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Dr. Dobb’s JournalAugust 2013

Debugging and Defect Management

Making Issue TrackingDrive Development

Transforming defect- and issue-trackers into workflow tools

Page 2: Debugging and Defect Management Dr. Dobb’s Journal · Debugging and Defect Management Making Issue Tracking Drive Development Transforming defect- and issue-trackers into workflow

August 2013 2

C O N T E N T SCOVER ARTICLE6Making Issue Tracking Drive the Development ProcessBy Dan Radigan Issue trackers contain the list of defects and the inventoryof new features to be developed. As they also captureprogress on these items, they emerge as the one tool thatcan drive and manage the project workflow. This lean viewof trackers is becoming widely adopted, using the prac-tices presented here.

FEATURES10 Debugging Multithreaded Applications in Windows By Shameem Akhter and Jason RobertsDebugging applications in which several threads are activecan be challenging to the point of great frustration. This arti-cle aims to relieve a bit of that frustration by explaining howto utilize Visual Studio to debug multithreaded applications.As part of Visual Studio, Microsoft includes a debugger withmultithreaded debug support. We examine some handymulti threaded debug capabilities of Visual Studio, anddemonstrate how to use them.

16 From the Vault: Post-Mortem Debugging RevisitedBy Stefan WorthmüllerSeveral years ago, Worthmüller wrote an article for DDJ thatincluded source code to create stack dumps with functionnames from C/C++ programs that crashed on client siteswithout any modification on the client’s machine. He thenreceived feedback that led him to a number of different ap-proaches which are summarized in this handy article.

3 MailbagBy youReaders discuss the nature of simplicity.

5 News BriefsBy Adrian BridgwaterRecent news on tools, platforms, frameworks, and the stateof the software development world.

20 LinksSnapshots of interesting items on includingJDK 8 and Scala for C# developers.

August 2013

Dr. Dobb’s Journal

More on DrDobbs.comThe Misplaced Obsession with SimplicityThe false dichotomy between simplicity and complex-ity leads us to chase after baubles and value the wrongthings.

GNU Awk: This is Not Your Father’s AwkAwk’s features have advanced considerably in the lastdecade — such as the addition of a debugger and a pro-filer — all without removing any of the elegance orterseness of the fabled little language.

Advice to a New ProgrammerSo much advice is heaped upon beginners that it canbe hard to know where to start. However, these fivepractices are the foundation upon which everythingelse is built.

Scala for C# Developers: The MagicImplicit conversions, avoiding nulls, default and namedparameters, and using mixins and traits to borrow func-tionality from other classes are all part of what makesScala a magically powerful language.

The Best of the First HalfThe most popular articles of the first half of the year,sprinkled with a few pieces carefully chosen by theeditors.

Page 3: Debugging and Defect Management Dr. Dobb’s Journal · Debugging and Defect Management Making Issue Tracking Drive Development Transforming defect- and issue-trackers into workflow

Reconsidering Our Obsession with SimplicityIn response to our editorial on the need to reconsider our commit-ment to simplicity (, wereceived many thoughtful comments and these interesting letters.

“I agree with much of the thrust of your article, and you are right to

attempt to redefine simplicity. The terms simplicity and complexity

have been misused and their definitions blurred at the edges.

However, there seems to be a flaw here. Simplicity is not a state, it is

a description of the code’s value in terms of clarity and maintainability.

Whereas all code has complexity. The level of complexity is described

as simple if it is understandable (and therefore maintainable) by your

average software engineer. If it is not maintainable by his/her peers,

where is the value in it? It does what its supposed to till it falls over?

Where is the contribution to the body of human knowledge in that?

Complexity that is not understood is a chain round our necks. It may

be mistakenly so, or deliberately so.

The first is born from isolated personalities who believe their thought

processes are the same as others in their profession. If they were to un-

derstand the uniqueness of the human mind they would recognize that

there is always the need to communicate their thought processes at a

level that others can understand through explanation and dialogue.

Some developers believe rightly that their thought processes are

unique, and they want to keep it that way. They use lack of communi-

cation to confuse, and take delight in boosting their ego by the results.

They are complimented by the fact that the code is not understood.

This amounts to criminal neglect of their duty to their peers and they

should be ashamed!

So,to understand a complex system, it needs to be described at a

level of complexity that is simple (clear) enough for their profession to

understand. That is not to say that the code itself should be dumbed

down, but that every effort should be made to describe the thought

processes that led to that generated that code.”

