death thread - october edition

Issue 07 is here and it seems that ComSect is finally starting to get itself back together thanks to everyone who was a part of this issue, especially the new writers, guest writers, and the continuing “vets.” A special shout out to ReconPace for his hard work with internal re- cruiting which made this issue possible. So here it is, enjoy guys. Issue 07 Latest news Ok its that time of the year again, now that all the new and shiny games have/are hit- ting the shelves DB has begun recruiting for competitive teams on all platforms and games. If you feel like applying get in con- tact with someone from competitive ops and they will show you the way to pwnage. On this note I would like to con- gratulate Ap Apter x on his promotion into SC, he will be working on improving the EU XBOX competitive ops section, so if you are EU XBOX please con- tact him. Last but not least, if you have some spare time and want to help improve the clan, please check out the career centre and fill out a job ap- plication, everyone’s help is appreciated. ~Rid VISIT OUR SHOP AT SHOP.DBC- FORUM.NET/ WE STOCK OFFICIAL CLAN MERCHANDISE, PS3, XBOX AND PC ACCESSORIES AND GAMES THE DB SHOP IS THE ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR CLAN NEEDS October Issue 07 T H E D E A T H B R I N G E R S W W W . D B C - F O R U M . N E T The Death threat Issue

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The October Edition of the Death Bringers Clan newsletter, Death Threat


Page 1: Death Thread - October Edition

Issue 07 is here and it seems that ComSect is finally starting to get itself back together thanks to everyone who was a part of this issue, especially the new writers, guest writers, and the continuing “vets.” A special shout out to ReconPace for his hard work with internal re-cruiting which made this issue possible. So here it is, enjoy guys.

Issue 07

Latest news

Ok its that time of the year again, now that all the new and shiny games have/are hit-ting the shelves DB has begun recruiting for competitive teams on all platforms and games. If you feel like applying get in con-tact with someone

from competitive ops and they will show you the way to pwnage. On this note I would like to con-gratulate Ap Apter x on his promotion into SC, he will be working on improving the EU XBOX competitive ops section, so if you are

EU XBOX please con-tact him. Last but not least, if you have some spare time and want to help improve the clan, please check out the career centre and fill out a job ap-plication, everyone’s help is appreciated. ~Rid












October Issue 07

T H E D E A T H B R I N G E R S W W W . D B C - F O R U M . N E T

The Death threat Issue

Page 2: Death Thread - October Edition

Page 2

The Death threat Issue 07

Hello fellow

DeathBringers, Hex

here. As most of you

know, and all of you

should know, The

DeathBringers are a

clan that are strictly

against hacking, mod-

ding, cheating, and any

other form of activity

which will give you an

unfair advantage in the

game. Some of you may

say, Well what is the

point of that? We at

DBC think you should

actually have to work to

achieve something,

rather than just have it

handed to you. If you

hack and get all the at-

tachments for a gun, or

to that rank you really

want, then you didn‟t

work for it. Having said

that, I‟d like to bring up

the point that over the

past week or so, we‟ve

had a few cases of Chal-

lenge Lobbies in Mod-

ern Warfare 2. Some

people think that these

shouldn‟t be considered

an unfair advantage,

because they don‟t

change your rank in

most cases. Wrong. The

challenge lobbies give

you all the titles and

emblems our players

strive for, and all the

attachments on the guns

that people have to

work for. They are a

bannable offense here at

DBC. Don‟t try and

hide the fact that you

have done them, be-

cause the Military Po-

lice and I will find you,

and we will get you.

Another point I would

like to bring up is re-

specting the CoC

(Chain of Command).

Every one of you has a

person over you. If a

person over you tells

you to do something,

you follow suit. You

don‟t argue what they

have said. If a member

of the High Command

tells you to stop doing

something, you do so

immediately, not carry

on doing so, and tell the

HC they are wrong in

their order. This is con-

sidered insubordination,

and is another offense

that won‟t be tolerated.

