dc summit june 2016 lf lookbook

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M I S S I O N S TAT E M E N TThe Leaders Forum is dedicated to promoting awareness of the growing social, political and cultural importance of Asian Americans, and to developing pathways for Asian Americans to move from pri-vate sector leadership to public service. Leaders Forum seeks to cul-tivate an equitable society by building collaborative platforms to reinforce identity for the diverse AAPI community, and enhance their influence.

The Leaders Forum is a nonpartisan, nonprofit network of leaders and strategic partners in government and private industry. It con-venes high-level discussion and encourages thoughtful deliberation among civic and business leaders about emerging national and global challenges. Its hallmark is an emphasis on the United States' relations with the Asia-Pacific region. The Leaders Forum provides leading, authoritative analysis of Asian American demographics and related public policy issues. The Leaders Forum's programs are de-signed to advance talented, highly-qualified Asian American Pacific Islanders into key positions of leadership in government and civil so-ciety.

The Leaders Forum is founded and guided by leaders in business, technology, science, public policy, the arts and government. It is headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area and Washington, DC.


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W H O W E A R E As a thought leadership institution, the Leaders Forum has a number of resident and affiliated experts among its trusted global network of executives and fellows. They have the capacity to provide credi-ble subject-matter perspectives and opinions with authority who are intentionally diverse, and are stable and effective sources for high level policy discussions and media. Additionally, the Leaders Forum is committed to mentoring promising future leaders by sharing the expertise, network and resources of its members. In so doing, we are able to insure the continued dialogue and examination of strategic actions related to our goals.

As an executive convener, we focus on framing the agenda for future meaningful conversations where the private and public interests in-tersect. With innovative and pragmatic alignment, we will help shape the issues that matter to our rapid and growing advancement in the US. We do so with a bi-coastal lens as a bridge between the rest of the country and the Beltway, as well as, internationally recognizing the importance of the global perspective of all countries of origin of AAPIs.

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H I S T O R YIn the fall of 2014, several commissioners of the White House Initia-tive on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (WHIAAPI) had the in-spiration to convene powerful heads of both industry and community to leverage their thought leadership and address challenges facing AAPIs at all levels in this country. From there, senior Administration officials and accomplished thought leaders convened at the White House. Realizing there was a need for a supportive non-profit and non-parti-san organization outside and separate from the federal government, the Leaders Forum was launched to focus on the growing AAPI pow-er base in the U.S. The Leaders Forum’s guiding principal was then and is now to align and execute for a common united agenda. That principal is to highlight the contributions of the AAPI community and break down stereotypes that limit greater contributions. It exists to solve the problem of false stereotypes of the Asian American Pa-cific Islander community.

Despite an abundance of accomplished leaders in all facets of Amer-ican life, AAPIs face a “Bamboo Ceiling” because of a stereotype that they are “good workers but not leaders.”

The Leaders Forum will erode that bias by highlighting the individual successes across various industries and disciplines.

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P RO G R A M S / S T R AT E G I E SExecutive Excellence Network PlatformBuild a LinkedIn-style tool to collect, store and display profiles of up-and-coming and established Asian American Pacific Islander civic leaders, subject-matter experts, etc. Also use this tool and its data to help generate short lists for appointed position vacancies. Public and Members Only EventsA series of topical and timely convenings in strategic locations (SF, DC, etc.) designed to showcase the organization’s convening power and the expertise of its executives and fellows. Global Digital NetworkAssemble a global, digital network of leading influencers for the Lead-ers Forum to promote and respond to critical AAPI issues through major and social media.

Leaders Forum Fellows ProgramIdentify and cultivate AAPI subject-matter experts and anoint them with Leaders Forum Fellow status.

Research Policy Agenda and PublishingGenerate demographic and other analysis about the AAPI commu-nity and relevant issues; establish one or more signature research products.

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W E L C O M EOn behalf of my co-chair Shekar Narasimhan and the Leaders Forum, I would like to welcome you to Washington D.C.

You have been chosen because of your unique individual accomplishments and extremely valuable thought leadership.

This special gathering of the Leaders Forum will allow you to learn and discuss issues and policies that are critical to the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community, while engaging directly with Senior Administration officials and your peers. The AAPI community is one of the fastest growing, richly diverse, and complex segments of the U.S. population, representing more than 30 different ethnicities.

As evidence by your success, the AAPI community has harnessed significant assets over several short decades producing prominent business leaders and entrepreneurs, numerous doctors and scientists, notable authors and artists, and influential policymakers, all making major contributions to this country’s prosperity. In addition, our next generation holds even more potential and promise than ever before.

However, there also remains a significant challenge in leveraging these assets and future talent to cultivate a comprehensive, policy-focused agenda. To maximize impact, the agenda has to have broad support by community advocates AND influential leaders.

In a presidential election year, the imperative to address this challenge is that much more important.

This is our aim - to overcome that challenge and forge ahead with a relevant agenda and make mean-ingful progress for all our AAPI communities across America. Your active participation will help ensure that all segments, including the most vulnerable and underserved, are guaranteed a vibrant future in this country.

It is my belief that this is a special time for Asian American Pacific Islanders in the U.S. A time where we will be seen and heard like never before. A time where we have a rare and exceptional opportunity to create a legacy which will benefit generations to come.It is time to harness all of your incredible talents and strategic abilities for our collective strength to build that legacy - together.

To Build anything worthwhile - we must be Bold.

With sincerest appreciation and gratitude,

Lorna Randlett

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AG E N DAW E D N E S DAY, M AY 11, 2 016





G a t h e r i n g w i t h P h i l i p p i n e A m b a s s a d o r C u i s i aEmbassy of the Phi l ipp ines1600 Massachusetts Ave . NW, Washington , DC 20036

C a p i t o l H i l l We l c o m e Re c e p t i o nRusse l l Senate Off ice Bui ld ing , Room 3852 Const i tut ion Ave NE, Washington , DC 20002

T H U R S DAY, M AY 1 2 , 2 016





A A P I s & t h e M e d i a w i t h t h e Wa s h i n g t o n P o s tThe Washington Post1301 K St NW, Washington , DC 20071

L e a d e r s F o r u m W h i t e H o u s e P o l i c y S u m m i tEisenhower Execut ive Off ice Bui ld ing , Room 3501650 Pennsy lvan ia Ave NW, Washington , DC 20502

We l c o m e t o t h e L e a d e r s F o r u mLorna Rand let t , Shekar Naras imhan Leaders Forum Co-Chairs

A A P I D e m o g r a p h i c Tr e n d s & F e d e r a l G o v e r n m e n t Re c o g n i t i o n o f D i f -f e r e n c e s a m o n g A A P I S u b - G r o u p sJohn H. Thompson D irector, U.S. Census Bureau Doua Thor Execut ive Director, Whi te House In i t iat ive on As ian Amer icans and Pac i f ic I s landers

A c c e s s t o H i g h e r E d u c a t i o nTed Mitche l l Under Secretary, U.S. Dept of Educat ion

B r e a k

Tr a d e w i t h A s i a n C o u n t r i e s & E c o n o m i c C o n t r i b u t i o n o f A A P I s i n U S ARobert Ho l leyman Ambassador, Deputy U.S. Trade Representat ive Off ice of the U.S. Trade Representat ive Arun Kumar Ass istant Secretary, U.S. Dept of Commerce











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F R I DAY, M AY 13 , 2 016

11:00am S u p r e m e C o u r t To u r1 F irst St NE, Washington , DC 20504




A A P I s i n S e n i o r F e d e r a l S e r v i c e P a n e l D i s c u s s i o n Moderator -A lbert Shen Nat iona l Deputy Director, M inor i ty Bus iness Deve lopment AgencyMiche l le K . Lee Under Secretary of Commerce for Inte l lectua l Property and Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Off iceKiran Ahuja Chief of Staf f, U.S. Off ice of Personne l ManagementJu l iet K . Choi Chief of Staf f, U.S. C i t i zensh ip and Immigrat ion Serv icesDavid Yeh Former Senior Adv isor, Whi te House Nat iona l Economic Counci l

C l o s i n gTina Tchen Ass istant to the Pres ident , Ch ief of Staf f to the F i rst Lady

L e a d e r s F o r u m W h i t e H o u s e Re c e p t i o n Ind ian Treaty Room, 1650 Pennsy lvan ia Ave NW, Washington , DC

L e a d e r s F o r u m M e e t a n d G r e e t w i t h A A P I P r e s i d e n t i a l A p p o i n t e e s f o l l o w e d by N o - H o s t D i n n e r / Wo r k i n g D i n n e r f o r L F C o m m i t t e e s Old Ebbi t t Gr i l l 675 15th St NW, Washington DC 2000





T H U R S DAY, M AY 1 2 , 2 016


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R E C A P L E A D E R S F O R U M S U M M I T D . C .I want to thank you for coming to the Leaders Forum Annual Washington DC trip during Asian American Pacific Islanders Heritage Month.

We covered "3 branches of government in 3 days" as George Mui of the U.S. Department of Commerce reminded me.


- Meet and Greet hosted by Philippine Ambassador Jose Cuisia- Opening reception at the Senate - Washington Post panel on the future of AAPIs in the media (which led to an invitation by the Post to start planning a co-branded Washington Post/Leaders Forum AAPI event in the coming year)- Executive briefing/reception at the WH with high level administration officials- A rare, private one-hour conversation with Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer

To apply for a Leaders Forum membership: https://form.jotform.com/61356243649157

To view event photos: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B9UETpygAfgcRGc5M3lQbElIRUU&usp=shar-ing

Best Regards,

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W E D N E S DAY, M AY 11, 2 016

Leaders Forum holds a Capitol Hill Welcome Reception featuring a meet and greet with Philippines Ambassador Jose Cuisia.

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T H U R S DAY, M AY 1 2 , 2 016

Leaders Forum White House Policy Summit gathers notable speakers including Kiran Ahuja, Juliet Choi, Robert Holleyway, Arun Kumar, Michelle Lee, Tina Tchen, Albert Shen and David Yeh to speak about critical AAPI issues.

Washington Post panel featuring journalists Michelle Lee, David Nakamura and Doris Truong and media experts, Bing Chen, Fritz Friedman and Wenda Fong.

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T H U R S DAY, M AY 1 2 , 2 016

Tina Tchen, Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff for the First Lady, closes out the Leaders Forum Summit.

Shaun Donovan, Director of OMB and Congressman Joaquin Castro speak during the Leaders Forum.

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F R I DAY, M AY 13 , 2 016

The Leaders Forum White House Summit ends with a rare, private conversation with Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer.

