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Data Management Buyer’s Guide Includes a Category Overview, Top 10 Questions to Ask, Plus, a Capabilities Reference of the Leading 28 Providers for Data Management Solutions \\

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Data Management

Buyer’s Guide

Includes a Category Overview,

Top 10 Questions to Ask, Plus, a Capabilities Reference of

the Leading 28 Providers for Data Management Solutions


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2017 Buyer’s Guide

2 © 2017 | Solutions Review | 500 West Cummings Park | Woburn, Massachusetts 01801 | USA


Data Management


Data Management solutions meet at the intersection of Big Data and business analytics. These tools allow for the

ongoing care of vital data so that it may be readily and continually available for analysis – where insights are

discovered. Data Management platforms may be seen as mediators between all of the data an organization collects

for future use, and a grand organizer that makes tidy analysis possible.

Traditionally, Data Integration tools work to load data from disparate sources into the data warehouse so that analysis

could take place. While this is still prevalent, many companies are finding that their expanding data volumes are

forcing them out of the data warehouse. The sheer volume and velocity of data that has been made available to

modern businesses is just too great for legacy solutions to handle. When we talk about volume and velocity, we are

discussing the topic of Big Data, a great buzz word, but also a very real concern for organizations that collect data

from multiple sources.

This expansion in data collection has created a need for dedicated Data Management

platforms. An evolving enterprise solution for organizations to collect data from

different sources and encapsulate it all into one medium, organize it, clean it, and

ensure that it is ready to be analyzed when a business user needs. Data Management

tools provide data analysts with the flexibility they need to collect whatever data they

feel could have an impact on the bottom line. The best solutions offer what we like to

think of as ‘smart storage’, providing data quality, integrity, and data protection


It’s true that Big Data has helped to create a need for such tools, and as you begin your search, you’ll find that many of

the vendors may make little mention of the term ‘Data Management.’ Instead, they may call themselves Big Data

providers. While they aren’t actually providing the data, they do offer the management options to assist your

organization in dealing with it. In this way, companies can augment their existing data warehouse environment with

more modern approaches to dealing with what some see as the ‘data problem.’

As enterprises branch out and start to store more than just transaction data, the Data Lake becomes an integral

factor. The key benefit to the Data Lake is that it can store data from many connectors, which provides expanded

flexibility to those looking to analyze data in a more broad sense, providing the ability for more in-depth search and

discovery. In addition, the Data Lake gives companies the capabilities they need to accommodate more than one type

of data and run analysis on it simultaneously.

Given the recent surge in data-related disasters as a result of hacks and data breaches, organizations are looking to

secure their data with more thorough governance. Many large retailers and governmental organizations have fallen

victim to poor Data Management techniques, resulting in catastrophic loss. As regulations grow stricter and

compliance mechanisms become more common, organizations will grow increasingly interested in dedicated

management tools, ensuring that they are keeping their data in a way that safeguards it from outside influences.

These solutions are quite useful in this theatre, in many cases providing vital privacy and protection to act as a barrier.

Tim King

Editor, Data and Business Intelligence

“In this Guide,

there is a solution

for everyone, from

small groups to


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2017 Buyer’s Guide

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Data Management


5 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Selecting a Data Management Solution

QUESTION #1 Why do I need a Data Management platform?

Too often organizations fall victim to vendor marketing pitches that convince them that their shiny

new toy is necessary for deriving insights. Before signing your life away, you’ll want to be sure that

dedicated Data Management platform will help you to perform more in-depth analysis. Modern

digital businesses are requiring more complex ways to store, protect and automate the processes

by which their data is held, and that’s precisely where these technologies come into play.

QUESTION #2 What kinds of data do I collect? What are my data sources?

After you’ve come to the conclusion that a Data Management platform will be of service, you’ll next

need to record all of the sources where your data comes from. This way you can weed out the

solutions that don’t immediately fit your needs. If you plan to collect data from a new source in the

near future, you’ll want to narrow down your short list of solutions to only the ones that can meet

the needs of your organization. There is no perfect tool, so if a specific vendor doesn’t offer a

connector to a vital source, simply move on to the next.

QUESTION #3 What level of data security do I need?

Some vendors offer expansive data protection capabilities inside their

platforms. Of course, these add-ons come with a price, and it would be

helpful to know upfront whether or not securing your stored data is a

priority to the degree that paying for it represents. We think it is, but

some organizations like to maintain those protocols in-house. Many

solution providers even go a step further, offering services that ensure

certain data types remain compliant with ever growing regulations,

which leads us to our next question.

QUESTION #4 Which use cases do I want to focus on? What will the impact look like?

In other words, what does the deployment of a Data Management platform help you do differently?

Focusing on specific use cases helps to ensure that the implementation of this technology helps

move the needle along the desired path. The impact should be measurable in terms of insights

gained, but it will also require collaboration amongst users. The expansion of data volumes and

velocities should always result in an end goal of expanded business value.

“Many providers

offer services

that ensure

certain data

types remain


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Data Management

anagement QUESTION #5 Will a Data Management platform help me maintain compliance?

Organizations that place a hefty emphasis on data are increasingly realizing they are not in

compliance with industry regulations which advise on how to properly maintain certain data types

that include sensitive information. In many cases, companies are flocking to Data Management

platforms for this reason, so that they may automate the process of regulatory compliance and

ensure that they are following the law. Compliance is vital in any vertical where personal records

are shared. Healthcare and government are just two of the major players. If your organization

resides in a highly regulated industry, it becomes vital to choose a tool that will help you remain up-


And 5 Questions You Should Ask Your Potential Data Management Solution Provider

QUESTION #6 Can your solution integrate all of the data types that I require?

As the main hub for all of the data you collect, it is only natural to make sure that any vendor you

come in contact with can meet the immediate and future needs of your data environment, whether

you require the capture and storage of social media, mobile, website, or real-time streaming

Internet of Things data. Be absolutely sure that your desired data types are covered. It doesn’t hurt

to think ahead a bit, either, by planning for the projected growth of your company’s data sources.

So, be sure to discuss scalability as it relates to your particular situation.

QUESTION #7 Does your solution allow ease-of-analysis?

This is subjective, and every vendor will surely reply with the same

answer. However, it’s important to understand how the solution

provider plans to supply this. Any tool should make it easy for you to

manage your data and perform analysis when you see fit. Remember,

your organization is one that includes individuals with specific skills,

so any potential vendor’s way of making Data Management easy

should line up with how your company already operates. Your

definition of easy and theirs could easily veer in different directions, so

select a tool that bends to fit your framework, not the other way around.

