david horn. introduction i am from bethesda maryland i graduated from the chelsea school which is...

LD PowerPoint Project Learning Essentials and Self Discovery David Horn

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Page 1: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

LD PowerPoint ProjectLearning Essentials and

Self Discovery

David Horn

Page 2: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose


• I am from Bethesda Maryland• I graduated from the Chelsea School

which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland

• I originally chose Beacon College because it has a Computer, Information Systems track as well as the amount of support that this College provides

Page 3: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

ADHD Inattentive(ADHD Type 2)

Page 4: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Symptoms of ADHD Inattentive

• Not paying attention to detail• Making careless mistakes• Failing to pay attention and keep on task• Not listening• Being unable to follow or understand

instructions • Avoiding tasks that involve effort • Being distracted or forgetful • Losing things that are needed to complete


Page 5: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Reading Disorder

Page 6: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Symptoms• Difficulty identifying single

words• Problems understanding

sounds in words, order of sounds or and rhythms

• Problems with spelling • Transposing letters in

words• Omitting or substituting

words• Poor reading

comprehension• Slow reading speed• Delay in spoken language

• Confusion with directions, or right and left handedness

• Confusion with opposites

• Math Disorder• Dysgraphia

Page 7: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Mathematics Disorder

Page 8: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose


• Trouble with reading, writing and copying numbers

• Problems counting and adding numbers• Difficulty differentiating adding and

subtraction• Problems understanding math symbols and

word problems• Unable to line up numbers properly• Unable to make number lines• Unable to understand graphs

Page 9: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose


Page 10: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Symptoms Illegible print, cursive Writes both print and

cursive in the same sentence

Leaves words out of sentences

Doesn’t finish words or letters

Doesn’t leave enough space between words when writing

Strange wrist or paper position

Writes Slow Doesn’t leave enough

space when writing Individual complains

of sore hand after writing

Individual has difficulty writing with out planning before hand

Has difficulty visualizing letters, and words before writing

Page 11: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder

Page 12: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Symptoms Has difficulty understanding what

others have said Problems following oral directions Difficult to organize thoughts Hard to make sentences Often says “um” Low vocabulary Word reputation Improper use of tenses

Page 13: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Developmental Dyspraxia

Page 14: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Quick Facts

Also referred to as developmental coordination disorder

Lifelong neurological condition More common in males then females

Page 15: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Developmental Areas effected by Dyspraxia

Page 16: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Speech and Language

Page 17: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose


Difficulties controlling the speech organs

Difficulties making speech sounds Difficulty sequencing sounds

Within a wordForming words into sentences

Difficulty controlling breathing Slow language development Difficulty with feeding

Page 18: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Fine Motor Control

Page 19: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose


Difficulty learning basic movement patterns

Difficulty developing a desired writing style

The acquision of graphemes Difficulty establishing the correct

pencil grip Hand aching while writing

Page 20: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Whole body movement, coordination, and body


Page 21: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose


Poor timing Poor balance Tripping over your own feet Difficulty sequencing movement Difficulty remembering movement

sequence Problems realizing where you are in space Trouble holding objects Ambidextrous

Page 22: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Reynolds Syndrome

Page 23: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose


Pain in extremities Discoloration in extremities Sensation of cold and numbing in


Page 24: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

How my Learning Disabilities effect me


Page 25: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

ADHD Inattentive

I always ask for a writing implement

Page 26: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Reading Disorder

I don’t enjoy reading I don’t enjoy reading because I always

loose my place I would rather talk on the phone then

read a book

Page 27: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Mathematics Disorder

I can’t solve math equations

Page 28: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose


Teachers often can’t read my writing

Page 29: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Receptive Expressive Language Disorder

It takes longer for me to understand what someone is saying, or asking

Page 30: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Developmental Dyspraxia

I am occasionally late to class because I don’t realize what time it is and I take more time then most to get where I am going

Page 31: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Reynolds Syndrome

I am always cold

Page 32: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

How My Learning disabilities effect me


Page 33: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

ADHD Inattentive

I always forget to clean my room so I will be reminded by my roommates to do it

There is always a mess around me I often will start an idea and not

complete the steps necessary to finish it

Page 34: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Reading Disorder

I always read street signs

Page 35: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Mathematics Disorder

Counting money is hard It is difficult for me to keep a budget

Page 36: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose


My writing is most often eligible Although I enjoy writing poetry Couldn’t write a love letter if I wanted to

Page 37: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder I can’t have a decent conversation with

my friends because it is so hard to communicate with others

Page 38: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Developmental Dyspraxia

I occasionally drop things

Page 39: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Reynolds Syndrome

It freaks people out I am a come lien

Page 40: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Compensation Strategies

Page 41: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

ADHD Inattentive

If I can’t find a pencil I will ask for one

Page 42: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Reading Disorder

I have used kurzwell to listen to text

Page 43: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Mathematics Disorder

I use a calculator when I am asked to solve anything more then a simple math equation

Page 44: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose


I have a tablet computer to assist with my typing

I also have a smart pen that can record audio while I write

Page 45: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Receptive Expressive Language Disorder

I ask for the instructions to be repeated

Page 46: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Developmental Dyspraxia

I where ankle braces when I walk I was once told that one of my legs is

longer then the other

Page 47: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

Reynolds Syndrome

I often where an extra layer or two of clothing

I am always cold

Page 48: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose


Despite all the disabilities I am diagnosed with I think I am a pretty cool person and people should get to know me

Page 49: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose


Wikipedia. (2012). [Website]. RetrievedNovember 2,2012 fromhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Developmental_dyspraxia

(2012). Dysgraphia. Learning Disabilities Association of America. Retrieved November 1, 2012 from http://www.ldnatl.org/aboutld/parents/ld_basics/dysgraphia.asp

Page 50: David Horn. Introduction I am from Bethesda Maryland I graduated from the Chelsea School which is located in Silver Spring, Maryland I originally chose

References (continued)

(n.d). Types of ADHD: Making the diagnoses. WebMD. Retrieved November 1, 2012 from http://webmd.com/add-adhd/guide/types-of-adhd.

David Zieve. & Neil Kaneshiro. (2012). Language Disorders – Children. Medline Plus. Retrieved November 1, 2012 from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/ency/article/001545.htm