dasa pravesh chakra

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mission of Sri Jagannath Center : The Sri Jagannath Center (SJC) was established in 1998 with the objective of teaching Vedic Astrology in the ancient, time-honored tradition of Maharishi Parasara, Jaimini and other sages of yore. The tradition traces its lineage to Mahapurush Achyuta Dasa, the disciple of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Vedic Astrology will be taught by a panel of Jyotish Gurus in the traditional Jyotish parampara of Jagannath, Puri. The highest standards of integrity would be infused through the strict discipline of yogic practices in the Vedic religion including training in Vedic remedial measures. Meditation including dhyana (meditation techniques to cleanse the mind), dharana (concentration techniques to increase intelligence and use of intuition), pranayama (yogic breathing methods to increase life force) etc. are taught to ensure spiritual discipline while the classes on the Srimad Bhagavad-Gita and Sanskrit ensures a balanced spiritual growth with the knowledge of Vedic Astrology. Dasa Pravesh Chakra © Sri Jagannath Center For intenal Circulation in Varahamihira Yahoogroups only Taught by Pt. Sanjay Rath Jyotish Guru, SJC Compiled and Edited by Sarajit Poddar Jyotish Guru, SJC Introduction: Dasa Pravesh Chakra is drawn for the moment a dasa begins. As usual we are left with many questions and problems like what happens if the time is slightly wrong or if the ayanamsa is not right. Hence, we are having many dilemmas to handle the vexed ayanamsa issue will never allow the use of Dasa Pravesh Chakra for Vimsottari and Udu dasa or Kala Chakra Dasa. The moot point is that DPC is not only for Narayana dasa. It is a peculiar dasa system by itself. This is justified by the fact that we construct a chart for the beginning of a dasa and predict all that will happen using it. Sometime, we also don't need the main dasa antar , or pratyantar or smaller periods. Advance Topic

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Mission of Sri Jagannath Center : The Sri Jagannath Center (SJC) was established in 1998 with the objective of teaching Vedic Astrology in the ancient, time-honored tradition of Maharishi Parasara, Jaimini and other sages of yore. The tradition traces its lineage to Mahapurush Achyuta Dasa, the disciple of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Vedic Astrology will be taught by a panel of Jyotish Gurus in the traditional Jyotish parampara of Jagannath, Puri. The highest standards of integrity would be infused through the strict discipline of yogic practices in the Vedic religion including training in Vedic remedial measures. Meditation including dhyana (meditation techniques to cleanse the mind), dharana (concentration techniques to increase intelligence and use of intuition), pranayama (yogic breathing methods to increase life force) etc. are taught to ensure spiritual discipline while the classes on the Srimad Bhagavad-Gita and Sanskrit ensures a balanced spiritual growth with the knowledge of Vedic Astrology.

Dasa Pravesh Chakra © Sri Jagannath Center For intenal Circulation in Varahamihira Yahoogroups only

Taught by Pt. Sanjay Rath Jyotish Guru, SJC Compiled and Edited by Sarajit Poddar Jyotish Guru, SJC

Introduction: Dasa Pravesh Chakra is drawn for the moment a dasa begins. As usual we are left with many questions and problems like what happens if the time is slightly wrong or if the ayanamsa is not right. Hence, we are having many dilemmas to handle the vexed ayanamsa issue will never allow the use of Dasa Pravesh Chakra for Vimsottari and Udu dasa or Kala Chakra Dasa. The moot point is that DPC is not only for Narayana dasa. It is a peculiar dasa system by itself. This is justified by the fact that we construct a chart for the beginning of a dasa and predict all that will happen using it. Sometime, we also don't need the main dasa antar , or pratyantar or smaller periods.

Advance Topic

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Dasa Pravesh Chakra


Dasa Pravesh Chakra (DPC) vs. Surya Pravesh Chakra (SPC)

