dating the era of lord ram - fileastrology-jyotish, had plunged deep...

1 DATING THE ERA OF LORD RAM There is one thing stronger than all the armies of the World, and that is an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo 19 th Century Author Author: Stjepan Spanicek – Independent Researcher Editions: Version 3.0 - December 3, 2017. Version 3.1 – January 4, 2018. Split, Croatia Note: This essay does not have any commercial use. Author of the essay does not have any claim on copyrights, so the essay itself can be used freely, partially or entirely, for further researches and for education purpose. The author retains the right to changes, modifications, improvements and making some appendices, because of material affluence and complexity, the entire research is just like … the never- ending story. Therefore, always check if you have the latest version of that text.

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Page 1: DATING THE ERA OF LORD RAM - fileAstrology-Jyotish, had plunged deep into both fields, and just by logical reasoning and deduction, he produced a fantastic



There is one thing stronger than all the armies of the World,

and that is an idea whose time has come.

Victor Hugo 19th Century Author

Author: Stjepan Spanicek – Independent Researcher Editions: Version 3.0 - December 3, 2017.

Version 3.1 – January 4, 2018. Split, Croatia


This essay does not have any commercial use. Author of the essay does not have any claim on copyrights,

so the essay itself can be used freely, partially or entirely, for further researches and for education

purpose. The author retains the right to changes, modifications, improvements and making some

appendices, because of material affluence and complexity, the entire research is just like … the never-

ending story. Therefore, always check if you have the latest version of that text.

Page 2: DATING THE ERA OF LORD RAM - fileAstrology-Jyotish, had plunged deep into both fields, and just by logical reasoning and deduction, he produced a fantastic



After decoding and putting in place all missing points in the story of Lord Krishna, what presumes sages Parashara and Maharishi Veda Vyasa as well, and after the true story of Gautama Buddha is completed, what is very welcome to be comprehended before entering this text which is just in front of you1, it is very logical to expect our attention to be turned toward King Rama and his era. Yes indeed, the natal chart of King Rama is of great interest of ours. Something was already done before, but as some preliminary research, more to say, and it is definitely time now for complete story to be given out. As we know now, we have extraordinary Jyotish software … Jagannatha Hora … This is a freeware, and in January 2016, Version 8.0 was released with very significant improvements. Here I extracted a portion of improvements with extraordinary importance for our story.

1 Please find the link to the stories of Lord Krishna and Gautama Buddha at the end of this essay.

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The year range of full version is expanded to -12900 to 16600 (previously -5400 to 5400). Target precision of planetary calculations is

improved to 0.001 arc-sec. Swiss Ephemeris used in JHora was updated to version 2.02.01 and this updates the target JPL ephemeris to


We see that they offered an absolutely stunning ephemerides range with incredible precision, and this is exactly what we need. The full range of coverage is from 12.900 B.C.E. all until 16.600 A.D. The declared precision is a tiny fraction, just like the one thousand part of one second of arc. Incredible! And this is exactly what we need, because, if the search for Lord Krishna was a challenge, I do not know what to say about the case of Rama. The thing is, our Time Machine will need to take us some few thousand years back in time, back before the time of Krishna. At least a few thousand years before … I guess. When thinking how to entitle this essay, immediately an idea came to use the title of that very famous book of Mr.

Pushkar Bhatnagar … Dating the Era of Lord Ram … The fact is that the real initiation into the research on the chart

of King Rama, came when I received this amazing book as a gift from a friend of mine, some ten years ago. Thus,

the research on the same topic and all that is exposed in this essay should be considered just as a continuation of

the research of Mr. Pushkar Bhatnagar. The book itself immediately grasped my attention because of the

extraordinary work he exposed in it, what actually guided me to the true natal chart of King Rama discovery. Again

we go beyond the limits, because, on timescale, King Rama did appear much earlier than Krishna himself.

Indeed, Mr. Pushkar Bhatnagar wrote the extraordinary book … Dating the Era of Lord Ram …*Version*=1&*entries*=0 “In the epic Ramayana, Sage Valmiki mentioned that when Lord Ram was born, the sun was located in Aries, Saturn was in Libra, Jupiter & the Moon were in Cancer, Venus was seen in Pisces while Mars was located in Capricorn. Moreover, it was the ninth day of the increasing phase of the moon in the lunar month of Chaitra. The two slides on the cover of this book together display, with the help of a powerful software, that these unique astral conditions were present in the sky on 10 January 5114 B.C. This book employs the scientific advancement of the West to prove the antiquity of the East. The book also discovers the dates of a number of events of the life of Lord Ram by using the Planetarium software.”

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The book is absolutely fascinating. Author, who did not know anything about Astronomy Science and Vedic

Astrology-Jyotish, had plunged deep into both fields, and just by logical reasoning and deduction, he produced a

fantastic outcome … the true date of birth of Lord Rama. His job is unique! From Valmiki’s Ramayana he extracted

all information related to astronomy, he took what survived from the natal chart of King Rama, and just by

calculating and scrutinizing when in the past such combination of planets could have happened, he came to January

10, 5114 B.C.E. Absolutely stunning research! It was Shukla Paksha, ascending phase of the Moon-Chandra, ninth

day of Chaitra lunar month of Vedic Calendar. This lunar day … tithi … is called … Navami. And this is how we have

this famous celebration Ram Navami even today. Of course, the Sky changed in the meanwhile, and Ram Navami

today will not fall to be in January anymore. Nowadays, Ram Navami is being celebrated mostly in April, and only

sometimes at the end of March. As usual, we shall find out that there is a reason for such a shift, but this is a very

complex problem, and it is a little bit too early to talk about that.

Along with all research exposed, this book motivated some other individuals and groups to do additional research,

and this is how NGO Bharat Gyan associated with Art of Living Movement, stepped into the story. They repeated

the research with even better precision, they confirmed all the findings of Mr. Pushkar Bhatnagar, and in November

2007, they held a press conference in Calcutta, along with announcing all results.

