de-addiction and rehabilitation centre

De addiction and rehabilitation center

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complete study of the subject which gives the details of architectural issues which has to be tackled in the design.


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De addiction and rehabilitation center

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We believe that architecture can be historical and cultural artifact,

yielding an increased awareness of local identity…………..…DAN HEINFELD,


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Drugs study is wake up call for Indian authorities

NEW DELHI: Sunil Gonsalves and Manoj Mitra (names changed) were arrested by the narcotics department of Delhi police about 14 days back for cocaine

transaction at South Extension market, a capital hotspot for shoppers.

Each of the two students, in their early 20s, one of whom belongs to a prestigious management institute, was trying to sell about 10 gm

of cocaine near a Barista outlet to earn some quick bucks.

The incident highlights how the youth is increasingly getting into the drug nexus in the country.

According to a recent United Nations report, lapses in the control of pharmaceutical preparations containing narcotics, drugs and psychotropic

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substances in India have led to widespread abuse of such preparations among all segments of the population.

The report says such pharmaceutical drugs are generally diverted from domestic distribution channels and are sold without prescription in pharmacies

and other retail outlets in the region.

Says Kiran Bedi, who heads the Navjyoti Rehabilitation Centre in Delhi, "One of the biggest reasons for drug addiction is peer pressure. Being in the company of people who have lost money

instigates one to adopt a similar lifestyle. Drug peddling and drug abuse are inter-related. To be able to sustain drug abuse, drug peddling becomes necessary because that is how the money to buy the costly drugs


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AS Cheema, DCP, narcotics, Delhi Police, agrees. "Drugs have become a part of urban lifestyles. The youth, especially, feel that drugs give them the social tag of being 'with it.' In the absence of

strict implementation of laws, sale of drugs over the counter continues to widen," he says.

"One of the trends that have emerged in the last few years is the consumption of high grade drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy. The primary reason for

this is the growth of night life in cities and the mushrooming of night clubs and discotheques, which are home grounds for drug

transactions," adds Cheema.

A problem in fighting drugs has been the absence of coordination between different agencies, such as the police, the health ministry and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working in the area.

But the ministry of social justice and environment, along with a Delhi-based NGO GTZ, has charted out a program me to fight drugs. Says Richard Francis, program me officer, GTZ, "We have launched a round-table plan involving all agencies working against drug abuse. We have started a mapping exercise to study the scenario. We have taken Delhi as a pilot model, which would be later

replicated in other places. The plan entails law enforcement, treatment and prevention."

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Implementing the plan may be difficult as rehabilitation in India is weak.

There are only 400 rehab centers in the country. Explains Bedi, "The ministry should take up the task of spreading awareness

about the rehab centers. But few people can afford rehabilitation as the cost is around Rs 20,000 per month."

The government, however, maintains it has continuously been taking initiatives.

"We have come a long way. From five de-addiction centers in 1985, we have above 400 centers today. Last year we added 36 centers," says an official at

the ministry of social justice and empowerment.

"Most centers are 90 per cent government-funded. Our annual budget for the drug abuse program me is Rs25 crore."

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Maninder Singh arrested for possessing drugs

NEW DELHI: Former Test cricketer Maninder Singh was arrested on Tuesday from his residence in East Delhi on the charge of possessing cocaine.

Around 1.5 grams of the contraband was found in his possession at the time of his arrest by the narcotics department of Delhi Police on Tuesday morning, a

senior police official said.

A suspected drug peddler, identified as Sayam Siddique, who was with 41-year-old Singh when the police raided his house in Defence Enclave in Preet Vihar

locality, was also arrested.

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Rahul Mahajan arrested under Narcotic Act, may

face long

NEW DELHI: After four days of high drama, Rahul Mahajan, son of the late BJP leader Pramod Mahajan, was arrested by police on Monday evening under the

stringent Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act.

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Difficult to detect

The main advantage of prescription drugs for addicts is their easy and lawful availability and low cost. (Calmposes for example, costs Rs 10 for 10 tablets. Ecstasy costs Rs 1,000 per pill). These are also difficult to detect. Even better, it can be palmed off as a legitimate tablet when caught-one just needs to feign

a cough or headache convincingly.