We shall see now, what is the difference between the dasa pravesh charka and the anuual horoscope/ annual solar return chart/ surya pravesh charka. Now what happens when we draw another chart for the solar or lunar entry after a year? Let us take a situation where the first dasa is for one year, then the next DPC is either for the Tajik chart or TP Chart. So, the DPC is nothing but a Tajik chart when we talk of Narayana Dasa. Now the question is “Can we use Tajik rules for the DPC such as Ithasala yoga etc?” Although the dasa pravesh charka is similar to the Tajak surya pravesh charka, the rules of Tajik are applicable to dasa pravesh chart, when the dasa duration is one year. However, what happens if the Narayana dasa is for 12 years? This is where we shall have serious doubt about the authenticity of the Tajik system as being Jyotish itself. The Tajik system was introduced by Neelakantha, an exponent of the Yavana School, to which Varahamihira was squarely opposed. Varamihira’s point was that, we should not mix things in such a way that we can use anything to explain anything. The change in calendar is one such major problem in India, Suklanta vs. Amanta. India used to be a Full Moon calendar. Anyone who studies the month’s names shall realize this. The DPC which is so clearly stated in all standard texts, used to be purely Vedic system using traditional Jyotish tools. It was so obvious that no authority felt it worth the trouble to specifically mention its importance in making annual predictions. Now the point it that what we call a DPC is nothing but an annual chart called Surya Pravesh or the Sun's return. This is used with the Sudarshana chakra where each dasa is for one year. The dasa pravesh charka of Sudarshana dasa is infact same as the Varsha Pravesh charka, illustrated by the Tajik school of thought and what is called as Muntha in Tajik is the dasa sign running at that time. Thus what people call as Tajik is nothing new or different, except for those Yogas, which are very strange in their nomenclature. If we could identify the years which are the turning points of life, then there would be no need to draw 120 SPC (Surya Pravesh Chakras, the charts of annual solar return) to make life prediction s. For this purpose we use DASA as the turning points of life occur when the DASA changes. Now, SPCs have relevance only with NARAYANA, CHARA, SHOOLA and other such CRUCIAL dasa. Another very crucial dasa system, where the DPC works the best is naisargika dasa, as the dasa is similar for all and the difference is seen ONLY from DPC. Thus, the annual Solar return chart which was a VERY PAINFUL SYSTEM (imagine calculating 120 charts for a life time with 16 divisions and all that!) was done away with and the DPC came into the picture. The Sun rules Rasi and all Rasi Dasa generally need the DPC, except Udu dasa. Here by DPC we mean SPC for the Dasa. In Rasi dasa, new dasa starts with Sun’s entry to its natal longitude, hence dasa pravesh chakra becomes the Solar return chart at the commencement of the Dasa.

Divisions in DPC

The point with the DPC was that when it is used with a particular dasa, some divisions became more relevant and all Divisional charts were not necessary. To illustrate this, let’s see this. When we are using DPC with Shoola dasa, then we are concerned about the health and death. Thus on ly divisions we require are the shastamsa or trimsamsa. Why should we need Chaturthamsa or Dasamsa!

Interpretation of Dasa Pravesh Chakra

Panchanga in DPC Now when you draw a DPC, Look for the PANCHANGA. Panchanga means Pancha –Five, Anga- Organ. Each of these angas is ruled by one Tattva and hence there is one to one mapping of the Organs and the Tattvas. They are as follows: Vara – Agni Tithi – Jala Yoga – Akasa Karana – Prithvi

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Nakshatra – Vayu

Vara - Agni Tattwa The Vara Lord of the DPC plays a crucial role like the governor of the Body. It signifies the strength. This is because, Vara is ruled by Mars and Mars rules strength. Thus, if the Vara Lord is weak and afflicted, generally the health will be bad and the native will feel lack of energy. The relationship and relative placement of the DPC lagna from the natal Lagna shall show, show fortunate the dasa would be. Now, what happens if the DPC Lagna is in a dusthana from natal Lagna? This usually becomes a bad year and forebodes misfortune. With DUSTHANA, we mean houses 6, 8 & 12 only for which the KAARAKA is SATURN. That is why they are dusthana, and Saturn causes obstacles. However, if the Vara is very evil and the DPC Lagna is in Kendra to Natal Lagna, what’s to be inferred? Health is bad, but the general well being like fortune etc is there; Fame is not hampered, reputation intact etc. The Lagna is the Bhava which has got the Gayatri, the Dhi and this can be a good or bad place for the Dhi to focus during the period of the dasa. Now, coming back to the Lagna, the Lagna becomes the area where the intelligence gets focused and this is to be seen w.r.t. natal chart only.