— Richard Taylor

New Milton, UK

“A colleague and I recently wrestled with this question when we

were presented with a large, decades-old legacy piece of software and

asked for advice in identifying parts that would be economically-at-

tractive candidates for redesign. Although we had tools to measure

the complexity of the existing code, we had only intuition to guide us

as to the inherent complexity of the tasks being performed by the soft-

ware. A little research on inherent complexity suggested that we had

a chicken-and-egg problem: the only ways to measure inherent com-

plexity of a task is to reduce the task to an algorithm and then measure

the complexity of the algorithm. We lacked the budget/schedule to

create our own algorithmic expression of the underlying task.

In the end, we allowed ourselves to be guided by intuition, which left

us vulnerable to our own incomplete understanding of the problem’s

underlying complexity. I think your reference to readability is crucial —


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August 2013 3


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when readability is compromised (particularly by superficial complexity,

for example, multiple layers of wrappers), then we’re left with a mis-

match between what a human sees when looking at the solution and

what a human sees when looking at the underlying task. It’s this mis-

match that becomes the ‘bad.’”

— Mark J. Munkacsy

Portsmouth, R.I.

“In fact, your editorial argues for the use of the term ‘irreducible com-

plexity’ to just ‘complexity’, or as Einstein already said: Everything

should be explained as simply as possible, but no simpler. Replace ex-

plained by coded and you have it…And yes, coding is explaining, not

only to machines. But also to human readers.

I fully agree.”

— Peter Sels

Andrew Binstock responds: “I was tempted to use the Einstein quo-

tation when writing the editorial, but it doesn’t quite align with my

point in that making problems too simple is not really an issue in the

context we’re discussing. Excessive simplicity is generally the mark of

those who have not entirely grasped the nature of the problem. That

being said, though, it’s hard to disagree with the quotation.”

Have a correction or a thoughtful opinion on Dr. Dobb’s content?

Let us know! Write to Andrew Binstock at [email protected]. Let-

ters chosen for publication may be edited for clarity and brevity.

All letters become property of Dr. Dobb’s.


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August 2013 4

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News Briefs[NEWS]

August 2013 5

Forget DevOps, Try Continuous Dynamic DevOpsOpenMake Software has announced the 7.5 release of its Dynamic De-vOps suite comprised of the Meister build automation, Mojo workflowmanagement, and Cloudbuilder provisioning products. Also featuringthe Deploy + tool, this collection is what OpenMake describes as “aconsolidated toolchain for process automation” to handle continuousbuild and continuous deployment tasks.

Taking .NET Libraries To Mobile On XamarinXamarin has announced a new online service designed to help devel-opers move apps to mobile. The browser-based service scans existing.NET libraries to determine “by device platform” the percentage ofcode that can immediately be incorporated into mobile apps using Xa-marin. The service also provides a roadmap of the additional work re-quired to migrate the remaining code to create fully native iOS,Android, Mac, Windows Phone, and Windows Store apps.

Annual Eclipse “Kepler” Release Train ReadyThe Eclipse Foundation has released Kepler for 2013 in its normal an-nual “predictable coordinated release” summer timeframe. Highlightsof the Kepler release include support for Java EE 7 inside the EclipseWeb Tools Project (WTP) 3.5 — and support for JPA 2.1, JSF 2.2, JAX-RS2.0, Servlet 3.1, EJB 3.2, Connector 1.7, App Client 7.0, and EAR 7.0.Eclipse WTP project and code generation wizards, content assist, andvalidation have been updated so Java developers can easily create, de-bug, and deploy Java EE 7 compliant applications.

Scalability Is OK, Tunable Persistence Engines Are BetterCouchbase Server 2.1 arrives this week as the latest release of thefirm’s NoSQL document-oriented database. While the company listsscalability, performance, and always-on reliability (don’t they always?)among the new features, more interesting is this release’s multi-threaded persistence engine to improve disk utilization and latency,a function that will work on both commodity hardware and special-ized servers. This product also has a good set of monitoring and man-agement capabilities. The newly designed and tunable persistenceengine increases resource efficiency and joins cross datacenter repli-cation optimizations, resulting in improved latency for data opera-tions across clusters.

Why Isn’t Test Connected To Release?Atlassian has announced the Bamboo 5 continuous integration and de-livery server. The firm declares that this software “connects theprocesses” of preparing and testing software with the process of releas-ing it. Not just for running builds and tests, the Atlassian team says thatBamboo 5 connects issues, commits, test results, and deploys. In this waya more holistic picture is available to the entire product team: from proj-ect managers and devs to testers and system administrators. AtlassianBamboo aims to address lack of traceability between build and deploy-ment processes, and lack of visibility into the release-preparationprocess. Streamlined workflows with fine-grained access controls meanthat developers and QA can deploy to their own environments on-de-mand, while production remains tightly regulated.

