dear valued employee,


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Page 1: Dear Valued Employee,
Page 2: Dear Valued Employee,

Dear Valued Employee,

Welcome to PRO Unlimited, Inc., part of the PRO Unlimited Global Solutions Inc. group of companies (PRO).

Taken in conjunction with your Contract, this Handbook is a summary of the policies and procedures applicable to your temporary assignment with Client and for during your employment with the Company.

Please read your Handbook carefully and maintain it for future reference. If you should have any questions regarding the policies or information contained herein, please do not hesitate to discuss it with the Company’s on-site team or the Corporate Human Resources Department.

Lastly, but most importantly, we believe that our current and future successes are contingent upon the quality and performance of our team of people. Our quest for excellence begins with you.


Kevin Akeroyd Chief Executive Officer

Page 3: Dear Valued Employee,

Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5

Welcome to PRO Unlimited! ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Equal Opportunity Statement ......................................................................................................................................... 5

Employment at Will ........................................................................................................................................................... 5

Policies and Procedures ........................................................................................................................................................ 6

General Employment Guidelines .................................................................................................................................... 6

Employee Notices and Legal Rights .......................................................................................................................... 6

Immigration Law Compliance ..................................................................................................................................... 6

Employment Status ....................................................................................................................................................... 6

Attendance ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Dress Code ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Personnel Records ........................................................................................................................................................ 8

Employment References.............................................................................................................................................. 8

Hours and Pay ..................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Hours of Work ............................................................................................................................................................... 8

Meal and Rest Periods ................................................................................................................................................. 9

Payroll Procedures ........................................................................................................................................................ 9

Paycheck Processing .................................................................................................................................................... 9

Direct Deposit ............................................................................................................................................................. 10

Payroll Deductions ..................................................................................................................................................... 10

Reimbursement of Travel Expenses ...................................................................................................................... 10

Conduct and Discipline .................................................................................................................................................. 11

Code of Conduct ........................................................................................................................................................ 11

Reporting Concerns and Whistleblower Protections ........................................................................................ 11

Anti-Harassment and Bullying ................................................................................................................................ 11

Online Media Conduct .............................................................................................................................................. 12

Substance Abuse ........................................................................................................................................................ 12

Information Management ........................................................................................................................................ 12

Disciplinary Procedures ............................................................................................................................................ 13

Client and Company Premises ..................................................................................................................................... 13

Client and Company Property ................................................................................................................................. 13

Personal Property ....................................................................................................................................................... 14

Telephone Use ............................................................................................................................................................ 14

Smoking and Tobacco Use Policy........................................................................................................................... 14

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Safety Policy ................................................................................................................................................................ 14

Hazardous Chemicals ................................................................................................................................................ 15

Workplace Violence and Weapons Policy ........................................................................................................... 15

Lactation Accommodations ..................................................................................................................................... 16

Paid and Unpaid Leave .................................................................................................................................................. 17

Paid Time Off .............................................................................................................................................................. 17

Sick Leave ..................................................................................................................................................................... 17

Protected Paid and Unpaid Leave .......................................................................................................................... 17

Jury Duty ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17

Voting Time ................................................................................................................................................................. 18

Military Service ........................................................................................................................................................... 18

Benefits .................................................................................................................................................................................. 18

Health Insurance ............................................................................................................................................................. 18

401(k) ................................................................................................................................................................................. 18

Worker’s Compensation ................................................................................................................................................ 19

Other Benefits ................................................................................................................................................................. 20

Company Contact Information and Resources ............................................................................................................ 21

PRO Unlimited Locations .............................................................................................................................................. 21

HR Connection Access .................................................................................................................................................. 21

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Introduction Welcome to PRO Unlimited! We are pleased you have joined PRO Unlimited ("PRO" or the “Company”). We hope that our relationship is a lasting one.

