dbr screen shots

8/12/2019 Dbr Screen Shots http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/dbr-screen-shots 1/32 DB REFRESH tivities to be carried on QTY System: 1. GO to SE01 to create change request and c!ic" on create. !ect Trans#ort o$ co#ies. A$ter that give the target S%& as the same qua!ity system S%& itse!$. nd save it.

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Post on 03-Jun-2018




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tivities to be carried on QTY System:

1. GO to SE01 to create change request and c!ic" on create.

!ect Trans#ort o$ co#ies. A$ter that give the target S%& as the same qua!ity system S%& itse!$.

nd save it.

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ub!e c!ic" on our change request in the overvie' screen then the be!o' screen 'i!! come.

ere give the contents 'hich u 'ant to trans#ort.

nd c!ic" on the save and truc".

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hec" the return codes

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$resh the screen

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' ta"e the co$i!es and data$i!es into the ta#e $or $uture use

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tivities to be carried on ,*& System:

1. Ta"e bac"u# using -*TOOS :

ere % have considered O$$!ine -ac"u# /)om#ression ode.

ic" Start 23 *un 23 Ty#e -*TOOS and c!ic" O4 

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he above 'indo' denotes that the bac"u# has started and being saved in the !ocation &:5orac!e5,*&5sa#bac"u

ere the bac"u# $i!e name is bd6vu6u7.a$d.

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shuts do'n the &atabase %nstance as 'e are ta"ing an O$$!ine -ac"u#.

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he bac"u# has been com#!eted success$u!!y.

it $rom the -*TOOS by se!ecting o#tion s and then se!ect the o#tion y.

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8. )reate a )ontro! $i!e.

ic" Start 23 *un 23 Ty#e sq!#!us 9as sysdba9 and c!ic" O4.

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u can $ind the trace $i!e in the $o!!o'ing !ocation ;&:5orac!e5,*&5sa#trace5usertrace<. )hec" the !atest $i!e thnerated.

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#y that $i!e and #aste it onto the &es"to# and rename it 'ith contro!.sq! .

#en the contro!.sq! $i!e and #er$orm the $o!!o'ing:

a. *emove the !ines #resent above ;STA*T=, +OO=+T< and be!o' ;)(A*A)TE* SET =T>?

and save the $i!e.

b. *e#!ace SO=*)E S%&3 'ith TA*GET S%&3. (ere it is $rom ,*& to QAS.

c. *e#!ace *E=SE 'ith SET.d. *e#!ace +O*ESETOGS 'ith *ESETOGS

e. *e#!ace A*)(%BEOG 'ith +OA*)(%BEOG.

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tivities to be carried on +AG System:

1. Goto SE01 and create a Trans#ort *equest /Trans#ort o$ )o#ies.

8. S#eci$y the ob6ects that you 'ou!d !i"e to bac"u# $rom the QAS system !i"e =S*01 =S*08 *>)&ES

T-&S etc as #er your organiCation requirements and re!ease the trans#ort request. Ensure that the tar

system is s#eci$ied be$ore re!easing the T*.

D. The co2$i!e and data $i!es are generated in 5usr5sa#5trans5co$i!es 5usr5sa#5trans5data !ocations. -ac"u# t

onto a removab!e media.. a"e screen ca#tures o$ the $o!!o'ing tcodes :

SF (RFC destinations)

-&F (logical systems)

S,A& (printers --> could be done by export on flat file).

&-1D (export DBA sceduling calendar).

SDH (export name of released !obs "it details).

A11 (#A$ Directories)

IE80 ($artner profile)

IE81 ($ost %D&C# $rocessing)

SG ('ogon roup)

*J18 (RFC #erer roup)*JH0 (#'D Configuration)

*J0 (&peration *ode)SKD (+ime +able)

S)) (Clients &erie")

S,A ($ac,age leel)

F. Sto# the SA, %nstance Orac!e and Orac!e services.

K. &e!ete the directories on the QAS system

&e!ete directories sa#data1 8 D F K /"ee# the tree structure &:5orac!e5QAS.

&e!ete $i!es redo!og and mirror!og /"ee# the tree structure


&e!ete the three contro! $i!es orac!e /"ee# the tree structure  &e!ete $i!es $rom the directories sa#bac"u# sa#chec" sa#reorg sa#trace5bac"ground

sa#trace5usertrace /"ee# the tree structure.

H. )o#y the sa#bac"u# $o!der $rom ,*& a!ong 'ith the contro!.sq! $i!e #asted on the &es"to# to QAS


?. O#en the .a$d .and bac"u# $i!e /Eg.: bd6vu6u7.a$d #resent in sa#bac"u# directory. *e#!ace the ,*& 'i

the QAS and save it.

. Go to 5orac!e5QAS5sa#bac"u#57777 /Eg.: bd6vu6u7 bac"u# $i!e name $o!der !ocation. *ename the $i!es '

,*& to QAS.

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10. Start 23 *un 23 cmd. Goto the !ocation 5orac!e5QAS5sa#bac"u# and ty#e :

brrestore Lm $u!! Lb $i!ename3 2c 

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c"u# is restored success$u!!y.

)hec" the #resence o$ the #aths $or the creation o$ the contro! $i!es orac!e




%$ one o$ these #aths is not #resent create it.

. Start the Orac!e services.

. ogin to sq! $rom the !ocation 'here the contro!.sq! $i!e is !ocated.

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ter the contro! $i!e is created the Orac!e is in ounted state.

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' the database is o#en status.

u can vie' the ,*& O,SM users in the above screen.

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oto !ocation: ):5,rogram >i!es5sa#instNinstdir5E*,5SYSTE5O*A5)E+T*A5AS. )o#y the O*A&-=S*.S

e and #aste it in 5orac!e5QAS5sa#bac"u#5

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ecute the O*A&-=S*.SQ $i!e and #rovide the in#uts as $o!!o's:

nter va!ue $or 1: SA,*D

nter va!ue $or 8: +T

nter va!ue $or D: Target (ostname

nter va!ue $or : Target S%&3 ie.. QAS

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gin to SQ and chec" the users.

o# the Source System users ie.. ,*& users.

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!o' screen dis#!ays the !ist o$ users avai!ab!e a$ter dro##ing ,*& users.

ovide #ermissions to the $o!!o'ing QAS users as mentioned in the be!o' screen.

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art the SA, instance or ).

gin through )!ient 2 000 and =ser L SA,P.

r$orm #ost insta!!ation activities as sho'n be!o'.


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SE0K and se!ect ;&atabase co#y or &atabase migration< o#tion. )!ic" ,er$orm ,ost2%nsta!!ation Actions.

ic" Yes.

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ce#t the source system.

ic" Yes.


ic" Yes.

ic" Yes.

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ic" Yes.

)on$igure STS. *un T)2STS.

OTE: (ere 'e are considering the system /+AG as &omain )ontro!!er. %$ it is a chi!d system inc!ude that sys

o the &omain )ontro!!er as #er be!o' screen.

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D. *un *J10

!ect E7tended maintenance and c!ic" on &is#!ay button

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de!ete #ro$i!es o$ ,*& system. >or that $o!!o' the be!o' #ath

o$i!e 23 &e!ete 23 A!! versions 23 O$ a #ro$i!e

ic" Yes

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ic" +o

ic" on continuemi!ar!y de!ete Start #ro$i!e and &e$au!t #ro$i!e. As sho'n above screens.

ter de!eting a!! #ro$i!es o$ the ,*& system then im#ort #ro$i!es o$ +AG system by using be!o' #ath.

o to =ti!ities 23 %m#ort #ro$i!e 23 O$ a active servers.