darren l. brown, p.g. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · darren l. brown, p.g. 11601 e....

Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: [email protected] February 18, 2017 Quail Crossing Homeowner’s Association Attn: Jeanie Shackelford P.O. Box 966 Andover, KS 67002 RE: Split Sample Data Review for Samples Collected on September 22, 2016 at the NuStar Andover Release Site (Quail Crossing) Dear Homeowner’s Association (HOA) Board, This document provides a description of the sampling events of September 22, 2016 in which groundwater samples were collected from five residential wells and one monitoring well at the NuStar Andover Release Site for the Quail Crossing HOA. Groundwater samples were also collected by the NuStar Consultant (Apex Companies, LLC (Apex)) and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE). Additionally, this document provides the results of the sampling event and a comparison of the HOA results against those of Apex and KDHE. Executive Summary A summary of the key findings and observations are provided below. Groundwater samples were collected by the HOA consultant, Darren Brown, at the following wells. o Monitoring Well MW-6 o Irrigation well HOA-1 (an active well) o 2019 N. Ruger Circle (inactive well) o 2025 N. Ruger Court (inactive well) o 2001 N. Colt Court (inactive well) o 2007 N. Colt Court (inactive well) Monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-6 were sampled by peristaltic pump instead of a bladder pump which is used at the remaining monitoring wells. The sample collection method employed during the sampling of monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-6 is not consistent with industry standards when samples are being analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Apex appears to sample the irrigation wells without purging the wells. A bailer sample of groundwater is collected by lowering the bailer into the upper 5 to 8 feet of the water level present in the irrigation well. In general that sample depth is not within the screen interval of the well and is not likely to be representative of actual groundwater

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Page 1: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February

Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: [email protected]

February 18, 2017 Quail Crossing Homeowner’s Association Attn: Jeanie Shackelford P.O. Box 966 Andover, KS 67002

RE: Split Sample Data Review for Samples Collected on September 22, 2016 at the NuStar Andover Release Site (Quail Crossing) Dear Homeowner’s Association (HOA) Board, This document provides a description of the sampling events of September 22, 2016 in which groundwater samples were collected from five residential wells and one monitoring well at the NuStar Andover Release Site for the Quail Crossing HOA. Groundwater samples were also collected by the NuStar Consultant (Apex Companies, LLC (Apex)) and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE). Additionally, this document provides the results of the sampling event and a comparison of the HOA results against those of Apex and KDHE. Executive Summary A summary of the key findings and observations are provided below.

Groundwater samples were collected by the HOA consultant, Darren Brown, at the following wells.

o Monitoring Well MW-6 o Irrigation well HOA-1 (an active well) o 2019 N. Ruger Circle (inactive well) o 2025 N. Ruger Court (inactive well) o 2001 N. Colt Court (inactive well) o 2007 N. Colt Court (inactive well)

Monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-6 were sampled by peristaltic pump instead of a

bladder pump which is used at the remaining monitoring wells. The sample collection method employed during the sampling of monitoring wells MW-5 and MW-6 is not consistent with industry standards when samples are being analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Apex appears to sample the irrigation wells without purging the wells. A bailer sample of groundwater is collected by lowering the bailer into the upper 5 to 8 feet of the water level present in the irrigation well. In general that sample depth is not within the screen interval of the well and is not likely to be representative of actual groundwater

Page 2: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February

Quail Crossing Split Sample Data Review February 18, 2017

Page 2

Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316) 573-3485 E-mail: [email protected]

conditions. This sampling methodology would not be consistent with standard industry practices.

Samples collected from the irrigation well by the HOA consultant were collected by allowing the sample bailer to sink between 25 to 40 feet below the water level surface. Samples from these depths would be well within the screen interval of the well and have the best chance of being representative of groundwater conditions at that location using the sampling methodology approved by KDHE.

All wells sampled by the HOA consultant were analyzed for VOCs by Method 8260,

Low Range Hydrocarbons (LRHs), Mid-range Hydrocarbons (MRHs), and High Range Hydrocarbons (HRH).

The monitoring well and three of the irrigation wells had no reported compounds in the HOA consultant samples. Two of the HOA consultant-sampled irrigation wells had low levels of detected compounds while the samples collected by KDHE and Apex had no detected compounds.

The sample methodology utilized by Apex for inactive irrigation wells is not likely to be representative of groundwater conditions at the well locations. The sample methodology for inactive irrigation wells should be adjusted to either:

Purge the inactive irrigation well before sample collection, or, Ensure that the bailer is lowered into the middle or lower portion of the screen

interval of the inactive irrigation well for sample collection. Additionally, samples for VOC and LRH analysis should not be collected directly from the active discharge of a peristaltic pump as this is not consistent with industry standards. Industry standard is to pinch off the tubing on the well-side of the peristaltic pump, remove the tubing from the well, and collect the sample by allowing the groundwater to drain by gravity into the applicable sample bottles.

Page 3: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February

Quail Crossing Split Sample Data Review February 18, 2017

Page 3

Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316) 573-3485 E-mail: [email protected]

Project Background The HOA was concerned about the representativeness of the groundwater samples from this irrigation and monitoring wells at the NuStar Quail Crossing Site in Andover, Kansas. As a result, I was commissioned to collect samples from select wells during the third quarter groundwater sampling event conducted by Apex. Negotiations with NuStar failed to acquire permission to sample any monitoring wells other than well MW-6. The HOA was able to acquire permission to sample five irrigation wells: HOA-1, 2001 Colt Court, 2007 Colt Court, 2019 N. Ruger Circle, and 2025 N. Court. The well locations are provided on Figure 3 of the Apex Report titled: Revised Third Quarter 2016 - Groundwater Monitoring Report - NuStar Andover Quail Crossing - Andover, Kansas and is attached to this document for reference purposes. Sampling Event The six wells were sampled on September 22, 2016 with Apex personnel, KDHE personnel, and HOA representatives present. Apex staff members present were: Ted Alfred; Rodney Josey; and Mike Watson. Ted Alfred is the regular primary sampling personnel for this site. Rodney Josey is a trainee and Mike Whitson is a registered geologist out of the Portland Oregon Apex office who came in for this sampling event. Also in attendance was Ian Bosmeijer of KDHE. KDHE collected split samples at every well I sampled for the Quail Crossing HOA. KDHE also collected split samples from Apex at four other monitoring wells. KDHE was originally scheduled to sample wells MW-1, MW-5, MW-9, MW-19. Ian Bosmeijer informed me that Samuel Jackson requested that KDHE take split samples from all wells targeted for split samples by the HOA. Jeanie Shackelford was also present for the first two well samplings. Upon my arrival just before 0900, I was informed by Mr. Alfred that all of the wells except those scheduled for split samples by either the HOA or KDHE had already been sampled during the previous two days. Monitoring well MW-6 was the first well sampled. According to the Apex crew, the monitoring wells have bladder pumps installed in the wells. The bladder pumps are designed to work by pumping compressed gas into a bag installed inside a pump housing which is installed in the well. As the bag inflates, it forces water up an exit tube from the pump housing and a check valve keeps the forced water from coming back down into the pump housing. The gas is allowed to exhaust from the bag and the cycle starts over. Eventually, the water will be forced to the surface after a number of pumping cycles. On September 22, MW-6 was not purged or sampled utilizing the bladder pump methodology. Instead, MW-6 was purged and sampled using a peristaltic pump which uses suction at the surface to draw water up like a person using a straw draws water out of glass. Typically, when sampling is conducted with a peristaltic pump, the groundwater is allowed to discharge directly from the peristaltic pump line into the sample container when the analyses to

Page 4: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February

Quail Crossing Split Sample Data Review February 18, 2017

Page 4

Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316) 573-3485 E-mail: [email protected]

be conducted is metals, semi-volatile organics, pesticides, PCBs, or HRH. This methodology is not recommended by EPA or industry standards for collecting LRH or VOCs samples as there are concerns that samples will be subject to enough volatilization to affect sample results. The peristaltic pump can be used during the purging process, but after the purge volume is completed, the tubing is then pinched off in mid-flow on the well side of the peristaltic pump (like putting your thumb over then end of straw) and withdrawn from the well. The down well end of the tubing is then positioned over the sample container and the pinched tubing relaxed enough to let water to slowly flow out of the tubing in a continuous stream until the sample container is full. The tubing is then pinched again until the next sample container is available and the process repeated. If the tubing does not contain enough water for all the sample bottles, the tubing is then re-inserted down the well and additional water drawn up with the peristaltic pump. The sampling process is then repeated until all the sample bottles are filled. Peristaltic pumps can be used to collect groundwater samples from depths up to 27 feet at sea level and probably about 25 to 26 feet for the Wichita area. Apex Sampling Technique - Monitoring Well As noted above, MW-6 was not sampled by bladder pump. MW-6 was sampled by a peristaltic pump and the tubing was not pinched off and extracted for the LRH and VOC sample collection. The discharge from the end of the tubing during the operation of the peristaltic pump was so low (100 milliliters per minute) that the discharge was in droplet form instead of steady flow which would further volatilize and VOC contaminants that might be present. There was no explanation offered by Apex as to why the well was not sampled by bladder pump. MW-5 also appeared to be sampled by peristaltic pump. Mr. Bosmeijer indicated the flow from the pump at MW-5 was a little better. Since the depth to water at MW-1, MW-9, and MW-19 is greater than 27 feet, these wells were sampled by the bladder pump method. Mr. Bosmeijer indicated that the flow from the bladder pump was smoother. However, I did not witness these wells being sampled. Apex Sampling Technique - Irrigation Wells The HOA-1 well was sampled by Apex by lowering the bailer to approximately 40 to 44 feet or so, or what appeared to be about 4 to 8 feet below the apparent water table. This sample should have put the APEX bailer into the well's screened interval. Since the well appeared to have been pumped (for irrigation) that morning, the sample from the HOA-1 well should be fairly representative of what's in the aquifer. The remaining irrigation wells sampled by Apex (2019 N. Ruger Circle, 2025 N. Ruger Court, 2001 N. Colt Court, and 2007 N. Colt Court) were sampled by lowering their bailer to just below the top of the water column in the well resulting in a water sample collected somewhere between 2 to 8 feet below the depth to water in the well. Thus, the Apex sample depth was typically between 32 and 38 feet below ground surface which would be above the screen interval and less likely to represent actual groundwater conditions in the deeper aquifer at the site. Mr. Alfred of

