dear tobias

Dear Tobias, I am sitting in front of this naked shit of paper, trying to write to you, to express my feelings regarding you. Your friend, George, whom I don’t think I should call my friend too, any longer, told me some pieces of your conersation, by mistake. !ow that I know your opinion about me, I feel free to express my own. I beliee we don’t hae much in common, our so"called friendship was contextual and conenient for both of us for a short period of time. Your attitude towards the personal facts that I reealed to you upset me, but I neer had the courage to say it to you, when we were face to face. I think you were arrogant and insensitie, which I beliee that are attributes for the least smart of us. Therefore I wish you would erase my phone number from your agenda and forget the way to my apartment, whose door is no longer opened to you. #ope to not see you again, $na.

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Post on 05-Oct-2015




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Dear Tobias,

I am sitting in front of this naked shit of paper, trying to write to you, to express my feelings regarding you. Your friend, George, whom I dont think I should call my friend too, any longer, told me some pieces of your conversation, by mistake. Now that I know your opinion about me, I feel free to express my own. I believe we dont have much in common, our so-called friendship was contextual and convenient for both of us for a short period of time. Your attitude towards the personal facts that I revealed to you upset me, but I never had the courage to say it to you, when we were face to face. I think you were arrogant and insensitive, which I believe that are attributes for the least smart of us.

Therefore I wish you would erase my phone number from your agenda and forget the way to my apartment, whose door is no longer opened to you.

Hope to not see you again,


P.S.: I forgot to mention I want the jeans and the bag that I landed to you back, by tomorrow morning!