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SCCt'i(I!1 I. PRf:VUnICU 1,1.'0 POST - /\DJUDI CATl 0:-:
A. Tnlilnts, Dropouts, and Unemployed Young r<en B. Pl'cJa ti on C. Pi! to 1 e D. Ci ty /County COt'I"ccti ons E. St?tc COI"I'ecti ons F. Fonns:
1. Cort€:ctions Institution 2. Alcohol Det0~ification Center 3. flc I'coti cs r.:':cJi ct"i on Treatnent 4. Ho. if\·:ay l-:JUSe and Co:;,~ntmity Tl'eH..r:ent
Section II. DETERi<WCE, 02:TECTIO:1 AND {,PrnEHENSIOrl-CO;';;;;U;;il
A. Con~r,lU n.ity Re 1 at ions B. T~nant Patrols. C. Ernerqcnc\' Assistance D. Civiiian' Rcvie\i Bom'd E. Stolen rl·Op.:~tty
Section III. . DETERREfiCE~ l)ETECTION PorW !\prREHE1;SIor: _ POLIC£
A. Police Organization B. Po1i ce Pet in1 C. Reco}"ds and CO~l;;;unication O. Criminal Inv8stigation E. i':'imincl1istics F. Planning and·Research G. Insoection and Review H. Narcotics 1. Sheriff J. Training and Recruitment K. General
Section V. CFW·~I;~t\L \.'UST~C?, CC(;i'.OI:;;,TIOr!
, I
P,. Tl'lI-'i11.c;, Sr/1(l:l1 nr':'j:)utc;: (:pd UnC:;,:')'(."/:'d YOU:10 r:-,fl. ------_. , ._-._- -----.. -~-.. -----.. --.-- 1. llu8Jct rind Percent of truants and days truunt for:
Ltlst r:c:~,th 105 Last 12 f""1"iit rl:' -6'22:--------- rJu~ ;-t' ':-"n r O}' 1',';: ,:-""7j ' -;-;,-:::-: 1:;;-" r" c--;-;-:"-}-':'-":-=-"" 1J li"\lc' j ; J '" h] '"' r "" .,·1 I (,........ _'-" " '.Io.~ ,\.04. ". ',t~ ._ .. l.(~-' .. ~ .. ..._- ... -.--. -- ... _ .. ...-
age, ? rll~':1bi?r and Percent of truants fer 1 list 1? i:;C~lths b~l)
sex r are ":S scL."o', "1"'C;'~ l-v'Jl ..,Celr:"'1-'· -Crl,'O\I--'''+ c'~c ' ~ ': ..):. > I,~) ~ c. l~ / t t. ) (, ,-".; - i, I v c.::. _ ..... ,.; I , \.0) <.:... ,
3. t.!urr.bct' and Percent 0;= dl'OUpouts fo}":
Last mcrlth N/A Lust i2 r:ClilU:S Iif93----- Pattct'n for last :f')It;[;j·s if av~i i~Sre_Ni.A __
4. r:l,J:nbel" £;nd Pet'cc:nt of dropouts c,)' c,ge, sex, 1'{'C~:) ses, school stade level, aC3ue:n;c achicV0ment, etc. See lA,
Question 4 5. Have uny !;tudit:s or evaluations been done to aSCr.:r'tail,
reasons for truancy Ctnd dropouts? (I~on-relevance) need to 1.'0rk, etc. Results? Yes. See IB, Question 5
6. Extent of Crime attributable to truants and dropouts? N/A 7. Types of cl'irGE's attributable to truants and dtopouts?
~use nurg~ary, Auto Larceny, Shoplifting 8. W~at programs ate currently avail&ble?
(a) Special Counseling? Yes
( c) Youth \'!ork and study? Yes
( d) Special diagnostic and treatment? Yes (e) Public service employment and training?
( f) Recreat i Dna 1 and creative arts? Yes
(9) Other. Officer Friendly Program of Atlanta Police Department
9. For each program: .
(b) Total enrolln~nt over stipulated time perioci (1 ;f./
Most of these programs are integral ports of the total program of the Atlanta Public
Schools and, therefore, are not accounted for separately.
In. .l Q. 4 •
Truc.:mts Dropouts Number Percent Number Perc~nt Age 5-9 NA NA 10 .02 Age 10-12 NA NA 21 .07 Age 13-14 NA NA 177 .11 Age 15-16 Nl-. NA 1036 11. 74 CO Nale 317 51 994 1. 79 Female 305 49 755 1.38 Hhite 249 40 NA NA Black 367 ·59 NA NA Other 6 1 NA NA Grade 1-3 NA NA 9 .03 Q • Grade 4-6 NA NA 5 .02 Grade 7-9 NA NA 463 1.72 Grade 10-12 NA NA 1026 5.37 CO " ~'t
8 9 10
80 41 27
Number of pupils who repeated the same grade more than once
Reasons For Dropout - **Code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N.A. * 125 93 51 13 15 5 31 41 29 296 41 11
1. Goin.g to \vork 2. Marriage 3. Parenthood 4. Inability to learn succGasful1y 5. Joined armed services (~
6. Family hardship 7. Disciplinary 8. Illness 9. Immaturity
10. Indifference - lack of interest in academic studies 11. Other
Parents' Occupation:
Armed Laborer Prof. Bus. Force. Mfg. Service Farmer Sk. Unsk. Domes. Unemp. Decea.
22 79 . 5 53 117 4 102 131 41 28
10 26 19 92 14 31 70 374 6
Home Status of Dropout:
B. Living with other than both natural parents 270
(~ ~ C. Unknown 24
Principal reasons for dropping out:
a. Dislikes school. b. Is failing ill school. c. Belongs to a which neGUS economic help. d. Loaves SC11001 iX'c'::.l1se of ma~:-riClge (1r prc::gncmcy. e. Leaves school to take a job.
(c) ~ver~£~ 10~~ch 0 F p~rti(iD~t;0".
(c) Enr011l~,::lL "dr;itvd to 0:1(: s=:hcoL several, tc:t<11 (.t\: :,~':)i ty?
(f) UsC! of st f.lcer.ts arid vol u'ib:er~ from ca;r:.11unity?
(g) Fu~ding S0~rCQs?
10. E)I.~,ent of ('::':;,: nHy aytarl~n'2SS one: S(}~;-'crt of progl"alr;s and sc. rvi C2S. The community is generally aware of availaL12 services and
supports them. 11. rj,l;lG~ni.. arId F0I'Ct;·tl'C of f\.1!i~,) in c;:y bud£l2t Clnd scilool
budgGt fCT Pi'O~jl-;::il:';. N/A
12. E}:~.::~::~t ri" rGfE:'r~'a1 Fio2C'~::1II~S;~:; ;:;,,'::\'ilt:blo ~:1d used. Counselors, social workers, and others
13. \':/:at (11':: L:',12 ldiC!I,p'lo:;i1,~nt \'QtG~ for Vc;l"'iOliS aSe groups? SES groups? racial groups? skill group~?
area? 14. Are tlJetc (iny special inl;Jedim::nts to en.ploym::nt in the
(a) Racial discriminations?
(b) Lack of lm'/-ski11 ,jobs? , Yes ,-,
(c) Excess of ski11 ed pel'sonn.:: 1 VIHhout cmp 1 oyment?
(d) Cut-backs in one O)~ man: p\'im'; a\'ea industl'ies? Yes
15. To what e>:te:nt can crirr2 be attributed to the unemploy­ ed young man? ~'Ihat types of crime arc: r;;ost prevalent I'lith this popul at; on. Unemployed young person's frequently steal to g(=t money.
16. ('Jhat i denti f; Geti on and "Outread" P)'ogl'Ctfns exi st? See below
17. Hhat remedial programs exist?
(a) Remedi a1 education? Yes
(b) Highe\' education?
(d) Coope\'ative school pi'Og rams,? Yes
, ,-
I , !
( • 18.
Most of these programs arc integral p~rts of the total program of th(:: Atlanta Public Schools, and, therefore are not accounted for sep~rately.
(g) Cr-L!nsclil1g sCl'\'iccs? Yes
For each pl'ogn:m determine:
(a) Ih.h0l" and ty;.e of c1icr:~.c1e or given data and duti n9 gi '.'t.n, ti C'2 p~i i Lid.
(h) liveragc length of pc.f'ticip:tion in program.
(c) Geographical f..I'Ea c:;vered.
(e) Use of ex-parJ.:.icipcn~:. ol\d volunteers?
(f) Live-in facilities.
(h) Organization (Fcdernl, state:, private) and funding sources.
19. Ext.C:'nt of co:nmunity a\'tarlmcss and Sl1;JrlOrt of programs and se\~vi ces'. The comnmni ty is g,,=nertlily aT,'lare of the
services and supports them. 20. Amount and percent of funds in city budget and school
budget for programs. Not Available
21. Extent of referral machanisms available and use. Referrals to other agencies are freely and frequently made by counselors, social workers and others as problems arise.
I r
I , t
I f
-t, -
n. Pro~I:,tiO:l ----- 22. \'Ihat ore th£! tlcfl]inistrlltivQ (lnd/or !itc.tutory crite;ria
you v:;e t("! c':.;U:· ';nc \':'~cti:Ci' t. r::'i'~'~~1 is C0,:::.i~:ft'd fur l:c:icn end rr?n: r,:,~'c.;rl~ p:'''''~,:.,.rI': {\ j!.";.:rJilc:) ( ,','oL'th) 0)' an adult? F'lof.:.sQ C'>:plain. Sec 4u, Question 22
Exr10in tne Op~l'dl. .. j(jf) of rr2b\~ti(Jn (l:.g. b:.:sical1y (. city functiun) a CO:Jiity Tl1nctioi., a std.(; function, a cC'::L~in?ticrl?) and ir.dic.~tc the £lflt:l'lcy or a~(;flcies in the city a:rG 9ih' ti12 totnl nUi".,)c;I· of cc;ses wd tile a',c~ri:1':'~' IH .. ' .. ;.'~r of c::'.:;(~~. j·,.::nuir:(: in Cine: r.:ontll 0',01' the past 12 rnv:nhs. S08' page: 4a, qu.=stion 23 '
Totnl Cas0s
[ J City
Average l':o!l lilly ,~ ur:lbe t 0 f ~lu\'eni 'Ie Cases
----._---- 572
24. NU:Jber of people on r>robation residing or \'lOr::ing in the city if knovm:
gltlp19~'m,-,---__ number of adults __ ..u6.!l2-____ number of j uvenil es
25. Do any of the fo1l0i'/in~1 levels which hetndle rl'obation~· handle only mi s demeanant pr obati on?
[ ] Yes
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[x] ilo
26. (Ire there set prC'cedllres fot dealinq \'lith ovel'laDping ptobcl'Lion jurisdictions, such as a youth or aault p~~ced on probation from both state and county COUtts?
ex] Yes [ ] No
Please explain procedures bGlow: The state assigns two circuit probation officers to this department who supervis~s cases transferr~d into this j uri,sc1iction.
