days with frog and toad book unit

Five green and speckled frogs Sat on a speckled log Eating some most delicious bugs Yum! Yum! One jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool Then there were... Four green speckled frogs. Glub! Glub! Four green and speckled frogs Sat on a speckled log Eating some most delicious bugs Yum! Yum! One jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool Then there were...

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Page 1: Days with frog and toad book unit

Five green and speckled frogs Sat on a speckled log Eating some most delicious bugs Yum! Yum! One jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool Then there were...

Four green speckled frogs. Glub! Glub! Four green and speckled frogs Sat on a speckled log Eating some most delicious bugs Yum! Yum! One jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool Then there were...

Page 2: Days with frog and toad book unit

Three green speckled frogs. Glub! Glub! Three green and speckled frogs Sat on a speckled log Eating some most delicious bugs Yum! Yum! One jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool Then there were...

Two green speckled frogs. Glub! Glub! Two green and speckled frogs Sat on a speckled log Eating some most delicious bugs Yum! Yum! One jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool Then there was...

Page 3: Days with frog and toad book unit

One green speckled frog. Glub! Glub! One green and speckled frog Sat on a speckled log Eating some most delicious bugs Yum! Yum! He jumped into the pool Where it was nice and cool Then there were...

No green speckled frogs. Glub! Glub!

Page 4: Days with frog and toad book unit

Homework Reading Words for �Frog and Toad����

Write each reading word three times. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

1. alone 2. cheer 3. fine 4. meadow 5. reason 6. spoiled 7. favorite 8. suddenly 9. character 10. plot

1. window 2. garden 3. river 4. island 5. found 6. sandwiches 7. pitcher 8. basket 9. hurried 10. sorry

1. hear 2. jacket 3. shouted 4. friend 5. dumb 6. empty 7. morning 8. because 9. without 10. replied

1. frightened 2. please 3. remarked 4. shine 5. afternoon 6. afraid 7. asleep 8. shall 9. path 10. turtle

Daily Homework:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

1. Write words 3 times each.2. Math

1. Write words 3 times each. 2. SpellingHomework:

1. Write words 3 times each. 2. Math:

1. Write words 3 times each. 2. Study forSPELLING andVOCABULARY TESTS on Friday.

Spelling Words for the Week.1. cried 2. hurried 3. replied 4. fried 5. tried

6. worried 7. carried 8. copied 9. married 10. studied

11. remarked 12. finished 13. alone 14. river 15. think

16. alone 17. cheer 18. fine 19. meadow 20. reason

Reading Vocabulary Words: 1. alone not with anyone

2. cheer make glad

3. fine very good

4. meadow grassy land

5. reason cause

6. spoiled ruined

Page 5: Days with frog and toad book unit

Name ________________________Date ____________ Days With Frog and Toad

Study Guide Vocabulary Words

1. Do you have a good _________________ for being late? 2. We gave our sick friend a book to _________ her up. 3. He was sick, but now he is ____________________. 4. The rain __________________ our fun at the park. 5. Sometimes I play with friends, but other times I play

_____________________. 6. Grass and flowers grow in the ___________________.

Comprehension7. This story is mostly about _________________________


8. Where does this story mostly take place? _____________ _______________________________________________

9. How does Toad feel when he first reads Frog�s note? _______________________________________________

10.What is Frog doing when Toad finds him? _______________________________________________

11. Why does Toad make a picnic lunch? _______________________________________________

alone cheer fine meadow reason spoiled

Page 6: Days with frog and toad book unit

Name _____________________________________page 2

12. Why doesn�t Frog answer when Toad shouts and waves at Frog? _________________________________________ ______________________________________________

13. How does Toad get to the island where Frog is? ______________________________________________

14. Why does the turtle think that Toad should leave Frog alone? ________________________________________ _______________________________________________

15. Why does Toad tell Frog that he is sorry? ______________________________________________________________________________________________

