david bordwell - the films of carl-theodor dreyer (1981)


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  • The Films 0/ Cor/-Theodor Dreyer

  • The Fihns of CadTheot/or Drever


    Un"""it)' of C.li~~"" 1_ ""'.''''Y -Lo.", An~d .. ., , Lood,,,,

  • Uni,w' iI)' "r C. lilorn;" fu .. &'rkok'Y . nd Loo Angolo" Cali/Ofnia

    Uni,'.",ih' 0/ C. lilom" P",,",,, Ltd , l

  • To Kristin

    "Bitt /ie's a 'oU krittik: ai~tl,e?" "Ym;, but /,e5 alw a 'umdperker. .. 'AI,h."

    George Hnr;m"", 1939

  • COllteltts

    " AC Kt>OWI EOCMnflS


    fi) PRQH! FMATIC I INmrs

    Hi ORDfT bY. The M irade W. ThCAlrjra' iW jgn I!ii 51>'''''''''''

    ZIl' 1l10GR'''HIC A,] f!I MQ(;RAP"V

  • Admow/etigmmts

    5i"", no 0"'" .,"'". I>o0 Univ~r.H)' of \\'i""""in_ M.dhd 1>< Bibliot~ue Nat ........ 1" f"'rl

  • A Note 011 /4;rsiol1s of Dreyers Films No filmmaker' . wor\.: ha. been """" m"til.ted fur Engli,h -Ia ngu.ge .udience . Titleo h,,'. ""en changed, intertitle> ,.",'';''on , ,hots ""hufn.d. u. "..,.", .It i",n", d'A" ymonJ Ron.u"" 'hi' P"' tiel>< (", .. 'enget of ,he Dieo !,~ ocmll ha, """" "'p .. ,ed by a n English translah"" of II>.! f)"' ili), lalin poo'm ; un/ortun.>leiy. lhe o";g'nol Don'')' Ie., w., completely difl.",,,. f,,,,,, ,1>0, .... Iin f"J"ffi. n.. wrire, and reader of . book on D
  • Dre:)ler!s Illterest

    \\'h.t in '",'"" do ,he "ud~ of . d irector's f,lm. hokl for uS tod.),?

    It j. evident that film itid. ", Con no 1008"" content it",l! " .. ith itemizing a co,.,.". thld,.Slicolly chol l""ging w.~ . II "'" ,.aM '0 e"-'mine .""" fi lm adeqo"e to ,o. GU'-""ion, ,he lilm< ., . J , .... 11 try '0 , how ,tw, D",yer'. film"",king loy. dQ,,'n ;""' ,,,,,h 0 lifoed only '0 ma~e it, ma;;netit

  • , O ....... 'S ' .. ..,...EST

    forol. mQ'" ' p",,,,n' . "_m, ''''' ' 'P"'" "'" undergo"" an ,'nl''l!''men" in o .;!.,. fin.lly IU "''', ', 'i"", ",,,",,,,u'" und., .n ~lectron mk""""pt.d wi'hin i'.'" WI\;o' "f 'he "-"'PO'-" ' hy'hm of d", ... film'? " is [WI ",h., octi" .nd utilil.ri.n l'hy'hmJ uf everyd.y life. The mino"', whkh ","" . r not th.,.. of Ilw chronometer Of ,he "'lephone 'ime-dock , II is. ,im(' uf Ilw 50121. ",hkh .1", ~, to h .. ~ undersone a gt"'" indiOCrimin.",ty log"lw, a , indice' "f. "'nS'nJ"nt "i,;"n, Io0 "'''''' ..

  • mov""","t; in V""'~T w"uld then '''lI8'''t the "labyrinth of o"vid Gray's mind"; the white de" "We c~n 'ty ' 0 ~vo>d p",mat"'e foredo.u"" to allow the te~, to diffo",n '", '" """If f""" ",-. din,ry languoS", to gro n' """imum ooop" 'Q t1>< pl.oy of formal I ... ,ure nd ... m.nti< un '" l"'y ', .Iow"" .. 0/ lempo is no' moti ... t.emiow;ly ol"rt from """.Ii,'. or ''''''''>tic ""ma nd " In"",d 0/ argu -ing .bou ' which in 'erprEti,'e pooition is rtght, w' am )lO in mo'" kt,owl book ""U"'ts th.t we
  • Dl.EYU.,. ' NTEREST

    """neo ,""t don', q ui'e m . A. ShI;lo",ky """": ' 'There is 'ordd in an. yet no! a single column 01 G",,\: """pie , tand, e )(M,ly in ... proper order: pctic rhythm" . imi Lorly dioorderod rhythm: '" D""nity is .Iso perrn will help uS k'i'h Dreyd, worl: boa"se ''''' .. Iient problem. which 'hat wor k J>O'eJ .tyle unle .. " .. und,.,;'.nd, whot i, '"nSmd.d (Or purif .. d . 'f >och . """p.!r>lil'c """hod i. cno.en , ,,"ho, ;, tl

  • Why 'hi' "'n"rue'? Hi"orically, i, i, .. 0""" proxima,. . nd po...tinen', n ',., h, ~ . """'Io.< model '0 ce, I.in p~o~; no folm 'UCCl"ed. in "",,",ins , .... model . Bu, ,hi. doe. not make 'he p.lradigm .h.,,,, fon y ei.,.",. no" ron>phOl1 of a " Hollyw""" film'" "'" hi'lOric. 1 ~,,.""". regis",,,,d """ ""')' in film. bu ,'" in , .... re>timony of """"'nwri"", . nd "' .... r studio peroonnel. (Hence my ",fe"'nee< to manual nd "-" "'hi 'he dy""m", ",la'ion of uni'y '" di,unity in , .... 'pecta""", perception. This "",a n, ,ha,,,,oo

    o.n",,' 'pl;, lorn> from "con"'n' " (e"ef}1hing in a film h .. 10"..,. , lunO';"nl .nd ,ha, we ''''lUi''' con.cep' of aes,he lic gic: '"""nomic ("~'"' foIm tabula'ing .~ of "",,,,,flie$). ' hel

  • D ....... -S 1NJ'[.E5T

    sud,., tht> p"'nnin& "f tht> cri"",; not "ntil to. end of to. f>Io1 ,re to. crue;"1 e.,I)' ""'}' ",-en" re''''' led . A ""' .. oomp"~ c>.arnple wouid ... Cit",." """... whos< plot .ummari>es much 01 tho film,.tory in t .. "",w, reel and then rerelis key ,tory """nt. ~ n.;",ly through tnc recollect.,n, f Kane'. awri& ......

    It is impo, .. nt to ""to two tn ingo_ Fi .... t. the.tory if nOl th. narTati,. in.."...., primiti'''' form, pe,ha!,", to< ani" might fi ... t II .. .., onvi..,ned it , The I"'_,'er ron "rue," the story ., he 0' ,ho g""" along; it i b.> d""n. of r,lm technOq"" may be brought to bN,"pon .he ,to,y. Editing, live film ron",,,,,,. 'Pge our I"'''''plion fo, !.heir o,,'n .. ~e . The ct.," of system. wit hin .Ik- wOfk produce. diffICult"" . nd we need '" ide n'ify ,h. ,';ewing problem wo onrountot_

    In th;" " 'oy, co"""p" of b.>

  • ""lion 01 'f''''m. nelf" u, ' f""dfr wfw", a film c",ate, in",UiSibility, and wfw", fifm " . ru to fo"'ground it> disoni.;..., Tfw cri.ic, I bel"" .. , .hould "" ...,k to """,I,'e fw .. probkm' 0' wi.n .fwm .way; I ..... 11 .ry simpfy 10 indica", how lhey .re c"",.ed, and wha hey imply fOl D",Y"(' in ...,. o u. now.

    R.p~"lotion.1 oy.t.m, A """" upon p'e .".nt gam" "'"'~ w;tI,. ,du .. t ul "'p"""n t.t;'on " '~S"tlH", "" rna)' be I'I,*,"", men.ioned .., for can "n oily be isolated from ""'>m.', rdation '0 ooci.>t practice . Yet one of ,fw m"" I"'"i,,,,,,. cri'iri>m, of fo ...... li" tf>c,,,y ho, """" th. t i' d;,,,,,, .. . .. from ",,;"1 ideology, Tfw . t ..... on p

  • w",k. How, then.

  • At, Author and His Legmd

    hen bo("", w. study 'he films, O"'yU"8 eM wil" III, ~,iJ." "'pm; . .. 1m IIi< ,,'"nO , "i/Jish 1' ",id oo'"ing; "'" u"" "'~ffilm< f>y . frt/i"8 of """0'. H, COtIld ",,' .-id h imMlf of I)" II>,. ~hI 'hoi h' "'ig'" " dl1)l ,,""J

    '""" ""J "'Y '" """ fift!l !/'"" yunS'"' '""" h;"'sdje '1"'hd

  • .. .... A< "",.1Or i imply tl>< geome'ric.l point 01 in"'....-.:tio 0/ 1-... 0p",. ti"g outside 01 him"" in o, d,, ' 0 proP""" Ih.1 Dreye' enlel"t"d an objectively constiluted ."""lion in whkh ecr>nomk . "",tal. and .. ,lI>etk 10"'" operated. Secondly, ..... can.sk ,,h., d;ffrculti< dic .... ' which ,I>< .rtist ..,i upon? We.", not king 1>'1>< .rti". ,'jew 01 t"" .ituation j . mrrcc1 in """" ,bsolu ,o ",no0' " i,t. lIu, lor thooe men

    .nd ... oo"", w"" ~nk-I"t"d film di"""ing in tho ... "" nd dennel< d ilfoculty ,,;,h , 'pec,,1 keen"",,, 1 .. S" .k ind""riali", 'ion co",," wry I..lto to Derun.rk i>Ome hi.k>d, ,," .rgue for I..l,o. Jato lB'!O).,rod ,he ",,,,,,in. of a c,.1t "adihon wu1J t...."" b,:-,-,n 'f'P-'ren' '0 young man 01 Dre),"'-, '8".' In ony e,'onWi,hin ,ho< inJustry, "'" di"","', cou ld to. ""dor ron troct to. firm. This wa. ,,,,. "",.t common ",Iu,ion,

    2. In ignifl nt ' ..... n' of 1M fir>t option. 'f>< d irector

  • could cor"r""t him or """"II to a n ">";",,," w ing f. finn . Fo' compl poosibi< .nd hiring l.>eilib., or pt.)'e" lrom mAjor firm.. &amp"" w()I.lld be .h. (ilm, m.J. by

    l'H~;", . nd fopste in in the I . .. 1920;, 4, ThE dil'n., Sh.kd.'plation., "

    Th .. indu",}', demand 10' narrative mate".1 brought in C .. I-n..,ooo, Dreyer. A joomali" 'ree;.,li';ng in ."ja. t.,n p""~" counroom "'I"'rts, a nd witty .ketcho. of


    mos,rruduc'''" rl lmm .l ki"g, "-e ""gil' ,,, 1")" . """1", ,, '0 ho". Norui,k d i,id...,j product,," l.lbo[,

    Dre)", CO 'CmJ "uJio rllm p~>0",0 ""1"",.-.1. bo, ,,'" dil'; ,ion of 1.00. "'os M ., p"";'",-.; , j would 1>0,,,,,,,,-,, s.., h i, d ",; .... ",.,.d' pl';' jot,a! dow" in ".,neil, the di",,'o, ",ouk! tn."ly imp"""'" wh ile , 0."";"1> ,he SOC""_ Only .r"" ,he ,"",;ng ",,-n.' di,llog"'- ..... '-'1"-";'0'1' li lk'S "'OII"",,'

  • ""'''' ,han " .....ding out b.kl .. kos. a...,mbh ng ,he fooIag~ in on intell igibk- orJ~r nJ ;n>ert;ng ' l>< ,i,le ... D",Y"(' 'hird and mos' importa n' function wa. ,ha, of li,oral)' ron .ul"'nl. r.:e>rJi,k had nothing on ,he "".Ie 0/ ,he ,tory de paftInen' wh",h HoIfywood "'ouk! develop. h....,. yoa .. 1.>. '~r; >Om"""" had '0 . upervi .. .rnf'/>'ritmg. Working wi,h other au,hors in. di",arded gypsy wagon on ,he t>:ordi", lot, Dn.")"", oif"'d h i. I.oor with in 0 li~rary, n'TT.'i,"~ conception of cinem.,

    "A rna"..,iou. >chool. Drey.r I..>10r called ,he .. Ii", Y"''''' of litemy wrk." Apl"rently. ,he pupil' ...... on. w.re .>crept.:lble to h i uperio .. , AltOOugh only ''''0 of h is o'''"'', ewn though it ",.s ",. Ie.oed af'or ,he beginning of World War I. It i . l ik~ly lhol, ,ho! (ilm .1""' .... -(' thughl}' 'd at th .. hm

  • " ~" ~IJTHO. AND HI5 LEG[~'D

    A1mIo (1917) .nd Tht 5ty Ship n918)- Ia .... 'd ''''' firm' , d"d;"" to economic cau""" ,I>< producCf, H",1d Frost, .nd the -,'ud" "'-'''''ger, \'Vi]""lm S""hr, "'M mad. budg ... ry

  • d,,, ' Tum 'ofW) ."d .. ,>Co ''''' acto,", probobly dkl "0' know 'ho I,,,,,, '''''}' "'~'" ' 0 'I"'n . , st"""y ."signo.'/ him. I wonde, il my Ii"" yo" .. are nont 0I.."f' '' Ore)'er coo.e .m " pportu,,", """""n' , , ince J i'''';h>r, ~ ,,"-'Cn "'''l'ing :r

    0",),,.,-; fi"'t til,n, The I'rtSioIt.', c,",~k' Stae l" is "pc'_' to """. p .. i",1 Tho> PrrSidmr OS '". SOIkl "'d loshiono.ou,.,. n.., ",a rched 1m ,he lumi,hinl:\' him",IP' In . um, Dreye, ... u;;ht .n "",u'u.1 degn.'C "f CtLl n, "pinio.rt" .,KI h" Iy """'''S I" ~"d F,"", tv' my Fm",," ,Io".! . ,H",~ "'"' 1"ld 0" c;.-" . m! M"""S" I",,,, J Ir., .. /wt, .jW~x I" 0" Ii""'". !."