Unfortunately, Mr. Pushkar Bhatnagar is not with us anymore, he left this world in 2010. Too early, he was just 48

years of age. We are endlessly thankful for his enormous contribution in deciphering the true story of King Rama. I

will never forget his introduction words where he explained why and how he started this research. In fact, some

very heavy disease was diagnosed, though he seemingly recovered after some time. He was a great devotee of Lord

Vishnu, and therefore, it happened somehow that about that time he devoted himself to decipher when real Lord

Rama was walking among us. In fact, that was happening at the beginning of the last decade in the previous century.

The search itself was not an easy job, it took some time, some thirteen years, and finally, in 2004, the book was

released. I received this book in 2007.

Thus, to be clear, since the very beginning this book has been influencing me deeply, has been puzzling me for many

years, and that was actually the beginning of my own research on King Rama. It is true, later on, I cognized the book

itself carries certain nonintentional traps, which I luckily avoided, but about such problems, we shall talk after some


Now, if we enter that day, January 10, 5114 B.C.E., in the Jagannatha Hora Jyotish Software, we get some additional

precision of positions of planets, and then the true nature of the natal chart of King Rama occurs. Nevertheless,

when I entered this date into Jagannatha Hora Jyotish program, additional problems occurred as well. First, what is

the real time of birth? Well, all sources are repeating firmly that according to legend, he was born exactly at noon,

and that would say - 12 AM. All right, let’s try with this time!

The second but even bigger problem is to enter the real place of birth. Even though all texts without hesitation

claim that he was born in Ayodhya, there is a small problem with that statement. Even before starting with this

research, I knew there are some problems with the point where real Ayodhya was at that ancient time. In fact, there

is a huge discussion still going on. Official opinion, and what is considered as a mainstream today, is the position of

the city called Ayodhya, just as Yamuna River is meeting with Ganges River. Just there at the confluence point, there

is a big city called Ayodhya. But if we follow some other, more alternative sources, they claim this is not the original

Ayodhya. Anyway, I used this official place to generate first, initial and preliminary natal chart of King Rama.

And then, when the chart was done, with no little surprise, I observed big discrepancy comparing to the version we

use today as Rama’s natal chart. This commonly used natal chart of King Rama we can see in the following photo:

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It seems this is all that survived from Rama’s natal chart. This chart itself carries certain problems. These problems

are not new, it seems, they are being transmitted from one generation to another, probably for thousands of years,

when true, original chart of Rama disappeared in the darkness of the Kali Yuga, and maybe even before. Some of

those problems are exposed in very nice elaboration we can find on the following website …

… where Sri K. N. Rao gave some very nice commentaries on Rama’s and Krishna’s horoscope. It is exposed by Saptarishis Astrology. Sri K. N. Rao is a living legend of Jyotish, and I am very happy that I did find his opinion on this topic.

Nevertheless, he, as well as all others, would emphasize that they received this natal chart of King Rama from their gurus-teachers of Jyotish. Thus, this is just the same story as with Lord Krishna, so they are just transmitting what they have learned. I believe this is true. These deviations are not new. As I already have mentioned before, this deviated natal chart of King Rama is being transmitted throughout the time for thousands of years.

Basically, the natal chart of King Rama which is in use was derived from Valmiki’s … Ramayana …, from the first book called … Balakanda … where the birth and early days of young Prince Rama were discussed.

On this just mentioned website link, there is the complete story about birth details of Kinga Rama, and I will be free to expose them entirely …

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“ "ततो य�े समा�े तु ऋतूनाम् षट् सम�युः ।

ततः च �ादशे मासे चै�े नाविमके ितथौ ॥१-१८-८॥

न���े अिदित दैव�े � उ� सं�थेषु पंचसु ।

�हेषु कक� टे ल�े वा�ता इंदुना सह ॥१-१८-९॥

�ो�माने जग�ाथम् सव� लोक नम�ृतम् ।

कौस�ा अजनयत् रामम् सव� ल�ण संयुतम् ॥१-१८-१०॥

िव�ोः अध�म् महाभागम् पु�म् ऐ�ाकु नंदनम् ।

लोिहता�म् महाबा�म् र� ओ�म् दंुदुिभ �नम् ॥१-१८-११॥

On completion of the ritual six seasons have passed by and then in the twelfth month, on the ninth day of Chaitra month [April–May,] when the presiding deity of ruling star of the day is Aditi, where the ruling star of day is Punarvasu(Nakshatra), the asterism is in the ascendant and when five of the nine planets viz., Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus are at their highest position, when Jupiter with Moon is ascendant in Cancer and when day is advancing, then Queen Kausalya gave birth to a son with all the divine attributes like lotus-red eyes, lengthy arms, roseate lips, voice like drumbeat and who took birth to delight the Ikshwaku dynasty, who is adored by all the worlds and who is the greatly blessed epitome of Vishnu, namely Rama. — Book I : Bala Kanda, Ramayana by Valmiki, Chapter(Sarga) 18, Verse 8, 9, 10 and 11 ”

Need to say the following thing. I do not know Sanskrit, and therefore I can judge neither the original text in Sanskrit nor translation to the English language. Nevertheless, just along with the very short research, I did find many variants of this very critical point. This is a very critical point indeed, and because something is wrong there, it was driving people to entirely wrong conclusions. There is a possibility that translation is not all right, but have in mind another option as well. It is very likely that the original Sanskrit text deviates as well. It seems we do not have original story what Valmiki said about Rama’s birth. Thus, I will not go into deep analysis of this text anyway.

To make story shorter, my methods are a little bit different, and the chart I created was entirely different as well, though some similarities are there, no doubt about that. Nevertheless, all that did not discourage me, and I continued with further investigation.

