dear students and parents,...upon completion of the ap spanish language and culture you will take...

June 1, 2015 Dear Students and Parents, Congratulations! You have successfully completed the coursework for level 3/3H, met the requirements for advancement, and have been recommended by the Dept. of Modern Languages to continue your language instructions in Spanish AP Language and Culture for the Fall 2015-16 school year. In preparation for Spanish AP you will need to continue to review and build upon your language skills and better your language knowledge so that classes can begin at the pace necessary to cover the AP curriculum. Spanish AP Language and Culture is a class that is for highly- motivated independent learners and is an intense, demanding course. Upon completion of the AP Spanish Language and Culture you will take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Your goal should be to pass the AP exam with a score of 3 or higher. To that end, the following Spanish language activities are to be completed during the summer in order to keep the Spanish language alive. In order to receive full credit, the written work must be submitted the first day of class. On the first day of class, you will hand in the written sections, and during the first week of classes you will present the oral report. It is important that you consistently practice and hone your Spanish skills by doing a little each week. It is not recommended that you save everything for the end as it will be too large a task to complete successfully. The Summer Packet work will be the first graded assignment for AP Spanish Language along with the scores from the oral presentation and quiz. Only those students who meet the requirements will be allowed to continue in the AP class. Should you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Kevin Clark Spanish Teacher [email protected]

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Page 1: Dear Students and Parents,...Upon completion of the AP Spanish Language and Culture you will take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Your goal should be to pass the AP exam with a score

June 1, 2015 Dear Students and Parents, Congratulations! You have successfully completed the coursework for level 3/3H, met the requirements for advancement, and have been recommended by the Dept. of Modern Languages to continue your language instructions in Spanish AP Language and Culture for the Fall 2015-16 school year. In preparation for Spanish AP you will need to continue to review and build upon your language skills and better your language knowledge so that classes can begin at the pace necessary to cover the AP curriculum. Spanish AP Language and Culture is a class that is for highly-motivated independent learners and is an intense, demanding course. Upon completion of the AP Spanish Language and Culture you will take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Your goal should be to pass the AP exam with a score of 3 or higher. To that end, the following Spanish language activities are to be completed during the summer in order to keep the Spanish language alive. In order to receive full credit, the written work must be submitted the first day of class. On the first day of class, you will hand in the written sections, and during the first week of classes you will present the oral report. It is important that you consistently practice and hone your Spanish skills by doing a little each week. It is not recommended that you save everything for the end as it will be too large a task to complete successfully. The Summer Packet work will be the first graded assignment for AP Spanish Language along with the scores from the oral presentation and quiz. Only those students who meet the requirements will be allowed to continue in the AP class. Should you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Kevin Clark Spanish Teacher [email protected]

Page 2: Dear Students and Parents,...Upon completion of the AP Spanish Language and Culture you will take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Your goal should be to pass the AP exam with a score

You Summer Assignment has been broken down into the four skill areas related to language learning: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking Watch 4 video clips from the selection of online Hispanic newspapers that are listed below. Look for links for each video. Explore the site because there are a lot of interesting things to choose from. For each one you must complete the multimedia@AP sheet that is included in this document. You must make 4 copies. If the video you select seems difficult I recommend that you listen to it several times. Read 3 articles taken from the list of online Hispanic news papers below. For each one you must make 3 copies of the laprensa@AP sheet that is included in this document, complete them AND attach a copy of the article to each one. Before you decide on an article, explore the different sections in the newspaper. Read 1 cuento included in this packet. You will answer the questions on a separate sheet of paper. Elaborate on the answers that need explanation. Upon returning to school there will be a quiz on this story after reviewing the questions you answered. (El nino y la niebla de Rodolfo Usigli). Research and oral presentation: “Mini-biography” (Grading: See attached rubric) You will present information in Spanish about a famous Hispanic person. The presentation must be at least 2 minutes long. During the oral presentations, you will be permitted to have a 3x5 note card for important dates/facts however, the you will NOT be allowed to read from the card. This should not be a last minute presentation. Be sure to adequately research the person, plan and organize your presentation and rehearse it before the day you present. Information to be included: a. Date when the person was born and when he/she died b. Where they were born and family background c. Occupation and what they did that was significant /major accomplishments d. What makes this person unique/famous and something interesting about them e. A picture of the person. Feel free to make poster as reference and to help the audience learn about your person. Due date: You will turn in these activities the first day of class. The grades you receive for your work as well as the quiz on the cuento will be your first grade in the AP Spanish Language class. You will only turn in the pages from the 4 multimedia@AP selections, 3 pages from the laprensa@AP selections and the answers from the 1 story. IMPORTANT: All summer homework must be your own work with original ideas, using your own words. The use of translators is considered cheating and is prohibited on all homework assignments. The use of dictionaries, however, is useful tool for the AP course. Your work should be original and not plagiarized. Be careful using the Internet. Before beginning your Summer Homework you must read the Academic Honesty Statement. When you are finished with your homework, you must print it, sign it and turn it in with your Summer Homework.