27. Is there an allocation for probation in the city budget?
[ ] Yes [xl No
· ... ", ,
• Question 22 - Persons under 1 7 years !)f a~TC are juveniles. This is set forlh in 24i1-401 (c) (1) of the Seorgia Criwino.l Code. Id:ter July 1, 1973, the agc \'.'i11 be to 18 years.
Question 23 - Probation in the state of Georgia is basically a state function. However, whon the state first started a statewide probn tien dep&rt!110n t I sevGt'c:l of t~lC cQunti(;:; il,,-:.d alrct..(ly establ i!.h:::-c1 a probation deportment. These counties were allo~ed to cOlltinuo to maintain their own probation department. Fulton County has its own probation department as a result of this. The City does not have a probation department except fo~ payment of traffic fines.
?" ... 0. Li~\t t.h~' me',( r of Pl'c~~iJti(n CCtSH:nr;'·" rs lit eRch ocl:1;in';strativ(.· 1 ~,' \'·1 .. and ~verase size of coselcad:
t;u.:,~el" of pl'o~t;ti on Average size of a ca S (MC ti(e rs cas~\York(!l"'s casc::load
~tatc N/A . --- Federa 1
29. !~hd tare the educational requi tPl1iGnts for a probation caseworker? /-(' u,,~) Some H.S. Some Co 11 ege Graduc.te
Hone H.S. Oi Q 1 o:r.a £oll~ Oe~, D::qrc.?_
City [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Fede ra 1 [ ] [ J [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
~ ( 30. Indicate the nu;;~)er of probation cas(!h'orket's who hcwe completed their \.. --- fo1101·,i n9: educati on lVi til one of th::
Some H.S. Some Coll ege Graduate: None H.S. Di P 1 oma. College Oeqree . Degree
CO V',:'" City [ ] [ ] [ ] ( ] [ ] [ ]
State [ ) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]
Federal [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ , ~
31. Indi cate the number of caseworkers in the fo 11 01·1i ng age groups.
40-54 55+
7 4
\~ht1t is the stortinq (lnd (~'rlXit.::..rl anr:UJl salz;ry for u p)'obation Ci.1se worl:er by c:duLdLi(ln' if arplicab'lc? .
, Ci ty
8874 8874 ----.-- -
33. \'Jhilt is t.he avcl'vgQ tir.)"~ of service \--lith the city and county state ane fcdera 1 probat10n off; co of il CllS8\iotker?
yrs. ------ months ------.-; _____ --"yrs. months ------
34. \~hat perccntc:ge of probCl.tioners successfully completpd pt'obation in the most recent 12-month period for which data are available?
Percentage successful Time frame
State. -------..- ----- Feder'al
35. Is there a full-tilli'2 job d~vcloPQr on the staff of the city probation 'off; ce? County probati on offi ce? State pj'obat; on offi ce? Fcder'a 1 Probation office?
City [ ] Yes [ ] No
" l_
36. PlcCl:'f ,-;';"'(' 2 ~'l'!~~!r,;:'l (I,',C:":;-·:.ic,', (,f ~,~·c:':.:i;r, \',;;1(,(,0;1'1',)7('; in ill':~ city ir.dicvtir~~· :;;:: 1:ir.~~; rf ~.:·r";I·,·.i·,<; ,l~,::i Vii? nu',i:c-r (If ~)2rticir1(-::lts 'j n etl C 11 c:t C :lc.n 1 o Vi:: ~oi- C'G\':'"r:,~':~'nT-Cf:; tV, Cou';-;-0,,-,- 'S-(cJ-Cc!:,-r0(~~I'~1T)----- . --
SeG 7A, Question 36
f '
37. Is there a ~robation board at the city, county al~d/or stll~e level?
City [J Yes [X] No
County [)(J Yes [ ] lio
State [J Yes [ ] tio
[ [
39. Are tlH?I'e some probation officers 'responsible exclusively fOl' juvenile cases? Yes
# of juvenile v'obation officers
--0 Federal ;../
40. List and describe all probation programs specifically designed for juveniles by each ~rr~dt;on office. Also give the rUlllber of pal'ticipants in euch program as of December 1, 1971.
See Page 7A, Que~tion 40
41. Has the ci ty) county or state recei ved any Off; ce of Lal'/ Enforcement AssistancE or LEAA grants for probation?
Grant # Title {l,'.'lard Pet'i ad Amount Ptoject 0; rector
,Sc.e 1$ QU.e.54-I'o,; L{l
City or County or State
<. '. A '1'11is dcpartmGnt coun~;cls cmc1 sUi-.c~rviscs cr:.n"inetl offenders I both ,., misdenccJ.J1unts unc1 f:clon~:: I \:ho sentenced by thG courts cJ.nd
placl::u Oll P1:0JJU tion. uur sc,rvi co:; to the ceur ts is to sUPi.:Jly in­ fon,latiol1 for t:sc. of th2 tric~l j l1dS;::s in c1if~posi ::iO;1 0:: c~ses. 'I" 1J" s t'I"C''''' t"})'.., ,r ''"'1 0 c }-,)"C' rr."~-r '~,...~ -1"" T~or.J. "''''1t~''{'- ;n"Ol'-" .l..]' on J.... c.}', ... ") ... ...... _.\.J_~J~ 1.. .... - .... ·L: l L. •.• ..: ... - •• :':' ,: .:c .. _' .' 1...- .. ;)1,... ........... ,! .• " ... t..; .1...l... ".~t:"'._
and court attendance. Our service to the client is to provide counseling in all urcaEi, mari tcJ.l, el:!rloym~nt, money management, heQlth. The probnt~on officer serves cJ.S cJ. friend, cJ.dvisor cJ.nd counselor. He has personal kno~le0ge and acquaintance with the va1:ious helping agencies in this co;,'...:;mnity and serves as a re­ ferral agent to them. He helps his clients to obtain and keep emplQyrnent and to keep regular work habits.
/'"'") ;.~. Our service to the comriluni ty is t9 rcstore the probationer as a
law-abiding and responsible citizen. In such cases, he becomes a tax paying consumer, supporting both himself and his dep8ndents. This hu~an betterment flows over into the co~~unity and effects the oncoming generation to a better life. Proper supervision of knOl'm offenders Ihake:3 a safer I more viable conununi ty.
A child found delinquent at an adjudicatory hearing is assigned to a Probation Officer, usually of the same sex, for social in­ vestigation and plan for treatmant. (According to Georgia Ju­ venile Code, a child is delinquent only when he has com8itted a
Q delinquent act and is in need of treatrnent and rehabilitation.) _The Probation Officer makes plans and sets goals "li th the child
and his family which are presented for approval of the Judge at the dispositional hearing. Special contracts are often made which enabl.e the child to earn an early discharge. General
~terms of probcJ.tion are: (1) Attend school or work regularly; ~(2) Obey the law; (3) CooPerate with Probation Officer and parents.
Probation is usually continued six months witll discharge recommended by Probation Officer and approved by the Judge. Group work is used by officers. ~ndividual counseling is giVen to help child achieve goals set. A child's entire family and envirorunent are considered in his rehabilitation.
fO Volunteer Probation Officer Program - 100 - 68 active
vocational Rehabilitation (Behavi~r Modification) 25
Reali~y Therapy Group Meetings (Court Psychologist) 10
ColtUlmni ty Clean Up Groups 12
Citizenship Training Program 15
~1'lCA "First Chance" 20
(Fulton County Adult Prob2tion)
(Fulton County Juvenile C0urt)
(Fulton County Adult Pl-ob.:) tion)
Truining & Placement Officer
In-scrvice Training
]\llie M. Baker .Atlanta
John S. Langford A.tlanta
Lee D. Dillingham Atlanta
J. Carrol Larmore Atlanta
[ .J Yes [Xj No
43. How many parole officers are employed tiOw by the 'fol1o't'Jing:
H ...
44. What is the average monthly caseload of a parole officer and how many people have been paroled over the last l2-month period?
0.. -- City
Number of people paroled
What percentage of parolees successfully completed paroie for the most. recent 12-month period for which data is available?
Is there a full-tii:ie job cC'y'e'/op2t on the staff of the cit.y pa ro 1 c: office'? COl'rlty pa to 1 c offi Ce''? Statf; pa )'0 1 r. o'ff"i ce?
City [ ] Yes [ ] No
State [ , YES [x] tio J
110\'/ nt.ny pearle been pat'oled to your city dUI'in~ the most rt::ccnt l2-month period fer vll:ich data are availaG1e? (From city, cO~/nty, state and F0deral parole offices)
_~N~!,-,A,-=-_ liumber of parol ees -1'~.,L.l~ __ 12-rnonth time p.2!ri od
48~ Pleuse descriLe any programs \·,'hich exist in the city to aid parolees. Describe the nature of these progrC\ms and give the number of parolees
\',Iho are i nvol ved. The Vol unt:eers program is an effort to recruit private citizens to work on a one to one basis with parolees. Specialists arc also recruited and are available to any parolee. This is a statewide program. Other State's experience is being confirmed. Recruiting is nore difficult in large cities and metropolitan areas than in rural areas. At present, 25 parolees in the city are assigned volunteers. '
I! '0 (,v If known, please give the number of para 1 ees ~r'-ek~1t+Y- re sid i n 9 in the city.
N/A tlumbet' of adul ts NLA Number of juveniles
50. Has the city or county received any Office of Law Enforcement t~ssistance or Law Enforcement Assistance Ad~inistration grants in the area of parole? Please list: NOrVE
Grant Number Ti tl e A\'/ard Nl10unt Period
Project Director City or
City Run [x] Yes County run [x] Yes
[ ] No r .. . l J i'lO
" . 52. HO\','lnany facilities \/ithln the city lilltits 2.te to detain offel1ders
or suspected offenders for more than 48 hours?
Number of facn iti es
53. li s t these f ac i1 it i os by nilme and fo reach fi 11 OUt the at lathed For,.; 1 rl •
See pages lSa - 24h
54. I s there a spec i h ed procedu re for trans ferri"9 pri soncts beb'leer, 'facilities admiri'is'ceraci hy different levc~ of sovern;nent such as bet\'/een the city jail and a county or state detent~on facility? [ ] Yes
[X] No - Skip to 56
55 •. Please explain these procedures belo~'1,:
56.. Is there an agency other than a state agency that periodically collects city correctional data?
[ ] Yt;S [X] No - Skip to 58
57. Name that agency and explain the kinds of data wrl1cn are available. (Or, attach data publication, if available, in \'Iay of eXPlanation.)
_ Name of Agency
Level of governmant of agency ----------------------- Kinds of data available - Explain:
srr;:;'.;..-:.~~~t_>t.,:;_/ .. j""{..:;.M:;.:., --.~ ..... c .. ·~:"'\iiil?'1Iiiii'5ii11nrllil ___ ~ ___________________________ _
t I ,; " 1 I I . 1 r
I . !
58. Do yO'J (, ,~v t~ t! I: ell;'; (; i; Ct 1 (, (: -:: 0;.;1 fie ~ ~ i 0 i I C. en t e r I',' hie n i s n () t. r: c: r t (; f (: correcticnal institution?
