de sanctis high school

Via Malvano Cerquetta Via Serra The school is named after Gaetano de Sanctis (Rome 1870 - 1957), who was a very influential history professor at the University of Turin. In 1950 he became a life time senator. He revolutionized the way we study history by introducing the concept that history is not dead but rather alive and the historian must relive it in order to teach it..

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Page 1: De Sanctis high school

Via Malvano Cerquetta Via Serra

The school is named after Gaetano de Sanctis (Rome 1870 - 1957), who was a very influential history professor at the University of Turin. In 1950 he became a life time senator.He revolutionized the way we study history by introducing the concept that history is not dead but rather alive and the historian must relive it in order to teach it..

Page 2: De Sanctis high school
Page 3: De Sanctis high school
Page 4: De Sanctis high school

Our school is developing this project to help a little town in Etiopia, Mekele, to build a

hospital with a neonatology ward.

thanks to the cooperation with our

University and a hospital in the school


Page 5: De Sanctis high school

Our school has often partecipated into cultural exchanges.

This year we had one with a High school in Holland!! We also took part in two

other Comenius projects in the past.

One in 1996-1999.

The other in 2003-2005.

We had a great opportunity of dealing with different countries and enjoying a lot…

We are sure it will be the same with you…

Page 6: De Sanctis high school

I reckon it’s again my turn to win some or learn some..But I won’t hesitate no more, no moreIt cannot wait, I’m yours..

(I’m yours, Jason Mraz)

Nice to me e t you…

Ale ssandra,


Be atrice .