de loyme t · .. completion ep rt reading... · de loyme t · .. completion ep rt phu bai, ietnam...


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Page 1: DE LOYME T · .. COMPLETION EP RT Reading... · de loyme t · .. completion ep rt phu bai, ietnam apr 1966-dec 1966 u. s. naval mo i e c truction battalio en



APR 1966- DEC 19 6 6



FlliET PC1C~ 0 I1J- NET y R 1_-middot11 I

MGBmiddotTbull_T ce 300 ) vr

Frmiddotom Coniu 1 dL1 Office r U ~S NP val Mot ilo Construction Batt ~liun S 1v EN I

To Cot~nder r2vGl Constructon Bttt2 limiddotJns US l-_wific FlEht

Subj Deployment Com_Jletion Hcport fol Priod April 1 6 thrmiddot)1l 0 h D~c-mt r 1966 ~ubmis~-1ion of

Ref (a) COMCI3PlCIWST 5213olC

Encl (1) Dcplo~rment Completion Reiort

lo EnclosUIv (1) sumrriaPlZing the B 0 ttaliir1 s octiviti_s whilshydeployed t o HuePhu Bei __ _p1blic of Viotn_middot_m from April 1966 to Decmnber 10~-6 is forw~Lcfod in accbullJrdancEJ with refc -nc~ (n) W



FIFT~- ICImiddotpound ~IXPY-11-0 c SVE rTY -Oi

NMC E IDJ lr I fL I 111 I RT Y-11R lF

1f middot ~middot TGC01 (CODE r)O ) 2) middot V middotL FitlTn~y


C OMJ llmiddot C l COM3NGB


1 U s Nav~1- 1-Iobile Corurlrlction Batt~JJOil 81middot~bull~ w-1 deployed at Hu Phu Bu~ Hs~ublic of 7ietnim du~LTJg the r~ d 11riJ ~ 6tJ to De1 lt1r-iher 1966 jn accocl9110e w th GOlCBPAC OPOIID 4 66 The ptimary mission was construction in support of the JOT Na~al Conetr~ctoi egiment

ao 6 April 1966 - Ma1n body of HCB SEVEN began departing from Davisshyville aboard C-130 aircraft provided by tht Military Airlift Conmvmd

middotbo lJ April 1966 - Last of main body of MCB SEVEN rived at HuePh Bai

Co n May 1966 - Captain EG Unde~hill Chief Staf rffioer CBPAO visited MCB SEVEN1s crunpo

do 14 May 1966 - MCB SEVEN pe-imeter attacked bymiddotmiddotvc resulting 1n no Seabee caruampties and one VC WU middot middot middot middot

eo 21J Mny 906 n Fifty-middotaiz man delay parcy arrived at deployment site

f o 24 May 19i= $ bullbull VO atta~k on 11CB SEVEN perimeter repelled with no Seabee casualties and one VJ WIA

g 6 June 2966 - VO attack on MCB SEVEN perimettro GLOVER Il W UTP2 wounded by eneiey ire

h 10 June 1966 ~ Attack cy an estirn1ted fif lieen VC ~esulted in a sixshyhour firefight No friendly casualtieso 5 VO KId

1 18 July 1966 TIADM Euaband1 CCMJIVFACENGGOM visited MOB SEVEN camp

j 29 Jtly 1966 One Offier aI)d ten men deployed to Dong Ha for work on the roads ancl airfield middot

k 2 Auguat 1966 - MOB SEVEU camp vislted by RADM Ward COMNAVFORV and RADM Weschler COMNSA Danang~

1 19 Augus Ii 1966 ~ llook quarry crew mnbushed by an estimated our Viet Congo Fry LT~ EOJ and Purington DaC~ EOCN sustain d minor wounds

m 21 August ~966 - Ct~ SR ampnith COMCBLANT and CAPT EG Under ill Deputy OOHCBPAC visited lwGB flTcr campgt

nft 5 September 1966 - r~ng Ha detuc~mentincreaaed to two otfic rs d seven~y-ive filen middot

o 9 Septanbe- 1966 - MOB SEWN perimtter atteoked hy an estimatod twcl Viet Cong Five YO KIA =i11 no friSlcilJmiddot cnsuaJties resul bull