16. Why does lunch spoil? __________________________ _______________________________________________

17. How does Frog feel when he sees Toad? _____________ _______________________________________________

18. What do Frog and Toad eat for lunch? _____________ _______________________________________________

19. Name one reason why Frog is happy. ________________ _______________________________________________

20. Why had Frog wanted to be alone? _________________ _______________________________________________

Page 7: Days with frog and toad book unit

away from everyoneelse; by oneself


Page 8: Days with frog and toad book unit

to make someone who is unhappy feel better


Page 9: Days with frog and toad book unit



Page 10: Days with frog and toad book unit

an open place where grass grows


Page 11: Days with frog and toad book unit

a statement that tells why someone did something or why something happened


Page 12: Days with frog and toad book unit

ruined; no longer useful


Page 13: Days with frog and toad book unit

Frog & Toad Vocabulary Cards

Page 14: Days with frog and toad book unit

Name ______________________ Frog and Toad

Complete the sentences with a word from the box.

chips ship chop pick chick

shock shop chill back sack

1. It was a ______________ to see the old man and his car.

2. A big _______________ was at the dock.

3. I like to eat _____________________.

4. A gray rat ran in the ____________________.

5. The little ___________________ said, “Peep.”

6. Ice will _________________ the milk.

7. We will ________________ all day.

8. __________________ the ham into little bits.

9. Mom is ____________________.

10. _______________ up your socks.

26 2007

Page 15: Days with frog and toad book unit

Name ________________________________________ Frog and Toad

Reading Words


1. The ________________ made a home in the ____________.

2. It was __________________ watching the baby deer.

3. I could _________________ wait to tell my dad.

4. That was a _________________ young baby deer.

5. I also _________________ an eagle in her nest.

6. The sun was _________________ off the water.

7. We will _________________ for our favorite team.

8. I don�t like to be _________________ during a storm.

9. That sour milk is _________________.

c m a t a c u b b c c e s s rm e a d o w h r b a h x p i en b p d x v i i f p e c o d ac u k s u y t c p f e i t e ss p a r k l i n g m r t t w od k v d d o l a g o u i e a nh a n d s o m e l d w n d y ls p o i l e d z j o e g k s ws h a r d l y h f i n e g s mt o l b t v d q f a y e m e s

alone cheer chipmunks dull exciting fine handsome hardly meadow reason sideways sparkling spoiled spotted

Page 16: Days with frog and toad book unit

Name ________________________________________ Spelling Word Search �Frog and Toad�

1. I _____________________ out to the group to wait.

2. We _____________________ so we wouldn�t be late.

3. She _____________________ to our letter.

4. He doesn�t eat _____________________ foods.

5. Have you _____________________ your best?

6. If we don�t call, our family will be _____________________.

7. The girls each _____________________ several books.

8. We _____________________ a poem into our journals.

9. My cousin is getting _____________________ this summer.

10. They _____________________ for over an hour.

t i n w v v f r q i j n m s cr t h i n k i i w u w e r t ri a l o n e n v a r e p e u ie z h u r r i e d h c a p d ed c o s p f s r w e a h l i df r i e d w h y w o r r i e dr e m a r k e d b p r p e d zm a r r i e d l h g i i d r sq h r p v p n u f s e q m j wc o p i e d u o q q d s g l v

alonecarried copied cried finished fried hurried married remarked replied river studied think tried worried