This Employee Handbook (“Handbook”) is a source of information for procedures, payroll, privileges, and benefits, along with a few general rules and policies. It is designed to answer questions you may have concerning PRO and its policies; it is not an employment contract or a guarantee of employment for any specified term. Please read it thoroughly and keep it for future reference.

PRO reserves the right to amend, add to, or change the policies, protocols, procedures and/or employee benefits in this handbook, at its sole discretion and will provide employees with reasonable notice when such changes occur. If you have any questions, please contact your PRO Representative.

Equal Opportunity Statement PRO Unlimited Global Solutions Inc. and its subsidiaries are committed to providing equal employment, promotion, and training opportunities to all its employees and job applicants regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, medical condition, genetic information, age, disability, immigrant status, veteran status, military status, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by state or federal law or local legislation.

We partner with our clients to provide accessible workplaces and work to ensure reasonable accommodations are available to any employee who may need assistance. We take concerted efforts to ensure our workforce is diverse in more than demographics, including background, culture, and thought. We are dedicated to inclusion best practices and focus on maximizing engagement across all populations.

Inclusion is the key to enabling individuals and organizations to thrive and developing cultural inclusion in the contingent workforce is foundational to sustainable success.

Employment at Will An “Employment at Will” relationship exists between PRO and its employees, with both parties having the right to terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, with or without notice.

Every employee must sign an employment services agreement before starting his or her assignment. This agreement does not guarantee continued employment or employment of any specified duration.

It takes diversity of all dimensions to create a truly global, transformative business. The united strength of unique qualities and individual characteristics amongst our employees, partners and clients drives our success. United we achieve more ⎼ together, we are truly unlimited.

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Policies and Procedures

General Employment Guidelines Employee Notices and Legal Rights You have certain federal and state rights as a payrolled worker. PRO provides all federal and state notices through HR Connection so you can review and understand your rights at any time. Please read these documents carefully upon hire and refer to them regularly. You can access the posters at Login

information is below. Please notify your PRO Representative if you do not know

where to find a posting, have concern with a posting, or believe one of your rights has been violated by the Company or the Client.

HR Connection Login: Username: generalinformation Password: Info1099

Immigration Law Compliance In compliance with federal immigration laws, employees are required to provide specific information relating to their eligibility to work in the United States.

It is the policy of PRO to employ only individuals who are currently authorized to work in the United States. As a condition of employment, you are required to complete, sign and date the first section of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Form I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification Form) and provide documentation to prove both your identity and your employment eligibility within three (3) business days of the date of your employment. If you are unable to prove both identity and employment eligibility, or if you refuse to complete form I-9, you will not be eligible for employment.

If you are authorized to work in the United States for a limited period of time, before that period expires, you will be required to submit evidence of your new or renewed employment authorization and complete an I-9 re-verification to remain employed with PRO.

Employment Status The following are employee status definitions for assignments to clients by PRO:

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Exempt Employees: For positions that have been determined to be legally exempt from overtime, employees are paid a fixed weekly salary for each week in which some work is performed, regardless of the number of hours worked that week or any day that week. Exempt employees will be so identified at the point of hire.

Non-Exempt Employees: For positions that have been determined to be non-exempt from overtime, employees are paid overtime pay after forty (40) hours per week, or as otherwise required under the relevant state law.

Exempt Computer Professionals: For positions that have been determined to qualify as an exempt computer professional, all work performed is paid on an hourly basis for all hours worked, without any overtime premium. Please contact your PRO Representative for additional information on the Special Exemption for Computer Related Occupations.

Attendance You are expected to be at work at your scheduled time each day and attendance is an essential requirement of your position. Tardiness, excessive absenteeism, long lunch hours and leaving early are reason for discipline up to and including dismissal.

If you will be absent from work due to illness or personal reasons, you are required to contact your PRO Representative and client manager to inform them of the reason for your absence at least one hour before your starting time. If you will be out for more than one (1) day, you are expected to contact your PRO Representative and client manager daily to inform them of your status. If you are out sick for three (3) or more consecutive workdays, a doctor’s note is required to return to work.