“Any potential

vendor should

line up with how

your company



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2017 Buyer’s Guide

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anagement QUESTION #8 Does the tools off built-in analysis?

Since Data Management is aimed at allowing organizations to dig even deeper into their analytical

frameworks, it is only natural that some of the solutions provide their own proprietary analytics

tools inside. This boils down to personal preference. Going with a vendor that includes analytics

built-in could be a great way to save some money and avoid getting too technical. On the flip side,

perhaps you’re already using a business analytics tool you really like, in which case you can deploy

a best-of-breed approach.

QUESTION #9 Does the solution automate the connection of data from outside sources or does it require the

configuration of manual integrations?

Similarly to how you asked the vendor about the types of data

that their platform supports, you should find out whether or not

the solution includes pre-built integrations that allow for

seamless deployment. This way, you’ll be able to hook right into

whatever data sources you were already using without having to

go outside the management tool to secure connectors via a

standalone Data Integration solution.

QUESTION #10 How will your solution work inside my current environment?

Moving to a full-featured Data Management platform can certainly shake up the current

configuration of your environment, so bringing in a technical expert to consult may be a good idea.

Many companies that have traditionally utilized a data warehouse environment are adding Data

Management platforms to give themselves added flexibility and a new way to hold onto vital data

for analysis. Like anything else, if it seems too good to be true, question it, and while demoing, see

if they will entertain setting up a mock trial of their solution inside your environment so you can get

a sneak peek.

“You should ask

whether the solution

includes pre-built


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Data Management


Data Management Solution Profiles

1010data ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7

Adobe _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8

Cloudera _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9

EnterWorks ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10

Hortonworks ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11

HPE ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12

IBM ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13

Informatica ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14

Krux ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15

Lotame ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 16

MapR ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 17

MarkLogic ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 18

MemSQL ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 19

Microsoft ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 20

Oracle _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 21 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 22

Pivotal _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 23

RedPoint _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 24

Relay42 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 25

Redshift (Amazon) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 26

Riversand _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 27

SAP _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 28

SAS _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 29

Snowflake _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 30

Stibo Systems _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 31

Talend _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 32

Teradata _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 33

Zaloni _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 34

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Data Management

anagement 1010data

Acquired by Advance in August 2015, 1010data is a managed service data

warehouse provider offering complete big data discovery and analytics

solution that delivers a scalable, easy to use platform. The first significant

customer for the service was the New York Stock Exchange. As digital data

volumes have grown internationally, 1010data's platform has scaled to meet


From the Company

“Because 1010data has been built as a single, integrated cloud-based platform, users have all of the analytical

tools and data they need on a purpose built platform. 1010data enables users with little knowledge of complex

programming languages to quickly and easily create powerful analytic applications on top of Big Data in minutes.

With 1010data’s QuickApps, users can create everything from form-based analyses and management dashboards

to complex applications that provide business users with the exact information they need in the precise form the

need it.”

Key Features

Scalability – The combination of technologies enables the platform to deliver fast performance and linear


Many Service Options – 1010data offers a complete suite of products for big data discovery and data sharing for

both business and technical users.

Industry specific – 1010data's proprietary database management system is tailored to fit the needs of your

industry from healthcare, to retail, telecom, and more.

Bottom Line

1010data’s data management solution is aimed at the financial services, retail/consumer packaged goods,

telecom, government and healthcare sectors. Analysts at 1010data have built several applications atop the

1010data platform that are optimized to work in Big Data environments.

750 Third Avenue

New York, NY 10017

United States

+1 212-405-1010

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Data Management

anagement Adobe

Adobe recently announced the availability of Audience Marketplace, a new

data exchange in Adobe Audience Manager. Audience Marketplace is a private

data marketplace that connects advertisers and content publishers to buy and

sell second and third-party data without the time-consuming challenges of

setting up individual partnership agreements. Adobe also offers

AudienceManager, a data management platform that helps users build unique

audience profiles to identify valuable segments and use them across any

digital channel.

From the Company

“Adobe AudienceManager, the industry’s first DMP that consolidates audience information from all available

sources, helps identify and reach key audience segments so advertisers and publishers can consistently deliver

more relevant, customized digital experiences to their customers. The solution enables advertisers and publishers

to manage how their audience data is collected, shared and used among their partner technologies, systems and

processes. Adobe AudienceManager customers include Condé Nast, Intuit, Sony, and Travelocity among others.”

Key Features

Full-Stack Solution- Adobe offers a wide range of service options, including marketing tools like Adobe Audience,

and data management tools like Audience Manager.

Easily integrate services- Integrate with any of our Adobe Marketing Cloud solutions. And integrate with external

vendors, too.

Innovative Product Development- Adobe sets out to build the right tools for businesses, so you get all the right

services from one platform.

Bottom Line

Products allow businesses to use rules based on attributes, like behavior and demographics to build niche

audience segments. Businesses can grow their revenue and customer base through unified, actionable views of

their audiences.

345 Park Avenue

San Jose, CA 95110

United Sates

+1 408-536-6000

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2017 Buyer’s Guide

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Data Management

anagement Cloudera

Cloudera Incorporated is an American software company headquartered in

Palo Alto California. Cloudera's open-source Apache Hadoop distribution,

CDH (Cloudera Distribution Including Apache Hadoop), targets enterprise-

class deployments of that technology. Cloudera differentiates itself from

other Hadoop distribution vendors by continuing to invest in specific

capabilities, such as further improvements to Cloudera Navigator (which

provides metadata management, lineage and auditing), while at the same

time keeping up with the Hadoop open-source project.

From the Company

“Hadoop has evolved significantly in the past ten years, and with every advancement, we see the potential for new

applications and use cases, while improving what’s already being done. The advancement of data engineering and

ETL development with Hive-on-Spark marks a critical milestone in this evolution - further solidifying Spark’s status as

the standard data processing engine in Hadoop. Data engineering is only a part of the story in today’s business

though and, with the 5.7 release, our customers can better enable a wide range of users across the platform, all

while maintaining fast performance, easy management, and compliance-ready security.”

Key Features

Auditing Data Access and Privileges - Cloudera Navigator auditing features add secured, real-time audit

components to data and access frameworks, and allow compliance groups to configure, collect, and view audit

events, and to understand who accessed what data and how.

