gham for Memphis and at St. Louis for Kansas City, at Nash-ville direct connection with the Chicago Liiriled Vestibule solid through train vi the Evans-vill-e

Koute.ooa; Lt... Jacksonville.. .Ar; 933op

Creditors, Legatees, distributees and all personshaving claims or demanas against the Estate ofThomas Playfair Lloyd deceased, must presentthem within two years. And all persons indebtedto said deceased Estate must settle the same at

ioiia'......?tPivaoa;9 ooa

4ooP4 43p 055PH


StSa401 lv Yulee Ar 2 47P 0 9


on the 31st day cf August, A.D. 1896, by the Honorable John D.Broome, judge of the Circuitcourt of the 7th judicial Circuit ofFlorida in and for Lake Countyin chancery, in a certain c:usetherein pending, transferred frcmMarion County, in the FifthJudicial Circuit of Fiorida,whereinLewis Davis is complainant Thom-as R. Gary, ct al were defendants.I the undersigned special masternamed and appointed therein toexecute said decree will, on, Mon-

day the ist day of February A. D.1897, between the hours cf 11 a.m.and 2 p.m. in front of the southdoor of the court he use in Ocalz,Marion Co, Fla., offer and exposefor sale, and will sell at pubHc auction, for cash, to the highest andbest bidder therefor, the mortgag

It 25a10SSi5PlAr....Fernanduia...Lv tt top 7 5iH

633W 70.Everett Ar9 oop, t o?p I09Pj5P 9 35a,o35p 10377jop ......

ta iSp12 a6D- -

.... 13 runs wick ....LvARRIVG.640a

S ooa

once. Henry b. Lloyd.January ist, 1897. Executor.

P. O., Ocala, Fla.lop44P

12 I0PII32P

...I 2It lopj 211 top a

....savannah 433744SWLv.... Savannah .... Ar II 22PMrt 93 Daily arrive, :o5 P. from Gaines-- 49p!Ar.... Fairfax. S C.Lvm 23

4 cop8 oup9 3P

4 5a3 ooaa I7

10 ooa603a;4 3

1 ara2 ira

a 19953PNOTICE. ville. Live Oak, Waycross. bavannah. 3a

Sta ..p ".Denmark, 5."....Augusta, Ga..."1

Daily. i?:2j P. M., for Fitz-gerald, Trilr-y- . Lakeland, Tampa and

U intermediate stations.Dailr, P.M.'or Lwburg. Fitzger-ald. 1 rilby. Lakeland, Tampa, Dartow

8 toiliuonrgnmery and all points north,east and west. This train caT es through Sleeper 620a

727aCreditors. Legatees, distributees and all persons

having claims or demands against the Estate ofPutnam P. Bishop, deceased, must present them

3SSa 44p ..toiumwa.5. C..- - 1247aN-J- . 35 520PandPur.ta Gorda mkinclose connection at Dailv arrives. P. M . from Tact- - i4opl ao$Pn 139 5 50asonviue. ral tka. Kockelks and all oop 105SP 9tja..Ashe ville, K C....Charlotte, NC"Saiisburrr. NC.Greensboro. N C.

within two ,ears. Ana all rersons indebted tosaid decease?. Estate must settle. same at once.

January 7th, 1897. L. Jesse P. Bishop,P. O.. Cltra, Ja. Executor.

515a3 3$a

8 zop'93M

I0 44Pintermediate stations. 1047a 05a a9tp trao5pi 740P 704aiSa

40aa 331 ixa1 xlif) --In Dauy 4:31 Pm from Gtinesville, Liveuj Oak, Way rc. Montgomery, bavan- -

-.- ..Danville, Va...' $Soa640M11 oop6 ooai1 5&a'

a ooa11 ana an point notn tne nortn.005P

I2 35P4 oop2 OTP

..Richmond, Va...

..Lynchburg, Va..