[ ] Yes [x] Ho ~
Fill CJt ror~ I.r.2 for eac~
59. Do you h~\'e na)'(;c·-::ics tre~tr~';I1t facilitic's (l'~lblic anj rr \':;1.::.) in the city \','h'ic;, arc:; not ;)art of d. COtT2cT.l(.lncr1 'institution
[x] Yes ,J.,
Fill out Fonn I.F.3 for each See rages 26a-28d
60. Do you have any hal f\'iay houses cr pre-release guidance r.cntets or cornilunity treatment cente)'s in the city?
[x] Yes [ J No i <
Fill out Form I.F.4 for each
61. Do you h~ve any other facilities which would be considered alternative! to incarceration?
[ ] Yes [x] No ~
62. Is there an active ex-offender organization in the city?
[ ] Yes [x] No - Skip to 65
63. By I'/hom is this administered and ho\-/ many ex-offenders ate involved?
[ ] City [ ] County [ ] State [ ] Fedetal [ ] Private [ ] Other - Specify
Total number of ex-offenders Number of Juveniles
......... , .
____ Tota'l numb,?!, of participants on DeCEi;:bel' 1, 197'1
65. Is there an active vo1unteer progra~1 con'lGctd l'/ith the juil s or other correctional programs within the city?
.[ J Yes [x] l~o - Skip to 67
66. List and explain the separate pro-graf\lS Clnd indicate:: the n'.Jmb(~r of volunteers in each c:nd the average amount of tim'2 spent by each in a month.
67. Please give the num!:>er and title of any Office of l.a1d Enforcement Assistance or Law Enforce~ent Assistance Administration grants received by the city or county;;, the field of corrections:
Gr~nt Humbel" Title IW/ard Period Pr.oj E'C t fJJl Co~
Director ---- [ ] [ ]
SC~ \ d. (>" Qu..C'~4.",..I~7
What is the percentage participation in the LEEP program in the corrections department? Not Available
(Fulton County Sheriff's Office)
(Fulton County Sheriff's 0ffice)
. !';ork RclcClse
\'JorJ:;: Rc
(F\~l ton County J\.du1 t I'rob<ltion)
Outpatient Clinic ;·T<::.rcotics
Outpatient Psycho­ tllC!!:-uFY
-13- .
69. List ail state correctic-.,ol Tcciiitic:s by type (e.g., maxkJr.i SC'c.ul'it.:l, J' l' \1 c- ... ~ "I (> .1 ... .; r ," l' r ., \ ' '" "I <:' .. L. .,. l' ~ \ '.. ' -' \' ,., t' _ .' " . . _ ..., , ".. . i ' ,-,,, ~ \.'~""-"'" Vll, ,..; .... " - u;:"C,,(" O,l/ ",;..; 91 l: Ill: OV..>lSI,t:u Cdl-laC) ... }
and the actu~t1 population of caCl1 as of DLc0ii:bel' 1, 1971. Atlanta Ac1v<lncc:~\C:!n~ Center: rr:iniM~m security - males 'h'o1'): release, 11 Gi',' fuci1ity in l\pril, 1972 htlS cr,p,:lcii...y of u5;
of May~popu1ation now is 35. Ga. Training and Development Center: 197 2·~ "modi m:l seeur~ tv' maJ.2s t:y of 2.00 i popu.1ati~n. is 177.
10. [1St ~nJ OGScrlUQ ~'l st~~e altern~t1yeS to lncarceratlon, glvlng tile nUillber of Patticipants for each. Probation - 10,188 Work Release - 87 Study Release - 2 Furloughs See Correction page 2.
71. Hhat kinds of data are available on the state correctional progri::!ns and institutions? Please atttlchropotts \'Ii1ich give infol'mc:tion on the offend2rs 5upel'vised by state corrections.
·Not Available
72. Give the total number of offenders handled by state corrections over' the most recent l2-month period .(not including those On probation).
~8JL Number of offenders superv; sed
73 • .
If these cun be broken down by age~ sex, race, type of supervision, type of inscitutionalization, please do so.
Describe all educational, vocational and rehubilitative and therapeua'-;c programs '.'.'hich involve offender's supervised by the state. I
Does the state have an ex-offender program?
[x] Yes [ ] No ~
Describe and give number of participants as of December 1; 1971.
Sec 13f---__ Question 74
There are var~011S prograns which are supervised by the State to help the in:1atc during his incarceration. The various types of programs are dCGcribed below.
Counseling is a very important aspect of the correctional program. Counselors at the insti tutions conduct both i!1dividual and group therapy sessions. flt thE"! end of 1971, there \,,'ere 30 counselors
(',l?loyed in the SysterJ. Soon, a professional counselor \"ill be ~vailable full-time at every institution.
Several institutions now have Pre-Release counseling groups which are devoted to problems arising upon release.
r' l e
Question 73
Education is another iMportnnt aspect of th~ rch~bilita­ tion p)~09ri:ll:L Current ly I all £.1 eili i- ie's, \·.'i t11 tho C):c(~;)tio!l of one ins;,:i tution I o"':.L.\Jr rc~::.(.!(:iul rC!t:..dJ.llg (,mei GenE~l:Ct:'. t:C::UC2- tion Dev0.lopment (Gl..:i)) progJ.:"un18. C!..:D :t\:ui vcllcncy CcrtificCltcs \\Tere c:n':urclc!d lust \'C0r to J.30 ~dult in;:~nt.("!s \-1110 £5uccessfullv completed the rc(~ulrC::~K:n ts for a high' 8cLool diplor..a. -
The youtllful institution in Georgia operates a fully accredited high school under the auspices of the State Board of Education.
College-level programs are available through correspon­ dence courses, and a Study Release Program has beGD initiated at the Wom2n's Institution and at the Comnrunity based Atlanta Advancement Center.
Vocational cducation is offered at six institutions within the Correctional System. There are twelve (12) vocational training courses offered at Georgia Industrial Institute. Courses are:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11 .
Plumbing Small Engine Repair Ui)holstery \'lelding 1100r}\'10rking Air Conditioning and Heating Auto Body & Fender Repair Auto Hechanics Ba:cDering Electrical Repair Food Service Training Hasonry
l3C Questiorl 73
There nr8 also vcrious courS0S available to the women i11~:1,:1tC.2. T}~:'~'~\ \".)""t,."'. c.~::'~;·': ... t:01('·~"\·t ~O~(~ !:~l~,.~j::("1 })l1~.:i11(;~£;
cduci')tion, b<:~':)crin[l, t~phol~,t:?)'y, ho~,'o ~lnd ft'mi l~r mJnRsr(;n·~nt
and l1l~r~;o aid tr.:1inin::.
There arc plans to graatly exp~nd tho academic and \70cr.-I-4on~l t~·~i'"\;l'\rT "'rO-"1·~·.;~· J..~,.! -i' 1,)(" CO'·'·''''Ct i O'1-·' C'7("!t"'I'" ~""..L.. J ,,", _U. .. 4 ........... ~ ,'~_ ':,.,_1".., .. • ,;:, J ......... _. .,:".,J, '-' ..J...._", __ \.Jj;~) ~,,,(.
'1'ho Dcp2rtn~n\ .. of o'::fcnc~::;.:c ;,(;lJQbilitation con::;iC:~2rs t:1is a very irG?ortant a~PQct of its correction21 program and greater emphasis Dust be placed on tIles2 programs.
Recreation is also an i~portant aspect of Corrections and r:lore e::mi?;lasis is bcinq placed on this area or the insti­ tutions thercipeutic progrc:::l.· ':I.'he State of Gcor9i'a no~v has a State Director of Cor:!::'E'ctio:'":r.ll Recreation Progrc>ffis v:ho is responsible for the conceptu~lizntion ~nd irn?le~entation of a corqn~ehcnGi ve recreation program ,,'i thin all State insti tu­ tions.
Extensive developm3nt is underway at many institutions to increase the recreutional fucili ties. Some of the facili-· ties being constructed are football and softball fields, gymnasiwn~, volleyball court3 and various other hard surface courts, arts and c:::-afts rooms, and others. '.I'hc follm·.'ing is a of some of the acti vi tics no;·,7 available at the insti tu­ tions: Art, Crafts, ~Iusic groups, Kovies, Ra~io Club, Dancing, various outdoor sports, games and others.
Drug Abuse is another problem \-li th \I,hich Corrections is concerned. Recently, an Office of Alcohol and Drug Abuse was created wi thin the Departr.len t of Corrections (nei" name: is Department of Offender Rehabilitation) sIJecifically :for the purpose of dcv0lo9ing, enlarging, and coordinating programs attacking the problems of alcohol and drug abuse.
1 ~
13D Question 73
rrhcrc nrc nOI',' J~.lcohclic;:; j.110r):':·h,01.~S chapt~crs in threc­ fourths of t;w insti tuticrj~J throlw:;'01.1t the: S'l..:1tc. 'rhcrc arc uJ. :,.:.:..> ot]te·.:.. .. \.~.: i.C"l1 ... ~ 1)::(1·0:':L;,.~~".!.:; CGr~1o.A llC ~'-..:~ i11 t}1~ G tc~ t..:..: i11-
s·tii.:.utior~s. 80:\\(.. 0:: t:),::~c [~l·(' f.;'-~:·Ls:.·~i\~i,t:1"· tl"c:~il1i11S, t),:0l:J. tj:~ . .j~~~':' CO!:':':. ')'~~1 c.~: "~·~_'_lf-.f·\·.":~!:~~:",.r!~ ~~ II 2.r~{_"i c:.11 r,;:·:~)c.!: i.J:l811titl
realization of tile II ther2pcuticSOlu.~uni ty concept. 1/
The Office of Alcchol und Drug ~b~se is pJnnning to rac1icully o;:::;.cmcJ i ts SCO!?I~ una Cie:pth of opcratio~ls in the future. ror additional inforDation see the enclosed annual report.
Reiigiotls progr2I1 .. -:1ing also plays an :'r.tpori.:ant part in the theru.?Gu tic progrc:,),';S at the ir:.sti,tutions. In the Georgiu Correctional Systc~, religious services are conductcct by tlw Ch~plc.incy Of~ice. '.['he DepurD"'.1Cnt of Offender Hehabili tat ion 112.8 nine (9) full-tir.~e Chaplains and t.wenty-two (22) part-tir:e Cha.?lains availuble to the inma tes. The follO'.:,ing services are offered:
1. Religious services are conducted weekly 2. Group therapy and counseling sessions 3. Individual counseling 4. A religious hictory and evaluation is
\'lritten 011 eoch inmate 5. Bible Study courses 6. The Chaplc:in serves as counselor to
correctional personnel and their families.
Question 73
7 .
, 8 •
The chQplain serves as a counselor to the inr,~ates IS fc.lT-1ilies when needed.
, Reliaiolrs J:n1T::lhasis !'ieek and revival services
.' - arc held at least once a year.
special religious programs.
