database schema for the exercises

Database schema for the exercises Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary) Course(crscode, crsname, credits) Taught(crscode, semester, ssn) Assumption: (1) Each course has only one instructor in each semester; (2) all professors have different salaries; (3) all professors have different names; (4) all courses have different names; (5) status can take values from “Full”, “Associate”, and “Assistant”.

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Database schema for the exercises

• Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

• Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

• Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Assumption: (1) Each course has only one instructor ineach semester; (2) all professors have different salaries;(3) all professors have different names; (4) all courseshave different names; (5) status can take values from“Full”, “Associate”, and “Assistant”.

Query 1

Return those professors who have taught ‘csc6710’ but never ‘csc7710’.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Relational Algebra Solution


Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution

(SELECT DISTINCT ssnFrom TaughtWhere crscode = ‘CSC6710’)EXCEPT(SELECT DISTINCT ssnFrom TaughtWhere crscode = ‘CSC7710’))

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Query 2

Return those professors who have taught both ‘csc6710’ and ‘csc7710’.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Relational Algebra Solution

ssn(crscode=‘csc6710’ crscode=‘csc7710’ (Taught))

ssn(crscode=‘csc6710’(Taught)) ssn(crscode=‘csc7710’(Taught))

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution

SELECT T1.ssn FROM Taught T1, Taught T2,WHERE T1.crscode = ‘CSC6710’ AND T2.crscode=‘CSC7710’ AND T1.ssn=T2.ssn

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Query 3

Return those professors who have never taught ‘csc7710’.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Relational Algebra Solution



Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution

(SELECT ssn From Professor)EXCEPT(SELECT ssn From Taught TWhere T.crscode = ‘CSC7710’)

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Query 4

Return those professors who taught ‘CSC6710’ and ‘CSC7710” in the same semester

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Relational Algebra Solution

ssn(crscode1=‘csc6710’(Taught[crscode1, ssn, semester]) crscode2=‘csc7710’(Taught[crscode2, ssn, semester]))

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution

SELECT T1.ssn FROM Taught T1, Taught T2,WHERE T1.crscode = ‘CSC6710’ AND

T2.crscode=‘CSC7710’ AND T1.ssn=T2.ssn AND T1.semester=T2.semester

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Query 6

Return those courses that have never been taught.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Relational Algebra Solution


Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Query 7

Return those courses that have been taught at least in two semesters.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Relational Algebra Solution

crscode( semester1 <> semester2(

Taught[crscode, ssn1, semester1] Taught[crscode, ssn2, semester2]))

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution

SELECT T1.crscodeFROM Taught T1, Taught T2WHERE T1.crscode=T2.crscode AND T1.semester <> T2.semester

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Query 8

Return those courses that have been taught at least in 10 semesters.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL solution?

SQL Solution

SELECT crscodeFROM TaughtGROUP BY crscodeHAVING COUNT(*) >= 10

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Query 10

Return the names of professors who ever taught ‘CSC6710’.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Relational Algebra Solution

profname(crscode=‘csc6710’(Taught) Professor)

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution

SELECT P.profnameFROM Professor P, Taught TWHERE P.ssn = T.ssn AND T.crscode = ‘CSC6710’

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Query 11

Return the names of full professors who ever taught ‘CSC6710’.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Relational Algebra Solution

profname(crscode=‘csc6710’(Taught) status=‘full’(Professor))

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution

SELECT P.profnameFROM Professor P, Taught TWHERE P.status = ‘full’ AND

P.ssn = T.ssn AND T.crscode = ‘CSC6710’

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Query 12

Return the names of full professors who ever taught at least two courses in one semester.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Relational Algebra Solution

profname(ssn( crscode1 <> crscode2(

Taught[crscode1, ssn, semester] Taught[crscode2, ssn, semester])))


Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution

SELECT P.profnameFROM Professor P, Taught T1, Taught T2WHERE P.status = ‘Full’ AND

P.ssn = T1.ssn AND T1.ssn = T2.ssn AND T1.crscode <> T2.crscode AND T1.semester = T2.semester

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution

SELECT P.profnameFROM Professor PWHERE status = ‘Full’ AND ssn IN(SELECT ssnFROM TaughtGROUP BY ssn, semesterHAVING COUNT(*) >= 2)

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Query 15

Return the names of the professors who have taught more than 30 credits of courses.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution

SELECT profnameFROM ProfessorWHERE ssn IN(

SELECT T.ssnFROM Taught T, Course CWHERE T.crscode = C.crscodeGROUP BY T.ssnHAVING SUM(C.credits) > 30


Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution

SELECT crsnameFROM Professor P, Taught T, Course CWHERE P.profname = ‘Smith’ AND

P.ssn = T.ssn AND T.semester = ‘F2007’ AND T.crscode = C.crscode

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Query 17

List all the course names that professor ‘Smith” taught in Fall of 2007.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Relational Algebra Solution

crsname(profname=‘Smith’(Professor) semester=‘f2007’(Taught)


Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution

SELECT crsnameFROM Professor P, Taught T, Course CWHERE P.profname = ‘Smith’ AND

P.ssn = T.ssn AND T.semester = ‘F2007’ AND T.crscode = C.crscode

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Query 20

Delete those professors who taught less than 10 courses.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution




Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Query 21

Delete those professors who taught less than 40 credits.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution


SELECT T.ssnFROM Taught T, Course CWHERE T.crscode = C.crscodeGROUP BY ssnHAVING SUM(C.credits) < 40


Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Query 28

Return the professor who earns the highest salary.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution

SELECT *FROM ProfessorWHERE salary = (

(SELECT MAX(salary)FROM Professor P


Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Query 29

Return the professor who earns the second highest salary.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

SQL Solution

SELECT *FROM Professor P1WHERE 1 = (

(SELECT COUNT(*)FROM Professor P2WHERE P2.salary > P1.salary


Problem: return the professor who earns the 10th highest salary.

Professor(ssn, profname, status, salary)

Course(crscode, crsname, credits)

Taught(crscode, semester, ssn)

Thank you!