..Charlottesvilla..3SSP 11 top 344past anu west. 1 nis train carries tiuougn aieper 3 35a S5or


tSSalw korKto 1 anpa via Ucala.NOTICE OF MASTER'S SALE 940? M...sloJHo 42a800a

r eesburg daily ex Sunday, ur hustis. Umatilla,Ast.jr, 1 a.vrer and al stations on M.J.& L. K.KK.&t l""itzgerid for 15rooksville at Trilby dailyforTa'jo Syings, D nedin,Clartersnd bt,Petersburg south, and Clermont, Oakland, an-fo- rd

ard all st-tio- rs north, on S. U St. P. K. Lakeland for Punta Gorda, Arcadi i, Bartow an.tall intern ed.ate strftions. and Tampa and PertI at-ip--. west, and all stations est to anford.Ma 73 Taily, i:?o P. M., for Gainesville, LakeUlt I 0 Oty, Live Cak. t??vannih and all

fKi- - ts north, ta't. and v esf, ?lo con-nexion Via KocLelle for Talatka. Ja:l sonvilleandal'Hi termet'iate stations. No. ;8 canie throughSleeper from Port Tamra to it. Louis via Ocala.Gainesille, Montgomery and L. & N.

IfA Q9 Uaily t amfrona Po't Tampa. Tarn22P5 cop


II IS94aa720a

9 topiSp

.. .Washington....4M BaltimoreM... Fruladelphia...-..- ..

New York.....- Boston

10 15a 6tDlv vm pa. Lakeland. Punta Gorda, Uartow,Fitzgerald. Leeburgand all roints

ii5P2 s6 23a3 oop

"43P 53P 12 lop 4 W12 i$aSopirom vuiiu inis tr in CAjnes through Sleeper 9 oop 9 ooa). iimraio ftew vorK via ucala.

FJa 72 Dailyi:i-p- . m.,from Leesbu g. Fitz- -llv I U ge-al- d, Ilro,kvillf, Tiilby. larpon

. P'iKS, Clearwater, St. Petersburg, CINCINNATI AND JACKSONVILLE

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENthat under and by virtue of a cer-

tain final decree in cb2ncery, en-

tered on the 22nd day of January,A. D., 1897, by the Hon. Wm. A.

ed premises described in said finsldecree, lying and being in MarionCounty, Florida, tc-wi- r: Beginning


To St. Louis, Chicago, Sioux City.iKeiana. iampa, rort l?mpa. and naily ex-cept Sundiy f cm Fus:R Umatilla. stor prdA. M., for Gainesville. Live

Montgomery, Charles- -l 32 ok,Hvi iroin itaitow and Punta Oorda and all intennedi- - 'fi. x ,v.nicago, loiedo, Uleve--j?te .stations.


Dally center of line dividing the Al-

varez Grant east and west, andDaily arrives 1 1 A M.,excpt Sun- - . . t HIN44Hocker, the judge of the Circuit-- f olis. 9 ooait jacJtstaoriue an00aav 1 mm iiomosassa, urjstal and In-- 5$p

5 3a .Atlanta lvlermecuaie stations.820aDaily arrives 1:25 P. M-- . from Juliette. 9No 46

ti lopiaop8 oopA 03p

6 ssp lr.... Jacksonville ....ar9 o$p ar Everett. lvI 5$a ar Macon lv

Newberry. Archer and intermediate 1037a 43I 40a

Ijcsp8IJP7 16a

11 15a


4 4SPs'atiows from north, and from ista--

Dirxnlcgham. .........Holly Sprinffsst:us?:

Chicago....Dabccne . ..... ....Sioux City


loasa7 20aocia

tonnd?!! points north, east, andwest. This train carries through bleper frmPort Tampa to New Vo k, via Ocala, Gainesville,Savannah and Charleston.Ma Mfl Djiy ,:5; m- - Fo -- helle. PalatkaIiA I7U tPcksonv ille. and all ir.tern.eaite stations connecting at JacLsoLVille with all trainsdiverging.

