dca- basic fundamental, my computer, desktop, history of computer


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Page 1: DCA- Basic Fundamental, My computer, Desktop, History of computer

Fundamental- DCA-T By- Ritesh Khetan

RITESH KHETAN [Pick the date]

Fundamental- DCA-T

By- Ritesh Khetan



+91- 8349 333 666






Page 2: DCA- Basic Fundamental, My computer, Desktop, History of computer



Computer = Compute + -er x.kud / la?kud = x.kuk + djus okyk

What is a Computer? Computer is a machine capable of solving problems and manipulating data. It accepts data, processes the data by doing some mathematical and logical operations and gives us the desired output. The definition of computer can be traced under its name also:


C- Common U- Used for

O- Operating T- Trade/ technical

M- Machine E- Educational and P- Particularly R- Research

Let us begin with the word ‘compute’. It means ‘to calculate’. We all are familiar with calculations in our day

today life. We apply mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc. and many other

formulae for calculations. Simpler calculations take less time. But complex calculations take much longer


Ex- 87819812822218 x 18218799218

Another factor is accuracy in calculations. So man explored with the idea to develop a machine which can

perform this type of arithmetic calculation faster and with full accuracy. This gave birth to a device or

machine called ‘computer’.

The first recorded use of the word “computer” was in 1613 in a book called “The young men gleanings” by

English writer Richard Braithwait. It referred to a person who carried out calculations, or computations, and

the word continued with the same meaning until the middle of the 20th century. From the end of the 19th

century the word began to take on its more familiar meaning, a machine that carries out computations

The computer we see today is quite different from the one made in the beginning. The number of applications

of a computer has increased, the speed and accuracy of calculation has increased. You must appreciate the

impact of computers in our day to day life. Reservation of tickets in Air Lines and Railways, payment of

telephone and electricity bills, deposits and withdrawals of money from banks, business data processing,

medical diagnosis, weather forecasting, etc. are some of the areas where computer has become extremely

useful. However, there is one limitation of the computer. Human beings do calculations on their own. But

computer is a dumb machine and it has to be given proper instructions to carry out its calculation. Before we

go ahead we must know the journey of computer. I must say you will find it a bit interest. So let’s ride in


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History of computer could be traced back to the effort of man to count large numbers. This process of

counting of large numbers generated various systems of numeration like Babylonian system of numeration,

Greek system of numeration, Roman system of numeration and Indian system of numeration. Out of these

the Indian system of numeration has been accepted universally. It is the basis of modern decimal system of

numeration (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9). You should know computer solves all calculations based on

decimal system. But you will be surprised to know that the computer does not understand the decimal

system and uses binary system of numeration for processing. We will briefly discuss some of the path-

breaking inventions in the field of computing devices.


Calculating Machines: ABACUS: The first calculating device called Sumerian ABACUS was developed by the Egyptian and

Chinese people designed around 2500 B.C. The word ABACUS means calculating board. It

consisted of sticks in horizontal positions on which were inserted sets of pebbles. A modern

form of ABACUS is given in Fig. It has a number of horizontal bars each having ten beads.

Horizontal bars represent units, tens, hundreds, etc. You may see this in slates of kids.

Napier’s bones: English mathematician John Napier built a mechanical device for the purpose of multiplication in 1617 A D.

The device was known as Napier’s bones.

Slide Rule: English mathematician Edmund Gunter developed the slide rule. This machine could perform operations like

addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It was widely used in Europe in 1620. It was also carried

on five Apollo Space missions including the moon mission.

Pascal's Adding and Subdirectory Machine: Pascaline or Pascal’s Calculator was invented by Mr. Blaise Pascal in 1642.

Addition and subtraction were carried out by using a series of very light rotating

wheels. His system is still used today in car odometers which track a car’s

mileage. The machine consisted of wheels, gears and cylinders.

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Arithmometer: In 1851, Thomas de clomar released Arithmometer it became the first commercial computing machine. As it

was reliable enough for daily office environment.

Leibniz’s Multiplication and Dividing Machine: The German philosopher and mathematician Gottfried Leibniz built around 1673 a mechanical device that

could both multiply and divide.

Babbage’s Analytical Engine: It was in the year 1823 that a famous English man Charles Babbage built a

mechanical machine to do complex mathematical calculations. It was called

difference engine. Later he developed a general-purpose calculating machine called

analytical engine. You should know that Charles Babbage is called The Father of Computer. Why? Because he changed the basic concept of computer. Because

Babbage was so far ahead of the times that the technology was not in place to

manufacture the parts for his machine so he was only able to build a small model. The same was actually

built by his son Henry Babbage & 1888 named The Mill. The first successful demonstration of the same was

given in 1906.

Mechanical and Electrical Calculator: In the beginning of 19th century the mechanical calculator was developed to perform all sorts of

mathematical calculations. Up to the 1960s it was widely used. Later the rotating part of mechanical

calculator was replaced by electric motor. So it was called the electrical calculator.

The history doesn’t end here. Actually after the analytical engine computer took a rapid change. Now we have

a completely different computer with us. Today we have computer everywhere.

As mentioned in the introduction it can do arithmetic calculations faster. But as you will see later it does

much more than that. It can be compared to a magic box, which serves different purpose to different people.

For a common man computer is simply a calculator, which works automatic and quite fast. For a person who

knows much about it.

Therefore, we may define computer as a device that transforms data. Data can be anything like marks

obtained by you in various subjects. It can also be name, age, sex, weight, height, etc. of all the students in

your class or income, savings, investments, etc., of a country. Computer can be defined in terms of its

functions. It can i) accept data ii) store data, iii) process data as desired, and iv) retrieve the stored data as

and when required v) print the result in desired format. You will know more about these functions as.

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Let us identify the major characteristics of computer. These can be discussed under the headings of speed,

accuracy, diligence, versatility and memory.

Speed: As you know computer can work very fast. It takes only few seconds for calculations that we take hours to

Complete. Suppose you are asked to calculate the average monthly income of one thousand persons in your

Neighborhood. For this you have to add income from all sources for all persons on a day to day basis and

find out the average for each one of them. How long will it take for you to do this? One day, two days or one

week? Do you know your small computer can finish this work in few seconds? The weather forecasting that

you see every day on TV is the results of compilation and analysis of huge amount of data on temperature,

humidity, pressure, etc. of various places on computers. It takes few minutes for the computer to process

this huge amount of data and give the result. You will be surprised to know that computer can perform

millions (1,000,000) of instructions and even more per second. Therefore, we determine the speed of

computer in terms of microsecond (10-6 part of a second) or nano-second (10-9 part of a second). From this

you can imagine how fast your computer performs work.

Accuracy: Suppose someone calculates faster but commits a lot of errors in computing. Such result is useless. There is

another aspect. Suppose you want to divide 15 by 7. You may work out up to 2 decimal places and say the

Dividend is 2.14. I may calculate up to 4 decimal places and say that the result is 2.1428. Someone else may

go up to 9 decimal places and say the result is 2.142857143. Hence, in addition to speed, the computer

should have accuracy or correctness in computing.

The degree of accuracy of computer is very high and every calculation is performed with the same accuracy.

The accuracy level is determined on the basis of design of computer. The errors in computer are due to

human and inaccurate data.

Diligence: A computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration, fatigue, etc. It can work for hours without creating

any error. If millions of calculations are to be performed, a computer will perform every calculation with the

same accuracy. Due to this capability it overpowers human being in routine type of work.