Minor cases of insubor-

dination can land you a

simple infraction. Me-

dium to major cases can

get you even worse,

possibly a temporary

ban from DBC, or if

deemed necessary, a

permanent ban. If you

are insubordinate to a

person that you are sup-

posed to work under, it

is up to them what ac-

tion they take, maybe

they let it slide, or

maybe they fire you and

tell you to have a good

day. And finally, I‟d

like to bring up the is-

sue of dotting (using . or

… to mark you as an

active user) in the chat-

box. We only have 'X'

amount of bandwidth to

share between all active

users, and the recent

reduction in the time a

member remains active

in the chatbox saves us

a significant amount of

bandwidth to share be-

tween the actually ac-

tive members in the

chatbox, allowing it to

run much smoother for

those active chatters.

When you are on the

Active User list, you are

using bandwidth.

Hex’s Journal: The Good, The Bad, and The Banned

Page 3: Death Thread - October Edition

The Good, The Bad, and The Banned Cont.

If you are not going to

be an active participant

in the conversations go-

ing on, please do not dot

the box, just use the F5

button on your key-

board, or click the re-

fresh button Doing this

will allow your chatbox

to keep updating, with-

out placing you on the

Active User list and

stealing bandwidth from

those members actually

using the bandwidth to

hold discussions. That‟s

it for this month guys,

maybe you‟ll see me

back another month

with more news on clan

rules and helpful re-

minders to keep you

out. of trouble. Peace.


Page 3

October Issue 07

Page 4: Death Thread - October Edition

November 9th, 2010, the day

the world changes for the

sake of humanity!

Yeah, as we all know, Black

Ops & Medal of Honor is

coming out very, very soon

and a lot of people are look-

ing forward to this upgrade

in technology as they say,

mainly due to the dedicated

servers it holds, and the abil-

ity to actually kick people

they wish to kick. Now, this

means there will be a lot less

wall hacking, and a lot less

aim botting, and a lot less of

everything, but is this what

we really want?

I spoke with a few people

about this topic, through my

very own clan, and random

bystanders in the game, and

most reported that they are in

favor of this dedicated serv-

ers, and better game play for

a lot of reasons, and one be-

ing, yup you guessed it, dedi-

cated servers!! I spoke with

them for this little discus-

sion, and ask the more de-

tailed questions, if they

wanted the old style of MW1

& MW2 to be implied into

Black Ops, and they said no,

because MW2 was a pretty

awful game play! I ignored

the, and ended up noob-

tubing that entire game, I

went 19-5. Now, when the

MW2 branch came out, and

the day the servers were re-

leased, 26 minutes after

those servers were open to

the public, there were al-

ready wall hacking, and

game boosting happening,

and I believe it was hours

later, that people were al-

ready being banned! That‟s

crazy, and seeing how every-

one is anticipated for the

release of Black Ops along

with Medal of Honor, I am

honestly afraid of turning

that game on, and watching

the problems occur, and yes

they have dedicated servers,

but it‟s still going to happen,

and it‟s still going to be a

problem no matter how

much they try to stop it. Yet

the downfall to this

„dedicated servers‟ is, that

they are only provided by

one provider, which is

GameServers, so if they back

out, we‟re all done for! Oh

and they cost money for the

servers, due to the only pro-

vider, they can charge, it‟s

not much though, around $15


I want to end this article with

a good note, and something

you guys can look forward

too! The game will have

Dedicated Servers, the game

play will have more quality,

the game play will have

more options and modes, for

hours of play, and they will

have competitive sections for

team parties! The list can go

on and on, but I‟m going to

leave you with this, and hope

you buy it for your PC, PS3

or Xbox!

I dedicate this news article to

the famous ReconPace! He

has been there for me for

everything, he has also re-

cruited me to this wonderful

clan, where I hope to further

with everyone, and become

good friends with most of the

people! He was effected by

these hackers very person-

ally, and I feel that is bull!

So Recon, this is for you!



Wall Hacking, Aim Botting, Server Boosting, and Rank Killing – are you a victim?

Page 4

The Death threat Issue 07

Page 5: Death Thread - October Edition

I‟ve heard the


“You look like

you‟ve seen a

ghost” before.

Hell I‟ve even

used it myself,

but I never really

felt that way

until today. To-

day I did see a

ghost. Ok he

wasn‟t really a

ghost, but he

damn well

should be. Let

me explain.

I was on sentry duty, I hate

it, but I do it to the best of

my ability. There‟s an un-

written rule about sentry

duty, if someone sneaks up

on you and touch you with-

out you noticing them, you

pull their sentry duty, if you

catch them first, they pull

your next shift. I‟ve only had

to work another‟s shift once.

