data structures – p.1/38 - gabriel istrate -...

Organizational Last time: linked list. Today: doubly linked list, stack, queue, circular linked list. Lists in STL. Start advanced topic: skip list. Also: First project. Not given today, no Monday/Tuesday deadlines (so that you can attend class). posted Wednesday evening on the webpage. Due two weeks from Wednesday (Thursday morning at 10AM) Data Structures – p.1/38

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• Last time: linked list.

• Today: doubly linked list, stack, queue, circular linked list. Lists in STL. Startadvanced topic: skip list.

• Also: First project.

• Not given today, no Monday/Tuesday deadlines (so that you can attend class).

• posted Wednesday evening on the webpage.

• Due two weeks from Wednesday (Thursday morning at 10AM)

Data Structures – p.1/38

Last time: Deleting from head of the list

int List::deletefromHead() throw (string) {


throw string("Empty");

node *tmp = head;

int info = head->getInfo();

if (head==tail)

head = tail=0;


head = head->getNextNode();

delete tmp;

return info;


Data Structures – p.2/38

Catching exceptions

void f()


. . . . . .


n= list.deleteFromHead();

// do something with n;

}catch(char *s){

cerr << "Error: "<< s << endl;


. . . . . .


Data Structures – p.3/38

Deleting the successor of a node pointed to

by pointer r

• Have to test whether pointer in 0.

• Also: if the successor is 0.

• simply modify the value of the field next;

• want to reclaim the memory allocated for the successor node;

• C++: delete;

• in the absence of deallocation: memory leaks.

• Program size grows continuously. Eventually will result in blocking your computer.

Data Structures – p.4/38

Deleting the successor of a node pointed to

by pointer r

void List::deleteNextNode(Node *r) throw(string){

if (!r)

throw string("Null pointer in deleteNextNode");

if (r->getNextNode()== 0)

throw string("attempt to delete nonexisting node");

Node *s = r->getNextNode();


delete s;


Data Structures – p.5/38

Better solution for throwing exceptions

• Can throw complex objects as exceptions.

• Allows much better recovery (e.g. examining what went wrong).

• Solution: Define your own exception types(classes)

• Multiple catch blocks, multiple object types.

• String (char *): last one/default exception type.

Data Structures – p.6/38

Doubly linked lists

• Functions PredecessorNode() and deleteFromTail() expose a problem: no efficientway to go "backwards" in a singly linked list.

• Solution: doubly linked list. Nodes hold two pointers: one to predecessor node,one to successor node.

• Update schemes change slightly.

Data Structures – p.7/38

Doubly linked list: implementation

class Dllnode{



next = prev=0;


Dllnode(int i, Dllnode *n=0, Dllnode *p=0){

info = i;

next = n;

prev = p;


. . . . . .

int getInfo(){return info;};

Dllnode *getNextNode(){return next;};

Dllnode *getPrevNode(){return prev;};


int info;

Dllnode* next,prev;

};Data Structures – p.8/38

Doubly linked list: implementation (II)

class Dllist{




. . .

void addToDllTail(int);

int deleteFromDllTail();

bool isEmpty();


Dllnode* head;

Dllnode* tail;


Data Structures – p.9/38

Adding to the Tail of a Doubly Linked List

void DllList::addToDllTail(int info){

if (tail != 0){

tail = new Dllnode(info, 0, tail);

(tail-> getPrevNode())->setNextNode(tail); // step *}

else head = tail = new Dllnode (info);


Data Structures – p.10/38

Deleting from the tail of a Doubly Linked List

int DllList::deleteFromDllTail(){


int i = tail->info;

if (head == tail){ // only one element in the list

delete head;

head = tail = 0;


else { // more than one element in the list

tail = tail-> getPrevNode();

delete tail-> getNextNode();

tail-> setNextNode(0);


return i;


Data Structures – p.11/38


• Why is step * in function addtoDllTail correct ?

• Code executed when parameter tail ! =0.

• Newly created node has parameter prev set to this value of tail.

• Thus tail− > prev points to a nonempty node, thus pointer next can beaccessed.

• Deletion: special case is single node list. In this case by deletion it becomes empty.

• Otherwise: store last value in the list. Move parameter tail to previous node(directly accessed). Delete the last node (now accessed through tail->next). Alsoset the next pointer of the last node to zero.

Data Structures – p.12/38


• STACK: insert/delete elements at the tail.

• QUEUE: insert at the end, delete at the front.

• DEQUEUE: insert/delete both at front and back.

Data Structures – p.13/38

Stacks, queues

Data Structures – p.14/38


• delete from the end of the list: deleteNextNode(predecesorNode(tail)); or youcan implement it directly as member function deleteFromTail.

• STACK: interface exposes functions addToTail and deleteFromTail (usuallycalled push and pop).

• QUEUE: interface exposes addToTail and deleteFromHead.

• DEQUEUE: both addToHead and addToTail, also deleteFromHead,deleteFromTail.

Data Structures – p.15/38



for (node *p; !isEmpty(); ){

p = head->getNextNode();

delete head;

head = p;



• nodes: contain dynamically allocated memory. Has to be freed.