In contrast to the pill-poppers, injected drug users (IDU) usually shift to these drugs from heroin. And several studies by UNDCP and drug rehabilitation organizations show that use of injected drug show a steep rise in all the

metros. The worst case scenario is in the North-east, where the number of IDUs is as high as 80 per cent of all drug abusers. IDU shows a disturbing pattern. The trends here reinforce history. When morphine and opium addiction was considered a major social problem 104 years ago, a drug was introduced to wean the addicts off. That drug was heroin, and it did its job only too well. Almost a century later, a prescription drug called buprenorphine given to

addicts to ease the heroin withdrawal symptoms in drug rehabilitation centers. The new drug proved extremely addictive, and, with a cocktail of other similar drugs, extremely potent and dangerous. They're cheaper too, at only Rs 20 per

cocktail ampoule, compared to Rs 80-150 for the same amount of heroin.

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Unlike the pills, injected drug use is common among some students and those on the fringes of society. For them, the prescription drug cocktail is a cheap way out of the many tragedies of life.

Says Ajay, a former rickshaw-puller who was forced to retire due to lack of strength: "I came to Delhi from my village in Uttar Pradesh. I sent all the money earned back to my family, and took to drugs so that I could work longer hours and earn more without eating." Now a physical wreck, he picks rags to gather

enough money for his daily fix, which he gets from the neighborhood pharmacist.

BAD MEDICINE: Addiction can progress from smoking to injecting prescription


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Jim Dorabjee of Sharan, a drug rehabilitation organization with centers across the country, directly blames the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances

Act (NDPS), 1985 for this state. "We have always had a tradition of substances like ganja and charas which did not do any great harm. NDPS put all of them at

a par with hardcore drugs like heroin by making all drugs illegal and equally punishable. This led to a surge in heroin, an increase in IDU, and now the prescription drug abuse." Apart from the harm the drugs do to the body,

increasing IDU also has severe health implication-sharing of needles has led to the spread of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis-C. A Sharan study in the slums of Delhi

show that 86 per cent of the IDUs share needles and syringes, drug solutions, the water for rinsing and the drug mixing container. HIV figures among IDUs

are 80 per cent in Imphal, 15-19.5 per cent in Chennai, 7.43 per cent in Mumbai, 2 per cent in Kolkata and an alarming 44.5 per cent in Delhi according

to a Sharan/Johns Hopkins University joint study.

While awareness is crucial, the crux of the problem is easy availability of prescription drugs. "The law is there, it just has to be enforced more strictly," says Jitender Nagpal of vimhans. And that is far from impossible. For example,

methylphenidate is a new stimulant used to treat children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It has a great potential for abuse. That has not been the case due to strict rules-it is only available in triple-prescriptions on a

special prescription pad. "I haven't seen any addiction to methylphenidate yet," says Mittal. "If we can be strict for one drug, why not for others with abuse potential?" As new stresses develop in the super-tech society of tomorrow,

India's health depends on the integrity of the neighborhood pharmacist.

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Unfortunately there are lots of misinformation and mythology from friends, media, our own culture and the society in general. We should be aware and ready to challenge these half-truths, which may harm

us more than we may really think

Myth: Addiction is a bad habit, the result of moral weakness and over-indulgence.

Fact: Addiction is a chronic, life-threatening condition, like hypertension, arteriosclerosis, and adult diabetes. Addiction has roots in genetic susceptibility, social circumstance, and personal

behavior. Certain drugs are highly addictive, rapidly causing biochemical and structural changes in the brain. Others can be used

for longer periods of time before they begin to cause inescapable

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cravings and compulsive use.

Myth: Substance abuse and alcohol addiction are not treatable

Fact: Substance abuse and addiction are treatable. Treatment is typically most successful when the abuser him/herself realizes there

is a problem and really wants help.

Myth: An addict can stop alcohol and drugs with willpower.Fact: Very few people can just stop using them substances they are addicted to, no matter how strong their inner resolve. Most need to

go through at least one course of structured substance abuse treatment. Some achieve sobriety through participation in community-based support organizations (e.g., Alcoholics

Anonymous), but relapse rates under this condition are very high. The most effective approach is one that combines structured

treatment and community-based support.

Myth: Addicts often relapse, so treatment obviously does not work.

Fact: Medical treatment never guarantees lifelong recovery. So it is with addiction. Relapse is often a part of the recovery process. Even if a person never achieves perfect abstinence, addiction treatment can reduce the number and extent of relapses, which in turn lowers the incidence of related problems such as crime and overall health.

A break in the cycle would improve the individual's ability to

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function in daily life and be able to cope better with the next temptation or craving.

Myth: Once sobriety is achieved, most individuals can eventually return to social use of alcohol and/or drugs.

