das brochure: cfo support services

TRAINING OUTSOURCING STAFFING Improving Underperforming Accounting Departments through Training, Staffing and Outsourcing CFO SUPPORT SERVICES

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Page 1: DAS Brochure: CFO Support Services


Improving Underperforming Accounting Departments through

Training, Staffing and Outsourcing

cfo support services

Page 2: DAS Brochure: CFO Support Services

“The sad truth is that many businesses

hemorrhage cash and miss opportunities due to inadequate financial guidance and processes.

DAS fills a need by supplying high end CFO

skills on an as-needed basis. We help by either

training your people or by outsourcing ours, saving you the cost of

hiring a fulltime CFO.”

— Ren Carlton, President Dynamic Advisory Solutions

Power Up Your Accounting


Just what you need, just when you need it.

Whether it’s a temp for a week or a fulltime Controller or CFO, DAS can help. How do you know if you need help? Answer the following questions:

» Do I feel like I’m losing control of the financial side of my business?

» Is my accounting department unprepared for rapid growth?

» Are there important financial facts that I am not receiving in a timely manner?

» Am I struggling to meet bank/stakeholder deadlines and requirements?

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then you need the assistance DAS can provide. Whether you are a growing company, a non-profit, or a large corporation in need of better accounting processes, call DAS today for a free consultation and we will assess your needs and frame a solution that fits your budget, with no obligation from you.

DAS provides pay-as-you-go expertise

from our team of expert CFOs and CPAs.

We help accounting departments perform

better and save you money. We coach, train

and assist your accounting department to

meet reporting deadlines and requirements,

and make better business decisions.

DAS has custom solutions that fit your

business and your budget.

Page 3: DAS Brochure: CFO Support Services

interim and temporary cfos and controllers

Suddenly, your accounting department is outflanked. You’re falling behind. Bills aren’t being paid, receipts aren’t getting logged, and reporting is slipshod. What do you do? Call DAS. We’ll supply you with fully trained temporary help that will see you through seasonal surges and staffing shortages.

outsourced cfo and controller services

Your company is growing. You’re on track to becoming a big success. But your accounting department is not in step with your company’s growth. And you don’t need a fulltime CFO yet. What’s the solution? CFO and Controller services ala carte from DAS. Pay only for the help you need, and only when you need it.

cfo and controller placement

Your company has grown and now you need a fulltime Chief Financial Officer or Controller. This is a big step, so get expert advice. DAS leadership is CFOs and CPAs and we will locate and prescreen the right CFO or Controller to meet your company’s specific needs.

the Das free consultation

» Lasts one hour

» 16 question diagnostic interview

» Written recommendations submitted within 48 hours

» No obligation

After you receive your DAS free consultation report, and if you feel that DAS has expertise that would be of value to your company, we invite you to take the next small step toward improving your accounting department. It’s quick, it’s affordable, and it will transform your accounting department into “a lean, mean, profit machine.” We call it the DAS 2-Day Tune-Up.

the 2-Day tune-up

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but in 2 days DAS can identify the underperforming components of your accounting department and build you a plan that improves the outcomes from your existing accounting staff. Here’s how it works. Following our proprietary analysis process, we interview your CEO, then the person in charge of your accounting, and some of the key decision makers within your organization. DAS uses this information to produce the following deliverables within 2 business days:

» A clearly defined CFO playbook listing specific tasks your head accountant or CFO needs to complete in order to meet the accounting and finance needs required to help your business grow. DAS builds this playbook based on best practices, informed by the CEO, the accounting department, and other members of the organization.

» A time-and-action plan for your head accountant or CFO, including specific deadlines and assistance with deliverables to help that individual meet your organization’s CFO needs.

» Additional recommendations if needed

Our 2-Day Tune-Up has helped dozens of DAS clients rethink, recharge, and revitalize their accounting departments. The name says it all. We dive deep, ask the right questions, develop transformative solutions, and in 2 days you begin benefitting from an accounting department that pulls you forward instead of holding you back.

get a customized solution

No two companies are alike. Each has its own accounting department challenges. DAS has three solutions to help you in any combination your business and budget demands.

» Training & Development

•Before you add costly CFO staff, consider retraining and developing the talent you already have

•Create consistent deliverables• Improve process outcomes

» Outsource support

• If blue chip CFO support once or twice a month is all you need, DAS can provide that

•CFO and Controller services on an as-needed basis•Affordable ongoing support that supplies the exact

financial expertise you need on a regular basis

» Staffing

•Expert vetting and placement of CFOs and Controllers•Massive database of financial management

professionals•Try-before-you buy placement


Page 4: DAS Brochure: CFO Support Services

client Demographics and results – 2011

The industries we serve include: Automotive Suppliers (Tiers 1, 2 and 3), Automobile Dealerships, Contractors and Construction, E-Commerce, Manufacturing, Medical Devices, Pharmaceutical, Telecommunications, Retail, Staffing, Professional Services, Emerging Technologies, Startups, Nonprofits/Not-For-Profits, Civic. Our clients have:

» Annual Revenue from $1,000,000 - $120,000,000

» Total Bank and Third Party Debt: $0 - $15,000,000

» 15% of our clients were in the workout/SAG department of their bank in the past 12 months

4th Quarter 2011 Results for DAS Clients

» Within 30 days of month end, 100% of our clients received month-end financial statements expedited by DAS.

» 100% of our clients receive a written forecast and attend a monthly financial performance meeting scheduled by DAS personnel to compare actual results to budget

» 100% of our clients met all bank reporting deadlines

» 100% of our clients maintained their relationship with their current bank and CPA

» 0% of our clients needed to submit adjustments to their bank on previously submitted data

» 0% of our clients experienced material changes in their books due to an audit/review from their bank auditor or a CPA review

Financial management issues, large or small, require immediate attention. If you need us for anything, anytime, call us. We respond to all new inquiries during normal business hours within 24 hours and can provide expert accounting department solutions or financial management assistance immediately.

Dynamic Advisory Solutions2250 Butterfield Dr., Suite 240, Troy, MI 48084

248.283.8834 • www.daspc.com

Get your free assessment, and DAS will propose a customized solution that will help your accounting department perform better. Based on your budget, through fixed-fees, not-to-exceed caps, and periodic fee adjustments that reduce your cost over time, we will help you streamline your accounting process into a leaner, far more productive department. We have helped over 200 companies improve their accounting departments and are happy to provide multiple references. Call us today at 248.283.8843. We’re ready to help!

We’re ready