day 13

---------------------------------------------- The Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge Day 13: ---------------------------------------------- Hi Joey Welcome to Day 13 of the Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge. Did you create a money personality that you can visualize and start to recreate your relationship with money? Was it challenging to do, or did you have an easy time creating a money personality? Today’s lesson deals with allowing money to flow freely in your life. ---------------------------------------------- The Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge Day 13: ---------------------------------------------- Manifesting money can not happen as long as you are holding onto money. One of the biggest reasons people fail when it comes to attracting money is because of the belief that obtaining more money is hard.

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Page 1: Day 13

----------------------------------------------The Mindset and Money 30 day ChallengeDay 13:----------------------------------------------

Hi Joey

Welcome to Day 13 of the Mindset and Money 30 day Challenge.

Did you create a money personality that you can visualize and start to recreate your relationship with money?

Was it challenging to do, or did you have an easy time creating a money personality?

Today’s lesson deals with allowing money to flow freely in your life.

----------------------------------------------The Mindset and Money 30 day ChallengeDay 13:----------------------------------------------

Manifesting money can not happen as long as you are holding onto money.

One of the biggest reasons people fail when it comes to attracting money is because of the belief that obtaining more money is hard.

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They can not see where more money will come from, or they believe they only have a certain amount of money coming to them (a paycheck), so they carefully control every penny they have.

It is this hoarding of money that stops more money from flowing into our lives. If you picture a water hose - the water flows freely until you pinch the hose, which cause the water to back up. The longer you hold the hose pinched off, the further back the water is backed up in the hose.

New water is still entering the hose but the place where it stops and gets backed up gets further and further away the longer you pinch the hose.

Money works the same way. As long as money has somewhere to flow, it will keep flowing. If you pinch off the flow, money will still be trying to reach you but will be backed up along the way.

Today I want you to let go of the fear and you'll soon experience more Abundance.

Do you have $10 in your pocket right now? Or, even $5?

Well, your mission today is to give that away to someone...

How does the thought of giving money away make you feel?

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Did you feel a twinge inside? Did you feel a tightness or a contraction in your stomach or chest or throat when you thought about that.

What if I asked you to give away $20? $50, $100!

Today, I want you to gift someone out of the blue. If you are at a coffee shop drive-thru then pay for the order of the car behind you.

or, pay for the person behind you in line at toll booth.

Or, if you are at lunch pick up the check for someone you don't know.

If you feel any negative feelings about that, it means you have a fear about abundance.

Let that fear go and you'll soon experience more Abundance.


1. Gift someone by paying for them, and as you are paying, release the fear by giving thanks for your abundance thatallows you to pay for someone else..

2. Continue to listen to the audios, or do the floating money visualization, and see if you can feel any shift inside you when you do your visualization.

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Please share your thoughts or insights in the group forum:

Watch you email for lesson 14 tomorrow.

-----To Your Success,Karen Walker