Fact: Addiction is a chronic condition that does not disappear, even after extended periods of sobriety. This is true regardless of the

individual's drug of choice, level of self-control, or length of abstinence.

Myth: You can't get addicted to marijuana.Fact: People become addicted to a range of substances and

involvements. The measure of addiction is the degree to which an involvement usurps people's life. Research shows that marijuana

use can lead to psychological addiction.

Myth: Treatment to quit is expensive.Fact: Treatment cost is far less expensive than the consumption


Myth: Not many women become addictsFact: That may have been true some years ago, but today there

are almost as many men as women.

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Myth: Domestic violence is very high in cases where alcohol or drug abuse is involved.

Fact: How people behave when they are under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs depends on a number of things. You must consider the personal, social, physical and emotional factors.

Episodes of problem drinking and incidents of domestic violence often occur separately and must be treated as two distinct issues.

Neither alcoholism nor drugs can explain or excuse domestic violence.

Myth: Alcohol improves sexual performance and desire.Fact: Alcohol may provoke the desire but it also inhibits

performance. It can interfere with achieving erections and increases erectile dysfunction.

Myth: Alcohol helps one to sleep well.Fact: Dependence on alcohol upsets regular sleep patterns.

Myth: Alcohol is a good way to stay warm in cold weather.Fact: Alcohol can cause significant heat loss from the body. This

can be dangerous for health.

Myth: Beer doesn't come under the category of not hard liquor, so it can be consumed safely.

Fact: Beer contains lesser amount of alcohol than hard liquor like whisky or rum. But it is "alcohol."

Myth: When your friends get together for a party and are drinking you have to drink to have a good time with them.

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Fact: You can have a good time with your friends by doing things rather than drinking.

Myth: I can try drugs just once and then stop.Fact: Almost all the drug addicts start by saying and thinking

exactly this.

Myth: Alcohol and drugs make me live a more creative life.Fact: Drug use looses clarity of awareness and thinking and

rationality in action.

Drug Abuse and Addiction the path to drug addiction begins with the act of taking drugs. Addiction is characterized by compulsive drug craving, seeking

and use of drugs that persists even in the face of harmful consequences.

General warning signs you can look for:(a) Inability to relax or have fun without drugs(b) Sudden changes in work or quality of work

(c) Frequently borrowing money, stealing or selling possessions(d) Angry out bursts, mood swings and irritability

(e) Deterioration of grooming(f) Avoidance of family, friends and others

(g) Making frequent trips to restrooms or isolated areas(h) Pressuring others to use drugs

(i) Using drugs first thing in the morning(j) Deterioration in family relationships

(k) Involvement in legal problems

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Warning Signs of Teen Drug Use:

(a)Negative changes in schoolwork, missing school, or declining grades (b) Increased secrecy about possessions or activities

(c) Use of incense, room deodorant or perfume to hide smoke or chemical odours

(d) Subtle changes in conversations with friends (more secretive, using “coded” language)

(e) New friends of questionable nature (f) Increase in borrowing money

(g) Evidence of drugs paraphernalia such as pipes & rolling foils and papers

(h) Bottles of eye drops, which may be used to mask bloodshot eyes(i) Evidence of inhaling products and accessories, such as hairspray, nail

polish, correction fluid, etc.

(b)Always remember that any one of the above signs may not be enough to indicate substance abuse but should be enough to suggest that there

may be a problem

Why do people use & abuse drugs?1. Some people use drugs because they like the rush it gives them or because

they are thrill seekers.2. Others may try a drug out of curiosity or because their friends do it.

However, many people use drugs in order to cope with unpleasant emotions and the difficulties of life.

3. Around 50% of drug abusers also suffer from a mental illness such as depression, anxiety, etc.

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People soon develop tolerance to the drug and have to increase the amount of the drug to achieve the same pleasurable effects as derived before.

They also experience withdrawal symptoms, (nausea, restlessness, insomnia, concentration problems, sweating, tremors and anxiety) after reducing or

stopping chronic drug use.

Commonly abused drugs:

1. Marijuana (Pot, dope, weed) Effects - Sense of relaxation, increase in appetite, red dilated eyes

2. Barbiturates (downers, sedatives) Effects - Lowed inhibitions, drowsiness, decrease in anxiety, decrease in

breathing and pulse, psychosis 3. Amphetamines (Uppers, speed) & Cocaine (coke, blow)

Effects - Feeling of exhilaration & Euphoria, increase in energy & hyperactivity, insomnia

4. Hallucinogens (LSD, angel dust, ketamine) Effects - Hallucinations, impaired perception of reality, flashbacks

5. Narcotics (Heroin, smack) Effects - Pain relief, euphoria, drowsiness & sedation

6. Inhalants (Solvents, aerosols, gases) Effects - Brief “high”, loss of inhibition

Psychological stress from work or family problems, social cues or the environment can interact with biological factors to hinder attainment of

sustained abstinence and make relapse more likely. Active participation of the patient is essential for good outcomes.