Pbull l 7 Septet er J 9 SS ~ MCB-6 prrd13ploynEnt ptrty consis viog cf CD WJ RICHESON CtC USU Connuand~g Offlcer1 ml~ staf arivtd t MOB EVEU camp

q l Oct~bc 1966 middot middot Ttnmty middot~w0 men depalted for Ling Vei to construe hardened defGilG1middot1 1Jo~_ -_cns for Ai1VN fcrcco

ro 30 Ortob8r 1966 Phu Bai Seabe3 Camp c r ~ti Camp CAMPBELL in honor of St~ley Claus CM1PBELL- SWFJ lilfpoundi 1]t~ nedl11an CEC USN bull COMGB AC iUUl-1 HNo WALLil_ CEC USU N1VF CEFGCOM and ffiJGEN W B lTIE_ USHC OG 3RD MARDIV attended declicat middoton CeurovJiccy

so 3 November 1966 - RADM RR Wooding CEO USN COM3NCB visited C np CAMPaELLn

t 13 November 1966 - Lang Vei detachmnt returned to Phu Bai upon completion of pro~ecto

Uo 20 November 1966 MCB SEVEN s Advance Party of 2 officers end 17 men departed for Davisville MCB SIXTY~TvO is 11tlvance Party of 6 officers and 109 men arrived at Phu Bai~

Vo 8 December J966 to 15 Decembei 1966 MCB SEVEilf ma1n body returned to Davisvt lle in 14 Q 13~ airrraft flights

]Q Signiffoant 11cc omplishme~

a Pre-fabrication plan~ - The workl09d assigned to MCB SEVEN over 800 - 16 x 32 foot b uildings far adminis t r ation and berthing a study was made t o deterrdne the mcst efficient construction lli3thod a prefabrication plm was built where units were nass produced far erection in t he field Pre-middotfabricated uni-s were built in irany CAC villages and s far away as Dong Ll c The time required to fini sh one unit was reduced from 115 to 8 mandays The tot al saving of over 2800 mandays resulted in earlier complet i on of cantonments and enabl ed the Battalion to under-ta ke addit i onal projects

b Dong Ra expansion - When the buildup of forces occurred along the DMZ during Operat ion Pra i rie it was necessary to provi de extensive f acil ities a t the Dong Ha Combat Bio1se incl udir upgrading the r un_way for continued use during the mons oon season_ In a ddition to erecting 140 buildings f or b e rthing thr0e me s halls thirteen l atrines t wo showers medical facilities and shops spaces 9 a vastly i mproed IiCU ramp was constructed The most significant cccomplishmrnt wss placing AM-2 matting on t hs runway ampnd t urnarotU1ds o What would no mally have been a r outine opePa t i on WHS rrmd~ very diificlll t by tha requirement rl to keep t he ~ield opon at all times dus to op rational needs 0 +his preclu ded prestaging tbe meterial along the runway and work hncl to be stopped each tLne a plane lmid0d or took off A milljor build up of forces took pacc during the period the motting wr s b~ing laid Howover the project was complt t o in six rtnd a half days despite the landing and t~king off of over 420 aircraft Not one plane was turned away nor were there any accidents

c Lung Vie - During the pericd o nc7cased aetivity along the DMZ~ it was necessa1y to pgtvmiddot e fortific~tions for an gtbservotion post at Lang Vie t bull middot dles from -rhe Lttot middotan bo1bullder A det~ il of one of fleer nd 2J Plen constructed six concrete bunkrs for the ARVT watch of 200 man overlooldng tlie Ho Chi Minh Trail Despita difficulty in obtaining nggregat and sand the proj eot was conipleted in only six weeks

Page 2: DE LOYME T · .. COMPLETION EP RT Reading... · de loyme t · .. completion ep rt phu bai, ietnam apr 1966-dec 1966 u. s. naval mo i e c truction battalio en

FlliET PC1C~ 0 I1J- NET y R 1_-middot11 I

MGBmiddotTbull_T ce 300 ) vr

Frmiddotom Coniu 1 dL1 Office r U ~S NP val Mot ilo Construction Batt ~liun S 1v EN I

To Cot~nder r2vGl Constructon Bttt2 limiddotJns US l-_wific FlEht

Subj Deployment Com_Jletion Hcport fol Priod April 1 6 thrmiddot)1l 0 h D~c-mt r 1966 ~ubmis~-1ion of