There arc various other programs conducted by the Chaplaincy Office such as the FaDily Orientation Program, the Suicide Prevention ProgrCll11, and the Community 'rreat­ ment Prograil1. For furthe.l:" information see the 1\nnual Re­ port.
Another important part of Georgia's Correctional System is t'7od>: Rolease. Through this program the inmate is allowed to work during the day and return to the institu­ tion at night. During off hours iruaates may take advantage of educationCll and counseling services within the institu­ tion. The Work Relc:ase Program ha~~ been in effect since April, 1969, and 342 inmates h~ve successfully been dis­ charged. For further information see the Annual Report.
£" .•
'l'hc: purpof~0 of tl1C Lx-O::>':(~)·,~(;1: 1'r('91:C:(1,\ ill G00r~;ic.! is t . .:~ I J I' 1 " . . o prov..LG.c cUJOU ,:.- i:.()-' cc- rc: .Le:.. s'::u for If.:O!lC:CS r C~~-pr ~ ~:(;:1..::.r S , L)t!.]~o.1 C~· ~~ I ,'·'1 ~1 1 J] .... c:::. .. -: j ~)"~ C' 1" S \'.' j~ ::11 c~ r ~(C ~~ 1.'" a:-'~ () £ (t r. ~~)1. .. (~ J.J!i: ~~ c.~~
l·}anpoI·.'C!r Servicos. The Se2:viccs ,·:hich nyc ClvcJ.iltlblc to the Ex-Offcnoer include ~ VocutionriJ.. l\f'.~:oss:\~a:nt, Pre­ RE;J.G~-:' sa o~ ien ta:': :I.Gr~ 1 CO',:,:', SQli!J:J' Pr ('-- V C::'::;l"i tiol1:lJ. 'Er z;,j ni~g , Employability OriGntation and Dcvelo~~0nt, vocational Training I and Place::ment and Follol':-1.1P Services.
The ~x-Offender Program is adninistered by the Georgia Departr.18nt of L2.bor, i1:. coopcrution with th2 state Depart-
~. ment of OffenGcr Rehabilitation, the U. S. Bur2uU of Prisons 1 t..he Dep&rt:I;\e!·~ts of 'Vocational ~ducation and Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Courts.
Q •
Program o~eration in all locations is coordinated by a Corroction~l Desk located at the state ~rnDlov~ent Service. The Correctional Desk consists of a project4Su~ervisor. Counseling Supervisor, Field Supervisor, Project Analyst, and clerical support.
The Correctional Desk is responsible for maintaining liaison v:i th cooperating agencies ( all acti vi ti0.G p.:;rformed by program personnel, c:md the developl:lent of other :·lanpower Prograns to strengthen ~vailable services and progrill~e. The program is accomplished by out-st.ationed personnel in six (6) Employment Service Local Offices, three (3) Pr.isons and a special Co~~unity Manpower Services Center for ex­ offenders in Atlanta .
. The Employment Service personnel in the six (G) designated Local Officc~ proviQe pre-release and manpower services to prison inmates of the other correctional insti­ tutions as well as serving nx-Offenders referred to them for service. Pre-release and manpm;er services offered to inmates prior to release include: Pre-release Orientation, Aptitude Appraisal, Counseling, Indepth Interviewing, and completian of work applications. out-stationed personnel maintain a close working relationship with the Ex-Offender that has been placed on a job or training program by means of scheduled follow-up. Any necessary services are pro­ vided after an individual has entered 9n a job.
The Ex-Offender Program in Georgia was initiated in February I 1971. There have been a total of 2,925 inmates \vho were intervim','ed for the program and as of December I 1971, apprQxinately 518 ex-offenders have been placed in jobs. I
Q -
[X] Yes [ ] 110
~" D('!;CT"ib::- ti,/'"' n:tcilt cf it!; l!;C 0nd th~ cord i t i Cli;' for Pi! rt i ci pil t" on.
Sec 14Q - Question 75
76. Do::s U!·= stC\tr; hi'VC! a ce:ntl'ali?p;! 5y~t.("1 1m" pl'ovidin~ joh oP[1(I)'tuniticJ$ Cll' jc'b il!iOl';'~ti(:li Of tr&inir',g 10 lhG:,(! I'Qlcuscd fn..::; its superv';sion or is this bundled Ly ('LiCI! insritutio!l ~cr·(;rCltely?
[ ] 5epal'ated
., DCSC1'ibc the kirds of \/Jl'k uonc~ in the .institul iC)l1s by tile ir::'lilt.cS and indicate the tridnin~! tiiC'Y t'C!ccivc) the r,lJi:ibc'!' of p(Jl'ticipants, t.lle nU/;lbcl' of hours pcr dil )' U;'2Y devote to th'is and tlw \'!i.1gE!S tlley receive!.
See 14A - Question 77
At p)~esent the Por}: nClCtl;;0 pros-raT;'. in Gc>crgia has r.;cll .... .J- i,..,("">t·":':·'lJ·~1r ..... ,'1,~_.'. ~.,~I'; "":"' .... ,,,": C"-;l (1) C(.··"'.,'·'l'·· ... \~ __ l,:'\::. .... .-~ ~-:; J.\... _J.J~~I.. .• -'-l... ... t...._ .......... -.. ... ',. __ ,.:= ._ ..... ~, ..... _ t" ......... ....... ~ -1-0. .............. L,.J. ""-'_ .... ' .... .......
work relcQsc: cC1ters. 'l';).:::re ure a!.-,pro~:ima.tely c=ighty­ seven (87) im:1tltes on the '\'~or:: relGtlse pro9ram at the Pres;cnt tl"~'''' or. "'":""i c1-. ···"'-,·c···~'·c: .. -r·-l·' ':'7 ,.,',.'-;\ lc""~"l·r./l ·~t i-lIe _..... JII_I J... \ .... .L ..... J." C·,"' • ..!_ .... I_ ••• ......-.~-I.l -1 c...;.""",~ )\",.oc.I,.\.,\,.,;\..4 C:;t
com.!":lUni ty-btlf:5ed ;,dva.!1co:ment Center. (See <::tadi tivnal pages, 13E).
:r') 77
There are various types of jobs ~hich the inmates hold in tho institutions in Georgia. Below is a list of the types of industries which are operated in some of the s ta te ins ti tutions and the nu:-,lbe.r of iruna tes "Jorking on each:
Abattoir 10 inmates l·letal Refinishing 6 Canning 6 inmates Nursery 30 Cheraical 10 inmat8s Pac}:a.ging 30 Concrete Products 30 i1:'.l1t::l.tes Print Shop 20 Garment 80 im:lates Screen Process Shop 18 License Tag Shop 25 inmates Upholstery 10 Hai:tress 10 inmates
inmates • J ~nr.1aces
inmates inmates inmates in-i-;lates
The training given to the participants varies with the type of job and his previous experience. The inmates receive no wages for tbeir work, but there are plans being made to imple­ ment an inc i ntive progralTt an6. some type of pay plan. The number of h(· .. cs they vlork varies somewhat but the average time worked is about "j hours per day.
I ~
. I
-15- A
F. Forms
(1) Co)~rect;0'iill FRcilit,'l \·:hich Holds Offrnd~r's or SU3£g.cted Offp..:'1d~!:s for I':ote T.r,an 48 Hour~ __
79. This f2cility is administetE:d by: (Check one)
[ ] City [x] State
[ ] County [ ] Othet~ (Specify) ____________ _
80. By \·;l1at department in the above jurisdictiiJn is it a1ministert:d? Jl.ep.EI1-tment oj::JL~m;:tll_RQ.sources
81. This facility accepts susPt:cts or offenders from: (Check as many as apply)
Number of persons detained on December 1, 197'1.
Average number of persons detained during a month for the last 12 months
How many pe)'sons is this facility design~ to hold?
100 Number
[ ] Yes [?<J No J-
85. Exp1 a i n these. arrangen,ents and i ndi cate tht: average percen taGe of d
month they are in use:
• 86. /1Cl.S there been any constl'uction or rC!nolf&t~on since June of 1970?
[ig Yes
Nu~bcr constructed
Number renovated ,..-, ~) 88 . Explain any other construction or r8novation which has taken place
since June of 1970.
89. Are there plans to do any construction or renovation of this facility in the petiod December 1971 to December 1972?
[ ] Yes
Number of cells to be constructed
Number of cells to be renovated
91. Explai'n any other construction 01' renovation planned for this same period:
92. Is the;;-CI cm;;plete sep~ration of men from women?
[ ] Yes [ ] f!o Not Applicable
Is there complete separation of adults from juveniles? , [ ] Yes [ ] No No~ Applicable
-17- Ii.
94. On D:!ccr,h'2r 1) 1971: hO;'1 m~ny pl'ist'llcrs in the follO'.':ing categoties \':ere pl'csent in thi s fac; 1 ity?
Not ,l>.pplicablr;
a. Persons not yet a t"tf i ~'ned 0)' bei ng held for ot/101' authorities:
b. Persons artaigned and awaiting trial:
c. Persons sCI'ving sent0nc,:?s of 90 days 01' less:
d. Persons servino sentences of more than 90 dilYSs but less than one year:
e. Persons serving sentences of more than one years but less than fi ve years:
f. Persons serving sentences of morc than five years:
g. Convicted persons awaiting, further legal action:
Pldul t r~7( 1 ('
Adult rCi1,"" 1 a Juvenile
Exp 1 a'j n bl'i efly the purpose and nature of the facil ity and its dl'ug pt'ograms, if c;ny. Indicate \1I1ethct' urinalysis is used to identify a person as a drug user and what trcat~Qnt modalities are used at the facility if possible. (If ul'i:1alysis is not used, please indicate what m2thods at'e used to identify a person as a drug user.)
95. Indicate racial composition of inmate population on December 1,1971.
~8_ Number of Hhites
.,::4 ..... .., ___ Number of Negt'oes
Number of ---- Others
Indicate the number of filled and vacant positions on December 1, 1971, in the categories listed below:'
. ,
,"'-,~ '1 .. ~.~ .. '
Administration (chief jailer, dLpulics and ass i :. t (\ n t d~' put i ( S -
not custodial)
Clerical and maintenance personne 1
NU:::Jcr of Full-ti n;e Positions Vacant
Othel' - Speci fy Child care vlOrkers - 36 i Clinical Chaplain - 1; Recreational -2
97. HOI." many full-time employees are S\'lOrn lavl enforcement of; icel's?
[X] None [ ] Some Number --[ ] All
98. How many part-time employees are~ 1 aI," enforcement officers of retired la\." enforcement officers?
[xJ None [ ] All [ ] Some Number
99. Are any of these alcoholic detention facilities used for the detoxification of drug users?
Yes No, __ .;;.X __
If l1yes l1 , please indicate hmo, many drug usel'S \."ere in these facilities:
on September 1
-19- A
100. Is the! "dl'unk tc,r',k ll also used f01' the detoXification of drug users?
Yes ----- 101. lu'e .ini1 :T:cdicDl f~ciliti('s for the: trctttm·::nt of dn:g addiction?