Searching metadata/visualizing lineage - Cloudera Navigator metadata management features allow data stewards,

business analysts, and data scientists to define, search and amend the properties of, and tag data entities.

Policies - Policy features enable data companies to specify automated actions based on data access or on a

schedule to add metadata, create alerts, and move or purge data.

Bottom Line

Cloudera provides data storage and processing platform product based on the Apache Hadoop ecosystem, as well

as a proprietary system and data management tools for design, deployment, operations and production


1001 Page Mill Road

Palo Alto, CA 94304

United States

+1 888-789-1488

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Data Management

anagement EnterWorks

In April of 2015, EnterWorks was acquired by Black Dragon Capital, a

growth-oriented venture fund. The Black Dragon investment has allowed

EnterWorks to accelerate its product roadmap, expand its team and position

the company for significant growth. The investment has enabled EnterWorks

to expand its product offering and meet the increased demand for solutions

that address the growing challenges of businesses looking to harness the

power of their product content. Solutions include master data management

and product information management solutions for customers in industries

such as consumer goods, hospitality, QSR, medical, technology, office

products, equipment, fashion, and services.

From the Company

“EnterWorks is a market leader in master data solutions for acquiring, managing and transforming a company’s

product information into persuasive and personalized content for marketing, sales, digital commerce and new

market opportunities. Since its inception, an excess of $40 million has been invested into the business creating a

stable and reliable company with solutions benefitting from the experience of a team with an average tenure of 10


Key Features

Customization – Businesses can tailor data domains to their specific needs, model and master/reference data


Integration – Integrate databases, systems (ERP, CRM, WMS, OMS), or customer/social networks easily and at

large volumes.

Syndication – Extract, load, and scrub source information and publish/syndicate information to external entities.

Bottom Line

Businesses can orchestrate product content collaboration within their organization while exchanging consistent,

accurate product information with suppliers, customers, partners and marketplaces.

46040 Center Oak Plaza

Sterling, VA 20166

United States

+1 888-242-8356

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Data Management

anagement Hortonworks

Hortonworks is a enterprise computer software company based in Santa

Clara, California, named after Horton the elephant in the Horton Hears a

Who! book. The company focuses on the development and support

of Apache Hadoop. Hortonworks DataFlow (HDF™) manages data-in-motion,

by securely acquiring and transporting data to Hortonworks Data Platform,

which manages data-at-rest for all types of data, with enterprise-grade

governance, security, and operations.

From the Company

“We make it possible to solve the hard problems of creating actionable intelligence from data through open

architectures for the modern digital enterprise. For all the visionaries, creators and makers who are building the

future out there, we stand right behind you: helping you with data-at-rest and data-in-motion, in real time and near

time, predictive, streaming, structured, unstructured and anything in between. How we do it matters to us. We reject

outright the notion that vendors only succeed through lock-in and proprietary technologies. We believe in a 100%

open approach. The more open we all are, the more we will each be inspired and inventive.”

Key Features

Hortonworks DataFlow – Provides immediate operational visibility and control, enabling real-time decisions and

interaction with streaming data generated by a hyper-connected world of people, systems and things.

Hortonworks Data Platform is open – The Apache Hadoop distribution that is driven by an open approach, built

around a central architecture, and prepared for the enterprise with built-in security, governance and operations.

Bottom Line

The Hortonworks Data Platform is an enterprise-grade data management platform that enables a centralized

architecture for running batch, interactive and real-time applications simultaneously across a shared dataset.

5470 Great America


Santa Clara, CA 95054

United States

+1 855-846-7866

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2017 Buyer’s Guide

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Data Management

anagement Hewlett Packard Enterprise

HPE is a multinational information technology company, founded in

November of 2015 as part of the now, split, Hewlett-Packard company.

HPE’s portfolio for data management solutions for analytics includes, HPE

Vertica- based on the core Vertica DBMS, a column store analytic DBMS. It

is available as a cloud solution, as a software-only option and as an

appliance. It offers integration with Hadoop with HPE Vertica for SQL on


From the Company

“HP Hybrid Data Management Architecture Services harness the power of all available data, internal and external,

structured and unstructured regardless of where the data resides. We provide a strategic road map that enables

clients to discover, develop, and execute on a strategy that modernizes their BI and analytics capabilities. The

services leverage our Hybrid Data Management Reference Architecture when defining specific solutions to a set of

use cases.”

Key Features

Develop and Deploy – Rapid development and/or deployment of analytic apps in production on an integrated,

industrial-strength big data platform.

Greater ROI – Return on investment with reduced upfront costs, faster time to value, fast access to all business

data and the ability to generate analytic insights in real time.

Speed – Accelerate decision-making processes and boost business agility with Big Data analytics embedded into

frontline business applications and processes.

Bottom Line

HPE designs IT architectures that can handle volume, operate quickly, and can process a variety of data. Whether

you’re running on Hewlett Packard Enterprise or third-party gear, their open infrastructure technology and

implementation will process big data effectively.

3000 Hanover St.

Palo Alto CA 94304

United States

+1 800-607-3567

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Data Management

anagement IBM

IBM offers data management solutions, data warehouse appliances, a z/OS

solution, and a Hadoop distribution with BigInsights. Its appliances include

the IBM PureData System for Analytics, the IBM PureData System for

Operational Analytics, the IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator and the IBM Smart

Analytics System. IBM offers DB2 with Blu Acceleration, as well as data

warehouse managed services.

From the Company

“The era of big data is upon us. Organizations are eager to leverage massive volumes of information and new types

of data to generate unprecedented insights and improve business outcomes. Customer data is at the heart of many

of these initiatives. IBM Information Management solutions deliver trusted information throughout your information

supply chain and help you analyze your information to gain insights, identify breakdowns, and make better decisions

that will optimize your business.”

Key Features

Services-oriented architecture – Delivers functionality through intelligent, pre-packaged web services that can be

used to seamlessly integrate with existing business processes and technical architectures.

Pre-built and extensible data models – Import existing data models or build data models from scratch.

Business process management – These capabilities enable businesses to implement policies and coordinate

multi-step / multi-role workflows for data stewardship and data governance on-premise, in the cloud, or inside a

hybrid environment.

MDM Application Toolkit – Delivers business value rapidly with governance applications through pre-built

blueprints and widgets for embedding within existing applications.

Bottom Line

IBM database solutions help you manage data across multiple workloads, while reducing administration, storage,

development and server costs. The solutions manage data from ‘requirements to retirement’, and can assure the

privacy and integrity of vital data.