• REMEMBER: second condition in the for loop functions as a WHILE test.

• We keep a temporary pointer to the node next to the head, delete head, andadvance the head pointer.

Data Structures – p.16/38

Circular lists

• A list in which nodes form a ring: list is finite and every node has a successor.

• E.g. several processes using a shared resource for the same amount of time (timesharing), and we make processes take turn.

• Processes are put on a circular list accessed by pointer current.

• After process take its time, pointer advances to the next process.

• node class: same as the one for singly linked list from last course.

• Implementation: can use singly linked list and make the last node point to firstrather than to zero.

• Interface can be the same, functions (e.g. inserting, deleting nodes) will be different.

• Only need one pointer, tail.

Data Structures – p.17/38

Implementing insertion at the end of the

circular list

void CLList::addToTail(int el){

if (isEmpty())


// handle addition to an empty list separately

tail = new node(el);





tail->setNextNode(new node(el, tail->getNextNode()));



Data Structures – p.18/38

Issues with previous implementation

• Deleting the tail node requires looping around the tail so that the predecessor’ssuccessor node can be updated.

• Delete tail node complexity O(n).

• Processing data in reversed order not efficient: O(n2).

• Alternative: circular doubly-linked list.

Data Structures – p.19/38

Lists in the STL

#include <list>

// list class library

using namespace std;

// Create a "list" object, specifying its content as "int".

// The "list" class does not have the same "random access" capability

// as the "vector" class, but it is possible to add elements at

// the end of the list and take them off the front.

list<int> list1;

// Add some values at the end of the list, which is initially empty.

// The member function "push back" adds at item at the end of the list.

int value1 = 10;

int value2 = -3;

list1.push back (value1);

list1.push back (value2);

list1.push back (5);

list1.push back (1);

Data Structures – p.20/38

Lists in the STL (II)

// Output the list values, by repeatedly getting the item from

// the "front" of the list, outputting it, and removing it

// from the front of the list.

// cout << endl << "List values:" << endl;

// Loop as long as there are still elements in the list.

while (list1.size() > 0)


// Get the value of the "front" list item.

int value = list1.front();

// Output the value.

cout << value << endl;

// Remove the item from the front of the list ("pop front"

// member function).

list1.pop front();


Data Structures – p.21/38

Lists in the STL

Commonly used member functions:

• size_type size() const; returns number of elements in the list.

• bool empty() const; returns TRUE if list is empty, FALSE otherwise.

• void push_back(const T& x); void push_front(const T& x); insert element x at thefront (back) of the list.

• T& front(); T& back (); return references to the front/back elements;

• begin(), end(). Iterators to the beginning/end of the list.

• iterator insert(iterator position, const T& x); insert element x before the element (ifany) pointed out by the iterator.

• void clear(); clear the list.

• void remove (const T& value); remove all elements equal to value. Type T mustpermit operator==.

• void sort(); void reverse();

Data Structures – p.22/38

Lists in the STL

Other member functions:

• c.assign(n, elem): assign n copies of element elem to list.

• c.resize(num):Modifies the container so that it has exactly n elements, insertingelements at the end or erasing elements from the end if necessary. values: defaultconstructor (for integers, 0).

• c.unique() : removes duplicates of consecutive elements with the same value.

• iterator previous(iterator pos) returns an iterator to the position before that pointedby pos.

• list: Doubly-linked lists. For singly-linked lists use slist.

Data Structures – p.23/38

Iterators in STL

• "Smart" generalizations of pointers. Allow access to a data structure (list,vector,etc.).

• Input/output iterators: first only allow "dereferencing" but not change of value.Second only guarantee write access: it is possible to assign a value through anOutput Iterator, but not necessarily possible to refer to that value.

• Forward/backward iterators: allow multiple passes, but in one direction only.

• Both single-pass iterators. Bidirectional iterators: can increment and decrement.

• References: google, STL documentation (webpage), Scott Meyers "Effective STL"(available in Romanian from Teora). Also his other books on C++.

Data Structures – p.24/38

Case Study: concordance problem

• GIVEN: text (i.e. a sequence of words).

• TO DO: parse the text and discover the words. For each word examine if this itsfirst occurrence.

• If this is the case memorize it.

• Otherwise increment a counter associated to the number of occurrences of thegiven word.

• Similar issues encountered in analyzing natural language (natural languageprocessing). What is the text about ? Statistical language processing.

• Also in compilers.

• First phase in a compiler: lexical analysis.

• Identifies words. Represents program by lexical tokens.

• Example: x = 5; [IDENT "x"] [EQL] [NUMBER 5] [SEMICOLON].

• To represent x: <identifier>. Also: pointer to a list (table) of identifiers.

Data Structures – p.25/38


• Create a linked list of words.

• For each new word:

• If not found in the list add it.

• Otherwise increment a counter associated to the given word.

