dear santa

Dear Santa [Completed] Forewords DEAR SANTA

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Dear Santa [Completed]

ForewordsDEAR SANTA::C.A.S.T.S::Bobby Au YeungJacky Wong as Jacky LamRaymond LamTavia Yeung::P.R.O.L.O.G.U.E::Dear Santa,My name is Jacky Lam and I am 10 years old. This year I have been a very good boy. I ate all of my vegetables and even finish up all the broccolis that mommy has made for me. I drank all of my soup until there is nothing left. I let mommy tuck me into bed without squirming like a worm and I never forgot to give daddy a kiss before going to sleep. I drank all of my medicine and listened to the doctorBut Santa...Im a very bad boy because mommy and daddy would always fight over me. I made mommy cry. I made daddy angry. Santa, are you going to put me on the Naughty list? Please dont put me on the Naughty list! I will try to make mommy and daddy happy! I promise!Santa, this year I will not be mean and ask for a lot of toys. Santa, please grant me this wishPlease make mommy and daddy love each other again.-Jacky LamP.S. I will remember to give you cookies and milk, but there is no chimney here, how will you get in?--------------------------------------------------Chapter 120/12/08Chapter OneBernice Liu as Doctor Bernice LiuBosco Wong---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The scrawny boy gently placed his pencil down and folded the paper in half with undivided attention. He carefully slide the letter filled with his hearts wishes into the white envelope. He glued the edges down and quickly scribbles Santa Claus on the front of the envelope. Jacky coughs and stares out at the closed window. Bernice Liu, the doctor that was in charge of Jackys treatment, had came in earlier to seal it for she was afraid the cold weather outside would affect his poor health.It was snowing outside. Snowflakes of different sizes cascading gently down until it landed on the ground. Jacky imagined how it would feel to catch snowflakes with his tongue; the ice melting at the tip and the childhood fantasy of doing what every kid has done during this time of the year build a snowman and have a snowball fight with their parents and friends.Jacky sighed. He wished he could do those things too.Hi sweetie, why are you pouting? Bernice came into his ward to check up on him. She had always been there to keep him company; he was her patient, after all.Bernice jeh jeh, do you think I could build a snowman? Jacky asks as Bernice took a look at the clipboard that was located at the end of the hospital bed.Of course you will! Bernice exclaims as she puts on her glasses and thoroughly checks the detail.When can I do that? Can I build a snowman today? Jacky suddenly grins and the bright smile contrasted his pale face.Not today, sweetie. How about another day? Bernice suggested and starts scribbling a few notes onto the clipboard as she glances up at him frequently in between her scribbling.Will you be doing that again? Jacky felt like crying. Bernice knew that he was referring to -- chemotherapy. She gulps with difficulty. Sometimes it was so hard to be a doctor. Bernice could only smile faintly and pat him lightly on the head. Jacky looks down. He doesnt have much hair left. Suddenly, he remembers that he wanted to ask Bernice for a favor. Bernice jeh jehYes?Jacky hands her a small letter with arms that looked so weak and fragile that caused Bernice to feel guilty for she could not cure him with 100% guarantee. At times like these, she felt ashamed to have the title of Doctor Bernice Liu. Can you help me give this letter to Santa?Santa? Bernice ponders and studied the letter. You want to ask him if youre on the Naughty or Nice list?Jacky slightly nods his head. And something else.What is it?Its a secret! Jacky smiles cheekily as Bernice chuckles and ruffles his hair playfully.Ok, Im charging you for this! Bernice lowers her head and turns her head sideway as she pointed to her cheek with her index finger. Jacky quickly gives her a peck. Good boy. Jacky giggles softly, but their joyous moments were disrupted with the sound of a quarreling pair. Bernices head snapped up and she did not need to have second thoughts to know who those voices belonged to.Tavia Yeung walks swiftly ahead to Jackys ward as Raymond follows quickly behind, trying to catch up to her. Furious, Tavia stops and turns around to face Raymond. Their entrance had caused many stares from people nearby.Go away Raymond! Jacky doesnt want to see you! She shouts angrily and points her finger at the elevator. Leave!Raymond glares at her angrily. Hes my fucken son, Tavia!No! Were divorced! LEAVE NOW! Tavia was stubborn and irritated. She had been working the whole day, busily typing the documents that her boss keeps piling in front of her. That devil of a boss seriously wanted to kill her so that she could not go visit her son or have a life. Not to mention, she had stayed with Jacky the whole night yesterday and had barely enough hours of sleep. The last thing she needed now was to see Raymond and for him to annoy the heck out of her.So what? Dont forget about my visitation rights! Raymond growled.Tavia scoffed and crossed her arms. Why are you here anyway? Why arent you at home fucking your bitch? She rolls her eyes bitterly.He clenched his fists so tight that his knuckles turned white. For goodness sake! Damnit Tavia, how many times do I have to tell you there was nothing between Charmaine and I? Youre being the unreasonable bitch! Wheres the bastard you were flirting with?! He was upset that she would not believe him when he said he had not slept with Charmaine. It had all been Charmaines trap to drug him, strip him naked and get into bed with him as a play. He could swear on his grave that he had never committed adultery with Charmaine. Heck, he would rather much be stabbed to death than be anywhere near her. The only person that he would have been more than glad to make love to was her and here she was, scolding him without listening to reasons. Needless to say, she filed for divorce right away and he wouldve asked for her forgiveness if he had not seen her flirting with that damn Bosco Wong. So much for being friends.Tavias jaw dropped. She had not been flirting with Bosco as Raymond had insisted her doing. When she was informed about Raymonds affair, Tavia was confused and hurt and didnt know what to do. Bosco had been there for her as a friend; comforting and supporting her. She knew very well that Bosco saw her as more than a friend, but she had rejected him long ago when she realized that it was Raymond that she loved. Bosco had never dared go any further after she made her points clear. I have nothing to say to you.Thats because you know what I said was true, Raymond snapped.The door swung open to reveal a disappointed Bernice. If you would like to fight, this is not the place. Have you ever thought of how much that would affect Jacky? If you dont care about what others think, at least care about what your son thinks! Bernice scolded them both who were now feeling guilty and sorry for causing a scene. If youre going to visit him, then do it properly. Leave your love affair for another day, said Bernice as she walked away to check on the childrens ward.Both listening to Bernice, Raymond and Tavia decides to stop arguing. The two walked into Jackys room with a forced smile.Hi honey! How are you doing today? Tavia grins widely and sits down next to Jacky on the bed.Hows my little fighter doing? Raymond laughs and nuzzles his nose with Jackys. Their mood had changed 360 degrees.Jacky refuses to answer for he was sadden by the fact that they were still fighting. No matter how much they tried to hide it from him, he knew. He knew what was going on.Whats wrong? Tavia asks worriedly when she notices that Jacky was not saying anything. Ah! Look what mommy brought you today! She reaches into her bag and pulls out a stuffed pig animal. Ta-dah! Didnt you say you were lonely when Im not here? I brought your favorite Mr. Pig! Tavia holds the stuffed pig in front of Jacky but he looks away.Tavia glances at Raymond for help.Hey, how about a game of thumb war? The loser has to give the winner a kiss! Raymond suggests with excitement.Jacky still did not answer and starts playing with the white bed sheet. Mommy?Yes, honey? Tavia immediately answers.Daddy?Hm? Raymond said.Do you think Santa will grant me my wish?