dear mr bashary marshal hq isaf joint command as the...

Dear Mr Bashary Thank you for your reply. As mentioned in my previous correspondence you were referred to me by Major Jon Hipkins Deputy Provo Marshal HQ ISAF Joint Command as the Point of Contact for the Afghan Ministry of Interior where I respectfully request your attention to these matters. I also respectfully request because these issues involve a Private Security Company (PSC) Namely Compass ISS that these issues be noted to the MOI High Coordination Board (HCB). I firstly would like to apologise in advance for the delays in getting this information to you and this was due to a number of ongoing issues as the below will explain and the threat of legal action against me from the Private security company in question if I spoke about these matters also played a part in this delay . I also apologise for the length of this letter but I would like to include as much detail as possible for your informed consideration. These matters involve the following.. Contravention to MOI regulations regarding PSC licensing and operation in Afghanistan Illegal arms and explosives Kidnapping, illegal detainment and Assault of a New Zealand National during his attempt to communicate to authorities his discovery and instances of illegal weapons and activities A Cover-up of illegal activities by the PSC involved Gross negligence of ISAF and the British Military Police Presidents Karzai’s Just concerns over activities of PSC’s Jurisdiction of the High Coordination Board and other Afghan Authorities pursuant to the Military Technical Agreement .. ……………….. As an ex military personnel I was offered employment Dec 2010 with an Australian owned Security company working in Afghanistan. The company concerned is Compass ISS and according to their web site Compass is registered as a supplier of security services to the US Government with a Central Contractor Registration (DUNS: 561680427). Compass is also registered with the United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) and they are an authorized provider of security services for supply chain operations supporting US service personnel. Compass provides Security to and for the Supreme group which supplies ISAF and its forces in Afghanistan with logistical necessities such as food water and fuels. During my work in Afghanistan and covering for a compliance staff member that was away on annual holiday, I believe it was on my second or third day of working as a compliance officer, during my checks at the Supreme purpose built Helmand Region Distribution Centre (HRDC), I discovered illegal activities and illegal weapons as deemed by the MOI and ISAF regulations and a number of other high concerns were discovered such as .. (a) Illegal weapons were discovered namely RPG’s on a number of occasions. (b) Illegal weapons were being transported by compass employees. (c) Illegal weapons were secretly being stored by Compass on the supreme complex. (d) Illegal weapons were being distributed by Compass employees. (e) Illegal weapon storage, transportation and use were known by the Regional Operation Manager (ROM)Mr Howard Lovitt ,by his own admission and actions I observed. (f) Company escort Guards having no uniforms.

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Page 1: Dear Mr Bashary Marshal HQ ISAF Joint Command as the … · Marshal HQ ISAF Joint Command as the Point of ... Because

Dear Mr Bashary Thank you for your reply. As mentioned in my previous correspondence you were referred to me by Major Jon Hipkins Deputy Provo Marshal HQ ISAF Joint Command as the Point of Contact for the Afghan Ministry of Interior where I respectfully request your attention to these matters. I also respectfully request because these issues involve a Private Security Company (PSC) Namely Compass ISS that these issues be noted to the MOI High Coordination Board (HCB). I firstly would like to apologise in advance for the delays in getting this information to you and this was due to a number of ongoing issues as the below will explain and the threat of legal action against me from the Private security company in question if I spoke about these matters also played a part in this delay . I also apologise for the length of this letter but I would like to include as much detail as possible for your informed consideration. These matters involve the following.. Contravention to MOI regulations regarding PSC licensing and operation in Afghanistan Illegal arms and explosives Kidnapping, illegal detainment and Assault of a New Zealand National during his attempt to communicate to authorities his discovery and instances of illegal weapons and activities A Cover-up of illegal activities by the PSC involved Gross negligence of ISAF and the British Military Police Presidents Karzai’s Just concerns over activities of PSC’s Jurisdiction of the High Coordination Board and other Afghan Authorities pursuant to the Military Technical Agreement .. ……………….. As an ex military personnel I was offered employment Dec 2010 with an Australian owned Security company working in Afghanistan. The company concerned is Compass ISS and according to their web site Compass is registered as a supplier of security services to the US Government with a Central Contractor Registration (DUNS: 561680427). Compass is also registered with the United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) and they are an authorized provider of security services for supply chain operations supporting US service personnel. Compass provides Security to and for the Supreme group which supplies ISAF and its forces in Afghanistan with logistical necessities such as food water and fuels. During my work in Afghanistan and covering for a compliance staff member that was away on annual holiday, I believe it was on my second or third day of working as a compliance officer, during my checks at the Supreme purpose built Helmand Region Distribution Centre (HRDC), I discovered illegal activities and illegal weapons as deemed by the MOI and ISAF regulations and a number of other high concerns were discovered such as .. (a) Illegal weapons were discovered namely RPG’s on a number of occasions. (b) Illegal weapons were being transported by compass employees. (c) Illegal weapons were secretly being stored by Compass on the supreme complex. (d) Illegal weapons were being distributed by Compass employees. (e) Illegal weapon storage, transportation and use were known by the Regional Operation Manager (ROM)Mr Howard Lovitt ,by his own admission and actions I observed. (f) Company escort Guards having no uniforms.