  • _tIOf ~ .,., """'Y ""'"' of ..,. ""I I ...... irlf. 0......., oil 11< .. _n .. ,"", "')' t:-'"' io ~;gltn""" ,"", of _ing , film."""'.....,l'"'

    If O"'Y, k and .Il0l "" m,.;h lO' ";"&1< f,lm. I ,I.., darK' ,h.o, I am '" bel'.' position ,h.o" l"'" Ie> iu h",,' f., .. .., c." ""ond """",",,-eo in 'h.o' ",&,m .... y"" h.o, ... ~'rd yt>Ur5d ' 0 ,_" ,h.o, ",. hod _ .... sIfIn1 tw m,," gt. ,,""" .,.traonli ... ", .nd .... __ dlnaril)' fmil ....... 10tk~ 11 10 N .,,,'ing: N"", g.l,,""",'" "' ' ''''''''''' .......... 1)' iM,.Nlty. ~ I\uct",,_. ond .~ tioing unem.~."8u. II..- _I',,,IiL .. [~ .. riot>rK1 lou oinfllIOlI_ . Th ... all .. m,.,;,..., ....... o..y.e..n In ...... tioruoI ".,~. flo I"'"",,, !9lI).nd 192:6, tw .-..do ........ films in fi".., "",nm.... .ond no> "'.., film< 10< tho ........ (0",, _ , "' ... ,.,., ,,'hidl could Mrd ly ho,,,"- ~Im,.."l r.nanrilUy O\J ... 8ul", ""urn ,ho ."'" ..... indop

  • .....,k inft",,~ amid an the .. fogu~ wouid m;;; the poinl. Whal D"'l"'" .... d in lhe co""",, of Griff,tn. SjOStrom. and Chri.,e....,n w~. a craft heritage oJ'l'O"i"l to the rou.ini.s. lor . k,ng Ii"", to come, ,10< leAd ing f'C"ition it "". won,"" C i.on S"ensk Fitminclu"'ri', ambition . lhe firm migh' wcll .... , . ""' inod Chri.",,,,,," .nd D"-"Y~" . Iong with SiO'.ron-. ond Stil"" . Bu. it """"" Ii.ely ,Iu, Dreyer, or S .,nsi, or bo.h. we,,' un"'iII i"B 1o ronlin"" .heir .m .. """ in ' "" f..,., of .. decli ning ma,k~L

    More lib, .he u..v.. from Sal,,"', Book ,anglo we", D",)"lT'. ",[ali, ... , wj,h .. "-",,nd tlig finn . In 1924 Dn:-yer

  • " ~"~vnoo" ~"D HlS lOC'''D

    ~ prod"""'" SliD lrom flenj>min n"""'n,,,"', W,.-... ..." ,.~g. ,10< 11920) ,

    oompl-....... ,"ch .. saip . , ti,,~. "". ftc ,. I>< u,,"'d >wI mi."," "'ill, 'h, d,me/o., ",,,t, Nov.' "nJ .lIm h, u",,/d ",,., '0 II" "I ."d if "~'I'lhj"g ~ .... 11 ,,~!J' I" prompt,>d I,,", Soc'o)t~ G.o

  • cwntu.lly diMol,'ed, the Soc",t. C.oo.l. ~,.,.bI, Dnl)'n .nO French \>..:kinS- bo,' .f'e' "".nths In 50.""",1., "', 'lui! 'lw P">i', bl.omlns the pn>-d"""", IOf hiring a n iMl'proprid'e """"" '" p"r '"" he""",,_ The rompl.in, 5" '" to sound l.m;l.", "The ""'0 "'00 sa' in 1'.". Sdpe,,';,;ng Ihings from . di, .. "". "''',k it Imp',.,lb", k" "'" '" fi ni'h 'lw film on which I hod don" . 11

    AN AUTHOR ~ND H'S l[C~ND ..

    'he important prepo'.'ion ."" By now tho l>ig,. ph ical "'s,'nd i . mohl",

    AIt~r M"J""du, p"'Y" f.,,', ,he D.1 nioh f,lm ind us-toy hod to ptoduce more fi lm. fo, d,,,,, .. tic con,umption. D",}w , ti ll had .",,,,~h" ,)/ "",king ou,;;d< o.,,,,,,,, ,k, bu. in tl> .boeoo.- 01 ony i",eign ,,(iCl", he St.",mS to ha,'o ..nsed a n "pP',rtunlty: "N,,,,' ",ith .11 the ",.w,,,,.) .. clo:>&ed ,nd . 11 tlw bo.-de" bIo.xked, I ",ondered "',w I "",OJ g.t in"ol"ed in film ogoin,"" A~, m.' ing "'->rt go,'-

    ~mmen' doc"men'.,), to .ho", ,hat ... , muld >til l d i""", D"'}'~, submilted script to No,d i, ' . Nomi" hesitated, bUI r.llaJ; um """'p'ed, . nd p "'}'O< ,,'.S gil'on. r"", h.lnd in p

  • :to AN AVl""" AND HIS lEel""

    AI,., ,he wor, prosperit)" in .nothe, ""tion. 1 dno:ing moldc.nd a"< pid Oreyo, ' " p",,,.,,, th.' ",tip', dnd Odn"h C ultur.1 Film proposed the idea ,,, Tag< N"il..,n of 1'.1

    1ad'u",. who .g~ to fin.""" 'Iw projo;,,,,,,, jvin~ i"' ....... 'd"", dl"".. ,,,, "f 'he >ik'nt ",0 fodd "'" "m, . n .rtfolm din"""

    e..",..j ""d,'d Dr0Y""-' ,'""" "n .... d ....... ""'>S'ng hi> molrgin.11 ",\Jhoo_, with pf'()dlKlior'l _ Asain fi",, 1'1'rg ti"", or mo""'poly course 'hat ""'Sh. '0 define hi>

  • .rti.be 1"""''''''', MO" gi'ion of .... "o.nd eui,u.-c,"

    This co"""phon d _ or lI -"" h im "I"' rt from ,he ot.Iin trodi,;,,,, of sJ.,"' fi'm ,n.,>Ory. flo'" mOKh dKl the >piri' of 5",,,i.lao.' )" '''''al", W{>TIt ,hould "" tran,fe","! to Ihe ~n, SjOstrom "''' , . ignifoc.nl din."to< "" ... rip" .nd i"t

  • " ~N AVfHO" AND HI5 LEG.NO

    . n,,,,",, .,,. in,a. Lighr i" ... " . g"", Mnkp"int;n~. styt. 'p"ft from it, U~ of fi~u..,. , '" cinema'ic styt., ;n PUISU;1 "I ~um.n tnrth. would att~nd prim.,ily to tt.! po"""''' Tf cinema's mission i. to be na"ati'-e aM p< prob. !em of a rti"" .. I~ wit hin commodity produchon . IVha t IV,It", s.,"j. m;" .. ",., cha,actffistic of lilmmaking_ the f.oe t that to. acto, pt.oy' In . mach;"., . nd th.t hi< '" her role i, built out of mo"y .matl bd, ,. t"'" th. n out of a >". tin""" , porrotm,""",,-Drerer _~, to O'''Kome with a oonpticm of the acto, < di"""', muot intuit the a< d irector to A mOl,,-i!e, ".nding

    by whi'" 'he .,"'" ON"" the perform."", from within. "01> t of hi. own .lti"" "",ngth,"" All the famous D",)", toctio _ .. tt;ng up """""n, . rouM Falron WO)' 10 human "'p"""ntahon."

    1'12(, Eve')lth i"s " "m.n ;, ""P"'_ in the foe., ... l1'Ie I~;, 'he m;no, of the "",I: thi, must """me the slogon 01 the si"'nl .r . "

    I9-IJ: Q-stu," ~ndo"", tl>e f..,., with ",ul, and loe;"1 . , . p .... ion is ,n "xu"'",,,,,,.,.n, pi", '0 the 'po""n ,,'ord, ... Mim< i, the Q,;g;Mt m,-.n. '" ""p"",ion of inner ",po"""",,_ "

    1'155: The",;, nothing in tt.! "'orl~ tMt

  • roo"" 01 Gd in bu, ,,'h~r ,t-..- 'pirit in and behind ,hings," M Why mUS' tt-..- c.lm whi..,..,.. 01 lhe deror be "'oken by .... fo'" ~' " Th..., 'hing> .no lhe", for

    'ymb challenged contemporary nom" by opplying a Roman'ic concq>liot1 of vi""n.ry rou . He "'., d .. ",,, '0


  • " ...... Al1I1l0R ASO illS U C ND

    Droclunann', nahon.Ii"", f.iry u k One< "I"'" T .... (18i!5), J(.,j Munk'o 0"'" (1932), ond &ng',M" _ -.nioy I.",., oN)' wi,hin Sc.ndin,,, ",, D ... Y"r' ... , '_ of un;-,,, .... 1 human e ... """ do .. not "9""'" with the ""ITOW range of hi. -""'=it i,,,,11 in ,he .. ]""."'" of .""h mediocre worko,

    !n 0 ,im;l.l , ""y, .h. ;,I., 01 the too .... '0 wh>eh D"",or app"'kd .f"" II,,, ""nUng of """ .... wa, hardly 'ha' of;he od,'.nero cur",n,. of h;, d.y. 11 must be "'m=lbered ,h", d uring 'he oi""'"",'h .:.nlury ,he Dani,h ,heat'" had bcU> works. Any t1.awo_,"" romp-rom ....

    of I.N! ..... ,1>0 ending of Mii",-'C< b,o,w""" legend .nd film . Working with. ron..,.".';,,, """"'''''' . nd produc'ion 1"''>gr.phKall''g

  • Early Films: Nttrrtttive Form

    Thi nd ,.., ne" < Feui!l.>de ..m.I, . ,I>< Ch.pI;n a oo Unde, shon. , Benjamin Chri, te""',,', Mysr"""" X .nd N'gh' of Rt-t""S', .nd DeMille', 17H- c .... r. O"'} ....... 1'nOs work coincided with ,n. golden

    dg< in,ern.,ional ,u I""mo< MtT,h,'e m"" "" .... "" . All qws~",,< " x.d in tl>< ""u"" 01 tho:: """.Ii"" "'u,t I>< .n,we"-"< .nd; .n ' a';"" lrom $0"'" defin_ i""y und.r>'ood motiw on ,he P"" 0/ ,I>< cM,.."o, ron_ 'rolling , .... , P"""ula, situ.tion, < closure 0/ ,I>< na",h,,,,

    It i, ",,,,n,lal '" not. ,ho, this modol of ... ".tiv~ "mo_ '01,", .ubordin."', time and >iM"" to ,I>< c .... in QI

  • mahc .1"'" i. conSlruc'ro , here " .., < pi'" (.he "" .... ' '.on wo ,." . ,vunt ) mfn"", to tI'" " ,Je. ul ewnt< in ,he ;~"Y (the 1""""''''king. as Urbdn G.ds bout..f ." co.ily 1,)tmuLa'c .h" prin,c;p'" ."AA'-.... ,ho, al",aJr ,he)' wono '" .. ""ming c. noni"'-"< U>N in II", d .. ",ic., ""od~L Li"" n~"" ........ ti"" ntm .. Oreyer"' ",o.k, "til",. "'~ just ,.'" 01". ",. 1 d",'''''~ but ""w,1. 'hus .."" 't.l shoI of 11JlTOined ,00 ",riou" .nd w. im ... , '"' IN.",,_ The ti",. ",,)0"(1, (>/ M iykn>,..,., """ ,hot ptC'detonnines the charao"',,' ac "" k' on unus",, 1 d,'S"", . Thi' "idor pattorn m'~ "" ' nk'm.1 ." tho ,,,>tld ,)/ II", "" .. ali",,_ In Tit< 11>"",,', WiJ( .. ,,~, k~m .""."Id [).om
  • im"", .s in 11 .. P",iIInIl, "'hkh ""gin> wilh ,I>< imol!" of Viletor. family tn.", mg, 1), ,hu, d",S',mming ,I>< /ore< .. me m"Ia ' ." Tilt> rtlm', cou .. 1 principl< [NY ~" on "" i qui'" lito"lIy: ' he p"""gonist is. iudgI Tu,," a nd S.rit is 1>e>e narr.th'e" '""n, both I.,.. ''''' lam ily shap in"."'~, Tilt 8,01,> of GIm,1oI, ~nts To,"', It"," for ~rit a. profou'1dly " ".1,,,,,1'" ToTO, pI.n' ins ''1d pI"",i"g. is """",tl with the rth, whi'" 1I.,ri', of ... ", "iewl 'gain" brigh' 8"''' or birch.,., i """" ... 'e lilm, avow .

    thorough~"UinS JOl"'ndo""" upon ChrisH.n religJosity: the """,t obviou, inst.""" i, In"", from Sa"n', BooI;, in whkh.he J.-.u tory become-> the p>t"'m lor , ubsjucn' epi.oo,-"" But more into ...... tingjy ,'1d more .ymptom ..... lIy, mos. '" ,he mm. typiu.lly ""n Chn,,;.";,y in . t

  • " EAIIL' m .M S, NAJtAATlVE fOlIM

    1'IOt.l,,,,,,, '''''' GOO ".n,, ,.., lo,'c", un i'c-J. n.. A"..",,', WidDw end , with .,..,.. h.i"'J io, "", ... ting Sol"'n.nd Mori . Although "'ligion ;. not i"'nJOnifled in Tho" Sludl Ho'lO' Thy Wife. ,.., scrip,u,.l ' id" Iochon .nd f"""'" "'rly for its ending. Perh.lp. moot "lOni,hing i. 'ho end of n.. p..,;.u.,r. "'hich h.l . ... 11ed ... ... ,l ly 0" COI u .. ' f""''''' bl}' o!>'lots into, ,ingl. epoch ITh< Birth of Notion! , .nd the film of epiood .. , buil, un lhe eomporison '" differen, histotic.ol epoch . The fe.,ure [Olm, of Inc< .nd o.Mille eonto,m to ,he """elis!ic mod., who", Toumeut'. _n. Chri,,,,n .. n'. HWn, .nd La"g', v". MWk Tod .. emrlify tho fdm ()/ .pisod ... ~ eruei,l pui'" is 'hot both mod .. knit .hort n,,,.. ~' "

    togcal clf"d, . s in 'h< ",eit., '" motif, th.t iKOOInf"ny mos' ""n.h,,, ,itlLltionS in ....... "OIly film, In TIk>u 5 .. 11 Hmt Thy Wi/

  • wedding of Vic,o";ne, Karl.vOkIor'. father wrote hi, will bCydic. 1 "'plac! (Sofwoslegal wil two d.Y'. ""p ... td bJo' month, .nd OIpniz., its p.,.I.,I, into two ""Ium,,;; Befo .. and After, n.. reploce"",nts pivo' .round the ehang..-d ot,itud .. of Vi~tor, Early in the film. [d . g~ .bou, her morning chores while Viktor sleep': I"er the


  • It ... u~ nUolS, NAltUTIVE FORM

    b.ck, Vikto, mu51 ... nd i~ lhe come, hi",-",II. Th u, Vik_ to,', tr.",lorrn.1oon is . ' pres..,.! pu rely Ih""'go lhe n""nct'S of par.llel . it ualion .

    Soch """""i"" par~llol. c!aim o .. r . "onl"" . Il lhe """" powerfully bK . .... D",y" Iu, ,..,god. ohot, .0>

  • '"

    fund.""", .. 1 tool 0( ""IT'~'" ....... ,,;ng, > way of fo", grounding p""llel O;lu.ohon. _ In nu, PriJrn1,

  • " .... U flIMS, NAnJlTIVE I'OIlM

    " .. r. d.ath through to"'n. In ,hi, ron"'"" troditional ero .. cutting fo, ' " 'p"n .. begical ""''''!''''NO of .och fil"," ove,. 11 .lto""Hng ron'huebon, Ind.",.!, with the ron,tan' k>-.ndlro ,hiit< of Th, B,j,k of G/omdoI, W~ may My that Dreye' ""'" . .. til< ' ''''hniq'''' of o''''nding the prindp., of p . .. I.,IKin to the editi~g of .1""", .wry ""I""nce , It ;.. ma,"'ry ,hat ",ill profoundly inform the I.'e film. ,

    Im!",,,,,,,,,,,,1 causal 'Y'''''''' and I"'",.oi"" ..,,,.,i.,. pa,.il.,ls eha~ge .he ,""u. of the p"".goni .. _ The go.>l . ri< nta'io~ of the Holly""""" hero . prin .... i,m" 0 d .... i'" to "' ..... ke ei,m,",",,,,,,, . and ,II< d,'w"'pmen t of thi' desi .. ,

    the m .. "" lo"""! t1>ose '0 Ji< . It."", D",y,," p"~'s

  • [n 111< Ill...,..', Wi"""" the c .... ,.oct.,,' f""ivity i, mosl . ' p,." , il i. u",,,,tm. t lu, yQung Sol",n jQ n"ar,), eld"" dioc to

    n'. oon 2. Ft..hback: K,." I.vik,o"-' f.,hor.nd mothe, ""-"' ,

    and marry. 1. Karl.vik,o"-' la,he, dioo.