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Kiran Ahuja brings two decades of public service leadership and experience in the Federal Government and the not-for-profit sector to her role as Chief of Staff at the Office of Personnel Management. Before joining OPM, Kiran was the Executive Director of the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. During her six years as Executive Director, Kiran led the Ad-ministration’s efforts to increase access to federal services, resources and programs for underserved Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI). In other roles, Kiran worked tirelessly to address challenges impacting communities of color, and was a leader among national AAPI and women’s rights organizations. She was the first Executive Director of the National Asian Pacific Americans Women’s Forum and built the organization into a strong and vibrant network of AAPI wom-en leaders across the country. Kiran was also a trial attorney in the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division where she litigated educa-tion-related discrimination cases. She joined the department through its Honors Program. Kiran immigrated to the U.S. as a young child, and grew up in Savannah, Georgia.

Ch ief of Staf fU.S. Off ice of Personne l Management


Don Aoki is a tech entrepreneur, startup advisor, and angel investor, engaged in causes related to education, poverty alleviation and civil rights. Don is an alumnus of four Silicon Valley start-ups, an early employee at Oracle, and founding executive of Keynote Systems, a provider of services to measure and improve the performance of websites and applications. Don is Chief Advisor at Bears for Humanity, an award-winning social commerce startup making certified organic toys and gifts, supported by a supply chain free of child labor, provid-ing jobs to at-risk mothers from shelters. He is also President of the Foothill-De Anza Community College Foundation, raising funds for two of the leading community colleges in the nation, supporting disadvan-taged youth, first generation college students and veterans.Don builds houses locally and in Africa, Asia and Europe with Habitat for Humanity Global Village, and teaches entrepreneurship and busi-ness skills to people with criminal histories through Defy Ventures. He also serves on the board of Poston Community Alliance, preserving the stories, artifacts and historic structures of the Poston concen-tration camp where 18,000 Americans of Japanese ancestry were confined during World War II.

Pres identFooth i l l -De Anza Foundat ion

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President and Owner of Austriaco and Associates, Ltd. a commer-cial and real estate litigation law firm. A DePaul graduate with a B.S. Finance and Juris Doctor. Past President of Chicago Bar Association, a 140 year old and one of the largest metropolitan bar association; Governor appointed Commissioner- Illinois Courts Commission; CEO- ATG Legal Serve Corp.; Board member-Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund Inc.; Board member-Presence Health of Illinois;Past President- Asian American Institute; Past President- Ilinois Real Estate Lawyers Asso-ciation; Past Commissioner- Cook County Human Rights Commission; Past Commissioner- Park Ridge Planning and Zoning Commission; Past Board Member-Hubbard Street Dance of Chicago. She is also a fellow of the Leadership Greater Chicago and the Edgars Fellow. Aurora has received numerous awards including the Asian American Coalition Lunar New Year Ping Tom Award, CBA Vanguard Award, In-stitute of Women Sister Margaret Traxler Awardee, etc. Also a member of the Economic Club of Chicago, American Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines, to name a few.

AU RO R A AU S T R I AC OPres ident Aust r iaco and Assoc iates Ltd

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Mr. Jay Bhandari has been a successful, veteran community activist and religious leader in numerous capacities.. He has written many articles and published books and magazines. He has over 15 years experience in Management, launching, running and mentoring Busi-nesses/Organizations. Currently, he is the Commissioner of Virginia Public School Authority Board and also the Regional Coordinator for Washington DC of Global Organization of People of Indian Ori-gin . Prior to this, he also served as the President of United Hindu & Jain Temples Association of Metro Washington a congregation of 16 Temples of Maryland, Virginia and DC, as President of Jain Society of South Florida as well as Director of Jaina (Jain Association of North-ern America & Canada). Also Vice Chair ( State & Local Affairs) For Fair Fax County Democratic Committee. He has organized numerous large events (10,000+ attendees), programs and projects for the well being of the community. He has also organized food drive and col-lected & distributed food for 365+ homeless people through Loudon County Interfaith Center in Northern Virginia. Provide free medical services for people who could not afford care/insurance. Also active member of 911 Unity Walk for more than 7 years. And Member: Inter-faith Center of Tysons Corner.

Ruchi Bhowmik is EY's Director of Strategic Initiatives working direct-ly with the firm’s Global Chairman and CEO. In this capacity, Ruchi advises the Chairman/CEO on broad range of issues as well as the alignment of strategy with execution and implementation. Ruchi leads and manages key projects and provides insight on communication strategy for the Chairman. Ruchi manages key external relationships with regulators, think-tanks, media and others. She and serves as EY’s Strategy Officer for the World Economic Forum. Prior to joining EY (formerly Ernst & Young), Ruchi worked in the White House from 2009-2013, most recently as Deputy Assistant to President Obama and Deputy Cabinet Secretary. As Deputy Cabinet Secretary she served as a chief liaison with the President’s cabinet. Prior to taking that position in 2011, Ruchi was the Special Assistant to the Presi-dent for Policy in the Office of the Chief of Staff. In that role she was the chief advisor to the Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy and advised on issues including health care reform, education policy, innovation, and energy and climate change. She also served as the point person in the Office of the Chief of Staff on crises such as the H1N1 pandemic and the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill.

Reg iona l Coord inator, Ret i red

R U C H I B H O W M I KDirector of St rateg ic In i t iat ives , Off ice of the Globa l Chairman & CEO, EY

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Irene co-founded Neuva Vista Group. Prior, she served in the Clinton Administration as Special Assistant to the President in the White House Chief of Staff’s Office and Domestic Policy Council and as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Legislation at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Early in her career, she worked as a Legislative Assistant for Senator Alan Cranston (D-CA) and Congressman Edward Roybal (D-CA).Advises on issues ranging from education to health care. She has worked with House and Senate Democratic Leadership; Congressional Committees with jurisdiction over health, educa-tion, and appropriations issues; and the Tri-Caucus (Congressio-nal Hispanic Caucus, Black Caucus, and Asian Pacific American Caucus). She serves on multiple national AAPI boards: Asian American Justice Center’s National Advisory Council, Asian American Action Fund Board, and previously served on the Board of the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS).

Michael Byun is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Asian Services In Action, Inc., a position he has held since 2009. Previously, he held other roles at that organization after joining it in 2003. Mr. Byun is the Past President of the Ohio Asian American Health Coalition. He serves on the Ohio Governor’s AAPI Advisory Council and the Board Co-Chair of the National Coalition of Asian Pacific Ameri-can Community Development. He advises the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations, which serves AAPI health clinics around the country, and is a founding member of AIM for Equity, a coalition of over 30 national and local AAPI organizations. Mr. Byun is a 2015 German Marshall Fund Fellow and a 2010 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Fellow. He received a B.A. and an M.P.A. from the University of Washington.

Partner, NVG LLC

M I C H A E L B Y U NCommiss ioner Pres ident 's Adv isory Commiss ion on AAPIs

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Dr. Alice T. Chen is a practicing internal medicine physician the Executive Director of Doctors for America - a movement of thou-sands of physicians and medical students across all 50 states in advocating for the health and well-being of their patients. Under her leadership, Doctors for America has mobilized physicians across the country to speak out on issues from access to care to social determinants of health. Campaigns have included the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), a 2012 Patients Over Politics Bus Tour, ACA outreach and enrollment, Medicaid ex-pansion, defense of the Public Health and Prevention Fund, two Supreme Court cases on the Affordable Care Act, protection of access to contraception and abortion, efforts to lift the effective ban on CDC gun violence prevention research, and the confir-mation of the 19th Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy. She has spoken extensively on health issues and physician advocacy in national media and with physician and public audiences.

A L I C E C H E N Execut ive DirectorDoctors for Amer ica

B I N G ( S P E N C E R ) C H E N

Bing Chen is a founding architect of the multi-billion dollar digital creator ecosystem as YouTube’s Global Head of Creator Develop-ment & Management, where he was responsible for the global pro-gram strategy that engaged more than 500 million content creators worldwide. Bing co-founded and co-led ventures such as the global expansion and evolution of the YouTube Partner Program; the compa-ny’s flagship talent incubator; the launch of Watch Time (the guiding algorithm of the platform); YouTube’s investment in major industry en-gagements like VidCon (largest online video convention), the DigiTour (largest digital star tour), and YouTube FanFest (largest fan festival); and programs to elevate YouTube’s top native stars to superstardom. Today, Bing is Founder of Bing+Studios, a next generation digital media studio and consultancy, as well as Victorious, a global superfan platform that is venture-backed by Kleiner Perkins, Redpoint Ventures, BDMI, WME, UTA, and Lowercase Capital. His work has been featured in numerous global publications and he has been recognized as one of Forbes’ Top 30 Under 30 Leaders and The Hollywood Reporter’s Top 35 Next Generation Leaders.

Founder B ing Stud ios & V ictor ious Inc .

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J U L I E T K . C H O I

From 2012 to 2014, Ms. Choi was the chief of staff and senior advisor for the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Her areas of responsibility included civil rights policy, intra-HHS coordination, legislative and intragovernmental affairs, out-reach and stakeholder relations. From 2006 to 2011, Ms. Choi worked with the American Red Cross, National Headquarters, serving as a member of the Disaster Services executive leadership team in the capacity of senior director for disas-ter partnerships. She was the principal in charge for both overseeing its national strategy for diverse and inclusive private sector partner-ships and administrative management of the nation’s premiere disas-ter case management technology consortium. Under her leadership, she helped to steward critical new partnerships with several groups including the Legal Services Corporation, National Baptist Conven-tion USA, and the National Disability Rights Network. From 2004 to 2006, Ms. Choi served at the Asian American Justice Center as the inaugural NAPABA (National Asian Pacific American Bar Association) Partners Community Law Fellow and staff attorney. Her efforts led to amending the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assis-tance Act to protect limited English speakers.

Ch ief of Staf fUni ted States Ci t i zensh ip & Immigrat ion

Francis Cheung is President of AAPA (Asian American Professional Association) and a retired technology executive. Francis has a deep passion for developing leaders and has been an advocate for the advancement of Asian American professionals. He served as Co-Chair of Asian Leadership Network at Bank of America and as a long-time board member of AAPA. Francis has over 35 years of technology management experience in Financial Services, Entertainment, Oil Services and Engineering/Construction. He held technology manage-ment positions at Bank of America, American President Lines, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Halliburton Company and Brown & Root. Francis was Senior Vice President for Bank of America where he was responsible for infrastructure demand management which includes forecast, capacity and performance management of infrastructure resources until 2015. Prior to joining Bank of America, Francis was Director, Technical Services and later as Director, Technology Planning through 2005 before he moved to Oakland, California and led the program management function as Director, Program Management Office.

