day 4 – chapter 2 january 19 chemistry

Day 4 – Chapter 2 Power Up your Clicker! Some notes on

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Day 4 – Chapter 2

Power Up your Clicker!Some notes on

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2.5 Hydrogen bonds make water cohesive.

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2.6 Water has unusual properties that make it critical to life.


Large heat capacity

Low density as a solid

Good solvent


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Heat Capacity

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Why do coastal areas have milder, less variable climates than inland areas?

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Low Density as a Solid

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Why don’t oceans freeze as easily as fresh water lakes?

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2.7 Living systems are highly sensitive to acidic and basic conditions.


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pH Scale The amount of H+ in a solution is a

measure of its acidity and is called pH.


BasesThe pH scale is logarithmic, like the Richter Scale for earthquakes: an increase in 1 on the scale represents a ten-fold increase in the hydrogen ion concentration.

An increase of 2 represents a hundred-fold increase.

This means that Coke, with a pH of about 3.0, is 10,000 times (!) more acidic than a glass of water, with a pH of 7.0.

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H+ Ions and Acids H+ very reactive

Acids can donate H+ to other chemicals

Stomach acids can kill bacteria, can bind to metals and cause them to corrode, acid rain, Coke

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BasesLow H+High OH

AntacidsBaking soda, seltzer, milk of

magnesia, household cleaners

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• So, now that we know life is a gentle balance of acids and bases – how does that affect the things

we eat?

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Four Types of Macromolecules




Nucleic acids

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2.8 Carbohydrates are macro-molecules that function as fuel.Health topics of

the year

Low-carb diet?

Hi-carb diet?


Fiber intake?

What are carbohydrates?

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C, H, and O

Primary fuel for organisms

Cell structure

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Glucose Most

carbohydrates— ultimately converted into glucose

Blood sugar

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More Carbohydrates

Cellulose (plant based)

Chitin (shellfish)

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Fiber “Roughage”

Colon cancer prevention/reduction

Termites ecological role

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Fat molecules contain much more stored energy than carbohydrate molecules.

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2.15 Proteins are versatile macromolecules that serve as building blocks.

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Amino Acids Twenty different amino acids

Strung together to make proteins

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2.16 Proteins are an essential dietary component.




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2.17 Protein functions are influenced by their three-dimensional shape.

Peptide bonds

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Why do some people have curly hair and others have straight hair?

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2.19 Nucleic acids are macromolecules that store information.

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Information Storage The information in a molecule of DNA

is determined by its sequence of bases.

Adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine


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2.20 DNA holds the genetic information to build an organism.

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RNA differs from DNA in three important ways.

The sugar molecule of the sugar-phosphate backbone


Uracil (U) replaces thymine (T)