Yes --- No_-x--_
103. Indicatc~ the flU',::'::r of inlr:~t.cs plC'ced in d!'ug adcict'ion treatnJ2nt pl'ogl'a~; . .J by yOtll' i tlS thuti 011. t·~ot ApplicablG
ti Llmb21' on l~o w.:t1:Je r 1 , 1971
NUinbel' on Dc: ceilibe l' 1 , 1971
Hm" il:ilnv of the follo\dng full-time employees. arc I'/hite, r~egro or SOine -oth-er race?
Admi n i s t ra t i ve (ch i e f j c. i1 e r , assistant deputies - non-custodial)
Custodial officers
[ ] Yes
Does the drunk tank have~-(Check as many as apply)
[ ] beds or mattresses? Not ,Applicable
[ ] seuting space (othet" than beds or r;;attresses)?
[ ] operating toilet(s)
[ ] ventilation - windows, fan?
[ ] None of these
How many of cnch of the fol1owing size cells ate there in this jail?
One-man cells Number --- Two-man cells Number --- Three to four-man cells -- Number
DOY1l1i tOI'ies or cell s for mO're than fouy' persons Number --- How ma~y persons can each dormitory hold?
If dorm; tori es arc of varying sizes, give average

! I
109. Is the jail--
[ ] part of a police stution or sheriff's office, or in a courthouse?
[~ a Se~lJ.r.::tc stl'u:ttlrc?
[ ] ot~er - Specify
110. Are, r.evls prep&l'(!d at t:1C jail or bro.u9r(~ in? Not 1'.pplicablG
[ ] Prepared at jail [ ] Brought in
111. Is hot food served at least one m2al a day? Hot Applicable
[ ] Yes [ ] No
112. How rnany meal sis a Pl'; soner served ina day? Not ApplicablG
[ ] One [ ] T'.'lo [ ] Three or more
'113. Where do the prisonets eat?
, 114.
[ ] None N/A.
[ ] Jail infirmflry - ~Iith beds for ovcl'night stays
( ] Other - Specify ___________________ _
Check all the facilities which are available at the jail for inmates' usc?
[ ] Record players
soc.ial) Cell tun"l, )t.:C.t·i:!~tjc:;.::..1 2.ctiv"itics': [ ] Ycs [ ] 1':0
[x] Yes [ J No
117. If you have any vocational progra~s, what jobn are i~mates tr~ining for?
______________________ N/~A ____________________________ ___
Do you hlve a 10co1 or state em~10yreant reprs~entative stationed in, or regularly visiting, your instlttltion? N/A
[ ] Yes [ ] Don I t kno\'/
Does your jail have a \'wrk-reiease p1'0£lrall\ or study telease progl'am?
(·Iork release Study release
N/A If both liND" skip to 123
How many prisoners are now participating in the work-release or study tel ease prog)'am? N/A
Nu~ber on work release ----_____ NumIJer on study tel case
121 .. How long have you had the work-release or study release program? N/A
Years \·:ork 1'01 ease ---- Yp,a rs Study release
122. An~ \'.'or!~·release a.nd/or study release inmates kept apart from other inmates?
\lark release [ ] Yes [ ] No N/A'
[ ] Not arpl i cahl e Stud:), r'elease [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not applicable
123 .. : Does your facility have weekend sentences? N/A
[ J Yes - Spec Hy ____ _ [ ] No
(""" , ~,l " .~-""
~')/ I. \", "
[ ] Yes [ J No [x] Not aptJ1icable
126. Are drunk and/or tra~fic offGndcrs kent apart from other inmates?
[ ] Yes [ ] No [x] Not appl iCcit,ie
Check the boxes of tr.c fo 11 Oi'/; n~; rDnpO;,'!;r tra i ni n9 and sUiJpOi't pr0gi'i;::',) to \'Ihich you refer in!:~ates for sCl'Vices. Indicate \,ihcthe\' they are refetl'ed dud ng i ncarcel'ati on or at rel ease. N/A
Adult Basic Education (ABE)
MOTA Institutional Training
Operation Mainstroam
Special Impact
Vocational Education
Rehtlbil Hat i on
Othel" - Specify _' _____ _
[ J
[ ]
[ ]
128. HoI'! I1'wny ir~::~ates \"(;)'0 referred in tije last'six {.':Jnths to al1 of the programs checked above? (If an inmate was referred to two or more programs, count h1m only oncc.)
Number N/A
Check all of the following types of non-Feaerally assisted servire pl'ograms utilized by your institut-ion in the rehabilitation of in:nates.
[.>3 Group counseling
[x] Assessment of vocational potentials through testing, l'lork sampling, etc.
Vocational training (facilities outside institution)
[X] Prevocational training (\'mrk habits, how to get along \·lith others)
[ ] Job develop:nent and placement
I f I t t I i I
t ,
F. Forfl)s --- ( 1 )
78. Name of fac 11 i ty: Ful ton County Juvenile Detcmtion ---'--
79. 'This facility is ad.ninistered by: (Check one)
[ J City
[X] County [ J State
80. f3y what departJr:ent in the C!bove jurisdiction is it anministerf'?d? Ful ton County JU\'cmile Court
[ J Other (Specify) ______ ._. __ _
[ ] City courts
[~ County courts
[ ] State courts
[ ) Federal courts
(Cheer. as 111any as apply)
138 Numbet, of pctsOllS detained on December 1,1971.
4126 Average number of persons detained during a month for the last 12 months
83. How many persons is this facility designed to hold? 144 Number
84. At'e thel'e any at'l'ar:gcments fOI~ overcrOl . .'d i ng? . « ] Yes [ J No
-!t 85. Explain these arranQC!flents and indiCate the C!vet'age percentase of d
month they are in use:
._----------- ---"'-"'-
Ie I
-16- 13
85. Hos there b(:c:n any cons trllcti on or rcn;-)\'~t hlr. ~)l nee JWIC of 1 Si'O?
[}~ Yes
87. IndicQte numGer of ~ells:
o Number constructed ----
17 Number renovated
88. Explain any other constl~uction or renovation l'lhich has ti'lken p'lace since June of 1970.
Renl<'1ccd c;() .. ~ r'_0ck blllJl~ b._"'01.E_.J.·....:, "7? \ I .,:-!. - - - - - .. - - - - i'--I...:--J~0¥S-}::<?Bms-----
with single, built-in destruction resistant beds ----
89. Are there plans to do any construction or renovation of this facility in the period December 1971 to D~ccmber 19721
[X] Yes [ ] No - Skip to91
1 90. Indicate number of cells planned fo,' construction or renO'/at~on:
o __ 56 Number of cell s to be constructed
Number of cells to be renovated
91. Explain any other construction or renovation planned for this same period:
Constn'cti O!1 on ne1.\7 fO_9_d s~rv_i.9_ELJ0J.lD--=:".):'QI."'..Dxa±'io.l1._o£ __
intake offices and administrative offices
92. Is.thE~c ca~ple~e separation of men from women?
[}l Yes [ ] no
93. Is there complete sepcll·ation of adults from juvcnilr.s?
[x] Yes [ ] No
-17- c
94. On D~C:'I:!![>\~ 1, 1971, h::.:'/ n~:;ny prisc:'j~rs in the ful1oi'ling cate:g()t'ies \','0re present i 11 th'i s 1 i ty?
a. Person~ not yet arraigned or being held for oLlIeI' nutl,orities:
b. Persons arraigned and awziting trial:
c. Pel'sons sel'vi n9 sentences of 90 da,Ys or less:
d. Pel'sons serving sentences of more than 90 days, but less than one year:
e. Persons serving sentences of more than one ye~r, but less than five years:
f. Persons serving sentences of more than five years:
g. Convicted persons awaiting furth~I' 'legal action:
Adult. r<:: 1 G
Explain briefly the purpose and nature of the facility and its drug pl'ogt'illiiS, if any. Indicate \'.'hethet Ul'inalysis is used to identify a person as a druG Use)' and \·:hat treatm.;nt modalities ate used at the facility if possible. (Ir urinalys';s is not used, please indicate \llhat Tr.etl1ods ate used to identify a person as a drug user.)
Indicate raci a 1 composition of inmate population on' DecombG r 1) 1971. _~ NUlliber of NumJer of ~:')n:ber of qQ
---D.. .. '~' \'Ih i tes Neg!'oes Others
Indi cate the number of fi lled und vacant positi ons on D2C(!mber 1, 1971, ill the categories listed below:
, f
~~~~~.~~~~ ..... ," ..... "", . ." .... ----~--------------------------------~-~ I
• /\dmi n is ttat'i on (chi ef jai1et'~ (Ieplities end Clssistclllt doputies not custodial)
Custodial officers (guards, jailers, etc.)
Clerical and Maintenance personne 1
I~UH:bel' of Full-ti m2 Pas i ti oriS VJCf'llt --
-- C) Social ~'lorkers ----2-
97. HO\'1 many full-time employees are S\'lorn la\l enforcement officers?
[ J None [ J All [x J Some
98. How r.lany PCltt-time emp'!OjlG8S al'e;~ 1 a '.'I enforcement officers of l'etired lal" enforcement officer-s?
[X] None [ J All [ J Some Numbel' -- 99. Are any of these alcoholic detention facilities used for the d2toxification of drug USE!t'S?
N0--x.. __ _
If "yes", please indicate hOl'[ many dl'tJg users were in these facilities:
on Septen;Jer 1
_______ on Novembel' J
• I
-19- B
100. Is the "drunk t:"!nl," illstJ us(?d for the: c!clu:ifi.::atiol1 of dl'l:g USCI'S?
Yes ----, txo v
102. A)~e drug l(;h' offencers kept arell't from othel' inmates?
~ , , No
103. Ir,dicate the nwnber' of ir:m:ttc:s p1eced in dl'Ug addiction treatm~nt progY'ui!1S by YOL!)' institution.
Not available Nl!n:Jel' on Scpt.c:r,~)Qr 1, 1971 ------ Nllm~)CI' on October 1, 1971 ------ fil!~i1bQl' on I\OvCi~,bel' 1, 1971 ------ Humber 011 Decembet 1) 1971 -----
104. HO~'1 man,:,: of the fol1o~':ing full-time er::p10yees are \',hite, Negl'D 0)' some other race?
Adm; 111 s tr'ati ve (chief jail er, assistant deputies - non-custodial)
Custodial officers
[ ] Yes ~ ] Ho
r~umber ---
Does the drunk tunk have--(Check as l11C\ny as apply) N/A
[ ] beds or mattyesses?
[ ] op~r3ting toilet(s)
[ ] ventilation - windows, fan?
[ ] None of these
How many of each of the following size cells are there in this jail?
One-man cells 144 Number -- Two-mon cells Number --- Three to four-man cells Number
Dormi tori es 01' cell s for mote than feu r persons o Number -1- Hmo, many persons .can each dormi tory hold?
If dormitories ate of varying sizes, give average
• . !