F R A N C I S C H E U N GPres identAs ian Amer ican Profess iona l Assoc iat ion

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Aneesh Chopra is the co-founder and EVP of Hunch Analyt-ics, a “hatchery” incubating ideas that improve the produc-tivity of health and education markets, including NavHealth, open data intelligence service. From 2009-2012, he served as the first U.S. Chief Technology Officer with a focus on better public/private collaboration as described in his 2014 book, "Innovative State: How New Technologies can Transform Government." In 2011, he was named to Mod-ern Healthcare's list of the 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare and in 2008, to Government Technology mag-azine's Top 25 in their Doers, Dreamers, and Drivers issue. He is a Member of the Council on Virginia’s Future, earned his master's degree in public policy from Harvard Kennedy School in 1997 and his bachelor's degree from The Johns Hopkins University in 1994.

A N E E S H C H O P R A CEONavHeal th


Jason Chu is a hip-hop and spoken word artist based in Los Angeles with a mission to "speak hope, healing, and justice in a broken world."After graduating from Yale with a degree in philosophy, Jason worked in the faith-based nonprofit sector for four years before moving to LA to pursue music. Jason has toured nationally and internationally, perform-ing and speaking at colleges, conferences, and community events about ethnicity in new media, mental health and depression, anti-bullying, and more. He has collaborated with diverse partners like the White House, ISA TV, and Stan Lee. You can find his work online at http://youtube.com/jasonchumusic

Art istJason Chu Music

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Andrew is the Founder and Managing Partner of 1955 Capital and a thought leader in U.S.-China cross-border collaboration in innovative technologies. Andrew founded 1955 Capital in late 2015 to invest in advanced technology from the Americas and Europe that have the potential to solve the most challenging problems in the developing world – starting with China. The firm has completed a first close on $200 million in anchor commitments, making this one of the largest venture firm debuts in recent memory. Prior to founding 1955 Capital, Andrew was a general partner at Khosla Ventures, a leading glob-al venture capital firm managing $5 billion. Andrew was one of six partners who managed the firm, focusing on energy, food, agriculture, health & education and serving on 10 company boards, including Lanzatech, Ecomotors, Cogenra & LS9. He also led Khosla’s China activities, helping a number of startups raise hundreds of millions to launch in China. Prior to Khosla, Andrew was at Lightspeed Ventures. Andrew is a leading global voice on sustainability and U.S.-China col-laboration, serving on several White House Roundtables & as a special advisor to the 2015 U.S.-China trade mission led by the Secretaries of Commerce & Energy. Andrew previously worked at Bain Capital, TL Ventures & UberWorks

A N D R E W C H U N GFounder, Managing Partner1955 Capi ta l


Coral Chung is an entrepreneur, former strategy consultant and tech-nology executive. Coral is currently Co-Founder & CEO of SENREVE, a luxury brand for the millennial professional woman. SENREVE was founded in the fall of 2015 to focus on developing luxurious and func-tional products that address that “wants” and “needs” of the modern woman. The company has raised angel capital from prominent inves-tors, including JetBlue’s Chairman, First Republic Bank’s founder, In-terwest Partners’ founder, and a former Sequoia senior partner. Coral most recently helped lead the retail vertical at Medallia, a big data analytics and customer experience SaaS company valued at $1B+, one of top VC firm Sequoia’s largest investments. While at Medallia, she managed leading luxury and global retail clients like Apple, Chanel, Nike, Sephora, Tory Burch, and Nordstrom. Coral started her career at Bain & Company where she covered Greater China and SE Asia, later moving to Silicon Valley and developing a focus on consumer brands, retail and technology. Coral also worked with the Global COO and Americas CEO for Prada on marketing, com-mercialization, distribution related special projects prior to the compa-ny’s IPO. (You can follow her and the adventures of her sassy toddler on Instagram and Snapchat: Coralllista)

Co-founder, CEO Senreve

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Billy Dec is an Emmy Award Winning Entertainment TV Personality, Attorney and CEO/Founder of Rockit Ranch Productions, Chicago’s premier hospitality and entertainment development company, special-izing in the creation, marketing and management of some of the city’s top venues including Rockit, Sunda, Underground, Rockit Burger Bar, Bottlefork & The Duck Inn. Dec can be seen regularly on ABC TV’s “Windy City Live” & NBC's "Today Show." Dec most recently found-ed Elston Films to bring more TV & movie projects to Chicago, after building his acting resume for the last ten years with most recent roles on shows like "Empire," "American Crime Story: The People vs OJ," "Chicago Fire" & "Criminal Minds," to name few. In May of 2014, Pres-ident Obama appointed Dec to serve on his White House Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, where he also serves on the White House Bullying Prevention Task Force. Dec’s educational back-ground includes Chicago-Kent College of Law & the Harvard Business School. Dec is known for food, beverage, hospitality & entertainment posts on his social media platforms http://www.Twitter.com/BillyDec - http://www.Facebook.com/BillyDec, http://www.Instagram.com/BillyDec & Snapchat: BillyDecLive

B I L LY D E CCommiss ioner, Whi te House In i t iat ive on As ian Amer icans and Pac i f ic I s landers


Leslie Espy is currently the Senior Executive Associate to MGM Resorts’ Chairman & CEO Jim Murren. Ms. Espy provides Mr. Murren with research, special projects, logistics, travel and communication support. Prior to joining Mr. Murren’s office in November 2015, Ms. Espy worked in corporate HR, where she was responsible for manag-ing MGM Resorts’ employment brand, which included launching the new MGM Resorts careers website. Ms. Espy joined MGM Resorts after receiving her MBA from the University of Michigan’s Stephen M. Ross School of Business in 2014. Upon graduating from the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill in 2007 with a degree in Journalism & Mass Communication, Ms. Espy joined Creative Artists Agency (CAA) in Los Angeles. While at CAA, she supported several agents throughout the entertainment industry, including Motion Picture, TV and Marketing. Ms. Espy subsequently was employed at a subsidiary of Saatchi & Saatchi, Team One, where she managed experiential and relationship marketing campaigns for Lexus.

Sen ior Execut ive Assoc iate to the Chairman & CEO, MGM Resorts Internat iona l

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Fritz Friedman is the President of Los Angeles-based The Fritz Friedman Company, a production and communication firm. Among his clients are Sony Pictures, Electric Entertain-ment and Parrot Analytics. He also is on the faculty at The Annenberg School at The University of Southern California. Friedman received his BA from Vassar College and his MA from The Annenberg School at The University of Pennsylva-nia.

Pres identThe Fr i tz Fr iedman Co.

Wenda Fong is a well-respected producer and director of television and live events with a remarkable track record as an executive and community force.Fong joined FOX as its first Vice President of Cre-ative Diversity Development Department in 2001 where she created and launched its successful diversity initiatives. In 2002 in addition to her diversity responsibilities, she was appointed to oversee Amer-ican Idol, which became the historical groundbreaking and ratings phenomenon. In 2003, Wenda was promoted to Vice President of Alternative Entertainment. While at FOX for more than 13 years, she supervised all reality series and specials including AMERICAN IDOL, SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE, HELL’S KITCHEN, MASTERCHEF and THE X FACTOR. As a community leader, Ms. Fong co-founded Asian Americans for Fair Media, was President of East West Players and served on the board of the Association of Asian Pacific American Artists. She is co-founder, chairperson emeritus and current board member of CAPE, the Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment, which began in 1991. She has been a member of the Directors Guild of America since 1980 and is founding co-chair and chairperson emeritus of the DGA Asian-American Committee. She is a member of the Producers Guild of America, the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences and serves on the board of California Humanities.

W E N DA F O N GFounder, CAPE-Coal i t ion of As ian Pac i f ics in Enterta inment

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Mr. Gee is a executive advisor to Ascend, a nonprofit professional organization enabling its members, business partners and the com-munity to leverage the leadership and business potential of Pan-Asians. In 2010, he co-founded the Advanced Leadership Program for Asian American Executives, an executive education program at the Stanford Graduate School of Business.He is the former board chair of the Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation and is co-chair of the Donor Advisory Board of Silicon Valley Community Foundation. He also serves on the board of Ascend/Northern California, the advisory board of the Asia Society/Northern California. He is a member of the Committee-of-100. In 2015, he received the Executive Excellence Award from OCA. He has also received the Civic Entrepreneurship Award from the Asian Pacific Islander Leadership Institute in 2012. Mr. Gee retired in 2008 from Cisco Systems, where he was Vice President and General Manager of the Data Center Business Unit. He joined Cisco with its 2004 acquisition of Andiamo Systems where Mr. Gee was President and CEO.Previously, he held management posi-tions at Hewlett Packard, National Semiconductor, 3Com, Crescendo Communications, Com21, and Iospan Wireless.

B U C K G E EExecut ive Director Ascend


Julian Ha is practice leader of Heidrick & Struggles’s Government Affairs and Trade Association practices, focusing on recruiting cor-porate government affairs executives and senior-level talent for associations and social enterprise organizations. As a member of the firm's CEO & Board of Directors Practice, he partners with private equity firms and multinationals to identify executive and board-lev-el talent for their portfolio companies and strategic business units, specializing in cross-border placements. Prior to executive search, Julian advised American, European and Asian companies from a legal, banking, venture capital and operational perspective. Julian trained as a corporate lawyer and has practiced in New York, Washington D.C., London and Singapore. As a lawyer for Paul Weiss, Baker & McKenzie and Linklaters, he advised global corporations on their IPOs, private equity investments and cross-border M&A transactions. Julian gained direct investment experience as executive vice president with DDL, a London-based venture capital fund, where he was responsible for portfolio management.

PartnerHeidr ick & St rugg les

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Robert W. Holleyman II serves as Deputy United States Trade Repre-sentative with the rank of Ambassador at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. He was confirmed by the U.S. Senate for this position on September 18, 2014. Ambassador Holleyman’s responsibilities include U.S. trade and investment relations with Asia, as well as trade negotiations and policy coordination in the areas of services, invest-ment, intellectual property, and innovation. In addition, he represents USTR on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) and serves on the board of directors of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), the U.S. Government’s development finance institution. In the private sector, Ambassador Holleyman worked in technology and internationally for over two decades. He founded Cloud4Growth, a cloud technology development venture in 2013. Prior to that, Holleyman served as President and CEO of BSA | The Software Alliance from 1990 to 2013. In that position, he had considerable experience opening new markets in Asia and globally. He is widely known for his engagement in the areas of innovation, intel-lectual property, cybersecurity, e-commerce, and emerging technol-ogies. He worked earlier in his career as an attorney in a law firm in Houston, Texas.

