date like a goddess

By Sarika Jain Free ‘Are You Ready For True Love?’ Assessment Easy-to-follow ideas that you can apply today to start dating with greater confidence & clarity. Sarika has a peaceful power and a unique ability to listen, encourage and empower that I haven’t come across frequently in this lifetime. Her talent for coaching and teaching the healing power of love has inspired me and my relationships to be more authentic, honest, kind and loving. Anne K, Entrepreneuress in New York City

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No dated for a while?Dating seems like a minefield?


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Don’t lose another minute. Heal your relationship story & start attracting your Soulmate today:

By Sarika Jain

Free ‘Are You

Ready For

True Love?’


Easy-to-follow ideas that you can apply

today to start dating with greater

confidence & clarity.

Sarika has a peaceful power and a unique ability to listen, encourage and empower

that I haven’t come across frequently in this lifetime. Her talent for coaching and

teaching the healing power of love has inspired me and my relationships to be more

authentic, honest, kind and loving. Anne K, Entrepreneuress in New York City

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Sarika’s coaching was immensely valuable in all stages of the

dating process, from developing a positive mindset towards the

dating process, to being a sexy, fun date. Her approach was helpful in

keeping me out of bad dating habits, such as talking on the phone for too

long, or dressing unattractively. Having been through the ups and downs

herself of the entire spectrum of the dating process, she provides an

invaluable perspective. This, coupled with her empathy and strong

communication skills, make her a fantastic coach. I would recommend her

skills for anyone who is seriously looking for the right one! I am now in a

committed, stable relationship with an amazing man and couldn’t be

happier with my success.

Smita K., VP at Fortune 100 company in New York City

Sarika has an amazing ability to listen and comfort those around her by

sharing both her struggles and successes in a humble way. I whole-

heartedly recommend that people work with her.

That personal touch means she gives the love, care and open mind that I

think everyone needs to pursue and reach their life and love goals. Her

wisdom comes from continuous searching, self-reflection and personal


It is amazing to see the supportive loving relationship she has fostered with

her equally amazing husband-to-be Krishan–having that kind of inspiring

example from someone as your coach/mentor is surely a divine gift.

Dr. Steven Chan

Professor of Marketing at a top Business School in New York City

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About the Author

Sarika Jain is an intuitive life coach and a

‘Personal Trainer for Love’. She works with

soul-centered women and men to attract true

love and lead more exciting, passionate and

fulfilled lives. She combines her wisdom and

experiences from top coaching programs, to

create the most effective and easiest programs

possible for her clients.

Sarika Jain honed her leadership coaching and

problem-solving skills by serving top class

organizations such as Bain & Co., The World

Bank, Yahoo! & Merrill Lynch for 10+

years. She now combines these skills with her

passions for thriving relationships and Eastern

spiritual traditions.

Over the last 4 years, Sarika has inspired and empowered hundreds of people through coaching, public speaking engagements, retreats and workshops. Through her practical, yet soulful approaches to dating and relationships, she has helped many of her clients manifest their dream relationships and find greater happiness, balance and vitality in their lives. Sarika was born in the US and moved to India when she was 11, where she was immersed in Indian philosophy and culture. She came back to the US when she was 18 to study engineering, and later on acquired an MBA from The Wharton School.

She thought she had it all... until 2012, when she experienced a devastating heartbreak with a broken engagement, in her early 30s. This led her to begin her own healing and transformation journey. Within 3 months, Sarika experienced inner peace and happiness, learned new paradigm-shifting relationship skills, and manifested her beloved husband, Krishan Patel, with

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whom she leads a playful, passionate and fulfilling life, in New York City. Aside from coaching, Sarika loves traveling, trying new dishes, joking around and Bollywood/Latin dancing.

Copyright ©2015, All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form, stored in

any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,

recording or otherwise (except by an reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes)

without the written permission of publisher.

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Don’t lose another minute. Heal your relationship story & start attracting your Soulmate today:


Dear Goddess,

If you are reading this workbook, then I know in my heart that you are ready

to let go of the past, and attract true, everlasting love this year with a fresh

new start.

I am guessing that if you are reading this book, you may be feeling…

Exhausted from feeling unhappy, especially from past painful

relationships and sleepless nights of anxiety and stress

Anxious and frustrated about not knowing if you will EVER meet the

one – and if you will be able to find him in time to start a family (if having

children is in your wish list)

Tired of your self-doubt and low self-esteem, and disappointed with

your lack-lustre dating life

Confused about why you’re still single, and what you’re doing wrong;

and sick of relying on luck and traditional dating tactics

Three years ago, I was in your shoes.

