day 16

--------------------------------------------- The Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge Day 16: ---------------------------------------------- Hi Joey Welcome to Day 16 of the Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge. Were you able to come up with a long list of all the different ways the Universe is trying to send you the abundance you desire? Today’s lesson addresses allowing the solution to be presented to you, instead of struggling to find it. ---------------------------------------------- The Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge Day 16: ---------------------------------------------- Often when we set an intention to manifest something, we strain and struggle to try and find the solution on how to create it in our lives. You haven't found the solution yet, and you're wrestling with all the aspects of the problem trying to find the answer.

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Page 1: Day 16

---------------------------------------------The Mindset and Money 30 day ChallengeDay 16:----------------------------------------------

Hi Joey

Welcome to Day 16 of the Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge.

Were you able to come up with a long list of all the different ways the Universe is trying to send you the abundance you desire?

Today’s lesson addresses allowing the solution to be presented to you, instead of struggling to find it.

----------------------------------------------The Mindset and Money 30 day ChallengeDay 16:----------------------------------------------

Often when we set an intention to manifest something, we strain and struggle to try and find the solution on how to create it in our lives.

You haven't found the solution yet, and you're wrestling with

all the aspects of the problem trying to find the answer.

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Suppose there was a solution for you out there already, but you just haven't tuned into it yet?

The truth is that the solution is already out there, but we are

just so focused on the problem that we can't "hear" what the Universe is offering to us.

Isn't that a relieving thought -- that your solution is already available, you just haven't found a way to draw it to you?

It's a clear and powerful way to think (and vibrate). I also know it's a brand new way to think for many of us...

In other words, the reason we are blocked from finding our solution, is that our focus is getting in the way of receiving it.

I realize that this is an emotional and habitual stretch for many of us, especially when we feel urgent about needing the solution right now!

It is definitely a bad habit to focus on just the problem, going

over and over the details, and forgetting the vibrational nature of the Law of Attraction.

If we keep focusing on the problem and the fact that we haven't found a solution, this specific energy, or vibration, will keep us stuck in a place that yells to the Universe: "I

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have a big problem and I can't find a solution!"


Your homework for today is to begin to work a new muscle in

your mind and to learn to be successful at switching your focus from the details of the problem to receiving a solution.

Most of us were taught that mulling over the problem was the right way to reach a solution. We weren't taught to focus on the possibility of a solution, much less make the assumption that a solution absolutely exists.

It takes a little practice, trust, a leap of faith, a desire to let go of old patterns and stale thinking, and an effort to make an energetic change.

I'm game... are you?

Take some time to write out different statements you can use

to help remind yourself that the solution is always available,even if you can't see it at this moment.

Here are some suggestions:

~ I want to be willing to assume there's a solution.~ I intend to believe there is a solution already.

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~ I choose to assume a solution is waiting for me.~ I choose to allow the solution to present itself to me.

Please share your thoughts or insights in the group forum:

Watch you email for lesson 17 tomorrow.

-----To Your Success,Karen Walker