Tithi (Jala Tattwa) It shows the elements which will pay an important role during the Dasa, i.e. Dasami Tithi (10 – reputation, name and fame; lorded by Moon) would indicate that fame and name is an important aspect during this time. Troubles or blessings can follow, depending on the lord of the Tithi. When we talk of Tithi we shall realize that they are based on paksha. Now we see which planet rules Paksha and what element do that planet rule? Venus rules the paksha and Venus rules Jala Tattwa. Like fire of Mars gives strength what will the water give? Water gives sustenance, like the Moon who rules the Jala Tattwa, gives sustenance in this world. We must stick to the Tattwa to find the impact of the different elements of the Panchanga, as they are very vital in understanding, how the different angas of the panchanga affect us. Now, if the Lord of the Tithi is ill placed, afflicted etc, what happens? Obviously there is a lot of mental tension, low mental strength, besides low sexual activity etc depending on age etc. Moon is the Mana of the Kala Purusha. The native may be enjoying Rajayoga in the physical plane, but the mental plane is very disturbed like a king fighting a battle. The tithis and their rulers as follows: Sl. No Tithis Planets 1. 1, 9 Sun 2. 2, 10 Moon 3. 3, 11 Mars 4. 4, 12 Merc 5. 5, 13 Jup 6. 6, 14 Venus 7. 7, 15 (Purnima) Saturn 8. 8, 0 (Amavasya) Rahu

Rasi Now come to the Moon position in sign. What happens if the Moon is in a Kendra/ Trikona from DPC Lagna? This is a positive indication that the native has his mind in tune with the affairs of the world. Mind will be in phase with Dhi Shakt i or the Intelligence. In normal parlance what we call the heart is in tune with the brain. What happens if the Moon is in Kendra/ Trikona from the planet or sign whose dasa has begun, and is yet is a bad place from DPC Lagna? Now you see Moon indicates the tides of the world affairs. Remember Shakespeare - there is a tide in the affairs of men which taken on the ebb leads to fortune and missed and the whole journey of life is a waste. Now when we Study the Kalachakra carefully, we see that the Moon is in the North direction. Now this direction is also lorded by Kubera the God of wealth. That’s why it shows finance and prosperity or the lack thereof as Kubera is the lord of the direction ruled by Moon, and Kubera rules

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wealth. One more point, Kubera rules trade. Wealth comes with trade and all HUMAN activity. What is Kubera’s Vehicle? It is “Human Being”. It’s Terrible to think that we are just another Vaahana. Pathetic, but this is true for 99.99% of human beings in this world. The Maharishis were right. He rides as money drives us, makes us slaves, eh! Rather, he does not prefer a cart and likes to sit on the head. Now lets see the significance of placement of Moon relative to Lagna of DPC and Dasa Rasi/ Graha. The Moon in K/T to Dasa Rasi/graha is very good as this shows that the dasa shall be beneficial, however, the native may n ot benefit as much if the same Moon is not well placed from the DPC Lagna. Dwara/ Bahya dasasrayo dwaram. Door is where the dasa rasi /planet is. Tathasthavitham Bahyam. The Bahya is the rasi placed as many rasis from the dwara as the dwara is from Lagna. The dasa sign itself is the Dwara (door) and the Bahya is the sign obtained by counting as many signs, from Dwara as it has gained from the Lagna. Thus, if Aries ascendants and dasa is of the fourth signs Cancer, the Dwara is Cancer and the Bahya is Libra (four signs from Cancer). The same principle is used to determine the Deha and Jeeva. Deha is judged for health whereas the Jeeva is judged for happiness and prosperity. (Narayana Dasa by Pt. Sanjay Rath) The sign occupied by the lord of dasa Rasi is the Paka and the Arudha of the dasa rasi is the Bhoga (fruit). If the Paka Rasi is Kendra or Trikona from Lagna and if the Bhoga Rasi is in a Kendra or Trikona from Arudha Lagna, auspicious results obtain. (Jaimini Sutra) Symbolically the Dwara Rasi is the doorway through which the soul is to leave the body and the Bahya Rasi is the ‘outside world’ to which it departs initially. (Jaimini Sutra) Karana - Prthvi Tattva Karana is half of a Tithi. Thus a lunar month which consists of thirty tithis, have 60 Karanas. There are altogether 11 karanas, out of which 7 are movable and 4 are fixed. They are:

Serial Karana Lord Type 1. Bava Surya 2. Balava Chandra 3. Kaulava Mangal 4. Taitila Budh 5. Gara Brhaspati 6. Vanija Shukra 7. Vishti Shani