Versatility: It means the capacity to perform completely different type of work. You may use your computer to prepare

payroll slips. Next moment you may use it for inventory management or to prepare electric bills and if you are

getting boar just play games on your computer on different screen or listen songs simultaneously with your


No Feeling: It does not have feelings or emotion, taste, knowledge and experience. Thus it does not get tired even after

long hours of work. It does not distinguish between users.

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Power of Remembering: Computer has the power of storing any amount of information or data. Any information can be stored and

recalled as long as you require it, for any numbers of years. It depends entirely upon you how much data you

want to store in a computer and when to lose or retrieve these data.

No IQ: Computer is a dumb machine and it cannot do any work without instruction from the user. It performs the

instruction at tremendous speed and with accuracy. It is you to decide what you want to do and in what

sequence. So a computer cannot take its own decision as you can.

Storage: The Computer has an in-built memory where it can store a large amount of data. You can also store data in

secondary storage devices such as floppies, which can be kept outside your computer and can be carried to

other computers.


FIRST GENERATION (1951-1958) You know that the evolution of computer started from 16th century and resulted in the form that we see

today. The present day computer, however, has also undergone rapid change during the last fifty years. This

period, during which the evolution of computer took place, can be divided into five distinct phases known as

Generations of Computers. Each phase is distinguished from others on the basis of the type of switching

circuits used.

First Generation Computers First generation computers used Thermion valves. These computers were large in size and writing programs

on them was difficult. Some of the computers of this generation were:

ENIAC: It was the first electronic computer built in 1946 at University of Pennsylvania, USA by John Eckert

and John Mauchy. It was named Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC). The ENIAC was

30_ 50 feet long, weighed 30 tons, contained 18,000 vacuum tubes, 70,000 registers 10,000 capacitors and

required 150,000 watts of electricity. Today your favorite computer is many times as powerful as ENIAC, still

size is very small.

EDVAC: It stands for Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer and was developed in 1950. The

concept of storing data and instructions inside the computer was introduced here. This allowed much faster

operation since the computer had rapid access to both data and instructions. The other advantages of storing

instruction were that computer could do logical decision internally.

Other Important Computers of First Generation: EDSAC: It stands for Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer and was developed by M.V. Wilkes at

Cambridge University in 1949.

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UNIVAC-1: Ecker and Mauchly produced it in 1951 by Universal Accounting Computer setup.

Limitations of First Generation Computer: Followings are the major drawbacks of First generation computers.

1. The operating speed was quite slow.

2. Power consumption was very high.

3. It required large space for installation.

4. The programming capability was quite low.


Around 1955 a device called Transistor replaced the bulky electric tubes in the first generation computer.

Transistors are smaller than electric tubes and have higher operating speed. They have no filament and

require no heating. Manufacturing cost was also very low. Thus the size of the computer got reduced

considerably. It is in the second generation that the concept of Central Processing Unit (CPU), memory,

programming language and input and output units were developed. The programming languages such as

COBOL, FORTRAN were developed during this period. Some of the computers of the Second Generation were

1. IBM 1620: Its size was smaller as compared to First Generation computers and mostly used for scientific


2. IBM 1401: Its size was small to medium and used for business applications.

3. CDC 3600: Its size was large and is used for scientific purposes.


The third generation computers were introduced in 1964. They used Integrated Circuits (ICs). These ICs are

popularly known as Chips. A single IC has many transistors, registers and capacitors built on a single thin

slice of silicon. So it is quite obvious that the size of the computer got further reduced. Some of the

computers developed during this period were IBM-360, ICL-1900, IBM-370, and VAX-750. Higher level

language such as BASIC (Beginners All purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) was developed during this

period. Computers of this generation were small in size, low cost, large memory and processing speed is very



The present day computers that you see today are the fourth generation computers that started around

1975. It uses large scale Integrated Circuits (LSIC) built on a single silicon chip called microprocessors. Due

to the development of microprocessor it is possible to place computer’s central processing unit (CPU) on single

chip. These computers are called microcomputers. Later very large scale Integrated Circuits (VLSIC) replaced

LSICs. Thus the computer which was occupying a very large room in earlier days can now be placed on a

table. The personal computer (PC) that you see in your school is a Fourth Generation Computer.

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The computers of 1990s are said to be Fifth Generation computers. The speed is extremely high in fifth

generation computer. Apart from this it can perform parallel processing. The concept of Artificial intelligence

has been introduced to allow the computer to take its own decision. It is still in a developmental stage.


A computer performs basically five major operations or functions irrespective of their size and make. These

are 1) it accepts data or instructions by way of input, 2) it stores data, 3) it can process data as required by

the user, 4) it gives results in the form of output, and 5) it controls all operations inside a computer. We

discuss below each of these operations.

1. Input: This is the process of entering data and programs in to the computer system. You should know

that Computer is an electronic machine like any other machine which takes as inputs raw data and performs

some Processing giving out processed data. Therefore, the input unit takes data from us to the computer in

an organized manner for processing.

2. Storage: The process of saving data and instructions permanently is known as storage. Data has to be fed

into the system before the actual processing starts. It is because the processing speed of Central Processing

Unit (CPU) is so fast that the data has to be provided to CPU with the same speed. Therefore the data is first

stored in the storage unit for faster access and processing. This storage unit or the primary storage of the

computer system is designed to do the above functionality. It provides space for storing data and


The storage unit performs the following major functions:

• All data and instructions are stored here before and after processing.

• Intermediate results of processing are also stored here.

3. Processing: The task of performing operations like arithmetic and logical operations is called processing.

The Central Processing Unit (CPU) takes data and instructions from the storage unit and makes all sorts of

calculations based on the instructions given and the type of data provided. It is then sent back to the storage


4. Output: This is the process of producing results from the data for getting useful information. Similarly the

output produced by the computer after processing must also be kept somewhere inside the computer before

being given to you in human readable form. Again the output is also stored inside the computer for further


5. Control: The manner how instructions are executed and the above operations are performed. Controlling

of all operations like input, processing and output are performed by control unit. It takes care of step by step

processing of all operations inside the computer.

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TYPES OF COMPUTERS When most people hear the word "computer" they think of a personal computer such as a desktop or laptop computer. However, computers come in many shapes and sizes, and they perform many different functions in our daily lives. When you withdraw cash from an ATM, scan groceries at the store, or use a calculator, you're using a type of computer.

Desktop Computers

Many people use desktop computers at work, home, school, or the library. They can be small, medium, or large in style, and usually sit on a desk. Once you add a monitor, mouse, and a keyboard, you have what is typically known as a desktop computer.

Most desktop computers are easy to upgrade and expand, or add new parts. Another benefit of desktop computers is the cost. If you compare a desktop and a laptop with the same features, you will most likely find that the desktop computer is priced lower.

Some desktop computers have a built-in monitor to save space. These are often called all-in-one desktop computers.

Laptop Computers

The second type of computer that you may be familiar with is a laptop computer or laptops as they are often referred to. Laptops are battery or AC-powered personal computers that are more portable than desktop computers, allowing you to use them almost anywhere.

Since a laptop is smaller than a desktop, it's more difficult to access the internal components. That means you may not be able to upgrade them as much as a desktop. However, it's usually possible to add more RAM or a bigger hard drive.

A laptop computer is sometimes called a notebook computer because of its size.


A server is a computer that "serves up" information to other computers on a network. Many businesses have file servers that employees can use to store and share files. A server can look like a regular desktop computer, or it can be much larger.