If you fail to give proper notification of your absence for three (3) consecutive workdays, it will be determined that you have voluntarily resigned from your employment with PRO. Any time off or leaves of absences protected by federal, state, or local law will not be considered.

Dress Code You should use good judgment in determining your dress and appearance at your work assignment. All employees are expected to dress in business casual attire unless the day’s task or the client requires otherwise. You are expected to be well-groomed and wear clean clothing free of holes, rips, or other signs of wear. Clothing should not be too revealing and may not contain inappropriate or offensive images or language.

Your client manager or PRO representative may establish specific guidelines for your appearance and dress code policy. Safety and protective clothing may also be required depending on your job duties.

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Personnel Records PRO must maintain accurate information on its workforce to correctly process paychecks, W-2 forms, and any other employment-related enrollments. You are responsible for notifying PRO if you change your name, address, phone number, marital status, or number of dependents as soon as it is determined.

Employment References PRO contracts with a third-party vendor, Thomas and Company, to manage employment verifications. All inquiries regarding verification of employment and wages should be directed to Thomas and Company by visiting www.thomas-and- and clicking the green “Request Employment and Wage Verification” button in

the upper-right hand corner of your screen. From there follow the instructions and provide the company code of PROU922 when prompted. Should you need any additional assistance please email [email protected] or call 800-791-8943.

Hours and Pay Hours of Work All employees who are paid on an hourly basis are required to record their time worked for payroll purposes. You must record your own time at the start and at the end of your work period, including start and stop times for lunch breaks. Time worked is defined as all time spent performing work-related duties.

Non-exempt employees must not perform any work "off the clock" under any circumstances. All time worked will be paid. If you are requested to work "off the clock," you should report this immediately to your PRO Representative or Human Resources and record the hours worked on your time sheet.

It is your responsibility to verify accuracy of all time recorded in the Company’s timekeeping system. When you receive each paycheck, please verify immediately that you were paid correctly for all regular and overtime hours worked each work week.

No employee may record time for another Employee or permit another employee to record time on their behalf. Altering, falsifying, tampering with time records, or recording time on another employee's time record (or permitting another Employee to record time on their behalf) may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

In the event you fail to record your time correctly or find a discrepancy on your paycheck, you must immediately raise the issue with your PRO Representative so that the Company may make the appropriate adjustments.

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Meal and Rest Periods You will be provided with a meal period for shifts longer than 5 hours or as mandated by law for non-exempt employees. You are expected to ensure that your actual meal period is reflected on your timecard. In the unusual event that urgent business operational needs result in a missed, shortened, or interrupted meal period, notify your manager and note on your timecard.

Meal and rest periods should be observed based on legal requirements in your area and per your employment status. Unless otherwise directed by your client, you should take your meal period within 5 hours of the start of your shift for shifts of 8 hours or more.

If you work more than 12 hours in a single shift, you may be required to take a second meal period. Please observe all meal period requirements for your state and notify your HR Representative of any concerns. If you are unsure of the meal period entitlements in your state, you can refer to the state poster on HR Connection for details.

Payroll Procedures At PRO, you will generally be paid on a weekly basis unless otherwise prescribed by specific client agreements. Your PRO Representative will notify you of any pay schedules assigned by the Client under which your engagement with PRO falls.

All hours must be reported to PRO through the designated reporting system no later than midnight each Sunday, including any voluntary absences. Failure to submit your timecard on time may result in a delayed processing period of up to one week for misreported hours. Your timecard must be completed and must be authorized by your client manager. You must complete a new timecard for each week and for each assignment you work during the week.

All employees are paid according to state and federal payroll regulations and overtime laws.

Paycheck Processing You may elect to participate in PRO’s direct deposit program or choose to have your paychecks mailed directly to your home address. If you submit your timecard to PRO by Sunday at midnight, PRO will process your timecard by 5:00 p.m. Friday of that week.

