dear people of rojales, - pader

The Democratic Party of Rojales (PADER) faces the elections on May 26 with a primary objective: to improve the daily life of the citizens of our municipality. And for this we are going to direct all our efforts in getting basic quality services, a sufficient and updated municipal administration, a real and effective participation of citizens in municipal life and above all we will develop social policies in our municipality, which respect the principle of respect and equality among all citizens. Achieving these objectives will be our main aim and concern for the next four years. We value our experience of 8 years in the Town Hall as very positive, having had occasions to know during this time, the ins and outs of the municipal policy. We have shown consistency and we can also boast of having worked from the opposition, and for the interest of our neighbors, doing serious and constructive work, without fuss and with respect to the institution of our City Council and its representatives. “Your Rojales, my Rojales” is our motto, because the party of PADER will gather the concerns of the citizens when it comes to applying their duty in governmental actions. This will be an autonomous determination of our formation, not depending on any slogan alien to the interests of our neighbors. Our daily work in these eight years has set our stamp and our own personality when it comes to focusing and finding solutions to the different problems raised throughout the legislature. And we will be very rigorous in the control of public accounts, because from that control is born the main objective of our political action: the effectiveness in the development of the different actions of our electoral program. Rojaleros and Rojaleras: your Rojales, our Rojales. Dear People of Rojales, Desideria Aráez Clemente 09

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Post on 29-Apr-2022




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Page 1: Dear People of Rojales, - pader

The Democratic Party of Rojales (PADER) faces the elections on May 26 with a primary objective: to improve the daily life of the citizens of our municipality. And for this we are going to direct all our efforts­in­getting­basic­quality­services,­a­sufficient­and­updated­municipal­administration,­a­real­and­effective participation of citizens in municipal life and above all we will develop social policies in our municipality, which respect the principle of respect and equality among all citizens. Achieving these objectives will be our main aim and concern for the next four years.

We value our experience of 8 years in the Town Hall as very positive, having had occasions to know during this time, the ins and outs of the municipal policy. We have shown consistency and we can also boast of having worked from the opposition, and for the interest of our neighbors, doing serious and constructive work, without fuss and with respect to the institution of our City Council and its representatives.

“Your Rojales, my Rojales” is our motto, because the party of PADER will gather the concerns of the citizens when it comes to applying their duty in governmental actions.

This will be an autonomous determination of our formation, not depending on any slogan alien to the interests of our neighbors. Our daily work in these eight years has set our stamp and our own­­personality­when­ it­comes­to­ focusing­and­finding­solutions­ to­ the­different­problems­raised­ throughout the legislature.

And we will be very rigorous in the control of public accounts, because from that control is born the main objective of our political action: the effectiveness in the development of the different actions of our electoral program.

Rojaleros and Rojaleras: your Rojales, our Rojales.

Dear People of Rojales,

Desideria Aráez Clemente


Page 2: Dear People of Rojales, - pader


· Permanent contact with the school community to achieve better educational quality.

· Adaptation of the price of the Infant School to the economic situation of the families.

· ncrease of the school transport help by updating the bases that regulate it.

· We will organise conferences to prevent bullying, addictive behaviors and sexist attitudes.

· We will schedule cultural activities from May to October, reactivating the activity in the public spaces such as the riverfronts.

· We will continue supporting the School of Spanish for Foreigners as a measure of integration of foreign residents.

· We will adapt the municipal museums with an opening schedule according to the real needs and the time of year.

· We will continue supporting the most emblematic cultural events of the town: National Contest of Nanas and Villancicos, Rodearte, Música sin fronteras ...

· The Council Festivity Department will ask for the participation of the Junta Central de Moros y Cristianos, of the Junta Mayor de Cofradía y hermandades and of all local associations, for the elaboration of the festivity municipal calendar and to recover, as far as possible, old festivity traditions of our culture.

· We will undertake together with the business of the sector, a strategic plan to enhance the ROJALES brand as a tourist image, enhancing our catalog of cultural, gastronomic and natural assets.

·­We­will­promote­the­festivities­in­Ciudad­Quesada­to­be­a­reference­and­as­specific­support­of­the­tourism in the urbanizations.

· We will pay special attention to SPORTS TOURISM in the natural environment.

· We will propose, in collaboration with the local and regional tourist and hotel sector, a program of tourist visits to the town in holiday periods.





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· We will put into operation a comprehensive program for our young people, by the creation of cultural and leisure infrastructures, responding to the needs of the young people of the town.

·­We­will­set­up­a­Youth­and­Children’s­multi-use­Meeting­Center,­where­young­people­will­also­be­ provided with the necessary means so that they can transmit their concerns and needs to the town hall.

· We will promote associationism and volunteering between the youth

· We will carry out an exhaustive control of the budget, to guarantee a total compliance, especially as far as expense is concerned.

· We will update all the municipal taxes, depending on the real cost of the service (garbage, water, private driveways, etc.).

· We will propose a strategic Municipal Grants Plan based on the projects to be carried out by the different applicant associations.

· We will organize an intercultural trade fair in order to create an interaction between all the shops of Rojales.

· We will support small local commerce channeling municipal purchases in a proportional way among all businesses.

·­We­will­financially­support­the­associations­of­merchants­and­hospitality­sector,­in­all­the­acts­that­they carry out and that are destined to the promotion of the town.

· We will establish in the sports schools some basic rules of behavior and functioning to be guided by.

· We will strengthen the existing sports schools and create the golf school, with the collaboration of La Marquesa Golf Club.