109. Is the jail--
[ ] pert of a police station or sheriff's office, or in J courthouse?
[v] a separate structure? H
[ ] oth2r - S;';...:ci·Fy ________________ _
110. lIre rr;2~ls prepi":;cJ at the: or bro:JQht in?
Is h')t food sc:rvcd at least one meal a day?
LX] Yes [ ] No
HO\'i many meals is a pl'i soner served in a day?
[ ] Ont: [ ] n'l'O [x] Three or more
Where do the prisoners eat?
[X] Dining room
[ J None
[ ] Jail infirmary - vlithout beds for overnight stays
[ ] Jail infirm(lry - with bGds for ove.rnight stays
~] Other - Spec i ofy LIill::.Se.-S.t,'" 1= feo 3 days a week - Grady Hospital used
115. Check all the faciliti~s which are av~ilab~e at the jail for inmates' use?
[Xl Reco I'd players
[:{j Rad i 05
[ ] None
"" P, -Lt'
11 (1, fIr,=. COj:;',::; nit:.)' \'(11 \' rh:';C rs LJ S('J [01'--
VUCIl t:i (diu i tnlillillg? [ ] Yes [yJ I~o
oducttion,:J 1 training? [ ] Yes [X] No socic',l ) cultutul, recreational ac i i v it i C s? [X] Yes [ J No
0:'1;(:,) - Sp ..... ::ify [ ] Yes [ ] r\o
117. If you have aoy voc"ioo,1 rr(9)""", ":h"t jr.!., arc i'<lDates (,'aining foo')
-------------------------- Not ClDDlicable --.. ~__ 1 __ ... ___ , __________ _
Do YO'.! h,we a loc{)l 0)' stilte ern:)lo':;'/i10nt rept'e.;cntative stationed in, or regu"iat'ly viSiting, ,)'0111' H.sti,tutisn?
[ J Yes [Xl No [ ] Don I t hI 0\"
119. Does your jail hove a ,{ork-release program or study release program? [-fork re 1 cas e Study release
If both "No" skip to 123 fx J No
HOly mc:ny prisonGrs arc nOl'1 pai'ti:;Pating in the \'/ork-release or st:udy release progl'om?
--'- NU!'lbcr on I':ark rel ease Number 0~ study release
121 •• How long have you had the work-rel~ase or study release program?
--- Years ---- Hark release
--- Years Study relc;ase
122. Are wor'k"release and/or study release in::lates kept apart from other inmates?
l/or/( rel e(ise [J Yes [J No
Study relcvsc [J Yes [J No
123~' Does your faci1 ity hJv(; Ivec:kend sentences?
[Xl Yes - Spec ify Fo,£ violu. tors
of probation
I ,
[ ] Yes LX] No [ ] Not bppl icahle
[ ] Yes [x J No [ ] Mot applicable
126. Are, drul1l~ an':!/or traffic (;ff(,I~Jers kc·pt apart from other inr.1cJ.tcs?
[ ] Yes [ J No tap p 1 i ca IJ 'I e
127. Check the box(:s of the 1'0110;:; 119 manpcl\'!er tra i ni ng and SU~IPOi't pl"o~l'ar;,s to \','hicl! you refer ilnates Tor £.etvices. Indicate \\'hether they are referred during incarcelation or at release.
Adult Basic Education (ASE)
Concentruted Employ:r,t2nt Program (CEP)
Employment Assistance for Indians
State Emplo~~ent Service
Du ri ng incarceration
Job Corps rx ] Job Opportunity in the Business Sector (JOGS) [ ]
MOTA Institutional Training [ ]
Operation Mainstream [ ]
Vocational Educat'ion [X)
Soci a 1 Rehab; 1 Hat i on (forfll~l'ly v 0 C CI t i,o n? 1 ) [ ]
At release
" "
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
128. How many in~ates were referred in the last six ~cnths to all of the ptograms ch'?c!:ed c:lJove? (1f an in:nate V:;iS t2fr.rTI,rI to tl'iO en' more
, .129.
progrulils, count him cnly once.) "
Check all of the following types of non-Federally assisted service progri.\r.iS util'lze~1 by your institution in the rehabilitation of inrllates.
['{] Group counseling
[ J Assessment of vocational potentials through testing, work sampling, etc.
ex] Remedia'l education, including GED
[ J Vocational training (inside institution),
• [ 1 Vocational training (facilities outside institutio"l
[ ] Prevocational training (work habits, how to get along with others)
[ ] Job development and plac~"ent
0,', , ,
S:';~'c:"c J U,;Uiu_ i"S ~ or :'::,,1 /'(; 11,&:1 1\8 h:...u(~
of fzcil it),: 1\ t l.J.n l\c1vi);)cc!:lent ('enter
fac i 1 ity is administered by: (Chec k 011e)
City [X] State
County [ ] Othel' (Specify) ___
DO. By what department in the above jurisdiction is it administerRd? G80rgia Stflte Board of Corrections
.. 81. This facility accepts suspects or offenders from: (Chec~ as many as
Numbel' of persons detai ned on December 1, 1971.
Average number of persons detained during a month for the last 12 months
How many persons is this facility desiSD.£s!. to hold?
75 Number
84. Are there any arrangements for overc\'o\','Ci i n9?
[ ] No .
-16- C
86. Has there been any construction or renovation since June of 1970?
[ ] Yes
Number consttucted r'
Number renovated
88. Explain any other construction or renovation ~~ich has taken place since June of 1970,
90 •.
Relocated into large quarters 4-15-72
Are there plans to do any construction or renovation of this facility in the period December 1971 to December 19721
[x] Yes
Number of cells to be constructed
Number of cells to be renovated
91. Explain any other construction or tenovation planned for this same period: .. Install kitchen ecrui n)l1~nt, cons tr1..1ct officer s tat i~---.J:::r-' .. 'O.air existing fixtures; paint
92. Is the{;"e complete separation of men from \'lOme 0?
[ ] Yes [ ] flo Not applicable - all male adult institution
93. Is there complete separation of adults from juveniles? . . . , [ ] Yes ' ( ] No Not applicable
0,,': , .'
~ I
-17- C
On OcccI:,l'cr 1, 1971, !w," mi}ny prisoners in the fol1O'.li119 categories \','ere present in Ulis facility?
Persons not yet arraigned or being held for othel' authol';':;es: . Persons al'raigned and cMaiting trial:
c. Persons serving sentences of 90 days 0)' 1 cs s :
d. Persons serving sentences of more than 90 days, but less than one year:
e. Persons serving sentences of more than one year, but less than fi ve yea rs:
f. ' Persons servi ng sentences of marc than fi ve years:
g. Convicted persons awaiting further legal action:
Adu1t t'la 1 e
Adult Fema 1 c J u "en; 1 e
Explain briefly the purpose and nature of the facility and its drug programs, if any. Indicate whether urinalysis is used to identify a person as a drug user and what treatnent modalities are used at the facility if possible. (If urinalysis is not used, please indicate \'/hat methods are used to identify a person as a drug user.)
Facility is work release unit - drug users not accepted 95. Indicate racial composition of inmate population on December 1,1971.
22 Number of ,....---- \'lhites
Numbc}' of ---- Others
96. Ind'icate the number of filled and vacant positions on Dr.cembel' 1, 1971, in the categories listed below:
, t
.... t
o --
Admini strati on (chi ef jailer, deputies and assistant deputies _ not custodil<l)
Custodial officers (guards, jailers, etc.)
. Clerical and maintenance personne 1
Academic teachers
Vocational teachers
Full Tirl1e -
Nwnbor of Full-tir.;2 Positions Vacant
o 97. liow many full-time enip 1 oyees are s\'lorn 1 aI', enfo rcement offi cers? [x] None
i , I
[ ] All [ ] Some Number -- HOI-,' many pal't-time employees are·;. 1 a 1'1 enforcement officel's of retired la\./ enforcement officers?
[x] None [ ] All [ ] Some Number -- 99. Are any of these alcoholic detention facilities used for the d(;toxification of drug Usel's?
Yes ---- No x - N6t applicable
If "yes II , please indicate hO\,I many drug users \'Jere in these facilities:
on Septerrber 1 ------- .. ------. on November 1
on DEcember 1 -.L.-'--____ _ , . , .
-/9- C
100. Is tho "cil'Llnk tank" also used for the detoxifici:tion of drug USc!l'S?
Yes ----- No "';nt app] iCuble
101. !\IY~ jail rr-::dica1 facilities used for the tl'catment of drug addiction?
Yes --- No ---- 102. Are dl'Ug la\·! offenders kept aport from other inmates?
103. Indicate the number Of inmates placed in drug addiction treatm~nt progr2r by your institution.
Number on October 1, 1971 -----~
Number on Hoven:ber 1, 1971 ------ ------Number on Decc:mber 1, 1971
Hm·! !na~y_ of the follo;dng full-tim:? employees are white, Negro or some other race?
Administrative (chief jailer, assistant deputies - non-custodial)
Custodial officers
~!hi te
[ ] Yes Lx] No
Number -- ...
Does the drunk tank havc--(Check as many as apply) N/A
[ ] beds or mattresses?
[ ] operating toilet(s)
[ ] ventilation - windows, fan?
[ ] None of these
How many of each of the following size cells are there in this jail? One··man cell s 3 Number --- TI'IO-man cell s 30 Number
Three to four-man cells 6 Number
Dormitories or cells for more than four persons
, ,
o Number ---J, How many persons can each dOI'mitory hold?
If dormitories are of varying sizes, give average
" ,-
Is the jail--
[J putt of a police station cr shQriff's office, or in a courthouse?
[x] a separate structure?
[ ] Prepared at jail [ ] Brought in
111. Is hot food served at least one meal a day?
[ ] Yes [ ] No
112. How many meals is a prisoner served in a day?
[ ] One [x] Three or more
114. What medical facilities are available in the jail?
115. '
[ ] None
[ ] Jail infirmal'Y - \'lithout beds for overnight stays
[ ] Jail infirmary - I-lith beds for overnight stays
[~ Othel~ - Spec ify G2. Ba]')tis t Hos]') i tCll - ",71"><;1;-1 v v; S j t , -
by doctor
Check all the facilities which are available at the jail for illmates'
[ ] Record players
[ J Radios
[xJ Exerci se yard
educational training? [X] Yes [ ] No
social, cul tural , recn::ational activities? [X J Yes [ ] No
other ..: Speci fy [ ] Yes [ J No
.. I
117. If you' have any vocational progra;]lS, '.'lhat jobs arc inmates training for?
118. Do you have a local or state employment representative stationed in, or regularly visiting, your institution?
[ ] Yes [ ] No [X] Don I t knOl'l
119. Docs your jail have a \·mrk-releasc, program or study release program?
[ ] No If both "No" skip to 123
How m~ny prisoners are now participatirig in the work-release or study release pl'ogram?
34 Number on work release ---:3-- Number on study rel ease
Hm'l long have you had the \'Iol'k-rel ease or study rel ease program?