590 Madison Avenue

New York, NY 10022

United States

+1 800-426-4968

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Data Management

anagement Informatica

Informatica is headquartered in Redwood City, California and was founded

in 1993. Informatica is an independent software provider with data

management solutions that allow businesses to leverage their information

assets residing on-premise, or the cloud. Informatica Application

Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) software empowers IT to cost-

effectively handle data growth, safely retire legacy systems and

applications, and optimize test data management. This family of software

handles every phase of the data lifecycle from creation to disposal for end-

to-end information lifecycle management.

From the Company

“Informatica helps your IT organization cost-effectively manage data growth in a range of enterprise business

applications to significantly improve their performance and reduce IT costs. With Informatica Data Archive, your IT

team can organize data into application-aware partitions based on its value to the business, safely and easily archive

application data, provide seamless access to the archived data, and deliver archived data to the business as

needed—while controlling the risk of regulatory noncompliance.”

Key Features

Development Agility – Offers tools that make it easy for business and IT to prototype, operationalize, and reuse


Enterprise Scalability – Solutions are deployable with flexibility for departments, enterprises, or Integration

Competency Centers.

Operational Confidence – Products Provide visibility and insight into your business-critical processes.

Bottom Line

Informatica’s PowerCenter solution forms the foundation for all data integration initiatives, including analytics and

data warehousing, application migration, or consolidation and data governance. It is a service oriented architecture

and has the capability to share service and resource across several machines.

2100 Seaport Blvd.

Redwood City, CA


United States

+1 650-385-5000

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Data Management

anagement Krux

Krux is a next-gen data management platform that unifies people data from

multiple sources, analyzes the data to identify and understand individual

preferences and expectations, and then activates the data across every

channel in real time. Krux's complete architecture delivers on-demand data

insights that are actionable and help businesses sustain a virtuous cycle of

valuable customer experiences.

From the Company

“Krux is driven by a relentless focus on people: who they are, what they need, what they want, and what they expect.

Our solution enables businesses to understand individuals and deliver experiences tuned to their needs and

preferences. Data signals are drawn from all screens and sources and used to improve experiences across all

consumer touchpoints. What’s more, Krux learns iteratively, continuously responding to new data signals and data

sources, to enable smarter interactions, deeper engagement, and improved revenue performance.”

Key Features

Governance – Guards your people data, that of your customer and partners, and controls where it goes.

Learning – Iterative, real-time learning and granular, precise responses to people’s evolving needs are at the

essence of plasticity.

Synthesis – With synthesis, your data is unified and converted into actionable insights across all screens, silos and


Identity – Lets you recognize individuals across browsers, devices and screens.

Bottom Line

People Data Activation comprises six core capabilities: completeness, governance, learning, synthesis, identity and

actionability. Through a unique combination of SaaS technology, implementation, advisory, and data science

services, Krux helps companies cultivate all six capabilities.

350 5th Avenue

New York, NY 10118

United States

+1 646-476-6261

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Data Management

anagement Lotame

Lotame is Headquartered in Maryland, and its data management solution

has been architected to deliver for both marketers and publishers. The

platform’s tools and features enable businesses to maximize effectiveness

at every stage of a data strategy. Lotame’s DMP enables collection of first-

party data from across sites, apps and ad campaigns. Users can then

combine this data with insights from other first-party sources, such as email

data or data housed in the CRM system.

From the Company

“Industry-leading analytics tools built into Lotame’s DMP enable you to uncover new insights into both the audience

segments you create and the people who engage with your content or campaigns. The platform also includes a suite

of manual and fully automated optimization tools. These tools can be used to add scale to your cross-screen

campaigns as well as increase performance against your specific KPIs.”

Key Features

Organize – As it is collected, first-party data will automatically flow into hierarchies within the platform, then use

these hierarchies to create audience segments, selecting the specific demographics, interests and actions in a


Activate – Lotame is a media agnostic platform and won’t dictate which channels users activate data within. Pre-

set direct integrations with every major DSP, ad server, exchange and SSP.

Optimize – Industry-leading analytics tools built into Lotame’s DMP enable users to uncover new insights into both

the audience segments the people who engage with content or campaigns.

Bottom Line

Lotame’s data collection allows users to capture granular data points so users can build a complete profile of

audiences. As online and offline data flows into the DMP, it will be categorized within hierarchies. Each hierarchy

will capture a specific behavior or demographic trait, such as age, gender and interests, to create audience

segments for use in ad targeting.

8850 Stanford Blvd.

Columbia, MD 21045

United States

+1 410-379-2195

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Data Management

anagement MapR Technologies

The MapR Converged Data Platform integrates Hadoop and Spark with global

event streaming, real-time database capabilities, and enterprise storage for

developing and running innovative data applications. The MapR Platform is

powered by fast, reliable, secure, and open data infrastructure that lowers total-

cost-of-ownership and enables global real-time data applications.

From the Company

“MapR was engineered for the data center with IT operations in mind. MapR enables big data apps using Hadoop,

Spark, and more to serve business-critical needs that cannot afford to lose data, must run on a 24x7 basis, and

require immediate recovery from node and site failures – all with a smaller data center footprint. MapR supports

these capabilities for the broadest set of data applications from batch analytics to interactive querying and real-time


Key Features

Architecture – MapR Converged Data Platform is 100% binary compatible with the Apache Hadoop distributed file

system (HDFS) to ensure plug-and-play compatibility and no vendor lock-in.

One Platform for Big Data Applications -- Integrates the power of Hadoop and Spark with global event streaming,

real-time database capabilities, and enterprise storage for developing and running data applications.

Open Source Commitment – MapR also contributes to open-source community through contributions to projects

such as Apache Mahout and Apache Drill.

Bottom Line

The MapR Converged Data Platform supports a broad set of applications and uses, including reliable and real-time

applications, and global event streaming with web-scale storage, for developing and running data applications in a

single cluster.

350 Holger Way

San Jose, CA 95134

United States

+1 408-914-2390

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Data Management

anagement MarkLogic

MarkLogic offers a next generation database that is built with a flexible data

model to store, manage, and search today’s data, without sacrificing any of

the data resiliency and consistency features of last-generation relational

databases. With these capabilities, MarkLogic is ideally suited for making

heterogeneous data integration simpler and faster and for doing dynamic

content delivery at massive scale.