Why Can’t Drug Addicts Quit On Their Own? Most attempts to quit drugs result in failure to achieve long-term abstinence. Long-term drug use results in significant changes in brain function that persist

long after the individual stops using drugs.

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Treatment Treatment of addiction is as successful as treatment of other chronic illnesses

such as diabetes, hypertension and asthma.

How long does drug addiction treatment usually last? Individuals progress through drug addiction treatment at various speeds, so

there is no predetermined length of time. Treatment is usually long.

What helps people stay in treatment?§ Strength of character § Family involvement

§ Good follow up – meeting doctor as she / he calls. § Treatment directed towards change in lifestyle & attitudes.

Principles of effective treatment:

1. No single treatment is appropriate for all individuals 2. Attending to multiple needs of the patient (medical, psychological, social,

vocational and legal problems) 3. Adequate period of time critical for treatment effectiveness

4. Medications in combination with counseling and other behavioral therapies 5. Co-existent mental disorders should be treated in an integrated way

6. Medical detoxification is only the first stage of addiction treatment and by itself does little to change long–term drug use.

7. Requires multiple episodes of treatment 8. Building up of social, family support systems is vital for the program me

adherence.9. Other helpful adjuncts are Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and

other voluntary help groups.

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Muktangan Mitra is a Public Charitable Trust dedicated to the treatment of substance users, research in this field. It has achieved the status of being

one of the best institutes in the field of Drugs & Alcohol de-addiction today. Its treatment module of 5 weeks based on Gandhian Principals, Rational

Emotive Behavior Therapy and Alcoholic Anonymous is considered as a Role Model and recommended by the concerned authorities.

It has multi-disciplinary approach. Apart from treatment, its activities range from helping law enforcement authorities, training to the concerned people like police & jail officers, industrial welfare officers, community leaders etc. To create general awareness, Muktangan Mitra has produced two feature

films. The first film MUKTI is about Drug & Alcohol addiction and the second film BEWAQT BARISH brings in the awareness message about HIV/ AIDS to

the masses.

Recovered & recovering substance users run this whole program me and 75% of their staff is recovered substance users.

A journey through the past, present and vision of future along with some salient features of Muktangan Mitra:

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1) De-addiction Treatment: Muktangan De-addiction Center has 5-week residential treatment program me. This treatment program me is in tune with the culture & human values and involves many activities in line with

Minimum Standards. The de-addiction center shifted to the present premises in October 2000. The land was kindly given on lease by Pune

Municipal Corporation.

2) Counseling Center at Narayan Peth, Pune: This counseling center is located in the heart of Pune city in Narayan Peth and her Clients from Pune & surrounding area visit every day in the evenings. Muktangan out Patient & Counseling Facility, whereby clients were counseled

and consulted by a Doctor. These were the cases, where a hope of recovery is there without the imminent need of admission at the center.

3) Regional Resource and Training Center – West Zone (RRTC – West): This center is managed by Muktangan Mitra. Ministry of Social

Justice and Empowerment has been persistently striving its fight against the substance use and trying to improve the availability of prevention,

treatment and rehabilitation services. Regional Resource and Training Center – West (RRTC West) was sponsored for management

by Muktangan Mitra by the Government, viewing its very good track record of milestones achieved and its commitment towards the

community service. This center looks after the capacity building of 83 De-addiction centers in the States of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh,

Chhattisgarh, Gujarat and Goa. This also includes for regular Training Programmed as per the Training Need Assessment and Advocacy.

4) O.P.D. Facility: Outpatient facility at Muktangan De-addiction Center is thrice a week in the mornings. These are cases, where a hope of recovery

is there without the imminent need of admission at the center.

5) Follow Up Centers in Maharashtra (17 Locations): Muktangan has a strong network of follow up centers at various locations in Maharashtra.

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Every month, one of the counselors from Muktangan De-addiction center visit each of the location on a fixed day.

6) Day Care Facility: The discharged clients who don’t have jobs come at 9.00 am in the morning and stay till 5.00 pm in the evening and

participate in the various activities. They are given guidance and helped for vocational rehabilitation. It can be termed as half way shelters.