In order to follow all rules for generating natal charts of Lord Vishnu, now just the atmakaraka (AK), the Venus-Shukra, is supposed to be adjusted to the ninth house of navamsa, and that is that. The natal chart of King Rama was born. It is true, time of birth was a little bit modified, it was not exactly 12 AM. Nevertheless, there was still this problem with birthplace, with uncertainties about the place of birth, about Ayodhya. Well, as usual, I was supposed to do my own research, what took some time actually, and then, the true location of the true Ayodhya, of the true historical King Rama, surfaced on the unbelievable way.

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Please, in the text exposed by the link above notice a very nice discussion on the problem of the location of the

real Ayodhya. The paragraph is entitled … Identification of ancient Ayodhya.

The similar discussion we can find along with researching the real Yamuna River.

In the text, it was clearly stated that the Yamuna was tributary of Sarasvati River at that ancient time. We are talking about the time before some 7.000 years! This is a long time span indeed.

Similar text comprehending the complete story of the Ayodhya problem, we can find at the following link …

Please note that there is a hundred years long dispute about the mosque in Ayodhya, which is supposedly built up above initial temple devoted to King Rama and assigned as the location of his birth … Ram Janmabhoomi. The dispute is long and tensions are big. It is very likely that the mosque itself was built up over the ruined Rama’s temple in 1528 AD. In fact, this is how all new religions superimposed themselves on previous belief systems and their temples. Christianity was doing the same thing all over the world. There are two basic reasons for doing that. First, it is much easier for a new religion to be adopted by huge masses if this is just being continued on locations of previous centers of previous belief systems. Another thing, such temples in an ancient era were always built up over certain spots with prominent vital life-supporting energy. This is supposed to say that their gods and belief systems will be stronger when being built upon such places which are strong energy vortexes. This is all true because some spots do behave as strong energy vortexes. Thus, all new religions and all conquerors after overtaking certain regions, they superimposed their belief system first, and the easiest way to do that was just to superimpose new churches and mosques over old temples and altars. There are countless examples of doing so, especially when the Kali Yuga religion systems were adopted, which basically reflect the much lesser amount of true knowledge than previous systems. Indeed, this is the easiest way to produce a big impact on the population.

One of the most objective observers on this problem was a scientist, archaeologist, and researcher … Prof. Suraj Bhan.

He was a witness and an expert in a court case, but also, he was pioneering and advocating the Yamuna divide theory, where he openly stated that the Yamuna was tributary of Sarasvati River at that ancient time.

Therefore, the true location of Ayodhya is everything else but being clear.

Indeed, we need to know that at that time, some 7.000 years before our time, Yamuna River was not the tributary of the Ganges River. The Yamuna was the tributary of great River Sarasvati at that time. At that time, Sarasvati was a mighty river flowing from the Himalayas to the west bank of India, to what is today the Arabian Sea, and touching the Sea at the spot which is known as the … Gulf of Kutch. It is exactly there that legendary Dwaraka, the Capitol of Lord Krishna, was discovered and located. Sarasvati was a huge river, partially being wide 8-10 kilometers, and perhaps even wider, they say. It was flowing just in close vicinity to the Indus River, less than a hundred kilometers eastward, and they were completely paralleled along with the entire length, and both springing in the Himalayas. Just to remind again, Indus River was much, much smaller at that time. Sarasvati was a dominant River in India at that time, bigger even then Ganges River, and that is the reason it was enchanted so nicely in Vedic texts. That was the real seat and cradle of the Vedic civilization … the Sarasvati River.

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Indeed, researchers discovered that ancient river. By infrared photographing from the airplane, they discovered the ancient Sarasvati River’s bed some 30 meters below the surface. Then, it seems that at a certain moment in history, well, it happened that Sarasvati River dried up almost entirely. One reason is that glaciers of Himalayas melted completely. Another reason, it happened that very big tectonic changes occurred sometime around the year 1900. B.C.E., and due to earthquakes some tributary rivers changed their course and were turned into Indus River and Ganges River. It was at that time as well, that Yamuna River turned its own course and joined Ganges River. Then, along with all those changes, Sarasvati River dried up and disappeared from the surface of the Earth.

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Above map by Michel Danino is taken from the article … The Saga of the Sarasvati … written by the same author and published in the … Financial Chronicle … on July 26, 2016. This is a very interesting article indeed, which can be found on …

Just to mention, Michel Danino authored as well the very interesting book … Lost River: On The Trail of the Sarasvati … Then, there is another link exposed on … … and this is very interesting material produced by Dr. S. Kalyanaraman, who was researching this topic in depth. Another very interesting, but very short story, is given by Mr. Kenneth Chandler in his paper … Origins of Vedic Civilization … This is the must-read for any spiritual researcher …

These are just a few very interesting links to papers and books which are covering the same topic … Sarasvati River.

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To continue the main story, by researching some texts I did find that Ayodhya, though it belonged to the Sarasvati Civilization, was not exactly on Sarasvati River, it was a little bit away. In fact, it was on Yamuna River. Then, by using the Google Earth program, tried to visualize where Ayodhya could possibly have been at that ancient time. I was thinking, it should be east of Sarasvati, and at the same time, it should be below the New Delhi and Mathura. Indeed, it is about Mathura, or little bit below, that the Yamuna was bending to the right before, toward the Sarasvati River. The fact is that this thinking drove me to focus the search on the city of Jaipur in Rajasthan; little east of Jaipur, that was predominant thought of mine. Then, by watching the map carefully, the tiny meandering line was observed, occasionally disappearing, just there, little bit south-east from the Jaipur. It was kind of river, and deep research discovered that there is some river there, and by some texts, it was exposed that this river becomes very big during rainy seasons, and it carries plenty of water. This is exactly what they say for Sarasvati River and some tributaries of it. They say that it did not disappear completely, that sometimes during rainy seasons it can be even seen as carrying a lot of waters. Same should be with some tributaries of Sarasvati River, like the Yamuna River for example; it did not disappear entirely. Therefore, it seems, during rainy seasons, ancient Yamuna River can reappear again, at least partially in some places.

