dec 2014 edition of whispering soul newsletter

FEATURED IN THIS ISSUE Within you and without you 2 More than words 3 Words of wisdom 4 Spiritual books 5 Letting go of the past 6 Food for thought 9 Laura Bates 10 NLP Practitioner 2015 11 Wise Words 12 Skype Me 13 July 2014 The Whispering Soul Dec 2014 Sometimes, when things seem to be falling apart, they may actually be falling into place. The more you can adapt to the situations in life, the more powerful your highs will be, and the more quickly you’ll be able to bounce back from the lows in your life. As long as you are worried about what others think of you, you are owned by them. Only when you require no approval from outside your- self, can you own yourself. Henry Ford once said, “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small pieces.” Thoughts on Personal Development

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Within you and without you


More than words 3

Words of wisdom 4

Spiritual books 5

Letting go of the past


Food for thought 9

Laura Bates 10

NLP Practitioner

2015 11

Wise Words 12

Skype Me 13

July 2014

The Whisper ing Soul Dec 2014

Sometimes, when things seem to be falling apart, they may actually

be falling into place.

The more you can adapt to the situations in life, the more powerful

your highs will be, and the more quickly you’ll be able to bounce back

from the lows in your life.

As long as you are worried about what others think of you, you are

owned by them. Only when you require no approval from outside your-

self, can you own yourself.

Henry Ford once said, “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into

small pieces.”

Thoughts on



Page 2: Dec 2014 edition of whispering soul newsletter


Within You and Without You

Page 2

George Harrison once said

that reality is a great big illu-

sion. You automatically suc-

cumb to the illusion that 'you

are the body that you’re in',

but that’s not really what’s

going on. He believed that we

are eternal beings, who are

at this moment in time, present in a particular body, a

body which keeps changing. It was once a baby and

then a teenager, but will soon be old and then no


So, the physical body will pass, but it’s that bit in the

middle, between our birth and our death, that’s the

only true reality. The rest is illusion, so why live in

darkness all your life?

He wondered, why any of us would choose to live our

lives in darkness; why, if we are unhappy, or having a

miserable time, would we not choose to look for the

light instead. We may not know it, but the light is with-

in us ….that’s the big message.

We all have the option of realising that everything in

our life is happening to us, whether we choose to get

involved, or not. There is nothing we HAVE to do, how-

ever, should we choose to take control, then there is

almost nothing we cannot do.

Three simple words can be used to describe life

~ It Goes On!

So why not choose to do all that you can do with what-

ever you have, in the time that you have, in the place

where you are right now.

There is no end in your life. It flows on within you with-

out you.


Dec 2014

We were talking-about the space between us all

And the people-who hide themselves behind a wall

of illusion

Never glimpse the truth-then it's far too late-when

they pass away.

We were talking-about the love we all could share-

when we find it

To try our best to hold it there-with our love

With our love-we could save the world-if they only


Try to realize it's all within yourself

No-one else can make you change

And to see you're really only very small,

And life flows on within you and without you.

We were talking-about the love that's gone so cold

and the people,

Who gain the world and lose their soul-

They don't know-they can't see-are you one of


When you've seen beyond yourself-then you may

find, peace of mind, Is waiting there-

And the time will come when you see

we're all one, and life flows on within you and

without you

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Page 3 T H E W H I S P E R I N G S O U L

A Human Approach to World Peace

When we rise in the morning and listen to the radio or

read the newspaper, we are confronted with the same

sad news: violence, crime, wars, and disasters, some-

where in the world.

There is no doubt about the increase in our material

progress and technology, but somehow this is not suf-

ficient, as we have not yet succeeded in bringing

about peace and happiness or in overcoming suffer-


We can only conclude that there must be something

seriously wrong with our progress and development,

and if we do not check it in time there could be disas-

trous consequences for the future of humanity.

I speak simply as a human being, as an upholder of

the humanitarian values that are the bedrock not only

of Mahayana Buddhism but of all the great world reli-

gions. From this perspective I share with you my per-

sonal outlook - that:

Universal humanitarianism is essential to solve global


Compassion is the pillar of world peace;

All world religions are already for world peace in this

way, as are all humanitarians of whatever ideology;

Each individual has a universal responsibility to shape

institutions to serve human needs.