7) After Care Facility: This facility is for Clients who have completed treatment module of 5 weeks and due to the intense of their addiction decide with a

mutual consent to extend the stay period. They are motivated to pick up the winded up threads of their life and take positive steps further to get into the

regular social stream. Some of these clients are today the counselors and also hold various perquisite positions within Muktangan Mitra Family.

8) Sahachari Project: This is a support group started for & by the wives of the clients with full support from Muktangan Mitra. In addition, income generation

activities are also taken up for the rehabilitation of the family.

Considering the increase in substance abuse in all parameters of life, there are a large number of community members, who are in dire need of a helping hand,

assistance and guidance. Although the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment - Government of India, International Agencies like UNODC with

their various projects for outreaching the community members, Corporate Institutions and individuals have come forward to realize these efforts into a

reality; there is still a lot to be done to achieve the targeted goals. The time has come to explore and expand the wings in the new horizon and following are the

fields where works are being initiated:

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i) Exclusive De-addiction Center for Female Substance Users.ii) Half Way Home.

iii) Treatment cum Rehabilitation Center for HIV Positive Substance Users & their Partners.

Vocational Rehabilitation and Family Rehabilitation for Substance Users and their Partners/ Families:

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Navjyoti- Delhi Police Foundation for Correction, De-addiction and Rehabilitation.

Kiran as Deputy Commissioner of Police (North), Delhi Police, in 1986 initiated de-addiction programs as a major step towards crime prevention. She set up

detoxification centers at six police stations in her jurisdiction.  This experiment was a remarkable success. The public support compelled it to be

institutionalized and in 1988 she along with her colleagues from the police registered it as a Foundation called Navjyoti - Delhi Police Foundation for Correction, De-addiction and Rehabilitation. Kiran is the Founder General

Secretary and continues to supervise it in an honorary capacity.     The model of Navjyoti became an inspiration for other state police forces

across the country. Navjyoti counselors and Kiran gave many presentations on how Navjyoti works and how police could play a positive role in drug

prevention. Many state police forces including the National Police Academy included this concept in their training programs. Navjyoti started sharing and today has spread its message in many different cities through its training and

affiliation exchange programs.     Since inception in 1987, Navjyoti has detoxified around

12000 drug addicts from Delhi and the neighboring states. Detoxification is induced through a multi-disciplinary treatment — medical,

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psycho social and environmental and has follow-up and ‘Community out Reach’ programmes. Hence, the organization does not advocate the use of substitute substances; instead it practices total abstinence from all chemicals including

those used for the purpose of detoxification.   Patients remain at Navjyoti center for a year.  All professional services are free of cost.  The patient only pays for his food to a food contractor.  For some patients, food comes from

home.  Navjyoti supports only the poor.

Navjyoti has institutionalized by organizing the family members of the recovering addicts as a Capable Group. They help themselves and others while

assisting Navjyoti in after care services.

    Navjyoti approach is very challenging and difficult because, according to it, the process of treating and rehabilitating drug abusers should always be open

to new possibilities so as to maximize the potential for the former abuser’s recovery and reintegration into society.

De-addiction Treatment & Rehabilitation:

Navjyoti offers a multidisciplinary treatment program, which addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the illness. Treatment for

each of these dimensions is provided so that the patient may return to the family, job and environment with improved physical and mental well being, free from chemical dependency and equipped with the tools necessary to maintain

a drug free life style.

The main goal is to provide an environment that is best possible for recovering. The program is based on the belief that drug dependency is a chronic

progressive and potentially fatal disease but is treatable and that the recovery process can be an experience of freedom, happiness and joy.

Through this program, patients learn the fundamental skills of recovery and make commitment to a life style of sobriety through total abstinence. Navjyoti

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also believes that recovery is a continuous process of growth whereby in addition to the patients, the family and the community has an equally

important role to play. Therefore, apart from the treatment program for the patients intervention is also planned for the family and the community.

Treatment is based on the “Bio Psycho Spiritual Social” management with the belief that drug addiction is a disorder of the whole person and hence needs to

be caressed holistically.

Treatment Based on “Bio-Psycho-Spiritual-Social” Management

The treatment plan is divided into three developmental phases:I Phase : Preparatory Phase (OPD)

II Phase : Six months residential treatment programIII Phase : Rehabilitation Phase (After Care Group)

PHASE I : PREPARATORY (OPD) The patient is motivated to undergo treatment in this phase through OPD.