Page 17: Days with frog and toad book unit


NAME:___________________________________________Frog and Toad

1. This is a _______________________ day, Toad.

2. The deer were in the grassy __________________________.

3. I think the meat is _________________________.

4. We _____________________________ felt hungry.

5. I have a good ________________________ for not being here.

6. They are my _____________________________ animals.

7. We are_________________!

1.cry _________________

2. hurry _________________

3. reply _________________

4. fry ________________

5. try ________________

6. copy _________________

7. carry _________________

8. study _________________

1. alone ____

2. finish ____

3. fine ____

4. carry ____

5. hurry ____

6. cry ____

7. reason ____

8. meadow____

alone fine meadow reason spoiled suddenly favorite

CHANGE y to i (add ed)Write the new word. Match Meanings


B. run

C. boo hoo


E. grassy land

F. end

G. nice

H.not with


Page 18: Days with frog and toad book unit


NAME:________________________________ Frog and Toad

1. The _____________________ were yummy! (window, sandwiches)

2. Is that a flower in the ____________________? (garden, window)

3. This is a huge __________________________. (replied, window)

4. An __________________ has water on all sides. (without, island)

5. Toad is very_____________________________ . (empty, afraid)

6. The bowl is _______________________________. (path, empty)

7. Let�s walk down the ________________________. (asleep, path)

1. hurried ____________

2. smiles ____________

3. fried _____________

4. alone _____________

5. reasons ____________

6. walking _____________

7. copied __________

1. __________________

2. __________________

3. __________________

4. __________________

5. __________________

6. __________________

7. ___________________

Root Words ABC ORDER









Page 19: Days with frog and toad book unit






5. ________________

6. __________________


1. Frog ___

2. afternoon ____

3. remembering ___

4. together ____

5. island ___

6. Toad ___

7. information ____

ABC ORDER Syllables 1, 2, 3,4



__ paper






Name __________________________ Frog and Toad

(2) 1. frog and toad are friends [ ]

(3) 2. who likes kate and ally [ ]

(3) 3. we went to new york [ ]

(3) 4. did you see henry and mudge [ ]

(2) 5. i live in atlanta [ ]

(2) 6. this is the month of september [ ]

[ . ]

[ ? ]

CORRECT THE SENTENCES BELOWUse: [ . ] [ ? ] Capitals for: names, cities, months

Page 20: Days with frog and toad book unit


1. The sun is ______________________________________.

2. I made some _______________________________ to eat.

3. Put the iced tea in the ________________________.

4. I have flowers in my _______________________.

5. Who _________________________ the treasure?

6. Second graders can not get ______________________.

7. I _____________________ sick today.

1. alone ____ 1._________________

2. meadow ____

3. fine ____

4. September ___

5. spoiled ____

6. beginning ____

7. sandwiches ____

8. wonderful ____

9. reason ____

2. _________________

3. _________________

4. _________________

5. _________________

6. _________________

7. _________________

8. _________________

9. _________________

ABC ORDERSyllables 1, 2, 3










Name _____________________________ Frog and Toad felt garden found shining pitcher sandwiches married

Page 21: Days with frog and toad book unit


Name _________________________________ Frog and Toad

1. It is a wonderful day! __________________

2. We might see about getting a toy.__________________

3. I fell on the ice and hurt my leg. _________________

4. You need to listen to what I�m saying. _________________

5. Our dogs tote bones.________________________

6. This is the cause of why this happened. ________________

7. The iced tea pitcher is full. ______________________

1. you�ll _______ ________

2. I�m _______ ________

3. they�re _______ ________

4. it�s _______ ________

5. we�d _______ ________

6. won�t _______ ________

7. let�s _______ ________

8. she�ll ________ _________

1. cry __________________

2. marry __________________

3. city __________________

4. reply __________________

5. fry __________________

6. study __________________

7. hurry __________________

8. puppy __________________

CHANGE y to i and add esWrite the new words.

Contractions: Write the 2 words

us am would will are is cries

you will

reason hear maybe carry jug slipped fine

Page 22: Days with frog and toad book unit

Name ________________________________Voc. Frog and Toad

Today I took a walk. It�s best not to walk alone. So I went with my dad.

We walked through the tall grass of the meadow. We saw many kinds of butterflies and flowers. It was a fineday for a walk because it was warm and sunny.

A little later, it started to rain. I thought our walk would be spoiled, and we would have to go inside. I felt sad.

Suddenly it stopped raining. Dad smiled, but I didn�t know the reason. Then I saw the rainbow. I smiled, too. Dad knew the rainbow would cheer me up.

