dd of giant cell lesions

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  • 8/10/2019 Dd of Giant Cell Lesions


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    Current Diagnostic Pathology (2001) 7 , 235d246

    ^ 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd

    doi:10.1054/cdip.2001.0080, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on


    Giant cell containing lesions of bone and theirdifferential diagnosis

    A. E. Rosenberg and G. P. Nielsen

    James Homer Wright Laboratories, Department of Pathology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA


    bone tumour, giant cell,

    brown tumour, giant cell

    tumour, giant cell

    reparative granuloma,non-ossifying fibroma,

    aneurysmal bone cyst,



    Summary Giant cell rich lesions encompass a relatively large group of biologically and

    morphologically diverse bone tumours. They are all related to one another by the

    presence of numerous multinucleated osteoclast-like giant cells. However, they differ

    from each other by virtue of their clinical and radiographic characteristics and in many

    cases, their morphology. In select cases, immunohistochemistry may be necessary tomake an accurate diagnosis. The importance of correctly identifying these tumours rests

    on the differences in their treatment and prognosis. ^ 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd


    Giant cell rich lesions of bone represent a group of

    morphologically and biologically diverse tumours of the

    skeleton (see Table 1). Common to all of them are

    innumerable non-neoplastic osteoclast-like giant cells

    that are an inherent component of the tumour. Thekey to distinguishing amongst these tumours is their

    distinctive clinical and radiographic characteristics and,

    most importantly, the histological features of the cell

    type(s) other than the giant cells. This article will discuss

    the more common reactive lesions, and benign and

    malignant neoplasms that comprise the family of giant cell

    lesions of bone.


    Brown tumour of hyperparathyroidism

    Brown tumours are masses of non-neoplastic reactive

    tissue and develop as a complication of hyperparathy-

    roidism. In fact, it is the haemorrhage and haemosiderin

    deposits that are found within them that give the lesion

    its brown colour, for which it has been named. The

    association of a brown tumour with a parathyroid

    adenoma was first noted by Askanazy in 1904, and

    subsequently, brown tumours have been documented to

    arise in the setting of primary, secondary and tertiary

    hyperparathyroidism. They usually develop in adults who

    are in their third and fourth decades of life and females

    are affected more frequently than males. Brown tumours

    may be solitary or multiple and commonly arise in the

    pelvis, ribs, clavicles and extremities. Atypical locationsinclude the sphenoid sinus,1 vertebral column2 and

    cricoid cartilage.3 Clinically, they may produce a mass

    that can be painful.

    Brown tumours manifest radiographically as expansile,

    lytic lesions with occasional intralesional trabeculations

    (Fig. 1). The surrounding periosteum produces reactive

    bone and the margins of the tumour may be well defined

    or indistinct. Other radiographic characteristics of

    hyperparathyroidism including generalized osteoporosis,

    subperiosteal bone resorption of the distal phalanges,

    pelvis and clavicle and diffuse granular radiolucencies in

    the skull are also frequently present. The radiographicdifferential often includes metastatic disease and multiple


    Grossly, brown tumours are well-circumscribed,

    reddish brown, haemorrhagic masses. Histologically,

    they have a lobular architecture produced by fibrous

    septae that may contain trabeculae of reactive woven

    bone (Fig. 2). The lobules are composed of an admix-

    ture of plump fibroblasts, extravasated red blood

    cells, haemosiderin-laden macrophages and scattered

    osteoclast-type giant cells, which frequently cluster

    around areas of haemorrhage(Fig. 3). This bloody mass

    of reactive tissue erodes the endosteum, resulting in

  • 8/10/2019 Dd of Giant Cell Lesions


    Table 1 Giant cell lesions of bone

    Reactive Benign Malignant

    Brown tumour Giant cell reparative granuloma Osteosarcoma

    Haemophiliac pseudotumour Non-ossifying fibroma Malignant fibrous histiocytoma

    Intraosseous haemorrhage Giant cell tumour Clear cell chondrosarcoma

    Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) Metastatic carcinoma


    Chondromyxoid fibroma

    Langerhans cell histiocytosis

    Pigmented villonodular synovitis

    Figure 1 Axial CT of brown tumour in a rib. The tumour iswell demarcated, expands the bone, and has a lobular configura-


    Figure 2 Brown tumour compartmentalized by septae con-

    taining reactive bone.