Well, to make story shorter, by searching around the city of Jaipur in Rajasthan, very soon I stumbled on the village called … Akodiya. It is just there on the bank of the mentioned river, for which I believe it is the ancient Yamuna, or what remained of it. Yes indeed, I took this as a real Ayodhya were King Rama was born. It is even the name itself, what drives some associations, and immediately I knew this is the real Ayodhya. Furthermore, this is about 620 kilometers westward from today’s Ayodhya. It is almost at the same latitude.

Then I realized what happened. In a certain moment of time and history, somewhat around 1900 B.C.E., I would say, when Sarasvati River dried up, and when Sarasvati Vedic Civilization faded out along with moving of main protagonists out of India, remaining Brahmins of India translated real Ayodhya some 620 kilometers straight to the East. This is a long story anyway, and it would consider moving of Vedic Aryans and their migration westward, what in history is called … Aryan Invasion Theory - AIT … which by the way, was not going into India. It was going … out of India. Thus, we have … Out of India Theory … active … OIT … This is a very important point indeed, because it will reflect on finding out some other big history distortions, and it will reflect the point how to correct all these big deviations in history lines.

We see now that the village with the name … Akodiya … occurred all of sudden, at the location …

75deg59’10’’East - 26deg41’00’’North

… and I believe this is the real spot, and the reallocation of the real King Rama’s Ayodhya. We see that even names are very similar. Indeed, they are very similar … Akodiya – Ayodhya …, but with reason, I would say. Those who made this fictive moving of real Ayodhya about 620 kilometers eastward, they did leave behind some marker in the form of the name of the village Akodiya itself.

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The village is small, and it doesn’t necessarily mean it has a long tradition. At any time in history, the name could have been associated with, just to keep the memory on true ancient legendary Ayodhya, just not to be forgotten completely. I am pretty sure, if we undertake serious research there, like areal photographing, and by use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), some surprising, even astonishing, results will occur right at that spot. My opinion is very firm about that point. Nevertheless, despite that, I will leave some room this is the wrong assumption of mine. Anyway, in such event, the real Ayodhya couldn’t be far from that spot, and it should be searched in the circle of maybe 20-30 kilometers around. If this is the case, from Jyotish point of view, we can still neglect such a small deviation, because it would affect only dasha dates to some level.

Finally, this is how we come to the real natal chart of King Rama. This is how the true natal chart of King Rama was born!

King Rama was born on January 10, 5114 B.C.E, just as Mr. Pushkar Bhatnagar had discovered. He was born exactly at 11.25 AM, according to the Local Mean Time (LMT) for real Ayodhya, what is today’s location of the village Akodiya in Rajasthan. Well, it was close to the noontime indeed, and for the purpose of the legend, it was easily adjusted this way.

Then, if we would imagine now that there was a wall clock in the royal palace where Rama was born, an imaginary wall clock, of course, and if we would imagine that the wall clock was adjusted and tuned with sundial in front of the royal palace, imaginary or real, it could have been both, then, that imaginary wall clock would have shown exactly 11.25 AM when Rama was born. This is the meaning of Local Mean Time. And this is the meaning of having a very precise natal chart.

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Now we finally see the full, the complete and uniquely undistorted natal chart of King Rama. This is such a great discovery indeed. However, let us see all most important discrepancies first …

First, Saturn-Sani is in the fifth house, not in the fourth house, as it was shown in almost all contemporary interpretations. Well, I need to come back to the previously exposed link and the discussion of Sri K. N. Rao, where he explicitly exposed the fact that some schools of Jyotish in India consider the Saturn-Sani to be in the fifth house in Rama's natal chart. This is especially emphasized in Maharashtra, he said. They mostly considered Saturn-Sani to be in the fifth house of the natal chart of King Rama. Indeed, now we see that in the real natal chart of historical King Rama, Saturn-Sani falls in the fifth house. Very interesting!

Then, another thing, Mercury-Budha, is debilitated in the ninth house. Very strange indeed. Even worse, it is just about deepest debilitation point at 20 degrees of Meena rasi. It is surprisingly weak in the Shadbala and moderately strong in Vimsopaka Bala. But it is together with vargottama exalted Venus-Shukra, who is an atmakaraka, by the way. This will save the dignity of Mercury-Budha itself. Furthermore, Guru-Jupiter, the dispositor of the Mercury-Budha, is exalted as well, and that will additionally improve the situation. I guess, the situation with Mercury-Budha is furthermore improved because of being in the nakshatra which rules … Revati Nakshatra. In addition, the situation will be improved especially because the ninth house and all dwellers there, receive ninth aspect of that exalted host planet, Jupiter-Guru. But, they also receive ninth aspect of malefic Ketu. Though need to say, Ketu’s malefic nature will be softened because of the strong influence of conjoined exalted Jupiter-Guru, and the host, Chandra-Moon in high dignity as well. Anyway, this Ketu will produce some ill effects …