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SANTA! SANTA!Bobby was getting amazingly dizzy from the hundreds of kids voices calling for his attention. The large, red suit and long, white beard did not relax him either. Although it was freezing cold outside on the streets of Hong Kong, he was feeling completely opposite inside this suit. His face was red and he felt like if he couldnt get out of this suit, he would die.He was hired to work at this hospital to dress as Santa Claus and go around to bring laughter and joy to these kids. It was the hospitals tradition. However, it felt like he was the one suffering and not them. They seemed to have more energy than him. His education level was certainly not very high and thus, no one would actually employ him. Therefore, this was the only job he had to resort to.What a pain. He looked around at the crowd of kids who were jumping up and down at the sight of him. They were all smiling, laughing and playing. They were still at the age where they believed in Santa Claus. They believed that Santa had a Naughty or Nice list, lives in the North Pole, had thousands of elves working for him, a Santa Workshop where all the toys were made and that on Christmas night, he would travel around the world to give them presents by going through their chimneys.Bobby could surely laugh at that one. He had stopped believing in Santa Claus since he was a 9 years old kid. He was a nice boy, never defied his mothers wishes and was always willing to help others. He had remembered that very year where he had written a letter to Santa and asked him to save his dying mother and for Santa to bring his father back. His mother was slowly dying from her depression of losing his father and yet his father would not answer their calls. He did not love them anymore; it was what his mother would always say. But he asked Santa to change this; he wished Santa would grant his wish.But what happened? If Santa was real, if Santa could grant everyone their wishes, especially those that are on the Nice list, then why hadnt Santa grant Bobby his wish? From then on, he had stopped writing Santa a letter. From then on, he had stopped believing in Santa.Am I on the Nice list? One kid asked.Another one jumps in, Me too! Me too! I want to know!Soon, everyone was firing questions at him.Santa! Can you give me a Barbie doll for Christmas?Santa, Santa, will you come back again on Christmas?Santa!Do you like cookies and milk?How come your stomach is so big?Can you take me to your workshop?Where is Rudolph?Oh, oh, oh! Can I touch Rudolphs nose?Santa, I have no cookies this year, will you still give me presents?How come youre visiting us early this year?HO HO HO! Kids calm down! Calm down! One question at a time! I cant listen to every one of you at the same time! Bobby shouted amidst the chaos.But youre Santa Claus! Youre magical! A girl amongst the crowd reasoned.Ho ho ho! Yes, but Santa Claus still only has two ears! Bobby replied. Now, one question at a time and please, raise your hands if you want to ask me a question! The minute Bobby finished his sentence, everyone in the room raised their hands up in the air. Bobby looked around as he began to choose the lucky person that would get to ask Santa the first question.An hour and a half later, Bobby was exhausted and had no energy left. He plopped down onto the sofa in the staff area to rest. He pulled off the hat and beard, much to his satisfaction.A minute later, Bernice came in with a red bag and set it down in front of him. Looks like Santa have more letters to read, right Uncle Bobby? She smiles and then went to refill her cup of coffee. Santa, you look dead!Tired and sleepy and hungry, said Bobby.Would you like milk and cookies? Bernice joked.No thanks! Bobby looks down at his pot-belly. Bernice giggles and it was not long after that she was immediately called on her pager for assistance. She bid him good-bye and went back to work, leaving Bobby alone in the staff room. He lay on the couch, motionless until he decided to start reading those letters or else hed have to pull an all nighter just to finish them. Bobby didnt exactly understand why he had to read it all by himself, but it didnt matter, he was getting paid for this. Hed have to look for a new job after this.Half an hour later, his eyes were getting bored and he yawned loudly. Most of the content was the same thing; they all told him what they wanted for Christmas. He wonders if the hospital would go bankrupt after this, but he guessed not since it was a tradition and the building was still intact after so many years. He decided to read one more letter before calling it off to take a nap. Bobby examined the bundle of letters and his eyes landed on a rather simple, white envelope with a messy writing of Santa Claus imprinted on it. This letter compare to the others did not make any difference yet somehow, it caught his attention the most and he opened it to read.Dear Santa,My name is Jacky Lam and I am 10 years old. This year I have been a very good boy. I ate all of my vegetables and even finish up all the broccolis that mommy..Bobby continues to read to himself.Please make mommy and daddy love each other again.-Jacky LamP.S. I will remember to give you cookies and milk, but there is no chimney here, how will you get in?He put the letter back into the envelope and stared blankly at the ceiling.Please make mommy and daddy love each other again.Why does that sound oddly familiar?Bobby had an urge to meet this Jacky Lam.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good-night daddy. Jacky gave Raymond a quick kiss on the cheek before he settles down on the bed.Good-night, Prince Charming.Where is mommy? Jacky asks as Raymond tucked him in. Is she sleeping too? Jacky looks at Tavia. She was sleeping soundlessly on the small sofa in an upright position with her arms crossed and her head hanging by the side. Raymond could already guess how much her neck would ache once she awakens.Raymond nods and whispers, Lets not wake her up, okay? Go to sleep.Are you leaving daddy? Jacky blinks at him sadly.No, I will be staying right here until you fall asleep, Raymond assures.Can you sing me a song? requested Jacky.Raymond laughs heartily and lightly pinch Jackys nose with his middle and forefinger. You sure do have a lot of requests!Jacky grins. Can you?What song do you want me to sing? A lullaby? Hmyour mom is better at those Raymond scratched his head, puzzled.Nope, I want to hear Santa Claus is Coming to Town.Arent you a bit obsessed with Santa even though Christmas is nearing? Raymond joked.Jacky shakes his head. I believe in magic!Okay, but you have to sleep after this! Raymond ordered.Promise!A small smile formed onto Raymonds face.You better watch out,You better not cry,Better not pout,Im telling you whySanta Claus is coming to townJackys eyelids became heavy and he slowly closed his eyes as he listened to Raymond sing.Hes making a listAnd checking it twice,Gonna find out whos naughty or nice,Santa Claus is coming to townRaymond stopped singing for Jacky was already in a deep slumber. Raymond was about to get up but stopped when he heard Jacky mumbling.I love you daddy, I love you mommy.He planted a gently kiss on Jackys forehead. I love you too, breathed Raymond as he studied his sons features. He had gotten skinnier and had last so much weight since hes been in hospitalized for leukemia. Raymond was afraid that to use strength when hugging Jacky; he was afraid it would break the boy in half and suffocating him. His eyes were already red and watery. His heart felt like it was all tied up in a knot. The fact that Tavia was there and alive, not wanting him, not needing him, not loving him, not listening to him it was like she was refusing to smooth out his aching heart.He turns off the lamp light and walks over to where Tavia was. He knelt down next to her sleeping figure and upon closer inspection, he noticed how fatigue she looked. There were huge bags under eyes and he noticed that she had also lost weight. Just as much as Jacky within a week, if not more.Raymonds hand reached up to touch her rosy cheeks. Even though it had lost its cherry color, she was still beautiful in his eyes. If you had just listened to mewe wouldnt need to end up like