2 Yea I'S
Hork release Study relcase
and/or study release inmates
kept apart ?rom other
[ ] Not applicable [ ] Not applicable
[ ] Yes - Specify ____ _ [AJ No .
-23- C
124. /\re first offC?ncers i:t-:pt api'<rt fro:n repeat offenders? [ ] Yes [x) No [ ] Not applicable
125. /\re scnt0nce:d prisoners kc~)t apart from prisoners al'laiting t t' i .:: 1 ? [ ] Yes [ ] No [;a Not appl icab'je .
126. Are drunk andior traffi c offendei's kept. apal't from other inmates? [ ] Yes [ ] No [AJ Not applicabie
127. Checl~ the boxes of the following manpower training and support rrogrc:' to 1'.'/1i ch you refor inmates for servi ces. Ind i cate IVf:c:thel' Urey a)'e referred during incarceration or at release.
During At incarceration release
Adult Basic Education (ABE) IX] [ ] Apprenticeship Training pc] [ J Community fIction P)'ogram (c.~p ) [ ] [ ] Concentrated Employment Program ( CEP). [ ] [ ] Employment Assistance for Indians [ ] [x] State Emplo'>1nent Servi ce [ ] [ J Job Corps
[ 1 [ ] Job Opportunity in the Business Sector (JOBS)
[ ] [ ] NDTA Institutional Training [x] [ ] Public Service Careers (formerly New Careers)
[ ] [ ] Operation Mainstream
[ ] [ ] Special Impact
[ ] [ ]

[ ]
[ ]
How muny. in:.lates \';i:re rc~e;~rcd in t.he la?t six months to all of the pro~rtlms checked above? (If an inil1nte \'las refer,(~d tf) 1..\'10 e,r more programs, count him only once.)
-.-ll_ Number
129. Check all of the fol1o'ding types of non-Federally ussisted service programs utilized by your institution in the rehabilitation of inmates.
[AJ Group counseling
[X] Assessment of vocational potentials through testing, \·;ork samp1ing, etc.
[x] Remedial education, including GED
[ ] Vocational training (inside institution)
[Xl Vocational training (facil i ties outside institution)
[ J Prcvocational training (work habits, how to get along with others)
[>j Job deve10pment and placement
('9 Alcoh('11 ic treatment program
[ ) Drug Qddiction treatment program
manage~ent and family planning)
• # , .
(1) Correctional Facility \·:hich Holds Offenders or Sur:p2ctrd Offpn~12rs for !if)n~ n.(1'l {'8 HOIll"S
78. r~"me of fac i1 ity: Atlanta City Prison Farm
79. This facil ity is administered by: (Check one)
iX] City [ J State
[ ] County [ ] Other (Specify)
80. By what department in the above jurisdiction is it administerAd? C~ty of Atlanta Dept. of Prison and Farm
.. 81. This facility accepts suspects or offenders from: (Check as mdny as
[ ] County courts [ ] Federal courts
Enter the number of persons detained:
12 "7 Number of persons detai ned on December 1, 1971.
1396 Average number of persons detained during a month for the last 12 months
How many persons is this facility designed to hold?
600 Number
[ J Yes J,
t I
j)," 1 ! (; •
-16- D
86. Has there been any consirJction or renovation since June of 1970?
[ ] Yes
Number renovated
Explain an'y other construction or renovation \-,hicll has taken place since June of 1970.
fJ Yes [ ] No - Skip to 91
t lndi ca te numhet of cell s pl anncd for construct; on or reno'lati on:
Number of cells to be constructed
Number of cells to be renovated
91. Explain any other construction or renovation planned for this same period:
Install grain ta.nks Clnd dryer s - Rebuild dairy b.=ar""'D ..... __ _
Rebuild slauqhter house - JlIodornize kitchen
92. Is thei::'t':! ev.;;plcte separation of men from \-wmen?
[~ Yes [ ) no
I s there compl ete scparati on of adults ft'om juvcnil es? - -
[ ] Yes ' . .
-17- D
On D2ccm!\Cr 1,1971, hw n~:ln'y prisoncl"s in the following categClrics \'.'~r'~ present in this facility?
a. Persons not yet arraigned 0)' bei ng held rOI' oth[;r authorities:
b. ~ersons arraigned and awaiting t ri a 1 :
Persons serving sentences of 90 days 0)' less:
Persons serving sentences of more than 90 days, but less than one yeal':
e. Persons serving sentences Of more than one year, but less than fi ve yea rs :
f. Persons serving seritences of more than five years:
g. Convicted persons awaiting further legal action:
Adult I·:a 1 e
Juvcnil (;
Explain briefly the purpose and nature of the facility and its drug programs, if any. Indicate \:hether urinalysis is used to identify a person as a drug usc)' and I'.'hat treatment modal iti es are used at the facility if possible. (If u)'inalysis is not used, please indicate \',hat m(~thods ate used to ; dent; fy a person as a drug user.)
In process of developing a program of urinalysis screening 95. Indicate racial composition of inmate population on December 1, 1971.
Number of ---- Others
Indicate the number of filled and vacant positions on December 1, 1971, in the categories listed belo~:
t '
Administration (chief jailer, deputi~s ilnd assistant deputies - not custodial)
Custodial officers (guards,
Clerical and maintenance personne 1 4
97. How many full-time employees are sworn law enforcement officers?
[ ] None [X] All Number --[ ] Some
98. HO\'J many part-time employees are·:.lav-/ enforcement officers of retired la\'l enforcement off; cers?
[X] None [ ] All Number --[ ] Some
99. Are any of these alcoholic detention facilities used for the detoxification of drug users?
Yes ___ _ Nox - Not applicable
If "yes", please indicate how many drug users v/ere in these facilities:
_______ on September 1
on Novembc"r 1 ------- • ·-l.I ...l.! ___ "_· ___ on D2 ccmbe r 1
-19- D
100. Is the "dnm:~ tt\nl~" also used for the detoxification of dl'ug use}'s?
Not npplicablc Yes No ---- 101. Are jail medical facilities used for tlw trC'((tr,:~nt of drug addiction?
Not applica.ble Yes No ----- ---- 102. Are drug la\'1 offendQr:; I~(>pt apart from other inm::ttes?
103. Indicate the nU:'I,bC!r of inmates placed in ':lrug addiction treatm2nt pro~!rc-;~: by yOLlI' institution.
_____ ..-;Number: on NOVeftlber 1, 1971
Number on December 1, 1971
How !!.:ant. of the following full-time employees are wllite, Negro or some other race?
Administl'ative (chief jail~r, assistant deputies - non-custodial)
Custodial officers
108 •
/101'1 many persons can it hold? Number Not applicable
~ -- Does the drunk tank have--(Check as many as apply) [ ] beds or m~ttresses?
[ ] .e.ting Spice (other Chan beds or mattresses)?
[ ] operating toilet(s)
[ ] d r ink i n 9 \'I a. t e)' a 1 \'lay s a V a i1 a b 1 e?
[ ] Operi'lting showel'(s)
[ J heat?
[ ] ventilation ~ windows, fan?
[ ] None of these
How many of each of the fall owi ng size cell s are there in thi s jail? One··man cell s
5 Number --- o Number ---n'lO -man ce 11 s
Three to four-man cells o Number --- DohnitOl'lCS or cel1s for more than four persons
t '
How many persons can each dorm; tory hol d? 60
If donllitol'ies are of varying Sizes, give average
I s the jail --
[ J part of a police station or sheriff's office, or in a courthouse?
[ ] a separate structure?
["{J ~t.~ f" . othcl' - S;,ocify oJ!':' (tcr~ :ay.:-:l ClnG pr:L30n ----------------~~---
Are,mculs pl'cp(;red at the jail or b;'ought in? ,
[X] Prepared at jai1 [ J Brought in
Is hot food served at least on2 mC:ul
[X] Yes [ ] No
[ ] One [ ] .TvlO
IX] Dining room
[ ] NonE~
[Xl Jail infirmary - \'lith beds for ovel'night stays
[i{] Other - Specify doctor Dart·-tj me;; nnrse fll ] 1 -H D'Q in clinic
Check all the facilities which are available at the jail for inmates' use?
[ ] Record players
[ ] r~one
vocational training? [ ] Yes [X] No
educational trClinin,]? [X] Yes [ ] 1b
social, cul tural ) recreational activities? [ ] Yes [x] No
other :. Specify __ ',' Relic-dous [X] Yes [ ] No
117. If you"have any vocational programs, v/hat jobs are inmates training for?
121. .
Do you have a local or state employment representative stationed in, or regularly visiting, your i'nstitution?
[x] Yes [ ] No [ ] Don't know
Does your jail have a \'lOrk-rel ease· program or study rel ease program?
Work release [J Yes Study release [J Yes
[X] No [ J No
If both "No" skip to 123
How many prisoners are now participating in the work-release or study release program?
Number on work release ---- ---- Number on study release
How long have you had the work-release or study release program?
Years ---- ~Iork rel ease ---- Years ---- ___ Study release
Arc \ ... ork-r~lease and/or study release inmates kept apart from other inmates?
Hork release [ ] Yes [ ] No [ J Not appl icabl e Study release [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] Not applicable
Does your facility huve weekend sentences?
[ ] Yes - Specify ¥J No
- 2 3- f)
124. Are firsL offc~ders kept ap&rt frG~ rcp0at offc~ders? [ J Yes [x] i~o [ ] Not applicable
125. Are sentenccd prisoners ke;'t apart from Pl'isoncrs i:/\'/aitinG trial? [ J Yes [ J No [;.3 Not appl icable
126. . Are drunk and/or traffic offcndefs kept apart from other inmates? [ ] Yes ex J No [ J Not applicable
127, C hec k the boxes 0 f the fo 11 0" i ng ma "po",'el' t ra in i ng and su ~ pOft pro g r '" to \':hich you refer in:-::ates fOl' services. Indicate I',I1Iether the-yare referred during incarceration or at release.
Adult Basic Education (A8E)
MOTA Institutional Training
Operation Mainstream
Vocational Education
During At incarceration release
Our-; nq i nC2:rc..::r(;~ j (In
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
, [ ]
128. How many, i n;;:{! tcs \',"21'(? referred in the! 5 i>: r.onths to all of the progl'[!ms checked t!bove? (If an inmat(~ Vias rcf~rn:d to bolO or more programs, count him only once.)
60 Number -~-=--
Check all of the following types of non-Fe~erally assisted service programs utilized by your institution in the rehabilitation of inmates.
[ ] Group counseling
[Aj Remedial education, including GED
[ ] Vocational traini'ng (inside 'institution)
[ ] Vocational training (facilities outside institution)
[ J Prevocational training (work habits, how to get along with others)
[ ] Job development and placement
-15- E
F. Forrr:s
(1) Correctional Facility \'::1ich Holds Offenders or Su~rJC:C~l'G C:ff(;:~I(~:rs fer t'::Jr~t: Ti-,,:'l: <~~ Hour's
78. Harr.e of fac i1 it,)': Fulton county .. ,Correction Institution, Alpharetta Division
79. This facility is administered by: (Check one)
[ ] City
[ ] State
[ J Other (Specify) --- so. By I'lhat department in the above jurisdiction is it administer~d?