By Adrian Bridgwater

Page 6: Debugging and Defect Management Dr. Dobb’s Journal · Debugging and Defect Management Making Issue Tracking Drive Development Transforming defect- and issue-trackers into workflow

August 2013

Making Issue Tracking Drive theDevelopment Process

Issue trackers contain the list of defects and the inventory of new features to be developed. As they also capture progress on these items, they emerge as the one tool that can drive and manage

the project workflow. This central view of issue tracking is becoming widely adopted, using the practices presented here.

he right use of tools can radically improve a development or-ganization’s culture and its ability to work well. Products suchas defect- and issue-trackers can be transformed into workflowtools if used to their fullest advantage. Here are fundamental

good practices for setting up a tracker tool at your organization to bethe centerpiece of your project workflow.

Make Contributing SimpleReducing friction is key to getting rapid adoption from a user base.Start with a URL that is simple for everyone to remember. Good URLsin the form of http://go/<yourapp>make it easy for users to quicklyfind the system. To make login a seamless experience, find a solution

that integrates with your existing directory infrastructure such as LDAP,Active Directory, or Google Apps.When laying out the issue creation form, every field needs to “earn

the right to be seen.” It’s easy to just add fields for data that a usermight “want” to enter. However, extra, unnecessary fields make the sys-tem more cumbersome — they’re just more clutter to read/scrollthrough and can be confusing for the user. Don’t attempt to futureproof; make every field count.Whether the type of issue being tracked is a bug, a feature request,

or a to-do item, try to capture as much information as possible to un-derstand the issue. Engineers, for example, want environment-specificinformation from inside a product at runtime. For that reason, many

By Dan Radigan



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issue trackers now have RESTful interfaces that make filing issues in-product easier. Developers can reliably get information about the stateof the product in each and every bug when issues are filed RESTfullyfrom the product.

Minimize Ramp-Up and Engage EveryoneTeams that engage their full ecosystem in an issue tracker are betterconnected to their market. With many issue trackers now running in ahosted service, it’s easy to allow beta users and customers to log issuesdirectly into your system. Shortening the distance between an issueand its solution encourages issues to get resolved faster. If customerservice issues are logged in one system, then manually transferred toanother system for engineering review, it takes more work for a cus-tomer’s issue to get fixed.As new users engage with the issue tracker, take some time to get

first impressions. Processes — as well as the tools themselves — needto be agile. Proactively seek feedback on how things are working. Of-ten, existing employees suffer from “it’s always been that way” syn-drome; new users have a short but valuable window where they cangive an outside perspective. Take advantage of that window.Today, many software teams work cross-functionally. When people

cross team boundaries, it’s helpful to use the same language acrossteams within the same company. For example, priority schemes (suchas Blocker, Critical, Major, etc., or P1–P4) create a field that conveys rel-ative importance of issues. Some teams have a policy that blockersneed to be resolved by end-of-day. Other teams have a less strict defi-nition. Standardizing terminology across teams makes it easier andfaster to work together because expectations are consistent.


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August 2013 8

Dashboards Done Well Incite ActionEveryone on the team wants to know whether the project is going well.One key benefit of a distributed work management tool is that everyonecan update his or her part of the project. Project managers can then fo-cus on using the tool to plan forward direction as the team pushes sta-

tus, rather than pestering everyone on the team for an update. Effectivemanagers can build dashboards that pull real-time stats from work man-agement tools and keep the team in the know. Finally, make the dash-board visible. Link it from the team’s intranet home page, and considercreating a simple go URL as well (for example, http:/go/teamstatus).Dashboards should always incite an action. Team members and

stakeholders should know at a glance if things are going well. Re-sourceful dashboard authors ask project participants for feedback toensure that all agree on the message of the dashboard. Finally, a usertends to silo his or her “part,” focusing on the fact that “my bugs areOK” rather than taking a holistic view of the program. Much like thebuild team creates the official build, consider tasking the programmanager to “own” the project status and reporting for the full team.