Page 5: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February

Quail Crossing Split Sample Data Review February 18, 2017

Page 5

Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316) 573-3485 E-mail: [email protected]

Apex indicated that his bailer was not weighted and that it was hard to get it to sink through the water column in the well. HOA Contractor Sampling Technique - Irrigation Wells My bailer was weighted and all my samples appeared to be collected from between 60 and 70 feet below ground surface. This sample depth is well within the screen interval of the irrigation wells and is likely to be more representative of the deeper aquifer conditions. The extra time to allow my bailer to sink 30 to 40 feet through the water column in the wells was typically less than one minute. ASSESSMENT OF SAMPLING METHODS This section assesses the methodology used to collect the groundwater samples. Assessment of Apex Sampling Methodology. Irrigation wells - grab samples collected from the water column above the screen interval are less likely to be representative of the groundwater conditions in the deeper portion of the aquifer. The targeted sample interval should be at least 60 to 70 feet below ground surface, if not deeper. Monitoring wells - purging techniques used by Apex on the monitoring wells are consistent with industry standards. Samples collected for VOC and LRH analyses should either be collected from mid-stream of a steady low purge rate by bladder pump or by removing the tubing from the well and slowly pouring the fluid into the sample containers. In instances where a peristaltic pump is used for purging, once the purge volume is achieved, the industry standard to collect the VOC and LRH sample volumes is to pinch the tubing on the well side of the peristaltic pump in mid-flow and then pull the tubing from the well and allow the water to drain from the tubing by gravity into the sample containers. The Apex crew needs to note which wells are not sampled by bladder pump as deviations from the Sampling Plan in their reports. It is not known if Apex crews routinely samples the monitoring wells with depths to water less than 26 feet with a peristaltic pump instead of the bladder pump, or if, due to the split sample volume requirements, made a one-time change for this event. A spot check review of several of the past Apex field work sheets indicates that all monitoring wells are typically sampled by bladder pump, although MW-6 has been sampled by a peristaltic pump at least once in 2014.

Page 6: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February

Quail Crossing Split Sample Data Review February 18, 2017

Page 6

Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316) 573-3485 E-mail: [email protected]

ASSESSMENT OF ANALYTICAL RESULTS The analytical results of APEX and KDHE are compared to the results of my samples (HOA) in the attached table. None of the samples collected by KDHE or Apex had detectable concentrations of any analyte. One analyte, benzene, was detected at 2.9 micrograms per liter (ug/L) in the HOA sample from the 2019 N. Ruger Circle residential well. This concentration is below KDHE’s RSK level of 5 ug/L. Five analytes were detected in the 2007 N. Colt Court residential well. The analytes were:

Acetone at 23.2 ug/L Benzene at 20.6 ug/L Ethylbenzene at 2.2 ug/L 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene at 2.2 ug/L Low Range Hydrocarbons at 93 ug/L

Acetone was not a reported compound for the Apex and KDHE samples. CONCLUSIONS Six split samples were collected for the HOA during the Apex Third Quarter 2016 sampling event. One sample was collected from a monitoring well, one sample was collected from an active HOA irrigation well, and four samples were collected from private residential irrigation wells. The monitoring well was sampled using peristaltic pump sampling technology, but the sample collection method for LRH and VOC samples was not consistent with EPA or industry standards. Samples collected for LRH and VOC analysis should be collected by pinching the tubing on the well side of the peristaltic pump in mid-flow, withdrawing the tubing from the well, and collecting the appropriate volume of sample water by gravity drainage from the bottom of the tubing. The sample collection method employed by Apex at MW-6 and MW-5 is not likely to provide representative LRH or VOC results. The irrigation wells were sampled by Apex and KDHE by allowing a bailer to sink into the very top of the water column and collecting a grab sample. The irrigation wells sampled by the HOA consultant were collected by allowing a bailer to sink well below the top of the water column and into the screen interval of the well. The analytical results of the irrigation wells demonstrate that the Apex sampling methodology used on inactive irrigation wells is not likely to be representative of actual groundwater

Page 7: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February

Quail Crossing Split Sample Data Review February 18, 2017

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Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316) 573-3485 E-mail: [email protected]

conditions. The methodology for sampling inactive irrigation wells should consist of either purging the wells prior to sampling, or, at a minum, allowing the sample bailer to sink far enough into the water column to be well within the screen interval of the irrigation well. If you have any questions or would like more information please let me know. Thank you for this opportunity to assist the Quail Crossing HOA. Sincerely,

Darren L. Brown, P.G. Environmental Consultant Wichita, KS

Attachments Pace Analytical Laboratory Report Table 1 - Comparison of Analytical Results of Split Samples at NuStar’s Quail Crossing Release Site Figure 3 from Apex Report titled: Revised Third Quarter 2016 Groundwater Monitoring Report - NuStar Andover Quail Crossing - Andover, Kansas

Page 8: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Well ID/Sampled By Acetone Benzene Ethylbenzene


Low Range Hydrocarbons

Mid Range Hydrocarbons

ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/LMW‐6 ‐ HOA <10 <1 <1 <1 <50 <60MW‐6 ‐ APEX NR <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <100 <100MW‐6 ‐ KDHE NR <1 <1 <1 <100 <95

HOA‐1 ‐ HOA <10 <1 <1 <1 <50 <60HOA‐1 ‐ APEX NR <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <100 <100HOA‐1 ‐ KDHE NR <1 <1 <1 <100 <92.6

2019 North Ruger Circle ‐ HOA <10 2.9 <1 <1 <50 <582019 North Ruger Circle ‐ APEX NR <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <100 <1002019 North Ruger Circle ‐ KDHE NR <1 <1 <1 <100 <92.6

2025 North Ruger Court ‐ HOA <10 <1 <1 <1 <50 <582025 North Ruger Court ‐ APEX NR <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <100 <1002025 North Ruger Court ‐ KDHE NR <1 <1 <1 <100 <93.5

2001 Colt Court ‐ HOA <10 <1 <1 <1 <50 <582001 Colt Court ‐ APEX NR <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <100 <1002001 Colt Court ‐ KDHE NR <1 <1 <1 <100 <95.2

2007 Colt Court ‐ HOA 23.2 20.6 2.2 2.2 93 <582007 Colt Court ‐ APEX NR <0.5 <0.5 <0.5 <100 <1002007 Colt Court ‐ KDHE NR <1 <1 <1 <100 <94.3

NR = Not Reported

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Page 9: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February

NuStar Easement Boundary



e D


















W Mountain


olt C


N Rug

er Cir.





g St


2006 NColt Ct.

2004 NColt Ct.

2002 NColt Ct.

2001 NColt Ct.

2005 NColt Ct.

2007 NColt Ct.

2022 N QuailCrossing St.

2019 NRuger Cir.

1023 WMountain

2020 NRuger Cir.

PipelineRelease Location

N Ruger Ct.

2008 NQuail Crossing St.

2002 NQuail Crossing St.

1950 NQuail Crossing St.

1942 NQuail Crossing St.

1936 NQuail Crossing St.

1930 NQuail Crossing St.

1019 WMountain

1017 WMountain

1013 WMountain

1009 WMountain



on C






g St


1012 WMountain

1006 WMountain

2030 N QuailCrossing St.1211 W Quail

Crossing Ct.1217 W QuailCrossing Ct.

1221 W QuailCrossing Ct.


2024 NRuger Cir.

2021 NRuger Ct.

2023 NRuger Ct.

2007 NMountain Ct.

2009 NMountain Ct.

2011 NMountain Ct.

2010 NMountain Ct.



2025 NRuger Ct.

2028 NRuger Cir.

2032 NRuger Cir.

2031 NRuger Ct.

2036 NRuger Cir.

2040 NRuger Cir.

2044 NRuger Cir.

2043 NRuger Cir.

2039 NRuger Cir.2037 N

Ruger Cir.2035 NRuger Cir.2033 N

Ruger Cir.

W 21st St.

2029 NRuger Ct.

2027 NRuger Ct.

2046 N QuailCrossing St.

2040 N QuailCrossing St.

2034 N QuailCrossing St.

1212 W QuailCrossing Ct.

W. Quail Crossing Ct.

1218 W QuailCrossing Ct.

1224 W QuailCrossing Ct.

926 WMountain 920 W




N Mountain Ct.