Furthermore, we have Rahu and Ketu, which are not in sixth and twelfth houses respectively, instead, they are in the seventh and first houses respectively. To be honest, this is a big, very significant, and I would say even very dramatic change. The position of Rahu and Ketu in the natal chart will define the natal chart entirely, and there are some Jyotish experts who can give precise predictions and life story just by seeing the position of Rahu and Ketu. We see this is Cancer-Karkha lagna-ascendent in Punarvasu nakshatra, with Chandra-Moon being in Pushya Nakshatra. Chandra is at the same degree with Guru-Jupiter, what makes a strong Gaj-Kesari Yoga. Gaj means … elephant …, and Kesari means … lion … what gives a true and final meaning of that yoga, and this is … strong as an elephant, brave as a lion. It is true, this yoga is shadowed little bit along with the seventh aspect of two strong malefic planets like … Rahu and Mangal-Mars. And, just to mention again, Ketu is there on the lagna-ascendant as well, indicating that Rama will have some problems in searching for his true identity. Indeed, this is very true. His true identity as a king was denied. Nevertheless, due to the strong influence of exalted benefic: Jupiter-Guru, and Moon-Chandra, that was turned not to be forever. In fact, that was just a temporary situation. This chart is one example, where we see that there is no Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in generating such natal charts of Lord Vishnu incarnations. Thus, we just have confirmed that there are some exceptions to that rule. Furthermore, neither Chandra is there in the ninth house, as it used to be. Chandra-Moon is in the first house itself, in the own house, what will increase the dignity significantly, and it is there in strong conjunction with Jupiter-Guru, as it was already mentioned. Nevertheless, there is a strong connection between the ninth house and the first house, and this is going on exactly through this exalted Guru-Jupiter. Thus, the person will be an extremely righteous follower of natural law and will be ready to fight for higher spiritual and moralistic principles. All that, as we know, is very true in the case of King Rama. Furthermore, it was already mentioned the story of the Saturn-Sani, being in the fifth house, not in the fourth house, as it was considered so far by the mainstream of Jyotish Community. Though need to mention, this is a just an initial degree in Vrischika and fifth house, just about 1deg17, what is actually the point of overlapping because Sani-Saturn will still have some influence on the Tula rashi, and the fourth house itself. After all, Saturn is retrograde and moving backward toward Tula rasi. For that reason, this planet will not expose the full nature of Saturn. In addition, even though Saturn and Jupiter are not in direct conjunction, they are mutually strongly tied together by exchanging

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nakshatras they are placed in. Thus, they function almost like planets involved in parivarthana yoga. Jupiter gives additional fifth aspect to the Saturn, what will partially soften otherwise very strong malefic nature of that planet. Another interesting point is a conjunction of exalted Mars-Mangal with Rahu in the seventh house. They are very close, just about four degrees of difference. That will promote incredible strength Rama did possess. He will be proved as a great warrior. In addition, Rahu is in the Abhijit Nakshatra, what will emphasize the victorious nature of Rama. But, Rahu is a daemon, as we know, and some afflictions to the natal chart, and especially to the seventh house, will be undoubtedly generated due to this position of Rahu in the seventh house. Let we now try to determine how some real events in the life of King Rama are fitting into his just exposed natal chart. This is supposedly kind of confirmation of the natal chart itself. Real events should fit into dasha system and planetary periods, and all should be supported by transits of planets. Well, first interesting point and the first traceable point is the wedding of young Prince Rama. Need to remind again, further analysis is closely related to the book: Dating the Era of Lord Ram, especially chapter 6, The Astronomical Dating of the Ramayana: The Date of Exile of Lord Ram. As it was noted in the text, the wedding itself did happen when Rama was about thirteen years of age. Indeed, by careful research on dasha periods and transits … it seems the wedding took place in 5101 B.C.E., September 20-25. That was … Bu-Ra-Sa … planetary period. This is fitting very well actually, because, Sani-Saturn is the darakaraka, the significator of a marriage for this particular natal chart, and at the same time is lord of the seventh in the Janma Kundali and Navamsa, both. Rahu by sitting in the seventh house, and by receiving the third aspect of Sani-Saturn itself, reflects the energy of the Sani-Saturn, giving additional power to him. I think, in this case, Sani-Saturn is protecting the seventh house, the house of marriage, and after all, it makes the marriage possible to happen. Budha-Mercury, in this case, is dasha lord, and we noted it is together with the super-exalted Shukra in the ninth house, the natural significator of marriage, and it is in the seventh house of Navamsa, what will reflect as a feedback to the seventh house of Janma Kundali as well. All is very clear indeed, this is the wedding time for Rama. Another important event, which by the way, will be proved soon as the crucial one for setting the very precise birth time of Rama, is the day he went into exile. Just to remind on the story flow, King Dasharatha had a plan to coronate his son Rama on his 25th birthday. As Rama was born on Shukla Paksha Navami day of Chaitra month, this is supposed to be on the very same day. In such a way, Mr. Pushkar Bhatnagar determined that this is January 5, 5089 B.C.E. Indeed, it was Shukla Navami, Chaitra month, just on the birthday of Rama. Rama fulfilled his 25th year, and in the morning of that day, as King Dasharatha announced the day before, the crown was supposed to be transmitted to him, to Prince Rama, as he was his eldest son. Nevertheless, who would have stayed there in front of the palace the next day for that important and auspicious event to happen, would have never seen it happen. Because it never did happen. The key reason is that something very extraordinary had happened during the evening and night before his supposed coronation. It was at the night of January 4, 5089 B.C.E. that Kaikeyi, one of three main wives of King Dasharatha, exposed that boon was given to her, and he wished that her son Bharata becomes the king, and Rama is supposed to go to exile for fourteen years. The heart of King Dasharatha was broken, but the word was given, and now it was not possible to change anything. To make everything short, instead of being coroneted on his 25th birthday, exactly on that day Rama went into exile. Sun was high at that moment, announcing it was close to the noon. According to the text, Karkha-Cancer sign was ascending at that moment, so we can locate that moment very precisely and fix it to 11.50 AM LMT. This would confirm it was close to the noon, and also, it was just at the beginning of the Karkha-Cancer lagna-ascendent, just a few minutes after it started. That timing can be considered as the Muhurta for that event. The starting point of any