    ~, Thirty )"'ars Ia,." Ka,I Vik,,hb"d. c.n unil}' tl>e """ati,.." '" can glimP"'" of .wnli '0 """"'. While .. riel f\.o,hlorw. rd, or" .~n' from D,,,,.er', rdrru, he does ' ignal upcoming informa,ion Wi,hin ,he . rory oclion, ,host- d ue. u.u.lly lake ,he fonn of p"'phc"ie" p.-.:-dictio" . ,.nd 'oreshaJ owing motir. . "I will paint C_,., he "'" mutd"",d 1' hi' ""''''' "'->" 8ru _ lu " ci, im' lore! in Mickotl. Ihu, pn>dicting hi. ~'. ".,.chery. In In"", from So,".', 1Jooj,', Don Gomez'. d.b

    blin~. in .",olgy pm./al). "",n'h. ('Th" 11>"",,', Wus.-..', 0"", UJ'''' 4 Tim,l. )""'" (1'1,. SIw>"" ioId /)n

  • ro,i",,' Ja,se-.c. ", cou .. 1 uroe'" a nd tl>." &,p , Simil. ,ly. al'housh U.,... from Sara"', Book 'p,awls acror;, ""ntu,",". ,he fi"" ~pi ... >d. (I,"" ......... ) enn' ......... "'" 'han d.y. ond Itw l." opioode (Finland ) un ly 0 k",' h"",;, In g ....... I. 'he eorly On')'" film P"""'" k> c ... nm''''. it,

    ""~"'" wi'hin 'hort '''' " . ....... n if that mea .... ""'Hting long ' t .. ,d"" bet"' .. n >c~ne' ,

    In the light 01 tt.. temp',,,1 ",c.ont .. ti'0 "' ill pu .. ue ,he 'fWkll implica,ion. 01 ;"m"",.,pi ot na n'ow", bo:,und, " f locale th. n "'''' typical 01 D,,'yer', p"-"'iou, "'''' k. ,he nlm "io!ak'S mo" ,,/ ,he bm-m"'plo'i conwnlio,," , (It 1>ke. pi..." , among ,t..' ric h. ,he . k>ry OC

  • It would be re"""k.!bIe, of s u, '" ,he .. h.,..,..".. ., ''"'' b..'1!in ning 0/ ovory 0..-1)" D"-1'e,- fi lm hefl" po wh"h """om< vi,ible only Ihrough lhe wril-ton wrd

    Mo,,' unu,.,..1 _nd mo."" powcriul i, '"" u.., of ,he ,)m 001 of lhe bool; '" .igni fy lhe .ulhority behi"" n"T'~"" "'r ...... n'."'''' . fcqu,", Denid" "j, the idea 0/ totality, fini'" or infinito, of lhe signifier; Ihi, totali'y of lhe .ignifier ,a n onl)' be IOt.li,y if a ro".li,o,." ", Iity of ,he >ignifled pn ... i,,, it, w.tches owr its inscription' . nd its sign., is independen ' of il in .n id"'lit) ... Deri,-"d from a fou""ing .nd p,,-"' i""'" unit)'. the booI< con"ilu ' .... a model of lhe ""'quo.:y of "oke" to 'ruth. Such. tr.>:01 by accide"' do we c.1I lhe Ii" t portion 0/ . "''' ,he "ol"'n; n#:' Si"", i' i. or th is poinl t h.:lt our cn'ry i, .,,1 icit"", lho. "I"'n ing """omOk, once op""'--.l. mo" ol'e"t""II)' (~,... . A, Ih" fi lm', ,.n


    how idoologJ informs D"'yd. film., For no,,' iI ;. enough 10 "",;';" how ",liS.,,,.s a ""u .. 1 >Il"'" ",,-,,1>0::, wilh lhe uSoe of.n ", .. " "thing written text 10 def,ne the film" nor-"ti,..,.. The ab>lr.>et causality of Dreye~ rly fdm' i, .boQrbed into. ","""tes. ma"ertexl which .. 0""" ex-pI'i", tM >o:: e>.rI.>nal.,,, .

    The ",I ... nce of. fdm upon tl>o:: .uthori~' of tl>o:: word '''pre...,. .ymptm.otic.lly tl>o:: problem of """rna .rt which ,," .... , . '",.>oIy _0 Dreyer f>nt, tum. to the hto"I}' 10" to aulhon", cinem.t" unity. Wo "".11 h i. ocript for $cl ". 01,,, ,he pmbloim of """"'ie , . ,,,,, in . rommo","" indu"I}'

    I, is ",,",'u>, lhough, th.t wri'''''' "ngu. g< orily for ' '''' imperSc right "'ord. , I>c correct ,".>oIi" .... ''''' """".I

  • Early Films: The Cottstmctioll 0/ Spmt:

    ju" a, .he f~m< before r.. Atssiott d. ,'""", d'Arc do 1\0' que moke ,;sible 'heir 0.,." ",nd"nc;'. !oWOld doour~, SO """" quolit;"" 01 Dreyer's.~ teo! "", .. in " per.,jv~ "ructure' In I!"n~ ... I, 'w COn '"umo '''' ' i n artistic loom not aU romp

  • '0 moti,. ,., the ,u"""'in" ion of 'P"'" to na,uri,'e logic. This is no, to ... ~ ,n., lhe .ystem .I .... Y" .uct mu.1 ~ >nst, n,')' ",. tched owr. held in f"n-going "utli".. ",main . "I CO""'"', only a sl>tch; w. $hall n~ to. mplify ~ I.,.,. F~' no"', '"",.n,,,1 poin' i, th" On, In o";er 10 get po" in " iII'ge churidt ,Ir, Iro~" (2. Sofren; - 5, M.rg''''')

    i~sid< ,It, ,*",,, (4. So/rcn;_ b, M'rga'''') T"" ,hy""," culmina' . ;n . hot 7, when Sohn and ~I .. 11"''''' """~ a' Mari', bed . Ll,o , ,he im.ge of Soften in the n.,,' room (10) i. in""nod be',,.,.,n im.l&", of Ma,II"''''' bt-. ,ide ~t"i 19. 11 ). tt.,.. th.- duIi"" ' Y), D"')'~' !!'v"l' uJ' bi' I cI .. "ical . hol'", ... , .. -o""". ''Yeli"".",. tch ed i'i~g (Ill~) . The o),olino .>1.""" .nd . yrnrne'ry, bu, achie, ..... i, wilhin 'hallower, 'po""'. more sta,k vi. UdI r",ld, In Dreyer', t.bIe. u, 'he I).ockg",u nd pl. "" ",nd. ' 0 ,,,nd at. 9fJ' .ngle to the c. "", ,". Char",,,, .. ,-""'" left.nd righ' or (Ie .. often) f"rw. rd and bark. bu, , 1m"" no,'., diAgon,II), . Often , vert".1 " '" bi""", the fr.",., ("'" . ho" 2, ~ , 5, 7, 9), ATthi"""u", detctmin .. ,he figu","' beha,'ior: mos' of the rompositi

  • , ,


    ru .... (t"" "',.., .... 1. 0/ "''''''" ho, S to >ho, 6). De!a~. 0/ "," ing.re organized wit h "'gar.! to oN!", and I .. ",., pt..cc...,nt, ,M ollm .w"", atto",;c,n in ''''';, OW" righ._ (Not< ,he d"""n ni froming ",hieh ;",Iud", jug .00 1'''''.' in 01>0, ~) . r.., < .... ,ac'o .. 7. 13, H). lighting, " """""n" quit. IL>t, .. """" princip.>lIy to defi"" It.. edgos 0/ t""

  • a. in the 'obt'" 'ilv,'nnS .",on..! O,m,' ).l"S''''' (6-8). Throughou, ,II< 1"'0 qoamy 0/ II,,, long ,""', i. boo]

    ancoJ by''''' "'p", .. ','By 0{ ,II< 1""",_ ju .... doorway,n..! bed,lN,jon 0{ Sol",n', I"", signals a drastic .hif, from ,he tableAU 'pa00. The dimocti< """""", of ,he ""',,,,, ",'hen 0.."", M'rg''''' ""' .. u .... him tho, Mari will Ii"", i. unde~ined by t ... o .-dium 0/ .'pr., .. ;"", ;n the deli-c.te pI.1y on Marga""" le.,u..,. (1-1),

    The in'erpl.>y 0/ tableau.n..! I""" d"", no! oonsti,"I own. ,he di.ot..:,ic of ,.bleau and 1.>, e.emplif.,. ,he 'p"' ial dyMmi of D",)",( , OAriy fitm., The moti,'.","ioca l .~ .. "m. Drey"r am.'p!. tl>< ct ... ".t P"-"";'" '" cto.e.l . ymme'ry ,,-ithin ,he Ir."", bu, pu

  • .nd >low figu", mo,,,ment. Thuo in Dre)",', hand, tile ""IK>!;"",bIe bolA"", of tl>e 01. ... ..,., t, tile !>ee is ol .. n .. dic.lly 'plit from ,Ile .urrounding table.u ,pace, 5,i"" 'ta.i, of tl>< table.1 u is rou nterb.olAocro by ,;' ""hng in"'n.., na".

    tiv~ "".ivi.y in til hU!nan f",,~ . Th< dram. t., .... p~ in .nd '"mugh glana. .rid e~p"""io",, By constructing 'pace around ,hese ',,"0 poIe>, Drey~(' fLlms modify "". thodo, filmmaking p,.octj...,.

    THE TABLEAU AND THE FACE In " . riou. "'0)"', Ore)" , in.isted upon him",lf n ani,t wo,king with en.mber .pace. He prided him""l! on I,.,,;"g d.,.igned ""'ny of ,r., ""to of hi. ""rly fiim., In Tho" 5 .. 11 If""", Thy Wr.r;-, "'For the fi,..t time we ,hot in four_ .. .lled WI'.'" Hi, guot for tile ""und fi lm wa. "1"" imp ..... ion tn.t f,'''' phomgrophe" equipped with """' ... nd mi-o"", had .""aked u n .... n;"to one of the homt.-o in t"" __ n i~" """'" kind 01 d,."", i. t.king ptoc. within the family. ,. Film mu. t go ;"sid. "" ...... insKle """"": '. H< cloi""..! (in M"ho.l w tn.. fi,.., Um_ ~Ifil"" An)'f most soc;"! ",,,,men"', .he space ",ith;" ,,'nich indi,idual,

  • .., EARLY FIlMS, TIlE CONSTltUCn O ", Of SPAa;

    oou'I;""i. hom< .... Of 'hi' ch.lm~' " . M"'n ' 1M: ",.",,, i, und",d"o in hi. short """" 'p"';"hz"J in ~~picti ns miJ~"'-Nt. and h,bil.llO, burghe ... nd

    l>d~". t 1"'_ .. , .... "'S tlM:i, c"l"'t., luk, oil !",i nting., hotpSicl>oNs, _'I. 0/ fruit. ;'w,~t')'-.l1 hathe..l in ,he

    ,ad;"~ lrom an adj","n ' window!",,,,, ,,, The boumb I",.,. life, I,, 'I .... n. )'00'" I"ln""1> pic'u" .. of do"" "" .pplil ,he ';'HI'" bn" h) ..,,,,,,.1 pic'u,,-,"_ Alth""Sh """"'y """m 0 minor ,mil.,,,, of \'emIL"',. 1'1" "',,'k ".nd, ,n mon ill omi""Hng rel ion ,,, Dreye(, ,h,n doe he work of any ma"e . The", ",as a Hammersooi "" i,'.1 in ,he 0.,,,,,", ." world 0/ 1914_18, lhe )'c,,, durin~ which D",,,,, "'0' "'.ming mm c,.rt; D",)"" cI.,,,,,..! '0 .dm'''-' i"" I"i"'''(' ,,o.k":.n.! on< ",-~-.:I only gi,,,,,e.' H.m"",, ,il< f'.m< Ofk' "'ay 0/ di>tinguoshing hi' film' from the "'fi lm-p.oo""," "I com-m", .. ,;"1 monur"","",. l !i; n""on 01 f'd inting ',..!ih"n; ".,.. com,' , "-,bll, E...,ugl>

  • 21) , '\,Iott,;. 119131_ !'rodoc"",,, , till

    "is ... 1 d.,.ign 0/ ,I>< p.>in' o< .0M ""' .... " 0/.1>< ",ulp_ tOf, the mu,,,,1 >ou oo . of ,herom pose" ___ Un.!.,ubh.>d l,' , he . n,,,,., to th., ~ueoJiou, ' . m po, its "",>oJ to d well u pon '",-'.u,i1ul im.>8"' . , ,he e'l"'n", of mo,'"me ,, ' . n.! psyd-..""t;iou, . iters "' hers

    n,. I.bI.u harmoni"" ,he en'ire h.m< ' p.>' . s ''''f'''''>d r",Id , v~,,,.d !.onS , ...... . u .... It~ I""" , " " ighl_"" .n~, .he '.~e. " pn.'n" "nif .. -d, ,!os.od o' ganiLlbon , There.r.> """" of ,he s inuou, interl.>cin!;> of \"On S'Ctn"'rg oom poCd diogI, ,)/ . " ~i",n'te i " ' ""' , He", nori>On, ..... nd ""-, '''.,, d,,.,,ina,,-,. " " , ..,. ten.! , ,, bo "'gula,.n.! 'y"'''''''riol. a nd 'U t>ilit) of fr.m ins p, .'v.il . Obje f" "", 'I'-"'ey'" roo-

    .~'" ;n IMI . rt, Who'n """"me"' oii t of t"'-: "",rj, In tho' .ped""'n cMm ple from 111< !II"",,', W.,,,,, ,, Soh en', mo,""",n".re ,it .... ,'te .. u i, not ,hallo", """. fo, Dreyer' . ... tty film ' often make "

  • pl,,,,-,,, Dreyer ..,Idom ,dOl,,, loregrouM '0 b.>ckgroUM in dynamic ""y', Ei,l>< """".""n' in ,I>< ohot i, 'oo 110." ,. ing"OO ,he co"'posi'ion in depth i. uo,u, "' i",-" '-

    'ems in ros'u"",.oo d,""'), In Drey"" film,. ,he "il l""" 0( ,I>< .. bk.u d""",oo. s"' tic pLl"'-...

    100, .. "-...ting. or. 1Il -"",.1 (fig>. 26----28), ju" 'hey fr.me s.ol",n', and Mar gan-f. m(l""""''''' in nr. II,,,,,"'. W..u..., (fig" 4. b. ~) Similarly. arches rna)' endow the ,.bk," ",ith rna" i,.. mon urnent.llity (fig., 2'J---JO) 01' i;,nd. g

  • .. EAR,. "' ..... , THE CONSTllJCTlON Of " ACE

    29, 00.:,."", . T""" Prod"""", .. m, , m""', of lhe .uooroi""tion of tile pf')'ing 'poKe to Ih i. SO ..... ,Iow ,n., hi. hody ptoj< "~I .... " ., I psy

  • .. MillY fI ..... ' THE roN5nI;UCTlON O' SPACE

    Yet ,he "'ttings pose ""'"" romp"" problem> 'N n Dreye r """m. '0 h"" "",]ized . Tho: de,,"';s "'~ .>bvin",ly "'Exp"",ion;',: no, even "", .. Iy "'p .... ssi,"' ......... ' ,,{ ,I>< objec" do no' b "'rtain ,...., lod tho' 'he """ings jUi, ,Ilere? A, one \e,'.I . ,Ileoe "",ticuiou'"y I. mil .. , 00;..'Ce of I"'" en,i", f""",, Ou, . ''''n''on ,w,'n"" '0 obi

  • ,h.mbe,.., For Jooef "on S .. mberg Rudolf Amheim ha. po, it. ".p.xo w~. moi"" ,,h.,h .'''''Y ligu'" and itom 01 d.'Co, ,tond, o u' .