If you elect to participate in direct deposit, an electronic funds transfer (EFT) will be sent to your bank by Friday 5:00 p.m. If you elect U.S. mail, your paycheck will be mailed no later than Friday at 5:00 p.m.

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Please Note: PRO’s payroll department strives to provide you excellent customer service. Every attempt to process your timecard will be made; however, there can be delays due to holidays, banking institution procedures, postal service delays, and by acts of nature, war, terrorism, or civil unrest.

Direct Deposit For your convenience, you may elect to have your weekly pay electronically deposited to a bank account of your choice. Direct deposit advice statements are available online at: If you need assistance logging into EBen, please contact your PRO onsite representative or call (800) 558-8729.

Payroll Deductions PRO is required to make proper deductions from your earnings, on your behalf. Amounts withheld vary according to how much you earn, your marital status, tax and payroll withholding requirements, benefits you elect, and other factors. Mandated withholdings

include federal, state and any local income taxes, and employee Social Security and Medicare contributions.

In addition, PRO is required by law to comply with certain court orders, liens or wage assignments and make payroll deductions pursuant to those orders. When a wage garnishment occurs, PRO will deduct any administrative fees permittable by law.

Reimbursement of Travel Expenses Occasionally, a PRO employee may be required to travel on client business. Any time spent on client approved travel will be paid in accordance with applicable law. Lodging, food, and transportation will be reimbursed in accordance with PRO’s policies and any policies specific to the client to which you are assigned. Please refer to the PRO Unlimited Expense Policy and any client addendums for detailed information on travel and expense reimbursement.

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Conduct and Discipline PRO expects employees to observe all company policies and display appropriate behavior through the duration of employment. This handbook provides general descriptions of company policies and procedures on conduct but should not be considered all-inclusive. It is important that you read and understand all applicable policies and practice them in your daily activities.

Code of Conduct PRO’s Code of Conduct drives company behavior for our billable population as well as all company persons. We expect that everyone affiliated with PRO or one of its subsidiaries displays honesty, integrity, and fair practices in all their dealings. We strictly prohibit any forms of fraud, misrepresentation of data, or conflicts of interest.

You are expected to read the Code of Conduct in its entirety and abide by its requirements. Breaches of the Code are taken seriously and can readily terminate your employment with PRO.

Reporting Concerns and Whistleblower Protections If you see any forms of misconduct or conduct that you believe could be of concern, we ask that you report to your PRO representative, PRO Human Resources, anonymously through the HR hotline at 877.369.7407, or via the anonymous online reporting portal at

You are protected by law and company policy from retaliation for good faith reporting of any potential policy violation or misconduct. The Reporting and Whistleblower Protection policy addresses reporting methods and protections available to you in detail. If you believe you have been retaliated against, please raise to your PRO representative or PRO Human Resources immediately.

Anti-Harassment and Bullying PRO Unlimited Global Solutions is committed to maintaining a workplace free from all forms of harassment, discrimination, and bullying. This includes unwelcome gestures, comments, or physical contact directed at an individual because of a protected characteristic as well as harassment or bullying that interferes with someone’s job performance. The Harassment Prevention Policy details the guidelines that all employees and affiliates are expected to follow to ensure a workplace free of harassment.

PRO conducts our business with respect for all individuals regardless of physical characteristic, background, or cultural practice, and we expect all staff and payrollees to conduct themselves with the same focus on respect. If you see someone getting harassed or bullied or are the target of harassment or bullying, please raise to your PRO representative or PRO Human Resources for investigation. We will protect the identities of involved individuals where possible in an investigation.

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You will be protected from retaliation for good faith reporting on behalf of yourself or another individual experiencing harassment or bullying. We encourage you to speak up any time you see such behavior. A work environment of respect and inclusion is one in which every person can thrive. Each individual plays a key role in ensuring we maintain this aim.