Servers also play an important role in making the internet work: they are where web pages are stored. When you use your browser to click a link, a web server delivers the page you requested.

Other Types of Computers

Today, there lots of everyday devices that is basically specialized computers, even though we don't always think of them as computers. Here are a few common examples:

Tablet Computers: These use a touch-sensitive screen for typing and navigation. Since they don't require a keyboard or mouse, tablet computers are even more portable than laptops. The i Pad is an example of a tablet computer.

Mobile Phones: Many mobile phones can do a lot of things a computer can do, such as browsing the internet or playing games. These phones are often called smartphones. Ex- Samsung Galaxy series.

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Game Consoles: A game console is a specialized kind of computer that is used for playing video games. Although they are not as fully-featured as a desktop computer, many newer consoles allow you to do non-gaming tasks like browsing the internet.

TVs: Many TVs now include applications (or apps) that let you access various types of online content. For example, you can view your Facebook news feed or watch streaming movies on Netflix

PCs and Macs

Personal computers come in two main "styles": PC and Mac. Both styles are fully functional, but they do have a different look and feel, and many people prefer one or the other.

PC: This type of computer began with the original IBM PC that was introduced in 1981. Today, this is the most common type of personal computer, and it typically includes the Microsoft Windows operating system.

Mac: The Macintosh computer was introduced in 1984, and it was the first widely sold personal computer with a Graphical User Interface, or GUI (pronounced gooey). All Macs are made by one company, Apple Inc., and they almost always use the Mac OS X operating system. Although PC can refer to any personal computer, including Macs.

About This Tutorial

In this tutorial, we'll mostly be focusing on PCs and the Windows operating system. If you're using a Mac, you may notice some differences with the way that your computer works. However, much of the information in this tutorial will still apply, no matter what kind of computer you're using.


Think about the activities you perform or want to perform using a computer (email, online shopping, etc.).

Think about all the computers that are necessary for you to complete your day-to-day activities. o Is it a computer that controls the stoplights so you can drive to work? o How did the cashier scan and calculate your grocery items? o Does the coffee store you visit use a computer to order their inventory? o Is the weather map on television computer-generated?

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The basic parts of a desktop computer are the computer case, monitor, keyboard, mouse, and power cord.

Each part plays an important role whenever you use a computer.

Central Processing Unit


The computer case is the metal and plastic box that contains the main components of

the computer. Sometimes it is also called Cabinet or System Unit. It houses the

motherboard, central processing unit (CPU), the power supply, and more.

Computer cases come in different shapes and sizes. A desktop case lies flat on a desk,

and the monitor usually sits on top of it. A tower case is tall and sits next to the

monitor or on the floor. The front of the case usually has an on/off switch, Audio Jack, USB (Universal Serial

Bus) Ports, Microphone Jack, DVD/CD player etc.

Most of the personal computers you can purchase today include tower cases, rather

than desktop cases; however, some computers are being made with all of the internal

components built into the monitor, which completely eliminates the tower duly known

as All – in – One Computers.

Back of Computer Case

On the back of the computer case are connection ports that are made to fit specific devices. That

varies from computer to computer, and many

companies have their own special connectors for the

specific devices. Some of the ports may be color coded

to match a color on the device, which will help you

determine which port is used with a particular device

Mother Board

Mother board sometimes alternatively known as the main board, system board, planar board or logic board. It holds many of the crucial electronic components of the system, such as the central processing unit (CPU) and memory, and provides connectors for other peripherals. A motherboard contains significant sub-systems such as the processor and other components. This board is the "mother" of all components attached to it, which often include sound cards, video cards, network cards, hard drives, or other forms of persistent storage.

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Central Processing Unit

A central processing unit (CPU), also referred to as a central processor unit, is the hardware within a computer that carries

out the instructions of a computer program by performing the

basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the

system. The term has been in use in the computer industry at

least since the early 1960s.

Two typical components of a CPU are the arithmetic logic

unit (ALU) and the control unit (CU),

Short for Arithmetic Logic Unit, ALU is one of the many components within a computer processor. The ALU

performs mathematical, logical, and decision operations in a computer and is the final processing performed

by the processor. After the information has been processed by the ALU, it is sent to the computer memory.

In some computer processors, the ALU is divided into two distinct parts, the AU and the LU. The AU performs

the arithmetic operations and the LU performs the logical operations.

Speed of a CPU is measured in GHz (Giga hertz). Speed of a computer depends on the speed of its CPU.

Generally speed of an Intel Pentium Chips may be between 500 MHz and 933 MHz, 10GHz, 2.0GHz, 3.0GHz

or more.


Memory is also a main component of a computer. Memory is a place to store Data, instructions and

information temporarily. This is also known as Primary Storage. It is made of chips and attached with any

circuit of mother board.

Random Access Memory (RAM)

It is also referred to Primary Memory of Computer. RAM contains Memory Chips

which is read through processor. When a computer is started the information or file

are transferred to RAM and remains till you use it. Some other program and Data

also load during the process on RAM. Until the data is not removed processor

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analyzes it. Depending on capacity of RAM you can run many programs simultaneously among them the

program you use get visible on screen. Most of the RAM is Temporary. As soon as you shut down your

computer they loss their contents. This is why we need to save any file in any of the drives of computer.

Saving is the process used for copy the contents of RAM in any Hard disk. Size of a RAM is measured in GB

(Giga Byte)

Read Only Memory (ROM)

ROM is a storage media which is used in computer and other electronic

machines. Data in ROM cannot be modified or can be modified slowly or very

difficultly. It is stable and don’t loss its components when computer is shut

down. Chip of ROM contains permanent Data, instructions and information. For

example, it contains Input/Output system with series of instructions, by which

operation system and other files load on starting of computer. ROM Chip contains data for booting also.

Expansion Slots or Cards

Expansion slot is a circuit which is used to fix Circuit board in Mother Board. The circuit board is useful to

expand the capacity of computer and adding some new equipment.


Ports is a connector point attached in rare side of Case. External devices like Monitor, Mouse, Printer,

Keyboard etc are attached with system unit by using this ports only.

Power Supply (SMPS)

Power supply converts A.C. to D.C. Power of a SMPS is measured in Watts. An average computer uses about

250 watts. It contains a fan also which is controls the temperature of CPU.


CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) TFT (Thin Film Tube)

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

LED (Light Emitting Diode)

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UPS (Uninterruptable Power Supply)

Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS), acts as a surge protector and also provides temporary power if there

is a power cut. UPS is not like inverter it is gives a backup power to complete the running

work and shut it down. The front of UPS contains 3 mini bulbs (Power, charging &

emergency) & an on/off switch. In the rear side it contains sockets for screen, CPU etc.

The world's largest UPS, the 46 MW, Battery Electric Storage System (BESS), in Fairbanks,

Alaska, powers the entire city and nearby rural communities during outages.


The keyboard is one of the primary ways we communicate with the computer and enter data. There are

many different types of computer keyboards such as wired, wireless, multimedia, and more. Although there

may be differences in the location of some keys or features, keyboards are very similar and allow you to

accomplish basically the same tasks.


Mouse is a pointing device. It lets you point to objects on the screen, click on them, and move them.

Traditionally, a mouse connects to the computer using a USB or PS/2 connection. However, you can also buy

a wireless mouse, which works using Bluetooth.

Touch Pad Track Ball Mouse Optical Mouse

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Think about the desktop computers you've seen at work, school, the library, a store, or a friend's

house. What did they look like? Were they all-in-one, or did they have a separate tower?