From the Company

“Since our inception in 2001, MarkLogic Corporation has focused on offering organizations a new generation

database platform designed to integrate, store, manage, and search more data than ever before. Global enterprises

and governments rely on MarkLogic to power intelligent, high performance applications aimed at analyzing data for

better insights and also running crucial day-to-day business operations. With MarkLogic, organizations achieve

faster time-to-value than was possible with legacy relational databases, while minimizing risk and improving data


Key Features

Simpler Data Integration – Cut down on expensive data integration by quickly ingesting all of your data as-is, and

then do agile application development without constraints on top of a stable data layer.

One Unified Platform – Perform all functions as a single platform, eliminating the need for separate systems for

transactions, analytics, and search.

Reduced Costs – Deploy enterprise applications on cost-effective commodity servers in the cloud, while preserving

the option to change hardware, data, and scale in the future.

Bottom Line

MarkLogic is an operational and transactional Enterprise NoSQL database that is designed to integrate, store,

manage, and search more data.

999 Skyway Road

San Carlos, CA, 94070

United States

+1 877-992-8885

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Data Management

anagement MemSQL

MemSQL combines real-time streaming, database, and data warehouse

workloads for sub-second processing and reporting in a single, scalable, easy-

to-manage database. Their product offers a real-time monitoring system that

supports many applications ranging from data center management to fraud

detection. While stream processing engines get one chance to analyze data

on the fly, MemSQL provides both real-time ingest and retention for historical


From the Company

“As the world changes—and it's changing faster than ever—you need to be adapting to it. You need to be anticipating

problems before they occur. You need to be able to shift direction as fast as the trends do. And you need to know, in

the moment, that you're shifting in the right direction. The businesses that shape the future will be the ones capable

of this. They will make every moment work for them. Every change will become an opportunity. Insights will become

actions. And every piece of data, a new perspective that drives innovation and engagement. This will not wait. This is

today. Tomorrow. And every second of every day to come. This is what will separate the companies that thrive from

the ones that die.”

Key Features

Horizontal Scalability – MemSQL leverages a distributed computing model that’s easy to set up, maintain, and

scale. Reduce upfront and long-term maintenance costs with scale out on commodity hardware from your data

center to the cloud.

Deploy Anywhere – Choose from on-premises or cloud deployments that align with your existing infrastructure.

Horizontally scale on commodity hardware without a large up-front investment in a data center or in the cloud.

Analytics on New Data – By converging transaction and analytic processing, MemSQL eliminates unnecessary data

transfer and ETL.

Bottom Line

MemSQL is a high-performance, in-memory database that combines the horizontal scalability of distributed

systems with the familiarity of SQL.

534 Fourth Street

San Francisco, CA 94107

United States

+1 855-463-6775

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Data Management



Microsoft’s database management solution offers easy installation,

configuration, integration, and deployment. Microsoft helps by installing and

configuring the APS appliance, offering users an ecosystem of partners,

including Mariner, who help with planning, deployment and support.

Using PolyBase, it now supports the ability to query data using SQL across

the traditional data warehouse, plus data stored in the Hadoop region,

whether in the appliance or a separate Hadoop Cluster.

From the Company

“The Microsoft Analytics Platform System can meet the demands of your evolving data warehouse environment with

its scale-out, massively parallel processing integrated system supporting hybrid data warehouse scenarios. It

provides the ability to query across relational and non-relational data by leveraging Microsoft PolyBase and industry-

leading big data technologies. It offers the lowest price per terabyte for large data warehouse workloads.”

Key Features

Enterprise-Ready Big Data – PolyBase provides data processing and analytics by enabling seamless integration

between traditional data warehouses and big data deployments.

Next-Generation Performance – Get fast information to insight across petabytes of data with Microsoft Analytics

Platform System.

Engineered for Optimal Value – Products are engineered APS for optimal value through software innovations which

result in a lower cost for the appliance.

Bottom Line

Microsoft offers a data management platform for solving the integration challenges of MDM applications by

providing a wide range of data transformation and cleansing functionalites to manage unique identifiers,

attributes, and a set of development tools to create and manage large-scale data integration solutions

One Microsoft Way

Redmond, WA 98052

United States

+1 800-642-7676

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anagement Oracle

On February 24, 2014, Oracle announced that it signed an agreement to

acquire BlueKai’s Marketing Cloud solution and combine it with Oracle’s

Data Management Platform to personalize marketing programs and

customer experience. Oracle’s DMP give companies the ability to build rich

user profiles, combining information from first party and third party sources

including media, advertising, social, and mobile sources.

From the Company

“Modern marketers require new ways of acquiring, centralizing, interpreting, and activating customer data across

marketing channels so that they can enhance the customer experience and maximize the return on their marketing

spend. The addition of BlueKai to the Oracle Marketing Cloud enables marketers to act on data across both known

customers and new audiences and precisely target customers with a personalized message across all channels.”

Key Features

Retargeting – Implement customized re-targeting campaigns based on specific activities and behaviors taken on

or offline

Prospecting – Integrate with third-party audience data source to acquire anonymous data to achieve higher

precision and scale with targeting campaigns

Site Optimization – Use first or third-party data to determine customized content for different consumers when

they come to your website

Audience Intelligence – Contrast your site audience against third-party data sources to learn more about specific

audience attributes to target more likely converters.

Bottom Line

Oracle helps marketing teams by delivering customers relevant messages that resonate with their wants and

needs. Advertisers connect with the right audiences at the right time in the purchase cycle, generating more sales

and higher marketing ROI.

500 Oracle Parkway

Redwood Shores, CA


United States

+1 650-506-7000

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Data Management


Based in San Francisco and Tel Aviv, is the cloud-based Data

Management for analytics company. enables companies to

seamlessly implement an end-to-end Data Management solution simplifying

and automating analytical Data Management tasks associated with running

Big Data on the cloud for mid-stage companies.’s technology is

based on machine learning and self-optimizing processes that analyze

query patterns, metadata and configurations to more easily and affordably

enable and improve Data Analytics infrastructure. The company is privately-

held and funded by investors such as Blumberg Capital and Intel Capital

From the Company

“ is a cloud-based Data Management platform for analytics that streamlines time and value for data

engineers, scientists and analysts – automating the full data stack without the overhead of preparing and modeling

data, or managing infrastructure – cutting down development time by 80 percent.”

Key Features

Machine Learning Self-Optimization – Requires no schema, modeling or configuration. utilizes machine

learning and natural language processing (NLP) to automate standard Data Management activities.