Na Q Daily departs, irfo P.M.. exrejt Sun- -T"0 day for Jul.ette snd intermediate sta-

tions.flft AC Dily departs, 4:3? P. M. for Juliette.

tO l'ort Tampa and ad poiuts south, anddaily except bunday for Crystal ani


7 45Pcnatta. City Inverness, and all stations 11 rop4 jpa ar Atlanta. lv4 4S,1t .Atlanta. lvirom tne south. 10 ?oo

ar. ...Chattanooga. . . .lv9P 12 10a uirnungitam.... ar1 3 ISPam ... .It Atlanta ar4 4SaI40Ploaop.$P

10 $op jucHipnis.... ........itChattanooga. ... ar L Kansas Cut5SP7op'ar ..Cincinnati art 30a

Nos. 16 and carry Cincinnati

north and south, trience runningsouth 315 yards, thence east 460yards thence north 315 yards,thence west 460 yards to the pointof beginning, containirg 30 acresof land more or less. Also.. LotNo 84 according to the survey andplat of the S. M. G. Gary's addi-

tion to Ocala, being situate in theWest half of the South-eas- t quar-ter of section 18, Township 15South, Range 22 East: Also, that

and Florida Limited Solid Vcsti- -AS HEVILLE ROUTE

Through Pullman Stoppers betveea Jacksonvillbulcd trains. Also the CincinnatiSleeper via Asheville and the and Cincinnati.i Great- - West Coast Hotels.

TstkJOnTlIfe.. Ar6 5SP1LIt 2P Lt Savannah .Ar

Ar Columbia Arconnections tot Chicago and allwestern points. Pullman nassen- -

3S$aN THE at b partenburg Lt4$aI4$Pgrers for Atlanta should take berths

f ooa45

1247mStop3 oop2 05P

if joa8i$a


Ax HendersonTiUe LtAr AshvlUd LtAr Het Springs .....LtI40W

4 tipin the Kansas Citv sleeper, which KnorrUle LvptArAr. ....... .Lexington Lt

certain tract described as com-

mencing at the South-wes- t cornorof Mrs. Lucretia Pike's lot on

does not move from Atlanta untilGam Ar ...CinfinTratl Lt


Punta Gorda. Fla. KISSIMMEE, Kissimmee, Fla.BELLEVIEW, Bellair, Fla.

THE TAMPA BAY HOTEL, Tampa, Florida,tSThe Inn and Ocala House csen all the year round.

Court for Marion County, Florida,in a certain cause then ; pending insaid court, wherein theFiorida Na-

tional Building and Loan Associa-tion, for the use, etc., was com-

plainant, and C. Canizares, et ux ,

et al., were defendants, the under-signed special' master in chancery,appointed in and by said final de-

cree to execute the same, will offerfor sale in front of the Courthouse door in Ocala, Marion Coun-ty, Florida, between the hours of1 1 a.m. and 2 p.m., onMonday, the ist day ofMarch, 1897,

and will then and there sell to thehighest bidder for cash the follow-

ing described real property, situate,lying and being in Marion County,Florida, to-wi- t: Lots one andthree of Block one hundred andfifty-fou- r, according to plat of westend Ocala, Florida, being a part ofthe northwest quarter of tjesoutheast quarter of section 13, intownship 15, south, range 21, ess,or so much thereof as may be nec-

essary to be sold to satisfy saidfinal decree and costs and expensesot sale. N. M. Allred,

Special Master in Chancery.

8 and 18 I 9Dally (Daily SOUTH AND WEST FLORIDA

AND NEW OR LEAN ft7 and 14 1 1 ted 10Dally I DallyFort King Avenue, in the city of

Ocala, thence running north 231feet, to Sol. Benjamin's lot, thencewest along said lot, 75 feet, thencesouth 231 feet to Fort King Ave- -

nue, tnence cast 75 teet to tnepoint of beginning-- , or so muchthereof as may be necessary to


satisfy said decree and costs. PORT "TAMPA KEY WEST AND HAVANA.T. E. BiggsSpecial Master.

7 4alv Fernandina.. .an SaPt9ooa;lr .Callahan ar 4i?P9aop 9iSailr Jacaroarlle ar 735a 4 MPioisp 94Uar Baldwin It 64Sa 337P37P 10 53a SlpS S ira a 25Ptiooaii2 .Waldo.. 440a soaraop Gaiaesrill j $ca 10 $ja ......