Even though I had been successfully coaching women (and men) for years

on how to date, I had my own ups and downs in the dating world.

My last heartbreak (when my ex-fiancé broke up with me), was the

Start Creating the

Love Life You

deserve today…!

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final straw for me to search even deeper on how to manifest true love - one

that was everlasting and authentic to me. I had to heal my own painful

relationship story, find peace & joy within, and learn new empowered dating

skills, to find everlasting love in the real world.

Within 3 months of devastating heartbreak, I met my now-husband. I

combined my ‘traditional’ dating experience, with energetic/emotional

healing and the Law of Attraction. My husband is the kindest, most open-

hearted soul I know. We share a deep spiritual connection, and are madly

in love & attracted to each other. And we are consciously learning new

relationship skills together. Every day, I thank my lucky stars to be with him.

I want the same for you.


Are you ready to shake things up in your life - heal your old & tired

relationship story once and for all? Get over your heartache? Would you

like to attract True Love in 2015?

The key to succeeding in anything is:

a) Setting your intentions, and being clear about your vision

b) Making a strong, unbreakable commitment to reach your goals

(Telling the universe that you’re ready!)

c) Taking concrete action

This is true with all endeavors, including love, career, or personal and

spiritual growth.

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You deserve to be with a partner that you love; someone with whom you

feel a deep connection with, someone you love and admire – someone you

can share a life of passion & purpose!

In this workbook, my goal is that you adopt the right mindset, let go of

things that are holding you back, create a plan of action that gets you

inspired to date confidently. I know that you will also become a magnet for

quality, like-minded men. I will share principles with you that will get your

heart, mind, body and soul ready for everlasting love.

Please print out this workbook, especially as you go through the

exercises. Keep it with you at all times!

With Love,

Sarika Jain (Patel)

Sarika at a public speaking

event, where she shares how

she found ‘Happiness After


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Don’t lose another minute. Heal your relationship story & start attracting your Soulmate today:

The True Love Attraction System

Create Your Vision

Create Your Action Plan

Address Your Fears & Barriers

Upgrade Your Mindset & Develop

Beautiful Habits

Date with Confidence.

And... Attract 'The One'!!

Our Focus in this Workbook.

We will go through all the

boxes in a step-by-step

process to create your Action


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Don’t lose another minute. Heal your relationship story & start attracting your Soulmate today:

Step 1: Create Your Vision & Feel Into Your WHY

It’s important to visualize what kind of partnership you want in your life.

What kind of relationship will get you pumped up, excited, happy? You can

use these in your manifestation prayers, which will help magnetize the right

kind of relationship to you. Allow yourself to feel into these emotions, when

doing your prayers. Feel that the right partnership is on its way!

Exercise: My Dream Relationship

What is the timeframe that you are thinking to meet 'the one'?


What are the top three qualities that are important to you in your life







Imagine your partner is in your life. What do you see getting even

better and juicier?

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Health (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual):



















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Describe your dream partner. Who are they, and how would they

support you in your life and purpose? What activities would you do

together? How would you feel, having this person in your life?

Here are some examples…

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Don’t lose another minute. Heal your relationship story & start attracting your Soulmate today:

I wake up each morning next to someone who is happy and

excited to be with me, feeling like they’ve won the lottery and

they’re getting the ‘better part of the bargain’ (and I feel the same!)

My partner is someone who understands, accepts and loves me

for who I am, is my number one champion, and with whom I feel

safe and cherished

I feel happy & fulfilled each day, with a career and partnership

that’s passionate and purpose-filled

I feel like I’m inspired and growing spiritually & personally, fully

stepping into my full potential - and am 10x more supported in

sharing my passions with the world in a bold way

I glow with immense self-confidence, beauty and magnetism,

knowing that I’m attracting positive and life-serving relationships and

opportunities into my life

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My partner and I make spontaneous trips to romantic places like

Paris, and spend the day relaxing, wining & dining, chatting, people-

watching, laughing and discovering new things

My juicy life with my soulmate!


















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Additional notes

Step 2: Identify Your Fears & Past Pain from Old Relationships

It’s important to address your hidden fears, and all the limiting belief

systems floating around in our minds and energy field. There are some that

you may be conscious of; and others you may need to explore more deeply

with a coach. I have noticed that as we start taking action for manifesting

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our ideal relationship, even more fears pop up, and they can sabotage a

potentially beautiful relationship.