Online Media Conduct All employees, contractors, and representatives of PRO and its subsidiaries should observe appropriate media practices when interacting with the company, its clients, or with the public on behalf of the company or its clients.

You are expected to use client and company email and internet services responsibly during your working hours and be respectful of PRO and our clients on your personal time. No communication on any medium, whether personal or professional, may disclose confidential information, include inaccuracies that damage client or company branding, or involve bullying or other inappropriate behavior in association with the client or company.

PRO and its clients reserve the right to monitor your activities during company time as well as any comments posted online that could impact the business of PRO or its clients.

Substance Abuse For the safety of our employees, PRO expects all employees and contractors to maintain a workplace free of illegal drugs or the adverse effects of legal drugs and alcohol. You are prohibited from working under the influence of illegal substances, using alcoholic beverages at the company or client’s jobsites, or engage in the use of any drug that may endanger you or your peers.

Our drug policy allows for pre-employment drug testing as well as testing of employees in certain circumstances throughout the duration of employment. Reporting for duty under the effects of drugs or alcohol, using drugs or alcohol while on duty at the company’s or client’s office, or engaging in the possession or sale of illegal drugs on company or client property are reason for termination.

Information Management During your engagement with PRO, you may have access to confidential or private information. You should observe proper information management procedures based on the confidentiality level of the data. Sensitive or private data must be handled with the utmost care to maintain confidentiality. If you are uncertain of the data classification of a specific document, please consult with your client manager or PRO representative, depending on who provided you the document initially.

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Disciplinary Procedures Employees are expected to meet PRO’s standards for work performance, punctuality, attendance, and personal conduct, and comply with all policies. Disciplinary procedures may be enacted for poor performance, consistent tardiness or attendance concerns, breach of policy, or other forms of misconduct.

The following steps are observed, where practicable, in disciplinary proceedings. The level of misconduct or circumstances surrounding the misconduct may call for adjusted procedures or immediate termination. These exceptions are handled on a case-by-case basis. All employment relationships at PRO are “at will” and may be terminated by either party at any time with or without cause or warning.

Step 1: Verbal Warning For first-time offense of minimal misconduct, your PRO representative will give you a verbal warning describing the misconduct and expectations for improvement.

Step 2: Written Warning If the behavior or performance isn’t improving, or the conduct justifies, you will receive a written warning. This is maintained in your file and tracked with a performance improvement plan.

Step 3: Final Warning If your behavior or performance hasn’t improved or your misconduct justifies, you will receive a final written warning.

Step 4: Termination With no improvement in your behavior or performance, or in cases of gross misconduct, your employment contract will be terminated.

Client and Company Premises Client and Company Property You are expected to treat all client property, company property, property belonging to fellow employees, or any other third-party property with care and respect.

You are responsible for the custody and care of any company property that has been issued or assigned to you for use in performing the functions of your position. If you are terminated, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, you are required to return such property immediately in the same good-working condition it was originally issued to you.

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Personal Property You are discouraged from bringing personal property to work. PRO cannot be responsible for personal property while it is on the work site. Please adhere to the client’s policy regarding bringing personal property on premises, including any items that are not permitted in the workplace.

Telephone Use Company telephones are for conducting business only. Incoming and outgoing personal calls on client phones should be held to a minimum or limited to emergencies. All other calls must be made on your own time using a telephone that may be designated for personal use.

In accordance with applicable law, you should be aware that the client has reserved the right to monitor telephone conversations to ensure that the level of courtesy and service provided meets professional standards.

Smoking and Tobacco Use Policy PRO Unlimited has a tobacco-free worksite policy at all company worksites located in the United States. Use of tobacco products, smoking, and vaping are prohibited within all company facilities and on company grounds, including within employee vehicles and in all company owned or leased vehicles, regardless of their location.