Movable Karanas

8. Shakuni Brahma (Lagna Lord) 9. Chatuspada Vishnu (4th Lord)

10. Naga Mahesh (7th Lord) 11. Kimstughna Aditya (10th Lord)

Fixed Karanas

The fixed Karanas occur only once in a lunar month. They are as follows: Shakuni: 2nd half of Krishna Chaturdasi. Chatuspada: 1st half of Amavasya. Naga: 2nd half of Amavasya. Kimstughna: 1st half of Shukla Pratipad These movable Karanas repeat in regular order starting from the second half of Shukla Pratipad to the first half of the Krishna Chaturdasi. Karana is seen for overall success during the dasa period. The movable Karanas excluding the Vishti Karana is auspicious and show success, unless the lord is adversely afflicted in the DPC chart. Thus the placement of the

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lord becomes very important and can modify the inherent nature of the angas to large extent, based on their placements, aspect and associations.

Yoga – Akash Tattva Yoga is the opposite of Tithi. Yoga is vital as it is the Nakshatra where the Arudha from the Sun to the Moon comes. Thus this is the place where the light of the luminaries fall. Yoga is for the general well being. It is the blessings of God coming through the luminaries. This is indicated by the Vimsottari dasa equation i.e., SUN+MOON=JUP. Yoga is for general well-being and that is why the calculation of yoga begins from Cancer where Jupiter gets exalted. As the tattva ruling this anga is Akash, this shows, how we shall form relationships with others and our interaction with them. Akash indicate the binding force between all the tattvas. The Yogas mentioned in the classics is as follows:

Serial Yoga Short Description Lord 1 Vishkumbha Door bolt/supporting pillar Sat 2 Priti Love/Affection Merc 3 Ayusman Long-lived Ketu 4 Saubhagya long life of spouse(good fortune) Ven 5 Shobhna Splendid, bright Sun 6 Atiganda Great Danger Moon 7 Sukarma one with good deeds Mars 8 Dhriti Firmness Rahu 9 Shula Shiva's weapon of destruction Jup 10 Ganda Danger Sat 11 Vridhi Growth Merc 12 Dhruva Pole, Fixed, constant Ketu 13 Vyaghata Great blow Ven 14 Harshna Cheerful Sun 15 Vajra Diamond(Strong) Moon 16 Siddhi Accomplishment Mars 17 Vyatipata Great Fall Rahu 18 Variyan Chief/best Jup 19 Parigha Obstacle/hindrance Sat 20 Shiva Lord Shiva(purity) Merc 21 Siddha Accomplished/ready Ketu 22 Sadhya Possible Ven 23 Shubha Auspicious Sun 24 Shukla White, bright Moon 25 Brahma Creator(good knowledge andpurity) Mars 26 Indra Ruler of gods Rahu 27 Vaidhriti A class of gods Jup

Calculation of Yoga: Yoga = Sun’s Longitude +Moon’s Longitude The point is we were to first understand the strength of the Tattwa from the Panchanga, this will give the general effects of the planets and then we were to compare the interaction between the Tattwa. Thereafter we can easily see what benefits and what does not benefit from the Lagna etc placement. Lets take the DPC of Ge Narayana dasa from 92 to 2002 in the following chart. Date: April 27, 1971 Time: 6:32:00 Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Longitude: 72 E 50' 00" Latitude: 19 N 07' 00"