Here is a starter kit to help you start identifying your fears and beliefs, early


5 Myths That Are Hurting Your Chance for Love

Here are just a few things that may cause fear and anxiety in finding ‘the

one’, so it’s important to address them first.

1. Your biological clock is ticking, so hurry up! This is a major cause

for anxiety for so many women, and sends desperation vibes to men.

I remember counting backwards from the time I thought would be

wise to have kids. This would put so much pressure on me to perform

my magic and stronghold a man into my life. Stop, breathe, and

laugh! First, ask yourself – do you really need kids to be happy? You

can be happy, right now, exactly as you are. Taking the pressure off

yourself allows you to become more Goddess-minded – open,

expansive, free-spirited – and when the timing’s right, you WILL meet

the right guy, and having kids (even if adopted) will always be an


2. All the good ones are taken or aren’t interested. Living in New

York City, I remember feeling like all the men were either players, or

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Peter Pans, or gay. I went on hundreds of dates with seemingly

decent straight men, and fretted. Why wasn’t I attracted to these

blokes? Where are the smart Renaissance men, the ones who travel,

are spiritual and have many interests outside of work? The one who

will adore me, and keep a relationship as their number one priority?

The truth is - the right man will appear, out of synchronicity. Maybe

through online dating, your work, community service, or your friends.

Trust me – he will appear, when you’re truly ready, and working

towards your vision!

3. Dating and relationship skills come naturally. This is perhaps the

most dangerous misperception. Only in recent years, have we started

using our own networks, abilities to meet and attract the right mates.

Our parents didn’t have to go through the troubles we did for ‘meeting

someone’. Also, have you noticed that most relationships are


Dating and relationships are learned skills – how do we communicate

our feelings, how to make requests, how to hold space for another

person, how to listen deeply – how to make another person feel safe,

loved and have a sense of belonging. How do we suffer in a way that

we don’t destroy a relationship?

The beauty about being single is that you can learn and practice new

skills, so that when Mr. Right comes along, you are ready!

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4. It’s all about ‘meeting the one’ – and nothing else. Dating other men is a waste of time. Dating is part of your life journey, and it can be joyful! Think of as

having a tasting menu or buffet. Imagine all the flavors that you

naturally enjoy or are drawn to; or some allergies you may have.

When you enjoy the dating processs, you can meet new people, learn

more about yourself and you get the opportunity to learn relationship

skills. Develop more intuition and trust! A way of trying new activities,

restaurants - having fun & learning to play with life again. No one is

wasting their time by hanging out with others. As you keep growing,

you will meet better men over time – ones who meet the belief

systems that you hold for yourself. When you have a joyful attitude

towards your own life – people will find you attractive and want to

spend time with you. And the beauty is - you don’t have to date

anyone you don’t want to, or feel in your gut that it’s not right.

5. There must be something wrong with me, which is why I’m

single. You are perfect just the way you are. We all have life lessons

to learn, which is why we’re still alive. And relationships are the best

way to learn about yourself, to grow and evolve. To heal, in many

ways. There may be numerous reasons why you’re single – but I

would say – that’s a great place to be! A place to become harmonious

and whole from within, so that when you do start a family with a man,

you will have built a strong foundation for the two of you.

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Don’t lose another minute. Heal your relationship story & start attracting your Soulmate today:

Close Your Ex Files

One of the things that we don’t do so

well in our society is how to properly

get over a past relationship or another

painful event from our life. There’s a

whole grieving, forgiveness and

wisdom process that we forgo. What

were we supposed to learn? Why did

it happen in the first place? What

should our relationship be with those

who have hurt us? How do we create

new, healthy relationships?

Did you know that we carry these memories in our cells and energetic

footprint? And that it shapes our belief systems, of what makes for a good

relationship? We are sending signals to the universe that we’re still healing,

and need to learn from our past. Till then, we will keep attracting people

who are also in the same stage of healing, in their own way. There is

nothing wrong with this! But you will see patterns in your relationships,

which will be undeniable – and painful, I’m sure!

We also hold energetic cords with past relationships, or people we still think

about. Learn to cut & let go of those cords and baggage.

Address Your Fears Around Dating & Relationships

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I remember that one of my biggest fears after my last devastating break-up,

was, "Can I trust again?" I noticed that my heart was closing up, and I felt

tired and exhausted with life. I began to wear big sun-glasses, donning the

'jaded' look. Even though I thought I was ready to start dating, deep down, I

had a fear of being hurt again. If the pain wasn't bad enough the first time

round, it would be worse in the next one, right? These would send signals

to the universe that I was not ready to be with Mr. Right.