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important happening and undertaking was very carefully chosen by Jyotish astrologers, and that event when Rama was going into exile was no exception after all. If we now look into the natal chart, we can think first what would produce such a sinister effect, that instead of being coroneted he was supposed to go into exile. I think it should have been some strong influence of Saturn-Sani. Remember, he was separated from his family, devoid of his right to take the crown, and it was very close to being separated even from his wife and partner … the Sita. Rama wanted that she, the Sita, stays at home for safety reasons. Then, it seems, some disputes and differences in opinion erupted, and Sita refused to stay at home, claiming she needs to be with him, with her husband, no matter what happens. We have to be aware that Rama was very mangalik. We see that Mangal-Mars is in the seventh house, and that is giving mangalik influence. He was mangalik from lagna-ascendent, from Chandra-Moon, and from Shukra-Venus, and that gave fertile soil for pronounced differences in opinion, what we sometimes call disputes, but sometimes also just … quarrels. When thinking properly, and watching the dasha system carefully, it seems to me that dasha period … Ke-Gu-Ch-Sa-Sa-Sa … and adjusted belonging birth time … 11.23.38 AM LMT … would give exactly such momentum. With this, I think, we adjusted the birth time very precisely. Ketu, Guru and Chandra, all three are in the Pushya nakshatra ruled by Saturn. Furthermore, through the feedback of navamsa divisional chart D-9, we see that Saturn-Sani has a secondary influence on the first house. As we know, the primary influence of the Sani-Saturn is in the fifth house, but the secondary is in the first house. Therefore, there is a strong separating tendency to his true identity … to be a king. In this way, we see absolutely dominant Saturn’s influence in dasha periods, and that will give this strong separating tendencies and downfall of Rama. But, due to Saturn influence, it was not going to happen right at the moment of making a decision. It happened the next day actually, with some small delay, as usual when Saturn is in a question. By the way, Saturn also gives strong delay on the fifth house an all what it does represent. One of the meanings of the fifth house is … children. We know that till that moment, till going to exile, Rama and Sita did not have any children. Indeed, they have married long ago, but no children yet. In fact, Lava and Kusha, two sons of Sita and Rama, were born during being in the exile. This discovery of the precise and exact moment for going into exile is very important fact indeed, because, it helped us to calibrate the natal chart very precisely, what means, to find very precisely the real moment of birth. We can look now the same natal chart but with birthplace moved to the city of Ayodhya, as it is today. Then, we can try to locate the birth time, and we see it does not fall precisely to the mentioned birthday of Rama … January 10, 5114 B.C.E. There will be a few months delay, and this is driving a possible moment of birth completely out of range. Of course, it would be better to have more events from the life of Rama, with such great precision. Then even the true rectification of the birth time can be done. This I will leave to some experienced Jyotishi to do. In fact, we need to invite them to do very deep and thorough research on this topic, just to finish this discussion once and forever. Now, as we are discussing so thoroughly the life of King Rama, it is almost as unavoidable without mentioning his consort … Sita. Sita, as we already know from many texts, is an incarnation of Vedic Goddess Lakshmi, or … Mahalakshmi … as she is being called as well. By the way, she is known in many other cultures as well, but under different names, of course. For example, she is known in ancient Egyptian mythology as Goddess Isis. She was known as Goddess Hera in Greek mythology. In ancient Rome, she was known as Goddess Juno. In fact, we shall learn very soon that ancient mythologies reflect … the true stories. Thus, we have many incarnations of Goddess Lakshmi as well, and it is great pleasure of mine to present her right now, in this splendid incarnation where she took the form of Sita, the legendary wife of King Rama. Sita was born on May 3, 5115 B.C.E. at 12.15 AM LMT. As the place of birth, I took Mithila-Janakpur in Nepal, where according to the story it was placed the kingdom of king Janak, the father of Sita.

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In making her natal chart, it was very necessary to read the symbolic message embedded in the basic chart. Of course, setting up the basic natal chart is a very special story, and this will be elaborated some other time perhaps. Just to mention that in some natal charts of such important figures of our ancient history, we have certain symbolic messages incorporated, and it seems, this is all about how to make the final chart easier. In this story of Sita, we have revealed incorporated … you wouldn’t believe … the swastika …, the eternal symbol of the Sun is embedded into the chart. In fact, this is an instruction to set up navamsa lagna to the Simha rasi. And this is how we’ve got this final natal chart of Sita. The thing is that when we take a look on the basic natal chart, we immediately observe some enigmatic symmetry in the chart, and we see that planets are grouped on some special way, in four groups, so to say. If we make some lines to highlight the symmetry, what we get is exactly … the swastika.

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Very interesting discussion on what the swastika is, the purpose of it, and its own origin, can be found at the

following link …

Of course, in this case, the symbol of the swastika is there to tell us something. It is definitely not there without reason. First, it confirms we did set up the basic natal chart correctly; otherwise, the swastika would not have appeared at all. Another thing, it tells that we need to adjust the navamsa lagna to the Simha-Lion rasi-sign in order to get the uniquely precise natal chart. The swastika is a symbol of the Sun-Surya, after all. We also see that this is the left-hand swastika, what is exactly the symbol of Lakshmi. We see now that both versions of swastikas, left-hand, and right-hand, they are equally important and deeply embedded into Vedas. One is the symbol of Vishnu himself, and another is the symbol of his celestial consort … Goddess Lakshmi.

Well, let’s try to confirm this natal chart as well. We already have one very important date to verify this natal chart,

and that is the marriage date itself, as it was already exposed before. The thing is if everything is all right with the

natal chart, the date September 20-25, 5101 B.C.E., should be confirmed as a plausible one for the marriage of Sita

as well. We see that will fall in … Sy-Ra-Sk-Gu-Sk-Bu … planetary period. It is very probably that was September 22,

5101 B.C.E.

Another important event is the beginning of the exile. As we know, Sita went into exile with Rama, so the January

5, 5089 B.C.E. should be considered as well. We see this is most probably the … Ch-Bu-Sa-Ke-Sa-Gu … planetary

period, what makes a lot of sense. We can easily notice that Sani-Saturn is acting throughout all bhuktis, thus we

do not have any doubt this is correct timing and correct natal chart after all.