Page 3: Dear Students and Parents,...Upon completion of the AP Spanish Language and Culture you will take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Your goal should be to pass the AP exam with a score

Nombre: _____________________________________ Fecha: ______________________


The following list of items must be turned in together on the first day of school. Late or incomplete work may jeopardize your place in the AP Spanish Language course. Be sure

your work is legible, complete and organized. Attach this check list to the front of your packet.

ASSIGNMENT DATE COMPLETED STUDENT INITIALS Multimedia@AP work sheet #1 ________________ ________________

Multimedia@AP work sheet #2 ________________ ________________

Multimedia@AP work sheet #3 ________________ ________________

Multimedia@AP work sheet #4 ________________ ________________

laprensa @AP worksheet and article #1 ________________ ________________

laprensa @AP worksheet and article #2 ________________ ________________

laprensa @AP worksheet and article #3 ________________ ________________

El cuento with worksheet ________________ ________________

Research and Oral Presentation ________________ ________________

Juramento de honestidad: En mi trabajo de verano

1. Vi las películas y leí los artículos y el cuento en español.

2. No copié información sobre los cuentos y las películas del Internet

3. Todo mi trabajo representa mis propias ideas y fue escrito con mis propias palabras

4. No utilicé ni traductores electrónicos ni la ayuda de personas hispano-

hablantes para redactar mi trabajo

firma: _________________________________ fecha: _____________

Page 4: Dear Students and Parents,...Upon completion of the AP Spanish Language and Culture you will take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Your goal should be to pass the AP exam with a score

RUBRIC: “Mini-biography” 1. Fully addresses and completes the task 5 4 3 2 1 2. Relevant, thorough treatment of the topic 5 4 3 2 1 3. Very well-organized, cohesive response 5 4 3 2 1 4. All or almost all of the information is accurate 5 4 3 2 1 5. Accurate social and/or cultural ref. included 5 4 3 2 1 6. Use and control of a variety of structures … 5 4 3 2 1 7. Rich vocabulary used with precision 5 4 3 2 1 8. High level of fluency 5 4 3 2 1 9. Excellent pronunciation 5 4 3 2 1 10. Register is highly appropriate 5 4 3 2 1

PERIÓDICOS DEL MUNDO HISPANO : (periódico de España) ( sección de vídeos ) ( solo para oír, más difícil pero mejor práctica ) ( periódico de Madrid) ( sección de vídeos ) ( periódico argentino ) (sección de vídeos ) ( periódico mexicano ) (sección de audio ) (sección de vídeos ) ( periódico argentino) ( sección de vídeos) ( periódico de Puerto Rico; tiene algunos vídeos ) ( periódico de Colombia ) ( audio) ( vídeos) ( periódico de Colombia) ( vídeos) ( radio directa de Colombia)

Page 5: Dear Students and Parents,...Upon completion of the AP Spanish Language and Culture you will take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Your goal should be to pass the AP exam with a score

laprensa@AP Nombre: __________________________________ Fuente:____________________________________ Fecha del artículo: _______________ Título: ___________________________________________________________________ Source link: ______________________________________________________________ 1. TWIST Inventa un nuevo título innovador para el artículo. _________________________________________________________________________


2. CRÍTICA ¿Fue un buen artículo? Explica _________________________________________________________________________


3. VOCABULARIO Ofrece 10 buenas palabras y ponlas el inglés en paréntesis. __________________________________ _________________________________

__________________________________ _________________________________

__________________________________ _________________________________

__________________________________ _________________________________

__________________________________ _________________________________

4. RESUMEN Ofrece un buen resumen del artículo (3‐4 oraciones). _________________________________________________________________________












Page 6: Dear Students and Parents,...Upon completion of the AP Spanish Language and Culture you will take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Your goal should be to pass the AP exam with a score

laprensa@AP (página 2) 5. TEMAS Ofrece 3 temas profundos que se puedan sacar del artículo.