You must acknowledge and address these fears early on.

Exercise: Bursting Through My Fears, Old Stories & Limiting


Have you gotten closure from past relationships? Which ones may

still need healing from? What have you learned from these








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What worries or fears keep you up at night (in relationships, or in









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What other fears, negative thought patterns, myths or belief systems

do you have about finding ‘the one’, that could be holding you back?


- I’m scared of getting hurt again

- I’m not worthy of a healthy & everlasting relationship

















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Allow yourself to fully feel all the emotions and fears, accept them, and let

them go. Find the tools you need to overcome them.

I would recommend working with a coach to go into these more fully,

especially as they pop up during the dating & relationship process, and

have a way of sabotaging a potentially beautiful relationship!

Additional notes

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Step 3: Create a Goddess Mindset & Lifestyle

Love Yourself. Let Go of Self-Judgment & Your Inner Critic

Become your own beloved, and treat yourself with love, acceptance and

appreciation for who you really are.

Sure we all make mistakes (even

grave ones) – but we’re human! And

being imperfect is perfect (the

Japanese have perfected this, through

the art of Wabi Sabi).

When you’re in the space of self-love and acceptance, you will develop the

skills to offer it to others. People will emerge that will feel comfortable with

you and would want to share their stories with you, because you won’t

judge them. And you will treat them with kindness, generosity and

compassion – of course, without losing yourself in their story, because of

your self-compassion.

More than likely, your life partner would have gone through difficult times in

his/her life, and would want a partnership that would be of joy, healing and


When you’re ready to offer that to yourself, and others, you will start

attracting greater possibilities in your life.

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Exercise: Letting Go of Self-Judgment

In terms of negative thought, see what arises for you when you answer

these questions:

- I am so…








- I’ll never…








- I can’t…

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Develop a Balanced Life & Date Yourself

Many of us, especially if we’re ambitious, have a tough time with creating

balance between self, family, community and work. So much to do, and so

little time!

The secret is to start setting

aside time and space for

things that are fulfilling for

you, and for your well-being.

For instance, the ½ hour that

you used to stare at your

computer during lunch – go

outside, do a little walking

meditation, breathe the fresh air, and observe the magic of flowers. Also,

offer yourself the luxury of sleeping, or spend a day doing nothing – maybe

even going for a hike. Who knows whom you will meet!

People are attracted to those who take care of themselves.

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When you start creating space in your life for YOU time, being happy, and

doing things you’re passionate about, new (romantic!) possibilities are

allowed to flow in the cracks of time that you’ve created.

Exercise: Infusing My Life with Happiness

This exercise is a simple one, as shared above by the Dalai Lama on how

to lead a happier life. Feel free to keep filling it out whenever you feel like it.

Things that make me unhappy - I

want to do less… (e.g. Speak

without thinking, spend time with

negative people)

Things that make me happy - I want

to do more… (e.g. travel the world,

spend time in authentic

relationships, read inspiring

books, working out)

+ …

+ …

+ …

+ …

+ …

+ …

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Make Space for True Love: Feng Shui Principles

As you’re starting to date again, take a look at your life, your home. Do you

have space for another person, or are you always tied up? A friend told me

a story. As he coached a friend, who had a car parked in front of the main

gate of a 2-car garage, so that no one else could park. He asked her to

park in one spot, so the other was free... to make room in the apartment for

another person’s items… to make time in her schedule to allow a person

in.... to balance her life in a way that allowed her to live the lifestyle she

would want to have in her dream relationship.

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Words and pictures have vibrations (as do your thoughts). Is there clutter in

your house – old books that don’t resonate with you, old gifts or love letters

from your exes – anything else that brings back sad memories? As you’re

exploring new dimensions of yourself – try to get rid of all items in your

home that you won’t use in the next 6 months.

Emotionally, where do you spend your energy? Do you have the capacity

to hold someone else’s joys and suffering? Take time to offload your

emotional and energetic baggage with a therapist, coach or healer. Spend

less time with people who are “energy vampires” – who drain you of your

energy. And if you have started clearing your mind, you will have fewer

emotional ups and downs as well.

Exercise: Making Room For Love

Make a list of ways you can clear space, and invite True Love into your life,

physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually.