    Mo"""',,. in 1M tableau ,ho, ,he lig.hting i, ,mF , od cl\0, ulHTlUwly in,",,,,"~le obje; w~ 000",.,.. sp

  • 0/ the norm.1 w.y in wh",h huma" mo,"""",,,' o"d ;"""';"'- ~ ..., "'p",,,"'f'! , ... judge< to end on.n 01""", ,"oeont jury box.

    In addition, ,n. trodin;;.hoI hal ,he po.en.ial '0 c",.'e """,ux, The ""'" I.mou. came .. me""men' in Drrye" early work is ..... ym"""ricalt.-.ck;"S ohot wh"'h ft.1I" ..... Marie Antoinette 10 he,ceU;n """'" from s."'n, __ A, the ""ginning of ,t.. . hot, "'e have M arie A".""",.", and "'r soard. Ir. med ;n 'he kdown ;n tho lOb-"',u'. un ity. In it .. c~_, as. whol, Ur.-ye, /mmd two """''''n. '0 I ... prublem, The l.", ... ~~t'o;", w. , th.ot ,~ , ... long t,~., ",h",h 1"''''';(' th" ","ai" ing 01 ,he I. t>k .. u-bett~,. the gradual J",'"lopment 0/ t .... Itot titro"git "v-e,.1 .. t>ie.lu~ . In citaptef r,,'. "'. ,Mil "'" , ... ron""'l""oceo 01 'his_ Dre}'o" earl;", ",Iuhon ' 0 , i>< problem ".~, to cu' ",;,1'1;" 'h< ""-""" , T ... rup'un> 01 , ..... bl~au dem.nd, .. ,."",h;ng 0/ equ.1 v.l"" .od " ...... ;"" ;mp""' nce ,,, "'" 1'1"", rt. Th< ~k ;mpl;rn;n ,il< cu. could be. 'ign ;r.,.", momen' 0/ d;.rupllon, ,u'p"" ;ng'n. tableau and q""'_ Honing

  • On>Y'" f"" .... ofkr the octo,.n """.,ion fo, "inuosity, os 0"'" """'"u Ap.ort 1m," ,he ,)'O""",,,'ir qu.hty of Dr.),,",'. ",1"1>d 0' .. "",._ Yl intim.'" hum.n qual ilies,.he ""(lUI." In order no! '0 ",lin


    q Ui,h ,he ,abl.,.u, D",yer lunu the foce into he"",, The f"", ""...,,,J, w!w, 'he '.bl INy "" '''perimpo;io g"""'"' Sf>OC'-" distinct from to., .ableau. In ,he ea,l)' ftlm., '"i, ope,,""" i> I"-"'f""""'" b)' rostum .. (o/ten neutral) .nd by y, ~Y,) bul aJ", b), consigning bockground. '0 fLI. grey 0' blade \\~ a ", \ef' with whot I\oib B.I. " tt,ibk in it,..I/ ...s 'Mttfont "".wJ no! Ihi"" of il" ";'''"8 i" 'P"",anJ Ii"". "

    Suc rou,"" 0/. m",; ind,,,,,, "n< of tl>ci' vin"",

  • " ... IlLY AUoB, TIlE CONsntllC11ON O F '.~CE

    52. u.....,..,.. So, .. _ .

    ;" , .... , '''''~ po""i' .ubtly "riompk> of filCiol e-.p"' ... ."., in o...)YT.,,, ~y f'h"" ,he d~,t" 01 Sin in Lm ... fr"'" Sora.., """". j.,. n 5n-... 11. Siri', f..,, ..... "' ... tightly !TornO

  • 57. u.mfr-s. .... ',/IooI;. 511. u.m fr- 5.1 .... , _ .

    \I ,

    60. ~fr-Sdigmc ",""n ' ''' ' ''p"""i'.., quolit'.es 01 each I""" be ron>


    _, e,",.' fil_"" EyIution I"""m o{ ,he d., .. k.l l na"ahw K""". IFo "",he. exam -pie tobie,," .... ds ," tow .. J t hat ",,,,lation, .itu ing ,he I""" bu, nol .b50I " ten it mod ul, ..... o u', """;,,,bl i,hing tho 00",1 .cmog."ph)'. The dimo,' 01 the "","'" 'u,n, upon .he I",. , In o>pIaining hi. di,reg..!'d of

    ~;,~,",,~I ac.>1 ' '''pression oft." pmpel '"" I"", ;nto 'he "" tm of ,he po", ,;S"- ~ u he deoo, """,ins d icge.l

  • .. udio 'M, to ,0PPO" him ",If in spkn~o', ... 11, gifts from l.oM .00 "wn " ...... ",.hng from hi",. 1'.,--.lIding 7-,>,\:1'. i!'>C",.,ing ",i"'I)' i,. subplo! trocing Ilerr Adelintin~, Z"t"" wast .. , wor .nd dies while Mich.:>el loll. in 1''';""", z"mfulw' mt$

    It i. evidon t that Michlk-I displays tho.' p"" llclism" ",. pl","""",n", ,nd p'0P~ that are d" T""t.ri, tic of 0"')'''(0 "." ati,'. """,tun' . A dln""T_ t.bIe wr"'.""tion .lx>tl, a d".th', Ili' .ubplot ;o""lvinS Alis, derK" Miin, z.,,,,, I !>owing ,1-.0 p.i= .. hi. w,"", "" points ou t I" inting 01 emb,acing """"'" the rCe

    Mic1 I'< fiT" ti"", framed . Ions,ide blank cam'"" """" of )'ou to, .nd a cruelf" on tl>< ",.11 . A. Mieh..,1 < "'pL>comcnt '" e"~;,, po"'''' by put.:, 1'ly 'ul/eriog. T"" ." "''' .. "1"''''0 ,,, ,u,,, ;" ,"" 'p'ri'Udt;"'lon ,,/ lo",,..Io,'e .

    Vi,u.1 "'p",,,, n" " on j, . 1"" .f(''eke! by " ,.ki ng Mich",, /', milieu ,h .. ",life among tl>< "tists. hptably, ,"" t.bIe,u I""" d"I,,,,;,, ;, p".,.,nt, now """SIle','I< house of tl>< m."e,"1 ...

  • fin.dt-site or' de.ler ,od cle_

    "",nls 'h.ll fo"", "'uc'u", in o,her pari> of the film.""" In Mkh""l. ,he obfr!$ d'"" b.l", , .., t.b\e.u'oo SI",,", o"' , Art ",mkomlng .b

  • n

    .",: min;",",,", .... tuett, .. , a nd doll . In hi, Ioneli """, low ""gin, p.!inting hi. tripl)-'Ch. W~..,. him at work on H", ,entral f"n.t .nd the ,hoi romp""" him and hi. majordomo to"'" broken old man in the f"inting (fig. 72). The doubling of ",bleau, within the oho '" rI. ;,,,,If mos ubtly when ZorN i. ,howing the p ri0C

  • ... .....LV ,fL.''', THE CONsntUCTION OFSPAC[ 'hi, i"' tap",;'.)n "'""): At ,,., momon. ".11/ a n e,nb''''';''g ' him, "W"" is Mkh..,lr .. asks no.! , .. "hoi I"u" his loco with t .. f,gure of t .. oOO ndo",''h".., ",,,,bi,,,,,;ons !.oy 00'" , .. tabf..>.u 1"",-, d""k" "",,,,kI ,u~$1 ,"" dewhot, of Mkh.> d'." i" 7.oJo", milieu, ,""i. iu.tal""ition ronlin,,;ns to 'piri" .. Ii "" Zo ..... erotic p ... ion (fig, 7ll1. A, lore ' Jie., D",)"" male"", tableau h> ,.bf.:,u, ""kll)' ,",posing ,I> hotno.e,u.lho'"ro",,,u.1 I","it"'; S",Ht 0' 7.0'1'. oo;>id< , ''''' prine" .. in 00; ",;,h M;.,t\a.,I; '1>< m,",,"'.n' (I'''pmg 7..,...,,'. ha nd unde, ''''' cross Iftg. 7'11, ''''' p.ine, ... c,,,,osing Mk""'" be",.'h .m erotic pai n'ing (fig.!!O)

    Bu, ,hi. dd;b,u. ",m.in; most D"')"'ian in t" '''1 in ", " kh i ' ""'' no."". from ,ho \\";nd"", h' tho: sulfuaby; "Ilo, colm. be ~"ie', I .m ",i,h )'''U,'' Tho, fi"ol ,hot uf ,he film ru', .hon t .. '1"', ... 1 d ... "",

  • 78. Product"", ";11.

    ,ic by prying iI", lf 100,", from ,n" .. bIe.". nd dosi ng o n , ...... omb;gui'y of ,.., ... """,n, f>cc , hining i" 'n" d.,k"" .. (fig. 81). The im,,.; ntid".,.,. ,I>< perpetu, 1 "'petition 0/ Jea""" d 'Arc', exp", .. ion, and ,n" facial ">Ii um ,iost~ ul'" ,t\.o, """,,'.,d~ Doy '" W"' ," .nd Onkl. In Mieh ... !. " i n DR),,", '."y " -,,,k a" ", ~ .. " k II,. , ,.blc' u n '"", in. "-,,. " ... d" y '0 ,he ."., .. ,.nd ",.,,"'i ,.., , u' ''''ti't 01 ,Ile """I fully '""p,,-"SSi"" hu m.n foc,,_

  • Problematit Unities

    UI _ dr /"'"'" d' ,\,., V""'l'Yf, o.y of Wrath, Ooleh m.tk-s .... ith pbkm, fur oudienion nd OOocuri.;.., 0/ V,,,,f'I/" the my".r"" 0/ moI'v.';"" in ~ of WWh, U ... mi,,,,," 01 0Tdrl. the ''',is of cm,ua. n.. film, /..,. u ' with ",ver.l choices. We might, """n t cribcs "",YC, 'um ow. y. ""'I; to the rly film< .... hkh.re more con,'entio,,_ oUy .Ur.cth'", 'nn>, Ebb< N",,'Il"ro Cd" find n.n. S,",II Hmor Thy Wijt O",Y"( ' ",.,.o'1'""=e, .... hil. o.h ... h" ... propooed 1M """'n', Widow.nd MimNl . , "'lua' in in",, e" to D")' of \\,,,,," .rod /'""'" J'J\",_ ' Wh," I odmi", the carll' films, J thin k that to "mph.si" the", is to postpollm"t Comolli not~. spl it bet"'""n the okH. sh..,,,,,d .ubjt> .nd ,hemon"n;>l gop II .. , ,h, i"i',,/ pro/>/mIlin/

    C,,,nolli '. form ula'ion _m, to .....,

  • pMnt di",o,'ery of unity bu. ,.,her .ha. tho cri.k will bo H!~Y'o "'''''!I'''izc of ",dl .he hm: of di.un~y, 1 .. , rault,' "'ptu",.

    I c~nnot ~~re &t.il .11 the ",oy. in whl the bu.ine" ol.f>< 101-lowing chapt" .. , [.ha[L howe, .. " .uUest my 11""",,[ .r gum..., . Tho t.", fitm, p""""', firs. of . n, imp"' ''' chAnge< in principle< of n.rnti .... logic, [n tt.< .. fiy fi lms, on .bot,,,,,, . nd impetSon.ll cou .. lily rule< the ... moriv., .nd !hi> fe,"", f""luently manifest> it .. [f in. wri.te" ""'., Such. _. be< intelligibility of.he film; it "'1'......", .. tf>< wr,. pr''''';P/' of int.'" Bu t in .he ..... films . hi> impe""n.[ Clmsa[i ty b.omn ..... more """" .... i"; of"",.he"'te film, pro. ceed wit""ut. sen .. of de.r cou .. l ",I.tions, n.. CO u'" i. , !-..>wever, ""_ completely Absent; the mov~ment of the film i> to Ioc.!'e . IY. au"",, '0 na"", . nd maste, it . [n .he .. fitrn., protall""i",.nd ,'",Wet _reh for.he rom,,:! ",oJ ;ng of.he .... "ah"" >01;'''' , A romtan.[y d;' pla.ced: our ultima refe",,,,,,, point;. "".hing more (nor kso) .IYn ,h.e "rue'ure pin" tf>< t.Kkground of the < ..... ie.[ mod.[ from 1928- 64, ".., find friction. """"'g ,t..;, various 'y"'''''' of the te". D..,)'ly. o.peci.llly .;:ontinuou,ly in 'p"OO , In ~bng ,lies< 'wo p"'''' ...... , Dreyer" mojo, Ia,. film.

  • aoo d."u. u>ed. ,he ,'ory will ,,,ff.r."" l953: ''Th< J.d-,i,,,, ronsKlera,i"",,', W'*"'" "",,,IVing "''''''It i. in ,he later fLlm' ,h.!, ,he ".n.f"""",ion of ,he ,.b leau', e","mb
  • ,

    i , ~"pS! in ;" ~"ti"'t)" t~rough tho, .hifting of charac_ te," f",,,, "" ... to "'>n." the ""tory m ~ of W"'III. lhe fann"",u.., 1"'rIo, in O..J,>!. th1: "'00;1. in" the """,Ii,'e, forging inconsistent 1 I"" din.'. bul it . 1", .ltc. . nd p.>n' .round lhem. ,,,,,,.I ing new room .., in ,I><

    ~'gro"nd, In th is ""y. e.me r. m,women" c.n .'>'o"'u , .lIy "P"'" the en ,i", rccm ",hile ' ''''ping t1>< figu",. ",I," 'i,..,I), ron,"nt In .ngle . nd " 1""'1. SIKh ''''--.Jnd' p.>n mu'eme nl. occu, in Voml'll" e,poci. lly whe" Cr. y "'plo" .. ,he doctor'. Loi'. but ,he mo,'""",,,,, romo to promi"""'" In o.y '" W ... ,h. Onkl ~"-.. ' 1>< .rr' . nd ' p.1n erfec' in .Imos' ",wy mgb;", 'hoI. , nd II>< device appe ...

    1""1""n~~ i~ Cn,,,,J. Su i. , u p port.-d by ."",1>

  • Ci"""", . e ...... i" obviou, h.bi" mark Ihe.., Lal. nlms " "Sl>sry:' Tow.rd n ... nd 01 hi' co ......... 0",>,.(' sw""" f.ooed on pI.y;. "',t . 11 four film' , rrer V""'P)" w."', InJ..,.;I. it ;. hord to nome . dirS l 10"", rup'Uf< be,ween cinematic "Y'" .nd narrati,,, ,,"""'un: . He ",1"0rnes. p",t."t fu, the .~)wing vi ' '''' film', rh,"hm . nd ron_ ""'l""ntl~ the < and oUen nega-'i,,, rel ion 'hat hold. bet"''''n , ,.,or nd it> "'uTt~ "adition ond b.>ckground ""'. \ \ 'h .. happe'" in D~e" t .... o loot film. i, ' h.' 'he d .,ic. 1 .ty'" of filmm.okins i, it",lf . 'plicitiy ci,~d . nd def.moli.rized . Aga in .. the b.>ckgruund " I trw ""," '''''JUt",,. r.sur", 01 " rthod(. 1;1", priK'ice C. n merge nakedly. disturbingly. In Orar nd Gmrud. ron,..".ional editing de,'n. (~ .g . hot 're,,,,,,, .hot,1 atE
  • ril, m .... in "ylio'ic figure. will be . ' pIoi'od in Orrk, and &"",d h, cn:a,~ " .. t.nd 'y'l\'rnotic cmpil.ti
  • La Passion de femme d'Arc

    The need for criticiom to l'l'. b"" logic and ct""m.'ic 'I'n ey of the hUIM n aOO of movement in ,he d""m., A new emph .. " upon the lace . nJ , >lyli,tic in! lion 01 ,he tablc.!u w",k to bri ng

    ' p.>Cter en'." , !ICe"" or wil

  • out from ignifoco n' 01>; of being put into "'-"', . nd di",,-;,,nti"g ?"" em, . S""h ruptu'"' of ' '''' ct.,.". 1 r.orm i. lhe efr.,ct of lhe .Iyle of u. Ilute . Ho,,' tor is J .... nr.e from ,hoi " '011 ,,'i,h , "-< w indow _ inel", . f"". Of ),.t:y_ po,h .11 figu"" 10 lhe .. me pl. ... e . making .lmo beromes lhe p~""'ry depth ~ in I ..... film, al.hough it. too. c." """",Ii""" rnake I ... spa" slip in to . mbisu i'~ : , ..... pri""ple of o-orl.p demarod. that t ..... th ..... priests in figore 8 most I>< on In ..... pl.})", . yct I"" comf"'Sition .. nd ' h~ ",' 0,,,,1 droo, . 'ock lhe ""''' IiI t",ads "" iutem pole. In t ..... obs
  • , ,

    t.;nt'oeo .!>w' rio".,., e_en ,I>< cha'>ete,. mo,'emen" can b;:ome omo;g""">; _ ".n, f"" in".""" . rely only up"" c""nS" of r.g~'" , ... \(l d,~; .... ",!>eln., Lo),,e;o",.d &om o.low. M() ... 00 in eo::lesioIstic.1 drapery, ,he judg .. seem no! 'Q wa lk bu. \(l glWc or drift. More spe

  • '"



    L ..

