dealing of web fgn. compalints

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  • 8/3/2019 Dealing of Web Fgn. Compalints



    0 9 FtB Z0ll,>#i'z'iK'" W


    ..fEQ /r/V. $uperlntendent (SFCC), tvlumbai 400 09S2" S*p*rig.ltendent {$criing}. APSO Foreign, tu{umbai 4.cs 099l{e.- PG/81;,3',:Veb ComplainUZAf i-12 deled et F,iiurrnbai, the 08-C2-?011'

    As per ihe LjPtj letter Fost tv{anua! Conveetion A.ct 17, the enquiry for foreignarticles shouict he cornpleied within 2 months, if the svstem of handling the conrplaini isr.:ranua! anrl v;ithi* 3s days if ti'i* sy*tern is eiecii'oltie {*op1,r enclosed)'

    i-jcw*ve:', these cases are being sho'rnvn pending foi" rnore than 30 days in respei;t*f interiraiitnal L.ftd-$ a@ case i:f r ' i *rnciirecied by Chief tlFilG to i'equest ycu t* tlg=* inl*Tnutiolui **io .o*pi?il 'jpcst aitlele whrch are pending for rncrdlf;anTE-cisys gnd in'i*e-natioslal Regc.,'p*te*ieases e"n sde* wnffir* than G* days' --

    Clr:ef Fh4G has ali"eady addressed te ali concerneci ehief FMG$ fr:r taking sirnilai"*cilc* at thelr cnd" {Copy *f *"O is also en:lcsed}'

    fr:*[ iA.s *bov*i i!i"';. flatel)Asstt. Direct*;r';f Fcstal $eruloes iFG/!nspn)*l* Chief F*stma=tl; GeneralMa h a ra.'; liila C i i'ci*, fv-'i rl ri bc i 4 *': * 0't

  • 8/3/2019 Dealing of Web Fgn. Compalints


    ! n f ! t.,, t ,, E\ rl,r c,.Lt:.ri "' f r"1r (-.c,. f Ir-1/Ar"t XN: FtL iSiJ. t:rrltI j'i;,f '"1 . ' -

    i ;rt tor lJncx

    lirii;l':j{ A.S#il

    l-, I c'

    * f'ji:t:r+itirs|arid;i"rg nrti*le t7,3, th* pflstai adnrinistratifins *i Sreair, Pana*:*i{4.*p.j *rr* tne Unitsd $tat*s *f A*:erir:a reserve ih* rin}rt to *r*lect a $h;slq* {rsrr*lrst*r+*rs i*r" i*gurir!** l*Sged in rr?spect of letter'-post items and parcels pcst*rl:* csuniries whieh ;ippty that type cf charge in accordance with paregr"aphs 1 ia.: nf thrs artrcle-r\*isle 8L 't5*in$rllr!*s