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Here the patient is made to attend certain disciplinary programs through which he is mentally prepared for quitting drugs by reviewing experiences and recognizing the damage

and distress that drug use has caused

PHASE II: SIX MONTHS RESIDENTIAL TREATMENT PROGRAMMEonce the patient is motivated for treatment in OPD, he is admitted to undergo a

six months residential treatment program. Treatment Program, the patient is made to live in a therapeutic community and treated holistically on physical, psychological, social and spiritual aspects. Detoxification is carried on using homoeopathy, yoga and naturopathy. Behavior modification is emphasized

throughout the program for better personality development through personal introspection, working on the negative attitudes, counseling, discipline, and encountering, educative and interactive sessions. Spiritual feelings are also

inculcated esp. at the end of the treatment program through meditation, Vipassna, Art of living, Yoga etc


after Care and Rehabilitation program for the addicts was started in the year 1995 in order to maintain the gains made in the treatment. Presently, a three month after care and rehabilitation program is being run whereby the patient reports in the OPD regularly for three months after completing the residential treatment. He is provided with a safe environment and equipped with skills to

handle cravings through regular sharing, counseling and spiritual sessions. This has gone a long way in reducing the relapse rate.

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INDIA - The Medical Tourism Destination! Sep 28, 2007

Hindustan times

Medical Tourism World - Affordable Treatments Facilitator in IndiaThe Company spokesman briefly highlights the meaning & advantage of

Medical Tourism in India:

Medical Tourism in Brief: Medical tourism is a great new trend that is changing the way that thousands of Americans and Europeans are choosing to

rehabilitate themselves from drugs. This exciting new way of receiving medical treatment involves traveling to an advanced facility,

having your procedure at a much lower cost, and using the savings to opt for and enjoy a holiday during your recovery in an exotic location!

“Research has shown that recovery in a new and stimulating environment is much faster than if

you were to stay in hospital or at home”.

Medical Tourism in India : Here people from all over the world travel to India for various medical

treatments & pay a much lesser price for the treatment here & also take a holiday here & still save money.

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Cost of certain treatments in India is as less as 25% of the cost for the same treatment abroad and today, India offers World Class Medical Treatments

with world class medical facilities at fraction of cost comparatively. It makes India the an ideal healthcare destination for highly specialized medical care

& High Quality Medical Facilities.

Key benefits of Medical Treatments & Tourism in India : • World Class Treatment & Fraction of comparative cost in western

countries. • Patients from more than 55 countries treated in India.

• The Indian doctors are recognized as amongst the best at International levels.

• Practically no waiting time for Taking Medical Treatment. • India rated among the top 5 favorite tourism destinations


"The Equation 'Medical Tourism in India = Quality Treatment+Holiday+Big Savings, holds so true" he sums up.

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Standard Treatment Matrix.




This matrix gives complete scheduled for the patient, from morning to night and which type of activity has to be followed at what time and day. It makes

easier for doctors to keep record of the patient,

DAILY SCHEDULE6.30 am Wake Up6.40 am Prayer

7.00 – 8.00 am Yoga / Meditation

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8.00 – 8.45 am Shave / Bath9.00 – 9.30 am Breakfast9.30 – 9.50 am Silent Moments

10.00 – 11.15 am Therapy Session11.15 – 11.30 am Tea11.30 – 12.45 pm Step Work / Reflection

1.00 – 1.30 pm Lunch1.30 – 3.00 pm Rest3.15 – 3.30 pm Tea3.30 – 4.15 pm Thoughts & Feeling4.15 – 5.00 pm Audio / Video Session5.00 – 6.45 pm Leisure / Games7.00 – 8.00 pm AA / NA Meeting8.00 – 9.00 pm Leisure / TV9.00 – 9.30 pm Dinner9.30 – 9.45 pm TV News

10.30 pm Lights OutSaturday: Half Day Sunday: Family Visits

TEN Steps

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1.We Admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives

had become unmanageable

2.Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could

restore us to sanity.

3.Made a decision to turn our will and our will and our lives to

the care of god as we understood him.

4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves

5.Admitted to god to ourselves and to another human being the

exact nature of our wrongs.

6.Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of


7. Humbly asked him to remove our shortcomings.

8.Made a list of all persons we had harmed and become willing

to make amends to them all.

9.Made direct amends to such people wherever possible except

when to do so would injure them or others.

10.Continued to take personal inventory and when we were

wrong promptly admitted it.