Ref (a) COMCI3PlCIWST 5213olC

Encl (1) Dcplo~rment Completion Reiort

lo EnclosUIv (1) sumrriaPlZing the B 0 ttaliir1 s octiviti_s whilshydeployed t o HuePhu Bei __ _p1blic of Viotn_middot_m from April 1966 to Decmnber 10~-6 is forw~Lcfod in accbullJrdancEJ with refc -nc~ (n) W



FIFT~- ICImiddotpound ~IXPY-11-0 c SVE rTY -Oi

NMC E IDJ lr I fL I 111 I RT Y-11R lF

1f middot ~middot TGC01 (CODE r)O ) 2) middot V middotL FitlTn~y


C OMJ llmiddot C l COM3NGB


1 U s Nav~1- 1-Iobile Corurlrlction Batt~JJOil 81middot~bull~ w-1 deployed at Hu Phu Bu~ Hs~ublic of 7ietnim du~LTJg the r~ d 11riJ ~ 6tJ to De1 lt1r-iher 1966 jn accocl9110e w th GOlCBPAC OPOIID 4 66 The ptimary mission was construction in support of the JOT Na~al Conetr~ctoi egiment

ao 6 April 1966 - Ma1n body of HCB SEVEN began departing from Davisshyville aboard C-130 aircraft provided by tht Military Airlift Conmvmd

middotbo lJ April 1966 - Last of main body of MCB SEVEN rived at HuePh Bai

Co n May 1966 - Captain EG Unde~hill Chief Staf rffioer CBPAO visited MCB SEVEN1s crunpo

do 14 May 1966 - MCB SEVEN pe-imeter attacked bymiddotmiddotvc resulting 1n no Seabee caruampties and one VC WU middot middot middot middot

eo 21J Mny 906 n Fifty-middotaiz man delay parcy arrived at deployment site

f o 24 May 19i= $ bullbull VO atta~k on 11CB SEVEN perimeter repelled with no Seabee casualties and one VJ WIA

g 6 June 2966 - VO attack on MCB SEVEN perimettro GLOVER Il W UTP2 wounded by eneiey ire

h 10 June 1966 ~ Attack cy an estirn1ted fif lieen VC ~esulted in a sixshyhour firefight No friendly casualtieso 5 VO KId

1 18 July 1966 TIADM Euaband1 CCMJIVFACENGGOM visited MOB SEVEN camp

j 29 Jtly 1966 One Offier aI)d ten men deployed to Dong Ha for work on the roads ancl airfield middot

k 2 Auguat 1966 - MOB SEVEU camp vislted by RADM Ward COMNAVFORV and RADM Weschler COMNSA Danang~

1 19 Augus Ii 1966 ~ llook quarry crew mnbushed by an estimated our Viet Congo Fry LT~ EOJ and Purington DaC~ EOCN sustain d minor wounds

m 21 August ~966 - Ct~ SR ampnith COMCBLANT and CAPT EG Under ill Deputy OOHCBPAC visited lwGB flTcr campgt

nft 5 September 1966 - r~ng Ha detuc~mentincreaaed to two otfic rs d seven~y-ive filen middot

o 9 Septanbe- 1966 - MOB SEWN perimtter atteoked hy an estimatod twcl Viet Cong Five YO KIA =i11 no friSlcilJmiddot cnsuaJties resul bull

Pbull l 7 Septet er J 9 SS ~ MCB-6 prrd13ploynEnt ptrty consis viog cf CD WJ RICHESON CtC USU Connuand~g Offlcer1 ml~ staf arivtd t MOB EVEU camp

q l Oct~bc 1966 middot middot Ttnmty middot~w0 men depalted for Ling Vei to construe hardened defGilG1middot1 1Jo~_ -_cns for Ai1VN fcrcco

ro 30 Ortob8r 1966 Phu Bai Seabe3 Camp c r ~ti Camp CAMPBELL in honor of St~ley Claus CM1PBELL- SWFJ lilfpoundi 1]t~ nedl11an CEC USN bull COMGB AC iUUl-1 HNo WALLil_ CEC USU N1VF CEFGCOM and ffiJGEN W B lTIE_ USHC OG 3RD MARDIV attended declicat middoton CeurovJiccy

so 3 November 1966 - RADM RR Wooding CEO USN COM3NCB visited C np CAMPaELLn

t 13 November 1966 - Lang Vei detachmnt returned to Phu Bai upon completion of pro~ecto

Uo 20 November 1966 MCB SEVEN s Advance Party of 2 officers end 17 men departed for Davisville MCB SIXTY~TvO is 11tlvance Party of 6 officers and 109 men arrived at Phu Bai~