Make Your Issue Tracker Work for You!I’ve seen many teams struggle with work management solutions asthey try to build their process around the tool, rather than build the

tool around the process. Each organization has a unique process that itnaturally wants to follow. You shouldn’t have to build your own issuetracker to create a custom solution. Unfortunately, many teams don’tstray far from the vendor’s defaults. Spend the time to customize yourtool around how your organization gets work done; it’s a valuable in-vestment.Effective workflows help the organization to work together more flu-

idly. States (new, open, resolved, etc.) indicate work status. The assigneemakes it clear across the company who is responsible. Transitions be-tween states inform everyone how work can get done. When the teamhas the right workflow, the burden of issue tracking fades to the back-ground because it’s a natural part of the culture of the organization.

Integrate with Other SystemsChoosing a system with a flexible API makes it easy to integrate withother systems such as source control or the build system. Integratingsystems increases transparency across the engineering process. For ex-ample, the tool should integrate with other code repositories, as well asthe continuous integration (CI) server, and the project wiki to track anissue’s progress into working software. Engineers can check-in new codeto source control, and the issue tracker will pick-up on that update. TheCI server can then update the issue tracker noting that the referencedissue has been built into working software. When related systems auto-mate manual processes, everyone wins.

Categorize to OptimizeAs an industry we’ve grown beyond bug tracking. It’s now all about workmanagement. We don’t just fix bugs, we innovate through software.Some of that is writing new features. Other times, it’s rearchitecting

“Each organization has a unique process that it naturally

wants to follow. You shouldn’t have to build your own issue

tracker to create a custom solution.”

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existing code. And yes, of course, we still fix defects. When we commitall of our work to our tools, we can see the entirety of what we do.Modern work management tools can categorize issues by sprint,

release, component, or theme, to name a few categories. In practice,it’s much easier to implement related tickets at the same time. Whenissues are organized by component, it’s easier to see all of the workthat needs to be done in a particular area. The team can then planwhen that work needs to be performed over the next several itera-tions, thus optimizing time spent in a certain area. Issues can also becategorized by priority. It’s always helpful in retrospect to see whichhigh-priority issues had to be dealt with in an unexpected way duringan iteration.

Remain LeanOne of the most important things to keep your issue tracker healthyis regular triage of incoming issues and grooming the backlog. Soft-ware is dynamic. Priorities change. Regular triage keeps the team intune with the current state of the product. The backlog is the list ofwork that outlines the future direction of the product in priority order.When new feature requests or bugs come in, they need to be priori-tized against all of the existing work. Keeping the backlog currentgives the engineering team confidence that they are working on thehighest priority items.As a QA engineer early in my career, I hated closing bugs that were

not fixed. A user reported i, so it must be relevant, right? At some level,yes; but feedback has a shelf life. As more and more issues get loggedin the system, it becomes harder to focus on the issues that matter.Bugs that were filed five years ago are, generally speaking, less rele-vant than ones filed last week.

If an issue has no path to closure in the foreseeable future, close it.Closed issues are not lost. When closing an issue, always include a res-olution so you can search it later. At a minimum, resolutions shouldinclude: fixed, will not fix, cannot reproduce, and obsolete. Obsoleteissues those that are no longer relevant to the direction of the pro-gram. Product managers can then search closed issues in the sameway that they search open ones. In the closed case, issues that gotmarked will not fix and obsolete represent real work that was de-ferred.

Going ForwardFor years, companies have viewed the defect tracker as a tool apart.During the last decade, it’s become evident that the addition of fea-ture requests has converted the tracker into a planning tool for teamsprints and individual work. Thus, it is the central product for capturingproject status accurately.The guidelines I list here should help you move from a traditional

siloed view of defect tracking to a broader view that enables team co-ordination, better planning, and improved delivery.

— Dan Radigan is an Agile Evangelist at Atlassian (,makers of JIRA ( Prior to Atlassian, he wasan engineering manager at Netflix.


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August 2013 9

Page 10: Debugging and Defect Management Dr. Dobb’s Journal · Debugging and Defect Management Making Issue Tracking Drive Development Transforming defect- and issue-trackers into workflow

August 2013

Debugging Multithreaded Applications in Windows

End the frustration of tracking down thread-specific bugs with a few simple options in Visual Studio.

ebugging applications in which several threads are activecan be challenging to the point of great frustration. This ar-ticle aims to relieve a bit of that frustration by explaininghow to utilize Visual Studio to debug multithreaded appli-

cations. As part of Visual Studio, Microsoft includes a debugger withmultithreaded debug support. We’ll start by examining the differentmultithreaded debug capabilities of Visual Studio, and then demon-strate how to use them.