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(g) Guard vehicles having no identification. (h) Guard Nominal rolls were highly irregular. (i) Guards with no IDs. (j) Guards with expired ID’s. (k) Guards and drivers with paper ID’s. (l) Convoy Escort Guards with No weapons. (m) Convoy Guards having unserviceable weapons. (n) Convoy Escorts Guards with No ammunition. (o) Convoy guards secretly returning to base leaving convoys severely compromised. (p) Guards who were Taliban. (q) Guards Defecting to Taliban with SOP for convoy operations. (r) Forges operating licence. (s) Senior Managers instructing Compass staff not to be compliant. (t) Senior Managers instructing Compass staff not to report illegal activities. (u) Senior Managers instructing staff to not investigate viable Intel reports of illegal activities. (v) Managers instructing staff to not to email reports or use telephones to discuss activities or non compliances because of the military eavesdropping. (w) Compliance records not accurate and were false. Because of the serious and immediate nature relating to the illegal weapons and explosives namely RPG’s being in close proximity to the large Bulk Fuel Installation (BFI) at Camp Bastion and being in very close proximity to ISAF personal and convoys, all being only a few metres away, coupled with the fact the weapons were in the hand of highly questionable Compass employees which is another concern as some employees had no uniform, or ID, I immediately drafted an Intel report 03 Feb 2011 then sought direction from my manager Mr Howard Lovett, who is the Regional Operations Manager (ROM) for the Helmand region. Mr Lovett was very concerned with the Intel report I had drafted and during the meeting 03 Feb 2011, where Mr Lovett asked several times if I had sent it. My reply was no I had not sent the report as I needed to seek advice from him first. Mr Lovett then instructed me not to send the report, don’t use email or even phones to discuss this or any other non compliance issue because of the military eavesdropping and if the military found out about the weapons there would be a shit storm. I did not know at that time Compass and its staff had previously been investigated and arrested in 2007, 2009 and late 2010 for similar offences hence Mr Lovett’s concern about who I had sent the report to. Mr Lovett 03 Feb 2011 during this meeting also informed me he knew the weapons were illegal and also knew some staff carried these weapons and another type of illegal weapon pursuant to the MOI and ISAF regulation that being the .50 DSHK. As Mr Lovett’s instructions to me were contrary to Company policy and varying lawful requirements I noted this instance and because this involved the safety of other staff and personnel I then immediately advised other company staff of this instance where they also expressed concern. It was after this event 03 Feb 201, and I believe it was a daily occurrence after, I discovered more concerning and major issues during my compliance checks as below. I received viable Intel reports of a Compass subcontractor having a forged MOI operating licence. I then viewed convoy guards and vehicles during the hours of darkness secretly returning back to base only minutes after being dispatched to escort convoys leaving these convoys severely compromised and in total contravention to DOD set security standards.