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Exercise: Developing Your Goddess Mindset

Do you feel like you are at your mental/emotional best to start the

'seriously looking' dating process? Why/why not?








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Don’t lose another minute. Heal your relationship story & start attracting your Soulmate today:

What are some skills/areas that I need to work on (including

relationship skills)?









What habits and surroundings/environment do I need to stay












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Additional notes

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Step 4: Identify Different Ways to Meet Fabulous Men

We will explore how to date in a drama-free way – one that’s nurturing,

authentic, and intuitive. One in which you will transform and grow – and

meet even better men than you thought possible!

Explore the different ways that you and your friends or family have met

men in the past:

- Online

- Singles events

- Work, networking

- Fun activities like tennis

The list is endless. Now the question is, what activities gets you pumped

up? Have you found your passion, and do you spend time doing it?

Hobbies, passions and activities that I love to do:









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Here are some other ideas for where to meet great men:

1. Lend a hand, doin’ what you love. Get involved in an organization or

community servicewhere you’re rockin’ your gifts (maybe even discovering

new ones), opening hearts and making people smile. When we’re living our

soul’s blue-print, and we’re also connecting to the web-of-life through

service, wonders can happen! Somehow, we are magnetic to the

community, we are ‘flowing’, and we’re connected on a gut-level, which

sends positive, radiant vibrations to our soulmate. There’s nothing sexier

than living your most generous, courageous and loving self, flowing with

your ‘groupies’.

2. A soiree in your friend’s apartment. This may seem like the most

obvious one, and you must be wondering why I’ve put this here. But hear

me out.

The key here is to already be starting to live life in alignment with your

higher purpose and unapologetic self - in a way in which you are flowing

with abundance and living your unique soul qualities.

Spirit works through many ways – but mostly through people – and when

you’re ready, your friend may get a ‘spark’ of inspiration to ‘introduce’ you

to someone who shares your dreams and vision.

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3. On the cushion: A great place to meet like-

minded, authentic people (and potentially your

soulmate), is a meditation group or

conscious community meet-up. I’m not just

saying this because that’s how I met my

partner :)! The kind of openness, vulnerability

and a commitment to one’s inner journey is

palpable and shared – and it’s fun! Remember, we are the sum average of

the 5 people we spend most time with.

Now, if there isn’t a meditation group in your area - be ballsy and start your


Online Dating

If you’re opposed to online dating, then I

will tell you that you are shutting yourself

off from a whole world of kind, caring

men. Ask yourself – what do you fear

about online dating? I know it seems

unnatural – after all, most romance

novels don’t include online dating!

In the coming age, I believe that most people will meet their dream partners

online – after all, what greater medium for synchronicity!

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The idea is to enjoy the journey of dating, and getting to know yourself –

and online gives you the ability to meet men of every type!

Principles for Online Dating:

1. Create a beautiful, appealing profile. Add pictures that show your

goddess self. If you have a great profile, great guys will write to you

eventually – guaranteed!

2. Be kind, funny and authentic online – almost like you would be meeting

in a social gathering

3. Talk to the person on the phone, before meeting them

4. Go on a couple of dates with a person – and give people a chance! They

may not be husband material, but so what?

5. Be careful. It’s important not to share your energy field with just about

anyone – you know what I mean?

6. Develop habits. Spend half an hour each evening responding to people

online. Schedule time in your calendar if you have to! The key is to open

yourself up to possibilities

7. Remove all artificial criteria about what you are seeking (over 6 feet,

never been married, Ivy League-educated, sporty).

If you need help with online dating, I have a proven system that works - and

can help.

Other dating tips:

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Don’t lose another minute. Heal your relationship story & start attracting your Soulmate today:

Spend time with other single people, who are serious about finding a

partner. Go out with them!

Attend at least 2 singles or networking events each month. Find out

where eligible singles go, grab a girlfriend, and go with an open mind of

meeting interesting people and having fun!

Schedule time to go on at least 1 or 2 dates per week

Develop mindful and stress-reduction habits (such as meditation,

yoga, emotional and energy clearing) to help ground you, let go of

anxiety – and generally stay positive throughout the dating process

Additional notes

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Step 5: Create Your Action Plan to Start Dating With Confidence


We have gone through the heavy lifting to discover your vision, hidden

barriers, and how to go about dating!

Now, we’ll gather all this information, and create your Action Plan.

Exercise: My Action Plan for Manifesting My Soulmate in


Action Next Steps

Creating my vision for my dream partnership (p.s. don’t forget to hang this up in your room!!)