Vo 8 December J966 to 15 Decembei 1966 MCB SEVEilf ma1n body returned to Davisvt lle in 14 Q 13~ airrraft flights

]Q Signiffoant 11cc omplishme~

a Pre-fabrication plan~ - The workl09d assigned to MCB SEVEN over 800 - 16 x 32 foot b uildings far adminis t r ation and berthing a study was made t o deterrdne the mcst efficient construction lli3thod a prefabrication plm was built where units were nass produced far erection in t he field Pre-middotfabricated uni-s were built in irany CAC villages and s far away as Dong Ll c The time required to fini sh one unit was reduced from 115 to 8 mandays The tot al saving of over 2800 mandays resulted in earlier complet i on of cantonments and enabl ed the Battalion to under-ta ke addit i onal projects

b Dong Ra expansion - When the buildup of forces occurred along the DMZ during Operat ion Pra i rie it was necessary to provi de extensive f acil ities a t the Dong Ha Combat Bio1se incl udir upgrading the r un_way for continued use during the mons oon season_ In a ddition to erecting 140 buildings f or b e rthing thr0e me s halls thirteen l atrines t wo showers medical facilities and shops spaces 9 a vastly i mproed IiCU ramp was constructed The most significant cccomplishmrnt wss placing AM-2 matting on t hs runway ampnd t urnarotU1ds o What would no mally have been a r outine opePa t i on WHS rrmd~ very diificlll t by tha requirement rl to keep t he ~ield opon at all times dus to op rational needs 0 +his preclu ded prestaging tbe meterial along the runway and work hncl to be stopped each tLne a plane lmid0d or took off A milljor build up of forces took pacc during the period the motting wr s b~ing laid Howover the project was complt t o in six rtnd a half days despite the landing and t~king off of over 420 aircraft Not one plane was turned away nor were there any accidents

c Lung Vie - During the pericd o nc7cased aetivity along the DMZ~ it was necessa1y to pgtvmiddot e fortific~tions for an gtbservotion post at Lang Vie t bull middot dles from -rhe Lttot middotan bo1bullder A det~ il of one of fleer nd 2J Plen constructed six concrete bunkrs for the ARVT watch of 200 man overlooldng tlie Ho Chi Minh Trail Despita difficulty in obtaining nggregat and sand the proj eot was conipleted in only six weeks

Page 3: DE LOYME T · .. COMPLETION EP RT Reading... · de loyme t · .. completion ep rt phu bai, ietnam apr 1966-dec 1966 u. s. naval mo i e c truction battalio en


1 U s Nav~1- 1-Iobile Corurlrlction Batt~JJOil 81middot~bull~ w-1 deployed at Hu Phu Bu~ Hs~ublic of 7ietnim du~LTJg the r~ d 11riJ ~ 6tJ to De1 lt1r-iher 1966 jn accocl9110e w th GOlCBPAC OPOIID 4 66 The ptimary mission was construction in support of the JOT Na~al Conetr~ctoi egiment

ao 6 April 1966 - Ma1n body of HCB SEVEN began departing from Davisshyville aboard C-130 aircraft provided by tht Military Airlift Conmvmd

middotbo lJ April 1966 - Last of main body of MCB SEVEN rived at HuePh Bai

Co n May 1966 - Captain EG Unde~hill Chief Staf rffioer CBPAO visited MCB SEVEN1s crunpo

do 14 May 1966 - MCB SEVEN pe-imeter attacked bymiddotmiddotvc resulting 1n no Seabee caruampties and one VC WU middot middot middot middot

eo 21J Mny 906 n Fifty-middotaiz man delay parcy arrived at deployment site

f o 24 May 19i= $ bullbull VO atta~k on 11CB SEVEN perimeter repelled with no Seabee casualties and one VJ WIA

g 6 June 2966 - VO attack on MCB SEVEN perimettro GLOVER Il W UTP2 wounded by eneiey ire

h 10 June 1966 ~ Attack cy an estirn1ted fif lieen VC ~esulted in a sixshyhour firefight No friendly casualtieso 5 VO KId

1 18 July 1966 TIADM Euaband1 CCMJIVFACENGGOM visited MOB SEVEN camp

j 29 Jtly 1966 One Offier aI)d ten men deployed to Dong Ha for work on the roads ancl airfield middot

k 2 Auguat 1966 - MOB SEVEU camp vislted by RADM Ward COMNAVFORV and RADM Weschler COMNSA Danang~