this he whispered. He automatically leaned in closer to her and all the while, taking in her intoxicating scent. God damnit, he missed her. When their lips were merely inches away, Tavia stirred and Raymond immediately step back, stunned.Her eyes fluttered open. Is Jacky asleep?Raymond clears his throat nervously. Uh..y-yeah.Tavia stares at him suspiciously as she straightened up; her neck aching. She begins to massage it. Oh. You can leave now. She hadnt meant to say it so rudely. It came out the wrong way. I meanyou dont have to stay tonight. I can do that. She fixed her tone.Ill stay. You go home and rest; youve already stay here yesterday. Its fair if we take turns, Raymond denied her request.Jacky is my son, she reasoned firmly.He refuses to give in, Hes also my son. An awkward silence follows until Raymond spoke up, I guess we can both stay then.Okay Tavia said with doubt. Raymond pulls out a chair and sits down as the silence before continued. They did not know what to say to each other for every time they opened their mouths, harsh sentences would fly out.So, how are y Raymond started but the ringing of Tavias cell-phone interrupted them.Sorry, Tavia said and answered her phone. Hello? Bosco? She blurted without intentions and then quickly glances over to Raymond. His expression darkened upon the mention of Boscos name. Tavia knew what that meant and she tries to quickly end the call with Bosco before anything gets out of hand. She didnt want to fight with again and she certainly does not want to wake Jacky up from his sleep. Hey Bosco, Ill call you back later. Bye, she hastily hung up. Tavia turns her attention to Raymond. She didnt want him to misunderstand, It was Bosco and he was just saForget it. You can stay. Im leaving. Raymond grabbed his jacket and stomped out of the ward.She watches his disappearing figure and listens to his footsteps until it was no longer evident. Tavia pulled her legs closer and hugged herself, crying.She tried to cry as softly as she could so that Jacky could not hear her.It was a failed attempt. Jacky slowly peeked through his eyelids as a small tear rolled down his cheeks.SantaI think I made mommy cry againChapter 221/12/08Chapter TwoCharmaine ShehMelissa Ng-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bobby arrives back at the motel that he has been staying in for several months. The place was dark, crowded and stunk of alcohol and cigarette smoke. He wafted away the clouds of toxic and covered his nose while making his way to his cramped room. He made a disgusted face as a woman pass by with men lusting after her. He quickly enters his safe and locked the door behind him. If he could leave this place, he would without a doubt. Unfortunately, this place seems to offer the cheapest rent for him.Bobby threw his jacket aside and decides to go take a warm shower before the hot water would all be used up.The bathroom door made an extremely agitating creaking sound when he exited but he was used to it.He plops down onto his single bed, facing the old nightstand that held a picture of him and another woman; they were smiling happily and he was still young then. He continues to stare at the picture frame as he drifted off to his wonderland.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next morningJacky stares at the tray of food, lifeless and sick. The sight of food made him want to gag out loud and he simply did not want to eat. He had no appetite to swallow it down and digest it. He was weary and felt nauseated after chemotherapy. Jacky just wants to lie back down on his bed to sleep the whole day.Are you sure you dont want to eat, Jacky? Tavia probed, hoping that her son would at least put some good into his weak body.Im not hungry. Can I go to sleep? he asks as Tavia sighed heavily and nodded her head. The weight on her shoulder was heavier each day to a point it was suffocating her but she continued to bear it. She watches him fall asleep silently then picks herself up to head to the canteen. She had taken a day off just to spend time with Jacky and she was sure her boss was displeased with her absence.On her way to the canteen, she recognizes Raymonds voice in a secluded area of the hall, talking to someone. She couldnt help but to stop and eavesdrop even if she knew it was rude and his businesses were now none of hers.What the hell are you doing here, Charmaine? Raymond hissed fiercely.Charmaine? Tavia thought, feeling her inside boiling with anger andjealousy. How dare he bring her here! Tavia wanted to slap him to his senses. What was he thinking? She took a peek at them.RayRay, youre always skipping the first half day of work and I thought youd be somewhere fun, but here? Why are you in thisplace anyway? Charmaine made a disgusted face as she examined the place.That is none of your business. Now, leave Charmaine. Dont make this hard for me, Raymond demanded. Im already having a hard time as it is He rubs his temple with both hands.She suddenly clings onto him. Aww, dont feel too bad. Let me help you feel better tonight! She winks.Tavia has heard enough. The blood was rushing up to her face. Go get a room, she purposely interrupted their conversation. Raymond and Charmaine turn around upon hearing the comment made by Tavia.Tavia Raymond was shocked.Tavia glares at him. You know I wouldnt care if you had taken her somewhere else like a hotel maybe, but Im not going to let you bring her to see Jacky. After making herself clear, Tavia whips her body around and stalks off.Taviawait! Raymond tried to chase after her but Charmaine held him back. She was all too pleased with herself.RayRay, Jacky is here? How about we go meet him? Charmaine suggested which got Raymonds attention. He whirled himself around, grabbed onto her wrists roughly and pulled her out of the hospital. Ouch! She cries in pain. You dont have to be so rough! I know you want it that bad!Shut-up, Charmaine and be thankful, I said your name! Raymond retorted.Charmaine bit her lips in fury and clenches her free hand. Where are you taking me? He doesnt reply and pulls her along to the parking area where she manages to free herself from his grasp after much struggling. Let me go! Raymond Lam!! Charmaine studies her wrist which was now bruised but Raymond doesnt seem to care. She faces him with confidence and narrowed her eyes at him. Look what you did! Her voice trailed off in a quiver as she looked back into his dark, cold eyes. She shivered, intimidated. What? she Raymond emphasized every single word he spoke. Do you understand me? Cowardly, she nodded. Leave. Humiliated, Charmaine turns on her heels and rush away from Raymond. Her face was burning with embarrassment; she felt so insulted, so looked down upon and she hated that feeling.Damn you.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Bobby casually walked down the hall to room 304 where he softly knocked onto the door for permission to come in. He had decided to visit this Jacky kid. Call him crazy, call him a fool, but after reading that letter, his inner voices told him to go see this kid. It wouldnt leave him alone until he made a promise that he would visit Jacky the next day as soon as possible.When there was no reply, Bobby looks left and right and decides to enter without the given permission. He wasnt going to harm the kid; he simple wanted to meet him.Mommy, is that you? Jacky said in a faint voice, barely audible. Bobby had to strain his ears to hear the boy properly.Uhno Bobby advanced forward, nearing Jackys bed. Jacky was still in a drowsy state. His eyes were not fully open and his brain was not fully functioning. He mustve really wanted to meet Santa Claus for he had thought that Bobby was Santa. In his perspective, Bobby looked too much like Santa, minus the red suit and the white beard.Santa? Jacky croaks.Santa? Bobby questions himself. He was only hired as Santa, but now suddenly, he looks like Santa? Im not Santa. Im Bobby.Hi, Santa. Did you get my letter? Jackie continues to asks, already deeming Bobby as his Santa.Well, yes, but Im not Santa, Bobby insisted. Jacky blinks and then suddenly giggles. Whats so funny? asked Bobby.You are Santa. Look at your stomach, its so big! Jacky points to Bobbys pot-belly as the man chuckle in embarrassment. Jacky was so happy to have met Santa that his spirit and mood lifted; he was no longer feeling exhausted. Jacky laughs giddily while staring at Bobby. His laughter was so contagious that it made Bobby smile. He hadnt felt like this in so long; it almost feltmagical. But where is your beard and red suit?Not wanting to disappoint the boy that he was no Santa and that Santa does not exist, Bobby stutters, My red suit? OhuhI decided to change clothes today! And as for my beard, I shaved it this morning to come see you.Jacky.Oh, you know my name! Jacky was elated. Am I on the Naughty or Nice list, Santa? Are you here to grant me my wish?Bobby stares at Jacky with tubes connected to him. A rush of sadness and despair overwhelms him. Yet he saw the way Jackys eyes sparkles as he chose to believe Bobby was his Santa Claus. Even for a minute, he wanted to make this boy happy. Perhaps he will regret this decision later, but at this moment, it doesnt matter to Bobby. It was not right for him to meddle in others business, but he wanted to help Jacky and he was willing to do it by any means. He does not want to crumble Jackys childhood dreams; he does not want Jacky to be like him, to suffer the same fate. You are definitely on the Nice list, my boy. And yes, I am here to give you your present orpresents.