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I then find more illegal weapons being stored in a Company container which were latter I witnessed these same weapons being secretly distributed during the hours of darkness. Next I received another viable Intel report of Compass employees being Taliban. It was then noted to be a daily event where some escort guards and equipments needed for the convoys were well below the required and specified security standards as set by DOD where it seems Compass were paid by the client for a certain set standard of protection where Compass never provided this protection but was paid irrespectively. There was also a physical fight and altercation in our compound involving suspected insurgents. I then find armed employees with no IDs and paper IDs. I then find guard having no uniforms. I then note guards and vehicles having no ID or markings contrary to operating requirements. I then witness un uniformed guards turning up in the hours of darkness with a hand written nominal roll which had an inability to verify its authenticity or conduct background checks on the guards or to check on the requirement of training prior to employment as per CENTCOM requires, where these guards were immediately armed and utilised for guard duties. I then discover guard names with major irregularities as some names did not match any nominal roll that the company was allowed to use. Then I received instruction from Head Office that the names did not have to match any roll and to just change the dates on old reports which then compounded the problem relating to irregular guard names, authorization and correct reports. I then receive a viable Intel report of a subcontractor having staff who defected to Taliban with SOP’s for operations. Another report was received regarding escort guards having unserviceable weapons, no weapons and no ammunition leaving convoys highly compromised. The issues mentioned above were noted to Mr Dennis Weir who is the Assistant Regional Operations Manager (AROM) at the time of their occurrence. Mr Weir then instructs me not to investigate further into non compliances or illegal activities because it would affect Compass’s ability to operate and to move on to more meaningful matters. I then latter noted to Mr Lovett (ROM) that I needed to speak with him in private at the next possible moment. I believe it was two days latter Mr Lovett met with me late one afternoon where I outlined the issues above again and other issues with staff that Mr Lovett was unaware of where I outlined my extreme concern. Mr Lovitt was annoyed at my comments and the notion I wanted to report the matters where he noted he was aware of all matters I had noted to him. Mr Lovitt also confirmed he specifically knew about the stored illegal weapons that were latter distributed, because he corrected me to the exact location of the stored weapons and container as I had initially incorrectly identified to him one container when it fact it was another, and after Mr Lovett mentioned the exact container, I agreed with Mr Lovitt so he did know about this aspect.

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After this meeting, I then received comments from another member of staff that Mr Sid McKissock who is the Country Manger had instructed him also not to be compliant or report non compliances because it would affect the company’s ability to operate and everyone would be out of a job. I think it prudent that at this point I point out that Mr Sid McKissock is a close personal friend to Mr Lovitt and Mr Weir the two main offenders. From 10 Feb – 14 Feb via phone and emails I tried contacting the Company HQ noting them of major problems where I received no reply or response. As the problems were still ongoing even after reporting them to AROM and ROM and now head office and where the problems were illegal and some were potentially deadly, I tried to contact the main client Supreme by email 14 Feb 2011 asking for a POC to discuss major problems at the Helmand Region Distribution Centre (HRDC). On Mr Lovett becoming aware of this email, my IDs were confiscated, I was illegally held and detained, Searched several times, Personal items were confiscated, Laptops and documents, reports and evidence were taken, and I was kept incommunicado so I could not seek help or report to the authorities. Mr Lovett even refused my request to be taken to the Military Police which were only 3 minutes away at Camp Bastion where Mr Lovett quoted, “This is a civilian post, we don’t answer to the Military and the police are not coming”. I was then scheduled to be flown direct to Dubai as per a normal flight to meet with Head office legal. During my entry to Camp Bastion 16 Feb 2011 at the first opportunity I sought assistance from the Military Police. I outlined to the MP’s in private that I had jus been illegally detained by Compass because I was trying to report illegal weapons and explosives I had located on their complex. I was quickly debriefed and because I needed to catch a plane in the next few minutes it was agreed they would contact me when I arrived back to my home country New Zealand where my accounts and details were quickly noted. My flight was altered by Mr McKissock where for some unknown reason I was redirected to Kandahar. I left Bastion 12.09 am and arrived in Kandahar 12.46 pm. I was taken to a Compass employee and manager named Jason who like Mr McKissock and Mr Weir is another NZ National. Jason then took me a room located at another Supreme complex not far from the Kandahar airport. As I was not allowed to go anywhere and according to Jason I was still to be kept isolated and incommunicado under the instruction of Mr McKissock, I decided to add to the ongoing and running report. At 08.06 pm I queried Jason if I could be taken to the Military police where Jason informed me the MP’s were ½ hour walk and he did not have their phone number. At 8.30 pm Jason entered the room with an armed guard and informed me he is now posting this guard at the door so I don’t leave. Jason further added, if I attempt to leave he would personally forcibly put me back it the room. Jason further stated, “you carry on with your report as no one will listen or care”.