1 19 Augus Ii 1966 ~ llook quarry crew mnbushed by an estimated our Viet Congo Fry LT~ EOJ and Purington DaC~ EOCN sustain d minor wounds

m 21 August ~966 - Ct~ SR ampnith COMCBLANT and CAPT EG Under ill Deputy OOHCBPAC visited lwGB flTcr campgt

nft 5 September 1966 - r~ng Ha detuc~mentincreaaed to two otfic rs d seven~y-ive filen middot

o 9 Septanbe- 1966 - MOB SEWN perimtter atteoked hy an estimatod twcl Viet Cong Five YO KIA =i11 no friSlcilJmiddot cnsuaJties resul bull

Pbull l 7 Septet er J 9 SS ~ MCB-6 prrd13ploynEnt ptrty consis viog cf CD WJ RICHESON CtC USU Connuand~g Offlcer1 ml~ staf arivtd t MOB EVEU camp

q l Oct~bc 1966 middot middot Ttnmty middot~w0 men depalted for Ling Vei to construe hardened defGilG1middot1 1Jo~_ -_cns for Ai1VN fcrcco

ro 30 Ortob8r 1966 Phu Bai Seabe3 Camp c r ~ti Camp CAMPBELL in honor of St~ley Claus CM1PBELL- SWFJ lilfpoundi 1]t~ nedl11an CEC USN bull COMGB AC iUUl-1 HNo WALLil_ CEC USU N1VF CEFGCOM and ffiJGEN W B lTIE_ USHC OG 3RD MARDIV attended declicat middoton CeurovJiccy

so 3 November 1966 - RADM RR Wooding CEO USN COM3NCB visited C np CAMPaELLn

t 13 November 1966 - Lang Vei detachmnt returned to Phu Bai upon completion of pro~ecto

Uo 20 November 1966 MCB SEVEN s Advance Party of 2 officers end 17 men departed for Davisville MCB SIXTY~TvO is 11tlvance Party of 6 officers and 109 men arrived at Phu Bai~

Vo 8 December J966 to 15 Decembei 1966 MCB SEVEilf ma1n body returned to Davisvt lle in 14 Q 13~ airrraft flights

]Q Signiffoant 11cc omplishme~

a Pre-fabrication plan~ - The workl09d assigned to MCB SEVEN over 800 - 16 x 32 foot b uildings far adminis t r ation and berthing a study was made t o deterrdne the mcst efficient construction lli3thod a prefabrication plm was built where units were nass produced far erection in t he field Pre-middotfabricated uni-s were built in irany CAC villages and s far away as Dong Ll c The time required to fini sh one unit was reduced from 115 to 8 mandays The tot al saving of over 2800 mandays resulted in earlier complet i on of cantonments and enabl ed the Battalion to under-ta ke addit i onal projects

b Dong Ra expansion - When the buildup of forces occurred along the DMZ during Operat ion Pra i rie it was necessary to provi de extensive f acil ities a t the Dong Ha Combat Bio1se incl udir upgrading the r un_way for continued use during the mons oon season_ In a ddition to erecting 140 buildings f or b e rthing thr0e me s halls thirteen l atrines t wo showers medical facilities and shops spaces 9 a vastly i mproed IiCU ramp was constructed The most significant cccomplishmrnt wss placing AM-2 matting on t hs runway ampnd t urnarotU1ds o What would no mally have been a r outine opePa t i on WHS rrmd~ very diificlll t by tha requirement rl to keep t he ~ield opon at all times dus to op rational needs 0 +his preclu ded prestaging tbe meterial along the runway and work hncl to be stopped each tLne a plane lmid0d or took off A milljor build up of forces took pacc during the period the motting wr s b~ing laid Howover the project was complt t o in six rtnd a half days despite the landing and t~king off of over 420 aircraft Not one plane was turned away nor were there any accidents

c Lung Vie - During the pericd o nc7cased aetivity along the DMZ~ it was necessa1y to pgtvmiddot e fortific~tions for an gtbservotion post at Lang Vie t bull middot dles from -rhe Lttot middotan bo1bullder A det~ il of one of fleer nd 2J Plen constructed six concrete bunkrs for the ARVT watch of 200 man overlooldng tlie Ho Chi Minh Trail Despita difficulty in obtaining nggregat and sand the proj eot was conipleted in only six weeks