    [)rl,r":,t::li:s1j'.1ilftir lil* I-li"i{l{t c{ tirne i:rescriberj rn arlicig '1 7 gf thg $e:llvgntior-,. ir qLJ,riassrall be.accepted as soiln *s tire probtern is reporled b'./ the seniler *r t**aj-ljressee- However. v?riere a *nCer's irquiry conceri-rs an ..;*delivered ,ter:":and the anticipated ti'ansmissio* lrrne has v:ci expired. ta* sencir?r-s+r:r-rliibe;nformg{a oi ti':is trar:smissior i;fire-.rrnp;trnt;0rr ilt'eqiiesiev**r3- inqrlry *ir*$l i*v*lv* tilr] prsparaticn of ;r CN 08 tarm. *y *gr**rnr*nthetrr"re*n t! *. fi{frnr,r'r**tr*fions rnvglved, th*l inqurry rnay bc in this iorr'rr o} cecrr:p*ler fil* *r rrr*ssage {electrontil CN CISj tran$rilitt*d e!ctrsn{caliy. fr:rexalTlFb Llsing tl":* lntgrnet. tn the abger:ce si such an agrserTrent, rt sh;riihe in the fori-n nf the fhi 0B dctcumenl-.'file CN tS i*rn: sirall b* accomosili*cl, when*ve.r. pcssible. h5, fi fnt;r,rtrl{'rjf i*s A*d{i}$S ti ili* ite*r. Tx* i,rril-tinn'fcrnr Sl"iail br: conr*le1ir;l 5r,rifr ;1ll ir-,i:tJ*i;lrls r:ille:iJ ior ilrici !'err,. l*n'O'O pref*rahltr ir': rornan *npitni ieitnr-T ;:"..r1firali3rtr figi.:r'**. r-)r +v*t"l 'lett*r, hy t'g**writer,ii {\* trt;il$-rr 6pnqt3rils 3 Sggir-en-4sliveS il*n:. it sfi*li alsa ht} i}r:i:liriliiri!::i.iirr' ;r i:irrfili*nis I ljf: ii rn***y r:r**r f{:rm of th* Fteqr.rl*il*lt$ r:i ti:* !*si;lP6r;nr*nt Ssr.r:c*$ A gi'*en";**ti,)ns t*rm ri;li,, l:* rt*edi*t $*rr*rl*i tl*nts P{}$ted ;ii ti''* S*rT,..j' :ir'',, iri tir.'] Cf{ir:- n1,'itl $ArrlE Sg'tlilrlr ltirC Seni Lrt ti^e 58Flt r"iJLiiii i"i'ri-r":5iil'tr*ii{jri}sS*-Aii r.lcjn:llrl*iffi,t;*{ts rnri$l ggnd ih* Fnte*r-naiional Hr,lr"*ai; nciliicat:'-li': ii llr''g:r.:s{*l anri, r,vhengss;, pe.{$ible" s{ecira""lic adciresses til '-vrttci-r tr\l rj:;'nquiris$ nncj tlN C8 rlirpi,cale lfiorltries rnitst he sent,Z.S ' I l-t* frrst edffitr*$tieticn ts r"*ceive th* tN S8 forrrr and &{snlpanviiig dn,r;irrneqt-s lrum a crlrst*m&r st.tgli rilrrnqaf$9 c*mplet* it* investigaiiring lv;thlnicn days *n.* fr:nr+*rd the f;frli]$ forrn q*d *uconrp.*nying cjo**rr*Rls is ths;1.;1-rg5r:6':r{; r":g adr,*l i*r$tra{totl. $wE.w-q ."i:cui"Jgii-rJc,'o*r'., ri*itts *iraii b?**r:mpanl*c1 by ttl+ ad*r*ss'r** * li**i*


    r'::t:,':. ri l"racit: i-rLli ili;*"i::il,ilti*t lr1-;.1;:"r.ri,r*riilij irxs *i*px*tJr 11;iii:riri .;j*l:illri.;;--r ;lilir'.li

    ,,:,1\'l I fiill*t alilil ICrttfi/ing th* r](-r:r-rr:L'*'']1 i,J;lirL.*ill'f f tlls *r:litJ*t'so ruquir*s. Altet lrl* rrLJrr*s;ri:-:;-;r"..a rei:iv slaii be senl b-\" fax, **nreil *f ,ai'1y oti;ei rtt+l*i::

  • 8/3/2019 Dealing of Web Fgn. Compalints


    f'r:$t - Ca*v A* 3'i; nL lSS, t$fl;t*cJ -l*,r -**--* '.:i]PL-j;i){-j f*r paymenr. *f incJelnnrtY

    g Comrncntery1$S.t ilie iia!,ri;**rrr;r..-'ls ifi* $;::,'ijjt \",.1lrcf! ine i*r;ri*l llli:iu,{i r.$ fileC, ie t,\e {jl* wrtBrr** lri th+;ii.:t1ri4::f:A:* {}!*C* +r3 f,lc Sh $$ i*n:-r !:.r, t* lhf cF$$r+r: gi SilCl"; ;rr*rcgtj*n, tha ripte**ta*p rmglress*rrn *ill;r':'il.r^i rti.*s itt irf:r*tt ilre l(1ru:"1 rs i1;;*#*ii i,{1,ifie r#ssrvat;{*,'rs irr Fyc>t- Arric*e FL Xii.5 erlrrl $ ep$y t*,{rt*i*, RL '15.*,