Of course, by following the book … Dating the era of Lord Ram … we can find more precise events in the life of Sita,

including the moment when she was abducted. Nevertheless, we leave that for some other occasion.

KING DASHARATHA – THE FATHER OF KING RAMA It is a great pleasure of mine to present another one amazing and unique natal chart. This is the natal chart of legendary King Dasharatha, the father of King Rama. Well, I was just wondering if we can make some additional progress in confirming Rama’s story. The story is already

confirmed, no doubt about that. Nevertheless, it would be so good that we make natal charts of other characters

in this legendary story as well, just to have a clear picture of what was going on, and how the story was going on.

As more different angles we open, the picture itself will be clearer, this is all so simple like that. Centuries and

millenniums passed since that time, original stories turned into legends and myths … with some adding on, and

some taking off from the original story, and erosion of time inevitably produced certain distortions after all, so that

we cannot judge properly what is true and what is false. What is better than asking the Universe itself, and the

Creator himself, about that how the true story was going on? And what is better than to read answers from such

independent and truthful source, like stars and constellations themselves.

To be honest, I was working on some other characters involved in this story, but then somehow, the personality of

King Dasharatha attracted my attention. And this is how it all started.

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We can immediately observe a lot of exaltations and very special combinations and yogas. This is all confirming he

was a great king. He was righteous and exemplary king. He made a glorious kingdom. His lineage belongs to the …

Solar Dynasty, the Ikshvaku Dynasty, which was founded at the beginning of this present cycle, what means, after

the Great Flood, most probably just about the time of sage Manu. Or, maybe just after him. This is the time when

initial set up of conditions for new civilization were done, to blossom after such turbulent event had happened and

provoked so many changes on Earth.

Nevertheless, not to be too long, here is the natal chart.

He was born on January 9, 5161 B.C.E. at 1.36.35 PM LMT.

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In the book … Dating the era of Lord Ram … it was clearly stated how all circumstances about last days of King

Dasharatha did happen. Around December 20, 5090 B.C.E., King Dasharatha received instruction from his Jyotish

astrologer that he needs to translate the crown to his son, because his star, his birth star, and that is the nakshatra

where Moon-Chandra is at the moment of birth, will be afflicted heavily. In fact, he was told he can become very ill

so that he can even leave this world, or, it can happen that he will lose the crown in the raid forcefully. Along with

discussion from the mentioned book, it was found clear that Purvabhadra was his nakshatra, and that was my initial

point to start the research for the natal chart of the King Dasharatha. Along with some initial troubles, that was

done, and now we go further on with the investigation.

First, it would be good to check if this natal chart is correct. Of course, we have one date which definitely should fit into proper dasha timing, and that is the birth of his son Rama. As we know now, this is January 10, 5114 B.C.E. at 11.25 AM LMT. If we look carefully the dasha timing, we see this is … Sk-Sk-Sk-Ma-Sy-Gu … period. I think that timing makes a lot of sense. An additional thing, from the Vedic story we know that the wife of the father, King Aja, and mother of King Dasharatha, was Indumati. She, Indumati, according to the story, was apsara destined in some way to incarnate on earth. She disappeared from the scene just eight months after the birth of Dasharatha. Apsaras are celestial beings, and indeed, we see that something strange is going on in the natal chart because we follow the position and the source of Chandra-Moon, general significator for mother. By ruling the twelfth house, it is there in the eighth, in the Purvabhadra Nakshatra, ruled by Jupiter-Guru. Chandra-Moon is strong and powerful. We also follow the situation with the Mangal-Mars as the lord of the fourth house, the house of the mother. Thus, we have exalted Mangal-Mars in the sixth house, in the nakshatra of Sravana, ruled by Chandra-Moon. Immediately we see the pattern, mother Indumati is extremely beautiful, highly energetic and undoubtedly very spiritual. Mangal-Mars is there together with Ketu, on just three degrees of distance. They are both aspected by exalted Guru-Jupiter and Rahu from the twelfth house. Actually, this is already a very celestial story, we can recognize the pattern easily. We see that King Dasharatha was about 47 years of age when his four sons were born, given birth by three wives, principal wife Queen Kausalya, Queen Kaikeyi and Queen Sumitra. In fact, with his principal wife Queen Kausalya, he already had a daughter named Shanta, but long before. Then, for a long time, they couldn’t have any children.

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As he was wishing to have a son as an heir, in order his lineage to continue on, big yagya for removing obstacles on getting children was done … and three wives gave birth almost on the same day. Somehow, it happened that today we could reconstruct the natal chart of the mother of King Rama, the principal wife of King Dasharatha, the great Queen Kausalya. She was born on June 13, 5162 B.C.E., at 6.54 AM LMT in Ghuram, what is today state of Punjab in India.

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We can even locate the marriage day of Dasharatha and Indumati. That was around April 22, 5147 B.C.E. This is … Sa-Sk-Ra-Bu-Sk … dasha period in her natal chart, and … Gu-Sk-Sy-Sa … in his natal chart. It is very probable that first child, daughter Shanta, was born just little later … in … Sani-Surya … period of the mother, the Queen Kausalya. In fact, though that was not mentioned on so pronounced way, she, the daughter Shanta, played a very important role in the Ramayana as well. She is not supposed to be neglected anyway.