Any Data, any tool, any scale – With its ETL-less integration pipeline, connects to a wide variety of

structured and semi-structured data sources – absorbing billions of writes daily without a line of code and

seamlessly working with any analytics tool, from dashboarding to Business Intelligence and data mining.

Fully-Managed Infrastructure – handles the infrastructure while providing full control. With its fully-

managed, end-to-end cloud platform, allows users to capture, process, store and analyze all your data


Bottom Line automates all the Data Management tasks associated with running Big Data on the cloud so that

engineers and data scientists can focus on exploring data to discover and drive business value.

Isserles, 22

67014 Tel Aviv


+972 54 977 7862

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anagement Pivotal

Pivotal is an independent software company owned by EMC, VMware and

GE. It provides an open-source managed solution and its products include

Pivotal Greenplum and Pivotal HDB. To help companies adopt big data and

analytics and create data-driven business models, Pivotal has rolled these

open source technologies into a platform called Pivotal Big Data Suite.

Pivotal Big Data Suite allows companies to modernize their data

infrastructure, discover more insights with advanced analytics, and build

analytic applications at scale.

From the Company

“Pivotal Big Data Suite is agile, cloud-ready, and open. Companies can become agile with their data - modernizing

their data infrastructure, gaining insights with fast advanced analytic queries, and quickly making it operational with

rapid app development. Big Data Suite components can be deployed on commodity hardware, pre-certified

appliances, virtualized and private cloud instances, hybrid cloud configurations and in public clouds. Finally, Big Data

Suite is based on open source software, including the ODPi core.”

Key Features

Store and Process Any Size and Type of Data – Modernizing data infrastructure allows customers to implement a

business data lake. Data from any source can be ingested in any format, whether as batch files or at real-time

streaming velocity.

Parallel Processing on Large Data Sets – By deploying an advanced analytics platform, customers can apply data

science to discover new insights for solving business problems.

Bottom Line

With Pivotal Big Data Suite users can mix use of different products in the portfolio as the business requirements

evolve. The solution is priced by the core.

3495 Deer Creek Road

Palo Alto, CA 94304

United States

+1 650-846-1600

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Data Management

anagement RedPoint

RedPoint Global is a data management and integrated marketing technology

company, headquartered in Wellesley, Massachusetts, and was founded in

2006. Redpoint’s data management solutions include: RedPoint Convergent

Marketing Platform, RedPoint Interaction, Interaction Real-Time, RedPoint

Data Management and RedPoint Data Management for Hadoop. The products

drive marketing success through more precise customer engagement with

speed, efficiency and simplicity.

From the Company

“We're reaching a tipping point in which nearly every decision will be driven by data. That means everyone will need

to pay particular attention to the quality of their data. Without data quality, you can't make truly informed business

decisions. As we head into the New Year, the quality of data, along with the scalability and performance of data

management solutions will only increase in importance. The success of our customers is our top priority, and we

look forward to continuing to serve data management and data quality tools in 2016.”

Key Features

Use any Data, Any Source – Extract, transform and deliver any data – structured or unstructured — to or from any

source with market-leading speed, efficiency and accuracy.

Achieve High Data Quality Faster – Cleanse data rapidly, standardizing, geo-coding, matching, linking, and more –

while also creating and maintaining persistent keys to ensure quality is maintained over time.

One Application for Data Quality and Integration – Avoid the mistakes and inefficiencies of handling data quality

and data integration separately .Ensure data governance by creating a single point of control.

Bottom Line

RedPoint Global offers a comprehensive set of ETL, data quality and data integration applications that operate in

and across both traditional and Hadoop 2.0/YARN environments. The company also offers data-driven customer

engagement solutions that help companies derive insights from customer behaviors and create consistent,

relevant messaging across all channels

36 Washington Street

Wellesley Hills, MA


United States

+1 781-725 0250

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anagement Relay42

Relay42 is an enterprise Data Management Platform (DMP), recognized by

the likes of Google, McKinsey and Deloitte for its ability to personalize

marketing at scale. By integrating every customer channel advertisers can

deliver accurate, relevant customer journeys beyond business silos.

From the Company

“Relay42 offers the next generation Data Management Platform (DMP), with a strong focus on top enterprises in

finance, travel, telco, utilities and retail. The Relay42 plug-and-play DMP is agnostic by design, delivering on

technology’s promise of data-driven personalization at scale, without ever disrupting existing IT infrastructures, or

compromising on security and compliance. Relay42 enables marketers to choose their best-of-breed marketing tech

stack. Generating more wins, reducing waste and sharpening the competitive edge for world class brands such as

Air France, ING, ABN AMRO, TNT and KLM.”

Key Features

Plug-and-Play – Eliminate the risk of disrupting or overhauling existing business infrastructure.

Agile Integrations – 150+ existing technical integrations alongside plug-and-play capabilities, enterprises can start

fast and retain control of their varied MarTech stack, delivering quick results.

Fully Configurable – With a proven 99.5% match rate, Relay42’s identity management is accurate, flexible and


Advanced Artificial Intelligence – Advanced and comprehensive artificial intelligence technology allows marketers

to optimize campaigns.

Bottom Line

Relay42 is a fully vendor agnostic, plug-and-play Data Management Platform. It integrates with any channels

enterprises have tested and chosen to be the best fit for them. This means that any chosen martech and adtech

tools – now and in the future- can be optimized, maximizing their performance in conjunction with the broader

marketing ecosystem.

180 Oxford Street

London W1D 1NN

United Kingdom

+44 020 369 505 83

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anagement Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse that

analyzes data using existing business intelligence tools. Amazon Redshift’s

data warehouse architecture allows users to automate most of the common

administrative tasks associated with provisioning, configuring and monitoring

a cloud data warehouse. Backups to Amazon S3 are continuous, incremental

and automatic. The ability to provision huge databases as needed, without

going through a costly and slow procurement process to obtain the hardware

and software and the ability to scale to handle huge databases, perhaps well

beyond the petabyte range.

From the Company

“The architecture of Amazon Redshift enables automation of many common administrative tasks, including

provisioning, configuring and monitoring a data warehouse in the cloud. Data backup to Amazon Simple Storage

Service (S3) is continuous, incremental and automatic. Data recovery from S3 is easy, with disaster recovery across


Key Features

Optimized for Data Warehousing – Amazon Redshift uses a variety of innovations to obtain very high query

performance on datasets ranging in size from a hundred gigabytes to a petabyte or more. It uses columnar

storage, data compression, and zone maps to reduce the amount of I/O needed to perform queries.