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At 9.03 pm Jason and approximately 10 Company Force protection arrives to escort me back to who knows where.. Jason stated “it was so I don’t go anywhere”. During darkness and on route through the back streets of Kandahar, not knowing where I was being taken or why, once the vehicle stoped at a well lite and manned military check point I exited the vehicle on the right hand side unfortunately one of the armed guards that was in the back of the vehicle with me was still hanging on to me. While I was physically restrained from leaving by the guard hanging on to me from behind, I was then instantly surrounded outside the vehicle by five other force protection personal which emanated from the other escort vehicles. This entire incident was witnessed by a guard at the military check point. whom I called for help and assistance as I was being kidnapped. The guard originally hanging on to me is a US citizen named Will Dukes as below, and once I was surrounded by the other armed guards, then exited the vehicle from the other side and then moved around to my position. Will Dukes then proceeded to kick me about my legs then beat me about the side and back of the head while others beat my hands and then all pushed pulled me back into the vehicle and once back inside was smothered by two guards in the back seat I was then taken to Mr Daren Beacham who is another compass employee and who is a ROM for the Kandahar region, Situated just outside of Kandahar I spoke with Mr Beacham for some time who wanted to know what was happening. I went into detail of what I hade discovered at HRDC. Mr Beacham became mainly concerned with the illegal weapons because he claimed he had a personal input to the confiscation and destruction of these types of weapons for the last few years where Mr Beacham stated if what I had outlined to him occurred, those involved would be dismissed without question irrespective of who or what they are. After Mr Beacham left my room I was again searched, further detained and kept incommunicado and according to Mr. Beacham and Will Dukes, it was at the instruction of senior management Mr McKissock. A company doctor was called to check over the abrasions and injuries sustained in the assault where I received and examination and medication. That night I had two armed guards outside my door and one guard inside the room who was changed every hour. I was informed by Will Dukes prior to him leaving the room I could not leave the room who further added there would be consequences from the guards if I tried. The next morning 17 Feb 2011 I was searched again and further personal items confiscated. Approximately 11.30 am I was escorted by two armed guards to Mr McKissock in his office. On entering the corridor to Mr McKissock office and seeing Mr McKissock, Mr McKissock took his phone out and then closed his door.

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I latter learned after I returned to the room where I was being detained, and seeing my personal items strewn about the room, I was informed Mr McKissock had phoned other guards and instructed them to go through my personal gear again while I was waiting outside his office. I was then escorted to the Kandahar airport by Will Dukes and another guard named Steve who was also part of the armed guards who uplifted me from my initial location in Kandahar 16 Feb 9.00 pm and who restrained me during the assault at the military check point. Steve, Mr. McKissock and I left Kandahar 17 Feb and flew to Dubai to meet with Compass legal at Compass HQ. At the meeti ng in Dubai present were Mr McKissock, Kelly Thatcher and Fleur Healey who wanted to know about the serious issues in detail which I had attempted to note to them previously. I then noted to the team I had on a flash drive a draft informal report containing recent activities and accounts specifically for Mr McKissock who was supposed to have a one on one meeting with me to discuss matters. I proceeded to produce the report but it was then discovered someone in Kandahar, during the searches and confiscation of the flash drive, had attempted to delete the report from the confiscated drive which was removed from around my neck by armed compass guards at Kandahar. I informed the legal team I may have a copy on another hidden drive or there was a strong possibility I could recover the deleted report from the original drive and in any case I would forward them the report once it was located. As the written report was not available I then proceeded to verbally outline to the team the illegal activities and high concerns. Mr McKissock and the staff all took notes and asked detailed questions. At the end of the meeting while the legal staff was out of the room, I personally queried Mr McKissock about one part of the report where he was concerned but not discussed during the meeting where it was reported to me by another staff member that he was instructed by Mr McKissock not to report non compliances because Compass would not be able to operate. After I queried Mr McKissock, Mr McKissock confirmed he did instruct other staff not to be compliant and report non compliances because Compass would not be able to operate and therefore everyone would be out of a job. At the time of writing the draft report I was not aware of Mr McKissock’s involvement and close personal connection to the other two Managers involved and it was not fully revealed how far Mr McKissock has gone to hide and conceal facts until I received and viewed a secret Compass report 17 March 2011 written by Mr McKissock to the company 2 IC Mr Steve Gurney. This report which contained deliberate inaccuracies, lies and false facts was manufactured for one reason that being Self Preservation of Compass. At the end of the meeting 17 Feb 2001 I was confirmed I was summarily dismissed for breaching my contract that being trying to communicate my findings outside of the company. I was also threatened with legal action if I spoke to anyone about what occurred. I arrived back in NZ 19 Feb 2011.