RO B E R T H O L L E Y M A NAmbassador, Deputy U.S. Trade Rep, Off ice of the U.S. Trade Representat ive

Chieh Huang is the CEO and a Co-founder of Boxed Whole-sale. Boxed is the wholesale experience for those without the time, means or patience for a brick-and-mortar ware-house club trip. The company currently delivers to any-where in the Continental USA, and has raised $150 million in funding to date. In 2015, Chieh announced he would be personally paying for the college tuition of all of his employ-ees' children. Prior to Boxed, Chieh was the CEO of Astro Ape, one of the first mobile social gaming studios. After Zynga's pre-IPO acquisition of Astro Ape, he became the Director of Zynga Mobile NY, leading the fastest and most efficient game team within Zynga.

C H I E H H UA N GCo-Founder, CEO Boxed Wholesa le

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Diana Hwang is the Founder and Executive Director of the Asian-American Women’s Political Initiative (AAWPI), the country’s only political leadership organization for Asian-American women. Through coalition-building, advocacy and first-of-its-kind program-ming, AAWPI works to ensure that Asian-American women have a voice in their government, and works to train and mentor the next-generation of low-income and immigrant Asian-American women leaders. Diana worked at the State House as the Executive Director of the Caucus of Women Legislators and as the Legislative Aide to late State Representative Debby Blumer.Diana is a Founding Commis-sioner on the Mayor’s Women’s Commission for the City of Boston. She also serves on the Board of the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy and served as Board Co-Chair for the Boston Women’s Fund. Diana recently ran for state senate in a district that includes Boston, Cambridge, Winthrop and Revere. Diana won the city of Bos-ton and was the only state senate candidate in Boston’s history to air a TV commercial. She raised the most money in a race that included a sitting state representative and former mayor.

Founder/Execut ive DirectorAs ian-Amer ican Women's Po l i t ica l In i t iat ive

Christopher Kang is National Director of the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA), a coalition of 35 national Asian Pacific American organizations. From 2009 to 2015, he served in the White House, as Deputy Counsel and Deputy Assistant to President Barack Obama, Senior Counsel to the President, and Special Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs. For more than four years, he was in charge of the selection, vetting, and confirmation of President Obama’s judicial nominees, and in this role, he worked to fulfill the President’s unprecedented commitment to expanding the diversi-ty of the federal bench, while maintaining the highest standards of integrity, intellect, and fair-mindedness. He also advised the President on commutations and issues of executive clemency. In the Office of Legislative Affairs, Kang advocated for the Obama Administration’s initiatives in Congress. He led the legislative outreach and strategy for the confirmations of Supreme Court Justices Sotomayor and Kagan, the Senate’s successful effort to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and the reduction of the sentencing disparity between crack and powder co-caine offenses. He also played a supporting role in the passage of the Affordable Care Act.

C H R I S T O P H E R K A N G Nat iona l D irectorNat iona l Counci l of As ian Pac i f ic Amer icans

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Arun M. Kumar was confirmed, by the U.S. Senate on March 13, 2014, as Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Global Markets and Director General of the US and Foreign Commercial Service. In this role, Mr. Kumar leads the trade and investment promotion efforts for the U.S. Government. With offices in over 100 U.S. cities and in 72 world markets, he also serves as the International Trade Administra-tion’s lead official advocating for better market access for U.S. ex-porters. Kumar has extensive global experience in the business world. Prior to his nomination by President Obama, he was a partner and member of the Board of Directors at KPMG, LLP. He led the firm’s West Coast Management Consulting practice serving major glob-al clients as well as emerging Silicon Valley ventures while creating thought leadership to advance business practices in finance manage-ment. He also founded and led KPMG’s US-India Practice. Previously, Kumar was a Silicon Valley entrepreneur, as founding CEO and CFO of three technology ventures in Silicon Valley, near his home in California. Over the years, he has been a mentor and advisor to a number of new ventures in Silicon Valley and India.

A R U N K U M A RAss istant Secretary U.S. Department of Commerce

Service Executive covering all US Asset Servicing relationships for the Bank of New York Mellon. Prior assignments include Head of Asset Servicing Korea and Sale and Relationship Management Director for the Bank of New York Mellon. 8 years of overseas experience. Korean American born and raised in Portland, Oregon. Graduate of Babson College in Wellesley, MA with a MBA from the Carroll School of Man-agement at Boston College.

DAV I D K I MManaging DirectorThe Bank of New York Mel lon

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Vijay Kumar has expertise in large infrastructure and environmental projects such as water, water reuse and pipeline projects. His main focus is to promote sustainable growth of communities using innova-tive and creative solutions to transportation and utility needs of the communities. Currently, Vijay is Vice President of CH2M (www.ch2m.com), an employee-owned global engineering and project delivery company. For the seventh year in a row, CH2M has been named one of the “World’s Most Ethical Companies” by the Ethisphere Institute.He is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of California. He was Executive Sponsor of Congestion Management Working Group in San Francisco that is developing traffic congestion relief strategies supported by the Business Council on Climate Change. Vijay is very active in the Community and served as: President of Sacramento Section of California Water Environment Association, Board Member, San Francisco Planning and Urban Research Association (SPUR, Ex-ecutive Sponsor, City Hall Fellows, Board Member, San Francisco-Ban-galore Sister City Initiative, Finance and Economic Development Commissioner for the City of Davis, President and Board of Director of Kannada Sangha of Sacramento, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organiza-tion

V I J AY K U M A RVice Pres identCH2M


Sookyung is currently serving as the Project Director of the Interna-tional Leadership Foundation (ILF), managing civic education, gov-ernment relations, and communications. Prior to joining the ILF, she worked at a security consulting firm and think tanks and had exten-sive media experience in Washington D.C. and Seoul, South Korea.

D i rectorInternat iona l Leadersh ip Foundat ion

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Christine Lai is a cross-sector collaboration catalyst, connecting ideas, people, and resources for positive social change. Her imperative is creating access to opportunity at massive scale. Fueled by her passion for uniting people and purpose, Christine blends her experience in the private and social sector to build and strengthen collaboration among impact communities. Christine currently serves as Chief of Staff for Delivering Happiness, an organization focused on creating more successful companies by building sustainable work cultures through the science of happiness. She continually strives to align and support individuals and organizations to create cultures focused on cultivating the maximum potential in people by doing the greatest good. Christine is committed to building values-based communities that challenge, inspire, and support one another to succeed. She served as a ProIn-spire Fellow and has experience in education, hospitality, and sports. Christine graduated from the University of California, Santa Barbara with a BA in Political Science. She is a yes-mad [a.k.a. global citizen], and when she’s not Delivering Happiness, she enjoys concerts, food, snowboarding, traveling, and spending time with family and friends.

C H R I S T I N E L A IChief of Staf fDe l iver ing Happiness


Esther Lee is a strategic business leader with senior management ex-perience in Fortune 500 companies, startups, and government. Most recently, Esther served as Chief Client Officer at Edelman Berland, the strategic research and analytics business of the world’s largest public relations firm. In this role, she was responsible for global client relationships and strategic growth for the business. Prior to joining Edelman, Esther was the Global Chief Marketing and New Business Officer at Burson-Marsteller, where she launched the first-ever Global Corporate Reputation Index (based on proprietary research on brands and reputation) at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. In 2009, President Barack Obama appointed Esther as Senior Policy Adviser to the U.S. Secretary of Commerce. She created and led the Office of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the National Adviso-ry Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (co- chaired by AOL founder Steve Case). She also helped launch the White House “Start-up America” initiative and organize the Presidential Summit on Entre-preneurship. Before her government service, Esther was a seasoned business executive with over 15 years of experience in technology, media, and finance.

Co-FounderCounci l of Korean Amer icans (CKA)

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As Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Direc-tor of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Michelle K. Lee provides leadership and oversight to one of the largest intellectual property offices in the world, with over 12,000 employees and an annual budget of over $3 billion. Ms. Lee also serves as the princi-pal advisor to the President, through the Secretary of Commerce, on domestic and international intellectual property policy. Ms. Lee is the first woman and first Asian American to serve as Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in the country’s 225+ year history.Ms. Lee has spent most of her professional career advising some of the country's most innovative companies on technical, legal, and business matters including as Deputy General Counsel at Google and as a partner at the Silicon Valley-based law firm of Fenwick & West LLP. Ms. Lee joined Google when it was a relatively young company and helped build it into a leading multi-national corporation providing internet services across the globe.Prior to her legal career, Ms. Lee worked as a computer scientist at Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories, as well as at the M.I.T. Artifi-cial Intelligence Laboratory.

M I C H E L L E L E EUnder Secretary of Commerce for Inte l lec-tua l Property and Director of the Uni ted States Patent and Trademark Off ice

Monica Lee has been Executive Director of the 1990 Institute since 2014. A San Francisco-based nonprofit whose aims to deepen the understanding and trust between the U.S. and China, its newest focus is to make learning about modern China a key priority for Americans. She launched its new CHINA NOW & the FUTURE speaker series, cultural programs, and secondary school initiatives, including its national Youth Voices on China video contest with actress Joan Chen, the U.S.-China Career Discovery Series, and teacher training via its CHINA NOW | Teachers Workshop and Lesson Plan Contest Why does this work matter? Simply, perceptions of China and the Chinese affect all Asian Americans. Previously, Monica held business development, marketing and fundraising roles on the early founding teams of Social Finance (SoFi), a student lending pioneer with a recent $1 billion investment from SoftBank; Perfect Coffee (acquired by Blue Bottle), whose transforming how specialty ground coffee is brewed and dis-tributed. She also co-founded eBay competitor, CityAuction (Ticket-master-Citysearch/IAC). At Charter Venture Capital, she handled early stage investments in the Internet, data security and software sectors, including Match.com (TMCS/IAC).

M O N I C A L E EExecut ive The 1990 Inst i tute

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Taeku Lee is Professor of Political Science and Law at the University of California, Berkeley. Lee is also Associate Director of the Haas Insti-tute at Berkeley, Managing Director of Asian American Decisions, and Non-Resident Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution. Lee currently serves as Treasurer and Executive Council for the American Political Science Association, sits on the Board of Overseers of the Ameri-can National Election Studies and the General Social Survey, and is Co-Principal Investigator of the National Asian American Survey. His published monographs include Mobilizing Public Opinion (2002); Transforming Politics, Transforming America (2006), Why Americans Don't Join the Party (2011), Accountability through Public Opin-ion (2011), Asian American Political Participation (2011), Oxford Handbook of Racial and Ethnic Politics (2015). He was previously Assistant Professor of Public Policy at Harvard, Robert Wood Johnson Scholar at Yale, and Fernand Braudel Senior Fellow at the European University Institute. Lee was born in South Korea, grew up in Malay-sia, Manhattan, and Michigan, and is a proud graduate of K-12 public schools, the University of Michigan (A.B.), Harvard University (M.P.P.), and the University of Chicago (Ph.D.).