Project Number Figure


Scale in Feet

0 100 200

Apex Companies, LLC3015 SW First AvenuePortland, Oregon 97201













Monitoring Well LocationGroundwater Elevation in Feet MSL

Groundwater Elevation Not UsedFor Contouring

Groundwater Elevation Contour(Dashed Where Inferred)

Inferred Groundwater Flow Direction

Irrigation Well; Deactivated Wells =

Soil Boring Location

Property Line


Pipeline Easement Boundary

Stormwater Discharge

Energy Dissipator

Slope Indicator

Lot Owned by Quail CrossingHomeowner's Association









Groundwater Elevation Map -September 19, 2016


November 2016

Third Quarter 2016 Groundwater Monitoring ReportNuStar Pipeline Operating Partnership L.P.

Andover, Kansas









1334.30 1333.41












Surface Elevation (1344.50) (9/19/2016)










Page 10: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February


October 06, 2016


60228494Project:Pace Project No.:


Darren Brown

11601 E. Killarney CircleWichita, KS 67206


Dear Darren Brown:Enclosed are the analytical results for sample(s) received by the laboratory on September 23, 2016.The results relate only to the samples included in this report. Results reported herein conform to themost current, applicable TNI/NELAC standards and the laboratory's Quality Assurance Manual,where applicable, unless otherwise noted in the body of the report.

If you have any questions concerning this report, please feel free to contact me.


Heather [email protected] Manager


REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 1 of 36

Page 11: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Kansas Certification IDs9608 Loiret Boulevard, Lenexa, KS 66219WY STR Certification #: 2456.01Arkansas Certification #: 15-016-0Illinois Certification #: 003097Iowa Certification #: 118Kansas/NELAP Certification #: E-10116

Louisiana Certification #: 03055Nevada Certification #: KS000212008AOklahoma Certification #: 9205/9935Texas Certification #: T104704407Utah Certification #: KS00021Kansas Field Laboratory Accreditation: # E-92587

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 2 of 36

Page 12: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Lab ID Sample ID Matrix Date Collected Date Received

60228494001 QC-MW6-092216 Water 09/22/16 09:55 09/23/16 22:00

60228494002 QC-HOA-1-092216 Water 09/22/16 10:40 09/23/16 22:00

60228494003 QC-2019NRC-092216 Water 09/22/16 12:00 09/23/16 22:00

60228494004 QC-2025NRC-092216 Water 09/22/16 12:45 09/23/16 22:00

60228494005 QC-2001CC-092216 Water 09/22/16 13:25 09/23/16 22:00

60228494006 QC-2007CC-092216 Water 09/22/16 14:15 09/23/16 22:00

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 3 of 36

Page 13: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Lab ID Sample ID MethodAnalytesReported LaboratoryAnalysts

60228494001 QC-MW6-092216 EPA 8015C 3 PASI-KAJM

EPA 5030B/8260 69 PASI-KPGH


60228494002 QC-HOA-1-092216 EPA 8015C 3 PASI-KAJM

EPA 5030B/8260 69 PASI-KPGH


60228494003 QC-2019NRC-092216 EPA 8015C 3 PASI-KAJM

EPA 5030B/8260 69 PASI-KPGH


60228494004 QC-2025NRC-092216 EPA 8015C 3 PASI-KAJM

EPA 5030B/8260 69 PASI-KPGH


60228494005 QC-2001CC-092216 EPA 8015C 3 PASI-KAJM

EPA 5030B/8260 69 PASI-KPGH


60228494006 QC-2007CC-092216 EPA 8015C 3 PASI-KAJM

EPA 5030B/8260 69 PASI-KPGH


REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 4 of 36

Page 14: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Sample: QC-MW6-092216 Lab ID: 60228494001 Collected: 09/22/16 09:55 Received: 09/23/16 22:00 Matrix: Water

Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. QualReport Limit

Analytical Method: EPA 8015C Preparation Method: EPA 35118015 MOD KS TPH

HRH (C19-C35) ND mg/L 10/03/16 14:0109/30/16 00:000.20 1MRH (C9-C18) ND mg/L 10/03/16 14:0109/30/16 00:000.060 1Surrogates1-Chloro-octadecane (S) 84 % 10/03/16 14:01 3386-33-209/30/16 00:0040-140 1

Analytical Method: EPA 5030B/82608260 MSV

Acetone ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 67-64-110.0 1Benzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 71-43-21.0 1Bromobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 108-86-11.0 1Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 74-97-51.0 1Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 75-27-41.0 1Bromoform ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 75-25-21.0 1Bromomethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 74-83-95.0 12-Butanone (MEK) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 78-93-310.0 1n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 104-51-81.0 1sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 135-98-81.0 1tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 98-06-61.0 1Carbon disulfide ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 75-15-05.0 1Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 56-23-51.0 1Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 108-90-71.0 1Chloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 75-00-31.0 1Chloroform ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 67-66-31.0 1Chloromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 74-87-31.0 12-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 95-49-81.0 14-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 106-43-41.0 11,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 96-12-82.5 1Dibromochloromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 124-48-11.0 11,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 106-93-41.0 1Dibromomethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 74-95-31.0 11,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 95-50-11.0 11,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 541-73-11.0 11,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 106-46-71.0 1Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 75-71-81.0 11,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 75-34-31.0 11,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 107-06-21.0 11,2-Dichloroethene (Total) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 540-59-01.0 11,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 75-35-41.0 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 156-59-21.0 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 156-60-51.0 11,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 78-87-51.0 11,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 142-28-91.0 12,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 594-20-71.0 11,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 563-58-61.0 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 10061-01-51.0 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 10061-02-61.0 1Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 100-41-41.0 1Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 87-68-31.0 1

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 5 of 36

Page 15: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Sample: QC-MW6-092216 Lab ID: 60228494001 Collected: 09/22/16 09:55 Received: 09/23/16 22:00 Matrix: Water

Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. QualReport Limit

Analytical Method: EPA 5030B/82608260 MSV

2-Hexanone ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 591-78-610.0 1Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 98-82-81.0 1p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 99-87-61.0 1Methylene chloride ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 75-09-21.0 14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 108-10-110.0 1Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 1634-04-41.0 1Naphthalene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 91-20-310.0 1n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 103-65-11.0 1Styrene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 100-42-51.0 11,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 630-20-61.0 11,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 79-34-51.0 1Tetrachloroethene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 127-18-41.0 1Toluene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 108-88-31.0 11,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 87-61-61.0 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 120-82-11.0 11,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 71-55-61.0 11,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 79-00-51.0 1Trichloroethene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 79-01-6 L31.0 1Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 75-69-41.0 11,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 96-18-42.5 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 95-63-61.0 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 108-67-81.0 1Vinyl chloride ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 75-01-41.0 1Xylene (Total) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:06 1330-20-73.0 1Surrogates4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 98 % 09/30/16 19:06 460-00-477-130 11,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 93 % 09/30/16 19:06 17060-07-081-127 1Toluene-d8 (S) 100 % 09/30/16 19:06 2037-26-580-120 1Preservation pH 1.0 09/30/16 19:060.10 1

Analytical Method: EPA 82608260/KS TPH Water

LRH (C5-C8) ND mg/L 09/27/16 17:31 L20.050 1SurrogatesToluene-d8 (S) 99 % 09/27/16 17:31 2037-26-5 1e80-120 14-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 99 % 09/27/16 17:31 460-00-480-120 11,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 98 % 09/27/16 17:31 17060-07-080-120 1Preservation pH 1.0 09/27/16 17:310.10 1

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 6 of 36

Page 16: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Sample: QC-HOA-1-092216 Lab ID: 60228494002 Collected: 09/22/16 10:40 Received: 09/23/16 22:00 Matrix: Water

Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. QualReport Limit

Analytical Method: EPA 8015C Preparation Method: EPA 35118015 MOD KS TPH

HRH (C19-C35) ND mg/L 10/03/16 14:0809/30/16 00:000.20 1MRH (C9-C18) ND mg/L 10/03/16 14:0809/30/16 00:000.060 1Surrogates1-Chloro-octadecane (S) 107 % 10/03/16 14:08 3386-33-209/30/16 00:0040-140 1

Analytical Method: EPA 5030B/82608260 MSV

Acetone ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 67-64-110.0 1Benzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 71-43-21.0 1Bromobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 108-86-11.0 1Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 74-97-51.0 1Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 75-27-41.0 1Bromoform ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 75-25-21.0 1Bromomethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 74-83-95.0 12-Butanone (MEK) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 78-93-310.0 1n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 104-51-81.0 1sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 135-98-81.0 1tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 98-06-61.0 1Carbon disulfide ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 75-15-05.0 1Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 56-23-51.0 1Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 108-90-71.0 1Chloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 75-00-31.0 1Chloroform ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 67-66-31.0 1Chloromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 74-87-31.0 12-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 95-49-81.0 14-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 106-43-41.0 11,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 96-12-82.5 1Dibromochloromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 124-48-11.0 11,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 106-93-41.0 1Dibromomethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 74-95-31.0 11,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 95-50-11.0 11,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 541-73-11.0 11,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 106-46-71.0 1Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 75-71-81.0 11,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 75-34-31.0 11,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 107-06-21.0 11,2-Dichloroethene (Total) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 540-59-01.0 11,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 75-35-41.0 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 156-59-21.0 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 156-60-51.0 11,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 78-87-51.0 11,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 142-28-91.0 12,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 594-20-71.0 11,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 563-58-61.0 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 10061-01-51.0 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 10061-02-61.0 1Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 100-41-41.0 1Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 87-68-31.0 1

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 7 of 36

Page 17: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Sample: QC-HOA-1-092216 Lab ID: 60228494002 Collected: 09/22/16 10:40 Received: 09/23/16 22:00 Matrix: Water

Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. QualReport Limit

Analytical Method: EPA 5030B/82608260 MSV

2-Hexanone ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 591-78-610.0 1Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 98-82-81.0 1p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 99-87-61.0 1Methylene chloride ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 75-09-21.0 14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 108-10-110.0 1Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 1634-04-41.0 1Naphthalene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 91-20-310.0 1n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 103-65-11.0 1Styrene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 100-42-51.0 11,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 630-20-61.0 11,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 79-34-51.0 1Tetrachloroethene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 127-18-41.0 1Toluene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 108-88-31.0 11,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 87-61-61.0 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 120-82-11.0 11,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 71-55-61.0 11,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 79-00-51.0 1Trichloroethene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 79-01-6 L31.0 1Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 75-69-41.0 11,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 96-18-42.5 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 95-63-61.0 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 108-67-81.0 1Vinyl chloride ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 75-01-41.0 1Xylene (Total) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:21 1330-20-73.0 1Surrogates4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 95 % 09/30/16 19:21 460-00-477-130 11,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 93 % 09/30/16 19:21 17060-07-081-127 1Toluene-d8 (S) 100 % 09/30/16 19:21 2037-26-580-120 1Preservation pH 1.0 09/30/16 19:210.10 1

Analytical Method: EPA 82608260/KS TPH Water

LRH (C5-C8) ND mg/L 09/27/16 17:45 L20.050 1SurrogatesToluene-d8 (S) 101 % 09/27/16 17:45 2037-26-5 1e80-120 14-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 99 % 09/27/16 17:45 460-00-480-120 11,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 96 % 09/27/16 17:45 17060-07-080-120 1Preservation pH 1.0 09/27/16 17:450.10 1

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 8 of 36

Page 18: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Sample: QC-2019NRC-092216 Lab ID: 60228494003 Collected: 09/22/16 12:00 Received: 09/23/16 22:00 Matrix: Water

Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. QualReport Limit

Analytical Method: EPA 8015C Preparation Method: EPA 35118015 MOD KS TPH

HRH (C19-C35) ND mg/L 09/27/16 16:5409/26/16 00:000.19 1MRH (C9-C18) ND mg/L 09/27/16 16:5409/26/16 00:000.058 1Surrogates1-Chloro-octadecane (S) 54 % 09/27/16 16:54 3386-33-209/26/16 00:0040-140 1

Analytical Method: EPA 5030B/82608260 MSV

Acetone ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 67-64-110.0 1Benzene 2.9 ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 71-43-21.0 1Bromobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 108-86-11.0 1Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 74-97-51.0 1Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 75-27-41.0 1Bromoform ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 75-25-21.0 1Bromomethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 74-83-95.0 12-Butanone (MEK) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 78-93-310.0 1n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 104-51-81.0 1sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 135-98-81.0 1tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 98-06-61.0 1Carbon disulfide ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 75-15-05.0 1Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 56-23-51.0 1Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 108-90-71.0 1Chloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 75-00-31.0 1Chloroform ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 67-66-31.0 1Chloromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 74-87-31.0 12-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 95-49-81.0 14-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 106-43-41.0 11,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 96-12-82.5 1Dibromochloromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 124-48-11.0 11,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 106-93-41.0 1Dibromomethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 74-95-31.0 11,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 95-50-11.0 11,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 541-73-11.0 11,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 106-46-71.0 1Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 75-71-81.0 11,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 75-34-31.0 11,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 107-06-21.0 11,2-Dichloroethene (Total) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 540-59-01.0 11,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 75-35-41.0 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 156-59-21.0 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 156-60-51.0 11,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 78-87-51.0 11,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 142-28-91.0 12,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 594-20-71.0 11,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 563-58-61.0 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 10061-01-51.0 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 10061-02-61.0 1Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 100-41-41.0 1Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 87-68-31.0 1

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 9 of 36

Page 19: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Sample: QC-2019NRC-092216 Lab ID: 60228494003 Collected: 09/22/16 12:00 Received: 09/23/16 22:00 Matrix: Water

Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. QualReport Limit

Analytical Method: EPA 5030B/82608260 MSV

2-Hexanone ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 591-78-610.0 1Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 98-82-81.0 1p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 99-87-61.0 1Methylene chloride ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 75-09-21.0 14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 108-10-110.0 1Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 1634-04-41.0 1Naphthalene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 91-20-310.0 1n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 103-65-11.0 1Styrene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 100-42-51.0 11,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 630-20-61.0 11,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 79-34-51.0 1Tetrachloroethene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 127-18-41.0 1Toluene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 108-88-31.0 11,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 87-61-61.0 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 120-82-11.0 11,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 71-55-61.0 11,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 79-00-51.0 1Trichloroethene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 79-01-6 L31.0 1Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 75-69-41.0 11,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 96-18-42.5 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 95-63-61.0 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 108-67-81.0 1Vinyl chloride ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 75-01-41.0 1Xylene (Total) ND ug/L 09/30/16 19:35 1330-20-73.0 1Surrogates4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 105 % 09/30/16 19:35 460-00-477-130 11,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 91 % 09/30/16 19:35 17060-07-081-127 1Toluene-d8 (S) 97 % 09/30/16 19:35 2037-26-580-120 1Preservation pH 1.0 09/30/16 19:350.10 1

Analytical Method: EPA 82608260/KS TPH Water

LRH (C5-C8) ND mg/L 09/27/16 17:59 L20.050 1SurrogatesToluene-d8 (S) 100 % 09/27/16 17:59 2037-26-5 1e80-120 14-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 99 % 09/27/16 17:59 460-00-480-120 11,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 100 % 09/27/16 17:59 17060-07-080-120 1Preservation pH 1.0 09/27/16 17:590.10 1

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 10 of 36

Page 20: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Sample: QC-2025NRC-092216 Lab ID: 60228494004 Collected: 09/22/16 12:45 Received: 09/23/16 22:00 Matrix: Water

Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. QualReport Limit

Analytical Method: EPA 8015C Preparation Method: EPA 35118015 MOD KS TPH

HRH (C19-C35) ND mg/L 09/27/16 17:0209/26/16 00:000.19 1MRH (C9-C18) ND mg/L 09/27/16 17:0209/26/16 00:000.058 1Surrogates1-Chloro-octadecane (S) 56 % 09/27/16 17:02 3386-33-209/26/16 00:0040-140 1

Analytical Method: EPA 5030B/82608260 MSV

Acetone ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 67-64-110.0 1Benzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 71-43-21.0 1Bromobenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 108-86-11.0 1Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 74-97-51.0 1Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 75-27-41.0 1Bromoform ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 75-25-21.0 1Bromomethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 74-83-95.0 12-Butanone (MEK) ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 78-93-310.0 1n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 104-51-81.0 1sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 135-98-81.0 1tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 98-06-61.0 1Carbon disulfide ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 75-15-05.0 1Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 56-23-51.0 1Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 108-90-71.0 1Chloroethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 75-00-31.0 1Chloroform ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 67-66-31.0 1Chloromethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 74-87-31.0 12-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 95-49-81.0 14-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 106-43-41.0 11,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 96-12-82.5 1Dibromochloromethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 124-48-11.0 11,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 106-93-41.0 1Dibromomethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 74-95-31.0 11,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 95-50-11.0 11,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 541-73-11.0 11,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 106-46-71.0 1Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 75-71-81.0 11,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 75-34-31.0 11,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 107-06-21.0 11,2-Dichloroethene (Total) ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 540-59-01.0 11,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 75-35-41.0 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 156-59-21.0 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 156-60-51.0 11,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 78-87-51.0 11,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 142-28-91.0 12,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 594-20-71.0 11,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 563-58-61.0 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 10061-01-51.0 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 10061-02-61.0 1Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 100-41-41.0 1Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 87-68-31.0 1

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 11 of 36

Page 21: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Sample: QC-2025NRC-092216 Lab ID: 60228494004 Collected: 09/22/16 12:45 Received: 09/23/16 22:00 Matrix: Water

Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. QualReport Limit

Analytical Method: EPA 5030B/82608260 MSV

2-Hexanone ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 591-78-610.0 1Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 98-82-81.0 1p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 99-87-61.0 1Methylene chloride ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 75-09-21.0 14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 108-10-110.0 1Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 1634-04-41.0 1Naphthalene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 91-20-310.0 1n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 103-65-11.0 1Styrene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 100-42-51.0 11,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 630-20-61.0 11,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 79-34-51.0 1Tetrachloroethene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 127-18-41.0 1Toluene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 108-88-31.0 11,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 87-61-61.0 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 120-82-11.0 11,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 71-55-61.0 11,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 79-00-51.0 1Trichloroethene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 79-01-6 L31.0 1Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 75-69-41.0 11,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 96-18-42.5 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 95-63-61.0 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 108-67-81.0 1Vinyl chloride ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 75-01-41.0 1Xylene (Total) ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:24 1330-20-73.0 1Surrogates4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 94 % 10/01/16 01:24 460-00-477-130 11,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 95 % 10/01/16 01:24 17060-07-081-127 1Toluene-d8 (S) 95 % 10/01/16 01:24 2037-26-580-120 1Preservation pH 1.0 10/01/16 01:240.10 1

Analytical Method: EPA 82608260/KS TPH Water

LRH (C5-C8) ND mg/L 09/27/16 18:13 L20.050 1SurrogatesToluene-d8 (S) 101 % 09/27/16 18:13 2037-26-5 1e80-120 14-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 97 % 09/27/16 18:13 460-00-480-120 11,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 95 % 09/27/16 18:13 17060-07-080-120 1Preservation pH 1.0 09/27/16 18:130.10 1