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+-----------------------------------------------+ |Mer Ven |Sun GL | |Ket AL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Mar HL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------| DPC Rasi |-----------| |Moo Sat | Chart |JupR Glk | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |Rah | | |Asc Mnd | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+ In Ge DPC, Tithi lord sun is exalted in Ar. What is the difference if the Lagna is Aries or Virgo; will it show that the dasa will be financially good or bad? With the Aries Lagna, Sun is the 5th lord in the Lagna whereas with Virgo Lagna Sun is 12th lord exalted in 8th. There is - a big difference in one case the financial jump is in the same place while the other indicates outside, signified by the 12th house. Vara lord is also sun again; 12th lord in 8th, exalted. What does it show regarding physical strength? Vara lord shows excellent results but some excess heat caused due to 8th house placement. The Yoga is Shukla whose lord moon in 5th from Lagna (but 8th from dasa rasi) with Saturn. What does it show? Now the 5th placement from Lagna is a blessing no doubt. Excellent association, knowledge, popularity etc. 8th from dasa rasi will also give good results. Marana karaka (Moon in the 8th) effects will not be there from dasa rasi. He will have reverence for the divine mother (Saturn- Moon combination). What do we see in placement from Lagna and what in placement from dasa rasi? Lagna placement shows what will happen and dasa rasi placement shows whether you benefit or not. Akash Tattwa unites and brings people together. Here the Tithi was that of the Sun - so pure. Thus, Akash Tattwa should be used for Association, Relationship/Partnership, and Interaction etc. This explains why Atithi is considered as a Devata – “Atithi devo bhavah”. Devata comes through people. In his 2002-2005 Cancer dasa DPC, Tithi lord is Saturn (pournimasya), he is in 3rd from Pisces Lagna, that isn't so good for finances. The Karana was Bava, ruled by the Su n. Garija in 1992-2002, Bava in 2002-2005, So, what do you infer, Garija by Jupiter, Bava by the Sun. 92-2002 or 2002-05? In 2002-05, Sun is exalted in 2nd. Do you see the blessings of a powerful Sun coming during that period? It was the beginning of life. A big and good beginning, in 1992-2002, Jupiter is in 12th from Virgo Lagna, Sun is also in 10th from dasa rasi, quadrant. We know which planets to look at and infer instead of getting carried away with some Rajyoga etc.

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Dasa Pravesh Chakra


+-----------------------------------------------+ |Asc HL |Sun |Mar Mer |Jup AL | | | |Ven Sat | | | | |Rah | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| |GL | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | DPC | | |-----------| Rasi |-----------| |Mnd Glk | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |-----------+-----------------------+-----------| | |Ket |Moo | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------+ In previous dasa, Jupiter was Karana lord; he was in 12th from Lagna (Vi) and 3rd from dasa rasi; both bad placements. What would u say? After all, he had a lot of success in that dasa. 12th for Virgo is good (badhaka in the 12th is good), the other is definitely bad. It shows that although success came to the place of work (good placement from the DPC Lagna), or others were seeing the signs of success, he did not get his share of it (Marana karaka placement from the Dasa sign).

Nakshatra- Vayu Tattva Nakshatra are rule by the Airy element, which is signified by Saturn. Saturn is the karaka for Karma and one of the significator of Karma bhava. The human birth is due to some sin performed in the past lives and the birth gives the chance to self undoing and learning through the experiences. Saturn is the karaka for the births and the responsibilities to learn from the mistakes is also with Saturn. Saturn being the lord of the Tattva ruling the Nakshatra shows the experiences during the period of the dasa. The deities of the Nakshatra reveal a lot of information. This can show where our mind is focused, based on the nature of the nakshatra and the deity governing it. The Nakshatra deities and their short description are as follows:

No. Name Deity 1 Aswini Ashwins-the twin horseman – The divine physician 2 Bharani Yama- Death 3 Krittika Agni- Fire 4 Rohini Prajapati-lord of creation 5 Mrigashira Soma-god of immortality 6 Ardra Rudra-god of storm 7 Punurvasu Aditi-mother of the Gods 8 Pushyami Brihaspati- teacher of the Devas 9 Aslesha Sarpa-serpent 10 Magha the Pitris-the Ancestral Fathers 11 PurvaPhalguni Aryaman- god of contracts & union, Sun as friend, beloved 12 UttaraPhalguni Bhaga-the Sun as bliss 13 Hasta Savitar-Sun as inspiration 14 Chitra Vishvakarma- divine architect 15 Svati Vayu-Wind

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16 Vishaka Indragni-gods of lightning and fire 17 Anuradha Mitra-divine friend, lord ofcompassion 18 Jyesta Indra-god of thunder 19 Moola Nirritti- goddess of disaster, Alaksmi 20 Purva Ashada Apas-goddess of Waters 21 Uttara Ashada Vishvadevas-Universal Gods 22 Sravana Vishnu- the Pervader 23 Dhanishta Vasus-gods of Light and Abundance 24 Shatabishak Varuna-god of Cosmic Waters 25 Purva Bhadra Aja Ekapada- one footed serpent, horned goat, unicorn – the

tapaswi 26 Uttara Bhadra Ahir Budhanya- dragon of the Depths of the atmosphere 27 Revati Pushan- Sun as nourisher, protector, fosterer

The nakshatras are to be seen also relative to the natal nakshatra. To understand this maharishis have proposed the Nava Tara scheme. Based on this scheme, the 27 nakshatras are divided into three groups of nine each, having the following nomenclature: 1. Janma (Birth) 2. Sampat (Wealth) 3. Vipat (Danger) 4. Kshema (Well-Being) 5. Pratyak (Obstacles) 6. Saadhana (Achievement) 7. Naidhana (Death) 8. Mitra (Friend) 9. Paramamitra (Best Friend) The Sampat, Kshema, Sadhana, Mitra and Parama Mitra are auspicious nakshatras and indicate good for the dasa. These results can be modified based on the placement of the nakshatra lords. Here we shall be using the vimshottari lordship of the nakshatras, as this is one dasa system, which applies to almost all of us, though with slight medications.

