dealing with change. people can only handle so much change -you could have found five more things to...

Download Dealing With Change. People can only handle so much change -You could have found five more things to change – but you were tired of change

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Post on 13-Dec-2015




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  • Slide 1

Dealing With Change Slide 2 People can only handle so much change -You could have found five more things to change but you were tired of change. Slide 3 People feel awkward when asked to do something new -Most of you felt a bit self conscious when asked to change. All change is new territory on the front end. Slide 4 People think first about what they must give up -People always begin by taking things off. Change causes us to focus on what we are losing. Slide 5 People feel alone when they are asked to change -Even though you were not instructed to do this exercise on your own, most participants wont ask for help. Change tends to isolate us and make us think we are the only one going through it. Slide 6 People are at different levels of readiness for change -Some of you enjoyed this exercise while others of you hated it! Slide 7 People tend to revert back to their old behavior the minute the reason for the change is removed! -When this exercise ended, I watched the whole group put their jewelry back in place, tuck their shirttails in, unroll their sleeves and re-button their buttons. Slide 8 Ask yourselves -If there is this much resistance to a simple exercise, how much more resistance is coming to major transitions within the church? Slide 9 The Future of Church Architecture Slide 10 Five Commandments of Architectural Health for the Future Church Thou Shalt Understand Thy Client Thou Shalt Not Practice Egotecture Thou Shalt Not Commit Ugly Thou Shalt Build Smart Churches Thou Shalt Design For Many Senses Slide 11 Thou Shalt Understand Thy Client What is the best language in which to do business? My customers language! Slide 12 Thou Shalt Understand Thy Client The Question for the Future Church: Who are you building this for, and why? Do you understand your target audience? Barna. While most churchs continue to pursue a one-size-fits-all ministry strategy, the culture in which we live is too diverse and values customization too highly to expect that we can fulfill every need by implementing a single set of programs, events, language, and symbols. To be effective, we must learn to target our efforts and to contextualize what we have to offer to others so that they see our offering as relevant, beneficial, and accessible. Slide 13 Thou Shalt Understand Thy Client To be relevant and influential in packaging our buildings we must.. Understand cultural changes Understand the implications of these changes Slide 14 Thou Shalt Understand Thy Client Changes that influence lives, ministry and designs include.. Demographics Attitudes Values Lifestyles Behaviors Spirituality Slide 15 Thou Shalt Not Practice Egotecture The Question Who and what will you be building it for? Slide 16 Thou Shalt Not Practice Egotecture Too many buildings are erected to stroke the ego of the architect or owner Most cathedrals now stand as little more than a historical relic of an earlier age. Without active congregations, our buildings are of no spiritual value. They are empty husks where life no longer existsnothing more than monuments. Slide 17 Thou Shalt Not Practice Egotecture Slide 18 Churches should.. Be molded by the communities they serve Be inviting and warm The design should say. You are welcome here! Fellowship with us! Slide 19 Thou Shalt Not Commit Ugly How can anyone learn about the God of beauty in the ugliness of architecture? Slide 20 Thou Shalt Not Commit Ugly The cost of ugliness is high! Ugliness enslaves both the body and the mind! Leonard Sweet Slide 21 Thou Shalt Not Commit Ugly Slide 22 A building should have three main qualities: Commodity -Functionality and user-friendliness Firmness -Integrity. It doesnt leak, crack, fall down Delight -Joy and beauty Slide 23 Thou Shalt Design For Many Senses Postmodern people engage spiritual reality through imagination and the arts. Image has transcended over the word Rich Richardson Evangelism Out of the Box Slide 24 Thou Shalt Design For Many Senses When praising God, postmodern worshipers need to.. Look Listen Touch Taste Smell Slide 25 Thou Shalt Build Smart Churches How do we expect to connect with the new generation of Christians if were teaching and using antiquated tools? Slide 26 Thou Shalt Build Smart Churches Slide 27