Scalable – With a few clicks of the AWS Management Console or a simple API call, you can easily change the

number or type of nodes in your cloud data warehouse as your performance or capacity needs change. Dense

Storage (DS) nodes allow you to create very large data warehouses using hard disk drives (HDDs).

No Up-Front Costs – You pay only for the resources you provision. You can choose On-Demand pricing with no up-

front costs or long-term commitments, or obtain significantly discounted rates with Reserved Instance pricing.

Bottom Line

Amazon Redshift is integrated with other AWS services and has built in commands to load data in parallel to each

node from Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB or your EC2 and on-premise servers using SSH. AWS Data

Pipeline, Amazon Kinesis, and AWS Lambda integrate with Amazon Redshift as a data target. You can also

load streaming data into Amazon Redshift using Amazon Kinesis Firehose.

1200 12th Avenue

Seattle, WA 98144

United States

+1 206-266-4064

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anagement RiverSand

A major benefit of RiverSand’s Solution suite is its integration – all of its

modules have been developed using the same interface, data model and

application framework. This offers clients a level of cohesion as they

implement flexible business processes within the Solution suite. For

instance, RiverSand’s Data Quality, Digital Asset Management, and Dynamic

Publishing functionality are all integrated with its MDM solution to increase

productivity throughout a retailer’s catalog production process.

From the Company

“Master Data is the critical information about customers, products, suppliers or similar categories. It is the

foundational information used throughout an organization to establish workflow and make key business decisions.

When Master Data is correct, consistent and up-to-date across an enterprise, management can achieve a holistic

view of its internal operations, partner interactions and customer behaviors. This 360 view provides a "Single Source

of Truth" creating increased efficiencies that result in higher profit margins.”

Key Features

Centralized – Access accurate and reliable data from one central repository. This gives users across the company

a single point of reference when they need to look up data- eliminating any mismatched data being used by the

different departments within the company.

Comprehensive – Data is presented in a structured and organized way and linked to transaction systems data

using ODS, making it easier for management to identify potential areas for improvement, and opportunities that

can be leveraged by the business to improve efficiencies or increase profitability

Bottom Line

RiverSand's Enterprise MDM Solution enables enterprises to centralize all processes relating to Master Data. The

solution can manage all CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) workflows from a single data repository. Bridge

related data across multiple domains to provide accurate data globally, ensuring continued success while offering

a competitive advantage.

2929 Briarpark Drive

Houston, TX 77042

United States

+1 713-934-8899

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anagement SAP

SAP SE is a multinational software company. The Company develops

business software, including e-business and enterprise management

software, consults on organizational usage of its applications software, and

provides training services. SAP markets its products and services

worldwide. Database solutions allow businesses to create, distribute, and

maintain complete, accurate master data with SAP’s master data

management software.

From the Company

“SAP offers both SAP IQ and SAP Hana. SAP IQ, the first column-store DBMS, is available as a stand-alone DBMS.

SAP Hana is an in-memory column store that supports operational and analytical use cases; it is also offered as an

appliance, a cloud solution (SAP Hana Cloud Platform) and a reference architecture (SAP Hana tailored data center

integration [TDI]). SAP also delivers SAP Business Warehouse (BW) on Hana.”

Key Features

Comprehensive – Consolidate master data from heterogeneous sources into a centralized repository

Maintain – Cleanse, normalize, and enrich master data through integration with SAP Data Services

Efficient – Improve business process efficiency by delivering reliable master data to operational system

Support – Data governance through integration with SAP business process management software

Bottom Line

The SAP HANA platform offers cloud, on-premises and hybrid deployment options to customers, with its benefits

including a smaller data footprint, higher throughput, faster analytics and faster access to data.

Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16

69190 Walldorf


+49 (0)6227 / 7-47474

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anagement SAS Institute

Headquartered in North Carolina, SAS Institute started as a project at North

Carolina State University to create a statistical analysis system (hence the

proper name, Statistical Analysis System) that was originally used primarily by

agricultural departments at universities in the late 1960s. SAS Data

Management is an industry-leading solution built on a data quality platform

that helps you improve, integrate and govern your data. The company

provides software applications including business intelligence, data

integration, fraud management, financial intelligence, and IT management.

From the Company

“Spreadsheets, emails, reports, customer information, vendor records, operational events and other types of data

can too easily become background noise. Add to that the complexity of an IT environment with emerging data

sources like Hadoop colliding with traditional data sources, like Oracle or Microsoft SQL Server. Your data challenges

of the past just got trickier. SAS Data Management helps you make sense of this, turning big data into big value. You

get data access, data quality, data integration and data governance all from a single platform. Now you can spend

less time maintaining your information – and more time running your business.”

Key Features

Centralized Storage – Management and reuse helps you keep data updated and ready for action. Build, document

and collaborate on work and bring new team members up to speed, without a significant learning curve.

Govern and Secure Data – Secured authorization and auditing tools add security to your data management

program, reducing risk exposure.

Work Faster – Use grid-enabled load balancing and multithreaded parallel processing to rapidly transform and

move data, or update with SQL pass-through for popular MPP databases.

Bottom Line

SAS Data Management enables your business users to update data, tweak processes and analyze results

themselves, freeing you up for other projects. Additional services offer a built-in business glossary as well as SAS

and third-party metadata management and lineage visualization capabilities keep everyone on the same page.

100 SAS Campus Drive Cary, NC 27513

United States

+ 1 919-677-8000

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Data Management

anagement Snowflake Computing

Snowflake created a data warehouse that brings big data together data and

makes it available to all of the users and systems that need to analyze it.

With a reinvented data warehouse, Snowflake’s solutions address today’s

data and analytics issues by offering a data warehouse that is flexible,

scalable, and easy to use. Headquartered in San Mateo, California,

Snowflake Computing is delivering a data warehouse designed from the

ground up for the cloud and for today's data needs.

From the Company

“We are a team of data professionals changing how people use data. Our mission: to safely store, transform and

analyze business data, making it easy for everyone to quickly gain insight. Founded with a vision to reinvent the data

warehouse for big data, we built a completely new SQL data warehouse designed for the cloud and for today’s


Key Features

New Architecture – Rather than starting with an existing architecture and software package, Snowflake designed

and implemented its new, unique architecture.

Design for the Cloud – On-premise solutions are complex and can be expensive. Snowflake developed service from

the ground up for the cloud, building on Amazon Web Services.