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Because my kidnapping and assault was organised by Mr McKissock being a New Zealand National, and other NZ national were involved, I filed an assault and kidnapping complaint with the NZ Police 03 March 2011. The NZ Police suggested normally they do not investigate crimes which occurred in another country and passed my complaint to INTERPOL. The NZ Police also suggested I need to contact the Authorities back in Afghanistan. I tried several times to contact the Afghan National Police (ANP) and the Afghan Ministry of Interior (MOI) through their web sites with no response. While I was waiting for a response from the Authorities in Afghanistan, Deputy Provo Marshal Major Jon Hipkins of the Royal Military Police at HQ ISAF Joint Command who I had been in contact with since 28 Feb 2011 regarding these matters as below, 12 March 2011, after my request, Maj Hipkins sends me a copy of a Military Agreement Annex “A”, as Maj Hipkins advised in an earlier email 11 April 2011 that the Afghan authorities have no jurisdiction over contractors committing crimes on Afghan soil. The Technical agreement Maj Hipkins refers to does suggest foreigners involved in crimes on afghan soil are only answerable to the authorities in and from their own country even though the crimes occurred on Afghan soil. This agreement is very contradicting to the Role of ISAF in Afghanistan and is contradicting to internet and news reports of Compass and Staff previously being investigated and arrested by the ANP for carrying and possessing illegal weapons. On noting this Technical Agreement back to the NZ Police, in relation to the kidnapping and assault, the NZ Police are still adamant they have no jurisdiction and suggested I try to contact the Afghan Authorities. I was then made aware of a declassified report “INQUIRY INTO THE ROLE AND OVERSIGHT OF PRIVATE SECURITY CONTRACTORS IN AFGHANISTAN” where this report specifically mentions Compass ISS previously being involved in illegal and highly questionable activities in 2010, and are the same activities as those I encountered in 2011, making the treatment I endured at the hands of the company an excuse and reason why the company did not want me to report to anyone. The report and news articles relating to Compass and its Highly questionable activities 2007, 2009, 2010 and my encounters Feb 2011 confirms Compass is a repeat offender with little respect and regard to rules, regulation or authorities. There maybe further irregularities and gross negligence by the British Military Police as Maj Hipkins in an email 10 April 2011 advisees.

“the matter was referred by Headquarters ISAF Joint Command to Allied Joint Force Command Headquarters Brunssum (JFC-B). I have today been informed by JFC-B that, following legal advice, this matter has now been referred to SUPREME Group, as the prime contractor who employs COMPASS ISS. It is the intention of JFC-B to monitor any further developments.

Should you wish to contact SUPREME Group, there contact details can be found at the following link”:

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My immediate and initial concern was compass was again involved in highly questionable activities that affects the stability of the Afghan Government where after I attempted to report the activities I was then subjected to illegal treatments and threats of legal action if I speak about them. Then the British Military Police claim the Afghan Authorities have no jurisdiction over these matters or Compass which is contrary to varying documents and regulations. My next concern would be ISAF/ the Military police has referred the matters relating to illegal weapons, illegal detainments, Kidnapping and assault of a Citizen from an ISAF supporting Country to a foreign owned logistical company namely Supreme, who employs Compass and where Supreme has no jurisdiction over anything rather than referring the matters to the Afghan Authorities or at the very least follow ISAF regulation and the Role of ISAF in Afghanistan, where ISAF must support the Afghan Government and share information relating to crimes or activities relating to insurgency and activities that undermine Government efforts to achieve stabilisation and order. My reply to Maj Hipkins 11 April 2011 as follows..

“Sir I can confirm the advice you have received from FP at Camp bastion is wrong in principle and in fact, and where physical evidence and witnesses was and is available to support my allegations and these would have been discovered and verified if any substantive enquiry had been conducted as part of proper procedure. Furthermore, as noted to you 23 Feb 2011 as below, FP at camp Bastion only took a brief 4 minute debrief which outlined my illegal detainment which is a stand alone police issue, illegal weapons and Compass manages covering up other serious concerns relating to insurgents activities. The brief did not include the further detainment at another location, kidnapping, assault and threats of legal action against me if I speak about what I uncovered or endured as they had not occurred yet which are also standalone police issues hence the reason why I asked for contact details of and for any liaison officer for the Afghan National Police that you have not yet given? -----Original Message----- From: Ben [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 3:46 AM To: IJC Media Operations Org Subject: ISAF To whom it may concern I am trying to contact the British Military Police at camp Bastion Afghanistan.. Can you please advise or assist? I wish to explain the following.. My Name is Benjamin Timmins and I am a New Zealand National. I worked for a PSC in the Camp Bastion area where I discovered some server non compliances. On reporting these findings to management, I was then immediately striped of all ID, equipment and personal affects, and then imprisoned as to not communicate or disclose my findings.