    Figure 3 Brown tumour composed of fibroblasts, osteoclast-

    like giant cells and extravasated red blood cells.

    thinning and expansion of the cortex as the periosteum

    deposits new bone. In severe cases, large blood-filled

    cysts develop and the resultant lesion is known as osteitis

    fibrosa cystica. Areas of bone uninvolved by the tumour

    show evidence of increased osteoclastic activity in

    the form of dissecting osteitis (osteoclasts boring

    through the centre of bony trabeculae), cortical

    cutting cones (groups of osteoclasts tunnelling into

    and expanding Haversian canals) and subperiosteal

    excavation.4 Treatment of the underlying abnormality

    abates the osteoclastic activity and the lesion

    eventually regresses as it is filled in by newly deposited


    The histological differential diagnosis of brown tumour

    includes other giant cell rich lesions especially giant cellreparative granuloma (GCRG) and giant cell tumour of

    bone. GCRG can have very similar morphological

    features and may be impossible to distinguish from

    brown tumour by light microscopy alone. We have

    noted that brown tumours have a much more lobulated

    architectural growth pattern than giant cell reparative

    granuloma. In the diagnostic areas of giant cell tumour

    of bone, the mononuclear cells are not as spindled

    as the fibroblasts in brown tumour and the nuclei of

    the mononuclear cells are morphologically identical

    to those in the osteoclasts which is not a finding in

    brown tumour.


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    Figure 4 Plain X-ray of giant cell tumour of distal radius. The

    tumour is eccentric, lytic, spans the epiphysis and metaphysis, and

    has destroyed the cortex and extended into the soft tissues.

    Figure 5 Giant cell tumour composed of syncytium of mono-

    nuclear cells admixed with many osteoclast-like giant cells.


    Giant cell tumour

    Giant cell tumour of bone is the prototype of giant cell

    rich neoplasms of the skeleton. The term giant cell

    tumour was coined by Bloodgood in 19125 and it was notuntil 1940 that Jaffe distinguished giant cell tumour of

    bone from other bone tumours containing many

    osteoclast-like giant cells.6 Giant cell tumour of bone

    accounts for approximately 4}5% of all primary bone

    tumours and in the Mayo Clinic experience it represents

    almost 23% of benign skeletal neoplasms examined


    Giant cell tumour of bone is defined pathologically as

    a neoplasm composed of cytologically benign, oval or

    polyhedral mononuclear cells that are admixed with

    numerous, evenly distributed, osteoclast-like giant cells.

    The exact phenotype of the mononuclear cells is notclear and evidence has suggested that they may be

    undifferentiated mesenchymal cells, fibroblasts or


    Giant cell tumour of bone frequently produces pain

    and usually develops during the third to fifth decades of

    life; they rarely arise in children.11 In many series females

    are affected slightly more frequently than males in a ratio

    of 1.2:1.10 The vast majority of giant cell tumours of

    bone arise in the epiphyseal}metaphyseal region of long

    tubular bones.7}10 Almost one-half of cases develop

    about the knee, especially in the distal femur followed by

    the proximal tibia; the third most common location is the

    distal end of the radius. Uncommon sites of involvement

    include the vertebral bodies, small tubular bones of the

    hands and feet and the patellae. Giant cell tumours areusually solitary but in(1% of cases they are multifocal

    and in such cases the hands and feet are frequently


    Radiographically, giant cell tumour of bone manifests

    as an eccentric, large, lytic mass that frequently extends

    from the subchondral bone plate into the metaphysis;

    larger tumours may involve the adjacent diaphysis or

    invade the neighbouring soft tissues (Fig. 4).7,10,13 The

    tumour often expands the bone with varying amounts

    of cortical destruction. Although the margins are well

    defined, they are usually not sclerotic and in some cases

    they may even be motheaten. Cystic degeneration isa common secondary change.

    Grossly, giant cell tumours are friable, haemorrhagic,

    red}brown masses that are solid or focally cystic and

    typically range in size from 5 to 15 cm in greatest

    dimension. They erode the cortex and have well-

    delineated margins within the medullary canal and

    neighbouring soft tissues. The histological hallmark of

    giant cell tumours is the innumerable multinucleated

    osteoclast-like giant cells that are scattered evenly

    throughout the tumour(Fig. 5).The number of nuclei in

    any individual cell is variable but may be as many as 50 or

    more. The nuclei are oval, vesicular, have central nucleoli

    and tend to be situated in the centre of the cell wherethey are surrounded by abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm.