Safety Policy You must comply with all occupational safety

and health laws, as well as the safety policies of PRO and the client that are applicable to your worksite. PRO has outlined a framework for identifying and correcting hazards at the workplace, preventing contagious disease, and accident investigations in its Illness and Injury Prevention Policy. You are expected to comply with this and all other policies governing safe practices and raise any questions or concerns about the safety of your workplace immediately to your PRO Representative.

Any work-related accident, injury or illness must be reported immediately to your PRO Representative. PRO will assist you with specific accident reporting requirements, including application for workers’ compensation benefits.

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Hazardous Chemicals Since PRO employees may from time to time work at sites of clients who utilize hazardous chemicals, it is our responsibility, as your employer, to provide you with some important information on any hazardous chemicals at your work site.

The client you are assigned to is responsible for educating you about any chemical hazards you may be asked to work with on the site and how to stay safe on the job. Our clients should explain their Hazard Communication program to you. Be sure you understand it. If you ever have a question or problem with one of our clients regarding any hazardous materials you are asked to work with, please call our office immediately. In addition, PRO asks that you do the following:

• Follow instructions for proper use, storage, and personal protection. Read all labels and warnings.

• Familiarize yourself with the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). • Research and utilize the recommended protective clothing (gloves, goggles, etc.) and

equipment. • Learn emergency procedures, know how to respond if necessary and know where to find

first aid supplies. • Report all spills or leaks of hazardous materials to you supervisor. • Do not eat, drink, smoke or take breaks near hazardous materials.

Furthermore, some clients may require you to wear protective clothing and/or equipment. You have the right to request protective equipment when working with hazardous chemicals. You are responsible for following safe job procedures and for asking questions if you are in doubt about proper use and precautions associated with hazardous chemicals.

If you believe that you are being exposed to a known or suspected hazard when working with toxic chemicals or substances, you have a right to know about such hazards by referencing the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS). Your supervisor will review the MSDS with you. If your supervisor does not have this information available, you should contact your PRO Representative immediately.

New employees who work with or have contact with hazardous chemicals or substances are required to consult with their supervisors regarding the proper handling of such chemicals in the workplace during the orientation and new employee training.

Workplace Violence and Weapons Policy For the protection of our employees, firearms, explosives, and other weapons, regardless of your authority to carry a concealed weapon, are prohibited in any PRO or client premises, including autos, parking areas or lockers, unless otherwise directed by state law. PRO reserves the right to conduct searches to verify compliance with this policy.

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We expect you to exercise reasonable judgment when confronted with a potentially violent or dangerous individual and/or situation. Such individual and/or situation should be reported according to the below procedure. You should recognize that the following acts and behaviors are indicators of potential violence in the workplace.

• A co-worker exhibiting overt anger, or hostility; • A co-worker exhibiting signs of extreme stress; • A co-worker making threats such as a catastrophic event might occur; • A co-worker whose work performance has deteriorated suddenly and/or significantly;

• A co-worker displaying irrational or inappropriate behavior;

• A co-worker who has access to weapons and discusses them in the workplace or brandishes weapons in the workplace.

All potentially dangerous situations including threats should be reported immediately to your PRO representative or any level of management at PRO, or directly to law enforcement as appropriate. All threats will be promptly investigated. Reports of threats may be made anonymously by calling your PRO representative, through the HR hotline at 877.369.7407, or online at

If the threat is immediate, please notify your PRO representative, any other contact at PRO, or law enforcement. Your identity will be kept confidential where possible in the investigation.

You will not be subject to retaliation, intimidation, or discipline for reporting a threat under this policy. If an investigation confirms that the violence or threat was committed by an employee, PRO will take swift appropriate corrective action, which may, in PRO’s discretion, include termination of the offender.

Lactation Accommodations PRO accommodates lactating employees by providing a reasonable amount of break time to express breast milk. PRO will work with clients to provide appropriate accommodations for breastfeeding mothers while working at the client’s location. Please reach out to your PRO representative for assistance with time and accommodations for expression of breast milk. PRO will also comply with specific state requirements regarding lactation accommodations. You should consult with your PRO Representative or review the state postings in HR Connection to understand the policies applicable to your state.