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 12 of 36

Page 22: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Sample: QC-2001CC-092216 Lab ID: 60228494005 Collected: 09/22/16 13:25 Received: 09/23/16 22:00 Matrix: Water

Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. QualReport Limit

Analytical Method: EPA 8015C Preparation Method: EPA 35118015 MOD KS TPH

HRH (C19-C35) ND mg/L 09/27/16 17:0909/26/16 00:000.19 1MRH (C9-C18) ND mg/L 09/27/16 17:0909/26/16 00:000.058 1Surrogates1-Chloro-octadecane (S) 91 % 09/27/16 17:09 3386-33-209/26/16 00:0040-140 1

Analytical Method: EPA 5030B/82608260 MSV

Acetone ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 67-64-110.0 1Benzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 71-43-21.0 1Bromobenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 108-86-11.0 1Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 74-97-51.0 1Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 75-27-41.0 1Bromoform ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 75-25-21.0 1Bromomethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 74-83-95.0 12-Butanone (MEK) ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 78-93-310.0 1n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 104-51-81.0 1sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 135-98-81.0 1tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 98-06-61.0 1Carbon disulfide ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 75-15-05.0 1Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 56-23-51.0 1Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 108-90-71.0 1Chloroethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 75-00-31.0 1Chloroform ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 67-66-31.0 1Chloromethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 74-87-31.0 12-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 95-49-81.0 14-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 106-43-41.0 11,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 96-12-82.5 1Dibromochloromethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 124-48-11.0 11,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 106-93-41.0 1Dibromomethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 74-95-31.0 11,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 95-50-11.0 11,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 541-73-11.0 11,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 106-46-71.0 1Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 75-71-81.0 11,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 75-34-31.0 11,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 107-06-21.0 11,2-Dichloroethene (Total) ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 540-59-01.0 11,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 75-35-41.0 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 156-59-21.0 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 156-60-51.0 11,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 78-87-51.0 11,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 142-28-91.0 12,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 594-20-71.0 11,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 563-58-61.0 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 10061-01-51.0 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 10061-02-61.0 1Ethylbenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 100-41-41.0 1Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 87-68-31.0 1

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 13 of 36

Page 23: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Sample: QC-2001CC-092216 Lab ID: 60228494005 Collected: 09/22/16 13:25 Received: 09/23/16 22:00 Matrix: Water

Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. QualReport Limit

Analytical Method: EPA 5030B/82608260 MSV

2-Hexanone ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 591-78-610.0 1Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 98-82-81.0 1p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 99-87-61.0 1Methylene chloride ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 75-09-21.0 14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 108-10-110.0 1Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 1634-04-41.0 1Naphthalene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 91-20-310.0 1n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 103-65-11.0 1Styrene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 100-42-51.0 11,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 630-20-61.0 11,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 79-34-51.0 1Tetrachloroethene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 127-18-41.0 1Toluene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 108-88-31.0 11,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 87-61-61.0 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 120-82-11.0 11,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 71-55-61.0 11,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 79-00-51.0 1Trichloroethene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 79-01-6 L31.0 1Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 75-69-41.0 11,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 96-18-42.5 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 95-63-61.0 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 108-67-81.0 1Vinyl chloride ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 75-01-41.0 1Xylene (Total) ND ug/L 10/01/16 01:39 1330-20-73.0 1Surrogates4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 98 % 10/01/16 01:39 460-00-477-130 11,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 94 % 10/01/16 01:39 17060-07-081-127 1Toluene-d8 (S) 98 % 10/01/16 01:39 2037-26-580-120 1Preservation pH 1.0 10/01/16 01:390.10 1

Analytical Method: EPA 82608260/KS TPH Water

LRH (C5-C8) ND mg/L 09/27/16 18:28 L20.050 1SurrogatesToluene-d8 (S) 100 % 09/27/16 18:28 2037-26-5 1e80-120 14-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 99 % 09/27/16 18:28 460-00-480-120 11,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 98 % 09/27/16 18:28 17060-07-080-120 1Preservation pH 1.0 09/27/16 18:280.10 1

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 14 of 36

Page 24: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Sample: QC-2007CC-092216 Lab ID: 60228494006 Collected: 09/22/16 14:15 Received: 09/23/16 22:00 Matrix: Water

Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. QualReport Limit

Analytical Method: EPA 8015C Preparation Method: EPA 35118015 MOD KS TPH

HRH (C19-C35) ND mg/L 09/27/16 17:1709/26/16 00:000.19 1MRH (C9-C18) ND mg/L 09/27/16 17:1709/26/16 00:000.058 1Surrogates1-Chloro-octadecane (S) 105 % 09/27/16 17:17 3386-33-209/26/16 00:0040-140 1

Analytical Method: EPA 5030B/82608260 MSV

Acetone 23.2 ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 67-64-110.0 1Benzene 20.6 ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 71-43-21.0 1Bromobenzene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 108-86-11.0 1Bromochloromethane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 74-97-51.0 1Bromodichloromethane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 75-27-41.0 1Bromoform ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 75-25-21.0 1Bromomethane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 74-83-95.0 12-Butanone (MEK) ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 78-93-310.0 1n-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 104-51-81.0 1sec-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 135-98-81.0 1tert-Butylbenzene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 98-06-61.0 1Carbon disulfide ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 75-15-05.0 1Carbon tetrachloride ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 56-23-51.0 1Chlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 108-90-71.0 1Chloroethane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 75-00-31.0 1Chloroform ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 67-66-31.0 1Chloromethane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 74-87-31.0 12-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 95-49-81.0 14-Chlorotoluene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 106-43-41.0 11,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 96-12-82.5 1Dibromochloromethane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 124-48-11.0 11,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 106-93-41.0 1Dibromomethane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 74-95-31.0 11,2-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 95-50-11.0 11,3-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 541-73-11.0 11,4-Dichlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 106-46-71.0 1Dichlorodifluoromethane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 75-71-81.0 11,1-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 75-34-31.0 11,2-Dichloroethane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 107-06-21.0 11,2-Dichloroethene (Total) ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 540-59-01.0 11,1-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 75-35-41.0 1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 156-59-21.0 1trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 156-60-51.0 11,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 78-87-51.0 11,3-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 142-28-91.0 12,2-Dichloropropane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 594-20-71.0 11,1-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 563-58-61.0 1cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 10061-01-51.0 1trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 10061-02-61.0 1Ethylbenzene 2.2 ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 100-41-41.0 1Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 87-68-31.0 1

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 15 of 36

Page 25: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Sample: QC-2007CC-092216 Lab ID: 60228494006 Collected: 09/22/16 14:15 Received: 09/23/16 22:00 Matrix: Water

Parameters Results Units DF Prepared Analyzed CAS No. QualReport Limit

Analytical Method: EPA 5030B/82608260 MSV

2-Hexanone ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 591-78-610.0 1Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 98-82-81.0 1p-Isopropyltoluene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 99-87-61.0 1Methylene chloride ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 75-09-21.0 14-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 108-10-110.0 1Methyl-tert-butyl ether ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 1634-04-41.0 1Naphthalene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 91-20-310.0 1n-Propylbenzene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 103-65-11.0 1Styrene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 100-42-51.0 11,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 630-20-61.0 11,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 79-34-51.0 1Tetrachloroethene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 127-18-41.0 1Toluene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 108-88-31.0 11,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 87-61-61.0 11,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 120-82-11.0 11,1,1-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 71-55-61.0 11,1,2-Trichloroethane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 79-00-51.0 1Trichloroethene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 79-01-61.0 1Trichlorofluoromethane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 75-69-41.0 11,2,3-Trichloropropane ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 96-18-42.5 11,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 2.2 ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 95-63-61.0 11,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 108-67-81.0 1Vinyl chloride ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 75-01-41.0 1Xylene (Total) ND ug/L 10/04/16 12:59 1330-20-73.0 1Surrogates4-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 100 % 10/04/16 12:59 460-00-477-130 11,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 101 % 10/04/16 12:59 17060-07-081-127 1Toluene-d8 (S) 99 % 10/04/16 12:59 2037-26-580-120 1Preservation pH 1.0 10/04/16 12:590.10 1

Analytical Method: EPA 82608260/KS TPH Water

LRH (C5-C8) 0.093 mg/L 09/27/16 18:42 L20.050 1SurrogatesToluene-d8 (S) 100 % 09/27/16 18:42 2037-26-5 1e80-120 14-Bromofluorobenzene (S) 99 % 09/27/16 18:42 460-00-480-120 11,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) 97 % 09/27/16 18:42 17060-07-080-120 1Preservation pH 1.0 09/27/16 18:420.10 1

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 16 of 36

Page 26: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

QC Batch:QC Batch Method:

Analysis Method:Analysis Description:

448694EPA 5030B/8260

EPA 5030B/82608260 MSV Water 10 mL Purge

Associated Lab Samples: 60228494001, 60228494002, 60228494003

Parameter UnitsBlankResult

ReportingLimit Qualifiers

METHOD BLANK: 1835901Associated Lab Samples: 60228494001, 60228494002, 60228494003

Matrix: Water


1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,1-Dichloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,1-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,1-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L ND 2.5 09/30/16 15:271,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L ND 2.5 09/30/16 15:271,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,2-Dichloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,2-Dichloroethene (Total) ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,2-Dichloropropane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,3-Dichloropropane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:271,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:272,2-Dichloropropane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:272-Butanone (MEK) ug/L ND 10.0 09/30/16 15:272-Chlorotoluene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:272-Hexanone ug/L ND 10.0 09/30/16 15:274-Chlorotoluene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:274-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/L ND 10.0 09/30/16 15:27Acetone ug/L ND 10.0 09/30/16 15:27Benzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Bromobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Bromochloromethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Bromodichloromethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Bromoform ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Bromomethane ug/L ND 5.0 09/30/16 15:27Carbon disulfide ug/L ND 5.0 09/30/16 15:27Carbon tetrachloride ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Chlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Chloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Chloroform ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Chloromethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 17 of 36

Page 27: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

Parameter UnitsBlankResult

ReportingLimit Qualifiers

METHOD BLANK: 1835901Associated Lab Samples: 60228494001, 60228494002, 60228494003

Matrix: Water


cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Dibromochloromethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Dibromomethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Ethylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Methylene chloride ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27n-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27n-Propylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Naphthalene ug/L ND 10.0 09/30/16 15:27p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27sec-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Styrene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27tert-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Tetrachloroethene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Toluene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Trichloroethene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Vinyl chloride ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 15:27Xylene (Total) ug/L ND 3.0 09/30/16 15:271,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 94 81-127 09/30/16 15:274-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 101 77-130 09/30/16 15:27Toluene-d8 (S) % 95 80-120 09/30/16 15:27

Parameter UnitsLCS

Result% RecLimits Qualifiers% RecConc.