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I told you over and over again, I dont care whats going on in your life; just dont drag the two of us into your mess. Keep your girl-friend away from us. I dont want to see her anywhere near Jacky, Tavia repeated once again. When she said she didnt care, she was lying to him and herself. In truth, she did care she cared a lot but was too afraid to admit it. She felt as if the headaches were coming back. It was hard on her to juggle the visiting hours, taking care of Jacky, working and then dealing with Raymonds nonsense, especially with Charmaines ugly side. She feels like breaking down, but not in front of him. He would call her weak and she did not want that to happen for she plans to show him she could raise Jacky up by herself. She doesnt need him.Dont you think I know that already? Raymond said as the duo exited the elevator.It surely doesnt seem like so, rebutted Tavia sourly.Raymond sighed. I apologized. Why do you always want to pick a fight with me?I dont want to pick a fight with you but what youre doing is detestable! Tavia stops dead in her track. She lowers her voice when a few glances were casted her way.Raymond could feel it to and those pair of strange eyes seem to be saying here they go again as if it was a routine for Raymond and Tavia to argue at this time. Lets go somewhere else and talk, suggested Raymond, eager to get away from the attention. He thinks they had garnered too much unwanted attention during these past few days; he was sure their names were a hot topic amongst the nurses, patients and doctors.I dont have time to talk to you, she brushed away his simple request. Tavia pushed past Raymond and sauntered over to Jackys room.Why not? Raymond challenges, he stops her from opening the door.Jacky needs me right now. Excuse me. She roughly pushes his hand aside and walked in only to be surprised by a complete stranger laughing along with her only son. Tavia gasped out loud. Raymond heard her and was alarmed. Who are you?! Tavia freaks out and rushes over to Jackys side. Raymond was close behind. Bobby had no time to explain because Raymond had already picked him up by the collar and drags him far away from Tavia and Jacky. Baby, are you okay?Daddy! Stop! Dont hurt Santa! Jacky pleaded as he tries to get out of bed but Tavia doesnt allow him to.Raymonds grip of Bobby loosened. Raymond and Tavia turned to Jacky in disbelief due to what he just said. What?! Raymond and Tavia exclaimed, astonished. They had always knew Jacky was a big believer of Santa, but they didnt realize hed go this far.Jacky, what are you saying? He is not Santa! Santa does not exist! Raymond blurts out in frustration. As if dealing with this whole mess was not enough, why does Jacky have to make it even more complicated?No! Jacky denied strongly for somewhere in his small heart, he believes Santa is his only hope. Tavia shot Raymond a dirty look to tell him to shut-up. She could not believe he had just said that.I mean Raymond tries to fix his mistake.Who are you? Tavia repeats her question to Bobby.My names Bobby. I mean no harmI was just here to be friends withJackyNo dangerous intentionsNothingI swear Bobby pointed out. He looked lonely and sadI wanted to cheer him up. He saidhe didnt want his parents to fight anymore. Raymond and Tavia exchanged brief glances.Tavia whispers softly, Is that true? Jacky nodded his head. Tavia felt apologetic for making him worry. Im sorry. We wont fight in front of you anymoreDoes that mean you will still fight? Jacky was a smart boy.Jacky Tavia held onto his hand. You dont understand the things grown-ups are going through.I understand! Jacky cried. Mommy and daddy are fighting because of me. You dont love me anymoreThats not true! Raymond chirps.No matter what, we will always love you! Tavia assures but Jacky continues to cry. Just because your father decides that his needs ar She couldnt help but feel upset at the thought of Charmaine being all over Raymond.What are you talking about? Raymond cuts in.See! Jacky yelled as loud as he could, though he did not have a lot of energy. You guys are doing it again. Go away! I dont want you!Bobby watches the scene in complete silence. He does not know what kind of conflict Raymond and Tavia was having, but couldnt they understand it was hurting not only them but also Jacky? Watching as tears fell from Jackys eyes, Bobby could almost feel the same emotions Jacky was going through. Hed been there, done that. This made him all the more determine to fulfill that one wish. How stupid of him; he doesnt believe in Santa Claus.Jacky Tavia pleaded.Go away mommy! Go away daddy! Jacky shuts his eyes so that he doesnt need to see them and cries his heart out.Maybe you should leave him alone Bobby suggested quietly. Tavia and Raymond nodded as the pair slowly exited Jackys room. Bobby started to leave.Santa?Bobby stops midway.Can you stay with me? Bobby glanced over to Tavia and Raymond as if asking for permission for he doesnt want them to misunderstand his intentions. He was definitely not a pedophile. He wasnt even qualify for one. Tavia hesitated but finally gave permission when she was sure he could not harm Jacky.Yes, I can.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 week laterOkay, when I count to 3 then you open your eyes, Bobby instructed the excited Jacky who was sitting on the hospital bed with his eyes closed. And no peeking! Jacky shut his eyes even tighter to prove that he wasnt peeking. Bobby smiled and hurried to set up todays event. Tavia was sitting on the side, watching intently and shaking her head, smiling as she flipped through a magazine. For some reason, ever since Bobbys appearance a week ago, Jackys condition had only gotten better and not worse. She didnt know if its because he really was Santa Claus and had the magic to do so or it was purely luck; nonetheless, she was grateful for Bobbys kindness and dedication. But it was not only Jackys condition that has gotten better; Bobby also seemed to have more spirit than before. For the past 7 days, he had been performing tricks, dances and fulfilling every wishes of Jacky even if most of them are ridiculous like making an Eiffel Tower out of candies or attempting to read fairytales backwards he did them all without a complaint.1.2.. Jacky started to squirm in his seat; he was simply too eager to find out about the surprise. 