  • In Lo n...iom "' I'"""' d''' ,.., th< fr.ming> . '" 'S
  • 0""" ,he p";'i l0 in .,.h"'h the 1'';'';' d"",,; ". ' .. , t., "'I, h.lf of ,t.: fron",.nd Joanne'. hand .tea" into the 10",,, right >me, lfogs. ~l71 . Ou' firs. view 0/ )"'"'''' .i,uato. her .kmg the Oottom I.,."., ,-dll". funko.>J by soId.,,.- '1""'"

    (Iig. 28). La"". she ,; .. "",doo,.., 'sain at 'ne \0;0. ... fro""' line, f> IO"'ud ,"" ... ke, sUlTO.md.-d, in a parody of pe"p,j\'~. by ''''' .",h, wh ile 'p.oce, .nd 'pea" (fig_ )0).0"" of ''''' " ,.""nS why we "",,,,mber.he film.s 0""' romf"'O

  • ""orr ,hoi of U. """ion a. /"'"'" d' "-,,, revi"", , .... then ana.chroru,,", < firs. in"'''''8''" 'ion, .he courty.m w. II" . nd.t.! d,.wbridgo (fog _ 34) . 11 "'peil t .he a rch. One 'pif'" "rian' is. 1"""'1" "y.'he lop 0/ It", h"m.>" ""0o ",~.~ in ,,'" r."" ""'l"""'" forces ,he motif on "ut a" enbon by d" .. ups Ir.g. 35). pri .. ,. pointing to ''''it to ... " ..... or . kulk.po (figs. 36-37)

  • .nd ... ,.... of _hoi, . " "NtA""' ... ' !V. ph>: motif ... "" th""'gh thO' film, that 01 two lines In..,....,hng ... h "''''', . t ,harp . ngle. The emblem I Roue" ed in 0 w.1I driV

  • Similarly, ,he . ( ..0e in' e"",'''''

    ,,/ "u"'''''' ". I""""_ g"""""",., 'M",", ,\ddly ,;u,J h ... Js ano.! skould ..... - ... agoi n ... bl.>" url"_ It is sy to " "d ligu,., 52 a, Simply . rol l.S" com~ 01. oontor.,xI .h.p", on .rr, _no.! two f""", it i. ""art) imp"" , iNe to ",od i1 . s ~i1 of "",.,i .. IlIy, ''''' " ""king .hoI ca n be u""; '0 "itch 'og""'" ''''' ",p"""",.,.j 'I"

  • make a der.""bIe "", .. ,i,'e poi"" .nd one must not cut ~'.y fron,. moving ,hot un,il ,he carne,. has rr.on"I< iud8"'l c"'," a n .mbig""". If"'t: 'he Iwad. ",II 'hmugh ,Iw ho".. ., if on a conv"yod,,,ll. A pn..r, f."" will "id~ in'" ,he f .,,,,,, a nd tlw hI.nk ~k_

    ground .nd ..... "'" of bod ~y "",,-ement cu", p",ven' u' from dctemtining ",het ... , he mo,'"", 0' the came,. d;d . In 'he ",rlu", ,lumbe., " ""ooth sluf'

  • ,

    : ! , ! , ,

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  • If i"mr.t d'Arc', cam." """"men" forego ,I>< ki"",ie deplh effc,.nJ of"'" m-.d"""I"" .h. g vl """I." olo;,y f a sn>nnd, I. I. "" ""nJox ,ha. tho mo,'e"",,," 01", often f. il ro ,tileh toS"I>< chain d>< end 0/ .he "",,'.men!. ",1>< lI.mings in elimin.ting tl>< ~..,und ., h,under uf ... bI< >patl., labOM. lIodies a", ..,1.1"", .hown below , he ",.iit and are orten .pnnlly 0C'ft'ISS ,I>< /..,,,,,_ Some,""", come,. """""""" _ it .. ,1 from ony r.fe",,,,,,, point on ground or floor. A, O'",r limos, ,he ron"'for.bell efr..ot 01 I>'ion in ~nn< ,onu",-ch.mber lICe""', tl>< iudge>' f..,... ol ide u p .nd down 'hrough the sho., In tl>< fiNI """,munion ~"" e""""up of eh,o;rbo)'> PU" ,hem hl'St ,'.n UI'P"' I< decor.nd ,I>< It.mingo to m.x .... gr.vit. 'irmal pull 0/ ,r., """..!h'e 'f"< fmal-...-que,.." of ,I>< film, when before .nd .f"'r Jeanne'. immola 'ion ..... c. "",," < """"r. v",''" them from din.ctly /dJw and pons up, .gains' ,heir """..-mon' (figs_ 66(67)-

    Unlike th< """"' .... "IIing ",,-,vem~n" ;n ou!X'nr, Vo"; ' 1jI (1925), tn.,.., ,ho" m.ke no . "empt to 'usses' ,ubjK--Ii, .. ,';""polnlo' unlike < .. "'". """",m< ... ho" delil>er ... ty .mid .... demand that tl>< c. mer. efo", ,he .pe

  • 11 LA "' .... ION DC /f.I\NJ'a ,,.Me

    d' /1,.-, conw,. mov~""'n' d~f,nihy.ly .nt .... D"'Y"(' "yiClic cons,itute, a ";rtu-ally un~.n''-

    """ 'wo "" . ",,;n "P""'" loc,l ... Just a, Drey., M' no ~ .... lm, abou, i

  • tion, the f 1m', editing f"' .ho """'o",ov~'. wo.", don;"d .n)' ~".bl l'hing ''''>IS ",hi: h would pennit u, to ",ta", Jo.n".,', .~. lu ,ha, of 'he """." eN'""to",. Qcro.ionally in ''''' .. _ h."", wi.h M.,,;.,u or. soId;"r I""'"t ""w, in the .. "'" f,."", with . judge. I". nne ;nhat>i". s~ 'I'-'rt, II is not iu" t"-'t in , .. " , ... 1 ",,"'" w" con ooly inf"r II>< ret.ti, ..

    .,. ....

    di,,,,,,"", .nd posl.ion, of t he crur.c."". More import.lnt, w,' ca" no longe, o"~",,, ,hal 0 ron,"' '''. ~"",,",.d of 'poti.1 ",I.tion, . " is" . A' the bl'ginn ing of lhe first .."ne , Loy""l"ur i, on on" ,ide of the room; h.l fw.y through, I>< .ppe'I"> on the olher . id", dlrhoogh we .",

    ne"~r .hewn hi. ch.nge of position. Wh"n ,I>< >old;"r ""I" up to .ttac. led""". the glar""" cue u, lrut h. i. on her right. out we ""'" di'am" th.t he i' - oot ",,'"o1l~ but .I,., _ on her left. TI>< pri"d .... of cutting .way (eliding ouch ",'ion . .. do Houppevillo'. """' , leonne'. fainting. .nd "'" im,.,.>I.lhonj "" longe' penni" u. ,he ooo'hing .... tabl"h""'n' .nd "",".!:>Ilsh"",n' of """0,;,'0 .~o, The u"",rt.in ty wOTl< wi.hin e..-h (-.""p' .. i,;'m bk"d. oe", .. mos' of ,he cu"., """II,

    '~nn' d'),,,,', rutting ofkTo a good .""mpie of !>ow ",xt c.n ., onctl ci", norm .nd " .. "'" to , ub, -ert ,ha , 00Tm. lIo-yn< Ief" wo will infer (.U o,he, 'hing> boing "'1",,1 ) that they .,e looking ., coch o.ho,. Now, mo. .. ' ,,I the .yell .... cu" in.ho fdm adho", ' 0 ,hi. principle. Joonne looking off lef. h~r i,,"'nogalor 100,,. ins off 'Igh" ,he cu, ""'"u"-,, u, of. ,,,,bIe .. is of action be"",,",n ,ho p.>rticip.>n". Thu. ,"" fHm ... imila"" .nd me';mes. the /ilm'. 'y"I;"" confusion re fIee'lng.

  • n n

    Allhe "art of the tortu", .. ene, a ""dgy priest Ioob down right aI Je,,,,,,, and ,he Ionk, up right ".f' hi"" '1>< "'" ".,. ...... tt,.. d;':tum of oppo>l "~Ii"..., La"" in the ...... _ne, bo,ld", dbrupoon 0Car> back.nd fonh ae .... ' tl>< pU la -Ii." oxi> of action, .., th.1 .... c.nnot",,,,,,,,bIe 0 ",he",,,. _nographi< 'ra

  • \ogi.p"",ioni;, .ubj 01 the f,lm-"'tting. lishtins, "hune, 'p.1tLlI ",I,tio",_ proj I",m wh",h Ie",,,,, j, .!".en con symbol'''''' < critic '" ..... kc 'he !'nO", ""oI ... t claim th.1 only P .Iong I .. ';;rele vi judges; she looks low.rd lhe ,,.fer; ,hen .n. look, .. the ,,,,ant.lion, Dreyer's u"" of c""". ups . nd "",nomic.1 ,i,u.1 .ymools. linked by poin.of.,';"",. pe,. f"".ly ",.Iize. Jean",,', dilomm .. '" In .not).." "-"I"",n"",, "point-d -";ow ' ho" .nd dynamically ediled e-up> constilule lhe m",t in"'" ... p",.""ta,,,,,, ", I., oIlc~n""'. expene"",."" Und~n;"bly, Imp, .. ,lon;'1 poin.-of-view po, ition?

    On ly, 1 think. ,IY. """ must di"ingui. h com'en,ionat lrom ul>C;- h ift in X'S gl.n< .ngle of .ho. b will co''''''P

  • < ... t.Io> ",. l.tkm.h;1'" among Slo""". W. h.,.. .Iread)' ..,. n how troubt;ng , .. ~el;'''' -rn.tch cull;ng~; "",", we must cu"sKl.r who-the, the J;",,';oo and . ngles 01 ' he gl."", ronsi,'.mUy mo~""" ,he cuts.

    i. In ,he obo I"' ''om. ,,,-, p"-""n'.';oo 01. ""'" ob io-'" .t.ouid ro".,ponJ '0 hill in lhe ch.>.roc-te(. gla""". 8u, inl","""d'An:, lhi> will not ~

    .. riIy t..pl""" In her cell. for """"nc!.;"g ;" pn...;i..,ty ,he .. "'" di""'ion . nd .....,;ng d;jt.,,,,n' 'hlngs.

    ii, tn t""abo I"""'rn. ' he ')bj< . ngl on'" ,"" taro . . .. _n from .ngk:> dilknm' from "'" .ngle of vision, A mo", "riking ,"-'mple c.n he " a

  • .hot .. from on ""n """I"""'" angle (f'8 . 71) . This "-",;"g 01 ' ho ossumption. 01 glone and ,,,,,,,.,,.. a nsi< asoin =rIif .... tho film', ",fusal 0I'f"ti.a1 'lability.

    In ,ho (igl"., 01 .11 tl'lo unresol",,(! poin,"".v;.,.w """"" ..... I .... ,'. ju" "",ntione-jo ough' '0 inf.r from ,he fi lm's di'OOI\oOn, po;n,."f . _ "I"'''';''n, '""" "d"". no' ... ..,k ,,, ",tid", . chor~te( ' F"'rione. 1'10 ro

  • .how, t.", st,lI wit~'n on i,;'(,g, 81). Anrto bly >fbit, .,.., 0,,"),"(, r.tm P"t; lhe intelligibil-ity of ,ubj.;u e o,ng Om pre,'iou. ocqu.inl.~ "'ith he, ,tory confirm' I~io. In ,he fint .hot, hand. tum lhe )Mge;of. book . 1he , hoi i, emblemalic: we rome to. f"",ilia,t.le, equipped w .. ~ ron,ide,.ble knowledl!'" Jeon",,'. pe ... nt .nc .... ry, ho, religiou, impul..,.. he, military le,,"o, . oo ~er heroic do h : 0"1'0' .,'.ume. 'hat We , now .11 .hi., takes it a. the "p",.",,," 01 his film. ,,\J I""" the """,liv, of an e>."""i. !0 Ou""""'" f .he a.:tiun .nd"",. ' he ,, 1m with the d~""",ini'm '" eM e",, teri"ic of Orey , ",orl.piiclt,'d, I~ ..... New, haw we kno",n cho roc .... on tt." """,n .., inli m."'lv_" " With, ,, .1 m",,' tI,,,,,""",,,1 ",!>ument, je.n Mit')' ..,;." ....... t he no,m.1 d ,,..,.up ""P" ___ but d", .. ",~ ,'gn,l)', ",)w"", in Jeo"", J'A,..-. In. floC;.,1 ck"".ur< ,ig" il)' .. ~, "" '''''!I
  • In hi' distinction . mong ogo:'nt, en.." for. rig"'" i; ". point 0/ di,l"'rsioo, kind 0/ di ... "icul.llion," ,he be. ,.,., 0/ ", ,odic.1 h",WS"-.... ity."" 10\ ,ke "1""" (o"",_f.,ld 0/ /"'""' d'Arligh', ...,ry "-'Ply ,he fu, _ ni,he", i; ,""ml"~iW by 'h< ~id .. 0/ a""w " ' p"",lon, At 'hi; \0.","01 , the fullnes> 0/ Jea n",,'. cha,ac!er i 'pres."d through , mic"Opic ",u~..,f~1 ,hoin """f'W;'" "'"-,l ly ,>i n"",'O(.,'" IC"",f"'" r,g" 83 'nJ &I.) !Ie], llalh. tish ' I)' found in I"'"'" dA". ". J r."" of 'ho.' 'P;';I" enos .... lit I'""'" J'A" .. 'm.in. P"' po, 'u.,II)" .. dialog"" ,"" 10d",'
  • of clio,,,,,,,,,.. In. role of 00;..:'" In. ..tiling of with tn. .... mNy of soldie" . nd priem .nd tn. on;.. 1 of Jeann< . The"",ft ... "ag.. two through fou, (dialogue!challenge 10 au,horiti",1 >unto,. ttock by .utooritie!l) . '" "'pe'bN th..,. IUn",. Fi",t. C.ucoon . nd ni, ... i",nl quo"ion Jo.n",,; ,tw ch.l lenge' ,he Engli,h;. ooIdie< 'prins, up '0 ... ",k tw,_ s..". ondly, afte, .. ",U"" ..,,-;.., .,/ q"""'ion, , ).a"nE d"d ..... ,hal .t.< hM .. ...."j tw. !IOuJ: . pri< .. , """"'" forword . nd . pit. in her I~. The third , 'a""'",,, alto" til< o,der "I 'ho 1''''''''';1'''' the a"tho.itie, "uoek Oo.n",,, one defonder .. remo,'..t by the oldie,..). 'twn 'ho judg. . .. k """" que .. t"'n; . nd J~.n ... re>pot>d. d"'i.i,,,ly, At Ihts poi nt. ,tw d in """"numbe",d ,",one. ttw judgo< rome to tw._ eu t """"~ 0"" pn.-., on to,.. Icanne's cell fiN fo, a brief "",h.ng. n..-.y..,.,u, in """"" 2. Ca uchcm ;" OO!"" 4)_ Outdoor-. (in """"'" 5 . t>d 7), both jean .... . nd judS'" """" bel",. In. pop"I",., In "'.n.O I through S. Je.nne obey, the judglldo" is ~ep' from "riking Je.n ..... nd d'E,~vet opilO upon twr. while ttw violer> 01 til< .rmy .t>d til< Church e"",'11'" in the .,...,k "" her .tly de Houppe-"ille . I ... nne i, .... ul"->d hor ",ithdrow.1 "I th~ ....... nt.,;.," ("",n. 6)

    6 With one oxccp';"n ('he lin~ of see"", 213), 'h ..,.

  • que"""s ... j< "ks

    rommun~.n, the ooWie" Pf'"P"'" 'ho stak .nd 'he , th< kon) .n~ the Engli>h .nny lied b), Warw"'x). ,,' i1h N",olos l~)'S< I~u' a< go-l> -""p'ioo oq n"" he~l!. no char""",,;' """,,,,j in til< film. (We ' . n g1un n.me. only from.he cre.!i. ""1uer>'. imago. of bod ..... t~ , ...... 1, of beh.vior .ha. play . n indi'p"",ible role in ou, identifying .he " from the d.,h of words and v""'po'n", the vi, ... 1 co"".",,,tion of each in "'rrul)"'ho n .n"", 1m'" 'he .ltem.~on of "",jon .nd re"", t"-'n . The .bs"", 01 m.:h", ' tein. Although the ;"tt~', fi lm' often frogmen' an_ through od 'ling. ,~~ f"gment. tjon i> i""'l""ntly, m>lt

  • .. '-" """ID'im ICA.S"'" D'ARC


    ill CEll


    (4) CElL

    (S ) ~I;TERY

    Other p';"t< .rriw.