63or Cedar Keys 630a ......isssaiiim Hawthorne 350a 1099

3oa 12 40P ... Cltra. J oSa ti 51a1 ifp Silver Springs uoip

a3a 3P ...Ocala t4Si5Sa............ Iiomosassa .. .... ...... ......3 37a 230P Wildwood MespioSSPJara 3cip Leesburg to Job 10 22a

320P I,? 9 55P J$48osa 4 47P ..Orlando taop 83s............ 11 20a 5 up Winter Park ta $jp 810a4 44a 33P St. Catherine 10 $So 10 13a)....S 3 3r Lacoochee i33P 9aaS a?a 3 53P Dade City 1013P 037a620a 44&P Plant City gop 848a73ca 5 3-- P Tampa 8 oop 8 ooa

t;o p 9 15a It Jacksonville 8 05a ti i$p "1!.!7 3op ti 25a ar Lake City 6oja 1 oopS2opi2i3P Live Oak 5 24a 12 13p ......92SP 1 13P Madison 4 31a 11 07a ......

io3?p 235P Montieello 310a 940aiijop 330P Tallahassee 245a 900a

4 3P s,vQVBCt . ,4aS ISP River Junction 1 10a

11 oop Pensacfrla M 8 ojp ...... ......303a ...Mobile 430P735a New Origans isosp

Steamer Leaves Port Tampa 10 p. m. Mondays and Thursdays.

Weekly Service Between p0RT TAMPA AND MOBILE.Steamer Leaves Port Tampa 10 p. m. Saturdays.Anderson & Hocker,

Steamers leave Port Tampa dailv evcept Sunday at 733 a. m. ror St. Petersburg and aHSolicitors for Complainant.The above sale is postponed un rHiVxNV X JLAY VxC points. Ketunung arrive at Fort Tampa 5:33 p. m.

Steaitrs run between Port Tampa and St. Petersburg every few hours daily except Sunday.til Monday, March 1, I897.

, T. E. Biggs,' Soecial Master.

For further information and tickets, call on or addressF. J. Huber, H. G. Haycraft,

Ticket Agent, Trav. Pass. Agt.,Ocala, Fla. Tampa, Fla.

il. C. McFadden, F. M. Jolly,Aas't Gen. Pass. Ag't, Div. Pass. Ag't

Savannah, Ga. Tampa, Fla.B. W. WRENN, Passenger Trapfic Manager. Savannah, Ga,

BILL FOR DIVORCE.3" Parlor cars on Nos. 9 and 10 between Jacksonville and Tampa

In the Circuit Court, Tnfth Judi


Land Office at Gainesville, Fla.. Jan. 15, 1897.Notice is hereby given that the following named

settler has filed notice of his intention to makefinal proof in support of his chum, and that saidproof will be raaae before Clerk Circuit Court atOcala, Florida, on February 27, 1897, viz: Ben-jamin F. Freer of Moss Bluff, Fla.. Homestead22297 for the S. E. quarter of S. w. quarter. S.ha'f of S. E. quarter Sec 22 and S. W. quarter ofS. W. quarter Sec. 23 Tp. 16 S. R. 24 E.

He names the following witnesses to prove hiscontinuous residence upon and cultivation of,said land, viz:Clarence J Smith, of Clarksville, Fla.William O. Nix of Moss Bluff, FlaAndrew J. Smith of 4 "Charles F. Waterman of Moss Bluff, Fla.

J. M. BAKCO, Register.

Sleeping Car Service.Nos. 3 1 and 32, New York and Florida Limited, solid vestibuledcial Circuit, Marion County,

Florida In Chancery. train, very elegant, with compartment, observation, dintog and Pull-man sleepers between New York, Jacksonville and St. Augustine.Anna D. Nonan vs.-- Tames Tr I liaO fll Oris AST IBQAST BA1LVAV Nos. 35 and 30, iast mail, sleepers between New York and JackNonan Bill for Divorce.sonville, also carries the Cincinnati and Florida Limited via Everett, asolid vestibule train, and the Cincinnati sleeper via Ash evil le; also theTime Ynljle Itx direct: JPcU. S9 1897St. Louis sleeper. Connection for Chicago at Cincinnati or HollySouthbound Read Down -- :o:- Northbound Read Up