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I was then flown out of Bastion but during my exit from Bastion I asked for assistance at the Military Police check point. I then had a quick interview with a MP Staff Sgt (I think her name was Sally but could be wrong), at the main entry point to camp Bastion just prior to my flight out of Bastion 16 Feb at 0900 hrs. My interview pertained to my illegal detainment by the security company and my firsthand knowledge of the private security company storing, transporting and using illegal weapons, Taliban infiltration, along with some serious non compliance issues that would jeopardise the safety of ISAF forces and the Safety of a major Supreme installation which is the major supplier of fuels and logistics. With correspondence already received from Supreme last week, Supreme is totally unaware of the ongoing’s of Compass that’s severely compromises Supreme operations and the safety of their convoys as well as Coalition forces which should be Your concern. As Compass are the main offenders Not Supreme, can you please confirm in writing the Military Police and Joint Command to Allied Joint Force Command Headquarters will not properly investigate accounts of illegal weapons, illegal detainments, assault and kidnapping as I am starting to understand one of Compass’s managers comments to me after I asked for military police intervention when I was detained and my personal affects taken those being, “This is a civilian post, we don’t answer to the military or police and the police are not coming”? Regards Ben Timmins

This was followed by another email 13 April ..

13 April 2011 “Sir Thank you for your direction to the Military Technical agreement, unfortunately with your comments and advice what others have actioned there seems to be irregularities and contradictions. Reports are located on the internet regarding PSC’s and Staff being arrested and detained by the ANP for illegal activities some for carrying illegal weapons, as I had mentioned a number of times now and strangely is how these matters started. One such report as below outlines Compass, back in 2007 which is the specific PSC which I have mentioned that is still carrying, storing and distributing the illegal weapons as of recent, Jan 2011. Another interesting report was the US Armed Services Committee report where Compass was investigated for varying activities Nov 2010. So one should assume given the already publicised evidence of criminal activities of Compass and there is obviously a history of repeat offending, this should give gravity to my recent findings and allegations.

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Having read the Military agreement and specifically Annex A as you directed, I find contradicting reports where the ANP have arrested and detained foreign individuals including PSC and staff for varying illegal activities therefore the ANP must have jurisdiction contrary to your advice 11 April 2011. Furthermore, what contradicts the Technical agreement, is the NATO mission statement also as attached and below.. Since NATO took command of ISAF in 2003, NATO’s main role in Afghanistan is to assist the Afghan Government and Authorities namely the ANP, ANA and ANSF in exercising and extending its authority and influence across the country. NATO/ ISAF Supports the Afghan National Police (ANP). Providing support to the Afghan National Police (ANP) within means and capabilities is one of ISAF’s key supporting tasks. In this sphere, ISAF works in coordination with and in support of the United States as well as the European Union Police Mission in Afghanistan (EUPOL). ISAF assists the ANP, primarily at the tactical level, with military support to operations, advice, shared information and informal mentoring and guidance. Disarming illegally armed groups (DIAG)ISAF is collecting illegal weapons, ordnance and ammunitions from armed groups and individual persons. Weapons are then catalogued and safely destroyed so they no longer represent a threat to the local population, Afghan National Security Forces or ISAF personnel. Having illegal weapons in the hands of highly questionable individuals as initially outlined to you who were and possibly still are in extreme close proximity a large Bulk Fuel Installation and in extreme close proximity to ISAF and Coalition forces being only a few metres away from each other, which is also outlined to you, poses a major threat and should be regarded as a concern. I sincerely hope you are mindful this issue of finding and trying to report illegal weapons 05 Feb 2011, being located, transported and stored on a number of occasions is how this all started. In regards to NATO/ ISAF obligations, according to NATO's Role in Afghanistan, ISAF assists the ANP, primarily at the tactical level, with military support to operations, advice, shared information and informal mentoring and guidance, therefore I am left wonder if NATO/ ISAF has fulfilled this obligation where it has shared important information with the ANP relating to illegal weapons and explosives being stored, transported and distributed, or illegal detainments kidnapping and assaults? I doubt very much there was any sort of information sharing or any substantial investigation were carried out as the basic protocols were simply not observed. As no investigation was conducted because there were no basic procedures observed, I am adamant No such information was shared with the ANP and at the very least this should be regarded as gross negligence. Negligence should be considered because the illegal offences were referred back to a civilian post namely Supreme, where Supreme has absolutely no jurisdiction to hold those responsible legally accountable and where Supreme is unaware of the allegations. This action of referring these major issues to a known dead end by an agency who should know better confirms some agencies who are placed in a position to enforce,