Threads WindowAs part of the debugger, Visual Studio provides a “Threads” windowthat lists all of the current threads in the system. From this window,you can:

• Freeze (suspend) or thaw (resume) a thread. This is usefulwhen you want to observe the behavior of your application with-out a certain thread running.

• Switch the current active thread. This allows you to manuallyperform a context switch and make another thread active in theapplication.

• Examine thread state.When you double-click an entry in theThreads window, the source window jumps to the source linethat the thread is currently executing. This tells you the thread’scurrent program counter. You will be able to examine the stateof local variables within the thread.

The Threads window acts as the command center for examining andcontrolling the different threads in an application.

TracepointsDetermining the sequence of events that lead to a race condition ordeadlock is critical in determining the root cause of any multithread-related bug. To facilitate the logging of events, Microsoft has implementedtracepoints as part of the debugger for Visual Studio for many years.

By Shameem Akhter and Jason Roberts



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Most developers are familiar with the concept of a breakpoint. A tra-cepoint is similar to a breakpoint except that instead of stopping pro-gram execution when the applications program counter reaches thatpoint, the debugger takes some other action. This action can be print-ing a message or running a Visual Studio macro.Enabling tracepoints can be done in one of two ways. To create a new

tracepoint, set the cursor to the source line of code and select “InsertTracepoint.” If you want to convert an existing breakpoint to a trace-point, simply select the breakpoint and pick the “When Hit” option

from the Breakpoint submenu. At this point, the tracepoint dialog ap-pears.When a tracepoint is hit, one of two actions is taken based on the

information specified by the user. The simplest action is to print amessage. You can customize the message based on a set of prede-fined keywords. These keywords, along with a synopsis of what getsprinted, are shown in Table 1. All values are taken at the time thetrace point is hit.In addition to these predefined values, tracepoints also give you the

ability to evaluate expressions ins the message. To do this, simply en-close the variable or expression in curly braces. For example, assumeyour thread has a local variable threadLocalVar that you’d like tohave displayed when a tracepoint is hit. The expression you’d usemight look something like this:

Thread: $TNAME local variables value is {threadLocalVar}.

Breakpoint FiltersBreakpoint filters enable developers to trigger breakpoints only whencertain conditions are triggered. Breakpoints can be filtered by ma-chine name, process, and thread. A list of different breakpoint filters isshown in Table 2.Breakpoint filters can be combined to form compound statements.

Three logic operators are supported: ! (not), & (and), and || (or).

Naming ThreadsWhen debugging a multithreaded application, it is often useful to as-sign unique names to the threads that are used in the application. As-signing a name to a thread in a managed application is as simple as


August 2013 11

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Table 1: Tracepoint keywords.

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setting a property on the thread object. In this environment, it is highlyrecommended that you set the name field when creating the threadbecause managed code provides no way to identify a thread by its ID.In native Windows code, a thread ID can be directly matched to an

individual thread. Nonetheless, keeping track of different thread IDsmakes the job of debugging more difficult, as it is hard to keep trackof individual thread IDs. Unfortunately, the standard thread APIs inWin32 lack the ability to associate a name with a thread. As a result,this association must be made by an external debugging tool.Microsoft has enabled this capability through predefined exceptions

built into their debugging tools. Applications that want to see a threadreferred to by name need to implement a small function that raises anexception. The exception is caught by the debugger, which then takesthe specified name and assigns it to the associated ID. Once the ex-

ception handler completes, the debugger will use the user-suppliedname from then on.The implementation of this function can be found on the Microsoft

Developer Network (MSDN) website at by search-ing for: “setting a thread name (unmanaged).” The function, namedSetThreadName(), takes two arguments. The first argument is thethread ID. The recommended way of specifying the thread ID is to sendthe value -1, indicating that the ID of the calling thread should be used.The second parameter is the name of the thread. The SetThread-Name() function calls RaiseException(), passing in a special“thread exception” code and a structure that includes the thread IDand name parameters specified by the programmer.Once the application has the SetThreadName() function defined,

the developer may call the function to name a thread. This is shown inListing One. The function Thread1 is given the name Producer, indi-cating that it is producing data for a consumer. Note that the functionis called at the start of the thread, and that the thread ID is specifiedas -1. This indicates to the debugger that it should associate the call-ing thread with the associated ID.

Listing One: Using SetThreadName to name a thread.

unsigned __stdcall Thread1(void *){

int i, x = 0; // arbitrary local variable declarationsSetThreadName(-1, “Producer”);// Thread logic follows


Naming a thread in this fashion has a few limitations. This techniqueis a debugger construct; the OS is not in any way aware of the name


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Table 2: Breakpoint filter options.

