davi e golias - david and goliath

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  • 8/6/2019 Davi e Golias - David and Goliath


    There once was a young boy namedDavid. He was a shepherd, andevery day he took care of hisfathers sheep. David wasnt big,

    rich or important, but he loved God,and God had a very special plan for


    Havia um rapazinho chamadoDavi. Ele era um pastor e cuidavadas ovelhas da seu pai todos osdias. Davi no era grando, rico e

    nem importante. Mas ele amava aDeus, e Deus tinha uma missopara ele. David

  • 8/6/2019 Davi e Golias - David and Goliath


    Davi era corajoso. Um diaouviu um rugido. Olhou para trse viu um leo se aproximando!

    Davi orou a Deus e, pegando

    a sua funda, colocou umapedrinha para atirar no animal.Girou a funda e a pedra saiuvoando e acertou o leo emcheio. As ovelhas estavam

    seguras novamente.

    David was very brave. Oneday he heard a snarl behind him.

    A lion was approaching!

    With a prayer to God, Davidpulled out his sling and put a small

    stone inside it. He spun his sling

    round and round, and then the

    stone flew through the air,

    knocking the lion down. The

    sheep were safe again.

  • 8/6/2019 Davi e Golias - David and Goliath


    Naquela poca os israelitasestavam em guerra com os filisteus.Os filisteus queriam conquistar osisraelitas para serem seus escravos.

    Davi tinha sete irmos. Trs delestinham ido para a guerra. Um dia seupai lhe disse: Davi, quero que v aoacampamento do exrcito, onde seusirmos esto. Leve para eles estacomida gostosa da sua me.

    Vou sim, disse Davi.

    In those days, the Israelites were atwar with the philistines. The philistineswanted to enslave the people of Israel.

    David had seven brothers and three ofthem had gone to fight in the war.

    One day, Davids father called him.Go to the army camp where yourbrothers are, to bring them some of yourmothers good food.

    Yes, Father, David said.

  • 8/6/2019 Davi e Golias - David and Goliath


  • 8/6/2019 Davi e Golias - David and Goliath


    Naquele momento o gigante

    comeou a berrar: Manden um

    homem para me enfrentar evamos ver! Se ele me derrotar,

    ns seremos seus escravos, masse eu mat-lo, vocs seronossos escravos! Ha, ha, ha, ha!

    L no acampamento dosisraelitas todos estavam emsilncio, com medo de desafiaraquele gigante to forte.

    Just then the giant Goliathstarted shouting at the top of hisvoice. Send out a man to fight

    me, one on one! If he defeats me,then we will be your servants. Butif I kill him, then you will be ourservants! Ha ha ha ha ha!

    There was no answer from theIsraelite camp. Everyone was

    afraid to challenge Goliath.

  • 8/6/2019 Davi e Golias - David and Goliath


    Eu vou lutar contra Golias!

    Davi exclamou para os irmos epara os outors soldados. Ossoldados o leveram ato rei Saul,

    o comandante do exrcito.No princpio Saul no gostou

    da idia, mas Davi disse: Deus

    j me ajudou a matar animaisselvagens que tentaram atacaras minhas ovelhas. Sei que Deusvai me ajudar agora a derrotartambm este gigante filisteu!

    Ill fight Goliath! David said tohis brothers and the other soldiers.The soldiers brought him to KingSaul, the head of the army.

    Saul did not like the idea at first,but David said, God has helpedme to kill wild animals who tried toattack my sheep. I know that Hewill help me now to also defeat thisPhilistine giant.

  • 8/6/2019 Davi e Golias - David and Goliath


    Saul ofereceu a Davi a suaarmadura e espada, mas quandoele a colocou, era to pesada quenem conseguia se mexer direito.

    Ento decidiu: No precisodesta armadura nem espada.Deus vai me ajudar a vencer estabatalha.

    E l foi ele para enfrentar

    Golias, com s uma funda e cincodeixos no bolso.

    King Saul offered David hisarmor and his sword. But it was soheavy that he could hardly move it.

    I dont need this armor orsword, David said. God will helpme to win this battle.

    With only his sling in his hand,and five smooth stones in hispocket, David went out onto the

    battlefield to meet Goliath.

  • 8/6/2019 Davi e Golias - David and Goliath


    Golias riu quando viu Davi seaproximar, achando que ia ser bemfcil vence-lo.

    Pedindo ajuda a Deus, Davi

    correu na direo de Golias.Enquanto corria, ele ia girando asua funda cada vez mais rpido atlanar uma pedrinha contra ele. Lpedrinha acertou Golias bem na

    testa. E o gigante caiu! Golias foiderrotado por um pastorzinho!

    Goliath laughed when he sawDavid coming. Goliath thought thiswas a fight he could easily win.

    David called out to God for help.Then he swung his sling around,faster and faster, until a smooth stonewent flying out. It flew across the fieldand hit Goliaths forehead. Down thegiant fell! Goliath was dead

    defeated by a small shepherd boy!

  • 8/6/2019 Davi e Golias - David and Goliath


  • 8/6/2019 Davi e Golias - David and Goliath


    Davi governou Israel por bastantetempo, e ensinou o povo a amar aDeus e a servi-lO.

    Davi tambm comps muitas

    canes que eram oraes e louvoresa Deus. Chamavam-se salmos e seencontram na Bblia. Essas canesservem para nos lembrar que noimporta quem somos, aonde vamos

    ou o que fazemos Deus tem umamor bem especial por ns.

    David ruled Israel for a very longtime, and taught the people to loveGod and serve Him.

    David also wrote many songs ofprayer and praise to God, calledpsalms, which are recorded in theBible. These songs are a reminder thatno matter who we are, where we go orwhat we do, God loves each one of us

    in a very special way.

  • 8/6/2019 Davi e Golias - David and Goliath


    Dramatization and illustrations Treasure Attic


    para ver mais histriasbilnge para crianas