IT APPEARING BY AFFIDA-vi- tappended to the bill filed in

the above stated cause that JamesT. Nonan is defendant therein

Springs; only one change of sleeper. Connection for Kansas City atSTATIONS 7820923 37 74 1 32 I 36Holly Springs; only one change. Passengers for Atlanta proper33

1 iSp12 20 p

8 ioa'io $oa6 4:P7 3-- a!

b 40a should take the St. Louts sleeper. Parlor cars on Nos. 9 and 10, be'64SP5 35P5 asp

iu 20a. 4 4cp 7 45i' 7 ooa 9 5oaan 1ri tween' Jacksonville and Tamp. Nos. 1 and 2, through Pullman sleep63SP

t t?n

named is a non-reside- nt of thestate of Florida and is a residentof the United States of America

er between Jacksonville and New Orleans.tDailvexcept Sundav. II This train does not run Mondav SSundav

II 05aII 23a11 45a1 55P12 4op

5 25P .

o isp .

3 20? .

7 0S? .

930a9 55a9 ooa

12 40P8 10a

10 41a10 51a

and Monday only. Connections at Tampa for St, PetersburgRELIEF FOR WOMEN

Avoid imitations. Get Caton's and save regrets.At druggists, or sent sealed $1. Our booklets 4cents. CATON SPEC. CO., Boston, Mass.

Sold by Wm. Anderson and Wright & Fraser

4 5P4 43P4 ijpSosp3 aop7 0jp3 09P2S7P2 46P2 2jp

and over the ?.ge of fctwenty-cn- e

years; It is therefore ordered that5 10a

I2 4$P Manatee River and Key West and Havana steamers, btearner "LLa-n-4 40P4 29PI OOP

I 1 op atee" for all points on Manatee river. At Starke for LaCrocse. Atsaid non-reside- nt defendant be

Lv Jacksonville ArAr St. Augustine LtLv St. Augustine Ar

HastingsEast Palatka

Ar talatka LvLv Palatka ArAr San Mateo LvLv San Mateo Ar


Port OrangeNew Smyrna.

Oak HillTitusviileCity Point

CocoaKockledge Hotels

.' Eau CiallieSarno

MelbourneKoselandSebastianSt. Lucie

Port Pierce

I 32P Waldo, steamer for Melrose. Connects at Tallahassee for St liana11 1 6a

12 cSp

4 07P

32ip2 oipI 2jp Carrabelle and Apalachicola. At River Junction for ChattahoocheeJames Chace and he is hereby required to ap-

pear to the bill of complaint filed I2 56p nver steamers. At Ocala for Komosa&sa.J. E. Chace

ID. E- - S- -

I2 49PI2 35P All baggage will be checked from Union Depot. Tickets still sold2 3;P12 55p

1 2jpentist. I 5&Pin said cause on or beforeMonday, the 1st day cf March, A at the city ticket office, 202 Hogan street, as well as at the Union

I 4Sp1 3P54a

II 5iaII 442II OSait 01a10 10a

Office over First National Bant Depot ticket office. J. h-- Marshall, licket Agent,D., 1897.

10 05a3oSP 12 23p

2 Oipj ..2 35P ..34P!-- .

35P3 3opj..4 "p;..4 I3P !..4 20pj. .4 59Pf.53P5 5P ..o cb, . .

635P..048P;..7ip ..72iPi-- .7 34PN.S Oipj..S 1 op . .S 50pi ..S 25p!..8 3opj. .S35D ..

FLAOCAIA.otherwise the allegations of saidbill will be taken as confessed bysaid defendant.




S?3P3 50P332P3 oop2 sbp1 3op

202 West Hay bt, cor. Hogan, Jacksonville, Flo.R W. Campbell, Walter G. Coleman,

Passenger Agent, General Traveling Agent, Jacksonville.N. S. Pennington, A. O. MacDonell,

Traffic Manager. General Passenger AgentJohn Dozier, Ticket Agent, Ocala Fla.