    Je,m"" en.en

  • A"thorit;'. attock j .""" 0' ally.

    Sold;', ,b,.ten. je.nne.

    DEs,;, .. , spi" on .. ,

    Soldie .. . nd Ch un:h ",rno,e de Houpp,,,;tlc

    Sold." t.l~e. j"""",,., ring. Loy .... u. ",.od, forged "tt~,.

    jl>dg ... f" .. to M je.n"" hN, M .... G".rd ~ j .. nne.

    judl\en",,,,,. ; ",ldie .. au ""k man.

    Sold.,,, . , .. ult cro,,-'! a. jean,.. hum .

    C""rt .odjoums.

    jeanne , woon .. nd judge' ... ., .

    'The army dri"

  • of .bb,.v;"'ing '" .;Ii"~ndins ' m",e"'.'" 'h rough (mis-)m.tche. on ac'icm . In r.. r. ...... ~, ITO""," d''''", . tho., fraqn for """,,;,.. '"d .. log"" with tn. cbe"" the lu~ 1
  • w.",,,,,,,, of tn. .utOOrit.ti"~ ~"'h."ge ,', Iue '" tn. ",ri" ten word. w" .... n. Me "oded fo, , .... word ,ha, n.om .. h,,,, .n ""d ..... I;.;.1 triol lulr.mng . pvlit'ocol "''P1n. n w;,n," .. ) .. \\orw"k. " . , . !ha' ' .... ""'uld _ die 0 1U1U,,1 d""n. I !'lid. high P"'" f", .... , .") It i. jc.m",' igned __ n .. tion that Loy""I"", 011. ... to W.rw'd:. if it "''''''. bill of .. "',

    On lhe ot .... , h.nd, ho,,'",'!, je.n",,' won!;' not pri-moril)' rommodily, lIIi",,.,, . ..... i. ,Jos.od off from t .... ",rillen con"oct. He .. ist .... ").I"""i'-", pe.-.onaltzed won!, .n inspid s""""h oppooro '0 , .... ossif.,. .. ion 0/ ,n., ",rit_ ten "')!'d, lr.ft,0 " 'u,t pmd"",,". controdict.on" Fo, """ thing. 'he .it..,. ... Ist 'iw b, .. k-down or n."ativo ,~, os Michol M.ri< h.s .,.,..,,,-.,d, "P .. odook. lly, , l>e wry profu,"-,n 01 in"",;, .... . ... i {c""",up" of f~ and 00igic.1 ",I.tion.h ip with lhe d iorou .... pl_ or ",w..,,,,e." " Mo"","e" the d;"log"" .i,..,. ro"'l!",un heMO''''' ,poo ling . rod w'iting: lirs m",'. and lhen w ,..,. d ",h.at , .... y haye .Iready .. ld. nH0uslt J"""", d' /I",', in,i""n on t .... princirte of d;.,IoSUgue

    'i tl~ get< ro ron",,' On~. I" ' he d i. k>g"e with M.",ieu, he, e"I." p",!>Ou"""m~n ... '" "ow . ... Iy .. d, .nd luund '0 h.a, '~ bo. ... n u"wlttlngly p>-phe'ic . SII< luis bot tho, """0-n", ",ill "',. he d mih .. '}' 0""' . H", king ~,j/I re"""" he.

  • I",,,, pti""", bu' He i, not King C h .. leo. "The "'s"'. ' " i of J.an"" alt.m,te wHh ,iloso 0/ ,ho> ,.!augh'er, Chri"ion icon. flood ,hot .fte, .hot: CTO>"", di,,.,,,,,,. ,I\ "'CO""" .... of impm.!,ob/t F,."",_

    Th< ..,n'o"",e

  • litmpyr

    Tt.. diffICulty of di.",., inS 0"')' I'","P!I' ho< t-n Ie ... ""bil, 'ing surf..,.,." 'hough popI< we'" U"-",,Ily t.>ing -., ' hmugh gt. .. d o.!d)', . nd ito pmiound "Ie", broke" "nly by lho " "".rthly tolling ,,4 , .... b coni".."", of J'hili,Hniom but. ba.., ..... t....,1ic d.llum which the critic mu" confron t . rod .... oni"". As "'. saw in IA ~ rk J","", d'Arc, . d .:nowledging a ,,'ork', particu, lar of'O'lu,,,,,, or impru'""", i , often lhe most di"",. rout< to gra'ping its ..,Iienl rropcrtie,

    H IE ABSENT CAUSE C"n,id." fo, ... mplt', 011< "f 'he """t puzzli ng "'smen'" of .he film, o,,"id Gray, "";ng the ,hadow 01 . S'a, .. ,,/ig' g

  • ~ lO

    f H

    i ~~~

    ~ ~i

    P~ ~s





    ~[~ ~


    ~ ~

    ~ f~









    j: !r~


    ~ if



    .. g

    ito 3


























    o. possibJ to .ilu.,'" Hl< f.n\a,lie ,.le in,i ... on """ping di'joinl the ""Iur.l',upern.lu .. ] ..,,,,,,n'ic f.,ld, '

    MOtk Kosh ho< .ho",n th" in.1 ", .. l one ",.pt' en>!, the .. I. must ,000", .ithe,. "",ulOl e~plan.tion (which m.keo it 0 'ale of tl>< "uOCJ.nny"] 0'" .u!"'""tufal one (ma' ing it. tale oj tl>< "mofV~Iou''') . Nosh _m, t" '''!IS'''t th.t V""'PJI' ind-=l ..,t~"" into a "able ending, tl(l.,om . pot.1 wn,",uity, 5e< fonal ;':en .'" no k>, prol>-"'matic cous.t.lly ,hon "' .... t wen' before, Wh.t ""' ~ .. the deod chatelain', lace reappe" 10 h. un t tt-.< doctur .nd Ju,tin? W .... t ,hut> the door 01 tl>< mill-..;:age 1o trap ,he doct.-.r1wn.t ~l>' mokes ,o. ge'" &ind '0 . haltin ,hoe ''''ry I." .hot' All the ""y I"mugh, V ... ", f"'S< ,h.Jow ... W Ih< t>d),- The d. nclng , .. dow, .gain dd.y ,-.,"el"ion 01 Chopin . G " y ~,,... n", "-'< coffi n, .nd lhe , kull nd potion,). When d .. th i. not 'peclr",.lIy connoted,,' Ie t.n ""tie inexplicability i"., in ,I>< c ... of ,he peg.1egged .hodo,,' or ,he d' r>eing ~hNO"'S on the ".~I! , But IJw5to i m~gW ronnoUotioos do mo", th.on em", "rnosphere, They . 1", lo,-.,.h.dow lmas-cry which "'ill I. te, be takon up by lhoe cardi .... 1 function" '" moin plol , lhe most o"",;uu, ... mpi< peg-leued ooldie!'. ,hadow i . ... n 'S'in J uri ng tho ",urdo. of ,ho old cha'ela in: 00' wo may .1", ""'" ,ha, ,he m.n "'ith the < """,,,,ion of tlw m.in "'t""" The plot, ,r."" in",", ,hooe do.,h motif. be,woen ,he cardin.1 fUflCbon. not ooI

  • .. v .........

    "''''', the "'(, loi, bloch ""' knowll 01 "",,"' Cray go" I",,,, 'PO' to.pot in til< building; ,I\< panning sOOt 01 u..,,,,,', '""'P'Y bed i""",

  • depend. ~pon ,he P"'''''''''' of O.vid C,.y ;'im .. lf. He is a eu"""",, p"''''soni'' . I;" "d"",," ron1f",.'ively little in "' .. . I;"" to t~~ princip. I . lJy oclion: il i, the manservant wl>o dtooov.", how k> ~imi""te Margueri'e CI>op;n .nd " .. r." HI, bon '. 1>< docto,. Though Cray does pn,,"< 'h"'>< film togcll>:Ic,aNy Mfocull to gra.p ,,'hen p""";; ,ed ., nis iii"", atr Indt...:I. G"y'. nigh.time perambula ,ions ""->Iiv. """" lUnd.""". In' tOOOClion 10 Ihe .to" ,i,ua'ion whole, Th>l G ,.y is F"',iphe-r.llo the main :.chon mah,. hi. ,'"",'. point on ide.1 ,.hie'" for pu.hing riot >liU fUrlhe, ."..y from ,tor).

    It is. """""""", Ct. y" vio,wpoinl whi;.! b,l", in 'he . ubjective vision 01 buri. 1 in hi,..wnd d",.m), F"t.he n". !"Iallof 'he film. only G,ay is gi'''n this point-/"",,,, editing:, La"" the principle is d istributed. > thot. in a crucial shift. !.< fotho:!r and be """'ing "" .... pped in tl>< mill are p...,..,nted through h .. poinl-/' v;,w .hot;. ~ .h.1I ... late, how Ih" datribu 'ion 01 v",wpoin" lullm. ,mpo""n' na".';ve functions. bullor preo.nl purpo>COI>-.'TRADICTORY SPACES r.., ly in V","pjlF. D.,o.1 Cuy pdu",".o . ... mine ~ pic'u", hanging in hi> room in tho:! in n. In cI""""p. 'he camera """ . .,. upw.rd . nd clockwise ..,,,,.. ,II< pic'u", (fig. 1) n",

  • .. '~,""""

    ",WN. ,Ile cordi",,1 ac,ion. and mi. in ,Ile f'luem of Gray', in,,-'S'igo'ion, We can .1.., "'" ,h..11 tile P;C'u", p",fig-lift"> ,hos.> L,,.., '''''''''' "'hE,,,in 'Mracters );lither around L0> ""~""I .. ,1>0> J'k",,,,', 1""",;0" i~ olh."";n~ i,,,,,11 as . di,,; ,,,,, ...00" f ."." ... 1 rep",..,n,,,;o,, , TI>< moving shot It>dOk' block "",,'s vi,ion, in .hort. e:.,j," in_ dependently 0/ OUt p"""",.l pm;,,,". MO",,",,"T, time and 'I"'" . ituate .och entit ies in. ",-","nu\lm, Tim< i.""a .oc_ "".ion 01 rot> no, in tl>< nondiegetic '1"'< of. "')", ,Ile "arly oe< """.,i,.. '1"'< but not p""i..,ly ,i to.,ed the",. In thE eronorny of ,I>< plot. th"

  • Cr.)". and C...,lc', """I'" wilk .he doc."" ,,,ffoc,""" ~"'" nol ,_"On "'tnJ"!'S; >ga 'n. ,f "'. ,no ,,, I"'n;< dl>",;"ntln~ edit ins d,v""-,,. I, is if(Jn,-"" ,t.e ,..,ble 'p.>ec ,ha, lhe film . l",. dy loc. "

    To.lI 0/ ,h;', Bouin would pro,,,,, ,ha, b)';t. wry ""Wre .-di'ing ,h." ofS 'ho> continu"m of , ... 1"0~lmk 0'""" ' .

    W~,' !lazin opl""'" to the d i' juIKt;w",-,,< of ,-.:Ii ling .'" 'echniq"'" ,",'h klt gu."n"", f.i'h l,,1 "",de~og 01 I ... cone",'e i,,'eg~ty of ,he world, Hc '''!\I!e,t fo, ... m .....

  • ,


    thot d~r-focu.dr""""ogr.rhy, .he long uk< los whid,)Ws . nd ",o.rnons must be para digm"ie ' ign, "f , t.., ocn.. l. ,i"", by me.>n. of lighl l""r ""hly '" II>< ,,,,i,,,,,,,,,, 01 . cone",t. cau,.,. Bu , in 1''''''1-')'' w. fond s~"w' .nd ",flection. wi.hout bod .... to c." tn."" TI>e ca " >

  • '" n

    u "

    ing ~"'''" "' .... vt;tv ........... ...

    i .... ge with ... mblaTl' '" depth. it is u'u,lIy to dioloc.t. u, furt~r: lor irm.""". t~ 01101 01 the doctor gIeding t~ vampire is f",ned from .n .n~l. that does "'" penni ' us to

    diocem '~ doon.. y on ,he righ' lo.'

