datapolis process system 4.1


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Post on 16-Dec-2014




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Datapolis Process System 4.1 is a platform for modeling and managing processes with SharePoint workflows. This presentation shows new functionalities introduced in the latest release: user substitutions functionality, timer jobs control, and improved user experience with Datapolis Applications.



2. DATAPOLIS PROCESS SYSTEM 4.1 3. AGENDA 4. SUBSTITUTIONSADVANCED TIMERMANAGEMENTAPPLICATIONLAUNCH CONDITIONSUSER EXPERIENCEAPI FOR SOLUTIONSAND APPLICATIONS 5. SUBSTITUTIONS Enables setting up individuals or groups who can substitutefor other persons in the workflow.WHO WHERE WHEN When a user acts as a substitute for another processparticipant, he or she can launch the prescribed actions ontheir behalf. 6. SUBSTITUTIONSSETTING 7. SUBSTITUTIONSUSING 8. ADVANCED TIMER MANAGEMENT Datapolis Timer Jobs can now be set up using CentralAdministration Allows farm administrator to define: Which jobs should be run On which servers How often How they should work E.g. after what time remove workflow history from database 9. ADVANCED TIMER MANAGEMENTSETTING 10. APPLICATION LAUNCH CONDITIONS Process designers can define additional conditions which haveto be met to run an application when the workflow enters aparticular state. 11. APPLICATION LAUNCH CONDITIONSSETTING 12. USER EXPERIENCE Redesigned forms make workflows and Applications easier touse. Share as Application Form Applications list form Add application Forms in Central Administration 13. USER EXPERIENCEEXAMPLES 14. API FOR SOLUTIONS AND APPLICATIONS Datapolis Solutions and Applications can now be managedwith an API available through the web service for any 3rdparty applications. REST JSON 15. API FOR SOLUTIONS AND APPLICATIONSMETHODS 16. API FOR SOLUTIONS AND APPLICATIONShttp:///_vti_bin/Datapolis/WBSolutionManager.svc/ GetSolutionshttp:///_vti_bin/Datapolis/WBApplicationManager.svc/ GetApplications StartApplicationInstance GetApplicationInstanceStatus 17. API FOR SOLUTIONS AND APPLICATIONSUTILISING 18. API FOR SOLUTIONS AND APPLICATIONS 3rd party remote management WebParts Any javascript in SP 19. QUESTIONS?