3!!! Immediately, Jackys eyes pop open on the last count. His eyes widened and his mouth formed an O when he saw a large pizza, completely made of fruits, in front of him. There was also a happy face in the middle. Jacky got onto his feet and jumps up and down on the bed. It had been one of his wishes to see a pizza made out of fruits. Jacky had came up with the idea ever since Tavia kept complaining about how he shouldnt eat pizza because it was not healthy so Jacky decided he would want to make a fruit pizza.Can we try it? Can we try it? Jacky asks cheerfully.Bobby made an ok sign and flashes his teeth at Jacky. No problem! A slice of fruit pizza for Jacky Lam coming right up! Bobby cut a small piece for Jacky and places it onto a plate and cut one for himself.He offers a piece to Tavia but she shook her head. Is that edible? I dont think its a good idea to eat thatwhat if you get diarrhea or a stomach ache? She worried.One bite, please?!? Jacky gave her a puppy face.Tavia could not resist that and she easily surrendered, Okay, fine but one tiny bite only, okay?Thank-you mommy! Jacky thanked and picks up the pizza and took a huge bite out of it even when Tavia had told him to take a tiny bite only. Tavia opened her mouth to say something but it was already too late. She shakes her head but smiles. It was nice to see Jacky eat again. However, she would prefer if he had eaten normal food like congee instead of these strange dishes.Jacky begins chewing onto it. He made a face and immediately spits it back onto his plate. Its so gross! He stuck out his tongue and squinted his eyes. Tavia laughed as she wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin.I told you to take a tiny bite. Fruit pizza is not a real food, Jacky, declared Tavia.Santa, you try one too! Jacky urges Bobby to take a bite. Ever since they met, Jacky had called him Santa and not Bobby. Quite frankly, Bobby was so used to that if someone mentioned Santa, he would automatically answer them.Listening to Jacky, Bobby takes a bite and chews slowly on it. Needless to say, he had the same reaction as Jacky and quickly gulps down. How come it tastes so bad? Pineapple pizza doesnt taste that bad.You added apple sauce to the pizza Tavia pointed out.Well it is a fruit pizza, right Jacky? Bobby laughs merrily as Jacky agrees wholeheartedly.Tavia shakes her head. Bobby and Jacky looked more like fathers and sons than Raymond and Jacky. In fact, Raymond could barely visit Jacky for an hour each day before he got shooed away by Tavia to avoid a further quarrel in front of Jacky. It was best for the both of them. Bobby, too, also felt a deep connection with Jacky.Jacky, drink your milk, ordered Tavia. He looks at the cup of milk and shakes his head.Seeing this, Bobby decides to step in to help. You dont want to be on the Naughty list, do you Jacky?Jacky shakes his head again. But I dont want to drink it.Bobby ponders for a while. How about this? We have a little race, whoever loses has to do the chicken dance!Okay! Jacky quickly agrees to it.Okayready Bobby started just in time as Tavias cell-phone rang.She walks over to the other side of the room to answer the call. Hello?Tavia! Lunch break is over and youre not back! Dont expect me to It was her devil of a boss, Melissa Ng.Ok, ok. Melissa, Im on my way back. Ill see you at the office, bye! She quickly hangs up. Tavia faces Bobby and Jacky who was already racing to see who could finish their milk the quickest. It was evident that Bobby was letting Jacky have the advantage. Bobby, Ive got to head back to work nowBobby gave her thumbs up and waved his hand to signal that she could leave anytime while he was still drinking his milk with limited speed.Thanks! Bye Jacky! Tavia shouted as Jacky gave her a quick wave of good-bye, absorbed in his own contest. She had learned to trust him and felt that it was safe for Jacky to be in his hands when she was not there. Tavia heads out and closes the door quietly behind her.DONE! Jacky cheers. He opens his mouth wide to show Bobby that he had swallowed it all. I BEAT SANTA! I BEAT SANTA!Oh no! Bobby pretends to cry. Ill beat you next time. Its because I had too many milk and cookies yesterday that Im still bloated today.Jacky sticks out his tongue. Santa has to do the chicken dance! Chicken dance!Bobby sighed and although he felt quite embarrassed, he did the dance anyway. He was not a professional and messed up but it made Jacky laugh. Finally, after the dance was done, Bobby sits down next to Jacky. So, whats next present you want?Jacky tapped his chin for a moment before saying, When are you going to give me my real present?Your real present? Bobby was confused.Yup. My present I want in the letter I wrote to you, reminded Jacky to Bobby. Thats all I really want Jacky looks down at his lap.Bobby came to realization. Oh... He smiles down at Jacky warmly. Dont worry, Santas on it.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 323/12/08Chapter ThreeBobby took a quick shower in the staff bathroom after he had finished his work for the day and then made his way to Jackys room, eagerly. Bobby had a grin on his face as he enters Jackys ward. It was as if Jacky manages to fill up a part of him that was empty; giving his life meaning. Jacky was up; he had his elbows propped onto the table at the end of the bed to support his chin as he stares at the falling snow, longingly.Hello, Santas elf. What are you staring at? Bobby invites himself next to Jacky.I wish I could play with the snow. Jacky was pouting.What do you want to do with the snow? Bobby inquired with interests.Build a snowman and have a snowball fight! His voice was filled with excitement and happiness as he told Bobby of his desires to play with the snow.Your mom wont let you go outside. Bobby frowns.I know, said Jacky sadly.If you eat more and get healthy, she might change her mind.But I dont like eating, he protests childishly.You need to eat to survive, Bobby disagreed. Jacky was silent as he continues to gaze upon the vast blanket of snow, hopeful. Disheartened by the miserable look on Jackys face, Bobby cheers him up, WellI guess you can play with the snowHis statement caught Jackys attention and he turns to look at Bobby with eyes that twinkled. Really? How?Bobby whispers quietly, I could sneak some snow in here but you promise not to tell anyone? And you can only play with it for an hour before I have to throw it out. No snowball fight but we can build a mini snowman, okay?Jacky happily agreed to Bobbys condition and held out his pinky. Lets pinky swear. Bobby stares at Jackys pinky while chuckling as their pinky fingers intertwined in a promise.~*~Bobby hid his face behind his hat and rushes over to Jackys door with a bucketful of snow in his arms, tightly secured and out of sight from others. He made sure that no one could see its content so he would not be caught. Bobby looks left and right to see if Tavia or Raymond had arrived. Fortunately, both Tavia and Raymond was nowhere within proximity of his eyes and scurries back into the room. Jacky was impatiently waiting for him and the boy nearly jumped on him if Bobby had not told Jacky to stay still. He puts the bucket of snow onto the table. Jacky was about to dig into the pile with his bare hand but Bobby stopped in time. Bobby gave Jacky a look of disapproval and takes out his warm to put it onto Jackys hands.Theyre too big for me, Jacky said, looking at his hands.Its better than nothing. There! Bobby grins.Can you teach me how to make a snowman? Jacky looks up at Bobby, pleadingly.If I dont help you, who will? Bobby shakes his head. Okay, first, we will have to make three snowballs. Can you do that?Yup! Jacky cried enthusiastically as he grabs a handful of snow and molded them into the shape of a circle. Bobby was impressed. Here! He showed Bobby the first snowball.Thats good! Now you have 2 more to go!Following Bobbys instructions, Jacky diligently made two more snowballs in no time. Although it wasnt perfect, it was good for a kid like Jacky. He was more than pleased with his product. The smile on his face stretched from ears to ears. Bobby then proceeds to help Jacky build his first snowman. Bobby even helped Jacky to draw a smiley-face on the snowman. They were quite happy with the outcome and Jacky surely did have fun. Jacky suddenly grabs a little of snow and dripped it on Bobbys nose. The attack was unexpected and Bobby was hopping up and down like a bunny for the icy cold snow was literally freezing his nose. Hohohohoohoco-cold! JACKY! Jacky bursts out laughing.You look like the Easter Bunny now! Jacky pointed out.Bobby shivered and rubs his nose so that friction could help him warm it. I decide to put you on the naughty list! He puts both hands on his hips in an attempt to look angry, but Jacky did not fall for that. He stuck out his tongue.Jacky? Raymonds voice sounded on the other side of the door, followed by a knock. Upon hearing Raymonds voice, Bobby and Jacky both froze in their spot as they began to panic. They definitely could not