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of the thread. Therefore, the thread name is not available to anyoneother than the debugger. You cannot programmatically query a threadfor its name using this mechanism. Assigning a name to a thread usingthis technique requires a debugger that supports exception number0x406D1388. Both Microsoft’s Visual Studio and WinDbg debuggerssupport this exception. Despite these limitations, it is generally advis-able to use this technique where supported as it makes it much easierto use the debugger and track down multithreaded bugs.

Putting It All TogetherLet’s stop for a minute and take a look at applying the previously dis-cussed principles to a simplified real-world example. Assume that you arewriting a data-acquisition application. Your design calls for a producerthread that samples data from a device every second and stores the read-ing in a global variable for subsequent processing. A consumer threadperiodically runs and processes the data from the producer. In order toprevent data corruption, the global variable shared by the producer andconsumer is protected with a Critical Section. An example of a simple im-plementation of the producer and consumer threads is shown in ListingTwo. (Note that error handling is omitted for readability.)

Listing Two: Simple data acquisition device.static int m_global = 0;static CRITICAL_SECTION hLock; // protect m_global

// Simple simulation of data acquisitionvoid sample_data(){

EnterCriticalSection(&hLock);m_global = rand();LeaveCriticalSection(&hLock);


// This function is an example// of what can be done to data// after collection// In this case, you update the display// in real time

void process_data(){

EnterCriticalSection(&hLock);printf(“m_global = 0x%x\n”, m_global);LeaveCriticalSection(&hLock);


// Producer thread to simulate real time// data acquisition. Collect 30 s// worth of dataunsigned __stdcall Thread1(void *){

int count = 0;SetThreadName(-1, “Producer”);while (1){

// update the datasample_data();

Sleep(1000);count++;if (count > 30)

break;}return 0;


// Consumer thread// Collect data when scheduled and// process it. Read 30 s worth of dataunsigned __stdcall Thread2(void *){

int count = 0;SetThreadName(-1, “Consumer”);while (1){


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Sleep(1000);count++;if (count > 30)

break;}return 0;


The producer samples data on line 34 and the consumer processesthe data in line 53. Given this relatively simple situation, it is easy toverify that the program is correct and free of race conditions and dead-locks. Now assume that the programmer wants to take advantage ofan error-detection mechanism on the data acquisition device that in-dicates to the user that the data sample collected has a problem. Thechanges made to the producer thread by the programmer are shownin Listing Three.

Listing Three: Sampling data with error checking.

void sample_data(){

EnterCriticalSection(&hLock);m_global = rand();if ((m_global % 0xC5F) == 0){

// handle errorreturn;



After making these changes and rebuilding, the application becomesunstable. In most instances, the application runs without any problems.

However, in certain circumstances, the application stops printing data.How do you determine what’s going on?The key to isolating the problem is capturing a trace of the sequence

of events that occurred prior to the system hanging. This can be donewith a custom trace buffer manager or with tracepoints. This exampleuses the trace buffer implemented in Listing One.Now armed with a logging mechanism, you are ready to run the pro-

gram until the error case is triggered. Once the system fails, you canstop the debugger and examine the state of the system. To do this, runthe application until the point of failure. Then, using the debugger, stopthe program from executing. At this point, you’ll be able bring up theThreads window to see the state information for each thread, such asthe one shown in Figure 1.


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Figure 1: Examining thread state information using Visual Studio.

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When you examine the state of the application, you can see that theconsumer thread is blocked, waiting for the process_data() call to re-turn. To see what occurred prior to this failure, access the trace buffer.With the application stopped, call the PrintTraceBuffer() method di-rectly from Visual Studio’s debugger. The output of this call in this sam-ple run is shown in Figure 2.

Thread ID| Timestamp|Msg---------|----------|------------------------------------0x0000728|1137395188|Producer: sampled data value: 0x290x00005a8|1137395188|Consumer: processed data value: 0x290x0000728|1137395189|Producer: sampled data value: 0x780x00005a8|1137395189|Consumer: processed data value: 0x780x0000728|1137395190|Producer: sampled data value: 0x18BE0x0000728|1137395190|Producer: sampled data value: 0x67840x0000728|1137395190|Producer: sampled data value: 0x4AE10x0000728|1137395191|Producer: sampled data value: 0x3D6C

Figure 2: Output from trace buffer after error condition occurs.