    The round or oval mononuclear stromal cells are the

    diagnostic and neoplastic component of the tumour.

    These cells appear to grow in a syncytium and have little

    cytoplasm and ill-defined cell borders. The nuclei are

    round or oval, vesicular, have central nucleoli and are


  • 8/10/2019 Dd of Giant Cell Lesions


    Figure 6 Tissue from periphery of giant cell tumour com-

    posed of fibroblasts arranged in a storiform pattern with scattered

    osteoclast-like giant cells.

    morphologically identical to the nuclei of the giant cells(Fig. 5). The mononuclear cells may be mitotically active

    and can show varying degrees of cytological atypia, which

    may be especially prominent in areas adjacent to

    previous haemorrhage and fibrin deposition. Areas of

    necrosis and vascular invasion may also be present. Most

    giant cell tumours also have regions that morphologically

    resemble benign fibrous histiocytoma or non-ossifying

    fibroma (Fig. 6). These regions are characterized by

    cytologically banal spindle cells arranged in intersecting

    fascicles forming a storiform pattern with osteoclast-like

    giant cells scattered about in smaller numbers. This

    spindle cell component is frequently located in the

    periphery of the tumour and in and of itself is notdiagnostic of giant cell tumour. However, in the

    appropriate clinical setting it is strongly suggestive of

    the diagnosis. Other secondary changes commonly

    encountered in giant cell tumour include haemosiderin

    deposits, aggregates of foamy macrophages, cystic

    change and reactive bone formation.

    Ultrastructurally, abundant dilated rough endoplasmic

    reticulum, well-developed Golgi apparatus, mitochondria

    and occasional lipid droplets are the prominent features

    in the cytoplasm of the mononuclear cells.14 The

    multinucleated giant cells have features similar to

    osteoclasts. Immunohistochemically, the mononuclearcells express vimentin and alpha-1-antitrypsin and do

    not stain with antibodies to S-100.15 The giant cells

    have an immunoprofile similar to that of macrophages.

    These findings have suggested that the mononuclear

    and multinucleated cells in giant cell tumour are

    of histiocytic derivation. However, the controversy

    over the phenotype of giant cell tumour has not been


    Cytogenetic studies have shown that the most

    common chromosomal aberration of giant cell tumours

    is telomeric associations.16 The significance of this finding

    is unknown.

    Biologically, giant cell tumours of bone are considered

    benign neoplasms. They are usually treated by curettage

    and less frequently by en bloc resection. Radiation is

    used on tumours that cannot be resected because of

    their location or if the patient has significant medical

    problems.17 The local recurrence rate is approximately

    25% for patients treated with curettage and mostrecurrences are detected within 3 yr after initial

    therapy.18 Although giant cell tumours are classified as

    being benign, it is well recognized that 1}2% of them

    eventually metastasize, mainly to the lung. These patients

    are frequently cured by resection of the pulmonary

    nodules. Another dreaded but uncommon complication

    of giant cell tumour is the development of a sarcoma.

    This may occurde novo, develop in a local recurrence or

    following radiation of the tumour.

    The histological differential diagnosis of giant cell

    tumour of bone includes many of the lesions inTable 1.

    Its most important distinguishing histological feature isthe morphological identity of the nuclei in the mono- and

    multinucleated cells.

    Giant cell reparative granuloma(giant cell granuloma)

    The term giant cell reparative granuloma (GCRG) was

    initially coined by Jaffe in 195319 to describe a tumour of

    the jaw bones that had previously been diagnosed as

    giant cell tumour of bone.20 In 1962, Ackerman and Spjut

    described the first two cases involving the small tubular

    bones of the hand, for which they coined the term giantcell reaction.21 Subsequently, most reports have shown

    that GCRG is limited to these two anatomical sites.

    The majority of GCRG that arise in the jaw bones

    occur in the first and second decades of life and are

    approximately twice as common in females as in

    males.22,23 Clinically, the patients complain of swelling,

    pain or displacement of teeth. It is also not uncommon

    for these lesions to be incidentally discovered on X-rays

    taken for other reasons. Patients with GCRG involving

    the small tubular bones of the hand and feet are older

    with the peak incidence in the second to third decades.24

    Signs and symptoms in this location are similar withpatients complaining of pain and swelling occasionally

    secondary to a pathological fracture. GCRG very rarely

    involves other bones and there have been rare cases of

    GCRG involving multiple sites.25

    As the name implies, and as Jaffe believed, GCRG is

    thought to be a non-neoplastic, reparative or a reactive

    process. The term GCRG is misleading as it does not

    contain true granulomas. Therefore, the non-committal

    designation giant cell lesion has been recommended by

    some authors.20 Although GCRG is believed to be

    a reactive/reparative process, there is frequently no

    history of trauma. However, it is possible that previous


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    Figure 7 Plain X-ray of giant cell reparative granuloma. The

    anterior mandible is distorted by a multinodular lytic mass that has

    well-defined margins.