(Ejemplos: La importancia de hablar dos idiomas en el mundo de hoy, El derecho a la privacidad de la gente famosa)

1. ___________________________________________________________________


2. ___________________________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________________


6. CONEXIÓN Conecta una(s) idea(s) de este artículo con otra situación y explícate. _________________________________________________________________________









7. UNA PREGUNTA Ofrece una pregunta relacionada con el tema del artículo que nos haga pensar. _________________________________________________________________________



Page 7: Dear Students and Parents,...Upon completion of the AP Spanish Language and Culture you will take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Your goal should be to pass the AP exam with a score

mulitmedia@AP Nombre: __________________________________ Título: ___________________________________________________________________ Sitio: ________________________________________ Fecha del video: ______________ 1. RESUMEN ¿De qué se trata esta selección?. _________________________________________________________________________







2. Información: Escribe 3 datos (información) que sacaste de la selección.

1. ___________________________________________________________________


2. ___________________________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________________


3. VOCABULARIO Escoge 4 palabras buenas de la selección y ponlas el inglés entre paréntesis. __________________________________ _________________________________

__________________________________ _________________________________

5. LO MEJOR En tu opinión, ¿cuál fue lo mejor de esta selección ? _________________________________________________________________________



6. TÍTULO NUEVO Sugiere un nuevo título para esta selección _________________________________________________________________________


Page 8: Dear Students and Parents,...Upon completion of the AP Spanish Language and Culture you will take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Your goal should be to pass the AP exam with a score

Lectura: EL NIÑO Y LA NIEBLA (fragmento)

SOBRE EL AUTOR: El estritor mexicano Rodolfo Usigli (1905-1979) fue ensayista, poeta y narrador, además de profesor y diplomático, pero es más conocido por sus obras de teatro. Como dramaturgo exploró las verdades de la naturaleza humano y de la sociedad, y mostró las fuerzas contradictorias dentro de ellas: la hipocresía y el egoísmo. En 1972, el gobierno mexicano le otorgó el Premio Nacional de Letras. SOBRE LA LECTURA: Este fragmento de la obra dramatúrgica El niño y la niebla (1936) aborda temas que siguen siendo relevantes hoy día. en la obra se presentan los conflictos familiares, las dificultades de la adolescencia y el papel de los valores que regulan las relaciones dentro de una familia. Esta obra de teatro se estrenó en 1951 y fue llevada al cine en 1953.

Page 9: Dear Students and Parents,...Upon completion of the AP Spanish Language and Culture you will take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Your goal should be to pass the AP exam with a score

Contesten las preguntas sobre la lectura en la siguiente hoja.

Page 10: Dear Students and Parents,...Upon completion of the AP Spanish Language and Culture you will take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Your goal should be to pass the AP exam with a score

NOMBRE: ________________________________________ FECHA: ________________ EL NIÑO Y LA NIEBLA Después de leer A Comprensión. Contesta estas preguntas con oraciones completas.

1. ¿Quiénes son los padres de Daniel? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. ¿Cuántos años tiene Daniel? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ¿Quién es Jacinta? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. ¿Qué quiere Daniel que Jacinta haga? ¿Por qué? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. ¿Quién es Luis? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. ¿En qué no están de acuerdo Guillermo y su esposa? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. ¿Qué opina Guillermo de Luis? ¿Por qué? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. ¿Es Marta afectuosa con Guillermo? ¿Cómo sabes? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Cuál es la opinión de Marta sobre la forma de actuar de Guillermo? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. ¿Marta le dice mentiras a Guillermo o le oculta cierta información imórtante? ¿Por qué lo hace? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. ¿Crees que Daniel es un chico malcriado? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