Exert from story: �If frog wants to be alone,� said Turtle, �why don�t you leave him alone?� �Maybe you are right,� said Toad. �Maybe Frog does not want to see me. Maybe Frog does not want me to be his friend anymore.� �Yes, maybe,� said Turtle as he swam away.

Page 23: Days with frog and toad book unit

rain bow

sun shine

meat ball

Page 24: Days with frog and toad book unit





star fish

Page 25: Days with frog and toad book unit

Directions / Explanation for the next few pages….

Phonics Part Explanation for L, S, R, VD, DPT

L means long vowel

S means short vowel

R means r-control (ar/, er/, ir/, or/, ur/)

VD means vowel digraphs (oo/ in moon, oo/ in book etc)

DPT means diphthong (ow/ in cow, ou/ in loud, oi/ in oil, oy/ in boy, etc.)

Teach and Test

Have students cover the words. Call them out 1 at a time and have them write them down. Use as a practice spelling test.

Page 26: Days with frog and toad book unit


Name __________________________________ Frog and Toad


2.huge ____

3. true ____

4. bus ____

5. car ____

Teach and Test







7.ride ____

8.jump ____ ____

10. wish ____





10. _____________________

Sounds: L - long S - short R- r-control

Vocabulary : Days with Frog and Toad ����. Match

1. alone ______

2. cheer ______

3. fine ______

4. meadow ______

5. reason ______

6. spoiled ______

a. ruined

b. grassy land

c. make glad

d. very good

e. cause

f. not with anyone

Page 27: Days with frog and toad book unit


Name _________________________________ Frog and Toad

1. big________

2. not________

3. bird_______

4. five_______

5. ask_______

Teach and Test






6.had _______




10. ate _______

6. _____________________

7. ______________________

8. ______________________

9. ______________________

10. ____________________

Vocabulary : Days with Frog and Toad ����. Match

1. It tells when you are by yourself. _____________

2. It means very good. ____________________

3. It is a grassy field. ___________________

4. It is a word that means cause. ______________

5. It tells what happens to a picnic when it rains. ____________

alonefine spoiled reason meadow

Sounds: L - long S - short R- r-control

Page 28: Days with frog and toad book unit


Name ______________________________________Frog and Toad

1. quite _____

2. light _____

3. kick________

4. shine _______

5. hard _______

Teach and Test










10. let_______

6. ______________________

7. ______________________

8. ______________________

9. ______________________


1.I thought the rain would ______________ our picnic.

2.We walked in the tall grass in the _______________

3.Dad knew the puppy would _______________ me up.

4.It is best not to walk to school _______________.

5.It was a _______________day for a walk.

6.I need a _______________ to go shopping.

Sounds: L - long S - short R- r-control

alone cheer fine meadow reason spoiled

Page 29: Days with frog and toad book unit


Name __________________________________Frog and Toad

1. cold _____





Teach and Test

1. ______________________

2. ______________________

3. ______________________

4. ______________________

5. _____________________

6. fly _____

7. may _____

8. for_____

9. best_____

10. must_____

6. ______________________

7. ______________________

8. ______________________

9. ______________________

10. _____________________

1.Frog left so he could be __________________.

2.Toad went to the __________________ to find Frog.

3.Toad tried to __________________ up a sad frog.

4.The water __________________ Toad�s lunch.

5.Frog wanted to think about the __________________ day.

6.That was Toad�s ________________for wanting to be alone.

Sounds: L - long S - short R- r-control

Use these words: spoiled alone reason cheer fine meadow

Page 30: Days with frog and toad book unit


Name _________________________________ Frog and Toad


2.huge ________

3. true ______

4. bus _____

5. car _____

Teach and Test







7.ride _________

8.jump ________ ________

10. wish ______





10. _________________


1.This stew tasted fresh. _____________________

2.The deer in the woods was in a group. ___________________

3.He had no excuse for losing his homework. _________________

4.The people were sad at the circus. _____________________

5.The unwell dog was wagging its tail. __________________

6.The children were playing ball in the pond. _________________

Sounds: L - long S - short R- r-control

Match opposites: fine alone cheerful meadow reason spoiled

Page 31: Days with frog and toad book unit

Name __________________________________ Date ___________________________________

Use editing marks to edit the sentences below.