Page 4: DE LOYME T · .. COMPLETION EP RT Reading... · de loyme t · .. completion ep rt phu bai, ietnam apr 1966-dec 1966 u. s. naval mo i e c truction battalio en

q l Oct~bc 1966 middot middot Ttnmty middot~w0 men depalted for Ling Vei to construe hardened defGilG1middot1 1Jo~_ -_cns for Ai1VN fcrcco

ro 30 Ortob8r 1966 Phu Bai Seabe3 Camp c r ~ti Camp CAMPBELL in honor of St~ley Claus CM1PBELL- SWFJ lilfpoundi 1]t~ nedl11an CEC USN bull COMGB AC iUUl-1 HNo WALLil_ CEC USU N1VF CEFGCOM and ffiJGEN W B lTIE_ USHC OG 3RD MARDIV attended declicat middoton CeurovJiccy

so 3 November 1966 - RADM RR Wooding CEO USN COM3NCB visited C np CAMPaELLn

t 13 November 1966 - Lang Vei detachmnt returned to Phu Bai upon completion of pro~ecto

Uo 20 November 1966 MCB SEVEN s Advance Party of 2 officers end 17 men departed for Davisville MCB SIXTY~TvO is 11tlvance Party of 6 officers and 109 men arrived at Phu Bai~

Vo 8 December J966 to 15 Decembei 1966 MCB SEVEilf ma1n body returned to Davisvt lle in 14 Q 13~ airrraft flights

]Q Signiffoant 11cc omplishme~

a Pre-fabrication plan~ - The workl09d assigned to MCB SEVEN over 800 - 16 x 32 foot b uildings far adminis t r ation and berthing a study was made t o deterrdne the mcst efficient construction lli3thod a prefabrication plm was built where units were nass produced far erection in t he field Pre-middotfabricated uni-s were built in irany CAC villages and s far away as Dong Ll c The time required to fini sh one unit was reduced from 115 to 8 mandays The tot al saving of over 2800 mandays resulted in earlier complet i on of cantonments and enabl ed the Battalion to under-ta ke addit i onal projects

b Dong Ra expansion - When the buildup of forces occurred along the DMZ during Operat ion Pra i rie it was necessary to provi de extensive f acil ities a t the Dong Ha Combat Bio1se incl udir upgrading the r un_way for continued use during the mons oon season_ In a ddition to erecting 140 buildings f or b e rthing thr0e me s halls thirteen l atrines t wo showers medical facilities and shops spaces 9 a vastly i mproed IiCU ramp was constructed The most significant cccomplishmrnt wss placing AM-2 matting on t hs runway ampnd t urnarotU1ds o What would no mally have been a r outine opePa t i on WHS rrmd~ very diificlll t by tha requirement rl to keep t he ~ield opon at all times dus to op rational needs 0 +his preclu ded prestaging tbe meterial along the runway and work hncl to be stopped each tLne a plane lmid0d or took off A milljor build up of forces took pacc during the period the motting wr s b~ing laid Howover the project was complt t o in six rtnd a half days despite the landing and t~king off of over 420 aircraft Not one plane was turned away nor were there any accidents

c Lung Vie - During the pericd o nc7cased aetivity along the DMZ~ it was necessa1y to pgtvmiddot e fortific~tions for an gtbservotion post at Lang Vie t bull middot dles from -rhe Lttot middotan bo1bullder A det~ il of one of fleer nd 2J Plen constructed six concrete bunkrs for the ARVT watch of 200 man overlooldng tlie Ho Chi Minh Trail Despita difficulty in obtaining nggregat and sand the proj eot was conipleted in only six weeks

Page 5: DE LOYME T · .. COMPLETION EP RT Reading... · de loyme t · .. completion ep rt phu bai, ietnam apr 1966-dec 1966 u. s. naval mo i e c truction battalio en

c Lung Vie - During the pericd o nc7cased aetivity along the DMZ~ it was necessa1y to pgtvmiddot e fortific~tions for an gtbservotion post at Lang Vie t bull middot dles from -rhe Lttot middotan bo1bullder A det~ il of one of fleer nd 2J Plen constructed six concrete bunkrs for the ARVT watch of 200 man overlooldng tlie Ho Chi Minh Trail Despita difficulty in obtaining nggregat and sand the proj eot was conipleted in only six weeks