let Raymond see this.DADDY, DONT COME IN YET! Jacky shouts to Raymond. On the others side, Raymond was perplexed. Why couldnt he come in? What was Jacky doing that seems so suspicious?Jacky, whats going on in there? Raymond calls.Bobby hastily grabs the gloves from Jacky and stuffs it into his pocket. Jacky scrambles back into his bed and pull the blanket over him. Jackys forefinger kept pointing at the bucket that was used to contain snow. Santa! The snow! The snow! Jacky whispers quietly and then screams to Raymond, DADDY, DONT COME IN!Raymonds eyes narrowed and he said, I dont know what youre doing in there, but Im going in.Panicking, Bobby grabs the bucket, sprints over to the window, opens it and dumps the content outside. He swiftly turns around and hid the bucket behind him just in time to see Raymond coming in with a weird expression on his face.He-eeeey! Bobby forced a huge grin onto his face.Did something happen? Raymond was concerned.NoIm okay, daddy, Jacky chirps in.Everythings fine. Bobby shrugged.What do you have behind your back? Raymond looks at Bobby with curious eyes.Bobby pulls out the empty bucket. Oh this? Ahh..its nothing. Just an everydaynormal.emptybucketO..kay.. Raymond was even more confused than he was before. Something felt fishy in here.Jacky jumps into the conversation, hoping that his dad would not ask anymore about the topic. Daddy, are you here to see me?The strange look on Raymonds face was easily replaced by a smile as Jacky successfully diverted his fathers attention. Bobby exhaled deeply; he was relieved. Yes, I brought your Power Rangers movie today. You can watch it when youre bored.Okay! Lets all watch it together! Jacky excitedly agrees and pulls Raymond down on the bed as he climbs onto Raymonds lap, settling down comfortably.How am I supposed to put the disc into the DVD player with you on me? Raymond teases.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CanteenThanks for staying with Jacky and putting a smile on his face. He hasnt been that happy since hes hospitalized and nothing we do seems to make him this joyous, Raymond spoke his words of gratitude to Bobby.Bobby decides it was time to confront Raymond. Actually, Jacky would be even more happy if you and Tavia would stop fighting anRaymond interrupted hastily. Not going to work. She likes to pick fights with me and she wouldnt listen at all, he blamed her stubbornness.I know its none of my business, but you should really consider, persuaded Bobby. At the corner of his eyes, Bobby noticed that Tavia had also arrived and was making her way to the cash counter, probably to get a drink. Bobby stood up and waved to Tavia for her attention while Raymond was doing his best to get Bobby to sit down since everyone had their eyes on them. It was nerve-wrecking. Finally, Tavia manages to catch Bobby and waves back with a smile. She grabs her cup of coffee and saunters over to their table.Upon nearing his table, she realizes that Raymond was also present. Uncomfortably, she took the empty seat next to him without exchanging greetings or even a look to acknowledge his presence.Hi Bobby, she greets Bobby politely.Bobby stares are the nervous couple and sighs. Arent you going to at least say hi to your husband? Or your wife?Hes not my husband.Shes not my wife, Raymond said at the same time as Tavias declaration. They turn to exchange a glare and glances away.So, what are you two doing tonight? Bobby questions both of them; his eyes darted between Tavia and Raymond.Raymond shrugs.How about you, Tavia?Ill be staying here with Jacky, she answers.Oh, I see. Raymond and Tavia were now examining their surrounding just anywhere but each other. It was harder than he had imagined. Bobby shuffles around in his seat and reached into his pocket to pull out two tickets. Bobby raised it in front of Raymond and Tavia. Oh! Look what I have here! he exclaims, feigning surprise.What? The divorced couple asks in unison.Two tickets to the movie! Bobby tapped his chin, thoughtfully. Well, I dont really have a partner to go with today since my partner kind of stood up on me. Why dont you guys go instead?What?! Raymond and Tavia exclaims.I cantI have to stay here with Jacky tonight, she comes up with a quick way out.I dont think so.. Raymond mutters.Why not? Looks like your schedule isnt packed. Tavia, I can take care of Jacky for you. You both have been exhausted; why dont you go enjoy yourselves? Have some fun! Bobby persuaded them and he wasnt going to take no as an answer. He had spent money on the tickets! They should use it wisely or it would be a waste of his pocket money. Its decided then! Bobby stuffs the tickets into Tavia and Raymonds hands. Ill go tell Jacky that Im babysitting him tonight. Im sure he wont mind and hell happy to know his parents are spending.quality time together and notfighting. He bents down and whispers into Raymonds ears, Im giving you a chance to explain to her; better use it wisely and dont waste my effort! He pats Raymond on the shoulder and scurried off.Raymond and Tavia remain silent while thinking about Bobbys offer. Another chance wouldnt hurt, would it?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 424/12/08Chapter FourMovie theatre.I dont understand why he chose a scary moviethats not even scary at all Tavia grumbles as she walks out of the movie station with Raymond right by her side. She rubs her hands together as she watches the snow fall gently down. Thank goodness she had brought along her earmuffs or her ears would fall off.Raymond rolls his eyes and said, For your information, it was scary. You were just never afraid of scary movies. You actually find itfunny. Youd laugh whenever a ghost pops out of nowhere when everyone else was screaming their ass out.Tavia giggles. Hey and youre one of the people that literally screamed their ass off. They began to make their way to the parking lot which was around the corner.Oh yeahI did, didnt I?Yeah.. she breathed. You didI still rememberOh And their conversation trailed off to and end as Raymond and Tavia both hopped back into the vehicle. Where should Iuhdrop you off? Home or hospital? Raymond felt awkward and so foreign asking the question he had asked her on their first date years ago. It didnt felt right; it felt like they were complete strangers and he hated that.Tavia read the time; it was already so late and she was feeling quite exhausted. It would be okay if she went home to shower and call it a day, couldnt she? Melissa has bossed her around the first half of the morning before finally allowing her to leave to the hospital; it was definitely upsetting and exhausting. She was a nasty woman and it was not her pre-menstrual cycle syndrome either. Not to mention, Bobby said he would take care of Jacky and he would never fail her. But what if Jacky suddenly calls for her in the middle of the night? Maybe she should go back to the hospital, she decided as she let out a small yawn. Hospital.Raymond shakes his head and ignited the engine. He already knew she was going to pick that option. As he began to drive, Tavia drifted off into darkness. In between stop lights, Raymond would glance over at her the sleeping Tavia and smile to himself, unknowingly. He really missed her and when the three of them used to live together under one roof. He missed that warm feeling and especially Tavias culinary skills. It wasnt the worlds best but it was for him and he wouldnt have trade it for anything else. He sighed with remorse. The vehicle came to a halt as Raymond switched his gear to parking mode and tapped Tavia lightly on the shoulder. TaviaTavia, heyShe stirred. Were here already? She asked, sad that she was disturbed from her nap. She rubbed her eyes which he found adorable and chuckles.YeahTavia unbuckles her seatbelt and was about to get out when she notices something was terribly wrong. This was not the hospital! This was her house and used to be Raymonds too. Didnt she ask him to drive her back to the hospital so that she could stay with Jacky? Either hes really stupid or he hadnt heard her. She points to the background picture of her house. What? I said the hospitalI know but you were so tired so I drove you home, he explains.Im okay. I want to stay with Jacky tonight She attempted to buckle her seatbelt, but Raymond held her back.Ill stay with him then he