Review the Parts of the Keyboard interactive of this lesson. Are there any keys that you haven't used


If you're using a mouse, flip it over to see whether it's optical or mechanical.

Is your monitor LCD, LED, or CRT?

If your monitor has control buttons, try adjusting the brightness and contrast.


Now let us discuss the varieties of computers according to their processor. Although they belong to the fifth

generation they can be divided into different categories depending upon the size, efficiency, memory and

number of users. Broadly they can be divided it to the following categories.

1. Microcomputer: Microcomputer is at the lowest end of the computer range in terms of speed and storage

capacity. The microcomputers are built of 8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit chips microprocessor chips.

Microcomputers are computers that have a microprocessor as a CPU and are often personal computers.

2. Mini Computer: A computer of medium power, more than a microcomputer but less than a mainframe. It

supports more than one user at a time as 4 to 200 users simultaneously. The mini computer is used in

multi-user system in which various users can work at the same time. It possesses large storage capacity and

operates at a higher speed. They are also used as servers in Local Area Networks (LAN).

3. Mainframes: A large digital computer serving 100 or sometimes thousands of users and occupying a

special air-conditioned room. In some ways, mainframes are more powerful than supercomputers because

they support more simultaneous programs. But supercomputers can execute a single program faster than a

mainframe. Mainframes use proprietary operating systems, most of which are based on Unix, and a growing

number on Linux. Mainframes are so called because the earliest ones were housed in large metal frames.

Example of mainframes are DEC, ICL and IBM 3000 series.

4. Supercomputer: The fastest type of computer. Supercomputers are very expensive and are employed for

specialized applications that require immense amounts of mathematical calculations. For example, weather

forecasting requires a supercomputer. One of the ways in which supercomputers are built is by

interconnecting hundreds of microprocessors other uses of supercomputers include animated graphics, fluid

dynamic calculations, nuclear energy research, and petroleum exploration. Examples of supercomputers are

CRAY YMP, CRAY2, NEC SX-3, CRAY XMP and PARAM from India. China’s Tianhe-2 is the Fastest super computer in the world

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All types of computers consist of two basic parts:

Hardware is any part of your computer that has a physical structure or a device that you can touch

and feel. Ex- Mouse, Keyboard, Motherboard etc.

Software is any set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do. It is what guides the

hardware and tells it how to accomplish each task. Some examples of software are web browsers, games,

and word processors such as Microsoft Word. Ex- Microsoft Word, Operating systems

A computer uses basically 4 types of software:

1. System Software: System software co-ordinate between Users, applications software and Hardware

storage devices (i.e. Communication, Printers, Readers, Displays, Keyboard) of computer.

2. Application Software: Helps user in doing computer related one or more works. This special

Application consist Office automation Software, Business Software, Medical Software, Databases,

Computer Games etc. Ex- Tally etc

3. Programming Software: This is used to program new software. It provides tools for computer programs

and software write for programmer. These tools consist of Text Editor, Compilers, Interpreters,

Linkers, Debuggers and many other tools.

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The most basic computer setup usually includes the computer case, monitor, keyboard, and mouse, but

you can plug many different types of devices into the extra ports on your computer. These devices are called

peripherals. Below are a few examples of peripherals.

Printers: A printer is used to print documents, photos, or anything else that appears on your screen.

There are many types of printers available, including inkjet, laser, and photo printers. You can also

buy an all-in-one printer, scanner, and copier.

Dot Matrix Printer Inkjet Printer Laser Printer

Scanners: A scanner allows you to copy an image or document and save it to your computer as a

digital (computer-readable) image. Many scanners are included as part of an all-in-one

printer/scanner/copier, although you can also buy a separate flatbed or hand-held scanner.

Speakers/Headphones: Speakers and headphones are output devices. It means that they are devices

that communicate information from the computer to the user. They allow you to hear sound and

music. Depending on the model, they may connect to the audio port or the USB port. Some monitors

also have built-in speakers.

Microphones: A microphone is a type of input device, or a device that receives

information from a user. You can connect the microphone to the computer and use the

computer to record sound or to communicate with another computer user over the

internet. Many computers come with built-in microphones.

Web Cameras: A web camera, or webcam, is a type of input device that can record

videos or take pictures. It can also transmit video over the internet in real time,

allowing you to do video chat or video conferencing with somebody in a different part

of the world. Webcams are used often in business, and they also help many friends

and families stay connected.

Joystick or Game Controller: A joystick is a lever that is used to control

computer games. There are various other types of controllers that you can use, and

you can also use your mouse and keyboard to control most games.

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Digital Cameras: A digital camera lets you capture a picture or video in digital

form. By connecting the camera to your computer's USB port, you can transfer the

images from the camera to the computer. You can then print the images, email

them to a friend, or post them on the web.

Mobile Phones, MP3 Players, Tablet Computers and Other Devices: When you buy an electronic

device such as a mobile phone or mp3 player, check to see if it comes with a USB cable. If it does,

that means you can connect it to your computer. With many devices, you can synchronize (or sync)

them with your computer, which automatically keeps your contacts, music, and other data up-to-date

whenever you connect the device to your computer.


Find out what types of drives are on your computer (e.g, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM)

Count the number of USB ports on your computer.

What are some of the peripherals that you can use with your computer?

Does your mobile phone include an adapter cable that connects to your computer?

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In this paper we will be discussing various input and output devices used with the computer. Also the paper

discusses in detail the legacy form of input and output devices used to the latest devices that has

revolutionized the way an end user interacts with the computer as well.



Input devices are hardware devices that are used to enter data into the computer. There are different types of

input devices like:


Pointing devices- Mouse, Trackball, Touchpad, Joy stick


Barcode Reader


Optical Mark Reader

Magnetic strip Reader Graphics table

MIDI devices

Finger printer reader

Digital Camera etc.


A flat board with grids of buttons which are programmed to input characters into the computer. Keyboards

can be classified into different categories based on their layout, connection type, form factor etc. The most

common keyboard layout is QWERTY which has been adopted from the typewriter. A standard keyboard

includes about 100 keys, each of which sends a different signal to the CPU. It is connected to the computer

through a PS/2 or an USB port. Wireless keyboards use wireless technologies to communicate. Most

commonly used technologies are: Infrared, Radio frequencies and Bluetooth

Touch screen

Touch screens are touch sensitive displays which can detect location of touches within the touch sensitive

display. There are three basic systems that are used to recognize a person's touch:



Surface acoustic wave

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Barcode Reader

A barcode reader is an input device for reading printed barcodes. Like a scanner, it consists

of a light source, a lens and a photo conductor translating optical impulses into electrical

ones. The decoder analyzes the barcode image data and transmits to the CPU. Each barcode

has specific symbols defined as a series of bars in a barcode. The way to differentiate the

barcode is by the height and width as well as the bar spacing. Each strip of bar c an

represent a number, character or alphanumeric character depending on which type of

barcode symbol set is used. Barcodes are printed on nearly every product. The barcode

contains the product details such as product name, size, manufacturer and the country of

origin. The price is looked up from the shop's database.

Optical Mark Reader (OMR)

Reads the markings made by pencil on a printed form into the computer. OMR

(Optical Mark Reader) systems are suited to reading pre-printed forms and check-

boxes such as multiple choice exam papers. The OMR captures data by contrasting

reflectivity at predetermined positions on a page.