It is my firm belief that in order to solve human prob-

lems in all their dimensions, we must combine and

harmonize economic development with spiritual


If you want others to be happy, practice compassion.

If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

~ The 14th Dali Lama

No matter what is going on

Never give up

Develop the heart

Too much energy in your country

Is spent developing the mind

Instead of the heart

Be compassionate

Not just to your friends

But to everyone

Be compassionate

Work for peace

In your heart and in the world

Work for peace

And I say again

Never give up

No matter what is going on around you

A Message from the Dalai Lama

Dec 2014

Never Give Up

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Page 4 T H E W H I S P E R I N G S O U L

Dec 2014

William Ford Gibson (born March 17, 1948) is an American-Canadian speculative fiction novelist who

coined the term “cyberspace”. In envisaging cyberspace, Gibson created an iconography for the infor-

mation age before the ubiquity of the Internet in the 1990s. He is also credited with predicting the rise

of reality television and with establishing the conceptual foundations for the rapid growth of virtual en-

vironments such as video games and the World Wide Web.

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Page 5 T H E W H I S P E R I N G S O U L

In The Way of the Peaceful Warrior, author Dan Mill-

man shares the story of finding a peaceful yet pow-

erful way through life through an autobiographical

yet parable filled journey through success, failure

and hardship and the meeting of the mysterious

guru ‘Socrates’ that workd at his local gas station.

The ensuing story is one that shows how we can tri-

umph over adversity in the absence of the usual

competitive mindset that most of us have defaulted

to and how when we work WITH our gifts and WITH

our real selves (that are always with us even when

we forget) that we have powers available to us that

are beyond any that we could ever have imagined.

A great story full of great lessons and one that will

affect you at a level that speaks straight to the very

deepest part of who you are.

This Awakening Book found it's way to over 135

countries by word of mouth before it ever went to

bookstores. People usually read it six or more times,

getting more elevation and expansion each time. It's

become a classic because it allows people to finally

have what they've been seeking--the actual experi-

ence of spiritual enlightenment.

This book initiates spiritual awakening rather than

just talking about it.

Things Are Going Great In My Absence bursts a lot of

New Age spiritual myths, so don't expect it to parrot

everything else you've read or heard about spiritual

awakening and spiritual growth--expect it to be radi-

cally different in may ways. It is effective. Get ready

to be challenged to drop tons of metaphysical bag-

gage, misinformation, and spiritual myths like kar-

ma, learning lessons, finding your purpose (you'll

love the answer to this

one) and "improving

yourself." Lola won't

waste your time with


Things are Going Great in my Absence

Lola Jones

Dec 2014

The Way of The Peacefu l Warr ior

Dan Milman

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Page 6 T H E W H I S P E R I N G S O U L

Dec 2014

Letting Go of The Past …...but how?

Whether we like it or not, all of our behaviours are based on something

that we have previously learned, which means that our past, is a big part

of ‘who we are’ and for that reason it has a great influence on the choices

we make. Many of the decisions we make are based on recalling what did

or did not work in the past. You are only able to do what you can now be-

cause of what you learned. You are using the past effectively when you

take what we’ve learned and use it to make good decisions. However,

problems arise when you start behaving ineffectively because you think,

“this is the way it has always been.” problems arise. While old lessons

may be useful, they may also have the ability to stifle your progress and growth. It’s up to you to determine

their relevancy.

If you accept that the concept of ‘letting go’ is a valid ideal, then the obvious question is how do you know what

needs to be left behind?

There are several dynamics that come into play here and I believe that it is

worthwhile taking a look at your own life to see if they might apply.

Mismatching Patterns

Every emotional experience in your life gets tagged as important and so

when your subconscious is faced with any situation, it instantly tries to cat-

egorise it, based on what it has already experienced. You are subcon-

sciously matching patterns from the past with the present.

When an experience in your life has emotional significance, it gets tagged

in your brain as being important. When the emotional experience is tragic

for instance, it triggers your brain’s fear mechanism, which tells your brain

to remain on the lookout for any future conditions that vaguely remind you of this tragic experience (it does this

to protect you from future harm). Your brain then tries to match new experiences with the original one. But de-

pending on how emotionally attached you are to the original experience, it can lead to ‘false pattern matches’

which will inevitably lead you astray.