decided. Tavia stares at him for a long moment and then finally, agreed to his suggestion.Okay, but if anything happens to him, remember to call me. ASAP. She made sure it was clear and understandable. Raymond watches silently as she slams the car door shut and made her way to the house. He was just going to watch until shes entered the house safely and then hell leave. That used to be his house too. He used to live there. Raymond swallowed. The distance between them was getting further and further away. It was like she was slipping away from his grasp and he doesnt want that to happen. On the front porch, Tavia had already successfully unlocked her door and gave him an ok sign so that he could rest assured. She was going to disappear if he didnt do something anything. Suddenly, Raymond jumps out of his car and rushes up the porch. He stuck a foot in before Tavia could close the door.Heywhat are you doing? Tavia demanded as Raymond pushed the door open.I need to talk to you, he said bluntly.Not at this time please, its dark Tavia tries to push him out to lock her door but he just easily pushes her back and invited himself in; slamming the door behind him.Im not leaving until I finish what I have to say.She puts a hand to her face as she tries to avoid him. Raymo--No, Tavia, you listen! He shakes her body until she was directly looking at him only. She doesnt like where this is going while tears started to well up at the corner of her eyes. I dont know how many times or what I have to do to prove that theres nothing between Charmaine and I. I was framed that day! I swear over my dead body we didnt go to bed! I never cheated on you! I told her off many times and that nightshe..she called me out. She said she had forgotten her wallet and asked if I could come help her. Initially, I said no and told her to ask someone else but then I heard her screaming on the other side. So I decided to go but I never realized she was lying to me and it was just a trap! She drugged me and placed me in bed and stripped me of my clothing. Then sheHow do you know? You were drunk! Maybe you guys did.I thought so too, Tavia but then I went back to that bar and asked aroundthe bartender that night was a witness and if you dont believe me Raymond got out his phone and starts searching for the bartenders number. Hereyou can call him he said hastily, tears were already flowing down both of their faces. Call himask himplease! He placed the phone next to Tavias ear. She looks at him while listening to the ringing of the phone. He didnt look as if he was lying; she could tell how desperate her was for her to believe him and if she didnthe looked like he was going to choke himself. Tavia felt her heart softens but she doesnt know if she should give him another chance.No ones picking up, she cried.What? He sniffed, wiping his wet face. No, try again. He redials the button and hands it to her but she doesnt take it.Raymond! He keeps forcing the electronic device back into her hand but she moves it away. Stop it. Its not going to change anything. Were divorced. Its over!He shakes his head vigorously and grabs Tavia into a hug. Not over...not over. I dont care if were divorce. We can remarry! I miss you and Jacky. I want to go back to how things were beforewhen we were both happywhen Jacky was okayI still love you both. Youre my only wife and hes my only son; no ones going to replace that, not even Charmaine. I want to be Jackys father. I want to see him grow up. If you dont like to see her at the same workplace as me, Ill look for another job or we can move away. I dont carejust dont leave again. I love you.Tavia sobs louder while listening to his remorseful confession, I love you too.Raymond pulls apart and wipes her tears with his thumb, Im sorry if Ive hurt youI promise there wont be a second time or even a thought about it. Tavia smiles and nodded. Raymond dipped his head down for a kiss in which Tavia responded to. He grabs her by the waist and carries her to their bedroom.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hospital...The end. Bobby had just finished a bedtime story for Jacky as he places the book down on the night table. He had thought that by the time he would finish the book, Jacky wouldve been asleep but the boy was still refusing to sleep and was staring at him intently. Truthfully, Jacky was feeling uncomfortable and extremely worn out but he doesnt want to sleep. For some reason today, he was scared of going to sleep. Bobby gives him a playful glare. Tell me what youre staring at.Do you shave? Jacky asks an unexpected question.Why?You dont have a beard and youre supposed to have one! But daddy always shave in the morning too, explains little Jacky. And how come you dont look like the Santa on the T.V?Bobby grins and replies, Wellyou seethere are different versions of Santa Claus for each part of the world...Ohwhat version are you? Jacky ponders.Version if-you-dont-go-to-sleep-now-I-wont-let-you-watch-Rudolph-tomorrow! Bobby raised both his hands up into claws and made a scary face but it only made Jacky giggle and not scream.Youre not scary at all! Jacky said tiredly. He was losing his voice and his eyelids were becoming too burdensome to stay open. Will mommy and daddy love each other again?Bobby spoke carefully. He wondered if they had use the chance he bestowed on them well enough. I cant tell you for sure nowhow about you go to sleep now and wake up tomorrow, maybe youll find the answer then?I dontreally want to sleep.but okay. Willyou...watchRudolphtomorrowwith me? Promise? Jacky trailed off before he could hear Bobbys definite and positive answer.Yes, but Ill have to go out and rent it first, stated Bobby but Jacky was not listening to him. Jacky?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With his hand, Raymond lightly swept Tavias bang aside and plants a kiss on her forehead.Hey, I thought you were going to stay with Jacky tonight? She questions with a hint of playfulness in her voice.Right. I guess youve been a bad mom for distracting me. Raymond laughs heartily.Rolling her eyes in annoyance, she said, Excuse me? I told you I was going to stay with him but who insisted that he could do it? You couldve just left after I enter the house.Hey, why are you complaining now? You should be happy Im not questioning you about your relationship with Bosco! Raymond protested.Tavia frowns at him for not believing her and roughly pushes him away from her and pulls the entire blanket to cover herself. Raymond nearly fell down on the ground because of her strong push. If dont believe me then why are you here?He realizes that she was angry and hurt of the accusation. SorryI dont mean that he apologizes quickly for he doesnt want to start this whole messy process all over again. You know Im justuhlikeyou know he stutters, not wanting to admit it himself.Tavia had a sly grin on her face. That youre jealous?No! He wasnt willing to let go of his ego and pride. Hey, let me back in. Im freezing butt naked out here! Raymond tries to change topic and attempts to steal some part of the blanket from Tavia but she refuses to give it to him.No, sleep on the ground.Aww why? he complained.The heat on the floor will keep your butt warm and I dont like to sleep beside a liar. Bye! She kicks him lightly on the stomach so that he would move over but instead, he grabbed a hold of her foot as she let out a yelp because he wouldnt let go. Raymond Lam! LET GO NOW! She struggles to free her poor foot from his grasp.Not unless you share some warmth with me! He laughs evilly.Ugh..youre so c Tavia started but their playful moment was interrupted by the sudden sound of her buzzing cell-phone. While one hand was reaching out to grab the cell-phone, Raymond took the chance grab the blanket from her and snuggled in closer to Tavia.You are so dead, he threatens. She rolled her eyes upward and told him to be quiet so that she could hear the person on the other line. He wrapped an arm around her waste and dug his face into the nape of her neck. As she listened to the caller, her face turned pale and she instantly bolt up. She stutters a bye into the phone and hung up, feeling sick and frightened. Tavia got out of bed and starts putting on her clothes which was confusing Raymond. What happened? Who called?Her eyes were already becoming red. The hospital said Jackys in the EU Wasting no time, Raymond also got out of bed to dress up.