  • "

    the dock>r'. I." , n,., rd with an . bnor mallogX:. At ,hi. point. Ba, in would .. y t!>.>t [)n,y" "" ' ",,,,mbe

  • When w~ 'urn to more ,ub,1e 'p",;.,1 "","" unng in V_p)'" ho"' ........ "'" fond. ,orpn ... fr 'he "''Y "'p",. "",','io",,1 m ", which. occording '0 Bozin. guaran, .. '1", .. 1 .nd tempo .. 1 Iit up ,he.p.ace in "'h"h ho and ,ho inn . ... ,i, ... ted. (Com!",,,, ,he d ... ".1 Hnllywocid

    pr_~ of beginning on ,0'1 esta bli,hinlliong , hot of bu ilding. .nd letting the "al a oort 01 trapdoor ""nduw. ""w 0".,., a ''''''''''n', he..! poking oul. She S""-tp"'" right,

  • clfuc,. (.he came,. will 001 SO inside tu "' .... , "'hy '"" light wenl out) nor will it ",main "uboe",,,,n' 10 the n.ma -t;"" dom,,,,,,,! (,he ' pp".r.",e 0/ th< """""'")

    5hot ..,'en ... """, . hl fl,.." 1m ""w we ... .., Cr.y am, ing before dooll>er In ,jJ" By iumping bdckand forth from u"idelo in,ide.'he fi lm bIo< ,l.lbk .pace 0/ the picture in Gray" room, d""""'hc 'I"< doctor ru.hill.'\ into .no1n.r room .nd s lamming ,he door behind him (ftg. 29). light nd sh.>OOw. bu .. , upon tn. doorpane (fog. 30). The soId;"r """"'" into til. fr.me from lhe right.nd fr.nt'oc. lly ,,..,, to open thi< doo,. The",;' . ""I \>ack k> ,t.< n..king loe . Tho< next ,hoi .... urnes .howing til. sold",", . tn-mpt '0 en"" ''''' room ",he .. the doctor .. h;ding. flef.iI,.nd 00 "', ... ". l>.> .,k wha, coust."d the ooId., .... de.,h. or w .... , "OX,""," in t"" fin' room ,t.. doctor entered. In p" ying

    h;';"-and-_~ "'ith lhe "ory, ,n. ca"",ra refu ... k> tr;ace "'" ,he co u .. ) skin, k> chronicle "orr tinw. Of k> map oul Ok>')' 'pa

  • "

    The s ignihc.nce 0/ ,uch c.""".",or' i, con.iderobk CIa"ic.] HoUy .... ood cinema h., encouraged u. '0 "'" .he c."",,. ., moti,'.t,'CI by the cduse-. ffect chain of the >lory, The.." for =mrle, d ch.r ..... ' . chang< in pooit"'" my,t either be (ledrly . hown or che.ted" ";" editing or ",uoo:

    if eh .. ae"" .... ..,. . room, ""e mu>! ~ or h"" him or ne, ",.,-~ . w SSu","" that n .. c. men r.' "_ And OU' of.he story s pace. ,he frame caIV"" its own "ploI:" SO"""""" f,r ",mo,-oo from the dramatic domi nant. If VomWr can be con.idered a "",;0,- fIlm. it i, """.u .. of D",y"" mxk",.nd ing th. t ,he c.mero ne-ed no! be ."Moerv;"n. to n. fT.ti", ,"",,"lity. that tl>e film ""'y for. -ground ,he .ctj". role '" the c. mer. in ron,titu!;"'g .nd queo,;oni ng cinematic . pace." If. ,gain, ",m

  • ... v~, ........

    " th .. ".,," >tytb,i( pmbk", . ... ' inS .... >d .. ,,,. to .he h", .... r sen .. . 0 ......... "' 11",," h>

  • a"" 10 en"r, n.. c.""' .. 1."", ,he .. "".n' .nd do,,,,,,>)". tI", ",,,,,,,. paM oway from the group to ",,, 1 G .. y a nd GioAccording to !lazin. I"" long "'.., .nd the IIKn'ing tam-ot. otat>iliz. 'pacy. d",.m "'""",i,, Crays doul>lo: , in ,he coffin. "'oklK .. , fro".",. hi, own /u"" .. I. Fur ,he rorl',;'l .. yn'~'" in Ih i, "'lLl point of view bu t .1", 0/ the film'. v~ry ad 01 ro ... tfUeting >pac~ Through lhe "';ndo", of lhe rofftn we (and Gra y)..,., ,he

  • "",d;'" ~.,,< fr."", lor G .. y" vi. ion. d,,,,,i,,,,y domon ..... ' .. t"" lim;t" ~,n, of 11.1oI'"'" of d.",;-cal "'p"'''''''''.''' """If. Though he 0"' in deocrirtioo . Ba""", mok" ,...,;.fut , uAA""ion in .his "'lI-'rd:

    '" ',I, Ilt.alr1 w.li/li II;' '!I' ",illl lin- ,Io

  • !i,"" io1n..,,,'. n l '''',ken, him : "Some-' hing remNe ;. h'pp"";ng~' The "",n look "II .. It (fig. 43) The .. follow clooe---up of the top 0/ Uone. I>.>ck (pan left!. ".t o( tl>< fni"" (pre.umably to her mouth. bu, . , in the doo'woy shot. the camera pu" the Jn .. ff ..-.-..n; w, ca nnot ~""w if "r ",hen ,n., ",iU take ,h. poisonJ. M""",,'er, the cut from the two men', g/anc .. may _m to imply they.", w.t whiclt d""",.te tt-..- 'f" in l'Mo dmtim t! h-Ia,,,,,,h>:i . nd which "" ron_ t",J_ by .;tyle of I iting .nd "''''''''" ... ". , lu i do .. roy. the ,ep~n"hon of pllon hottle>; . he IIokl< , ,,,ay ""Of tll< d and til< boo!< \"""'''''''' h .. mil;"u .. the chate.u, Th. ,truggle hetween ,he f.,lI
  • ,. VMfI't'll

    coachman, ,I>< doc1oJ); mo"-"Owr, tir< drJ im. (Chorin ini ,Lollr.nd ,I>< 1.,1>< 00 C hopin sh .. "o Q"" h>alu"" both oper.le by me. n, oI'he .~. < , .,,,..,,, ' 0 the .,.jtn

  • i"g; in pa'IIII",,", il i,bu'''I, n ...... motif, ~ to du,,,,,, '" >"", ",oJ" "f ,he p",phet;c WON .nd dreamer who berom, prophet.

    Put 0"" G,a), rriv.lat the in n initi" .... w .. 1 .igniflCan' ."ent>, but ,,'en ["'f"", he wal~' into the fi lm, ,he fint 0/ foor in _ 'el1;e. in story dura'ion , Logkally, ,hey mark ,he "'lI" n;..,'"", 01 t lw plot, fuf\' -gn;IU"Jing tlw Pn)t.ogo";'ll"D.,id Croy") .nd the 'ranscend ,he dir pori,,,,, ,,/ ' his J,,*,tic wotld . tn It", rd,,,', fi .. , """ion. ,hi.

  • ,.. v.wl'l'll

    Wedged bet",,,,,n .he.., ,;,1"" 'he .."n,,, 01 P"" 0". op era,., '0 dev own: 'he IM"'l!,,,,ri'o C"'-'!>in '. oon 'rol ;. fu"hoi _ , ted in the """"nd loy.lt~ P"'" in ,he mm, ,,'t-..n .",. gi, '" tt-.. docto, buttle 01 poioon. T"" lI""u", p"ints roth to,ward and ba

  • """'pling of the poi""n poraU.f, Croy, ""'"pi (J/ the po,. ""t, ,..;ri"8 'hem off ., i"termed"'ri of ,he litleo ide"tif.,. the eha"""u , , belon!',ing to Croy. ""it"... Again , an ilI""t,.,io" of lhe hlte" "" _ ,ho> en.,.I.;n look in on Gi..,te .nd Leone. Tho >pa 01 Umw', room is , w.rpo:- of ... ritten "" .. ""I antidpatE t"" ''''''g< ... hielo fullw, '" th.t image. fOnD a running verifi c.""".nd fulfillment of the ""I. Ro ... gt L The booI< "ero"", ",mpi"'" link. them to s,,-

    ,.n, ,nd ",pla;n. that they ~al night to prey "pon the Ii,ing,

    IMACes' Uo'ne i> "';;';ng,

    _gt 2; The book d..rnbe, how '.mpi ..... bitE the vic-tim', n:k to .uck blood.

    IMACH: u.,ne is NI"'n b~ Chopin, then re"",,-'I i, ""'l>r,ioo.oIy lr.n.km>d to ,n.. '""im. and how sk may ..,.~ to kill otheY.,

    IMAGES: Uon. stu"", Gisele, preparing to att.>ck her . Ro..-g< 4: The bo"k doscribo" . "isn!' hi,tory . nd . ... ""', At thi' point, ",fe ... oc~ to lhe book V""I'Yr< end ,ince it h .. fulr.lled its role a' t"" serond of Ih""" .uth",it.tive votcn' re.xling of ,he """, W"'I 'l>nd. out is an oct , j",ody .nOlOu~ in Leo",,', nocturnal cry of "n.. blooM' _ ,I>< "'" ofbleed;ng. No '''''''''' has Gray begun '0 ",. d V""'I'lI" 'h.on Ci ..... ..,.,. Uo"" Qutside. w, lking " if in Ira..,. . A, lhey run ou'. M"'S",,,;te Chol'ln bend,

  • 111 VA. .........

    """'" .... ""'e IVn'"'.1>< is .. ken in.ide, the contagiou. bIood -tni'" _merg when l..('< ",.de,Ie,me" Thi, role is fin' mled by Cr.y, who "...us P" ""I!"'" 1-5 'M ,-",>""" ou' chief channel fo, the flow of the . ut hQri .... i,T " ...... ' . Bu, "'l>en ,I>< d()C,or propos bloodletting, Crar ,.koo on ,he rok of u-o"" . unogo'"" (This ha. be< dicgetic box", V_I'!I"" . nd ,hen to Crays in!'ted dre,m., Hi.

    two d",am' den"" p'o1 th_ .. the visiun.o'Y i"tfolt"",n' of the powe" of this ""ice ,

    Con,id .. , for ",.mple, the br"I but ';gnir>< poi""'" "'0 see u,;.,,', hand reach up in ck::>;.,up to < two. In V""'PJlT, these mOT . ...... iofated by ",aking tl>< drea m 'P""" 0/. p""" with the w.king 'paco, tn e,oy_ li" t dream. ,I>< ligh' put.a t'" rh)',hmic.lI)' be h;nd tl>< ulland the .11".1 hand: oot in ,hot, of Cr.y ,""'pi ng, ,I>< light continue. to pul .. te brl>ind G",!/ Ioi .. srif, . nd ,..hen the ..,,,'. n' "' ..... him, the fIa.hing light abruptly .top>. In potting fMh Croy as the new ,,,,,,,,,1 of auth",it .. ;,.., vision, the mm ..... this ,'i';"n .. o,,,

  • ,h.1I coli it "Iho> "'-" r.", part I tl>< f.lm. Fo, Crays no"",, 1 a,:ti"i,"" """ be 'Y"" '""" h .. " ... wd ", often '" rough wi""""', now ,,,. in to P""'-'''''o .I>e P'''''' I gI ... ""., hI; ""ffin.

    ~I< "'-"1""""~ of a.:ti tho>e door-""y . glim>ing Chopin _ all II>< na",.U,,, strategic' we ha,'o ~ ... mined ' hroughou. _ ail I"""" .,,, ",posed as a 1"''''-'''''ion .nto 0 "ale I d h . nd dying. Wh., 'h~_ on< ."""n1< . .... is ",-"h ins oth.r '~.n ,he mr< !l< premise for ,,,,,,.,,,,i,,~ ""';"1, , "'S'" whie" migh' enrou,.S" u, k' in..-rib< part th .... wilh Itw "'0"" wh"h C .. Y' double ..,." o n lhe ro!fin lid: '"D,," thou . " .nd tu du" toou .hal' retum ."

    I'rophetic , too, i. Crny, "iJrion of Cisel< , J"S! as his "". I;", d",. m hiId , ,,,,,.,,ed 1.mi .. .". k' doalh, C,oy ha .... imi ia.OId lho> P'-'w", d ' '''' .ill ...

  • ,,< v .... P>1I

    in"";phon on ""'r ,,,,,,bolOn< (" Margueri 'e Coopin, Good I..o,d g,.n' her . ' ...... 1 "",, . boomt cou.." Su.:h m., "'ry amount< to ""_"'ng the f,ther' , pow. ti c.Uy, lhe f>lm', "",ntof-,,,,,,..,,m.nt I""sents mosterl over de.th through ,ut>miMion to it, ,ided by prophetic text .nd vision. We .re gi,"n , oet 01 guidelin"" by which '0 re.d the fdm's .mhiguilies ond dOsrontinuitic,. Muddlod, "" ar" fmtun.,ely Hung upon the titl.", the book, .nd the J rNms . nd ,," cling 10 '''''''' as "'0 .'" ,uggcl Ihrough the film. The film thu, "" .. ' 0 ,uW"" it> ",,"'n di, rup!iorts,

    The film', counter.gesture i s oW'l""".';ng ' s t~ "",de by the impe, .. ",. 1 n.".ti,,, poll""" "I Dr-e)","; P"" ,iou. f>lm . Diooontinuitie, ralll0 film in'islen tly ,h.allenseo our p

  • Day of tlftlth

    [Ny'" W .. th is pruN~ly O"'FS most p"pular film, wllkh aJ..,.".jy indicate' somEthing of the problem' it 1"""'" SIj-'li"ic.lI)', it i calmo;", dt J",n", d'..I", or V""'PlIr. A ,.Ie 0/ witchcrah, ~>ion nd muNer. it has mo .. mek>d m.t'oc 'pp'" than Ook nd Gdully begin with an .""milU.hon of I .... narrative', dynamico: how the "oJ}' ..... k. oohe"""", . nd wh. t pre . ." ...... wor\< again>1 this.

    FORCES FOR UNITY 04Ji of 1I'",'h i. tn. ",ory of how, in .."-.n,,,,,,'h-n"'m,), o..reJ '0 r.. !\w,," Ik J",,"", d'..!." and V''''P!lr, o.y of w",r/, "..,lab .. ly ea,)" ' 0 >en .. I . n onhodo, ron .. ruebon i. io -c"","'" when " 'e",,, tha' the fHOl fall. in.o ',,"0 urge I'd"" The fi rs' . compri.ing .. bou ,hird of ,he run ning 'imrt .obord ino"" ,h. f.mil)" to"',,,,., ., H.rIof. M ..... pligh. ,,, rough ,he de""" I making ,he f.mily "it,,....,.., he, Progrme ubordi"",ed '0 ,h. I.mily ",mon(\! . rid . utvi,,,, onl)" in ,he form 01 'he dying Loutentiu . The two pk,tli".. I ,haroc'." (,i, in .U) presenlS limil

  • n l 1MY0f WIl.IDI

    ac.r""d It.. d.,il," The I." sho. of th. film annou ........ that An...., ha, indeed ~n bumed by .""""unting ,he t the tight unity which tt.. n.rrati", oeek>. La"". how",~" we . holl .... that n.atly '''''1)' one 01 t~ 10""" lor c .... ure is que.tioned . and the , ..ding 01 even .. whiCh I ha", prIoS"" (I). II . A hond wri ...... he >rl ..,n"l

    F", on. Ih in~ In. . ltoma'ion enha"" lhe roidy rigid tempo .. 1 deli",,"ion of 'he ..,;"'n . Withou, H. >hNck> 0' n..hiurw.nl, _ ,he pk>l """ .... chrono:>logicolly: ,he only de kmn.tion '" "'l, .. ntiol ",d .. ocm" when ,he Cf1lM

  • VII, TOf'"" dw""",, Horlols Mano confe...,. (IIJ.I_N)

    IX /'rison, Ak1lon ,-i, i" Hcrlok ~I.nc 11ll _33)

    X Ch"",hY"nJ' Ik,lof, M.,..., i, burno.'