Examination of the trace buffer log shows that the producer threadis still making forward progress. However, no data values after the firsttwo make it to the consumer. This coupled with the fact that the threadstate for the consumer thread indicates that the thread is stuck, pointsto an error where the critical section is not properly released. Upon

closer inspection, it appears that the data value in line 7 of the tracebuffer log is an error value. This leads up back to your new handlingcode, which handles the error but forgets to release the mutex. Thiscauses the consumer thread to be blocked indefinitely, which leads tothe consumer thread being starved. (Technically, this isn’t a deadlocksituation, as the producer thread is not waiting on a resource that theconsumer thread holds.)What this example shows is that by combining several features —

the ability to name threads, tracepoints, and logging — it becomespossible to zero in on the problem without having to try to do all thediagnostic work after the fact. Developing other specialized activitiesthat are tied to tracepoints can provide further assistance in bug hunt-ing. Good luck!

— Shameem Akhter is a platform architect at Intel, focusing on single socket multi-core architecture and performance analysis. Jason Roberts is a senior software engi-neer at Intel Corporation. This article is adapted from in the book Multi-Core Program-ming: Increasing Performance through Software Multi-threading (,published by Intel Press, Copyright 2011 Intel Corporation.


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August 2013

Post-Mortem Debugging RevisitedDebugging after the fact

By Stefan Worthmüller


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From the Vault

everal years ago, I wrote an article entitled “Post-MortemDebugging” ( that in-cluded source code to create stack dumps with functionnames from C/C++ programs that crashed on client sites

without any modification on the client’s machine. This was done in twosteps (available on Windows and Linux/UNIX):

1. Install a fault handler in your application that dumps the callstack to a text file if an error has occurred.

2. Run a program (MapAddr.exe) to add function names to thememory addresses of the stack dump by matching them to amap file from the program’s build.

Since then, I’ve received feedback that led me to a number of differ-ent approaches, which I summarize in this article.

Retrieving Line Numbers from the Stack Dump (Windows Only)Visual Studio stores all debug information in a program databasewhich resides in a file with the extension “.pdb.” This database file iscreated for debug builds by default, but it is easy to create them foroptimized release builds as well:In the Project Setup dialog select the following 2 Options:

• In the C/C++ SectionDebug Information Format: Program Database (/Zi)

• In the Linker SectionGenerate Debug Info. YES

This will generate a .pdb file for the selected build, which should be archivedfor each released version. It also enables the possibility to debug the releaseversion of your program just as you would do with the debug version.


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.pdb files are stored in a binary format that is not documented, butit’s easy to access it through a COM API. The Debug Information API:DIA ( is provided by Microsoft starting from VisualStudio 2008. Using this API, it is straightforward to get the followinginformation for every code address:

• Unmangled function name (human readable including the listof parameters)

• Source file name• Line number within that source file

Figure 1 shows a stack dump created from the same FaultApp asused for demonstration in “Post-Mortem Debugging.” While addingthe line number to the stack dump may only seem like a “nice to have”feature, it ultimately proved to be very valuable once I started using it.Before having line numbers, I always had to examine the entire func-tion. Now I only have to check a single line of code, and the problemoften becomes obvious immediately.Accessing the pdb file involves a number of COM-Calls bundled to-

gether in a class file. Adding the usage of this class to MapAddr wassimple and straightforward. MapAddr can now be called with pdb filesas well (as before) using map files. The full source code can be down-loaded at

64-Bit WindowsThe fault handler of the first version used x86 assembler calls to un-wind the stack. But when porting to 64 bits, I found no way to writestack frames reliable with assembler instructions with optimizationenabled. While there are a number of Win32 API functions to unwind

the stack, only one (RtlCaptureStackBackTraceat to work on x64 as expected. It can only retrieve 62 stack frames,which is sufficient in most cases, although this limit seems question-able.


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Figure 1.

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Other Post-Mortem Techniques: Windows Mini DumpsMinidumps store the current state of a program in a binary file thatcan be loaded into Visual Studio or WinDbg. When loaded into a de-bugger, a minidump shows the full symbolized stack and all local vari-ables just as it would during a debug session. That is, of course, morecomfortable than symbolizing a logfile.Minidumps can be created a number of ways:

• Using Dr.Watson ( be called on a program fault.

• Calling it explicitly from within the program itself(; for ex-ample, by an installed Structured Exception handler, as in the ap-proach described in the original iteration of this article(

• Using a tool such as WinDbg ( or aMiniDump tool (

The disadvantages of minidumps are that they are Windows specificand they cannot be batch processed (as is possible using a utility suchas MapAdrr.exe).