    Figure 8 Giant cell reparative granuloma composed of fas-

    cicles of fibroblasts with osteoclast-like giant cells clustering

    around a focus of haemorrhage.

    trauma may have been forgotten or that the traumatic

    episode precedes the appearance of GCRG by many

    years.22 It has been also hypothesized that the giant cell

    rich areas represent a reaction to recent haemorrhage

    and the fibroblastic component represents the older or

    the healing part of the lesion.22 Recently, cytogenetic

    abnormalities have been identified in a GCRG raising the

    possibility that this tumour may indeed be neoplastic

    after all.26

    Within the head and neck region, GCRG characte-

    ristically arises in the mandible and less commonly in the

    maxilla. It has a tendency to involve the anterior portions

    of these bones and usually does not extend posterior tothe first permanent molar area. GCRG rarely affects

    other bones of the skull.22,23 In the small bones of the

    hand and feet it can involve the phalanges, metacarpals

    and metatarsals and the carpal and tarsal bones.24,27

    Radiographically, in the craniofacial bones, GCRG

    forms a well-demarcated, radiolucent, often trabeculated

    or multiloculated (soap bubble) lesion that may expand

    the bone (Fig. 7).19,28 The multiloculated appearance is

    more common in large tumours. Adjacent teeth are

    more frequently displaced rather than resorbed.29 The

    cortex is usually intact and there is no periosteal


    In the small tubular bones of the hand andfeet, GCRG can involve the diaphysis, metaphysis,

    epiphysis or the entire length of the bone, where it forms

    a radiolucent, expanding lesion with no evidence of

    cortical destruction.

    Grossly, the tumour is red}brown and haemorrhagic.

    Microscopically, it consists of spindled fibroblasts that

    are admixed with collagen, areas of haemorrhage and

    numerous multinucleated osteoclast-type giant cells

    (Fig. 8). The giant cells tend to be arranged in small

    clusters. They contain fewer nuclei than seen in

    conventional giant cell tumour of bone, and are almost

    always associated with areas of haemorrhage. Addi-

    tionally, scattered lymphocytes, haemosiderin depositsand reactive woven bone rimmed by osteoblasts and

    small blood-filled spaces (aneurysmal bone cyst-like

    areas) are frequently present.22 Mitotic figures are usually

    few in number.

    The treatment for GCRG is curettage, after which the

    lesion usually heals and becomes ossified.31,32 The tumour

    can locally recur; however, it is uncommon for it to

    recur after the second curettage.24,27,31,33}35 In surgically

    inaccessible lesions such as the skull base, partial removal

    of the lesion, combined with radiation therapy may be


    The histological differential diagnosis includes a variety

    of bone lesions that contain osteoclast-type giant cells.Morphologically, GCRG is indistinguishable from brown

    tumour of hyperparathyroidism, and Jaffe in his original

    description believed that brown tumour of hyperpara-

    thyroidism 2also represents a giant-cell reparative

    granuloma.19 Every patient with GCRG should therefore

    have the appropriate tests to rule out hyperparathy-

    roidism. The jaw lesions present in patients with

    Jaffe}Companacci syndrome ( JC) (multiple non-ossifying

    fibromas, cafeH -au-lait skin lesions, and other extraskeletal

    anomalies) are also histologically similar to GCRG,36 and

    the possibility of JC syndrome should always be kept in

    mind in a patient with multiple jaw lesions. Anothertumour in the differential diagnosis is conventional giant

    cell tumour of bone. Unlike GCRG, the osteoclast-type

    giant cells in giant cell tumour of bone contain more

    nuclei than the giant cells in GCRG, and the nuclei in the

    giant cells are morphologically identical to those of the

    stromal cells. Another feature helpful in this distinction is

    the distribution of the giant cells. In GCRG, the giant cells

    cluster around areas of haemorrhage, whereas in giant

    cell tumour of bone they are evenly distributed

    throughout the tumour. The solid variant of aneurysmal

    bone cyst37 is also histologically identical to GCRG and it

    is possible that they represent the same or similar


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    Figure 9 Plain film of non-ossifying fibroma showing an eccen-

    tric, lytic mass with sclerotic margins in the metaphysis of the distal


    Figure 10 Non-ossifying fibroma characterized by cellular fas-

    cicles of spindle cells arranged in a storiform pattern with scat-

    tered osteoclast-like giant cells.

    lesions. Although recent cytogenetic data in conventional

    aneurysmal bone cyst have shown different cytogenetic

    abnormalities38 we are not aware of any cytogenetic

    studies done on solid aneurysmal bone cyst.