TA E K U L E EProfessor of Po l i t ica l Sc ience and Law Univers i ty of Ca l i forn ia , Berke ley

Bel Leong-Hong is the President and CEO of Knowledge Advantage, Inc., a 17 years old management consulting firm primarily supporting Government operations. Prior to entering the private sector, Bel was a career Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense in Command, Control, communications and Intelligence. She has served on a number of Cybersecurity boards and commissions for the State of Maryland, as well as a number of not for profit boards. She is active in her commu-nity, and in politics at the national and state levels.

B E L L E O N G - H O N GPres ident and CEO Knowledge Advantage , Inc

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Kyra Li Ai Miller is a technology business development executive, specializing in building strategic partnerships and market strategies to enable growth. Kyra manages business development for Cisco's software business to capture key new markets. Prior, she managed business development for Cisco’s U.S. channel security portfolio. She joined Cisco, via the acquisition of a cloud web security start-up in the San Francisco, where she built partnerships in the U.S. and Asia. Prior, she lived in Shanghai and Hong Kong, and managed growth for a real estate firm, and worked at Morgan Stanley in investment banking and the firm's Asia management and strategy group. Kyra also serves on the Executive Committee of the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco’s Council. She has an M.B.A from the Kellogg Graduate School of Man-agement and B.A. from Tufts University.

K Y R A L I A I M I L L E RBusiness Deve lopmentCisco


Ben Ling is the former National Chairman and National President of the Taiwanese American Citizens League (TACL) which celebrated its 30 year anniversary in 2015. He focused on developing the next gen-eration of leadership through programming and mentorship and now serves as an Advisor. He led the national growth of the organization through its young professional arm, Taiwanese American Profession-als (TAP) and spear-headed the Census 2010 "Write-In Taiwanese" national campaign. He also served as a the co-director of its 24 year old Political Internship program after being an alumni of the program as an intern for Congressman Howard Berman in DC. That led him to join as a staff assistant for the Office of the Vice President of Tai-wan, Annette Lu. For his involvement, TACL awarded him its Lifetime Achievement award in 2011. For his career he has been a Financial Advisor since 2003 at Merrill Lynch before joining UBS Wealth Man-agement in 2015 and holds a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designation. Ben Ling received his bachelor degree from UC Berke-ley and currently resides in Brea, CA with his wife and 15 month old daughter.

Adv isor/Former Nat iona l ChairmanTaiwanese Amer ican Ci t i zens League

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Dustin Ling is a Director at Citi with over 14 years of experience in finance, banking and operations and has worked in the U.S., Canada and internationally. Dustin is a Banker within Citi's Corporate & Invest-ment Banking division and serves as a strategic advisor and relation-ship manager to global development organizations. He most recently served as Global Business Manager and COO of the Global Public Sector group, where he led and oversaw strategy, marketing and busi-ness management of this industry franchise, which entails coverage of central governments, central banks, sovereign wealth funds, state and local governments and development organizations worldwide. Dustin also serves as a board member of Ascend's NY Metro Chapter, a non-profit, for Asian American Professionals and a member of Asia Society's Asian Allies Committee. He is also part of OpenFinance and the Williams Institute, both organizations focused on the advancement of and progress in the LGBT community.

D U S T I N L I N G DirectorCi t i & Ascend, Board Member

David Liu is Chairman and co-founder of XO Group Inc. (NYSE: XOXO; www.xogroupinc.com), formerly The Knot Inc., a global media and technology company devoted to weddings, pregnancy and everything in between. Under Liu’s leadership, XO Group Inc. has expanded its reach to serve its audience across multiple life-stages from brides to newlyweds to first-time parents, adding The Nest and The Bump to its brand network. The company has extended these brands across multiple media platforms spanning magazines, books, streaming tele-vision, mobile applications and social networking, as well as a massive merchandising arm that includes gift registry services and an Internet wedding favor and supplies store. Since founding XO Group Inc. 15 years ago, Liu has led the company from an Internet start-up to a publicly traded multimillion-dollar media leader in the wedding and lifestyle category, raising more than $150 million in public and private financing along the way. In 2008, Liu was named Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year in the Media category. Currently, Liu serves on the boards of the Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA) and the Magazine Publishers of America (MPA). He lives with his wife and three children in Brooklyn, New York.

DAV I D L I U Chairman and Co-Founder XO Group Inc

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Clarence Low is the President/CEO of the Asian Chamber of Com-merce in Denver, Colorado. He oversees the management of daily operations, programs and strategic partnerships of the organization. His passion for community partnerships has helped create the Asian Chamber’s Scholarship Fund, assisting 1st-generation Colorado students and spotlighting mental health challenges amongst the local AAPI community. Mr. Low believes in the multiplicative power of partnerships, particularly reaching across various Asian ethic groups to strengthen alliances. He recently participated in a delegation of U.S. AAPI business leaders hosted by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, deepening diplomatic and cultural relationships. He has also worked with national business and advocacy organizations to give voice to the growing economic strength of the Asian community in the U.S. In addition to his role at the Asian Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Low is a small business owner and respected community advo-cate whose leadership is making an impact on future generations of leaders and young professionals in the Rocky Mountains. He served as Chair of the Denver Minority and Women’s Chamber Coalition, and currently is a commissioner on the Denver Asian Pacific American Commission.

C L A R E N C E L O W Pres ident/CEOArchipe lago Web


Betty Lo serves as Vice President of Community Alliances & Con-sumer Engagement at Nielsen. In this role, she works with community leaders, media and entertainment companies, and consumer goods companies to promote Nielsen’s education, philanthropic, and public affairs efforts to the community, as well as civic and special interest groups. Betty stewards and leads the national strategy for Nielsen's outreach to the Asian American community, and partnerships with organizations across the Eastern U.S. She also leads multicultural advertising efforts to deliver a holistic and integrated approach across the African-American, Asian-American, and Hispanic advertising land-scape. A frequent speaker at various community and civic events, she is also an active community leader who advocates the importance of giving back to our community. She serves on the national board of ACE (APIA Chamber of Commerce & Entrepreneurship) and National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP), as well as on the advisory board for APIASF and OCA – Asian American Advocates.

VP, Community A l l iances & Consumer En-gagement , N ie lsen

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Ying McGuire is the Vice President of International Operations and Business Development at Technology Integration Group (TIG), a premier Asian American owned IT products, solutions and services provider based in San Diego, California with 25 offices in US, Canada, China, and a global partner network in 5 continents. In this role, she oversees TIG’s international operations and expansion of global business, as well as leads TIG’s corporate business development with Fortune 500 companies and diversity initiative.Prior to TIG, Ying was the Global Supplier Diversity Officer at Dell Inc. She was responsible for driving three billion dollar annual procure-ment spend with small, minority, and woman owned businesses and she was a leading voice in the supplier diversity industry. Her 12 year tenure at Dell also includes a variety of leadership roles in marketing, finance, procurement, and operations. Ying serves as the first woman chair of an advisory board of the International Trade Center, a joint agency of United Nation and WTO based in Switzerland, and is cur-rently a board member of the Southern California Minority Supplier Development Council, and a founding board member of the Greater Austin Asian Chamber of Commerce (GAACC).

V ice Pres identTechnology Integrat ion Group

Richard Lui is a journalist and news anchor for MSNBC / NBC News. Before that at CNN Worldwide in 2007, he became the first Asian American male to anchor a daily, national cable news show in the U.S. For 15 years Lui’s reporting has focused on politics, covering every U.S. national election since 2004. He has interviewed hundreds of politicians, from Detroit Mayor to U.S. President. He has been a con-tributing columnist for USA Today, Politico, Seattle Times, Detroit Free Press, and others. Lui is now a Policy Fellow at UC Riverside. Lui’s charitable and philanthropic work spans 30 years and six continents. He is UN Spokesperson for its HeForShe campaign, U.S. State Dept. Traveling Speaker, and ambassador for several NGOs. Lui is also a technologist with a long business career. He launched five technology brands over three technology cycles, most recently a Silicon Valley artificial intelligence firm in 2016. He sits on four private and not-for-profit boards as advisor and board member and is a 2016 Gover-nance Fellow at the National Association of Corporate Directors. At Citibank, he patented a Visa-like payments backbone.

R I C H A R D L U INews Anchor MSNBC / NBC News

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Ted Mitchell is the under secretary of education. He has served in this post since his confirmation by the U.S. Senate on May 8, 2014, fol-lowing his nomination by President Barack Obama on Oct. 31, 2013. Mitchell reports to Secretary of Education John King and oversees policies, programs, and activities related to postsecondary education, adult, career and technical education, federal student aid, five White House Initiatives — Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, Educational Excellence for Hispanics, Educational Excellence for African Ameri-cans, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and American Indi-an and Alaska Native Education— and the Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. To spur education, economic growth, and social prosperity, Mitchell is charged with planning and policy respon-sibilities to implement President Obama's goal for the U.S. to have "the best educated, most competitive workforce in the world” as measured by the proportion of college graduates by the year 2020. Mitchell and his team are keenly focused on implementing President Obama’s American Graduation Initiative to improve college access, affordability, quality, and completion.

T E D M I T C H E L LUnder Secretary U.S. Department of Educat ion

Suzette N. Meade serves at the Regional Vice President of Commu-nications for MGM Resorts International. Her responsibilities include overseeing the external communications strategies for MGM Resorts’ portfolio of U.S. regional properties in Michigan and Mississippi, as well as projects under development in National Harbor, Md. and Springfield, Mass. Ms. Meade focuses on the creation and implemen-tation of public relations programs, corporate communications and crisis management communications. In addition, she supports the Corporate Social Responsibility and Brand Marketing efforts to en-gage the community through PR, events and social media.Prior to joining MGM in 2015, Ms. Meade served as Director of Cor-porate Communications for the Americas at InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), based in Atlanta, Ga. She led the team responsible for corporate public relations, C-suite executive visibility and crisis man-agement. Ms. Meade began her career in New York City at public relations and marketing agencies, including Weber Shandwick and Stanton Crenshaw Communications, where her work ranged from financial communications to media relations to issues management. During her tenure, she was part of award-winning teams with public relations campaigns recognized by PRWeek and HSMAI.

S U Z E T T E M E A D ERegiona l V ice Pres ident , Communicat ions , MGM Resorts Internat iona l

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George Mui is the Global Market Access Team Lead the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) at the U.S. Department of Commerce. As a global strategist, he provides business consulting services for minority businesses in the area of international business development and strategy with a keen focus on domestic and interna-tional partnerships that provide access to global markets. Leveraging his extensive background, serves as the Asian American business Liaison. George is also currently serves at the White House Initiative for AAPI (WHIAAPI) Inter Agency Regional Network. In 2014 and 2015, George served as the Senior Advisor to WHIAAPI in a special assignment as the Business Liaison for the AAPI Business Community. In his role, he initiated multiple innovative national programs designed to advocating for AAPI businesses: Doing Business in Asia by lever-aging success Asian American business as the lead for American exports and business expansion in Asia, AAPI Construction Advocacy programs that is designed to increase AAPI participation in govern-ment contracting; the New American Business Boot Camp providing new AAPI immigrants access to federal, state, and local government resources.