Magnetic strip Reader

Magnetic strips are built into many plastic cards such as check guarantee cards, cash-

point cards and personal identity cards. The magnetic strip on the back of the card

can hold the personal details of the card owner and, with the necessary PIN, will allow

access to secure information e.g. bank account details. Data stored on the strip is

scanned and input into a computer system by a magnetic stripe reader.

MIDI devices

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a system designed to transmit information between electronic

musical instruments. A MIDI musical keyboard can be attached to a computer and allow a performer to play

music that is captured by the computer system as a sequence of notes with the associated timing instead of

recording digitized sound waves.

Finger printer reader

Fingerprint scanners are very common now-a-days. Most of the laptop computers are equipped with a finger

print scanner which provides highest level of security from unauthorized use.

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing is a facility of video chat between two people using internet. For video chat all participants

must have some basic equipments like- Video camera, video conferencing software, microphone, speaker etc.

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Output Devices


Computer printer is used to get hard copy of any document stored in electronic form. There are three broad categories of printer: Dot matrix printer, Inkjet printer, Laser printer etc.

Dot matrix printer: In dot matrix printer the print head with umpteen numbers

of pins runs on page and prints by impact, striking an inked cloth ribbon against

the paper, much like a typewriter. This is done by several tiny pins, aligned in a

column, striking an ink ribbon positioned between the pins and the paper,

creating dots on the paper.

Example- Printers at Railway booking counter

Inkjet printer: An inkjet printer is any printer that places extremely small droplets of ink onto paper to

create an image. It is used for color printing & printing cost is high in compare

to other printers like Laser.

Ink cartridges - Depending on the manufacturer and model of the printer, ink

cartridges come in various combinations, such as separate black and color

cartridges, color and black in a single cartridge or even a cartridge for each ink color. The cartridges of

some inkjet printers include the print head itself.

Laser Printer: Laser printers are commonly used in offices for bulk

printing. Because faster in terms of output and cost per page is cheap.

These are best for Black printing. They have in built memory also. It can

store incoming data stream in printer memory and process for printing.

Many heavy-duty printers are network capable. Networked PCs can print

directly from these printers without requiring the printer to be connected to any PC. These printers can

also send, receive fax and make photocopies. Some printers also have Scanner, Fax and copier functions

inbuilt. These are known as MFD or multi-functional devices also as per there working capability.

3D Printer: A 3D printer is a device that allows physical output of the digital material that has been

drawn on the computer. This is the latest printing technology. Research is going on 3D printer



A projector takes a video signal from computer video output and projects the corresponding image on a

projection screen using a lens system. All video projectors use a very bright light to project the image. Video

projectors are widely used for conference room presentations, classroom training, and home theatre

applications Surface Computing

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Microsoft Surface

Microsoft Surface is a touch-based graphical user interface. The system is composed of a horizontal touch

screen under a coffee table-like surface, with cameras mounted below to detect the user interaction. All

interface components such as dialogs, mouse pointer, and windows, are replaced with circles and rectangles

outlining "objects" that are manipulated via drag and drop.


The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a constellation of 27 Earth-orbiting satellites developed and

implemented by the U.S. Military. Global Positioning System satellites

transmit signals to equipment on the ground. GPS receivers passively receive

satellite signals; they do not transmit. GPS receivers require an unobstructed

view of the sky, so they are used only outdoors and they often do not perform

well within forested areas or near tall buildings. GPS operations depend on a

very accurate time reference, which is provided by atomic clocks at the U.S.

Naval Observatory. Each GPS satellite has atomic clocks on board.


Eyeglass monitor projects a high resolution color video image that appears in the

person's line of sight in a viewing angle comparable to a 72 inch monitor from 10 feet

away. Optical techniques are used to present the image in distance focus. Most of

the eyeglass and head-mounted displays can receive inputs from various sources. These displays are used for

various purposes such as entertainment, medical, surveillance etc

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Alternatively referred to as storage, storage media, or storage medium, a storage device is a hardware

device capable of holding information. There are two types storage devices used in computers; a primary storage device such as computer RAM and a secondary storage device such as a computer hard drive. The

secondary storage could be a removable, internal, or external storage.

Ex- Pen drive, Floppy Disk etc.

When saving anything on the computer, you will be asked for the storage location, which is where you want

to save the information. By default most of the information you save will be saved to your computer hard

drive, however, if you want to move the information to another computer you would want to save it to a

removable storage device such as a Jump drive.

Without a storage device, you and your computer would not be able to save any settings or information and

would be considered a dumb terminal. Below, are some additional examples of storage devices that are used

with a computer.

Tip: Keep in mind that although these drives do send and receive information, they are not considered an

input or output device.

Floppy Disk

A Floppy Disk, or FDD or FD for short, is a computer disk that enables a user to save

data to removable diskettes. Floppy disk runs through Floppy Disk drive. 8" disk drives

were first made available in 1971, the first real disk drives used were the 5 1/4" floppy

disk drives, which were later replaced with 3 1/2" floppy disk drives. Today, because of

the limited capacity and reliability of floppy diskettes many computers no longer come

equipped with floppy disk drives and are being replaced with CD-R, other writable discs, and flash drives.

Compact Disc

Known by its abbreviation, CD, a compact disc is a polycarbonate with one or more metal

layers capable of storing digital information. The most prevalent types of compact discs

are those used by the music industry to store digital recordings and CD-ROMs used to

store computer data. Both of these types of compact disc are read-only, which means that

once the data has been recorded onto them, they can only be read, or played.

CD-Rs are a low cost solution for backing up software. Each CD-R often only costs a few bucks (around

Rs.10) and are capable of holding up to 650 MB (74 minutes of music) or 700MB (80 minutes of music).

Although these are still a very popular solution for backing up data, more users are turning to USB thumb

drives to backup and transfer their data.

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Recordable DVD drives

Alternatively referred to as a DVD writer, recordable DVD drives are disc drives capable of creating DVD

discs. There are many different competing standards for creating DVD discs. For example,

DVD-R- Digital Versatile Disc-Recordable

DVD-RW- Digital Versatile Disc-Read/Write

DVD+R- Digital Versatile Disc-Recordable

DVD+R DL (DVD+R9)- Short for Digital Versatile Disc-Recordable Dual Layer.

DVD-RAM - Short for Digital Versatile Disc-Random Access Memory

Jump Drive

Alternatively referred to as a USB flash drive, data stick, pen drive, keychain drive and

thumb drive, a jump drive is a portable drive that is often the size of your thumb that

connects to the computer USB port. Today, flash drives are available in sizes such as

256MB, 512MB, 1GB, 5GB, and 16GB, 32 GB and more and are an easy way to transfer

and store information.

Hard drive

Alternatively referred to as a hard disk drive and abbreviated as HD or HDD, the hard drive is the

computer's main storage media device that permanently stores all data on the computer. As per user

convenient it can partitioned i.e. Disc (D), Disc (E) etc. The hard drive was first introduced on September 13,

1956 and consists of one or more hard drive platters inside of air sealed casing.