For example:

A dog attacked you in childhood, so now you instinctively avoid dogs.

A teacher belittled you in front of your classmates, and you now

have difficulty trusting anyone in authority.

A teen sweetheart betrayed you and you now have trust issues in


Contd on pg.7

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Dec 2014

Letting Go of The Past …...but how?

Of course this all happens subconsciously, but if you are ‘feeling stuck’ because of something that happened in

your past, then here’s a little exercise that might help.

1. Identify your current feelings and then ask yourself where in your past do you feel a connection (look deeply

and be totally honest)

2. Now, once you’ve identified the original event/trigger, list all of the ways in which the current situation dif-

fers from the original one, including people, places and full details of what hurt you.

3. Now review them thoroughly, as often as needed, as this will train your subconscious to recognise that

things have changed for you. The old trigger will soon fade.

Things Change

We all have self-limiting beliefs that hold us back. Sometimes it’s a childhood experience or an early fail-

ure. Sometimes it’s something we were told when we were younger. We need to learn from the past, but be

ready to update what we learned based on how our circumstances have changed (as they constantly do).

Consider these points -

If you suspect you are currently living your life (or parts of it) through the conditioning of self-limiting be-

liefs you developed in the past, remind yourself of what is different now in terms of circumstances and

your own capabilities. What has changed?

Examine what you have learned from past adversity that can actually help you now. Rather than just regret-

ting stuff, question specifically how it has helped you grow. Has your past equipped you to be determined,

self-reliant, perceptive, tough, aware, compassionate, etc.? Focus on what you have gained rather than

lost from adverse past experiences.

Contd on pg.8

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Dec 2014

Letting Go of The Past …...but how?

Growing Pains

Most good things in life begin at some level of difficulty, but the great thing is, that the most difficult challenges

can turn out to be the most rewarding and satisfying in the long run.

The really tough job interviews that lead to huge career advancements. The first few awkward words ex-

changed on first dates that lead to successful relationships. The excruciating training that leads a hopeful ath-

lete to a step on the podium. None of these successful outcomes started from a place of comfort and ease.

All too often, we fear the unknown and prefer to stay within our comfort zone. It’s often the case that short-term

pain will lead to long-term gain. So, try to avoid taking the easy options. Remember, growth and progress will

usually entail some degree of discomfort. Stretching your emotional and intellectual muscles can lead to some

discomfort, in the quest for progress. By committing to small uncomfortable steps forward, you should be able

to dodge the greatest barrier to change – Fear.

Don’t get Stuck in the Past

Thinking back to how good things were in the past is all very well, however it should not necessarily be used as

a yardstick for happiness, to the detriment of your present! If you find yourself continuously idealising the past,

you simply won’t be able to enjoy what you have, or look forward to good things to come.

If you’re inclined to do so, why not try this little exercise?

Close your eyes, breathe deeply and relax. Now bring to mind something wonderful that happened in

the past. Remembering it in as much detail as you can, now float forward into the present time, bringing

all those good feeling s with you. Now allow these good feelings to infuse your life in the present and

begin to experience it in a new light.

Make a list of all the ways in which the present is better than what went before, even if it’s only some-

thing small. Don’t forget to review the ways in which, what you’ve learned in the past has allowed you to

make better decisions in the present. You might be surprised by what you discover.

There is a Balance

Life may not always seem to play fair. So, when someone, or something really good comes into your life and you

hope they’ll be part of it forever, then suddenly they’re no longer there, you may feel devastated. In one way or

another, life will find a balance, so don’t expect to get back everything you put into life, don’t expect everyone to

instantly recognise how wonderful you are and show appreciation for the things you do. Sometimes you win and

sometimes you lose, but its swings and roundabouts. There are things you don’t want to happen, but have to

accept, things you don’t want to know, but have to learn, and people and circumstances you can’t live without

but have to let go of. Sometimes things just come into your life just to strengthen you, so you can move on with-

out them. So learn the skill of letting go, when it’s time to do so. That way you’ll be ready to open the next chap-

ter in your life.