+ …

+ …

+ …

Addressing my fears & limiting belief systems

+ …

+ …

+ …

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Don’t lose another minute. Heal your relationship story & start attracting your Soulmate today:

Healing past pain from old relationships

+ …

+ …

+ …

Developing a positive, healthy mindset

+ …

+ …

+ …

Developing a positive, healthy lifestyle

+ …

+ …

+ …

Learning positive & conscious relationship and dating skills

+ …

+ …

+ …

Creating a list of activities and hobbies that I am passionate about

+ …

+ …

+ …

Creating a list of places to meet men

+ …

+ …

+ …

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Don’t lose another minute. Heal your relationship story & start attracting your Soulmate today:

Creating my weekly, monthly and yearly event roster

+ …

+ …

+ …

Creating my online dating profile and gameplan

+ …

+ …

+ …

Finding an accountability partner to help me through all of this

+ …

+ …

+ …

Additional Notes:















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Don’t lose another minute. Heal your relationship story & start attracting your Soulmate today:




































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Don’t lose another minute. Heal your relationship story & start attracting your Soulmate today:







Recommended Resources:

Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life (Marshall Rosenberg)

The Miracle of Mindfulness (Thich Nhat Hanh)

Taming the Tiger Within: Meditations on Transforming Difficult

Emotions (Thich Nhat Hanh)

True Love: A Practice for Awakening the Heart (Thich Nhat Hanh)

Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life (Nick


Reconciliation: Healing the Inner Child (Thich Nhat Hanh)

Power of Now (Eckhart Tolle)

The Prophet (Khalil Gibran)

Thought Power (Shri Swami Shivananda)

A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in

Miracles (Marianne Williamson)

The Mastery of Love: A Practical Guide to the Art of Relationship

(Don Miguel Ruiz)

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Don’t lose another minute. Heal your relationship story & start attracting your Soulmate today:

FREE ASSESSMENT: How Ready Are You For True Love?

See what signals you’re sending to ‘The One’.

Take this quiz to find out. Check the boxes for all that apply.

I feel happy, healthy, content, and have peace-of-mind. I feel a

sense of love and appreciation for myself.

I have closed my ‘Ex Files’ and my heart is ready for a new


I have learned what I needed to from past relationships, so I

don’t repeat mistakes

I have created space in my life for a partnership

I have surrounded myself with positive friends, mentors, family,

and community

I have created beautiful and nurturing relationship habits

I am not afraid of getting hurt, and have addressed my fears

around relationships

I have a deep love & trust for men

I am COMMITTED to attracting true love, no matter how high the

stakes are!

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Don’t lose another minute. Heal your relationship story & start attracting your Soulmate today:

Set up a FREE consultation with Sarika to assess your results and

create Your 2015 Roadmap.

E-mail [email protected] or call (646) 780-9618 to set up your

appointment today.

I hope that you enjoyed this report.

Please like me on Facebook, follow

me on Twitter, and send me

feedback! And share this with a

friend or loved one.

With love,

Sarika Jain

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Don’t lose another minute. Heal your relationship story & start attracting your Soulmate today:

It is because of Sarika’s dedication and ability to foster a space of love that I was able to experience the growth and expansion as I have experienced over the last year. I am forever grateful to her for her service.

Sarika is a shining light am I am grateful to be in her orbit. Because of her commitment to inner

growth and healing, she has been a beautiful and reliable host of the meditation gatherings that

have been nothing but nourishing, uplifting, and perspective-shifting.

It is because of Sarika’s dedication and ability to foster a space of love and community that I

was able to experience the growth and expansion as I have experienced over the last year. I am

forever grateful to her for her service.

She also has such a welcoming, gentle, and disarming personality that you cannot but help feel

comfortable with her. She is a source of warmth and compassion to those who are lucky to

know her.

Sarika is heart-centered, compassionate, and has deep presence. When talking to her, you feel

as if you are the only thing on her mind and are her number one priority. These quality are

essential to being a good coach, mentor, and teacher. Sarika has also made courageous

decisions to follow her authentic calling in her own personal life journey and has encountered

crushing but heart-opening challenges as well. This makes her able to support others in

making dreams a reality as she draws on her wisdom through her experiences.

Sarika makes an excellent life coach, teacher, and mentor. I have faith that people who are

looking to make positive life changes, face challenges, or heal from past pain can greatly benefit

from her loving presence, attention, and wisdom. I have already recommended that people work

with Sarika!

Sunaina C., Professor at a top Business School in New York City