A magnetically thin coated piece, plastic wrapped around wheels capable of storing

data. Tape is much less expensive than other storage mediums but commonly a much

slower solution that is commonly used for backup. Today, tape has mostly been

abandoned for faster and more reliable solutions like disc drives, hard drives, and flash


Page 25: DCA- Basic Fundamental, My computer, Desktop, History of computer


Typing Notes

EXERCISE 1 asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh asdfg ;lkjh


EXERCISE 3 Add As Ha Gas Hag Ask Ass Fall Fad Fad Flag All Lad Lag Dash Data Gash Jag Gag Gola Gall Flash Glass Sad Hall Hash Half Flask Agg Kala Lash Shall Shah Kaka Shad Dalal

EXERCISE 4 Qwert poiuy qwert piouy qwert poiuy qwert poiuy qwert poiuy qwert poiuy

Qwert poiuy qwert piouy qwert poiuy qwert poiuy qwert poiuy qwert poiuy

Qwert poiuy qwert piouy qwert poiuy qwert poiuy qwert poiuy qwert poiuy




EXERCISE 6 TO Tie Too Tope Tot Toy Tri Tree True Tour Rope Yellow Queen Towel worry Roop

Row Rat Out Pity Porter Poor Pope Poppet Port Trip Queer Quite Rooty Upper Root

EXERCISE 7 zxcvb /.,mn zxcvb /.,mn zxcvbn /.,mn zxcvb /.,mn zxcvb /.,mn zxcvb /.,mn

zxcvb /.,mn zxcvb /.,mn zxcvbn /.,mn zxcvb /.,mn zxcvb /.,mn zxcvb /.,mn

zxcvb /.,mn zxcvb /.,mn zxcvbn /.,mn zxcvb /.,mn zxcvb /.,mn zxcvbn /.,mn




Page 26: DCA- Basic Fundamental, My computer, Desktop, History of computer


vH;kl 1

s d f g h a’ ; l k j s d f g h a’ ; l k j s d f g h a’ ; l k j s d f g h a’ ; l k j s d f g h a’ ; l k j s d f g h a’ ; l k j s d f g h a’ ; l k j s d f g h a’ ; l k j

vH;kl 2

dg dl lj gj dj ;g fdl flj a’kh’k jkg ghjk lkjk dkj dk’k dkd gkl gkj ghj

ghjk ;kj jkg dkgh dksjk gks’k lkjh fjgk jkgh lkjh lgh dgh a’kdj lksgj f’kdkj f’kdkjh dfgl dfg;s

jksfd;s lgk; lkfjdk lgkjk dgkj

vH;kl 3 S D F G H : L K J S D F G H : L K J S D F G H : L K J S D F G H : L K J S D F G H : L K J S D F G H : L K J S D F G H : L K J S D F G H : L K J

vH;kl 4

Jh Hkh Fkh dS : fG Js; jFk ;Fkk dFkk jFkh gkFk Kkl Fkkg Fkk: ;K :l dkL; gkL; L;kg a’kL; jLlh Jhlj dDdk dDdh gwDdk gfFk;k fdLlk L;kgh :fd;s Hkfj;s Hkksjgs Js;l Kkld dGslh fdlds djHkj

vH;kl 5

w e r t y [ p o I u w e r t y [ p o I u w e r t y [ p o I u w e r t y [ p o I u w e r t y [ p o I u w e r t y [ p o I u

vH;kl 6

er ty p[k ip ou puk pkj iku eku [kku uke iki peu tyu [kyu p[kr etky etkj pirh ugkrh rhjFk Hkjuh djuh [ktkuk ueLrs Hkjiwj tuer djro uedhu pedhyk eyhurk dehurk [kyHkyh uedhuk egduk pgduk euekuk

euekuh djkekrh tythjk eyey ekekth

vH;kl 7

WE R T Y { I O I U WE R T Y { I O I U WE R T Y { I O I U WE R T Y { I O I U WE R T Y { I O I U WE R T Y { I O I U WE R T Y { I O I U WE R T Y { I O I U

vH;kl 8

d{kk {kek i{kh oRl eEeh dPpk yYyk eqYyk esEuk eEeh pPpk tYe lR; E;ku lR;k owysu okWeu a’kjhd E;kW;w E;kuh I;kl I;klh Iyklh IykWoj iw[rk dSEil i[rwu irywe lIrkg O;ogkj O;ogkjh lkIrkfgd lkgfld okeu th lSEiwd dSEiykWu lkfgR; lkfgfR;d

lkekftd dEeywe gEehj gEekfj’k

vH;kl 9

Page 27: DCA- Basic Fundamental, My computer, Desktop, History of computer


z c v b / . , m n z c v b / . , m n z c v b / . , m n z c v b / . , m n z c v b / . , m n z c v b / . , m n z c v b / . , m n z c v b / . , m n

vH;kl 10

xzg vc czt /ku /kzo vxz /;ku bdkbZ mcy cksdsu dzkdjh ,dkxz xzg.k m/kj b/kj ,dkxzrk dzekxr mdlkuk vcrd vf/kdkj v/;k; vf/kHkkj v/;kns’k dczxkg jkek;.k ukjk;.k /;krO; vcjkj vtxn Jo.kh; je.kh; vuqdj.k vuqdze midze vEcjh

,dk,d /kuoku /kughu

vH;kl 11

Z X C V B ? > < M N Z X C V B ? > < M N

Z X C V B ? > < M N Z X C V B ? > < M N

Z X C V B ? > < M N Z X C V B ? > < M N

Z X C V B ? > < M N Z X C V B ? > < M N

vH;kl 12

>juk Bgkdk BBsjk jktsUnz fBdkuk xCcj X;kjg NCcu NIiu Ngjuk >jgj VeVe VjZVjZ BkVckV <dkslyk <Ddu <iksy’ka[k jX?kwyky ?ke.Mh ?kfl;kjk ?kklhjke ?kjckj fo?uck/kk ?kVkVksi xw:?k.Vky XokyVksih Xykfu;wDr X;kjg X;kulkxj X;kupkSdh ?kukuUn

?kupDdj ?kuk{kjh /ku?ke.M niZ;qDr >.Mkokyk d.Mkokyk ek.Mkokyk fNNksysnkj

vH;kl 13

`1234 98765 `1234 98765

`1234 98765 `1234 98765

`1234 98765 `1234 98765

Page 28: DCA- Basic Fundamental, My computer, Desktop, History of computer




1 Alt + Tab Switch program To Jump between different open windows

2 F5 Refresh To Refresh

3 Window + M Minimize All To minimize all open screens

4 F3 Search To open file search

5 Alt + F4 > U Shut down To shut down (almost all window versions)

6 Window + E My Computer To open My Computer

7 Window + R Run To open the RUN option

8 Window > U > U Shut down To shut down your computer (Window XP only)

9 Window > U > R Restart To restart your computer (Window XP only)

10 Window + L Log off To log off your computer

11 Alt + F4 Close the window To close selected


Ctrl + Alt +

Delete Lock computer To lock your computer

13 Shift + Delete



To delete any object/ file/ folder permanently

from computer

14 Alt + Enter Properties Open the properties for the selected object

15 F1 Help To open Microsoft help

16 F2 Rename To rename any selected file

Page 29: DCA- Basic Fundamental, My computer, Desktop, History of computer



Microsoft Windows XP

Microsoft Windows XP is common and widely used Operating system. This is very

easy to use and gives you access to each and every feature of your computer with

total control and comfort. XP here refers to Extreme Programming. The operating

system before XP was Windows 98. Windows XP is 27 % faster than Windows 98

and 34% than Windows 2000

Windows XP is an operating system produced by Microsoft for use on personal computers, including home

and business desktops, laptops and media centers. First released to computer manufacturers on August 24,

2001, it is the second most popular version of Windows, based on installed user base. The name "XP" is short

for "eXPerience"

Windows XP was released worldwide for retail sale on October 25, 2001. It was succeeded by Windows

Vista in January 2007. On April 10, 2012, Microsoft reaffirmed that extended support for Windows XP and

Office 2003 would end on April 8, 2014 and suggested that administrators begin preparing to migrate to a

newer OS.