KING BHARATA King Bharata is the brother of Rama, born first after Rama himself, and due to that, he was second in line as royal successor. It was him who ruled the country instead of Rama, while he was in exile for fourteen years. We find him as a righteous king, who was very angry with his mother Kaikeyi because of what she had done and how she had done. Nevertheless, as Rama said things are done and put into motion, everybody needs to face his or her dharma, including him … the Rama. And he went into exile leaving the country to his younger brother. Bharata was a great king indeed. Just not to be lazy, I played a little bit with Jagannatha Hora Software and the natal chart of King Bharata did surface as well … He was born on January 10, 5114 B.C.E. at 10.25 PM LMT. Here is the natal chart …

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This is the true natal chart of King Bharata. We are not supposed to be confused with some corrupted Vedic texts

saying he is supposed to be Meena-Pisces lagna-ascendent. This statement is proved as not being true. Just even

by superficial insight into this true natal chart, the life story of the King Bharata can be easily observed.


Shatrughna and Lakshman, they were twins, and they were sons of the Queen Sumitra, one of three main wives of King Dasharatha. Legend has it that King Dasharatha had many, many wives. Three of them were proved as the main ones, while Queen Kausalya was the principal wife. Queen Sumitra gave birth to twins because she, according to the story, consumed the biggest amount of special kheer, Indian very delicious meal in the form of rice pudding, which was exposed to yagya performance. Shatrughna, whose name carries the meaning of enemy destroyer, was the youngest of all four brothers. This bit of

information we can find easily in Vedic texts. Nevertheless, I made a step forward and did cast natal charts of both

of them, Shatrughna and Lakshmana, where this is being seen in a very nice way.

Here is the natal chart of Shatrughna …

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Here is the natal chart of Lakshmana …

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We can immediately notice there is a slight difference in the chart of twins Shatrughna and Lakshmana. Their

navamsa lagnas will be different. They are about fifteen to twenty minutes of difference in birth time, but navamsa

lagnas are two steps away. Therefore, there are many similarities among them, but some differences as well. It will

be proved that they had very different life paths at least for some period of their lives. For example, we know that

Lakshmana went with Rama to exile to help him and to serve him in the wilderness. However, Shatrughna did not

do the same, and for fourteen years, they will be completely separated and having a completely different lifestyle.

Shatrughna stayed at their home with their mothers. In fact, he was the only one who stayed at home. It happened

that Bharata, who was appointed as a king, also left their home due to his anger on his mother and her decision to

manipulate things such a way so that her son, that means Bharat, will be the king for fourteen years, because Rama

was supposed to go into exile during that time. As we know, Rama was supposed to be a king initially according to

the desire and decision of King Dasharatha, but then mother of Bharata, Queen Kaikeyi, the youngest of all three

wives of King Dasharatha, made some trick to manipulate things. Bharata was not happy with this, and even though

he was proclaimed as a king on Rama’s insistence, in order to fulfill the dharma because things have been put in

motion, he, King Bharata, left their home and lived in some other nearby city … Nandigramam. In reality, it was

Shatrughna only who stayed at their home, and it was actually him who did all administrative job and work of ruling

the country on behalf of King Bharata.

Therefore, in natal charts of both, Shatrughna and Lakshmana, we can expect drastic differences, at least on navamsa level. Indeed, this is exactly the case with exposed charts. Once again need to mention that all four brothers and sister, the fifth one, shared part of the Vishnu incarnation, thus there was about 20 % of Vishnu incarnation features in each of them. They were all part of that same, and quite unique project actually.

CONCLUSION Word by word, research by research, chart by the chart, and after solving many enigmas about real and historical Rama, we came to the end of this story. This will conclude my research on this topic, at least for some time, because we have other very important topics to cover as well. Of course, books and books could be written about, but let us stay in the domain of short essays only. Certainly, the time will come to elaborate more on this unique story and all the amazing actors who made it, but that we leave to be one of our future adventures. We saw there was an intentional cover-up story in order to make smoke over King Rama and the era he belonged to. It is just absolutely the same as with Lord Krishna. This scam was going so far and so deep that they even placed Rama to live some hundreds of thousands of years ago, and some would even say, maybe more than a million. They even mixed up cycles of yugas and world ages entirely, so that we are totally disoriented and confused. This is notorious nonsense indeed. This is all about to be fraud and manipulation. The era of King Rama is very recent actually, just some seven thousands years ago. Science would call it … prehistory. But there is no such thing as… prehistory. Soon we shall put all cycles of yugas in the proper place, we shall arrange them orderly, and we shall find a way to go even hundreds of thousands of years back in time, with the same precision as we are doing for some very recent events. Nevertheless, just to conclude, one more opinion of mine I want to expose. We should return back to the moment where it was discussed … Ayodhya dispute … In fact, now after knowing that Rama was born on totally another place, some 620 kilometers westward from the city which carries this name, then such kind of dispute on the completely irrelevant location, is out of range entirely. It is true, everybody has right to form personal believes and religious interpretations, I do not have any intention to interfere. Nevertheless, if we want the real Truth, then we

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need to turn to the Akodiya in Rajasthan as the real birthplace of legendary King Rama. This is true … Ayodhya … The Ram Janmabhoomi …, and if the Hindu community wants to build up their own temple and worship real and historical Rama, then it is better to be in the right place. Another thing, what Muslims of India will discover very soon as well, is that King Rama is the same incarnation line as Prophet Mohamed, or vice versa, it depends just upon how we are looking at, after all. When they peel off all patina layers and distortions due to time passing on Mohamed, on their very big surprise it will come out that this story doesn’t differ much from Rama’s story, or from Krishna’s teaching. In fact, this is all absolutely the same story. Actually, this is where we are heading as a civilization after all. The time has come to understand there is the one and the same God behind every religion, and that fighting whose God is stronger and more influential … well … this all just a very childish play … This is all just as what kids are playing whose father is stronger. After all, we are all tired from that game. Let us play another game now … For example … the game of … Enlightenment … is becoming very popular now.

The End

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More to read from the same author in the series …









7. MAHARISHI JAIMINI – Version 1.0








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8. JOSEPH OF ARIMATHEA – Version 7.0







1. FROZEN WARRIORS – Version 2.0

2. BALTIC MAFIA – Version 2.0