12. En conclusión, ¿cuál es el conflicto que se presenta en esta escena? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Page 11: Dear Students and Parents,...Upon completion of the AP Spanish Language and Culture you will take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Your goal should be to pass the AP exam with a score

B. Los personajes. Según los diálogos de este fragmento dramatúrgico, describe la forma de ser de cada uno de los personajes. Utiliza adjetivos del recuadro u otros que consideres necesarios. (Búscalos en un dicionario y apréndelos juntos con sus definiciónes). autoritario/a fiel inseguro/a obstinado/a rencoroso/a

cariñoso/a imponente malcriado/a prevenido/a responsable

consentido/a indiferente obediente rebelde sociable

Modelo: Jacinta es una mujer respetuosa y trabajadora. Ha sido fiel a sus patrones por muchos años.

1. Guillermo



2. Marta



3. Daniel



C. Las intenciones. Completa estas oraciones sobre las intenciones de los personajes, usando las “Palabras clave” de la lectura (ve los cuadros en los márgenes de cada página. Usa la forma adecuada de los verbos en cada caso.

1. Guillermo quiere __________________________ buenos valores a Daniel. 2. Al principio, Daniel parece tener un temperamento ________________________ 3. Daniel no quiere que Jacinta lo __________________________ (subjuntivo). 4. Marta opina que Buillermo es __________________________ en la manera como

educa a su hijo. 5. Marta no quiere que los adultos __________________________ (subjuntivo) en

tratar a Daniel como un niño. 6. Con sus opiniones contradictorias, Marta y Guillermo ______________________ a

Daniel. 7. Daniel __________________________ cuando su padre le pregunta de manera

insistente si ha salido con Luis. 8. Daniel empieza a perder __________________________ al hablar con su padre.

Page 12: Dear Students and Parents,...Upon completion of the AP Spanish Language and Culture you will take the AP Spanish Language Exam. Your goal should be to pass the AP exam with a score

Here are some recommendations for things to do over the summer and during the school year to help prepare you for the language exam. These are in addition to your summer assignments.

1. Everyday, pick up a Spanish publication and read some of it. Some possible choices include “People Magazine en Español”, “Variedades”, “Hola”, or other such publications. These are available at local bookstores/magazine shops/etc. Car magazines, fashion magazines, etc. are all good alternatives. It is essential to do some reading and to be exposed to Spanish publications. 2. You can also go on the Internet and read articles in Spanish such as on-line newspapers, magazines, and web sites. Many search engines are available in Spanish. If you click on or type “video” at or, you can find videos in Spanish that will help with visual, audio and gestures in Spanish. 3. Have some daily contact with Univisión or other Spanish programming on television or DVD. I recommend watching news programs such as “Primer Impacto,” or “Noticiero.” You will see and hear speakers from all of the Spanish-speaking countries. “Tu Desayuno Alegre,” is a morning talk show with music videos. I love “Sábado gigante” as it combines a little bit of every type of show imaginable. There are also the “telenovelas,” if that interests you. Additionally, there are many different game shows. You will need frequent contact over the summer with Spanish language and cultures. 4. Listen to a variety of Spanish accents. Videos and DVDs are excellent resources, too, for listening to Spanish. While watching your favorite DVD this summer, select to hear or watch your DVD in the Spanish language. Watch the program and jot down some words or things you don’t understand or want to learn. You probably will not understand everything, but over time your understanding will increase. Another option is to record a show, then pick a 3-5 minute segment and keep rewinding it, working with it until you get most of what is going on. You might like working with music videos or commercials when you do this at first. 5. Seek out opportunities to listen to “live” Spanish. There are community cultural events and local churches that have activities and services in Spanish and local service organizations that provide services to the Spanish-speaking community. You can help others while helping yourself. Speak Spanish with family, friends, and co-workers. You may be surprised at how many people in this area speak Spanish. 6. Listen to Spanish music. Visit local shops, department stores or download songs from the Internet. You may even want to consider Podcasts available in Spanish. There are some designed to teach Spanish as well as some for entertainment. 7. Buy an AP Spanish Language practice book. All are fine, as long as they include the elements that are currently on the test. Any practice is better than none! 8. Check out and become familiar with the College Board Spanish Language and Culture web site: Here you can check out the themes of the AP exam that we will be covering as well as see past exams and samples tests.