  • Ill) 1M!' Of WIUIJI

    em. Ihird day, H"tio/, M.,,,, i, bumd. Abs.okln ,.115 An"" of her motlwr'. t,.nW-.,...., . nd "'M~ .oouces Martin (..,~n .. X_XII) . Af..". on un'j>ilied ;01"''''.1. ,he", occur> ,hal crowdod day during w hich L>urenli u, di two days (0"" al Ihe 1>ed. d.,. in",,,,,,.,.nd O!",n ex'."""', bet",..,n .ge and )'ooth Moo, poinledl)', ,hi. ,,,Ir.,, e"',''11'" lrom 'he ju, " P'" ,ilion of lin"" a nd Mortin, in n.' ural . urroundinS'. ",ith 'h. Io1ult. Abs.okm ,i,it, .h. dying Lan .. n-'iu . nd ,he tree bent 0'''' the w."', in moni,tic tenn, -it c.llUlOt be ""p.o,a.ed from i" .. lhlkm _ .nd, gon ,ly c .... ping M., lin'. hand, .he clJirns that .hey too are round 'osethe" In lhe . I"''''''ting """"". La u",ntiu, . peaks of .pI;tting his ""ul hom hi, body .nd I>'h",", son .... ying. "Ann". il "'. wuld die togerhet now, ... " Already the f,1m ha, wOJked oul. ",ilhin the S"""r.ll ogeoyou 'h opf'O'ition, difterence.l>< wQ,ld 01 'he '--''Y . n is1.,.d \>s

  • "'''' ,,'i.h A""'\on', walk home . When Ahsalon en ..... 1>< ...,ct.,ry, ho< .,ri".1 .ha.", .. , ..... ' p.>.i. 1 uni.y be.w""" A""" . nd Martin, Mo"" t ..... y "'aft'd.ho .. "", iT.me; ","W 'hor "paw". and An .... "'av", tn. fro"'" .I.oget ...... A "" .... oho' "'if" .1>< .ngle to reunire .he .h..,.,. but Anne Im-med .. ..,I)'!loeo out of t ..... f,.me again, A, t ..... "ove, ,he is l.amed in he, O,,'n "f""'" medium ,hots. ,,'hile Martin heirs "''''''km to.it do ... n. An"" brings some t...'f . nd .gain.n th"",.re in t ....... me fr.me. but again ,h< IN"".; .nd f .,. .he rest of.he ."'" .... Am", remain. ut..,rly isolated_ Thu, ."" inti~ An"" oflc",d Martin i, "'p_ 0)' Mar' 'in', fol .. 1 < redory _ ha,'" much "ron~ ",noe of 'p"-... I uni.y .h.n romp.,able!iCe"'" in ,I>< two ... Iie< tilm., One ""'-iou. cau ..... he gte."" "umb." 0/ 'rue establishing .hoI" e..-en ~ '" c"",",,-up the gIa""" e";.""roo" w. ar< m;"" ,"- pI", . Thu, " .... ""rtom of .he . '''''''' would occu, """ a "ai" .he n."t in .he ",nte, of ,0" hall. a .hinl ''''' u bI.>. and "" on . "Ynu mu"." he told hi' pupd '"wr' OU, a "'''''''''' 0/ whe ... . "" "" ",1\0, 'I"""" -WN'< of .ction-e..,h _Iilm .. to he pIo)'ed . Th, di,';' ",-,n b.,1w""n 'he """, Abs.oloo'.
  • ~'t

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    3 ..

    "'~< winw . a nd tho: Lo in_ cid..", be"., .. " An"" .nd M.rtln .t h I ac'ion in the ."" .. in which Absalon

    Ie" Anne . 10"" .n

  • n.. two la,t "'I .... ncn in the ""to!), porlo, (""S""'nt. XIV and XV ) carry '" a conelu. "'" tn. tendency of tn. ac .;on in _h ...,"" tu be ,,,,,",,,-.,d lrom ,. ";"t) 01 pusi_ t;ons. n.. fi ... "I the .. ""'luo"",", .. "'8""i ... >lon joi'" the rouple. and that Anne 'e "eal, tho tru,h to Abo..ok>. This rompkc> ..,.;e, of ""'""" is .00"'" from virtu. lly .wry .id bringing in tu pI.y ."o>Jy ",.11 of.he porlor.nd plodng the cho,.cte",.t the """te,of mobi'" .",hi!w, .",""d til c."",,", thot i. around the 'pe'tein .J"" noted tn.t co"", .. m.",."",nt c.n ,upply great fIe.ibilit)' of ori-ent.tion to the zones of ""lion . In v.y of W .. ,/r, n.tT.ti .... con.rob. Of.en. characte, (Anne. Mere"') will look off to one ,;de .nd til< comera ",illl"n tu r,,,' 1 Martin arri"ing; he bro""",. In foct, aswo.ted of .nti.,; I"to!), I" n ' ""t , Ei"'nstein ', tK>ticn of allowing the ",. t;"'n tu 0.::...' .round the 'peet"o, con I:>< .... n "w",~ in othe, came,. mo."ment., Ge"",.II)" 'f'ch. mbe,. the Camera tracks leftward. ",,,,,.ling ~,st the judges, ,hen ,.., ",ribe , then the torture appa,.'u,. and r. .... U)' H.,k>k M."", In Lau"",,,tiu,', hou..,. ,hoe """",t> ""VO'S Absolon in ti>e d""",,"y tu m,,, .. . Io"g thoe ",.11, of tWQ roon ... ",he boy choi, '0 the ga ,hered .Id .... a nd .hen .o ,ho! group .mund Abs.:tlon', roffin , While .here i, m""h to be said .bout the", th"'" 5hots, it i, enough for t"" moment to note how, coming . t the beginning of thei, " '''peel,,,. "'.""'. lhese .hot, . ".bli,h the .'.r')U' pI.y ing ' '''' ' for the "'ticn, tn ,_ '""IS. 'h ... " w.tt. Ore ",,' IeJ, gfOrKe< .nd tu m. moti".t. 'he di""t ..... ' of the ""'",ment. the C.meT. co,",,, .Iong I,,~.,.,t>d.n~y of .ny one figure. ,nd i" tr.jedoT)' de""",i"", ""I" tiol leleology'" _ the ond 01 cach ohot paY' off with 0 tableau. II we od~ to the .. shot< the fo t. ,,1 tr""king movements which follow Anne 'h roush ,he ehuKh rurrido, ond which tr"". Herlols M.rte, e",.p" from he, cott.g.>. it bd ho.'mog< "",ural, ond tl>< ,up""'"t""l. C ori -0,"'1)'. cha'OCler p'ychlog)' as a IIOU"" of oction become, id.nHf,.,d "'ith on< '" mol'gabono. e"""ubon, Ia" rite>. fune ... 1 """--moo .... The "' .... ""-""'" define-> the """"I .0 tl>< ",aim of tl>< ch'mo.,-t"" reewy (with i" b.." . nd grid. in ,I><

  • dt'OOr). 1h< ",,110,1;,," tortu ... ch.rnbe,. Aboalon', ..-:";'ty, Laurenti" .... homrs. to 'll< .unny fe ",.Im 01 n.lo"" i. Slrongly "",rIo! film .'" d~firu.>d in t."",s 01 .ueh coo..,., The behov ..... of Lau",n'iu nd M."" . for in ,tone< narrow "" 'etit)' of'l>o! Church_ th. ~ in h .. meml .... rudgering 0/ Hffiok M..rt. , 'i'H) OIho, ;n i>e, disgust lor An",,', ,i.al;,y. The major ehor"""", . 'housh tand .. poin t; of in"""""io" _""n tl>< 506o1.nd tl>< ",,'vral, Abion 1he P"""" is ."",ted ,he pill .. of ,I>< !IOCiety. bu, he has bet .. y~ '1>< Church ~' h .. d i", lor Ann. and hi. f~ng "f ..". mothe,. Tho, hi. act;oo. proceed lrom , ten'lion _'""n natur.I ....! sociol imp"I..,. , 01 CO"'""' bo,h rrieslly and """,I., F.cn." . Aboakm oopi .n imporunl '~'rnbolie roo, in ,,'Iot"'" '" Martin . nd An"~, to OOero;w him .. to tron'gI%1I '1>< v."oo authority of ,ho sociol, And th .. i,

    i~ M.rtin. point of conliict, The son'. d " ,)' lO his lathe, and h .. !.,I> ..... ttna! inlO irs ""'" 001".,," 11M ", ,,,,its of Obs".m'ly! loy ",jdrning irs frtmu m >ueh 0""", '"0' il """"ItJJ:n in ilS ""'" "",,'01 ~ OS wt/l o, 'h' dJi. of '''-pro, """, In 1M ",11;"', """" ""I,. "UI"'ggit ",,110 II>< oIJ-i.e! in q",.a",: in l/oi> htighlrn< ionchon. 01 I"" ,uper "",,, .. I .,. ca ,,~ b"ro,,,. ekare, ..... in I'"",,,r. ,I>< '''pe'' ",,,,, .. 1 i, tl>< .it~ "I 'i>e "",.,.ati ,'O, "" ,, .. I e"""" i' < "wol k ing """'" and re.,1s .... if De h brushed 1""" me," In 'no!",,' fdm. Lourenliu. migh' d" of. gu~.y con"'''''''''. bu. 1>oy 01 DIIy '" W .. th 1h., tho 1"''''' ;''' ...... of wile folm .." during ,he ""0,,1 )''''''' of.ho E"rope'" wil

  • . , I Chu..:h "'p'~";g" i, ",...1I . umm."i ,,..,. in uu",ntiu.', in'errog;>';"", 'ho fi lm "''''';"' . ilo"' .bou ' the ""rimo. CO o"",, whioch histo";"", luv. propSt'ce"", a woman has IIOUsh' ()\It fle,Iof, Mart . Hi"orically, "wi""","" ofton .,tended '0 1""''''''' ","men. bu, we a nn'" k"",,' whelhe, Hetloi. ~'Llrte'.

    tned, ""e muot ~lu"" """"Iy """",,, ... 01 Its . h;fhng ""u,. The , ul"""""" .. 1 cou"" I""rmits.lipp. S" . nd ploy 0.'''''''" ""-' tu .. t" ,"u"" . nd OOUrrH of .."I"n wh ich 'he film c. nnN ov."ly con -fron'. In ~ of WN,/t, whoe .. " ,he Church .",nd. in f", tho< "",-~ic, ,n., .uperna,u .. 1 co",un ']y m,,,~, wi'h'ho ..,,,oal. Early in ,he film, ,he inquwhon.,.,,,,, i. p"""",ted as . ,n.-",,,, in whkh men watch ,he "ripping and ",rtu'" of Herlok M ...,. By ,hoe time ,!u., ,he pn",eoc< of.he ,upern.,u,.1 !u.s been moh,.,ed by An",,' , de.d mothe, and Hcrlof. Marte, wikhc",1! becomes nO < problbel a ngula< garmen .. ,,'hlt:h en_ "'"" ,""i, bt>.i;... ti"" coffin . n..y .", all deod from ,he nk down,'" Fwm ,he ""'k op, 'hough, Anne bloom,. Drrye, """""n,,. on sligh' . 1,.".,;.",. of An",,'. coILo" itly "''''ing ~ bo d .. ,, .,,,,,, . ,ion'o ",ha, D",y.' "lied 'th. t t.nd",op" 0"" . t.-" ,.nd no gia",,~ ma' te" more ,hon An""', , II .. look io . t on'"", the ,en .. 10 d Iw, wikhcr. ft , and ,he e,p"-'S' ,i

  • turns.oo comes 'n him in ""lies "r shoes ,,'hich stress the for of Iwr soze, Th,o, g.", is ""'rtly di,,,,,,, ... d in "'sment Xl. Mere'" .... rt, t)wt Anne ha, ller mothe'. dangem ... eye>' Akalon find, ,hem "childlike- pun! .nd < fobn is Ii. roeit"", "high key" oor "low key." In r.,d, 0.-.,"dently vi , 1\0 "" .. , "'hole ). In"oad. in Day of W""h, ,""..,,, and fogu"," .re. I", long ,hot,. li, 0" >ing'" unit. Seldom und bl>ind ,ho hooo with ,he pen. Bu. ,ho """" 1"',,-.;-",,] ron~ ",'roc,, ;, ,ho eradic .. ion of .ny ,,,, Ii'tie moti".'ion (or the il lumin"ion_ Wha., fo r in st, ...... ""',,.,. th" glowing ",olio of ,he ' ortu", 01 illumination, Even 'imple . , .. ~ .ro'sing> room 0' go;ng '0 ' d.-.." (fig.
  • UI 1M. Of WIl!I7lI

    16 17

    II>< .upIi/, During h", fl;ghl. HeM. M""" ""'"'" '''rouS" , ..... I'rade ~ . t .... , ,,'ho.,",' ' .... 'ing i;>r.rrnchr." co .. ,P .. "'. fim outing, 6y t .. p-...Jon'. roffin. Anne 0\,.,,, .... '0 M,nin that >he did no! kill Absalon , bu, a. >he doe-< ".bsen' cause" , urpilpIac,ycOOiogy. The oocillatlon be"",',,,",n tl>< naturol ,nd , .. ,up< film ', .... "-"!lY lor PO

  • and ronre..e. ,ha, . he IilIed him .nd en ..... red hi> ",n with ti>< .id 01 S.,," , I, he, """, .. .-.,., 0" od.,q ... ", """"'U" .ionl "I ..... . "'il. final """"", _ ..... 'We h.,... oln...o), _n , ..... , l)...,y...-. film, .", built around IOUch .u,ho,"'" .. "., ~m\';ou.l), d"sure d~,'""" . nd in v.y of W""h ,he >I)" . , the ond, .nti",ly unnolkd, it> t.". """'pi"", But we ha,,, . 1", "",n, in the ~rly film., ho", .uch text> 'end '0 .. ,,'e a. an . historica l dfienninotion 0/ the fitm', "rueture, how the written word guOd ..... in the ",odins of the film. In /",n", J'J!.n:, O",ye, .. " in d"lectical con-f"'"""ion, On< such "",-,,"plat}' 'e' l _ the transcript of

    r~o n",,' riot_wi.h on .",*"'he, J ill"","t .. .-..;t ium _ 'he fitm im'S" it' .... '_h' ron.,,,,,,,, ,,-,",ion bo deoJ "", .. t ~..,,-d at>;''' 'he ,"tortill" nd .l>c d~1l0'ic.II)' moti,'ated book "'goni'o the (,1m .nd tr."'mut. their oothori'y into C"'y" P"'-

    p~ic d"'.m0 by d"S"'mm.>t"~tt)' _ng ,."",.1 repre>en ... tion.1 'y, tern, '8" in't one anothe"

    DAr Of wM11l , ,,,

    The '0'" 01 ,he opening immeJ"..,ly..,.., a problem , II roth i., , nd i. not, ,lw o;.;s I ...... V"""" Dog, or Ooy of W .. lh, rorre,pond. to ,he La tin "o;.;s I, .. ,".nd the mu,;" ,uppl;.." the "od .. ;onol Oie, Ita .-....100)'. Bu' ,he ,..,""" ,,,, no1 .,.",t.,io,,", 01 ,he L"io 1'''''''' ",hich ...... """'" down to us, The mm rrumoge' ",drow upon the M of III","", of ,h".rlh, I'" ,un st""d" '"Tro"..uri toy a."",""

    , DojI of w ... h will ,,""J u'ith ,"IJiun to 0.' ""'"."', In, ",,",,,,,,'j 1wI~ flood of I",,,; s.,,,, "', /"us, toy !J""' NmJ.

  • .... 1MY000WlUlJl

    18 19


    The 10rm.l1 .00 ,hema'ic 1>

  • dlO,'eled into .. 11_ M",ifs, bo,h pic'rial . nd , ... 1>.>1, sh!C1',,,n fode, to black, promi .... mo", to e~. 5.,,,, .. 1 ro~ue""", crowd upon u., B.fI)' wilhin It-... "'I"""i.,, .. ",ial mt'< r..-rlorm.""", ()/ on en"""toIe pi1,

    AI ,he ... rt "f the ""'l".mc ... lhe im.~"" ,,,ck I. Y' OU' ,he "",no through gl.nce" from ,he """,ory lof'- Anno ,,,tehe. Herlof, Marte broogi1' ""'_ M.rt in dodi""" to ",.1< h ,he ""moia1ion .nd ",mes to join An"" as .t-... tum. from ,...., window_ No .. "'b1 i.hing shots d~fi"" lhe "',,, .... ters' """i~o"" lhe ""tting . nd the ,el.lion.hip"" indi o c.t .. d Ihrough < "ff ...... ..,n

  • W DAr Of WllAm

    from """Itt wilhin 1M see",,', .~ nd Ihu 11 im plkitly deli"" 'pat;"1 rel.tioMhips, The Iwu dder. she dem.nd. '" sp&>k will' Abs.okm. Ho ;g. """'" her Ih .... l. tu donou"", An ...