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assist and investigate or monitor is not doing their job and it is easy to see how corrupt, dangerous and illegal activities are simply overlooked where these activities can an usually do lead to lives lost, therefore at the very least their staffs actions should be regarded as negligence. There now seems a number of more concerns. 1. NATO/ ISAF has not properly investigated my allegations and as previously stated no other staff at compass that being four, who could verify my allegations into illegal weapons, and were readily available at the time, were contacted so one could assume there was no investigation. 2. No other statements have been taken 3. No interview was conducted. 4. No other evidence was asked for. 5. No timely manner was observed which is a critical element in any investigation. 6. According to the Military Technical Agreement Article III Provision of Security and Law and Order states the Interim Administration recognises that the provision of security and law and order is their responsibility. 7. The major issues and illegal activities were referred to a civilian agency that has no jurisdiction over anything especially security and law and order. I firmly believe the service police as you advised have not properly investigated my allegations. I have taken on board your referral of the Military Technical Agreement Annex A and in particular Paragraph 2- 4 Paragraph 2 of the Military Technical agreement Annex A. This outlines All ISAF and Supporting personnel will respect the laws of Afghanistan. The question here is kidnapping, illegal detainments and Assault, transporting, storing, and distributing explosives and unlawful weapons lawful in Afghanistan? Paragraph 3 of the Military Technical agreement Annex A. If an individual is subject to any disciplinary offence or is involved in criminal activities while in Afghanistan, they must be held accountable by the jurisdiction in their own Country. In order for this to happen, NATO/ISAF needed to Assist the ANP as per their directives, by sharing relevant information also as per their directive or bring these individual involved in illegal activities to the attention of the Appropriate Authorities in Afghanistan so the offenders can be then referred to the Authorities in the respective country the offenders belong to.. As NATO/ ISAF have not assisted as per their directives and not have referred those concerned in the illegal activities to the appropriate Authorities in Afghanistan and have not shared any information also as their directive, with the appropriate Authorities relating to illegal activities and who has acted in a negligent fashion by referring the serious issues to a Non Afghan Agency and in fact a Civilian post which has no authority over anything is an absolute disgrace and is nothing short of negligent.

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Paragraph 4 of the Military Technical agreement Annex A. This paragraph states ISAF and supporting personnel will be immune from arrest or detention. The reports as noted and openly found on the internet outlines arrests and detentions are encountered and this was even explained to me by Compass so I fail to see how NATO/ISAF can insinuate individuals involved in criminal activities are immune from arrest and detention. Furthermore and in relation to detention I hope you are mindful it was me who was detained by Compass and kept incommunicado on two separate occasions at two different location and where my requests for Military police intervention was refused so I could not report or to or seek help from the authorities. Your views would be most appreciated Regards Ben”

My next concern is there was absolutely no investigation by the Royal Air Force Police, Force Protection Wing at Camp Bastion as No Compass staff who knew about certain issues were contacted, no statement was taken from me nor was there any kind of questioning or opportunity to outline where verifiable evidence could be obtained and it is suspected not confirmed that any contact the British Police may have had with Compass at HRDC, was with the ROM who was the main offender and would have said anything to curtail suspicion or guilt. As the Royal British Police being part of an identity namely ISAF that is supposed to support the Afghan Government where this identity has severely compromised itself and its allies by simply not investigating matters of importance involving illegal arms and explosives, kidnapping, illegal detainments and assaults should in itself be investigated. My last concern would be possible Conflicts of interest with the British forces at Bastion as there is testimony’s on the Compass web site referring to ISAF and in particular UK and BRITFOR Afghanistan as below..