    Non-ossifying fibroma(fibrous cortical defect)

    Non-ossifying fibroma, also known as metaphyseal

    fibrous defect, is considered to be a non-neoplastic

    process, probably related to a defect in ossification. It

    classically involves the metaphysis, which is the growing

    portion of long tubular bones, in skeletally immature

    individuals. The term fibrous cortical defect can be ap-

    plied to the lesion when it is confined to the cortex but

    if the lesion enlarges and extends into the adjacent

    medullary cavity the apellation non-ossifying fibroma is

    more appropriate.39

    Most non-ossifying fibromas are single but occasionally

    patients can be found to have multiple lesions. These

    multifocal non-ossifying fibromas can be associated

    with rare syndromes such as neurofibromatosis (von

    Recklinghausens disease) and JC syndrome.

    Patients are usually in their second decade of life at the

    time of diagnosis. The distal femur, proximal tibia and

    distal tibia are most frequently affected; rarely are the flat

    or short tubular bones involved.10 Radiological studies

    have shown that non-ossifying fibroma can be seen in

    30}40% of skeletally immature individuals.10,39 The fact

    that non-ossifying fibroma is rarely seen in adults

    suggests that it eventually undergoes spontaneousresolution in most patients.40 This is supported by the

    classic study by Sontag et al,41 who followed 200 children

    with periodic radiographs. At the average age of 4 yr,

    many children showed a lesion involving the cortex,

    which was found in 54% of boys and 22% of girls. The

    lesions regressed spontaneously over an average time

    of approximately 2.5 yr. Most non-ossifying fibromata

    are asymptomatic and are discovered incidentically on

    X-rays taken for other reasons. Larger lesions can cause

    pain that is probably secondary to microfractures or

    more obvious pathological fractures.40,42

    Radiographically, classic non-ossifying fibroma formsa lytic lesion centred within the metaphyseal cortex of

    long tubular bones (Fig. 9). It is well demarcated with

    a sclerotic margin and frequently shows internal

    trabeculations. The trabeculations are incomplete and

    are the result of scalloping of the affected cortex. As the

    individual grows, the lesion becomes incorporated into

    the adjacent diaphysis and if it regresses it undergoes

    sclerosis. The radiographic features of this lesion are

    so characteristic that in most instances a biopsy is not


    Grossly, the tumour is eccentric and cortically located,

    well demarcated and has sclerotic borders. The overlying

    cortex is attenuated but intact. The lesion is tan-brown

    and frequently has areas of yellow discolouration. Cystic

    changes (aneurysmal bone cyst-like areas) can be seen

    and areas of haemorrhage and necrosis can also be seen

    secondary to pathologic fracture. Microscopically, the

    most prominent cell type in non-ossifying fibroma are

    spindle-shaped fibroblasts that are arranged in a storiform

    growth pattern(Fig. 10).Scattered throughout the lesion

    are osteoclast-type giant cells and chronic inflammatory

    cells. Other secondary changes include haemosiderin

    deposits and collections of foamy histiocytes.


  • 8/10/2019 Dd of Giant Cell Lesions


    Figure 11 Radiograph of an aneurysmal bone cyst of the distal

    end of the clavicle producing an expansile, lytic mass. Periosteal

    shell of bone is focally present.

    Figure 12 Axial MRI of aneurysmal bone cyst showing charac-

    teristic fluid}fluid levels.

    Figure 13 Aneurysmal bone cyst with numerous cyst spaces

    filled with blood.

    Asymptomatic lesions do not need surgical treatment.

    Larger lesions that are painful or have an impending or

    established pathological fracture, should be treated by


    A variety of lesions enter into the histological

    differential diagnosis; however, when the patients age

    and radiographic findings are correlated with the histo-logical findings the diagnosis should be straightforward.