The Astakavarga What matters in the AV of DPC is the Dasa Rasi or the Dasa Graha. Here we have two Astakavarga, one of the natal charts and another of the DPC. The natal AV should be used to see the overall strengths of planets, as if the DPC were a transit chart. In the DPC AV, The real point is to see the dots in the Dasa sign; which planets has contributed and how much! DPC-AV is temporary and only functions for the dasa duration. In the DPC – AV, if the score reduces in a bhava, it becomes weaker and if it increases, it becomes stronger. Dasa Trend If the Dasa duration is divided into 12 parts then each of the part shall be influenced by the signs and houses in the order of 4, 2, 8, 10, 12, 6, 5, 11, 1, 7, 9 and 3. Each sign can also be divided into three parts and they will give the results in the following order: Rising of the Signs: There are three ways in which a sign can rise: Sirsodaya: Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius. Pristodaya: Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, Capricorn. Ubhayodaya: Pisces Sirsodaya signs give results in the early part of the sign duration; Pristodaya signs give results during the last part of the sign duration, whereas the Ubhayodaya signs give results during the middle part of the dasa (some opine that the results are given through out the sign duration. Benefic/ Malefic Nature of the “lord” or “aspects/ conjunctions”

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Dasa Pravesh Chakra


Jyotish shastras have said unanimously that the benefic results of the dasa shall be felt during the early part and the malefic results will be felt in the latter part. In the remaining two part of the dasa, benefic results will be given in the early part. Thus the results will be given by the lord or aspect/ conjunction, depending on who is the most benefic among them. If the lord is benefic then the results will be given in the early part of the remaining two parts and the converse is true if the conjunctions/ aspects are more benefic.


DPC dasa rasi is the one, the PARTICULAR ADITYA for a person. He is the one through which all benefits channel back to the natal chart as it links the two as they are the real givers in this world. Hence, this is important to note here that the real remedy in any DPC is the Aditya mantra for the dasa rasi.

Aÿ÷˜kÿari Mantra (Daily Prayer) These are the general mantra for worshipping the Sun God everyday. If remedial measures are being given or if the worship is to be for the specific Sun sign, then the name of the Sun God “Surya” is to be replaced by His specific name for the Sun sign. (Vedic Remedies in Astrology – by Sanjay Rath) Aditya Mantra

Sun Sign Mantra Transliteration All Signs-Standard mantra ` "&[I> sUyR AaidTy, om gh®õŸ× s¨rya ˜ditya | Aries Aryama ` "&[I> AyRmaidTy, om gh®õŸ× aryam˜ditya | Taurus Mitra ` "&[I> imÇaidTy, om gh®õŸ× mitr˜aditya | Gemini Varun ` "&[I> vé[aidTy, om gh®õŸ× varuõ˜ditya | Cancer Indra ` "&[I> #NÔaidTy, om gh®õŸ× indr˜ditya | Leo Vivaswan ` "&[I> ivvSvanaidTy, om gh®õŸ× vivasv˜n˜ditya | Virgo Pusha ` "&[I> pU;aidTy, om gh®õŸ× p¨ÿ˜ditya | Libra Parjanya ` "&[I> pjRNyaidTy, om gh®õŸ× parjany˜ditya | Scorpio Anshuman ` "&[I> A<zumnaidTy, om gh®õŸ× aÕþuman˜ditya | Sagittarius Bhaga ` "&[I> ÉgaidTy, om gh®õŸ× bhag˜ditya | Capricorn Twastha ` "&[I> TvòaidTy, om gh®õŸ× tvaÿ÷˜ditya | Aquarius Vishnu ` "&[I> iv:[u AaidTy, om gh®õŸ× viÿõu ˜ditya | Pisces Dhata ` "&[I> xataidTy, om gh®õŸ× dh˜t˜ditya |

:: Om Tat Sat ::