Data Structures – p.26/38

Implementation: interfaces

I am showing only more significant elements in the interfaces;

struct Token{

std::string word;

int count;


struct TokenNode{

Token info;

TokenNode * next;


class TokenNodeList{



void insertOrIncreaseCount (string);


TokenNode *head;

TokenNode *tail;

} Data Structures – p.27/38

Comments on implementation

• C++: a struct is a class with all members public. It allows e.g. constructors.Though I don’t recommend public data members, it’s a better alternative to structs.

• Useful to maintain list in sorted order: to insert a new word we have to determineanyway that it doesn’t appear in the list.

• Order on words: lexicographic order. The way words are listed in a dictionary:compare first letter first, then second letter, etc. Prefixes are smaller.

• InsertOrIncreaseCount(): search until you find element or larger one. If foundincrease count. Reuse code insertInfoBefore(), insertInfo() (Course 3).

int compareStrings(string a, string b){

int i=0; int l1=a.length(); int l2=b.length();

for (int i=0;i<min(l1,l2);i++)

if (a[i]<b[i])

return 0;


if (a[i]>b[i])

return 0;

return 1;


Data Structures – p.28/38

Implementing functions

void TokenList::insertOrIncreaseCount(string s){


node *first=head;

node *second = 0;

while (lessThan(first->getInfo(),s))


second = first;

first = first->getNextNode();


if (first->getInfo() == s)

{ // string found in list;





Data Structures – p.29/38

Concordance: main function


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

std::string nextItem;

TokenNodeList tl;

fstream file op(argv[1],ios::in);

while (file op >> nextItem)


// do something with token list

. . . . . .

return 0;


Data Structures – p.30/38

Advanced topic: Skip lists

• Drawback with linked list: require sequential access to locate a searched-for element.

• Ordering: can speed up searching, but sequential search still required.

• Solution: lists that allow skipping some elements to speed up search.

• Skip lists: variant of ordered linked lists that make such search possible.

• More advanced data structure (W. Pugh "Skip lists: a Probabilistic Alternative toBalanced Trees", Communication of the ACM 33(1990), pp. 668-676.)

• If anyone curious/interested in data structures/algorithms, can give paper to read; taste how a

research article looks like.

Data Structures – p.31/38

Skip lists (II)

Data Structures – p.32/38

Skip lists: implementation

• k = 1, . . . , ⌊log2(n)⌋, 1 ≤ i ≤ ⌊n/2k−1⌋ − 1.

• Item 2k−1 · i points to item 2k−1 · (i + 1).

• every second node points to positions two node ahead,

• every fourth node points to positions four nodes ahead,

• every eigth node points to positions eigth nodes ahead,

• . . . . . ., and so on.

• Different number of pointers in different nodes in the list !

• half the nodes only one pointer.

• a quarter of the nodes two pointers,

• an eigth of the nodes four pointers,

• . . . . . ., and so on.

• Approximately how many times more pointers than in a simply-linked list?.

Data Structures – p.33/38


• If you guessed log2(n)/2 times you guessed right:

• n/2 · 1 + n/4 · 2 + n/8 · 4 + . . ..

• Each product in the sum is n/2.

• How many terms in the sum ? ⌈log2 n⌉. Total approximately n ·log



• The number of pointers: the level of the node in the tree.

• Levels: from 1 to ⌊log2(n)⌋ + 1.

• To search: first follow pointers on the higher level until a larger element is found orthe list is exhausted.

• If a larger element is found, restart search from its predecessor, this time on alower level.

• Continue doing this until element found, or you reach the first level and a largerelement or the end of the list.

Data Structures – p.34/38


find(element el){

p = the nonnull list on the highest level i;

while (el not found and i ≥ 0)

if (p->key > el)

p = a sublist that begins in the predecessor of p

on the level −− i;


if (p->key < el)

if p is the last element on the level i

p = a nonnull sublist that begins in p

on the highest level < i;

i = the number of this level;


p = p− > next;


Data Structures – p.35/38

Inserting and deleting nodes

• Problem: when inserting/deleting a node pointers of following nodes have to berestructured.

• Solution: rather than equal spacing, random spacing on a level.

• Number of nodes on each level approximately preserved.

• Level numbering: start with zero.

• New node inserted: probability 1/2 on first level, 1/4 second level, 1/8 third level,. . ., etc.

• Function chooseLevel: chooses the level of the new node.

• Generate random number. If in [0,1/2] level 1, [1/2,3/4] level 2, etc.

• Construct for "typical" case.

• Use randomness to simplify constructions.

Data Structures – p.36/38

Skip list node: interface

#define MAXLEVEL 4

class SkipListNode(){



int key;

SkipListNode ** next;


class SkipList{



bool isEmpty() const;

void choosePowers();

int chooseLevel();

int * SkipListSearch(int);

void SkipListInsert(int);


typedef SkipListNode* nodePtr;

nodePtr root[maxlevel];

int powers[MAXLEVEL];

}Data Structures – p.37/38


• Next time: complete implementation of skip lists.

• Pointer jumping is nontrivial: practice !

• First homework: on webpage tonight.

Any questions ?

Data Structures – p.38/38