    The occasional giant cells in non-ossifying fibroma

    frequently result in its being misdiagnosed as a giant cell

    tumour of bone. However, the clinical and radiographic

    findings of these two tumours are distinctively different.

    Furthermore, in the diagnostic areas of giant cell tumour,

    the morphology of the nuclei in the giant cells is identical

    to that of the mononuclear stromal cells, a finding not

    present in non-ossifying fibroma.

    Aneurysmal bone cyst

    Aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is a benign tumour of bone

    that was first described by Jaffe and Lichtenstein in

    1942.43 It is a destructive, expansile lesion characterized

    by multiloculated blood-filled cystic spaces. Despite

    its aggressive radiographic appearance, ABC behaves

    in a benign fashion and it is uncertain whether it is

    a neoplasm or a reactive process, the former hypothesis

    being supported by recent cytogenetic studies.38,44}47

    ABC affects all age groups but generally occurs during

    the first two decades of life and has no sex

    predilection.46,48 It most frequently develops in the

    metaphyses of long bones and the posterior elements ofvertebral bodies.48 The most common signs and

    symptoms are pain and swelling, rarely secondary to

    a pathological fracture. When ABC involves the

    vertebrae it can compress nerves and cause neurological


    Radiographically, it is usually an eccentric, expansile

    lesion with well-defined margins(Fig. 11). Most lesions

    are completely lytic and often contain a thin shell

    of reactive bone at the periphery.44,46,48 Computed

    tomography and magnetic resonance imaging may

    demonstrate internal septa and characteristic fluid}fluid

    levels(Fig. 12).44,48

    Grossly, ABC is multiloculated, consisting of multiple

    blood-filled cystic spaces separated by thin tan-white

    septa. More solid tan-white areas can also be seen and

    they may either represent a solid portion of the ABC or

    a primary lesion, which has undergone ABC-like change.

    These areas therefore need to be thoroughly sampled to

    identify a primary lesion, if present. Histologically, ABC

    is composed of blood-filled cystic spaces separated by

    fibrous septa(Fig. 13). The fibrous septa are composed

    of plump uniform fibroblasts, multinucleated osteoclast-

    type giant cells, and reactive woven bone(Fig. 14). The

    reactive woven bone is lined by osteoblasts and its


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    Figure 14 Cyst wall of aneurysmal bone cyst composed of

    reactive fibrous tissue, woven bone and osteoclast-like giant cells.

    Figure 15 Axial CT through distal femur containing a chon-

    droblastoma. The tumour is oval, well circumscribed and lytic with

    spotty calcifications.

    deposition follows the contours of the fibrous septa.

    Approximately, one-third of cases contain a cartilage-likematrix, also known as blue bone, which is infrequently

    seen in other bone lesions.36,48 Mitoses can be seen

    within the fibrous septa. However, it is uncommon to

    see necrosis unless there has been a previous

    pathological fracture. ABC may arise de novo(primary

    ABC), or areas resembling ABC can be found in other

    benign and malignant bone tumours (secondary ABC)

    that have undergone secondary cystic change.46 In these

    instances, it is obviously important to recognize the

    underlying benign or malignant condition as that process

    dictates the behaviour and treatment of the tumour.

    Primary ABCs account for approximately 70% of

    cases.46 The majority of secondary ABCs arise inassociation with a benign neoplasm, most commonly

    giant cell tumour of bone or an osteoblastoma.44,46,48 In

    1983, Sanerkin et al37 described an unusual non-cystic

    intraosseous lesion that had the morphological features

    that can be found in the more solid areas of ABC and

    they termed this tumour the solid variant of aneurysmal

    bone cyst. Their four patients were 5}13-years old; three

    tumours arose in the spine and one in the ethmoid bone.

    Histologically, the solid variant of ABC is very similar if

    not identical to GCRG, and as previously discussed it is

    unclear whether GCRG and pure solid ABC are the

    same entity or not. Although ABC has been considereda non-neoplastic process, recent studies have shown

    that it manifests reproducible clonal chromosomal

    abnormalities, suggesting that it may be neoplastic in


    The treatment for ABC is surgery, usually in the form

    of curettage or in certain situations en bloc resection.