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· We will improve the disinsectisation and deratization contracts, especially in the sewage system and in those focal points where rodents (plots and river) proliferate; with special emphasis on urbanizations.

· We will implement the Prevention of Addictive Behavior Unit (UPCCA).

· We will make into effect the cleaning and fencing ordinance of plots throughout the term.

· In accordance with the characteristics of the citizens of Rojales, we will place at the disposal of the Generalitat Valenciana, the land for the construction of a Day Care Center and a geriatric residence.

·­We­will­create­the­PANGEA­Migrant­Assistance­Office,­in­order­to­being­able­to­look­after­the­­immigrant­population of the town with the maximum guarantees.

· We will modify the way of giving the relief aids for a more personalized one which will consist in vouchers, so that the citizen can exchange them in the shops of the town depending on their needs.

· We will increase the home help service through a greater allocation of economic resources to the different items and with subcontracting.

· We will propose that the Mayor stop being the “Water Judge” and that he be chosen among the farmers of Rojales.

· We will install a pipeline to take the excess water from the WWTP Lo Pepín 2 to the acequias of the Rojales­growing­fields.

· We will make available to citizens, through public tender, the municipal agricultural land for its use and exploitation.

· We will eliminate the tax rate for the use of the Urban Farming spaces.

· We will continue supporting the traditional farming and will execute, in collaboration with the farmers, a plan for the repair and asphalting of the roads of nearby the lands.

· We will install cameras for a better surveillance of the above mentioned roads.

· We will promote sustainable agriculture (promotion of drip irrigation, training to farmers for the use of new technologies applied to agriculture, collaboration with universities to apply new knowledge, highlighting traditional agricultural techniques ...)





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·­We­will­request­the­supra-municipal­administrations­to­build­a­new­bridge­in­front­of­Pueblo­Lucero­that allows better communication.

·­We­will­modify­ the­qualification­of­municipal­plots­ to­ favor­ the­construction­of­housing­ for­young­ people.


·­We­will­carry­out­an­exhaustive­study­of­ the­resources­to­achieve­the­maximum­efficiency­of­ the­ cleaning service.

· We will promote the selection of municipal solid waste for better recycling.

· We will pay special attention to the disposal of electronic waste and batteries due to its high polluting power.

· We will provide to the area of the market with containers of greater capacity. On market days, we will put in place the necessary means to prevent bags and papers from ending up in the river side and in the adjoining streets.

· We will enact an ordinance to regulate the felling of trees and protect our forest.

· We will promote the use of alternative energies in buildings and municipal vehicles.

· We will present a legislative plan to renovate the sidewalks and to put underground all the services that are needed.

· It will be obligatory to keep the plots clean of garbage, debris and weeds, sanctioning those who pour waste of any nature on them.

· We will ensure that the lighting of the streets is always in perfect conditions of use.

· We will review and expand the spaces destined for car parks near commercial areas, paying special attention to the oldest ones, Avenida de las Naciones, Calle Blanca, Calle Turismo, etc.





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·­In­the­first­year­of­the­legislature,­we­will­implement­the­“Ensanche­Sur­de­Heredades”­plan­to­favor­the expansion of the district.

· We will act in the asphalting of roads, conservation of urban facilities and public lighting.

·­We­will­create­a­municipal­office­in­the­multifunctional­center­that­will­be­attended­by­a­councilman­one day a week, to meet the needs and concerns of the inhabitants of Heredades.

· We will promote bonds of union between the cultural, festive and sports social fabric of the district and the urban area.

· We will maintain contacts with the City Council of Almoradí, in order to establish a program of activities common to the two terms and create more links with the district.

·­We­will­put­in­place­during­the­first­year­of­the­legislature­a­list­of­modern­and­up-to-date­jobs­(R.P.T)­to the real needs of the municipality.

· We will regularize all the positions occupied by work personnel adapting them to the new regulations of the public employee.

· We will tender for public participation the vacancies available in the Town Hall, as well as those created in the new R.P.T.

· Employment of people with disabilities equal to or greater than 33% will be facilitated.

· We will create an internal tutoring available to municipal workers, where they can express their concerns and problems in order to give solutions.

· It will be carried out by the Local Police a continuous control of noise in vehicles and premises and speed control and drugs in the urban area.

· The existing signs will be reviewed if they are susceptible to improvement, increasing them where necessary.

· Awareness campaigns of the Local Police in educational centers will be promoted.





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· We will create a meeting space between women of different generations in order to empower them-selves by sharing their experiences, feelings and knowledge.

·­We­will­support­the­women’s­associations­of­Rojales­in­their­fight­against­gender­violence,­and­we­will­report on the advances against this scourge by promoting sorority.

· We will provide guidance to victims of gender violence with the help and collaboration of the La Dona Institute.

· We will elaborate a municipal program of recreational activities aimed at the group of elderly people (sports, cultural, festive, leisure, training ...).

· We will maintain subsidies and grants for associations and will be asked for greater involvement and collaboration with the council.

· We will promote the creation of an intergenerational meeting between youth and elderly people.

· We will promote a volunteer program promoting the participation of the elderly in the different municipal services or associations of the municipality.




· The citizens will be consulted and informed of the important projects that are carried out in the municipality.

· We will create a department of attention to the citizen, to respond to each and every one of the complaints or suggestions that make us arrive in a maximum time of 72 hours.

· We will give a public fund that will be used to create a participatory budget.

· We will create a section on the municipal website to communicate in a simple way what public money is spent on.


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