1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L 19.420 97 80-1121,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L 21.720 108 81-1161,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L 16.820 84 72-1171,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L 19.720 99 79-1081,1-Dichloroethane ug/L 22.320 111 83-1171,1-Dichloroethene ug/L 21.320 107 74-1141,1-Dichloropropene ug/L 21.320 107 80-1201,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L 18.420 92 74-1241,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L 18.120 90 74-1201,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L 18.320 92 78-1201,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L 19.420 97 82-1141,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L 17.520 87 73-1241,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L 19.520 97 81-120

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 18 of 36

Page 28: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

Parameter UnitsLCS

Result% RecLimits Qualifiers% RecConc.


1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 18.720 93 84-1171,2-Dichloroethane ug/L 20.920 104 72-1161,2-Dichloroethene (Total) ug/L 42.740 107 80-1201,2-Dichloropropane ug/L 21.620 108 80-1201,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L 19.520 97 80-1201,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 18.620 93 80-1201,3-Dichloropropane ug/L 19.220 96 80-1201,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 18.720 93 80-1202,2-Dichloropropane ug/L 17.720 89 58-1322-Butanone (MEK) ug/L 95.7100 96 67-1292-Chlorotoluene ug/L 18.920 95 80-1202-Hexanone ug/L 97.4100 97 70-1284-Chlorotoluene ug/L 18.620 93 80-1204-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/L 106100 106 80-120Acetone ug/L 103100 103 56-142Benzene ug/L 22.420 112 79-116Bromobenzene ug/L 19.820 99 80-120Bromochloromethane ug/L 23.620 118 76-124Bromodichloromethane ug/L 21.120 106 80-120Bromoform ug/L 19.420 97 73-114Bromomethane ug/L 22.020 110 49-153Carbon disulfide ug/L 21.120 105 82-121Carbon tetrachloride ug/L 21.720 109 80-116Chlorobenzene ug/L 20.020 100 80-120Chloroethane ug/L 21.420 107 67-124Chloroform ug/L 21.420 107 79-120Chloromethane ug/L 32.420 162 10-192cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L 21.520 107 80-120cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 20.620 103 80-120Dibromochloromethane ug/L 19.420 97 80-120Dibromomethane ug/L 21.020 105 84-117Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/L 21.120 105 22-167Ethylbenzene ug/L 19.220 96 80-120Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/L 18.320 91 75-122Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/L 20.820 104 80-120Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/L 18.920 94 79-117Methylene chloride ug/L 20.920 105 80-120n-Butylbenzene ug/L 18.720 94 80-120n-Propylbenzene ug/L 20.120 100 80-120Naphthalene ug/L 18.320 91 74-125p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L 19.620 98 80-120sec-Butylbenzene ug/L 19.520 97 80-120Styrene ug/L 20.320 101 80-120tert-Butylbenzene ug/L 18.920 95 85-116Tetrachloroethene ug/L 21.420 107 80-120Toluene ug/L 20.520 102 80-120trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L 21.220 106 78-108

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 19 of 36

Page 29: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

Parameter UnitsLCS

Result% RecLimits Qualifiers% RecConc.


trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 17.920 90 85-120Trichloroethene ug/L 23.0 L020 115 76-114Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L 22.820 114 78-132Vinyl chloride ug/L 23.320 116 69-129Xylene (Total) ug/L 60.660 101 80-1201,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 96 81-1274-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 98 77-130Toluene-d8 (S) % 96 80-120

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 20 of 36

Page 30: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

QC Batch:QC Batch Method:

Analysis Method:Analysis Description:

448695EPA 5030B/8260

EPA 5030B/82608260 MSV Water 10 mL Purge

Associated Lab Samples: 60228494004, 60228494005

Parameter UnitsBlankResult

ReportingLimit Qualifiers

METHOD BLANK: 1835930Associated Lab Samples: 60228494004, 60228494005

Matrix: Water


1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,1-Dichloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,1-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,1-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L ND 2.5 09/30/16 21:461,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L ND 2.5 09/30/16 21:461,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,2-Dichloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,2-Dichloroethene (Total) ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,2-Dichloropropane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,3-Dichloropropane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:461,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:462,2-Dichloropropane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:462-Butanone (MEK) ug/L ND 10.0 09/30/16 21:462-Chlorotoluene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:462-Hexanone ug/L ND 10.0 09/30/16 21:464-Chlorotoluene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:464-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/L ND 10.0 09/30/16 21:46Acetone ug/L ND 10.0 09/30/16 21:46Benzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Bromobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Bromochloromethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Bromodichloromethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Bromoform ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Bromomethane ug/L ND 5.0 09/30/16 21:46Carbon disulfide ug/L ND 5.0 09/30/16 21:46Carbon tetrachloride ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Chlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Chloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Chloroform ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Chloromethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 21 of 36

Page 31: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

Parameter UnitsBlankResult

ReportingLimit Qualifiers

METHOD BLANK: 1835930Associated Lab Samples: 60228494004, 60228494005

Matrix: Water


cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Dibromochloromethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Dibromomethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Ethylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Methylene chloride ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46n-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46n-Propylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Naphthalene ug/L ND 10.0 09/30/16 21:46p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46sec-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Styrene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46tert-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Tetrachloroethene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Toluene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Trichloroethene ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Vinyl chloride ug/L ND 1.0 09/30/16 21:46Xylene (Total) ug/L ND 3.0 09/30/16 21:461,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 92 81-127 09/30/16 21:464-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 94 77-130 09/30/16 21:46Toluene-d8 (S) % 95 80-120 09/30/16 21:46

Parameter UnitsLCS

Result% RecLimits Qualifiers% RecConc.


1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L 19.520 97 80-1121,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L 21.420 107 81-1161,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L 16.620 83 72-1171,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L 19.520 97 79-1081,1-Dichloroethane ug/L 20.820 104 83-1171,1-Dichloroethene ug/L 21.420 107 74-1141,1-Dichloropropene ug/L 21.120 105 80-1201,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L 19.620 98 74-1241,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L 19.520 97 74-1201,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L 19.420 97 78-1201,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L 19.620 98 82-1141,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L 19.320 97 73-1241,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L 18.720 93 81-120

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 22 of 36

Page 32: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

Parameter UnitsLCS

Result% RecLimits Qualifiers% RecConc.


1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 18.620 93 84-1171,2-Dichloroethane ug/L 19.720 98 72-1161,2-Dichloroethene (Total) ug/L 42.040 105 80-1201,2-Dichloropropane ug/L 20.720 104 80-1201,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L 19.920 99 80-1201,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 18.720 94 80-1201,3-Dichloropropane ug/L 18.720 94 80-1201,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 19.320 97 80-1202,2-Dichloropropane ug/L 16.220 81 58-1322-Butanone (MEK) ug/L 95.3100 95 67-1292-Chlorotoluene ug/L 20.120 100 80-1202-Hexanone ug/L 98.7100 99 70-1284-Chlorotoluene ug/L 18.620 93 80-1204-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/L 110100 110 80-120Acetone ug/L 102100 102 56-142Benzene ug/L 22.620 113 79-116Bromobenzene ug/L 19.220 96 80-120Bromochloromethane ug/L 24.220 121 76-124Bromodichloromethane ug/L 20.520 103 80-120Bromoform ug/L 19.320 96 73-114Bromomethane ug/L 25.220 126 49-153Carbon disulfide ug/L 21.320 107 82-121Carbon tetrachloride ug/L 21.420 107 80-116Chlorobenzene ug/L 19.720 99 80-120Chloroethane ug/L 22.320 112 67-124Chloroform ug/L 20.420 102 79-120Chloromethane ug/L 35.320 177 10-192cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L 21.120 105 80-120cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 20.220 101 80-120Dibromochloromethane ug/L 18.920 95 80-120Dibromomethane ug/L 20.220 101 84-117Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/L 21.920 109 22-167Ethylbenzene ug/L 19.820 99 80-120Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/L 19.220 96 75-122Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/L 19.620 98 80-120Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/L 22.920 115 79-117Methylene chloride ug/L 21.720 109 80-120n-Butylbenzene ug/L 19.320 97 80-120n-Propylbenzene ug/L 20.020 100 80-120Naphthalene ug/L 19.720 99 74-125p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L 20.020 100 80-120sec-Butylbenzene ug/L 20.320 102 80-120Styrene ug/L 21.420 107 80-120tert-Butylbenzene ug/L 20.220 101 85-116Tetrachloroethene ug/L 20.320 102 80-120Toluene ug/L 20.120 100 80-120trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L 20.920 104 78-108

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 23 of 36

Page 33: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

Parameter UnitsLCS

Result% RecLimits Qualifiers% RecConc.


trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 17.720 89 85-120Trichloroethene ug/L 23.0 L020 115 76-114Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L 22.320 111 78-132Vinyl chloride ug/L 22.920 114 69-129Xylene (Total) ug/L 62.260 104 80-1201,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 90 81-1274-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 108 77-130Toluene-d8 (S) % 95 80-120

Parameter UnitsMS

Result% RecLimits Qual% RecConc.