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Yoga Practice

In individual counselin

g sessions, counselor

and patient work

together to

identify personal problems and set

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Tai Chi Chuan Session

The power lab helps them to look up and see

the potentialities and the promises

of life. The cornerston

e of our program is the Steps of AA / NA with a goal

of total abstinence

from alcohol

and other drugs, and bringing

improvements on bio / psycho/soc

ial level. Each


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works on adopting

the philosophy of AA / NA

before leaving


Care for the family

is an important

part of our


services. Because

the disease

of chemical dependen

cy directly


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indirectly affects

the life of so many people, Kripa

offers a family service

programme every

Saturday and

Sunday in English

and Hindi.

COUNSELING,Is a scientific process of assistance?

Extended by an expert,In an individual or group situation

To a needy person(s).The process aims at enabling the individual,

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To learn and pursue,More realistic and satisfying

Solutions to his/ her difficulties.




Counselor helps to develop the abilityTo take

Wise, discreet, independent & responsibleDECISIONS

The Process of Counseling StagesSTAGE 1:

Developing a Therapeutic relationship

STAGE 2:Exploring Problem areas

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Goal Setting

STAGE 4:Maintaining change









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Some studies showing need of yoga………………

New Delhi, Nov 10: Relapse after treatment for drug addiction is not uncommon, but if yoga and naturopathy are practiced, the incidence of relapse

is reduced.

According to a study conducted by the Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy (CCRYN), the non-meditative approach of

yoga and naturopathy in treatment of drug addicts is more effective

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in detoxification as compared to the allopathic or meditative treatment.

The study was conducted on the experimental group comprising 205 drug addict cases from the Drug De-addiction Centre of Navjyoti, Delhi Police Foundation and 100 cases of the hospital inside the Tihar jail under

control group.

Three years data of patients in experimental group treated with yoga, naturopathy and counseling was compiled.

Also, data of control group on physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms, physical parameters, and psychological tests among other

parameters was gathered. These patients were being treated with allopathic system of medicine.

The yogic treatment administered to the experimental group included pranayama (breath control), jalneti (cleansing of nasal path), kapalbhati

(cleansing process for lungs), shankha prakshalan (digestive system cleansing technique), yognidra (yogic method of deep relaxation), asana

(postures), sukshma vyayam (gentle exercises), mool bandha mudra and ashwani mudra (yogic postural locks).

Among the naturopathic treatments enema, wet pack and mud pack, hub bath, cold bath, spinal bath, spinal massage, hot foot bath, full

body dry friction, chromo therapy (healing using color and light), full

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body steam and chest pack were given to the experimental group, besides naturopathic diet.

The withdrawal symptoms were recorded on each patient at the beginning and henceforth at a week’s interval on the scale of normal, mild, moderate and


The study concluded that non-meditative treatment of drug abusers through yoga and naturopathy is more effective in

detoxification. (ANI)

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Design ……………………………………………………


Before starting the planning, some points………………

Recollecting some points……….from my past understandings.In today’s techno oriented and a highly urban lifestyle, I feel concerned about

various issues that are making our lives as human beings poorer.

Can we design the space that would; in whatever manner in a small or in a big way, contribute their share in responding to these courses in positive manner?

1) An overall fragmentation resulting in a schizoid state of life (tending towards schizophrenia) can my design reflect an inherent sense of unity,

harmony with various natural and manmade elements and forces?

2) Man is moving further away from nature .so can I design something which symbolizes the relationship between nature and architecture act as a catalyst in bringing the urban and highly westernizes masses to come

in harmony with nature and learn to respect its elements.

3) Man is being isolated and is missing the meaningful interaction with fellow human being. Can our architecture help in bringing man closer to

man? Can we design human spaces with man at the center?

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4) Over commercialization and deterioration of human values: information overload and over-consumption resulting from greed.

5) Could commercialization in architecture be reduced by shifting the emphasis from “salability to sanity” from “ glossy wrapping to

inner content” from “super imposed architectural gimmicks to function” and climate related forms” from “overindulgence to restraint” ?can value based architecture act as an agent of social


6) Could our architecture, the spaces that have in evoke a kind to time perception that nurtures sensitivity?

7) Too much dependence of on technology and an overall loss of identity and amass produced environment, with a sudden break in traditional

social and cultural value. Can my design be modern and still keep contributing with tradition, history and social cultural values considering

the urbanity which is developing?

8) Destruction of natural resources and disturbing of the ecological balance has become our duty today. Can our designs be geared towards


9) An almost total disrespect to the context including the site and the climate of the zone or area under study. Can we not ask the site what

kind/type of a building it would like to have?

