data loss case study - backup and disaster revovery

THE IMPACT OF NETWORK AND OR SERVER DOWNTIME Posted on 08 March 2012. A failure of a critical Microsoft Windows application can lead to two types of losses: • Loss of the application service – the impact of downtime varies with the application and the business. For example, for some businesses, email can be an absolutely business-critical service that costs thousands of dollars a minute when unavailable. • Loss of data – the potential loss of data due to an outage can have significant legal and financial impact, again depending on the specific type of application. In determining the impact of downtime, you must understand the cost to your business in downtime per minute or hour. In some cases, you can determine a quantifiable cost (orders not taken). Other, less direct costs may include loss of reputation and customer churn. The loss of production data can also be very costly, for a variety of reasons. In the manufacturing environment, the loss of data could affect compliance with regulations, leading to wasted product, fines, and potentially hazardous situations. For example, if a pharmaceutical company that is manufacturing drugs does not show all of the records of its collected data from the manufacturing process, the FDA could force the company to throw away its entire batch of drugs. Because it is critical to know the value for every variable when manufacturing drugs, the company could face fines for not complying with FDA regulations.

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Don\'t let your business go out of business losing your customers data!


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A failure of a critical Microsoft Windows application can lead to two types of losses:

• Loss of the application service – the impact of downtime varies with the application and the business. For example, for some businesses, email can be an absolutely business-critical service that costs thousands of dollars a minute when unavailable.

• Loss of data – the potential loss of data due to an outage can have significant legal and financial impact, again depending on the specific type of application.

In determining the impact of downtime, you must understand the cost to your business in downtime per minute or hour. In some cases, you can determine a quantifiable cost (orders not taken). Other, less direct costs may include loss of reputation and customer churn.

The loss of production data can also be very costly, for a variety of reasons. In the manufacturing environment, the loss of data could affect compliance with regulations, leading to wasted product, fines, and potentially hazardous situations. For example, if a pharmaceutical company that is manufacturing drugs does not show all of the records of its collected data from the manufacturing process, the FDA could force the company to throw away its entire batch of drugs. Because it is critical to know the value for every variable when manufacturing drugs, the company could face fines for not complying with FDA regulations.

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Publicly-traded companies may need to ensure the integrity of financial data, while financial institutions must adhere to SEC regulations for maintaining and protecting data. For monitoring and control software, data loss and downtime interrupts your ability to react to events, alarms, or changes that require immediate corrective action.

The bottom line is downtime is very expensive and preventing downtime is the most important factor in any business operation.

Mike Rafferty Senior Account Manager Microtech-Tel 720-244-3884

[email protected] "Your Path to the Cloud"—A secure way for companies to connect people & data, improve storage capabilities, and control costs.

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7/19/2012 1Course 2: Virtual Servers

Back up & Recovery Solution

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7/19/2012 2Course 2: Virtual Servers

Data is Everywhere!! The hard truths of business:

• Every company in business creates Data• Every company in business moves Data• Every company in business stores Data

• NOT every company protects Data• NOT every company backs up Data• NOT every company has a plan to restore their Data

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7/19/2012 3Course 2: Virtual Servers

Hardware or




Human Error











Leading Causes of Data Loss

Hardware or System MalfunctionIncluding:

- Electrical Failure-Controller Failure

Human Error Including:- Accidental Deletion- Trauma to the Server

(drop or fall)

Software Corruption Including- Failed Backups

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7/19/2012 4Course 2: Virtual Servers

In late 2011 a class action lawsuit for $4.9 billion was filed against the U.S. DefenseDepartment for “… the theft of a computer tape containing personal and sensitive health

information from the car of an employee…” – NextGov.

“93% of businesses who lose their data for a 10 day period due to a disaster will file forbankruptcy within one year”- (National Archives & Records Association).

Every week 140,000 hard drives crash in the United States. (Mozy)

Simple drive recovery can cost upwards of $7,500and success is not guaranteed !!

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7/19/2012 5Course 2: Virtual Servers


The Traditional Backup

Other Disaster Recovery Competitors

And there are many more!

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7/19/2012 6Course 2: Virtual Servers

Traditional Back-up

Customer Scenario:– Must Request Raw Data from

Provider (IT Dept./ Carbonite/PCBackup, Etc.)

– Must Reload System OS

– Must Rebuild File Structure

– Must Reload Specialty anyApplications

– Must Migrate & Rebuild OnsiteExchange Data (Emails)

– Repurchase Software License

– Repurchase Hardware (Server)

Makes DisasterRecovery:

1. Time consuming,

2. Costly

3. Ineffective!!

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7/19/2012 7Course 2: Virtual Servers

Hardware U

MTT Recovery Solution

Makes recovery: Rapid,Reliable, Manageable, &Affordable

Simplifies & Automates Recovery• Returns all DATA Files (.Wrd, Xls.PDF, JPEG, etc)

• Restores All System OS, SoftwareKeys and Specialty Applications

• Recovers Exchange (Email) andSQL

•Data (File Structure & CustomerData)

Virtual Server Launch –within 1hour you can login from anyremote PC and run yourbusiness!!

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7/19/2012 8Course 2: Virtual Servers

When Stacked Against the Competition….

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7/19/2012 9Course 2: Virtual Servers

MTT’s BDR Solution

Your Customer’s

Local Area


The solution

synchronizes their data

via SSL Encryption

every evening and sends

the information to our


An On-Site Appliance will

be taking images of the

server every 60 minutes.Their data is stored on

their server

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7/19/2012 10Course 2: Virtual Servers

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7/19/2012 11Course 2: Virtual Servers

Backup and Disaster Recovery

Offer Your Customers

Peace of Mind

A Recovery Plan

Operational Cost