._·i2.J.lh 1 i c 1':o'~}:s .. Sl. This facility accepts sus~ects or offenders from: (Check as many as
106 Numbel' of persons detained on December 1, 1971.
104 Average number of persons detained during a month for the last 12 months
How many persons is this facility designed to hold?
170 Number
[ ] Yes [\ ] No ,,~
. , ,
-16- r:
86. Has thct'£: been any construction or renovation since June of 1970?
[x] Yes
.. . .. \
Explain any other construction or renovation which has taken place since Jur.e of 1970.
D_l._· n_i_n..,.:q-:..r...:;o...:;o~rt_: _\,.;...., 2:...:...1 .:.>;;:;"'. --=-e.:.:n.;;::l...:;(t:.::r:...;.q~I e~. c'~< i~l::::.;· r=-~o=n--.:::t~Ct:.;:b;..::1:...:::e:...::s~2::>-,. n~d sea t s r ('> p 1 a r r> d ~
Building 50x50 erected; new sians (22 r 600.00)
Are there plans to do any co~struction or renovation of this facility in the period December 1971 to December 1972?
IX] Yes [ ] H) - Skip t09l
t lndi cate numher of cel1 s p1 anncd for consq"u~t ion or reno'lati on:
Number of cells to be constructed
Nu~ber of cells to be renovated
91. Explain any other construction or renovation planned for this same period:
Chapel to be erecb~d 1972 _____________ . __ _
92. Is thcC'Q c(';.;-;plC!te separation of men from "'lOmen?
[1 Yes [ ] no
·e I'
/--C~ ~ ,.,
-17- E
On D':Ct_:':~lcr 1: 1971, hO'd r,~:jn'y prisoners in the foll0','o'i n9 categories prese/lt in tllis facility? ':L'llis infonr:tltion not available accorc'iin<; to present recorcis svste,Ttl" 1
I\d J 1t FCf:1Jlc: Juvcnil ( ---_ ...
a. Persons not yet a rrCli gncd or bei ng held fc/' otltel' at/thol'ities:
I b. Persons al'taigned and cl'laiting
c. Persons servi ng sentences of 90 days 0/' less:
d. Persons serving sentences of more than SO days, but less than one ye ell':
e. Persons serving sentences of more than one year, but less than f1 ve yea rs :
1 . Persons serving sentences of more t~an five years:
ConVicted persons awaiting further legal action:
Exp 1 a i n bti e fly the pUrpos e and nat u re of the fa ci 1 ity an d its drug
programs, if any. Indicate 'l'lhethGr urinalysis is used to identify a person as a drug Usel' and I·,hat b'eatm8nt modcJ.lities are Used at the facility if Possible. (If urinalysis is not used, please indicate what methods al'e used to identify a pel'son as a drug user.) Drug progrc:.m administered by Grady Hospital
95. I ndi ca te ra ci a 1 compos it i on of inmate pop u 1 at i on on De cembe r 1, 1971.
---- Others
. . , ,
Custodial officers (guards, jai1ers, ute.)
Clerical and maintenance
97. How many full-time employees are SHorn law qnforcement officers?
[x] ~one [ ] All [ ) Some Number -- Ho ..... many part-time employees\·, enforcemfmt officers of retired law enforcement officers?
[x] None [ ] All [ ] Some Number -- .. J .' . .--99 __ Are .any of these alcoholic detention facilities used for the detoxification ! of drug users?
I Yes ___ _ No X Not applicable . If "yes ll
,. please indicate hOI" many drug users ~lerC in these facilities: \ .
.). I 1 '
"" " f , , !
-19- E
100. Is tile !'dl~unl: tank" also use:ci for the detoxification of cJ\'ug US0J"S?
Yes ---- No Not ~nnlicablc
101. Are jail medical facilities used for the treatment of drug addiction?
Yes ----- tio ;';nt ~2plicable
102. Are drllg 1 al'l offenders kept apart f)'om .other- inmates? .'
, 103. Indic(lte the number of inm.::tc:s placed in dl"ug addiction treatm2nt Pl'Og'(orr;.:;
by youI' i nsti tuti on. Not applicable
Number, on Septembel~ 1, 1971
Number on October 1, 1971 ------ Numb8r on November 1, 1971 ------ Number on December 1, 1971 ------
HOI'! m~m.Y_ of the follo':ling full-tim2 employees are I-'lhite, Negl'o or some other race?
Hhite Negro Other
. . , ,
[ ] Yes G':] l~o
Numb~r Not applicable r' •
Does the drunk tank have-·,(Ctlcck as many as app1y) Hot applicable
[ ] beds or mattresses?
[ J operating toilet(s)
[ ] operating shower(s)
[ J None of these
}to\'[ many of each of the follovling size cens are there in this jail?
, , .'
, . . <
If donnito~'i es are of varying sizes, give avet'age
, , f
[ ] r~rt of a police station or sheriff's office, or in a courthouse? [x] a sep"rc;tc structure?
[ ] other - Specify ------ r' \ I~re. mei!ls pl'cpared at the jail or brought in?
[X] Prepal'cd at jan [ ] Brought in
Is hot food served at least one meal a day? f?\J Yes .r ] No
HOI'l many meals is a prisoner served in a day? [ J One [ J )1'10 [x] Three or more
113. Where do the prisoners eat?
[x] Dining room
------------------------~---------------- What medical facilities are available in the jail? [)j None
[ ] Jai1 infirmary - without beds for overnight stays
[ ] Jail infirmary - with beds for oVel'night stay:;
._[ ] Other - Specify ------------------------------
Check all the facilities which are available at the jail for inmates' use? & ] Record pl aypV'5
1:] Rad ios
I I e:
vocational training? [ ] Yes ( ] No
social, cul ttl ral , r~cre2tiGnal activities? [X] Yes [ ] Ho
other - Speci fy [ ] Yes [ ] No
If you' h~ve (\ny vocational progl"o'TIS, \','hat jobs ar(~ inmates tl~aining for?
Do you have a local or stale cmplcyment representative stationed in, or regularly visiting, your institution?
[ ] Yes [X] No [ ] Don't know
Does your jail have a \mr-k·-releasc'pl'ogram or study release program?
Work release [J Yes Study rc1ease [] Yes
[XJ No
[x] Ho If both "r~oJl skip to 123
How many prisoners are now participating in the work-release or s~~dy release progra,m?
Number on work release ---____ Number on study rel ease
How long have you had the I'lOrk-rel case or study rel ease program?
Years ---- Yea )'$ ----
Are worl:-release
__ ~lo)~k re1 ease
~DQes your facil ity have \'Jeekend sentences?
[ ] Yes - Specify ____ _ ~J No
-23- E
124. Are first offen~crs kept ?part fro~ rcp0at offc~dcrs?
[ J Yes [x] No [ ] Not applicable
125. Arc sentenced rrisoners kept apart from prisoners a\'laitin£j trial?
[ ] Yes [ ] No & J Not applicable 0' •
126. . Arc drunk and/or traffic offcnde~s kept apart from othor inmates?
[ J Yes fx] No [ ] Not applicable
127. Check the boxes of the fall 0\';; ng man[JOI'ler tra i ni ng and St.1;JpOr't progrc,:::' tc which you refer in~ates for services. Indicate whether they are referred during incarceration or at release.
During At incarceration release ----
Apprenticeship Training [ ] [ ]
State Employment Service [ ] [ ]
MOTA Institutional Training [ ] [ -]
Operation Mainstream [ ] [ ]
[ J
[ J
[ J
[ ] r' •
HOII many I n:.w tes 'Ie I'e I'e fe r ,'(·d In the 1 as t six man tit s to a 11 of the progl'ams checked abo'/Q? (If an in~:lute \,,~s referred 10 1\-/0 0)' more programs, count him on7y once.)
129. Check all of the following ~P'5 of non-Federally assisted service progl"C!nJs utilized by your institution in tl)e rehabilitation of inmates.
[ ] Group counse1ing
[x] Remedial edycation, including GED
[ J Vocational training (inside institution)
[ ] Vocational training (facil ities outside institution)
[ ] Prevocatianal training (work habits, how to get along with others) [ J Job development C!nd placement
[ ] A1 coho 1 i c tl'ea tment program
[ ] Drug addiction treatment program
'------,--- 79. This facil ity is administer~d by: (Check one)
[x] City [ J State [ J County
80. Oy I'h't departlilent in the above juri sdi cti On is it admi ni s tered 1 Police
[ ] Other (Specify) ------------------
[x] City courts
[ ] Sta te cou rts [ ] County courts
[ ] Federal courts
_268_ Number of persons detained on December 1, 1971,
22 AVerage number of persons detained during a month for the last 12 months
How many persons is this facility desi9Jlgd to hold?
425 Number
, . t ,
[x] Yes [ ] No J-
Expltlin these arrangements and indicate the aver'age percentage of a month they are in use:
0' \...;' ,
~e !
0," , ,
' • .r !
....... f
J ;
-16~ p
85. Has there bQc'n any construction or r0n,)V~;tioil since ~iunG of 1970?
[ ] Yes
B7. Indicute nUIT,l;Qt of cells:
Number constructed
Number renovated
Explain any other construction or renovation ~~ich has taken place since ~Jul1e of 1970.
Are there plans to do any construction or renovation of this facility in the period Decemb2r 1971 to Dec(::nber 1972?
[ ] Yes [~ Ho - Sk i p to 91
t Indicate numher of cells planned for construction or renovation:
Number of cells to be constructed
Number of cells to be renovated
Explai~ any other construction or renovation planned for this same period:
92. Is thQ~',J cC7"pletc separation of men from vlOmen?
[x] Yes [ ] rio
93. Is there complete separation ot adults from juveniles? ) e . ,
[xJ Yes' [ ] No
t I I
-17- F 1
On D2CC'k:)~ 1, 1971) ho',', r.,~my prisoners in the follo','ling categories v:ere present 'in this facility?
a. Persons not yet arraigned or being held for othel' authorities:
b. Persons arraigned and Jwaiting tri al :
c. Persons serving sentences of 90 days 01' less:
--1 1
d. Persons serving sentences 01 more thun 90 days, but less than on~ year: --1
e. Persons serving sentences of more thnn one year) but less than five years:
f. Persons serving sentences of more than five years:
g. Convi ctc:d persons m'/a; ting further legal action:
Explain briefly the purpose and nature of the facility and its drug programs, if any. Indicate v:hethG'~ urinalysis is used to identify a person us a drug user and I·/hat treatment modalities are used at the facility if possible. (If urinalysis is not used) please indicate what methods ate used to i denti fy a person as a drug user.)
No druq identificRtion program. Indicate ['acfal cO;;lposHion of inniate population on December 1,1971.
1 G 8 Nur.!ber of --'...>.W."--_ ~Ih 'j tes
_1...,0",-,£1.",--_ N umb9 r of Negroes
• Number