“Compass Security is a reputable and respected security company within Afghanistan and internationally. The company currently holds contracts with a major international logistics provider for ISAF as well as the British and US Forces. Compass Security has also been contracted to provide assistance to the United Nations in support of the Afghan wide elections........Compass Security is well known to HQ BRITFOR and is viewed as a trusted organisation”. – HQ UK BRITFOR “I have always admired the exceptional amount of work and support your company provides to the ISAF mission and your direct contribution to campaign success”. – Major General Mart de Kruif, Commander RC South, ISAF

In regards to Gross negligence of ISAF and the British Military Police .. It is an absolute disgrace that the British Police referred these matters to a dead end and it is an absolute disgrace to suggest there is no substance to my allegations. ISAF did not investigated matters involving a PSC Kidnapping one of its own staff who is a New Zealand National, his Illegal detainments and Assault by UK and US PSC staff in front of a number of witnesses at a military checkpoint in Kandahar because the staff member was attempting to report to the Authorities the illegal activities of the PSC and the attempted cover-up.

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ISAF did not investigate reports of illegal weapons being in very close proximity on a number of occasions to the Bulk fuel Installation at Camp Bastion being only a few meters away. ISAF did not investigate reports of illegal weapons being stored, distributed and carried on a number of occasions in close proximity to ISAF forces and convoys at Camp Bastion being only a few meters away. ISAF did not investigate reports of illegal weapons being used, distributed and transported by a foreign owned private security company despite the company having a well documented history of this specific activity and was even investigated by the US Armed Services Committee for malpractices and illegal activities. ISAF then rather than investigating or referring these matters to the Afghan Government or the ANP, referred all these above matter to foreign civilian logistics company in Afghanistan who have absolutely no jurisdiction over these matters. ISAF also claimed the Afghan National Police (ANP) Have no jurisdiction over those involved in illegal activities where ISAF cited and sent me a Military Technical agreement Annex “A”. The Military Police / ISAF did not share critical information to the ANP or the Afghan Government which is contrary to ISAF Role in Afghanistan where they are mandated to support the Afghan Government and in particular the ANP as in the link below.. As I was adamant senior managers involved in the activities and the company’s legal staff was not reporting correctly to the owner of Compass Mr Perter McCosker, I sent Mr Steve Guiney Compass 2ic, Mr. McCosker and his legal representative in Washington and Dubai an email outlining major problems so latter Mr McCosker and his staff could not latter plead ignorance. The US Armed Services report also mentions Mr McCosker but the report illustrated Mr McCosker inherent ability to lie in front of the committee and misreport documents and facts. The US Armed Services report also illustrated Compass is a continued repeat offender with little regard to authority or consequences and possibly explains the treatment I endured because Compass would be well aware of the consequences if the illegal activities I encountered were revealed for a fourth time. Enforcing Afghan laws and regulation should be the responsibility of the Afghan Government where they should be supported where possible, and not be hamstrung by any foreign policy such as a technical agreement as those foreigners involved in crimes on Afghan soil seem to have little respect for the Afghan Authorities because they know they can get away with what ever they choose and in my case, being illegally detained, kidnapped and assaulted where those involved are readily obtainable and positively identifiable should be held accountable.. Those individuals who are obtainable and identifiable involved in activities and the cover-up of those activities involving activities contrary to MOI and lawful requirements, such as illegal weapons, kidnapping, illegal detainments and assaults should also be held accountable. The owner knowing about activities and the company as a whole that is involved in repeat offending on Afghan soil should be held accountable. It seems in recent months President Karzai has expressed concerns over activities of certain PSC operating in Afghanistan and with the documented Actions and Activities of Compass ISS past and present, in respect to this PSC, Compass, President Karzai’s concerns are just therefore I respectfully request the HCB and or yourself immediately revoke Compass’s PSC operation status and cancel its employees visas to avoid them from disappearing into other companies or forming other compass splinter agencies as compass have done to avoid detection in recent months.

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I also respectfully request a formal investigation of those involved in the activities outlined above and a possible investigation into the disgraceful gross negligence of ISAF also as aforementioned as those in Authority who is supposed to support the Afghan government have not. I apologise for the length of this letter and possibly missing details but if there is any detail or information you need clarifying please advise and I have no objection if you need me to return to Afghanistan for any reason. Respectfully yours Ben Timmins