day 2

---------------------------------------------- The Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge Day 2: ---------------------------------------------- Hi Joey Welcome to Day 2 of the Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge. Did you find some ways to incorporate the words 'wealth success' into your daily routine? Try to remember to use these words in place of any thoughts on financial worries. Doing this consistently will begin to create a shift. ---------------------------------------------- The Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge Day 2: ---------------------------------------------- What is your relationship with money? Do you attract it or repel it? Ask yourself: What do I really believe about money? Write down all your associations, beliefs, thoughts about money - your earliest memories? What was money like as a kid? What did my parents say about it? Did they fight over it? No censorship just write down anything that comes to mind. You most likely believe that your experiences have taught you what is real and what is true - at least for you. However, what you may not know is that your beliefs - conscious and unconscious - have determined what you would experience.

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Page 1: Day 2

----------------------------------------------The Mindset and Money 30 day ChallengeDay 2:----------------------------------------------

Hi Joey

Welcome to Day 2 of the Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge.

Did you find some ways to incorporate the words 'wealth success' into your daily routine?

Try to remember to use these words in place of any thoughts on financial worries. Doing this consistently will begin to create a shift.

----------------------------------------------The Mindset and Money 30 day ChallengeDay 2:----------------------------------------------

What is your relationship with money? Do you attract it or repel it?

Ask yourself:

What do I really believe about money? Write down all your associations, beliefs, thoughts about money - your earliest memories? What was money like as a kid? What did my parents say about it? Did they fight over it? No censorship just write down anything that comes to mind.

You most likely believe that your experiences have taught you what is real and what is true - at least for you. However, what you may not know is that your beliefs - conscious and unconscious - have determined what you would experience.

Our beliefs and attitudes around money are the result of our early childhood conditioning. Are these beliefs helping you or hindering you?

Most of us want to expand our consciousness to include all the riches life has to offer, including money. Yet many of us are held back as a result of these early beliefs.

And the bad news is ... more money will only magnify our current situation!

The truth about money is that is a magnifier - it only creates more of what you already have! Any time you move outside your comfort zones with money, it amplifies the circumstances of your life.

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This happens because as we obtain more money our subconscious beliefs start getting louder. The more money we have, the more our limiting beliefs feel threatened.

The two most common unhealthy money beliefs are:

'I'm not worthy' (I'm not good enough); and 'money is bad'. Sure we may not say these out loud, or even think about them on a conscious level, but these psychological roadblocks are what are holding us back from the wealth we consciously desire.

As a result we will start to sabotage our efforts (not on purpose!) in order to maintain the same level of beliefs.

So how can we increase our income, both in terms of psychic and material rewards?

It all comes down to mindset.

Remember, money is a magnifier. The things you do well will be increased as your money grows, and those things you need to improve will also increase.

Here's the bottom line:

If you harbor deep insecurities, feelings of shame, aloneness, or deprivation, you won't experience real prosperity and abundance.

Likewise, if you carry a lot of anger and resentment and feel trapped by your financial condition, there is little chance for you to experience the joy and freedom of a healthy cash flow.

Reaching the place that equals prosperity means your inner state of being must be abundance most, if not all, of the time. Not just for an hour or two a day, but all of the time.

Once you have overcome the subconscious programming that is creating limits in your life, you will feel comfortable and secure and have faith in a positive future.

And then, easily and effortlessly, you will generate whatever you need to build, sustain, and grow prosperity and abundance. You begin to attract, on the outside, the reflection of which is on the inside.


Take some time to examine yourself and your feelings about money.

The easiest way to do this is by answering the question:"Money is..."

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Now grab a piece of paper and start writing down the thoughts that enter your mind, in answer to that question. There are no right or wrong answers, you are just exploring your beliefs.

Try to get 20-30 statements. Don't stop to think after each one, just write as many down as you can until you have a full sheet of paper.

Here are some examples:

"Money is...

~ hard to come by~ only for people who have a degree~ going to make me unspiritual~ scary ~ only for the rich~ always taken from me

Now, once you have written down as many of these as you can, ask yourself this question...

"If a person felt this way about ME would I want to spend time with them?"

We keep money away from ourselves with our thoughts and our beliefs about money.

If you can RELEASE your negative thoughts and beliefs about money then more of it will flow to you.

Changing a thought or a belief is only a decision. You don't have to do anything fancy except decide to change it.

Go over your list again, and beside each answer write the new belief you wish to have.

So, if you have these answers:

"Money is...

~ hard to come by~ only for people who have a degree

Change them to a new belief, like these for example:

"Money is...

~ hard to come by (many people can attract money easily, and

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I am in the process of doing it as well)~ only for people who have a degree (there are lots of peoplewho don't have an education who are wealthy. Degrees don't createwealth, people do)

Please share your thoughts or examples of your new beliefs in the group forum:

Watch you email for lesson 3 tomorrow.