Strangely enough he was the

same guy who gave me the

name Arc. His was Wraith,

and he earned that name. He

could enter and leave our

compound at will and no one

ever knew how. About a

month after he gave me my

name, I was on sentry duty.

Suddenly there was a tap on

my shoulder and I damn near

jumped out my skin.

“Take my next shift Arc, I‟ll

see you when I get back.”

He never came back, until

today. I was on sentry duty,

been out there maybe an

hour. I don‟t walk a set path,

I don‟t scan to a set pattern.

Patterns make you lazy and

you miss things. Keeping it

random helps keep me alert.

I don‟t know what caught my

attention, but suddenly

something wasn‟t just right

on the ground in front of me.

Then he stood up and

brushed himself off.

“You‟ve gotten better Arc,

I‟m impressed. I guess I have

your next shift.”

And with that Wraith just

walked past me and into the

compound like he only been

gone a day and not years.

I caught up to him after my

shift was done and we talked

like to old friends. Turns out

that he has special orders that

allow him to come and go as

be pleases. He went AWOL

when he was back home a

few years before coming

here. Turns out that he got

word some how that a group

of extremist had kidnapped a

High Ranking General‟s

daughter and were trying to

blackmail him. Wraith spent

6 months tracking them

down. He got the girl out

safe and back to her father

and then spent another year

tracking down all the mem-

bers of the group. When he

was done, he presented him-

self to the General for court

martial, but he gave the Gen-

eral a box for his defense.

Inside were the hands of

every member of the group

that had kidnapped the girl.

Wraith told him that they

would never touch anyone

else child again.

He was given choice of de-

ployment, but he chose this

hell hole. So the General

gave him special orders to

allow him to come and go as

he wished. Well he went and

I have no idea how he sur-

vived, but he did. He‟s seen

more of this place than any-

one else that ever been here.

He‟s learned things about

this place and the things that

call it home.

He told stories about what

he‟s seen in the bar and

drank for free. Oh he tried to

by a round but everyone that

was listening wouldn‟t let

him. I think that it will be a

while before anyone does let

him buy a drink, if he still

has more to tell. As long as

he‟s been gone, I‟m sure that

he has stories to tell for some

time to come. For I‟m going

to get some sleep. I have

Sentry Duty with Wraith at

0600. He said he would do it

himself, but 2 sets of eyes

are better than one. Besides,

I wanna see if he can teach

me to be that damn sneaky.


Death is my Companion - Part 5

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The Death threat Issue 07

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Riddler’s Rant

have been older and “wiser.” This is where my problem lies, I do not be-lieve that people can base an as-sumption that someone does not know what they are talking about simply upon an age and experi-ence correlation. I have always been a more mature and intelligent person than my peers, and have dabbled in de-bates and made my opinion heard, but to no avail there is always a skeptic out there that questions me because of my age. I know that I am not the only one who has and continues to suffer from these igno-rant individuals because just by being part of the DB community I have come to learn and know

many young peo-ple who hold themselves to stan-dards that far ex-ceed those of their peers. There are members that can hold themselves in a full on debate providing factual evidence, members that can assist you on all technical as-pects, members that can help you out when you are having a bad day, and heck there are members that can do just about any-thing you could need. This is one of the strongest argu-ments that I can bring forth to-wards those who believe that

There are plenty of things that get on peoples’ nerves, but I con-sider myself to be a timid person at nature and it takes a lot to push me off the edge so to speak. Unfortu-nately recently I have come across one of those things, and I de-cided to reflect upon it. Ever since I was a little kid I have been repeat-edly been put down by older members of soci-ety because I was deemed “young” and inexperi-enced. However, I have never taken these comments lightly and have always fought back and voiced my opinions re-gardless, and to be frank I have usually provided better arguments and valid points than those who

Page 6

October Issue 07

personally wit-nessed some of it here myself. On the other hand I commend the older members of our community for hav-ing the patience and respect for the younger members by allowing them to voice their own opinions and tak-ing their views into consideration, I know that nobody knows everything and from each other we all learn and develop over-all into better members of the DB community, but in

every community.


Page 7: Death Thread - October Edition

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