10) Most of our modern living and work environments make us feel exhausted this happens in spite of all the measurable condition of good

work environment?

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11) Can our design include this immeasurable dimension of “human spirit” that will rejuvenate us and integrate us with wholeness of life?

“Architect as a shaper of space “(space as an important attribute of our lives)can be explored in various ways –

As a symbol

An agent of socio cultural change

As an interpreter of life valves

As an expression and barometer of human aspiration as sensitivity.

As a relevant , functioning organism within the great interconnected environmental totally

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During designing …………………………………

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The building should have therapeutic value, contributing to the healing process of the drug

addict.A balance was struck between the sense of freedom and

disciplinary control.

The design unifying transparency becomes expressive of this freedom and increase the physical and visual interaction;

thereby reducing the isolated alienated feeling.

Even the; main entrance is transparent the transparency; the cut outs; open courtyards; terrace; balconies and the seating encourage patient

to open up. The small amphitheater binds the various functions together creating a much needed “sense of belonging.”

“Shouldn’t our design respond to the behavioral psychology of the user?”

Larger courtyards senses as an open air multipurpose gathering space.

Modernity and tradition are intermingled in a building which translates a brief for contemporary building type into language and tradition of

Indian culture and climate.

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The courtyard theme is inspired from traditional Indian house which fits for the Rehab institute.

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The structure is of local basalt stone crafted into 350 and 450 mm bearing wall.

Spans are achieved through concrete slabs and lintels.

Where larger areas are to be unobstructed spans, a coffer system or exposed concrete are employed.

The design of the coffer slab is done in such a manner that it is often huge triangles.

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The shuttering can be made once and it can be used repeatedly.

The roots are covered with many lore tiles, left intern natural red colour.

The material system is one used in local region.

But these old systems are used in new innovative ways to focus on nature and to capture view.

Stone bearing walls and concrete slabs are insulated and water proofed with tiles.

A number of connecting devices; like ramps, seating “ottas”, kind like” steps are drawn from traditional Indian setting and encourage informal meetings and


The architectural language is based on the design principle that materials must be expressed honestly

The physical plan of the campus encourages personal development and“Small group interactions” various hangout spaces have been created. Links

between structures are activity areas themselves like amphitheater steps linking central core with dormitories.

The traditional “devices” like “ottas” (masonry seats), kund like steps (dreams from Indian river quays) sitting walls and pavilions, ramps and other component act to integrate the exterior areas with the interior and to link

diverse activity areas together.

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The climates of versee gaon (in pen) range from “hot dry” in the springs to “cool” rainy in the rainfall and “chilly dry” in the winter.

This temperature context is explored in the designAll the rooms have verandas and extend into courtyards;

allowing activities to spill out into open areas.

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A system of lawns; walkway and garden enrich the design.

There is a sequence of designed open; semi enclosed and closed space to create learning environment

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Design principles:-

Expression of material in their natural form.

Integration of their interior with exterior spaces through the use of glass sliding panels verandahs, terraces, courtyards and walls.

Human proportion for plan, section and elevation.

The vast borrowed landscape as a template to generate an “immediate landscape”.

The use of water spouts; window boxes; ottas ramps etc.

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The pivot doors, with the adjacent circulation, allow the space to grow or close down depending on the need.

With the main central unit space, the intent was to create transparence between the outside and the inside that they would recall from the inside what you had seen on the outside and vice-

versa.In Indian tradition , open space is open space is one of the most

precious commodities , the landscaping anchor this building to the natural landscape and the wilderness and vegetation reserve that is

adjacent to the site .The topography was used to create an outdoor amphitheater for

special ceremonies and events.The landscaping woks with this building to choreograph a specific

arrival procession.

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The sense of permanence and warmth of the center is conveyed through the use of natural and traditional building materials and

style, shush as stone, ottas and open courtyards.

Traditional materials and forms interpreted in a contemporary way translated architecture in to the center’s mission, to be simple,

strong, elegant and timeless.

The transparency from by lour creates a sense of private outdoor room for meditation and prayer allowing you to be surrounded by the garden without

learning workshops.Because the stone walls take their colour from the surrounding context, the slopping, heighted roofs becomes the signature gesture for the library to pro

claim itself as a mark in a center.This building should set an example for the system with regard to good design

practice that can be attamed without reliving merely on technology. to that end the overall aesthetic is a response to the building’s orientation and expression

of the program elements.

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