    The recurrence rate is low and sometimes spontaneous

    regression has followed incomplete removal. Rare

    reports of apparent malignant transformation of an ABC

    have been described.50 The differential diagnosis includes

    all entities that may show secondary ABC-like changes,

    GCRG and most importantly telangiectatic osteosar-

    coma. Although telangiectatic osteosarcoma can grossly

    simulate ABC on microscopic examination, the fibrous

    septa in telangiectatic osteosarcoma reveal marked

    pleomorphism and easily identified mitotic figures

    including those that are atypical.


    Chondroblastoma is an uncommon, painful, benign

    cartilage tumour. It accounts for (1% of all primary

    bone tumours and the Mayo Clinic found that it

    represents 4.7% of their benign bone tumours. Kolodny

    and Ewing described chondroblastoma as early as 1927

    and 1928, respectively, and both considered it a variant

    of giant cell tumour.51 Codman in 1931, was the first to

    consider it a specific clinicopathological entity and

    designated it an epiphyseal chondromatous giant cell

    tumour, and Jaffe and Lichtenstein coined the term

    chondroblastoma in 1942.52,53

    Chondroblastoma is one of the few bone tumours that

    almost always arises in the epiphysis or an apophysis

    (epiphyseal equivalent).10,51,54,55 Although it can originate

    in any bone, slightly more than one-half of cases develop

    in long tubular bones with the femur most frequently

    affected followed in descending order by the tibia and

    humerus. Approximately 23% of cases involve the bones

    of the hands and feet and 16% arise within the pelvis.54

    Most patients are young at the time of diagnosis with 4%

    in the first decade, 54% in the second decade, 24% in the

    third decade and 7% in the fourth decade of life.54 In

    older individuals, the tumour tends to arise in more

    unusual locations such as the flat bones or the skull.Males are affected more frequently than females at

    a ratio of 2 : 1.

    Radiographically, chondroblastoma presents as an

    epiphyseal or apophyseal, oval, lytic mass with scattered

    punctate areas of mineralization(Fig. 15).56 The tumour


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    Figure 16 Chondroblastoma composed of sheets of chon-

    droblasts with scattered osteoclast-like giant cells. Note the differ-

    ence in morphology of the nuclei in the giant cells and the


    Figure 17 Chondroblastoma with poorly formed cartilage

    matrix that is focally mineralized producing a chicken wire-like


    is well circumscribed, frequently has sclerotic margins

    and there is no or minimal periosteal reaction in most

    cases. Larger tumours and those arising in the flat bones

    can expand the contour of the bone.

    Grossly, chondroblastoma is tan-grey, and occasion-

    ally yellow. It is solid, but cystic change is commonplace.

    Histologically, the tumour is densely cellular andcomposed of sheets of chondroblasts admixed with

    scattered multinucleated osteoclast-type giant cells

    (Fig. 16). The chondroblasts are polyhedral and have

    a moderate amount of cytoplasm and centrally located

    nuclei. The nuclei have characteristic longitudinal

    grooves and clefts causing them to resemble the nuclei of

    Langerhans histiocytes. The chondroblasts can be

    mitotically active; however, the mitotic figures are of

    normal structure. The multinucleated osteoclast-like

    cells vary in number and may be few or innumerable.

    Their nuclei are oval, vesicular and are not grooved;

    therefore, their appearance differs from those of the

    chondroblasts. The matrix in chondroblastoma consists

    of poorly formed hyaline cartilage that is present in

    small amounts (Fig. 17). It may appear basophilic or

    eosinophilic and it is deposited in such a manner that it

    surrounds individual cells forming inconspicuous lacunar

    spaces. The matrix frequently mineralizes in a linear

    pattern outlining individual chondroblasts whichproduces the so-called chicken wire pattern of

    mineralization that is characteristic of chondroblastoma

    (Fig. 17). Secondary change in chondroblastoma includes

    cystic degeneration that may have the appearance of an

    aneurysmal bone cyst or simple cyst. The tumour can

    also undergo coagulative necrosis and this is most

    frequent in areas that are mineralized.

    The chondroblasts have ultrastructural features

    suggestive of poorly formed chondrocytes.57 Their round

    or oval nuclei are deeply indented and have a thick

    fibrillar lamina along the inner aspect of the nuclear

    membrane. Rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgiare not prominent and the cytoplasm contains small

    aggregates of glycogen, mitochondria and filaments.57

    Immunohistochemically, chondroblastoma stains for

    vimentin and S-100, and can also express keratin,

    epithelial membrane antigen, and actin.58}60 This staining

    pattern is helpful in distinguishing chondroblastoma from

    most of the other giant cell rich lesions in that the others

    are negative for S-100.