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Morning had arrived yet Jacky was still not awake. Bernice had managed to get him out from the danger zone and now, he was lying on the bed with tubes stuck to him like a puppet. She had something about cancerous cells blocking out the normal cells, but Tavia wasnt really listening. She was blanked out in her own world. Raymond and Tavia had stayed by the bedside, unwilling to leave, especially Tavia as she bawled her eyes out. She didnt understand what was going on. He was so lively and cheerful days ago but now, he almost seemeddead. Raymond did the best to his ability to comfort and cheer her up, but it doesnt worknot when he couldnt even cheer himself up. He silently prayed to God that Jacky would be okay. But it was not only Raymond and Tavia that was concerned to no ends, Bobby was too. He had developed a deep, strong connection with Jacky and he hoped that they could continue to build on this bond. It was so heartbreaking to Jacky in the bed, not talking, not moving, and not smiling.Bobby quietly exits the ward and slid down into one of the hospitals benches. He ran both hands through his hair, frustrated. He was right there and couldnt do anything. They should be watching Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer together right now.not praying by his bedside. Bobby glanced up, suddenly alert and awake.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Walking in the freezing weather and having to run through heaps of snow, Bobby felt like strangling whoever it was up there that was letting the snow down. People had to walk with extreme caution so that they dont slip and fall. There were even some cars that were stuck in their parking space and couldnt get out. How could they drive around like this? It was dangerous. There was nothing nice winter.Bobby exhaled the ice cold air in his lungs as he clutched onto the Rudolph DVD tightly. He had gone out to rent it so that it was ready to watch whenever Jacky woke up. Bobby didnt understand why he was doing all these stupid things for a dying kid. There were many more of them in the hospital. He couldnt spend his whole life saving and granting every one of their wishes; it would take forever.He had been too absorbed in his own thoughts that he hadnt realized the lights were about to turn red. He could still make it if he sprinted. With the DVD in one hand, he steps out onto the road with a queasy feeling. Maybe he shouldnt have done so; maybe he shouldve waited for the next light if was patient enough. If only he had knew, he wouldve not ended up lying on the ground in pain and blood. The DVD was forced out of his grasp and landed somewhere far from reach.The sky was spinning, everything was blurry and confusing.The past 45 years of his life flashed before his eyes. His father left when he was still a kid. His mother was on her deathbed and he couldnt help her. He was a fool to ask for a wish to be granted by Santa. She died before the New Years even arrived. He grew up without parents, without being nurtured. Bobby did not graduate from school, thus, his education level was too poor to obtain a career that would bring him success. Even his first love left him; he didnt even have decent home to live in. He was a nobody and quite frankly, deemed himself as a failure but that didnt stop him from striving forward. But it was different now; he had done something to be proud of. He felt like a hero at last, like he done something worthy ever since he opened his eyes to this world.It was getting so hard to breathe.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hell be alright. Raymond squeezed Tavias hand and wraps his arms around her. Well get through this together. Tavia embraces Raymond tightly and buries her face into his chest, missing out the tiny action of Jackys lashes twitching.Mommy? Daddy? Jackys voice croaked.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 525/12/08 - EpilogueOne year laterDear Santa,How come you dont visit me anymore? Did I make you angry? You dont come to play with me anymore. Mommy told me that the elves came and took you back to the North Pole. She said that you had to go back to North Pole because the elves needed you to help them with next Christmas presents. This is why you dont visit me but its next Christmas now. So does it mean youre going to come back and visit?This year, Im feeling much better. I still need to stay at the hospital but its okay because mommy and daddy is here with me. Theyre always here to play with me so Im not sad. Oh! Thank-you for granting my wish! ^o^ Mommy and daddy loves each other again! ^.^ Kekekeebutthey always kiss in front of meewwwww. TT.TTSanta, guess what? Mommys stomach is SO BIG like a.big, big, big basketball! She explains to me her stomach is big because theres another life inside of her. She said Im going to be a brother soon! Thats why her stomach is getting bigger..I thought she was eating too much ^_^ Im happy and sad. Im happy because I have another person to play with me! YAY! Im sad because I have to share mommy and daddy with the baby. They will still love Jacky, right? T_TDaddy said hes going to take me outside to play with the snowI cant talk to you anymore! Bye-bye!Merry Christmas, Santa! Please come visit me soon!-JackyP.S. Can you bring me a present when you come? ^_~P.P.S. I will give you cookies!Quickly, he sealed the envelope and then jumps out of bed, running over to Raymond and Tavia. Lets go now! Lets go now!Not until youre safe and warm! Tavia laughs as she tries to bend down to help Jacky with his clothes yet her bulging stomach failed her. Instead, she sat back down on the chair and commanded, Ray, hurry up and dress him up!!!Yes, yes maam! Raymond saluted as he wraps a gigantic jacket around Jacky, puts on Jackys gloves, helped his son into the snow boots and forced Jacky to wear a hat that nearly covered up all of his face except for the eyes, mouth and nose.Its so hot! Jacky complains. Can I take some clothes off?You wont say the same thing outside! Tavia lectures. Do you want to be frozen like a statue? You promised youll listen to me if I let you go outside to play with the snow. Tavia frowns. I dont think this is enough. Raymond, go take myRaymond interrupted hastily, Alright, alright! Tavia, you worry too much! Youre going to suffocate him to death before he could even become a statue! Jacky giggles while exchanging a secret look with Raymond.HEY! Are you saying Im a naggy wife? You She tries to stand up. AH! Tavia cried and immediately sat back down with a hand placed on her belly.Upon hearing his wifes yelp, Raymond was concerned. Are you okay? Whats wrong? Where do you feel pain? He was checking her body to see where the pain came from with one hand gripping her wrist.Tavia exhales and slaps him. The baby kicked me, you idiot! Let go of me! See, now you angered both me and the baby! Tavia looks down and pats her belly. It looks like daddys going to sleep outside tonight, right baby?Raymond groans, he hates dealing with pregnant lady, especially his wife because he knew how bad her temper could be. At least she was calmer compare to the time she had Jacky. Boy, that was disastrous.Jacky bounces up and down, excited. Can we go now? Can we go now?Alright, lets go, Prince Charming! Raymond grabs his warm coat and puts it on and then grabs onto Jackys hand.YAYAYAYAY! Jacky claps merrily. Bye mommy!Bye! Take care and Im timing you. 15 minutes, Raymond. If I dont see you back in 15 minutes, you know whats going to happen.Yeah, yeah, yeah. Raymond rolled his eyes with his back to Tavia and Jacky looking at him. Jacky giggles at his fathers funny expression and Raymond gave him a small wink.Before the door came to a complete shut, they heard Tavias boisterously calling for them, IF YOURE A MINUTE LATE ILL MAKE SURE YOURE GOING TO FREEZE OUTSIDE TONIGHT, RAYMOND LAM!Jacky looks at Raymond while holding on tight to his fathers big hand. Mommy says youre going to freeze tonight.Nah, shes not that mean Raymond glances down at Jacky with doubt. Is she?Jacky shrugs. I dont know. Daddy, can we build a biiiiiig snowman? I want to build Santa too!Raymond pulls Jacky in closer to him as he pats his head. Anything you want, Prince Charming.