j ooao ooa6 151634a7 02aS3319 55a

It is further ordered that this

9 32a927a9 19a9C6a845alig755a7 45a

ia 54Pii aoaord-j- r be published once a week

io 25a II 20a4 45P4 55P


llobe SoundWest Jupiter

KivieraAr West Palm Beach Lv

Koyal PoincianaPalm Iteach inn

Lv Palm Beach Inn ArKoyal Poinciana

West Palm BeachLinton

Fort LauderdaleLemon City

Ar Miami Lt

7 4oa

10 33a10 23aIO 20110 15a11 10a

for four consecutive weeks in theOcala Evening Star, a newspaper 7 33a

5 oop5 05P5 top5 2op 10 ooa11 051S45pj.-- 9

2ip;.. L. S. BLACKpublished in said county andstate. This 30th day cf January,

12 440o$a

9 4oaI 7iSa

7 3oa720a643a5 53a


5 ooa

lOiip10 57p

12, i3 and Jr9City oVTaricet:

j 2 4Pj 4 25PI 4 45P

5 32a8 ooaH 05p'I897. S. T. Sistrunk, 1 5 10a720?

Notice to the Public !

SAVE MONEYby purchasing your fresh meats,Beef, Pork, Sausage, Fish andFresh Oysters at Stal Nc. 12, City

Market.All kinds of market supplies at

prices lower than the lowest.

Give us a trial.


A. Ss W. Branch Trains 31, 32, 33 and 78 between Jacksonvilleand St. Augustine daily.

(3 mumTrains 23, 36 and 3S between Jacksonville and

Clerk Circuit Court, MarionCounty, Fia.

James II. Hill,Solicitor for Complainant.

St. Augustine daily except Sunday.I 1 STATION?. 2 i 4

10 o- -J LvNew SmyrnaAr I ijp 540?

iiaSai Lake Helen i2 3cp 4 irp11 2a I ...Orange City.... 12 9p t 3 3pII 59 1 Ar Orange City Jc. 12 i;p ' 3Ap

. 3 J2 3002 i;o3r--3 3''P

Train 37 between Jacksonville and St. Augustinedaily except Monday.

Fresh and salt water fiih of all kinds received daily. CrystalTrain 209 between Fort Fierce and Miami dailyexcept Monday.

All other trains south of St. Augustine daily River and Cedar Kev Oysters fresh daily at 25 cents per quart ATrains 37 and 3S are composed exclusively ofPullman cars.

Butfet parlor car3 on trains 23, 35, 74 acd 7S. full stock of X-Tresl-x Meats of all kinds constantly on handexcept Sunday.

JJLso Heavy Groceries.Send me your X mas orders.The Elegant Stdewhcei Steamer

City oflCeyWcstTo cnnnintprl rrf 5prvirr p. fnll T.Mv Miami evrv Tueday, Thursday and Sttrrday; arrive Keywest same day. LeaveKey west every Sunday, Wr.dcesday and Friday; arrive Miami same day.

steamer Miini icello

Stencils and Rubber Stamps.

Those needing anything in theline of rubber stamps, steelstamps, brass stencils, check pro-

tectors, notary seals and improvedpocket stamp novelties will save

We keep a fuU line cf freshgarden and flower seed3. Marti-oot'- s

French Bakery.

A full line cf new and secondhand furniture cheap this week atPittman & Ox's.

Pete Mclntyre. wnts to seeyou at Pittman & Co.'s. He hasa bargain for you.


J. A. Mil's, the expert jewelerand only engra er in the city, nextdoor to pojerTice,

Wm. Gl L ES,Practical Carpenter & Undertaker

OCALA. FLA.Steamship service between M?arni acd Nassau Proposed

sailings: Feb. 15 to March 27 Leave Nassau Tuesdays,. ThursdaysAll kinds of second hand furniture bought.repaired, sold or exchanged,

!. r . i . i t t : r n Jmonev bv writine tor mice ano March 30 to end of the season Leave Nassau Wednesdays andSaturdays. Leave Miami Tuesdays and Fridays.

J 4 V M.

particulars to John J. Webb, FiorAil Kinas or wooa wonc maae io oraer. joDDirg oi au junos

promptly executed. Shop in Biermann's block onExposition St two doors from Dr. Lloyd's

Drug Store, P, 0, Box 252ida Stamp Novelty Co., Melrose, J. P. Beckwitii, J. D. Rahner,

Traffic Manager. Ais't Gen Fass, AgcnJFla, d-tf-w-