Deliver a True Service – Focus on data, not on configuration, tuning, and administration. Snowflake’s products

deliver traditional software hosted in the cloud: data warehousing as a service.

Bottom Line

Snowflake Elastic Data Warehouse focuses on scalability, offering “multidimensional elasticity” with the ability to

expand and contract easily to support any scale of data, workloads, and users.

101 S. Ellsworth Avenue

San Mateo, CA 94401

United States

+1 844-766-9355

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Data Management

anagement Stibo Systems

What originally began as a printing company in 1794, The Stibo Group now

provides information management and print technology software for

businesses. Stibo System’s Data Management platform comes with data

quality capabilities designed to handle data profiling, data matching and

enrichment with external reference data and it also includes a user-friendly

interfaces for implementing business rules, checks and controls, including a

graphical interface for verification of uncertain de-duplication and matching

with external sources.

From the Company

“Master Data Management is a combination of processes, governance, policies, standards and tools that work

together to provide a single point of reference. Master data continually defines and manages critical data such as

products, customers, suppliers, assets and their location across the enterprise.

Master Data Management provides consistency and control in maintaining and using information to ensure that an

organization does not use inconsistent versions of the same data in different parts of its business.”

Key Features

Data Quality – Business systems rely on complete, accurate and consistent data to drive high levels of

operational performance, sales conversion and customer service.

Data Governance – Stibo’s data governance capabilities combines data quality, data management and data

policies to business process and risk management while handling and organizing data.

Standards Compliant – As a certified 1WorldSync solution partner, Stibo Systems builds and manages this

connection to provide organizations with a certified resource of standards-compliant services.

Bottom Line

Stibo System’s Data Management solutions help companies manage the quality of their data through de-

duplication, classification, identification, reconciliation and more. Having a central repository for all product-related

information gives organizations a single version of truth for their product master data, delivering significant

operational efficiencies and improving business performance.

Axel Kiers Vej 11

DK-8270 Højbjerg


+45 89 39 11 11

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anagement Talend

Talend Studio, headquartered in Redwood City California, Talend’s Data

management solutions offers graphical drag-and-drop tools, speed design,

test creation, and generation of code in many languages. Talends solution

allows businesses to easily manage and monitor projects from simple, one-

time ETL projects to complex, ongoing data synchronization projects

requiring thousands of jobs.

From the Company

“Talend Data Quality offers a complete solution to profile, cleanse, anonymize and mask data, while monitoring data

quality over time regardless of format or size. Through data de-duplication, validation, standardization and

enrichment you create clean and high-quality data for access, reporting and analytics. Integrate external reference

data sources for postal validation, business identification, credit score information, and more.”

Key Features

Collaborate Effectively – Enable teams of developers to collaborate better and continuously deliver new

functionality reliably using Team Repository feature.

Manage Easily – Centralize deployment and manage more through a web-based Administration Console.

Scale Quickly – Scale up with a high availability environment, virtual servers, and advanced clustering.

Bottom Line

Talend offers data integration in an open and scalable architecture to maximize its value to your business. As

part of the Talend Data management service offering, users are able to access unified tools to integrate, cleanse,

mask and profile all of data.

800 Bridge Parkway Redwood City, CA

94065 United States

+1 650-539 3200

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anagement Teradata

Teradata operates out of Dayton Ohio and offers a diverse selection of

products to help businesses manage data. Teradata offers a data

management platform to deliver high performance, diverse queries, in-

database analytics and sophisticated workload management. Its database

supports and is compatible with enables all of Teradata’s Data Warehouse


From the Company

“For 35 years, Teradata has led the industry in building superior enterprise data warehousing solutions and bringing

improved management agility to organizations. Built from the ground up to be mission critical and highly

responsive, Teradata’s Integrated Data Warehouses are what the world’s largest and most competitive

organizations use for actionable insights and decision based analytics.”

Key Features

Security – The Teradata Database and Teradata Platform Family support a rich set of information security

controls for managing, protecting and auditing access to stored data.

Input and Extraction – Tools and Utilities help integrate the Teradata system into an enterprise and streamline

data warehouse management tasks such as moving massive volumes of data, and accessing multiple data

sources in parallel, while taking crucial steps toward improving your overall Teradata system performance.

Cloud Solutions – Large organizations that want sophisticated business intelligence but do not want to operate a

data center will find the Teradata Cloud Solution ideal.

Bottom Line

Teradata’s DM products provide solutions and services in data warehousing, big data and analytics, and

marketing applications that enable the realization of a data-driven business. In early 2015, the company formed

two divisions: Data & Analytics for its data analytics platforms and related services and Marketing Applications

for its marketing software and related services.

10000 Innovation Drive

Dayton, OH 45342

United States

+1 866-548-8348

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Data Management

anagement Zaloni

Zaloni’s data management product operates on-top of Hadoop, with an

enterprise-grade solution: Bedrock. Bedrock is a data lake management

platform that provides visibility, governance, and reliability to a business’s

data. By simplifying and automating common data management tasks, users

can focus time and resources on building insights and analytics. Bedrock is

compatible with all major Hadoop distributions, most data processing

engines, and applicable to on-premise, cloud-based, or hybrid deployment


From the Company

“Zaloni, the data lake company, is an award-winning provider of enterprise data lake management solutions. Our

software, Bedrock and Mica, enable customers to gain competitive advantage through organized, actionable big

data lakes. Serving the Fortune 500, Zaloni has helped its customers build production implementations at many of

the world’s leading companies.”

Key Features

Process Large Amounts of Data – Bedrock makes it easy to ingest data into the data lake, and all transactions are

defined in advance, tracked and logged and the process is automatable and scalable.

Improve Data Visibility and Reliability – Easily organize and manage data, regardless of volume. It captures

operational, technical, and business metadata so that consumers can search, browse, and find the data they need

for analytics.

Protect Sensitive Data – Data lakes enable multiple groups to share access to centrally stored data. But users

have differing permissions to view information, providing masking and tokenization of data.

Bottom Line

Zaloni Bedrock is a Hadoop-based data management platform that integrates data ingestion, organization, and

preparation and since it was built for hadoop, the need for multiple tools is eliminated. The solution delivers a

scalable, manageable, cost effective, and rapidly deployable platform for building and managing a Hadoop Data


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Over the past three years, Solutions Review has launched ten tech Buyer's Guide sites in categories ranging from

Cybersecurity to Wireless 802.11ac as well as Mobility Management and Business Intelligence, Data Analytics,

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