1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L 20 93 77-10996 2 1720ND 18.7 19.11,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L 20 113 70-135120 6 12200.41J 22.9 24.41,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L 20 87 54-13686 0 1520ND 17.3 17.31,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L 20 93 70-11394 2 1520ND 18.6 18.91,1-Dichloroethane ug/L 20 114 80-122119 4 1320ND 22.8 23.71,1-Dichloroethene ug/L M120 116 73-118122 6 1420ND 23.1 24.51,1-Dichloropropene ug/L 20 112 83-136116 4 1720ND 22.4 23.31,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L 20 80 65-12795 18 3420ND 16.0 19.11,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L 20 83 49-14785 2 2320ND 16.7 17.01,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L 20 79 72-12197 20 2720ND 15.9 19.41,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L 20 86 60-12992 7 3520ND 17.2 18.51,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane

ug/L 20 81 45-15493 14 2520ND 16.2 18.6

1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L 20 88 54-14192 4 5220ND 17.6 18.41,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L M120 79 81-11886 9 1720ND 15.7 17.31,2-Dichloroethane ug/L 20 102 54-137105 3 4120ND 20.3 21.01,2-Dichloroethene (Total) ug/L 40 114 43-154123 7 3540ND 45.8 49.31,2-Dichloropropane ug/L 20 109 77-116114 5 1220ND 21.8 22.91,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L 20 88 63-12993 5 3720ND 17.6 18.51,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 20 85 77-11385 0 1620ND 17.0 17.01,3-Dichloropropane ug/L 20 91 75-11593 2 1620ND 18.2 18.61,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 20 85 78-11687 2 1620ND 17.1 17.52,2-Dichloropropane ug/L 20 73 26-14180 9 2020ND 14.6 16.02-Butanone (MEK) ug/L 100 90 30-12797 7 18100ND 90.1 97.12-Chlorotoluene ug/L 20 86 77-11894 8 1820ND 17.3 18.72-Hexanone ug/L 100 87 44-12492 6 18100ND 87.2 92.24-Chlorotoluene ug/L 20 83 76-11786 3 1720ND 16.6 17.14-Methyl-2-pentanone(MIBK)

ug/L 100 100 70-124108 8 15100ND 99.7 108

Acetone ug/L 100 82 10-13293 12 201002.3J 84.3 95.0Benzene ug/L 20 116 37-151120 4 4020ND 23.1 24.1Bromobenzene ug/L 20 91 75-11390 1 1720ND 18.2 18.0Bromochloromethane ug/L M120 118 69-126127 7 2020ND 23.6 25.4

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 24 of 36

Page 34: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

Parameter UnitsMS

Result% RecLimits Qual% RecConc.








Bromodichloromethane ug/L 20 106 76-118110 4 1120ND 21.1 22.0Bromoform ug/L 20 88 64-11396 9 1520ND 17.5 19.1Bromomethane ug/L 20 121 41-154137 12 4320ND 24.3 27.4Carbon disulfide ug/L 20 113 80-139116 3 1720ND 22.5 23.2Carbon tetrachloride ug/L 20 113 75-127125 10 1320ND 22.5 25.0Chlorobenzene ug/L 20 95 79-11397 2 1320ND 18.9 19.4Chloroethane ug/L 20 113 53-154116 3 2020ND 22.6 23.2Chloroform ug/L 20 107 74-115113 5 12200.19J 21.6 22.7Chloromethane ug/L 20 138 33-169150 9 7220ND 27.6 30.1cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L 20 110 58-139121 9 40200.24J 22.3 24.4cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 20 98 70-120108 10 1420ND 19.6 21.6Dibromochloromethane ug/L 20 92 77-11496 4 1320ND 18.4 19.2Dibromomethane ug/L 20 103 76-123111 7 1620ND 20.6 22.2Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/L 20 117 10-153122 4 1720ND 23.3 24.4Ethylbenzene ug/L 20 95 29-151100 5 4520ND 19.1 20.0Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/L 20 82 56-13398 17 2820ND 16.5 19.6Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/L 20 98 78-117103 5 1820ND 19.6 20.5Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/L 20 95 25-166103 8 4720ND 19.0 20.6Methylene chloride ug/L 20 105 76-120109 3 1320ND 21.1 21.8n-Butylbenzene ug/L 20 82 56-13392 12 1720ND 16.4 18.5n-Propylbenzene ug/L 20 93 74-12494 1 1820ND 18.5 18.8Naphthalene ug/L 20 77 37-159100 26 4420ND 15.5 20.0p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L 20 91 74-11894 3 2020ND 18.3 18.8sec-Butylbenzene ug/L 20 91 76-11994 3 1820ND 18.3 18.8Styrene ug/L 20 94 66-127101 7 1520ND 18.7 20.2tert-Butylbenzene ug/L 20 92 81-12093 1 1920ND 18.5 18.7Tetrachloroethene ug/L 20 98 77-118105 6 14200.76J 20.4 21.7Toluene ug/L 20 98 37-147103 5 4320ND 19.6 20.6trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L 20 117 69-125125 6 1620ND 23.5 25.0trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 20 82 71-11889 7 1320ND 16.4 17.7Trichloroethene ug/L 20 105 71-116114 5 142010.2 31.3 33.0Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L 20 123 78-146128 4 1820ND 24.6 25.7Vinyl chloride ug/L 20 120 65-142127 6 2220ND 24.0 25.4Xylene (Total) ug/L 60 95 27-156100 4 4660ND 57.3 59.81,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 95 81-127974-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 96 77-13098Toluene-d8 (S) % 92 80-12093Preservation pH 01.0 1.0 1.0

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 25 of 36

Page 35: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

QC Batch:QC Batch Method:

Analysis Method:Analysis Description:

449094EPA 5030B/8260

EPA 5030B/82608260 MSV Water 10 mL Purge

Associated Lab Samples: 60228494006

Parameter UnitsBlankResult

ReportingLimit Qualifiers

METHOD BLANK: 1837637Associated Lab Samples: 60228494006

Matrix: Water


1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,1-Dichloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,1-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,1-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L ND 2.5 10/04/16 12:151,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L ND 2.5 10/04/16 12:151,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,2-Dichloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,2-Dichloroethene (Total) ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,2-Dichloropropane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,3-Dichloropropane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:151,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:152,2-Dichloropropane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:152-Butanone (MEK) ug/L ND 10.0 10/04/16 12:152-Chlorotoluene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:152-Hexanone ug/L ND 10.0 10/04/16 12:154-Chlorotoluene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:154-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/L ND 10.0 10/04/16 12:15Acetone ug/L ND 10.0 10/04/16 12:15Benzene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Bromobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Bromochloromethane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Bromodichloromethane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Bromoform ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Bromomethane ug/L ND 5.0 10/04/16 12:15Carbon disulfide ug/L ND 5.0 10/04/16 12:15Carbon tetrachloride ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Chlorobenzene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Chloroethane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Chloroform ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Chloromethane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 26 of 36

Page 36: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

Parameter UnitsBlankResult

ReportingLimit Qualifiers

METHOD BLANK: 1837637Associated Lab Samples: 60228494006

Matrix: Water


cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Dibromochloromethane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Dibromomethane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Ethylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Methylene chloride ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15n-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15n-Propylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Naphthalene ug/L ND 10.0 10/04/16 12:15p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15sec-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Styrene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15tert-Butylbenzene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Tetrachloroethene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Toluene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Trichloroethene ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Vinyl chloride ug/L ND 1.0 10/04/16 12:15Xylene (Total) ug/L ND 3.0 10/04/16 12:151,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 101 81-127 10/04/16 12:154-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 100 77-130 10/04/16 12:15Toluene-d8 (S) % 100 80-120 10/04/16 12:15

Parameter UnitsLCS

Result% RecLimits Qualifiers% RecConc.


1,1,1,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L 19.520 97 80-1121,1,1-Trichloroethane ug/L 19.420 97 81-1161,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane ug/L 18.620 93 72-1171,1,2-Trichloroethane ug/L 17.820 89 79-1081,1-Dichloroethane ug/L 19.720 99 83-1171,1-Dichloroethene ug/L 20.020 100 74-1141,1-Dichloropropene ug/L 19.720 99 80-1201,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ug/L 19.820 99 74-1241,2,3-Trichloropropane ug/L 18.420 92 74-1201,2,4-Trichlorobenzene ug/L 19.520 98 78-1201,2,4-Trimethylbenzene ug/L 18.720 94 82-1141,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane ug/L 16.620 83 73-1241,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) ug/L 18.220 91 81-120

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 27 of 36

Page 37: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

Parameter UnitsLCS

Result% RecLimits Qualifiers% RecConc.