G E O RG E M U IMarket Access Team Lead, U.S. Department of Commerce - MBDA

Nanci E. Nishimura is a partner with the law firm of Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy in Burlingame, California, with offices in Los Angeles and New York. She serves in a leadership role in complex cases involving business, antitrust and securities, and has also appeared before the United States Supreme Court in a precedent-setting individual right to privacy case. While earning a J.D. from The Catholic University in Washington, D.C., she clerked at the U.S. International Trade Commis-sion and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, and served as a Legislative Aide to U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye.Ms. Nishimura serves as California Governor Jerry Brown’s appointee to the Commission on Judicial Performance and is U.S. Senator Bar-bara Boxer’s appointee to the Judicial Appointments Committee for the Northern District of California. She previously served on the State Bar Judicial Nominees Evaluation Commission. She has been named one of the Top 100 Women Lawyers in California. Her commitment to diversity in the law, education and community includes serving as a Trustee and Commissioner of the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, a Trustee of the California Science Center Foundation in Los Angeles, and numerous community-based non-profits.

N A N C I N I S H I M U R APartnerCotchett , P i t re & McCarthy, LLP

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Roger joined the Department of Education in May 2014 and works on higher education policy and programs, with a focus on innovation and equity, quality and accreditation, and teacher preparation. Roger spent nearly nine years at Brown University as an undergrad-uate academic dean; oversaw Brown’s centers for public service, careers, and study abroad; and held an appointment as a lecturer in Sociology. Prior to this role, Roger served as executive director of the GE Foundation, where he worked to develop the Foundation’s $100 million initiative on college access, and co-founded the national Path-ways to College Network. Roger previously worked with The Hitachi Foundation and Campus Compact. He has served on the boards of Independent Sector and Innovations in Civic Participation, the ACE Commission on Minorities in Higher Education, and the Council on Foundations Corporate Committee, among others. Roger holds degrees from Princeton and Brown Uni-versities and spent two years as a full-time volunteer in a community of adults with developmental disabilities.

Sen ior Po l icy Adv isor, Off ice of the Under Secretary, US Department of Educat ion

Allen M. Okamoto is the Owner/ Broker T. Okamoto & Co. He is also the founding Chair and Director Emeritus Asian Real Estate Associa-tion of America and the Founding Chair Asian Real Estate Education Foundation. He was the First Asian to be elected President of the San Francisco Association of America. He was also named Realtor of the Year by the San Francisco Association of Realtors. Allen also serves as Chair San Francisco-Osaka Sister City Association and is the Board of Director for the California Association of Realtors, Director for Life at the National Association of Realtors and Chinese Real Estate Associa-tion of America.

A L L E N O K A M O T OBoard of D irectorsAs ian Real Estate Assoc iat ion of Amer ica

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Glenn is a senior high tech executive with experience from the early start up stage to Fortune 50 operations. He currently serves as a consultant and advisor to early stage start up enterprises in diverse areas including big data analytics, information security, computer graphics, and unmanned aviation vehicles. He is active in the Asia Pacific American Leadership Institute (APALI) and Ascend focused on building the leadership pipeline for civic engagement and business, re-spectively. Glenn also serves as a board member for Asian Americans for Community Involvement (AACI) an organization providing health and social services to the Asian and immigrant community in Santa Clara County.

G L E N N O S A K AConsu l tant & Adv isorAPALI & Ascend

As Vice President of Policy, Gautam Raghavan drives the Gill Foun-dation’s federal and state level executive branch and agency efforts to ensure a level playing field for all LGBT Americans. From 2011 to 2014, Gautam served as President Barack Obama’s liaison to the LGBT community as well as the Asian American & Pacific Islander community, and from 2009 to 2011, as Deputy White House Liai-son for the U.S. Department of Defense and Outreach Lead for the Pentagon’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Working Group. Previously, Gautam worked for the 2008 Obama for America campaign and the Demo-cratic National Committee. A first-generation immigrant, Raghavan was born in India, raised in the Seattle suburbs, and graduated from Stanford University. He currently lives in Washington, D.C. with his hus-band Andrew and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Point Foundation and CenterLink and sits on the Advisory Committee for The Council for Global Equality and National Advisory Council for the Stonewall National Museum and Archives.

G AU TA M R AG H AVA NVice Pres ident of Po l icyGi l l Foundat ion

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Wade Randlett is the CEO of the transportation fuels division of Gen-eral Biofuels. For the previous decade, Mr. Randlett co-founded and served as a senior executive for a variety of bio-diesel enterprises. Prior to his work in renewable fuels, Mr. Randlett co-founded Technol-ogy Network, Silicon Valley's bi-partisan political action committee. He was responsible for the strategy and execution of TechNet's fed-eral and state agenda. Mr. Randlett negotiated with the White House and Congress over issues including securities litigation reform, H1-B Visa expansion, China MFN status, and FASB stock option treatment. Among his outside activities, Mr. Randlett served on the Obama-Biden transition team. He was later appointed twice to four-year terms by President Obama to serve on the Advisory Committee on Trade Policy and Negotiations (ACTPN) to the United States Trade Representa-tive, from which he holds Top Secret security clearance. In addition, Mr. Randlett is a member of the College Promise Campaign National Advisory Board, tasked with working closely with Honorary Chair Dr. Jill Biden to advocate for free community college across the country. Mr. Randlett was the first outside Board of Directors member of E-Loan (Nasdaq: EELN), serving through its IPO, on its audit committee, and until its $425 million all-cash acquisition by Banco Popular.

CEO, Transportat ion Fue lsGenera l B iofue ls

Mr Sabharwal is an independent business investor whose 25+-year career in international finance has encompassed both the private and public sectors. He was nominated by President Obama to be the US Alternate Executive Director to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), was recently confirmed by the US Senate and subsequently sworn in by Secretary Lew. He initiated his independent investing and advising activities in 2006 whereby he advises and co-invests with leading private equity funds, such as Warburg Pincus, Summit Partners and CVC Capital Partners. He served as Chairman of the Board of Ogone, the leading European Internet payment gateway that was backed by Summit Partners until its sale to Ingenico. He was also the Chair of the Global Advisory Board of Skrill, a leading online payment company - majority owned by CVC Capital Partners - until its recent sale to Op-timal Payments. Sunil has been a member of the International Olympic Committee’s commission on Sustainability & Legacy since 2000, and has been present at all Summer, Winter & Youth Olympic Games since 2000. He was Chief of Mission of the US Olympic Fencing Team in Beijing 2008, the most successful US Olympic Fencing team to date, bringing home 6 medals.

S U N I L S A B H A R WA LAlternate US Execut ive DirectorInternat iona l Monetary Fund

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Robert Schiff is a vice president and general manager at Medallia, the global SaaS-based customer experience tech-nology company. Prior to Medallia, Robert was a partner in McKinsey & Company's Financial Services and Social Sec-tor Practices. Robert co-founded McKinsey's global Finan-cial Inclusion Practice and has published research with the World Bank and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.Robert is attending in a personal capacity.

RO B E R T S C H I F FVice Pres ident & Genera l Manager Medal l ia

A graduate from University of California Los Angeles, Sea has 10 years of real estate / construction lending experi-ences within the banking industry. A professional translator who has provided services to the United Nations, Walt Dis-ney Pictures films, and various trade companies. When Sea is not busy making a living in one of the most lively cities in Southern California, you can find her seeking out any oppor-tunity to further causes to help equality and self-sustaining improvement. A long-term supporter for the Center for the Pacific Asian Family to address root causes and conse-quences of Domestic Violence. The world is not fair, but allow me to change it by making that tiny bit difference.

K AT H E R I N E S E A Outreach VolunteerCenter for the Pac i f ic As ian Fami ly

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Andria Seneviratne is the Program Director at ProInspire, an orga-nization focused on expanding the talent line, developing leaders, and increasing diversity within the social sector.Andria leads the ProInspire Fellowship, providing strategic and op-erational support to the growing program, including designing and facilitating the leadership development curriculum. Before joining ProInspire, Andria led a cross-sector initiative at City First Enter-prises, a nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), to respond to the increasing wealth gap in the Washington region. Andria built partnerships with universities, hospitals, and lo-cal governments to re-direct procurement spending to local enter-prises and advised small business owners on strategies to increase market share and create career laddering opportunities to un- and under-employed individuals. Previously, Andria was a Senior Consul-tant at Deloitte & Touche where she advised Fortune 500 financial services clients on developing governance frameworks and regula-tory strategies.

Program DirectorPro Insp ire

Ajay leads business development for Sidebench & Dotty Digital. Previously he worked in poverty alleviation though affordable housing and for Fortune 500 companies such as The Gillette Company, Proctor & Gamble, and Weyerhaeus-er. Ajay holds a MBA with a concentration in entrepreneur-ship and international business.

A J AY S H A HBusiness Deve lopment S idebench

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Albert K. Shen serves as the principal advisor to MBDA National Di-rector, Alejandra Y. Castillo, overseeing the management of the day-to-day operations of the agency. His public policy and economic develop-ment advocacy focus has raised the agency’s profile in Congress and state houses and afforded MBDA the opportunity to make its business case around the country. His passion for community development put MBDA on the ground in cities like Baltimore and Ferguson facing the aftermath of civil unrest. Agency strategic partnerships with the US Department of Justice and local leadership are accelerating the restoration of minority businesses in these distressed areas. Shen has also challenged the agency to use available technology to document the work and streamline agency processes. He is most notably known around the country for his “selfies” which engage the audience and underscore the power of technology to tell MBDA’s story.

A L B E R T S H E NNat iona l Deputy Director, M inor i ty Bus iness Deve lopment Agency/US Dept of Commerce

Amita Shukla is an innovator and entrepreneur focused on creating and scaling transformative innovations for human health, well-being, and potential. She is the founder and CEO of Vitamita and the author of Enduring Edge: Transforming How We Think, Create and Change. Previously, she spent close to nine years at New Enterprise Associates (NEA), where she evaluated and invested in cutting edge medical innovations and worked closely with scientists, physicians, and entre-preneurs to build new healthcare companies. Earlier, she was the vice president of AmiKa Corp., until its acquisition by Harvard Bioscience (BIO). In 2010, she was Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley’s young-est appointee to the board of the Technology Development Corpo-ration (TEDCO), a national leader in seed/early-stage investing. She was reappointed by Governor Larry Hogan in 2015. Amita previously served on the Johns Hopkins Medicine Alliance for Science and Tech-nology Development and as a Mentor in Residence at Johns Hopkins Technology Ventures. Amita currently serves on the board of Bethes-da Green, as a founding board member of the Global Liver Institute, and on the Life Science Council at Springboard.