Other Post-Mortem Techniques: Windows Error ReportingYou have probably seen a dialog similar to Figure 2, which was intro-duced with Windows XP.To tell the truth, I was surprised to learn that Microsoft will send error

reports even for programs that I have written but never published.However, I realized that I could use this mechanism for my personalapplications. Windows Error Reporting (WER) is a service offered by

Microsoft basically for free ( To sign up, you needa VeriSign certificate. With the certificate you can sign up for WER andobtain the error reports that users have accepted to upload using thedialog box above. These reports are just minidumps as describedabove.Some considerations about WER:

• Applications that have installed an exception handler using Set -UnhandledExceptionFilter (as in the first article) sometimescrash without calling the installed exception filter. In such cases,WER still can be used, thus providing an additional last chanceto find bugs.

• WER does not offer the ability to add any additional data or de-scription by users. When using its own mechanism for error re-


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Figure 2.

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porting (possibly a small separate utility), it may ask users to re-port information about how to reproduce the problem as wellas sending additional data files to reproduce the bug. Such a util-ity can also be called when other problems occur that do notlead to a crash.

• It seems best to use WER as an additional service to report prob-lems. Note also that there has been a number of reports aboutproblems signing up to WER, especially when using a certificatefrom a different provider than VeriSign.

Other Post-Mortem Techniques: Google BreakpadAccording to Google, breakpad “is a library and tool suite that allowsyou to distribute an application to users with compiler-provided de-bugging information removed, record crashes in compact “minidump”files, send them back to your server, and produce C and C++ stacktraces from these minidumps. Breakpad can also write minidumps onrequest for programs that have not crashed. Breakpad is currently inuse by Google Chrome, Firefox, Google Picasa, Camino, Google Earth,and other projects as well.”This is basically the same mechanism as propagated by MapAddr in

my first article, but of course, Google has enhanced the functionality:

• Breakpad works on multiple platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac).The minidump format has been adapted on other platforms.

• It includes functions to transmit a crash report directly to yourHTTP server

• It can also handle other errors such as C++ pure virtual functioncalls or invalid parameter calls, and it can be triggered explicitlyto create a crash report.

Breakpad ( seems tobe well developed and can probably handle a number of conflicts thata simple utility like MapAddr cannot (i.e., loading DLLs to a differentbase address than the preferred one). Unfortunately, its documentationis only fragmented. Even the documentation about installing and com-piling is not correct. To compile breakpad for Windows, you first mustinstall Python, then run the script:


while the current directory is the root directory of breakpad. This willcreate Visual Studio Solution and project files; for other platforms,makefiles are provided.

SummaryThere are a number of ways to capture stack dumps from programcrashes and add symbol information to them. Such information is veryhelpful to resolve bugs and to improve the quality of a program. Post-mortem debugging saves time in finding bugs, as a stack dump oftenis sufficient to reproduce and solve a bug. The effort needed to acquirethis information is minimal.

— Stefan is founder of, a company that rescues soft-ware development projects in technical crisis.


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Items of special interest posted on over the past month that you may have missed

MOVING AN OBJECT DOES NOT DESTROY THE ORIGINALAndrew Koenig presents a problem and you may ask: Why can’t thecompiler recognize std::move as a special case that causes t to bedestroyed? It could notice this statement and simply not destroy tafterward, knowing that std::move had already done so.

JDK 8 NOW FEATURE COMPLETEThere are still a few milestones to go before JDK 8 is released as Java

SE 8, but we’re inching closer.

SCALA FOR C# DEVELOPERS: USEFUL FEATURESScala’s immutable values and mutable variables, classes and construc-

tors, and its use of operators as method names.

JAVA EE 7: AND THEN WHAT?With little fanfare, Oracle released Java EE 7 last week. This is the

most recent release of the enterprise bundle of services you might

recall as J2EE. It has come a long way from its early days as an over-

sized, tangled hairball. Today, it is a slimmed-down, redesigned, re-

sponsive, and more usable product than it’s ever been. The

question, though, is whether anyone cares.

APIS FOR IMAGE-CAPTURE APPLICATIONSOnline image-scanning applications continue to grow in importance.More organizations need to digitize documents for recordkeeping,safekeeping, and archiving among other reasons. As the practice ofdocument digitizing grows, so does the need for greater options in im-age capturing. TWAIN, WIA, and DirectShow are three popular APIs forimaging apps. How do they differ and which one should you pick?

This Month on


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