Components of Windows XP:

1. My Computer: My Computer was initially released with Windows 95 and continued with all

windows versions after that. My Computer allows the user to explore the contents of their

computer drives as well as manage their computer files. My Computer icon, this icon is

almost always located on the top-left portion of the desktop and should look similar to the icon shown in

right. Open My Computer:

You can open it by double click through Mouse or by pressing Window + E

Using My Computer:

My Computer houses all drives (Local disc). External storage drives like- CD/DVD or Pen drives are

also visible here.

Any document you've created music file, picture, or other personal file it's likely that it's contained in

your documents folder. This folder is displayed in My computer as a folder and usually contains your

name. For example, if your username was KIET, this folder would be named KIET's Documents.

As stated earlier, My computer icon can be used for getting configuration of a computer also.

If somebody asks you a question like “What is the configuration of your computer?” – It just means that s/he wants to know at least three important things –

1. What kind of processor (CPU) you have?

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2. How much of memory (RAM) is installed &

3. What is the capacity of your computer’s hard-disk drive (HDD).

You can then add on more details like the size & type of your monitor, keyboard, mouse etc to complete the

description. There are mainly three ways to find the configuration of your computer:

1. You can find out the configuration of a computer by clicking on the System icon in the Control Panel

2. My Computer > Right Click > Configuration > General.

3. Start – > Run > msinfo32. This is what you will get to see when you type this command there and

click on OK.

2. My Document: My Documents is a Microsoft Windows folder that stores documents, program settings,

and other files that are used with many of the programs run on your computer. For example,

when saving a file in Microsoft Word the default folder will often be My Documents. You can

locate the My Document folder on left top of desktop. But if you are unable to locate you can access the

file and folders of the same as following:

My Computer > Double Click the xx document (xx is the name of user account)


My Computer > C: > Document and Settings > xx

3. Recycle Bin: Recycle bin is the folder where your all deleted files/folders/documents are send.

Whenever we delete any of them they transferred to Recycle bin. You can retrieve the documents

by double clicking on the document and then pressing Restore. The document will then

automatically send to the location from where it was deleted. While you can delete any file permanently also by pressing Shift + Delete

4. My Network places: Here you can see all network connections. You can also access them by double


5. Desktop: Background of computer screen is called desktop.

6. Start Button: It is found on left-below side of desktop. It contains list of all programs and files to reach

and use.

7. Taskbar: Vertical line housing some options and buttons is known as Taskbar.

8. Clock: It locates in right most of taskbar. It is used for watch time. The clock don’t stop when computer

is shut down. While a small battery is fixed in computer to run the clock. Date of computer is also

managed by here and can be seen by pointing cursor on them.

9. Window: Window is a rectangular frame having title on top and contains of the specific program.

Whenever we open any program it opens in its own window only. Some basic terms related to windows:

Maximize: It is used to reduce or enlarge the size of a window. It is found on top right of the


Minimize: It is used to minimize the screen to the task bar.

Closing window: Closing buttton is used to close any running program.

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10. Shut down window: To shut down your computer having windows use any of the followings:

Click on start button > Shut down/Turn off > Shut down

Press Window button on keyboard > U > U

Alt + F4 > Click on Shut Down/Turn off or Press U

11. Restart Window: Sometimes when windows doesn’t work properly we need to restart it. Make sure that

all files and folders are closed before restarting it.

Click on start button > Shut down/Turn off > Restart

Press Window button on keyboard > U > R

Alt + F4 > Click on Restart off or Press R

12. Log off: Log off is the action to close or switch any user id in computer. You can log off your computeru


Window + L or

Start > Log off

13. Help : By pressing F1 you can access help screen from any window for getting related help.

11. Search: This option is used to search any file, folder, song, picture etc in computer. To access search

screen press :Start > Search or Press F3 direct from Window screen. Practical Session: Say your instructor to teach you full use of the Search option. Write it down in your


Page 32: DCA- Basic Fundamental, My computer, Desktop, History of computer


Arrange Icons By (Right Click on Desktop)

इसका योग Icons को व भ न तर क स े यवि थत (arrange) करन ेके लए कया जाता है.

Name: Icons को alphabetically (पहले a, फर b, फर c, …. अंत म z) यवि थत (arrange) करन ेके लए

Size: Icons को उनके data size के हसाब स ेसजान ेके लए

Type: Icons को उनके use type के हसाब से सजान ेके लए

Modified: Icons को उनके last modification date/time के हसाब से सजान ेके लए

Auto arrange: Auto arrange use करन ेके बाद सभी icons वयं desktop के left side म आ जायगे. Auto arrange करन ेके

बाद आप कसी भी icon को desktop म अ य कह ं नह ंरख पाएगें. ऐसा करन ेपर वह वयं left side आ जायेगा.

Align to Grid: Icons को सह तर के स ेarrange करन ेके लए.

Show Desktop Icons: इसका योग करके Desktop से icons को गायब कया जा सकता है.


इसम installed programs (word, excel, corel draw, zip etc) क list रहती है. इसका योग कर हम new file, folder,

shortcut etc open कर सकते ह.

Folder: Folder is just like a box, that contains different types of files, folders, document etc at single place. It

helps you to keep similar documents at a single place.

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Properties का योग Wallpaper, Screen Saver एव ंTheme को change करन ेके लए कया जाता है.

Themes: Windows XP म मु यतः दो themes होते है. Windows XP एवं Classic. इस options का योग कर हम इनमे से कसी

को चुन सकते ह

Desktop ( Desktop > Right click > Properties)

Desktop option का योग करके हम Wallpaper एवं उससे स बं धत settings म प रवतन ला सकते ह.

Background: इसम कुछ default photos/ pictures दए होते ह िजनको हम अपन ेdesktop पर wallpaper के प म लगान ेके

लए चुन सकते है. बस मनचाहा wallpaper select क िजये और Apply Button

दबाइए, पसंद आये तो Okay Button दबाइए और नह ंतो दसुरे picture को चुन

ल िजये.

Position: इससे desktop पर wallpaper क positioning क जाती है. इसम

तीन options होते ह: Tile, Stretch & Centre

Browse: इसके योग स ेcomputer म कह ं भी रखी कसी photo/ picture को

wallpaper के लए चुन जा सकता है.

Colour: इसका योग desktop के background colour के लये कया जाता

है. यह मुखतः तब काम आता है जब wallpaper को centre म कया गया हो.

Screen Saver (Desktop > Right Click > Properties > Screen Saver) You might have seen that sometimes when we stop working on computer after a fixed time a name or object

or picture rotates on screen. This is called Screen Saver.

In Windows we can set and change the screen saver very easily. Important terms in right side screen:

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Screen Saver: Here you can select any screen saver of your

choice that is already saved in windows.

Preview: To see a preview of selected Screen saver

Wait: Set the time (in minute) to wait for start the screen

saver after you stop working on computer.

Select time as screen saver:

Select 3D text as screen saver > Settings > Time > Ok

Set your name as Screen Saver:

3D text > Settings > Text > Type your name > Ok

(By using options there you can change the color of text, revolving style, size of text, revolving speed,

resolution etc also)

Task Bar Desktop के नचल े ह से को Task Barकहते ह. Task Bar म Clock, Quick launch, Start etc buttons होते ह.


Task Bar > Double Click on Clock > अब आप अपन ेअनुसार Date & Time Change कर सकते ह.

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Right Click on Taskbar

Toolbar: By clicking on the options given here you can add or remove them from taskbar for direct access.