A M I TA S H U K L AFounder, CEO Vi tamita

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Mr. Singh is an Obama Administration appointee and plays a key role in leading the trade and investment promotion efforts for the U.S. Government along with advocating for better market access for U.S. exporters. He serves as Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Global Markets and as a Senior Adviser, Urbanization & Infrastructure focused on global opportunities for U.S. companies. Pri-or to his appointment, Mr. Singh was a senior executive who worked with global small businesses, Fortune 500 companies and State and Federal agencies. Most recently Vinay worked at Discovery Com-munications and PricewaterhouseCoopers in Washington DC. Vinay has also led several government business trade missions to India with Governors Kaine (VA), Warner (VA) and Perdue (NC). He holds CPA, CISA and PMP certifications. Vinay has considerable experience with global mergers and acquisitions, operations, change and project management, financial analysis and business process design. Vinay has lived in Bangalore, India; Bremen, Germany and Toronto, Canada. He now lives in Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. with his wife, Priya and daughter, Rana.

Sen ior Adv isor Internat iona l Trade Admin ist rat ion

Narinder is a Co-Founder and member of the Board of Directors of Appirio, a leader in delivering innovation to companies by using the cloud and emerging technologies. Over nine years he served in various roles leading strategy, marketing and R&D for the company and most recently served as president of Topcoder - a crowdsourcing design, de-velopment and data science community of over one million members. Prior to Appirio, Narinder worked at SAP in the Office of the CEO as a part of the Corporate Strategy Group. Working with the management board and other executives, Narinder led initiatives on GTM strategies as well as potential business and technology disruptions. Narinder has been recognized for leadership in the New York Times, named one of San Francisco Business Times 40 under 40 , has appeared on CNN, C-Span and the Daily Show. He has represented Appirio at the World Economic Forum and testified before the House Science Committee on innovation.His current work promotes the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence to aid decision-making in healthcare.

N A R I N D E R S I N G HCo-Founder, CEOmlCare

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Worked in television news as a writer and producer for over 12 years, for organizations including CNN, MSNBC (freelance), and News 12 New Jersey. Left CNN's financial news division in 2003, and moved into public relations as a Media Relations Specialist for Carmichael Lynch Spong Public Relations. Then accepted a position at Manhat-tan-based Rowland Communications Worldwide. Served as Rowland Communications' Vice President/Director of Media Relations, and oversaw all aspects of the agency’s media relations efforts…from developing media strategy to working with junior staff on story de-velopment and relationship-building with influential media. Clients at Rowland Communications included Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals, and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Left Rowland Com-munications to pursue a career as a broadcast media relations strat-egist/consultant. Currently work with a select group of PR firms and corporate clients. Placements include The Today Show, Good Morning America, CBS This Morning, The Rachael Ray Show, The Meredith Vieira Show, The Steve Harvey Show, ABC’s World News Tonight, NBC Nightly News, CBS Evening News, FOX & Friends, CNN, CNBC, MSN-BC, Fox News Channel, Fox Business Network, Bloomberg Television, The NY Times, Fortune, Forbes, Fast Company, and many others.

DAV I D TA F TVP of Communicat ionsBoxed

Lily Tang is President and Co-founder of The Everest Project. She has worked for over 15 years in the areas of executive leadership, diver-sity and inclusion. A former CEO of an international holding compa-ny, associate professor, business journalist, and corporate strategy consultant, she has led global employee performance assessments for Fortune 500 companies, including engagements specifically address-ing development and retention challenges of women in high-potential and executive positions in Asia, Europe and the Americas. Lily created a signature framework for coaching teams to execute on change and innovation and is a certified executive leadership and systems coach. She was an advisor to the National Academies’ Government-Uni-versity-Industry Roundtable. She holds a doctorate in developmental psychology and an MBA in organizational development. Lily is active in professional development efforts for women and people of color. She is founding Chair of the National Association of Asian MBAs and serves on the national board of Ascend.

L I LY TA N GPres ident and Co-Founder The Everest Pro ject

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Mark Tseng is a leading entrepreneur and investor in the technology industry. Today, Mark is a stage-agnostic technology investor focused on supporting best-in-class teams in the US and China that develop bold solutions to deep technical problems. He is the founder and Man-aging Director of Blackcube Capital Management. Investments span aerospace, healthcare, energy, marketplaces, artificial intelligence, mobile, security, consumer, enterprise, and CPG. In 2008 he co-found-ed Otoy, a venture-backed cloud rendering and virtualization compa-ny based in Los Angeles and Silicon Valley. The company’s Board of Advisors include Eric Schmidt, Sam Palmisano, and Ari Emanuel. The company has since completed strategic investments and/or partner-ships with Autodesk, HBO, Liberty Media, Yuri Milner, and John Mack.He actively works with public and private corporations around the world with an emphasis on the US and Greater China. His local mar-ket knowledge and work with leaders in business and government has been resourceful for portfolio companies in achieving international scale. In 2009, Mark was a World Economic Forum Technology Pio-neers nominee. He earned his degrees in Economics and Government from the University of Southern California.

M A R K T S E N GManaging DirectorBlackcube Capi ta l

Tina Tchen is an Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to the First Lady Michelle Obama. Within the Obama Administration she also serves as the Executive Director for the Council on Women and Girls and the past Director of the White House Office of Public En-gagement. Tchen was previously a partner in corporate litigation at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP. In that capacity, Tchen represented public agencies in state and federal class actions, includ-ing the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, the Illinois Department of Public Aid, and the Chicago Housing Authority. Tchen is the recipient of many awards, including the Leadership Award from the Women’s Bar Association of Illinois (1999); "Women of Achieve-ment" award from the Anti-Defamation League (1996); and Chicago Lawyer "Person of the Year" (1994).

T I N A T C H E NAss istant to the Pres identChief of Staf f to the F i rst Lady

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Doua Thor serves as the Executive Director of the White House Initia-tive on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. Previously, she served as the Director of Strategic Partnerships at the Initiative. Doua also serves as a Senior Fellow with the National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development (National CAPACD). Prior to this Doua was the Executive Director of the Southeast Asia Resource Ac-tion Center (SEARAC) for nearly 9 years. During that time Doua was appointed by President Obama to the President’s Advisory Commis-sion on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. She also served on the board or in a leadership position in a number of organizations and co-alitions including the National Committee to Preserve Social Security, Asian Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund (APIASF), the Red Cross National Diversity Advisory Council, and the executive commit-tee of the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans. Additionally, through her leadership, SEARAC is a core work group member of the Diverse Elders Coalition, an initiative supported through Atlantic Philanthropies to improve the lives of vulnerable elders.

D O UA T H O RExecut ive DirectorWHIAAPI

John H. Thompson was sworn in as the 24th U.S. Census Bureau Di-rector on August 8, 2013. A statistician and executive, Thompson had been President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago since 2008. He served as the independent research organization's Executive Vice President from 2002 to 2008. NORC, previously known as the National Opinion Research Center, collaborates with government agencies, foundations, education institutions, nonprofit organizations, and businesses to pro-vide data and analysis that support informed decision making in key areas including health, education, criminal justice, energy, substance abuse, mental health, and the environment. As Director, Thompson will oversee preparations for the 2020 Census and preside over more than 100 other censuses and surveys, that measure America's peo-ple, places, and economy, and provide the basis for crucial economic indicators such as the unemployment rate. Upon being confirmed, Thompson said: "As America forges its data-driven future, the Census Bureau must lead the way by tracking emerging trends, developing more efficient processes, and embracing new technologies for plan-ning and executing the surveys it conducts that are so important to the nation. A culture of innovation and adaptability will allow the Census Bureau to serve the public's needs and meet the challenges of this dynamic new environment."

J O H N T H O M P S O NDirectorU.S. Census Bureau

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John Yen Wong began his real estate career in 1981, and has been both a salesperson in and an owner of real estate companies. In 2003, Realtor Magazine named John as one the 25 most influential people in real estate. In 2006 the Asian Real Estate Association of America recognized him as the “Real Estate Person of the Year,” and in 2011, the Council of Real Estate Brokerage Managers inducted John into its “Hall of Leaders.” John served as the National President of the Council of Real Estate Brokerage Managers, also known as CRB in 2004, and in 2005, he served as the President of the San Francisco Association of Realtors. John is a Founding Chairman of the Asian Real Estate Association of America, an organization focused on increasing sustainable home ownership among Asian Pacific Amer-icans. John is clear that AREAA’s work to increase home ownership domestically is inextricably tied to its members successfully working with real estate clients globally. John understands the challenges faced by ethnic minorities in reaching home ownership and knows that the global nature of today’s real estate market can be a tool for stabilize communities to enhance sustainable home ownership.

Found ing ChairmanAsian Real Estate Assoc iat ion of Amer ica

Danielle is responsible for promoting MGM Resorts International's Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) initiatives at our regional properties, and promoting the Company’s role as a recognized CSR leader in our regional communities and nationally. She will directly implement MGM's CSR policies, practices and programs at MGM Na-tional Harbor. A major focus of her leadership role is the management of strategic Company relationships with critical external constituen-cies and stakeholders. Before joining MGM, Danielle served as As-sistant to the President and Director of Scheduling & Advance at the White House working directly for President Barack Obama. There, she led the team responsible for creating and executing the logistics of the President’s daily schedule, including domestic and foreign travel. Dan-ielle also managed the planning and execution of several high-profile events, including the 2010 NSS and 2012 G8. Prior to being part of the White House team, she served as Director of Scheduling with Obama for America during the 2007-2008 presidential campaign, where she managed the candidate’s time to best reach campaign goals. Danielle began her career as Deputy Director of Scheduling for Senator Maria Cantwell, and has also served as Executive Assistant for Hat Creek Enterprises.

DA N I E L L E W H I T E Regiona l V ice Pres ident Community En-gagement , MGM Resorts Internat iona l

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Shawn Xu is a leading expert on international expansion for technology companies. Currently, he manages coun-try launches at Square, a publicly traded mobile payments company that focuses on small businesses. Shawn is a co-founder of the AAPI Caucus within the Young Democrats of America, the youth wing of the Democratic Party. He also founded the AAPI Alumni Council at UC San Diego, which focuses on fundraising for full-ride undergraduate scholar-ships for disadvantaged AAPI students. Shawn is based in San Francisco, California.