    Cytogenetic studies have been rarely reported for

    chondroblastoma. Although no specific chromosomal

    abnormality has been identified, aberrations in chromo-

    somes 5 and 8 have been described in several studies.61

    Chondroblastoma is a benign neoplasm that is usuallytreated by curettage. Approximately 10% of cases locally

    recur.55 Chondroblastoma rarely metastasizes and when

    this occurs it frequently follows a local recurrence. The

    metastatic deposits are usually located in the lung,

    although other sites including the soft tissues have been

    reported.55,62 The histological features of the primary

    tumour and the metastasis are generally unrevealing

    as they usually have the morphology of conventional



    Giant cell rich osteosarcoma

    Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignancy

    of bone and accounts for approximately 20% of primary

    bone sarcomas exclusive of myeloma. It is defined by the

    presence of mesenchymal cells that synthesize and

    deposit bone matrix. Osteosarcomas are heterogeneous

    in their morphology and biological behaviour. The classic

    osteosarcoma is an aggressive high-grade intramedullary

    tumour that arises in the metaphyseal region of a long

    bone in an adolescent. The giant cell rich variant of


  • 8/10/2019 Dd of Giant Cell Lesions


    Figure 18 Plain film of high-grade osteosarcoma showing

    a poorly defined destructive mixed lytic and blastic mass arising in

    the metaphysis and extending into the soft tissues.

    Figure 19 Giant cell rich osteosarcoma with enlarged, hyper-

    chromatic tumour cells admixed with benign osteoclast-like giant


    osteosarcoma has many of the same clinicopathological

    features of classic osteosarcoma.63,64

    Osteosarcoma has a bi-modal age distribution. The

    first and largest peak occurs during the second decade

    and accounts for 75% of cases and the second smaller

    peak spans the fourth to sixth decades of life.10 Males are

    affected more frequently than females at a ratio of almost1.4 : 1. Osteosarcomas can affect any bone of the

    body; however, they have a propensity to arise in

    the metaphyseal region of long tubular bones and

    approximately 50% of cases develop about the knee.10

    Osteosarcoma typically manifests radiographically as

    a metaphyseal mixed lytic and blastic destructive mass

    that has poorly defined margins (Fig. 18). The tumour

    frequently transgresses the cortex eliciting a periosteal

    reaction and invades into the neighbouring soft tissues.

    Grossly, osteosarcoma is usually centred in the

    metaphysis, is large ('10 cm), tan-white, and haemor-

    rhagic, with areas of necrosis. The tumour frequentlydestroys the cortex and forms a soft tissue mass.

    Osteosarcoma is classified histologically into various

    subtypes; the most common being osteoblastic,

    chondroblastic and fibroblastic. The giant cell rich variant

    is defined as an osteosarcoma in which more than 50% of

    the tumour is composed of numerous benign osteoclast-

    like giant cells admixed with malignant bone forming

    cells. The giant cell rich variant is rare and in the Mayo

    Clinic series of over 1600 cases of osteosarcoma,

    accounted for only 0.3% of cases.10 In most cases of

    giant cell rich osteosarcoma, the malignant cells

    demonstrate significant cytological atypia including

    marked pleomorphism, hyperchromasia and have a high

    rate of mitotic activity including those which are

    structurally abnormal(Fig. 19).65 However, in some cases

    the malignant cells are deceptively banal in appearance

    and overall the neoplasm can closely mimic a giant cell

    tumour. In this circumstance, extensive sampling

    searching for neoplastic bone and careful clinical

    correlation are required to make the correct diagnosis.

    In fact, any neoplasm with the appearance of a giant cell

    tumour that arises in the metaphysis of an adolescent

    should be viewed with suspicion.

    Osteosarcoma is currently treated with pre-operative

    chemotherapy and limb salvage resection. Analysis of theamount of chemotherapy-induced tumour necrosis in

    the resection specimen helps determine which agents

    are administered in the postoperative phase of systemic

    therapy. Long-term survival rates are now in the range

    of 70%.


    The osteoclast-like giant cell defines the family of

    giant cell rich lesions of bone

    Giant cell rich lesions of bone include reactive

    lesions and benign and malignant neoplasms. Mostgiant cell rich lesions of bone are benign

    Giant cell rich lesions of bone can be distinguished

    from one another based on their clinical, radio-

    logical and pathological features

    Immunohistochemistry can be helpful in the

    differential diagnosis of giant cell rich lesions


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