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Page 9 T H E W H I S P E R I N G S O U L

Dec 2014

Make peace with your past …… So it doesn’t spoil your present

What other people think of you …... Is none of your business

Time heals almost everything …… So give time, some time

No one else is the reason for your happiness …… it’s just you

Don’t compare your life with others …… you have No Idea what their journey is all about

Don’t overthink things …… it’s ok not to have all the answers

Smile …… you don’t own all the problems in the world

The grass isn’t always greener on the other side …… it’s greener where you water it

If You don’t build your own dreams …… someone else will hire you to build theirs

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Laura Bates

Laura Bates is the founder of the Everyday Sexism Project, a collection of over 10,000 women’s daily experienc-

es of gender inequality. She started the project in 2012 after finding it difficult to speak out about sexism. By

December 2013 the site had 50,000 entries, thousands from girls under the age of 18.

She was inspired by observing the behaviour of young girls while she was a nanny, whose female role models

were only based on their appearance. Everyday Sexism successfully campaigned for the removal of a mobile

app aimed at girls to use plastic surgery to make a game character “slim and beautiful” because of its promo-

tion of a poor perspective about body image to those of a young age.

It seems to be increasingly to talk about sexism, equality

and women’s rights in a modern society that perceives it-

self to have achieved gender equality. In this ‘liberal’,

‘modern’ age, to complain about everyday sexism or sug-

gest that you are unhappy about the way in which women

are portrayed and perceived renders you likely to be la-

belled ‘uptight’, ‘prudish’, or a ‘militant feminist’.

The Everyday Sexism project aims to take a step towards

gender equality, by proving wrong those who tell women

that they can’t complain because we are equal. It is a

place to record stories of sexism faced on a daily basis, by

ordinary women, in ordinary places.

We all need to be prepared to tackle sexism, whenever

and wherever we are confronted with it. We owe it to our-

selves to speak out against this most insidious of behav-



Page 10

Dec 2014

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There are many benefits for those skilled in the use of NLP, not

least of which is the capacity for excellence in communication.

People start to value your opinions and advice a lot more, because

they get the feeling that you ‘understand them’, you ‘hear what

they’re saying’, or you ‘see things’ the same way they do. This is

possible, once you understand the magic of Representational Sys-


It’s a major confidence booster too, because once you start to un-

derstand exactly what makes you tick, it delivers a wonderful feel-

ing confidence and belief in your own abilities. You can banish for-

ever , any discomfort you may have felt when addressing groups of

people, such as delivering presentations, or other events that re-

quire speech making etc.

Parents can gain invaluable insights into the fundamental differ-

ences between how an adult mind responds differently to that of a

child's. Communication lines open when children are understood

from their map of the world. It’s a win-win situation.

Many people take this training purely for personal reasons, as it

contains many powerful techniques, which can

lead to radical individual change.

A copy of the current prospectus is included

with this mailing, so you can get the full pic-



and become the person you truly want to be


Page 11

Be The Change You Want To See

This course is suited equally to those who wish to increase personal confidence and effectiveness, or

who would like to embark on an exciting and rewarding new career.

Dec 2014

Special points of interest:

● Change your life with the

power of a positive per-


● Change unwanted behav-

iour in yourself & others.

● Remove obstacles to

learning in all areas of your


● Become more powerful in

your communications and

approach to life.

● Master your emotions and

run your own brain.

Licensed by

Dr. Richard Bandler



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Dec 2014

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Unit 21

Sandyford Office Park

Mob: 086 8124054

Email: [email protected]

Skype: bettycosgrave1


I am available for one-to-one consulta-

tions. If you would like to come and see

me, please call me to arrange a visit.

Alternatively, I do a lot of consulting via

Skype, which is particularly useful for

those living abroad, or outside of Dub-



Well, it’s great to be back in Dublin full time and just in case you didn’t

know, I’m in a new office now, up in Sandyford Office Park. It’s very

conveniently located, right across the road from the Sandyford Luas

stop, so very accessible form the city centre and the M50. Find Me

I would be very grateful for any recommendations, or referrals, so if

you know anyone at all, whom you think would benefit from talking to

me, please pass along my contact details.


P A G E 1 3

Dec 2014