S H AW N X UInternat iona l Expans ionSquare

Bob is currently the CEO and co-founder of Teleport, one of the first companies built on Uber's API. He is also a Venture Partner with Social Starts and was previously the Lead Partner. Social Starts is a seed stage VC fund that invests in companies like Mashable, Boxed, TripleLift, Greenhouse, Elite Daily, and Grovo. He has also written for Fortune Magazine. Before Socia Starts, he worked at Ziff Brothers Investments in a variety of roles across different groups including Family Office, Private Markets & Strategy, and Executive. Prior to that he worked as an investment banker in Shanghai, China structuring pre-IPO technology companies. Bob is the co-founder and former President of Taiwanese American Professionals - New York (TAP-NY) and also the former President of Taiwanese American Citizens League (TACL). He has also held non-profit board positions with Amigos de las Americas - NY Chapter and the Council of Urban Professionals (CUP). In his free time he teaches financial literacy to high school stu-dents through Junior Achievement (JA). He holds a BA in International Relations (Global Business) from the University of Southern California and is a 2nd degree black belt in kendo.

BO B W UFounder, CEOTeleport app

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Kevin Yamazaki is an entrepreneur and investor from Los Angeles. currently the Founder and CEO of Sidebench Studios, an award-win-ning interactive app agency, focused on product design, systems inte-gration, and custom app development. Sidebench partners with some of the most forward-thinking companies and brands, including Red Bull, NBC Universal, Andreessen Horowitz, Oakley, The Walt Disney Company, Facebook, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Cedars-Sinai and many more. Previously, Kevin worked in the technology consulting and private equity industries. He was a product manager and technology con-sultant at Accenture for four years, creating custom applications for Disney Studios in their R&D, Strategy & Innovation, and Advanced New Technology groups. Earlier, he was a Growth Private Equity Associate with Kayne Anderson Private Investors. Additionally, Kevin sits on the board for nOCD, an OCD treatment startup, and UVEST, a U.S. real estate crowdfunding platform for European investors. He also serves on the board of the MSMF, a teen suicide prevention non-profit organization.

K E V I N YA M A Z A K IFounder, CEOSidebench Stud ios

Patrick Yam is CEO & Chairman of Somnology, Inc. a healthcare enter-prise focused on the assessment and monitoring of obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia and related sleep disorders. Previously, he was the CEO of Sensei Partners LLC, a Menlo Park, CA based private invest-ment firm. His 35+ year career, include responsibilities as a Mac-ro-Economist, Financial and Technology Executive and, Institutional Investor with significant experience in “Company-Building”, investment banking, investment management, and venture capital. Earlier, he was associated with The Federal Reserve Bank, Lehman Brothers, Citi-corp Investment Bank and Matthews International Management. He has been a senior advisor globally to the public and private sector on innovation and, entrepreneurship. A professional speaker and pub-lished author, he has taught and today lectures on entrepreneurship at Santa Clara University’s where he is a Regent and, previously the first Dean’s Executive Professor of Entrepreneurship. He is a former faculty member of the Venture Capital Institute. He is associated with UC – Santa Barbara where he is emeriti UC Trustee; at UCSB he was a member of the investment committee and, a Senior Director of the Economic Forecast Project. He has been a senior adviser to Beacon Economics.

PAT R I C K YA MCEO, Chairman Somnology, Inc .

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Francey Lim Youngberg is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Engagement for the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Develop-ment (HUD). She is responsible for strategic engagement between the Secretary of HUD and key stakeholders. Her office also plays a coordinating role for the Secretary and the Department in activities conducted by the White House Office of Public Engagement. She also serves as the HUD representative to the White House Initiative on Asian American and Pacific Islanders. Prior to joining HUD, Francey Lim Youngberg advised clients on cultural competency, research into Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) issues, diversity manage-ment, minority recruitment, grant writing, grant management, and fundraising. She worked with the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Program, the D.C. Government, the Metro Police Department and fed-eral agencies. Prior to consulting, Ms. Youngberg was a tax attorney for Morgan Lewis & Bockius in Philadelphia, and Hogan & Hartson in D.C. After leaving private practice, she worked as an attorney in the international division of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission in Washington, D.C. and later became the founding Executive Direc-tor of the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies (APAICS)) under the Honorable Norman Y. Mineta.

Deputy Ass istant Sec Publ ic Engagement , US Dept of Hous ing and Urban Deve lopment

David Yeh has spent his career solving global challenges as an inves-tor, innovator, and public official in China, Europe, and USA. As a White House Senior Advisor, David leads the Administration’s effort to grow investment, innovation, and resiliency in our nation’s energy, water, telecommunications, and transportation infrastructure. He also drove the turn around a $76 billion federal innovative energy and transpor-tation program which accelerated the growth of the utility scale clean energy and electric vehicles markets by funding the largest solar and wind power plants and Tesla. He also guided the Administration’s ef-fort on developing public-private partnerships with Fortune 500 firms, family offices, and global asset managers including sovereign wealth funds. He founded the Presidential Executive program which recruits C-suite executives to join the federal government to solve national challenges such as the Western water crisis, investing in rural Amer-ica, and cybersecurity. In China, David created a multi-billion dollar energy efficiency lending franchise for the World Bank and the Chi-nese Ministry of Finance. He helped catalyze investment in early stage green technologies through launching the first Cleanweb Hackathons and developing an energy seed fund and incubator strategy for NY.

DAV I D Y E HPr inc ipa lYeh Capi ta l

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Founder and Co Chair of the Leader’s Forum, a C suite Asian Amer-ican Pacific Islander executive think tank engaged in public policy. Commissioner for the White House Initiative for Asian American Pacific Islanders. Former, strategic communications specialist and external relations manager for the global management consulting firm, McKinsey & Company. Served the Advanced Industries, Knowl-edge, Strategy, Public Sector, Infrastructure, Higher Education & Social Sector practices. Also served the West Coast/Mid Atlantic re-gions. Areas of concentration include global media, thought leader-ship/stake holder cultivation and pro bono & client engagements for nonprofit organizations. Experienced leader/advisor in presentation and media/strategic communications for directors and partners. Specialization in client relationships and management in high profile client events.

Shekar Narasimhan is the Managing Partner at Beekman Advisors which provides strategic advisory services to companies and inves-tors involved in real estate, mortgage finance, affordable housing and related sectors. He also serves as Chairman of Papillon Capital, focused on sustainable infrastructure investing, and is Co founder of the Emergent Institute in Bangalore, India. Shekar is currently serv-ing on the boards of Broadstone Net Lease, Inc., Broadtree Homes, Inc. Enterprise Community Investment, Inc. and Indiaspora. Shekar was appointed by the President as Commissioner on the President’s Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and by the Governor of Virginia as Member of the Board for Housing and Community Development for the State of Virginia. He also serves as a Senior Industry Fellow at the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University and on the Economic Advisory Council of the Center for American Progress. Shekar has served several terms on the Mortgage Bankers Association of America (MBA) Board of Direc-tors, was the first Chair of the MBA’s Commercial/Multifamily Board of Governors, and founded its Multifamily Steering Committee. He was elected as the first Chair of the Fannie Mae DUS Advisory Committee.

Founder, Co-ChairThe Leaders Forum

S H E K A R N A R A S I M H A NManaging Partner, Beekman AdvisorsCo- Chair, The Leaders Forum

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Frank Lee volunteers as a Committee Coordinator for Leaders Forum. He also co-founded Friends of Roots, a San Francisco-based non-profit organization, and served on the Board of Directors as its first Vice President. Addi-tionally, Frank is a program leader for its Roots: Him Mark Lai Family History Project and helps Chinese Americans to explore their roots in the United States followed by leading them on a journey to search for their ancestral villages in China.

Jessica Lam is currently the Summit Coordinator of the Asian American Pacific Islanders Leaders Forum. In addition to her work with the Leaders Forum, she has served as the Events Coordinator for Bay Area Democrats, organizing events for elected officials on the local, state, and federal levels. Jessica has also worked in the Office of San Francisco Supervisor Katy Tang. There, she worked on legislation to combat human traf-ficking and wrote a unanimously passed resolution in support of effective and humane ways to save animals’ lives. In the interest of income inequality and civic engagement, she has also held the position of Chinese Language Regional Field Director for the campaign of a 2014 San Francisco ballot measure. Jessica graduated from the University of California, Riverside with a dual Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy/Law & Society and Political Science/Public Service. She hopes to further engage in issues concerning the Asian American and Pacific Islander community and women.

Committee Coord inatorThe Leaders Forum

J E S S I C A L A MProgram Manager The Leaders Forum

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Benson Tran is the Executive Director of Bay Area Dem-ocrats, a Democratic political action committee focused on increasing policy and financial support by Bay Area residents for national Democrats. Prior, Benson worked on constituent issues at San Francisco City Hall, before serv-ing as a Lead Policy Coordinator, and subsequently the Deputy Policy Director in several political campaigns. Ben-son’s focus has been on working closely with neighbor-hood leaders and policy experts to turn community-driven goals into workable initiatives and legislation. Benson graduated with a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of San Francisco, and a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science from the University of Califor-nia Davis.

Sarah Vo serves as Summit Coordinator of The Leaders Forum, where she liaises and communicates internally and with outside organiza-tions. She is also acting as the logistics lead for this conference. For the past four years, Sarah worked in the United States Navy as an aviation electronics technician in Lemoore, California. In the military, she manufactured electronics components for jets and operated as a program manager. Sarah is now pursuing a computer science degree at the City College of San Francisco while working part-time at a local Burmese restaurant. In her spare time, Sarah goes exploring with her toy poodle, Day-Z, and enjoys watching a variety of cooking shows. Sarah Vo serves as Summit Coordinator of The Leaders Forum, where she liaises and communicates internally and with outside organiza-tions. She is also acting as the logistics lead for this conference. For the past four years, Sarah worked in the United States Navy as an aviation electronics technician in Lemoore, California. In the military, she manufactured electronics components for jets and operated as a program manager. Sarah is now pursuing a computer science degree at the City College of San Francisco while working part-time at a local Burmese restaurant. In her spare time, Sarah goes exploring with her toy poodle, Day-Z, and enjoys watching a variety of cooking shows.

Summit LeaderThe Leaders Forum

S A R A H VOSummit Coord inatorThe Leaders Forum

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Wendy Wong is a creative communicator with a passion for producing innovative, engaging content. She have strong media & design experience with flexibility working across multiple platforms including broadcasting, web, print and mobile. She also has a passion for journalism, photography and graphic design, and is eager to discover new innovative ways of storytelling. Her work is featured in AXS, Inside Film Magazine, The Dangerlands and Ex-ceslior Action Group..

Intern/Des ignerThe Leaders Forum