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Paid and Unpaid Leave Paid Time Off Under specific client contracts, if additional paid time off or holiday benefits are made available, these benefits shall be referenced in a separate benefits document.

Sick Leave Sick Leave is provided in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local requirements. Please contact your PRO representative for information specific to your state.

Protected Paid and Unpaid Leave Depending on your location, you may be eligible for either paid or unpaid leave for a birth, adoption, or foster placement for a child, a medical disability or to care for a medical disability of a close family member, to tend to legal proceedings or medical treatment resulting from domestic violence or sexual assault, and/or any other reason protected by law. The amount of leave and eligibility for paid leave depends on the type of leave required and the laws in your state.

PRO will maintain complete confidentiality of the circumstances of your leave unless the law necessitates provision of information, and then will only provide the information required by law for the safety of its employees.

Your PRO representative can assist you with understanding your rights to leave. You may also request to consult with an HR representative to discuss your leave options and get assistance with requesting leave. Employees must provide advanced notice prior to taking leave unless they are prevented from doing so. You should report your upcoming leave to your PRO representative and communicate with them to ensure your client manager has been notified and can plan accordingly.

Jury Duty If summoned, you are encouraged to serve on jury duty. You are required to immediately notify your PRO representative and client manager to the fact that you have been summoned for jury duty.

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State law governs whether you will receive your normal pay while serving on a jury. For more information, you should contact your PRO Representative.

Voting Time PRO encourages all employees to vote in every election, accordingly, employees will be given time off to vote and in accordance with state and local requirements. For more information, you should contact your PRO representative or review your state law poster in HR Connection.

Military Service If you are a member of any U.S. Military organization or state militia group (i.e., Reserve, or National Guard), you may take the necessary time off without pay to fulfill this obligation, and you will retain your legal rights for continued employment under existing laws. You should submit copies of

your military orders to PRO as soon as possible and following your service, you will be

reinstated in accordance with applicable federal and state law.

Benefits Health Insurance PRO is pleased to offer our payrolled employees excellent group health insurance plans. These plans include comprehensive coverage that is available through a "Pre-Tax" payroll deduction. In addition, to enhance the value of the medical benefit available to you and your family, PRO pays a significant portion of your medical premiums.

You are eligible to participate in the medical, dental, vision and ancillary insurance plans on the first of the month following 30 days of full-time employment (working a minimum of 30 hours per week). Upon enrollment, you must maintain full-time status to continue your eligibility. Please review the benefits brochure included in your welcome packet for more information. Specific coverage questions may be directed to the PRO Benefits Department at (800) 813-7946 or [email protected].

Enrollment elections are based on Section 125 (IRS Code) and are annual elections unless you have a qualifying event during the plan year. Failure to enroll during the initial eligibility period will waive your right to join the plan(s) until annual open enrollment or a qualifying event occurs.

401(k) Employees are eligible to participate in the qualified pre-tax 401(k) program on their first day of employment. If you do not formally elect to either participate or waive participation in the 401(k) plan by your 45th day of employment, you will be auto-enrolled at 3% contribution to a default portfolio. You may choose not to contribute if you prefer. If you are auto-enrolled, you may request to have

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any funds automatically contributed to your 401(k) withdrawn and returned, provided you request the withdrawal within 90 days of your first contribution. You can find the proper form for withdrawal on Principal’s website or by contacting Principal directly. You will find complete contact information on the Principal Account Access Guide included with your welcome packet.

If auto enrollment is waived, you still can join the plan at any time at the plan website

When you terminate employment with PRO and your vested account balance is below $5,000, a distribution from your account will be sent to you after 80 days. Upon your death the entire value of your account is payable to the beneficiary you have designated, and if no beneficiary has been designated then it will be paid to your estate. In the case of any of these situations, your executor, estate administrator or your beneficiary must notify our office to receive a distribution form. The law requires the plan administrator to withhold federal income taxes of 20% on any taxable distribution from the plan. However, you may avoid this withholding by electing to transfer your money directly to an eligible retirement plan or an IRA. A 10% early distribution penalty tax applies if you receive a distribution before you reach 59½ years of age unless you meet certain criteria.