Lock the Taskbar: By clicking and removing tick from this option, taskbar can be made free for movement on the desktop. You can then increase the size of taskbar as well as position it on the top or left or right of the desktop.

Taskbar Properties: Auto-Hide the Taskbar: After using this, taskbar hide automatically from desktop and appears when cursor

is positioned to the below of screen.

Keep the taskbar on top of other windows: If we use the option, taskbar will appear after maximize any screen also. If set to no, the taskbar will disappear after maximizing the screen.

Group Similar taskbar buttons: Use it to group all similar open windows on taskbar.

Show Quick Launch: Quick launch are tabs found after Start button on taskbar. These are used to quick access of any program. You can add any icon here by dragging them from desktop between them.

Show the Clock: To Keep or remove clock from Taskbar.

Task Bar Properties > Start Menu: Start Menu के view के style को

change करने के लए

Start Menu: Use it to change the basic view of start button.

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Start: It contains all basic folders of Windows and programs installed afterin. You can use and access any of them

by clicking onthem. In left side you can see list of recently and mostly used programs while some basic

program folders like- My Document, My Recent Document, My picture, Control panel can be seen in Right


At the below left side of the start you can see a tab named All program. Here you will get list of the

programs. In folder named Accessories you will get some extra features like Calculator,


See the tools under Accessories like Magnifier, Calculator etc in All Programs.

Control Panel

Start > Control Panel

The Control Panel is a part of the Microsoft Windows which allows users to view and manipulate basic

system settings and controls, such as adding hardware, adding and removing software, controlling user

accounts, adding more fonts and changing accessibility options. Additional options can be provided by third

party software. Control Panel is implemented as a special folder, i.e. the folder does not physically exist

The Control Panel has two views: Classic View and Category View

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(Category View) (Classic View)

It is possible to switch between these through an option that appears on either the left side or top of the window. Here you will be taught about main tabs of the control panel only. But you can ask your instructor about other.

Note: Your instructor will show you practical use of all the tabs detailed below. But you may be restricted to

repeat or do practical of them. For any mistake or loss by using these you will be sole responsible

Add or Remove Program: Under this tab you can view all external programs installed with your computer.

By clicking on any specific program (software) you can uninstall them from your computer.

Font: You can add or remove any font from your computer using this tab. Here you get a list of all fonts

installed with computer.

User Accounts: Use it to create a user in computer. You can create, alter and delete your User account here.

Create a new user account: Control Panel > User account > Create a new account

Change name of any user account: Control Panel > User account > User account > Click on the

user account you wanna change > Change name

Create Password: Control Panel > User account >

User account > Click on the user > Set a password

Remove password: Control Panel > User account >

User account > Click on the user account > Change

password > Delete the password written there > Ok

Set your picture as User account photo: Control

Panel > User account > User account > Click on the

user account > Change the picture > Browse for more pictures > Select picture from computer > Ok

Delete any user account: Control Panel > User account > User account > Click on the user account

you > Delete the account > Delete files > Ok

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Courtesy: -Richard Barnhart, Ph.D.

Definition Computer Virus:

1. A set of computer instructions 2. Deliberately (knowingly) created 3. And does unwanted things.

Characteristics of Computer Viruses:

1. Cannot exist in a viable form, apart from another usual program.

2. Propagates when the host program is executed.

3. Has an incubation (neutral) period, during which no damage is done.

4. After incubation period, begins to manifest its behavior.

A Few Manifestations of Computer Viruses:

1. Sudden or periodic slowing of programs.

2. Unexplained change in the size of any program.

o Files with extension .EXE.

o Files with extension .COM.

o Files with extension .BAT.

o Files with extension .SYS.

o Files with extension .OVL.

3. Unusual behavior of the computer, especially during a program which you have been running

regularly with no problems.

4. Failure of any program (such as a word processor) to install correctly from its distribution (original)

disks. (Many programs check their own size after installation.)

Programs which are NOT viruses: 1. Trojan horse: a standalone program which does its damage immediately, while you are running it for

another purpose (usually a game!).

2. Bomb: a standalone program (like a Trojan horse) whose only effect is to destroy some part of your

system (programs, data) but does not pretend to be another program while it runs.

3. Bug: a legitimate program with some logic error which causes accidental damage to your system even

though everything was done according to the manual.

4. User error: a human error (which the human may deny!) which causes loss of data or programs, or

damage to hardware, due to accident or entry of incorrect commands.

A few kinds of virus-caused behavior: 1. Formats hard drive, destroying all data ("Dark Avenger" virus).

2. Causes random change in typed characters ("Teatime" virus).

3. Presents a political or (false) advertising message every few times ("Stoned" virus: Legalize Marijuana).

4. Causes computer to act as though a monitor or disk drive is going bad ("Jerusalem-B" virus).

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How viruses are spread: 1. Trading, copying or pirating software on diskettes without knowing the source.

2. Software salesmen giving demos on your computer from their diskettes.

3. Computer repair personnel using diagnostic disks.

4. Computer user groups and bulletin boards (BBS's). NOTE: #2 & #3 account for over 80% of all

infections at business sites! #1 accounts for nearly all others, #4 LESS THAN 5%.

Antivirus Antivirus are computer programs that attempt to identify, neutralize or eliminate malicious software. Anti-virus is so named because the earliest examples were designed exclusively to combat computer viruses; however most modern antivirus software is now designed to combat a wide range of threats, including worms, phishing attacks, rootkits, trojan horses and other malware.

Antivirus scans files or your computer's memory for certain patterns that may indicate an infection. The patterns it looks for are based on the signatures, or definitions, of known viruses. Virus authors are continually releasing new and updated viruses, so it is important that you have the latest definitions installed on your computer.

NOTE: Before you install antivirus software, check to make sure you don't already have an antivirus product on your computer. If you do, be sure to remove the product you don't want before you install the new one. It can cause problems on your computer to have two different antivirus products installed at the same time.

avast! Free Antivirus is a full-featured antivirus package for non-commercial, home users.

Avira Free Antivirus is a free antivirus, that constantly scans your computer for malicious programs.

Dr.Web CureIt! is a freeware utility, which will help you quickly scan and cure Windows.

Microsoft Security Essentials provides protection against viruses, spyware, adware, root kits, worms and


AVG Anti-Virus Free — antivirus and antispyware protection for Windows available to download for free.

Kaspersky AVP Tool is designed to remove all types of infections from your computer.

Emsisoft Anti-Malware is system scanning program, finding and destroying malicious software.

Panda Cloud Antivirus protects you while you browse, play or work and you won’t even notice it.

Comodo Antivirus is efficient antivirus that detects and destroys malware and viruses.

Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ is no ordinary anti-spyware and anti-virus, offered to protect home computers

from malware.

AVZ Antiviral Toolkit is a freeware application designed to delete adware and spyware modules, worms,

Trojans. Some other popular antivirus -oneAlarm Free Antivirus, Zillya, Outpost Security Suite, Defender

Free Edition, K7, Quick Heal antivirus etc

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Now you are aware of computer and it’s basic uses and works.

Here we have learnt about computer’s history, types, parts, peripherals, Antivirus, desktop, Windows XP etc.

So, are you ready to handle my Bombs (say it feedback questions)… don’t worry they are not so dangerous

like Atom bomb.

1. As you know you are here for knowledge of basic computer. Suppose before the Fundamental your

computer knowledge was like Acting of Vivek oboroi, Than compare your present knowledge with any