1. frog said I am toad’s best friend

2. toad said I am your best friend, too

3. frog was at the river

4. toad found frog at the river

5. toad said Our lunch is spoiled 2007

Page 32: Days with frog and toad book unit

Name __________________________________________________________ Date__________________________________

Scavenger Hunt Frog and Toad

Direction: Look in the story for the following:

Vocabulary Please list three characters List 5 words ending in – ed

1. alone page #______________

1. 1.

2. meadow page # ______________

2. 2.

3. fine page #_________________

3. 3.

4. reason page #___________


5. cheer page # ______________


6. spoiled page # ______________


Page 33: Days with frog and toad book unit

Name _________________________________ Spelling Frog and ToadMultiple Choice Spelling Test

Directions: Look at each answer choice and circle the one that is spelled correctly.

huried hurreid hurried hurryed

cryed cied cryied cried

studied studeyed studeed studyed

maryed maried married marryed

copid copyed copied copeed

carryed caried careed carried

worried worryed woried woryed

tirde tried tierd tryed

fied fruyed fryed fried

repied repleid relyed replied

1) ______________ chicken is my favorite food.

2) I asked him a question, but he never ________________.

3) The baby ____________________ for his teddy bear.

4) Jim and Jane were _________________ in a big, white church.

5) She ___________________ her math facts for the test.

6) The children ___________________ to build a sand castle.

7) The monkeys _____________________ the man with the caps.

8) He was ____________________ that his kite wouldn�t fly.

9) The mother cat _______________ her kitten to a safe place.

10) The students _______________ inside when it started to rain.

Page 34: Days with frog and toad book unit

Name Days With Frog and ToadVocabulary Test

Directions: Fill in the letter of the definition that fits each vocabulary word. 1. cheer

2. fine

3. reason

4. alone

5. spoiled

6. _____ meadow

A. a statement that tells why someone did something or why something happened B. an open place where grass grows

C. good

D. away from everyone else; by oneself

E. ruined; no longer useful

F. to make someone who is unhappy feel better

Directions: Circle the word that best completes each sentence and write the word on the line.

7. He went to the ________________________.

A. reason B. meadow C. alone

8. I will ________________________ him up.

A. spoiled B. fine C. cheer

9. �Our lunch is ________________________,� said Toad.

A. fine B. spoiled C. reason

10. I want to be ________________________.

A. reason B. alone C. cheer

11. I guess that is a very good ____________________ for wanting to be alone.

A. reason B. cheer C. fine

12. I wanted to think about how ____________________ everything is.

A. fine B. reason C. spoiled

Page 35: Days with frog and toad book unit

Name: ___________________________________ �Days With Frog and Toad� Grammar Test: Skill � Naming Parts of a Sentence

Skill Reminder: • A sentence has a naming part. It names who or what the

sentence is about. • Naming parts can name two people or things. The word and is used to

join them. Directions: Underline the naming part of each sentence. Then write it on the blank. Example: The dogs like music. The dogs

1. The school has a band. ___________________________________

2. Rover leads the band. ___________________________________

3. The flutes are the softest. ________________________________

4. Jack plays the trumpet. __________________________________

5. His friend plays the tuba. ________________________________

Directions: Complete the sentence by writing a naming part.

6. ____________________________ liked that soccer game.

7. ____________________________ played it well.

8. ____________________________ stayed inside to read.

9. ___________________ and ___________________ walked to school.

10. ___________________ and ___________________ were in my bookbag.

Page 36: Days with frog and toad book unit

one green frog

Page 37: Days with frog and toad book unit

two red frogs

Page 38: Days with frog and toad book unit

three blue frogs

Page 39: Days with frog and toad book unit

four yellow frogs

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five orange frogs

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Count them 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.