The rules set forth above pertaining to 401(k) participation, distribution, penalties, and tax consequences may change from time to time by federal law and you should consult with a tax advisor. If you have any questions about your 401(k) benefits, please contact the PRO Benefits Department at (800) 813-7946 or [email protected].

Worker’s Compensation PRO provides a comprehensive workers’ compensation insurance program at no cost to employees. This program covers any work-related injury or illness sustained during employment requiring medical, surgical or hospital treatment.

Any work-related accident, injury or illness must be reported immediately to your PRO Representative. PRO will assist you with any specific accident reporting requirements.

Please follow these instructions if you believe a Workers’ Compensation issue has arisen:

• Report the injury to your PRO representative immediately. It doesn’t matter how minor an on-the-job injury may appear; it is important that the injury is reported immediately.

• Get medical treatment, if necessary. • Complete an Employee Accident Report Form and return to your PRO representative as

soon as possible. Keep a copy for your records.

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In addition, where required by state law, employees are provided with statutory disability insurance. If permitted, there may be a portion of the cost charged to the employee for such coverage. If you have such coverage and expect to be out of work due to work-related illness or injury, contact your PRO representative.

Other Benefits PRO offers other great benefits, perks, and discounts. You can find more information on these benefits in your benefits brochure or at (user id: general information password: Info1099). You may also call the PRO Benefits Department at (800) 813-7946.

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Company Contact Information and Resources

PRO Unlimited Locations

PRO Unlimited Global Headquarters 7777 Glades Road, Suite 208

Boca Raton, FL 33434 Phone: (800) 291-1099

West Coast Regional

Headquarters PRO Unlimited, Inc. 1350 Old Bayshore Highway Suite 350 Burlingame, CA 94010

Phone: (800) 391-1099 Fax: (650) 548-0314

East Coast Regional Headquarters PRO Unlimited, Inc. 999 Stewart Avenue, Suite 100 Bethpage, NY 11714 Phone: (800) 966-6654 Fax: (516) 437-0149

Benefits Department Payroll Department PRO Unlimited, Inc. PRO Unlimited, Inc. 7777 Glades Road, Suite 208 1150 Iron Point Road, Suite 100 Boca Raton, FL 33434 Folsom, CA 95630 Phone: (800) 813-7946 Phone: 800-558-8729 Fax: (561) 988-8325 Fax: (916) 669-3201 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

HR Connection Access Username: generalinformation Password: Info1099

Page 22: Dear Valued Employee,

22 Rev 03/2021 | © PRO Unlimited, All Rights Reserved



I understand and agree that:-

The statements contained in the Payrollee Handbook are intended to serve as general information concerning PRO and its subsidiaries with respect to its existing policies, procedures, and practices of employment and employee benefits.

No policy or provision in this Handbook is intended to create a contract binding the employee or employer to any agreement of employment for a specific period. No representative or agent of the employer, other than the authorized Director, can authorize or sign an employment agreement contrary to these terms or otherwise make any binding offer of employment for a specific term.

From time to time PRO may need to clarify, amend and/or supplement the information contained in the Payrollee Handbook and PRO will inform me as soon as practicable when changes occur.

I have received a copy of PRO’s Employee Handbook, have read and understand the information outlined in the Handbook, have asked any questions I may have concerning its contents and will comply with all policies and procedures to the best of my ability.

I understand I may retain this copy of the Handbook in my possession through the duration of my engagement with the Company, or until requested to return it.

I will not reveal the contents of the Handbook to anybody outside the Company without express permission of the authorized Director of the Company.

Employee's Signature: _ Date:


(Please print name here)