    ;i't;cl= RLAJGrraiic lFflPaYten: sf inderniiyi I *e rejurl a{ a CN 08 fcrn rn whicfi the "P*rti*ulers ts be supplied by lreirtermediate servrces". "Par-ticutar$ tc be s,-rppii*rl by the servtce ol destinaiion':fin* ''Frrral .epjy' seeti{}ns hav* rr*t be** *crnpl*t*ci sh*ll r}st be *ans}ti*red as siir.lal :,lrl,,"wthrn lhe nreaning.-:i arlrcle RL 15S.1.; Flc*t*l admlni+tr*tiilrls 'F.ritich nevs ffiad: res.ervaii$rls in ttle Finalirr$F*r{}f}S ihe appticatj*rr cf ;}re[cl* RL 15S.1, sha*l r'rotify a period. whicn,:r*f*{l tix ;tr*nth5. witi:in r*shie* thr*y witl filleily Bttl* the matter.5 Ccmrnent;)ry16S.'l ii ill. irfiF$r:el'ii t{} *.i1sure i!':el * detiilt#d it'lvgstigitlist is ilill.*i.,* cra'de lne j+r;i ts rnit C\ Og i::.r"r,r:* ilrr*ir f,*rr-r:l1li-i*r,{l i* ihestr*r.i.i3i*.. i,:i! i$ *i*i, lr"r:*rrt* ras*s. ihil acm # de$,tx1fiti{)n a,r}lhorireF lhg i:!{jrit

    1$ !': i:: {i9s;*fiir;1.; irr rrqglf'u. ili{rj i:j i:t:.!{.}# s*: lJ"r*J *ii:iti}tirf{s *elt b*infOlnt*c

    ii.riicila !:tL .1Sii]*;*r;-lrta?igir ':j il gi \.a,, r--r+ 11 I r"r stit I fi d'n i r''.;i 191 1 i p n 5tlntii.ihe eoilira{'y is pr*veri. licbili} shali rest vrith lhe ps$tai adnrinistre-licrt *irrli" h*roirr'iJ rfri1.*{i f*t* it*itt vrilh$L}X *omry}eflt and beins fr-rrnisiteci wri.riaii :-lt* Fr*sctrbed n]&ns *{ i*qr:rq;, c*ftn*t prove *i?her deliver5; ta the adctres**e

    r1,.. l+nere a*propIist" c$rec i tf&*$fr t* sr'}other adm*nistration.t i: ths loss thsfi *r ilama$* occ*rs i* the ccilrse of conveyafice lrJlthrlu1 i{i.:*inc; p*s$*bie tcl *siilbli*i'r in re.,hich *ol{r'ltry's le{riiary *r sefvrce it happ*nec. in*{t{iifllr?tsfratrsr:$ cortc*rn*d $hsli trenr tire lcss *qua}f}*, However, in the sa$* sf tnel*s,s *f registerecl it*m . this principle *hali apply Gnili;s items identjfied hy a CN *4lah*l rvith a uniql** item icjentifrer, rn aco$rdance lvith Articie ffiL 13?, Hrigist*r**it*ms. Sth*r'w*e, ihe dixpat+.*ing *d ini*tratiCIn aione shnil berar the in+s.

    Pr*lscoimay n*t




  • 8/3/2019 Dealing of Web Fgn. Compalints


    tiqwtarrrqr Rehman5