1,2-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 19.620 98 84-1171,2-Dichloroethane ug/L 19.720 99 72-1161,2-Dichloroethene (Total) ug/L 38.340 96 80-1201,2-Dichloropropane ug/L 18.420 92 80-1201,3,5-Trimethylbenzene ug/L 19.120 96 80-1201,3-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 18.720 94 80-1201,3-Dichloropropane ug/L 19.420 97 80-1201,4-Dichlorobenzene ug/L 19.120 95 80-1202,2-Dichloropropane ug/L 18.120 90 58-1322-Butanone (MEK) ug/L 98.0100 98 67-1292-Chlorotoluene ug/L 18.920 95 80-1202-Hexanone ug/L 93.5100 94 70-1284-Chlorotoluene ug/L 19.120 96 80-1204-Methyl-2-pentanone (MIBK) ug/L 94.6100 95 80-120Acetone ug/L 95.1100 95 56-142Benzene ug/L 19.920 100 79-116Bromobenzene ug/L 19.120 96 80-120Bromochloromethane ug/L 18.620 93 76-124Bromodichloromethane ug/L 19.120 95 80-120Bromoform ug/L 19.020 95 73-114Bromomethane ug/L 22.520 113 49-153Carbon disulfide ug/L 19.820 99 82-121Carbon tetrachloride ug/L 20.020 100 80-116Chlorobenzene ug/L 19.720 98 80-120Chloroethane ug/L 18.520 93 67-124Chloroform ug/L 18.420 92 79-120Chloromethane ug/L 18.020 90 10-192cis-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L 19.120 96 80-120cis-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 19.920 99 80-120Dibromochloromethane ug/L 19.420 97 80-120Dibromomethane ug/L 18.220 91 84-117Dichlorodifluoromethane ug/L 23.820 119 22-167Ethylbenzene ug/L 19.220 96 80-120Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene ug/L 20.220 101 75-122Isopropylbenzene (Cumene) ug/L 19.520 97 80-120Methyl-tert-butyl ether ug/L 19.420 97 79-117Methylene chloride ug/L 19.720 98 80-120n-Butylbenzene ug/L 18.620 93 80-120n-Propylbenzene ug/L 19.620 98 80-120Naphthalene ug/L 19.220 96 74-125p-Isopropyltoluene ug/L 19.720 98 80-120sec-Butylbenzene ug/L 19.220 96 80-120Styrene ug/L 19.420 97 80-120tert-Butylbenzene ug/L 19.220 96 85-116Tetrachloroethene ug/L 19.520 97 80-120Toluene ug/L 19.420 97 80-120trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ug/L 19.220 96 78-108

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 28 of 36

Page 38: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

Parameter UnitsLCS

Result% RecLimits Qualifiers% RecConc.


trans-1,3-Dichloropropene ug/L 19.220 96 85-120Trichloroethene ug/L 18.120 91 76-114Trichlorofluoromethane ug/L 21.720 108 78-132Vinyl chloride ug/L 22.020 110 69-129Xylene (Total) ug/L 59.060 98 80-1201,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 99 81-1274-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 98 77-130Toluene-d8 (S) % 99 80-120

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 29 of 36

Page 39: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

QC Batch:QC Batch Method:

Analysis Method:Analysis Description:

448035EPA 8260


Associated Lab Samples: 60228494001, 60228494002, 60228494003, 60228494004, 60228494005, 60228494006

Parameter UnitsBlankResult

ReportingLimit Qualifiers

METHOD BLANK: 1832966Associated Lab Samples: 60228494001, 60228494002, 60228494003, 60228494004, 60228494005, 60228494006

Matrix: Water


LRH (C5-C8) mg/L ND 0.050 09/27/16 13:581,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 100 80-120 09/27/16 13:584-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 99 80-120 09/27/16 13:58Toluene-d8 (S) % 100 80-120 1e09/27/16 13:58

Parameter UnitsLCS

Result% RecLimits Qualifiers% RecConc.





LRH (C5-C8) mg/L 0.39 L02 19 70-130190.38 2 251,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 97 80-1201004-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 100 80-120100Toluene-d8 (S) % 1e100 80-120100

Parameter UnitsLCS

Result% RecLimits Qualifiers% RecConc.


1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 (S) % 99 80-1204-Bromofluorobenzene (S) % 101 80-120Toluene-d8 (S) % 99 80-120

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 30 of 36

Page 40: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

QC Batch:QC Batch Method:

Analysis Method:Analysis Description:

448045EPA 3511

EPA 8015CEPA 8015C

Associated Lab Samples: 60228494003, 60228494004, 60228494005, 60228494006

Parameter UnitsBlankResult

ReportingLimit Qualifiers

METHOD BLANK: 1832980Associated Lab Samples: 60228494003, 60228494004, 60228494005, 60228494006

Matrix: Water


HRH (C19-C35) mg/L ND 0.20 09/27/16 13:08MRH (C9-C18) mg/L ND 0.059 09/27/16 13:081-Chloro-octadecane (S) % 73 40-140 09/27/16 13:08

Parameter UnitsLCS

Result% RecLimits Qualifiers% RecConc.





HRH (C19-C35) mg/L 0.27.23 116 40-1401240.28 7 25MRH (C9-C18) mg/L 0.18.17 103 40-1401300.22 24 251-Chloro-octadecane (S) % 106 40-140124

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 31 of 36

Page 41: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Results presented on this page are in the units indicated by the "Units" column except where an alternate unit is presented to the right of the result.

QC Batch:QC Batch Method:

Analysis Method:Analysis Description:

448771EPA 3511

EPA 8015CEPA 8015C

Associated Lab Samples: 60228494001, 60228494002

Parameter UnitsBlankResult

ReportingLimit Qualifiers

METHOD BLANK: 1836423Associated Lab Samples: 60228494001, 60228494002

Matrix: Water


HRH (C19-C35) mg/L ND 0.20 10/03/16 13:08MRH (C9-C18) mg/L ND 0.060 10/03/16 13:081-Chloro-octadecane (S) % 99 40-140 10/03/16 13:08

Parameter UnitsLCS

Result% RecLimits Qualifiers% RecConc.





HRH (C19-C35) mg/L 0.30.23 129 40-1401330.31 2 25MRH (C9-C18) mg/L 0.18.17 105 40-1401130.20 8 251-Chloro-octadecane (S) % 105 40-140105

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 32 of 36

Page 42: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:



DF - Dilution Factor, if reported, represents the factor applied to the reported data due to dilution of the sample aliquot.ND - Not Detected at or above adjusted reporting limit.J - Estimated concentration above the adjusted method detection limit and below the adjusted reporting limit.MDL - Adjusted Method Detection Limit.PQL - Practical Quantitation Limit.RL - Reporting Limit.S - Surrogate1,2-Diphenylhydrazine decomposes to and cannot be separated from Azobenzene using Method 8270. The result for each analyte isa combined concentration.Consistent with EPA guidelines, unrounded data are displayed and have been used to calculate % recovery and RPD values.LCS(D) - Laboratory Control Sample (Duplicate)MS(D) - Matrix Spike (Duplicate)DUP - Sample DuplicateRPD - Relative Percent DifferenceNC - Not Calculable.SG - Silica Gel - Clean-UpU - Indicates the compound was analyzed for, but not detected.N-Nitrosodiphenylamine decomposes and cannot be separated from Diphenylamine using Method 8270. The result reported foreach analyte is a combined concentration.Pace Analytical is TNI accredited. Contact your Pace PM for the current list of accredited analytes.TNI - The NELAC Institute.


Pace Analytical Services - Kansas CityPASI-K


Batch: 448035A matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate was not performed for this batch due to insufficient sample volume.[M5]

Batch: 448694A matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate was not performed for this batch due to insufficient sample volume.[M5]

Batch: 449094A matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate was not performed for this batch due to insufficient sample volume.[M5]

ANALYTE QUALIFIERSThe individual component n-nonane had a %D greater than 30% on the Continuing Calibration Verification standard(CCV). No further action was required, since the LRH range CCV was within QC limits.


Analyte recovery in the laboratory control sample (LCS) was outside QC limits.L0Analyte recovery in the laboratory control sample (LCS) was below QC limits. Results for this analyte in associatedsamples may be biased low.


Analyte recovery in the laboratory control sample (LCS) exceeded QC limits. Analyte presence below reporting limits inassociated samples. Results unaffected by high bias.


Matrix spike recovery exceeded QC limits. Batch accepted based on laboratory control sample (LCS) recovery.M1

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 33 of 36

Page 43: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February



Pace Project No.:Project:


Lab ID Sample ID QC Batch Method QC Batch Analytical MethodAnalyticalBatch

60228494001 448771 448957QC-MW6-092216 EPA 3511 EPA 8015C60228494002 448771 448957QC-HOA-1-092216 EPA 3511 EPA 8015C

60228494003 448045 448193QC-2019NRC-092216 EPA 3511 EPA 8015C60228494004 448045 448193QC-2025NRC-092216 EPA 3511 EPA 8015C60228494005 448045 448193QC-2001CC-092216 EPA 3511 EPA 8015C60228494006 448045 448193QC-2007CC-092216 EPA 3511 EPA 8015C

60228494001 448694QC-MW6-092216 EPA 5030B/826060228494002 448694QC-HOA-1-092216 EPA 5030B/826060228494003 448694QC-2019NRC-092216 EPA 5030B/8260

60228494004 448695QC-2025NRC-092216 EPA 5030B/826060228494005 448695QC-2001CC-092216 EPA 5030B/8260

60228494006 449094QC-2007CC-092216 EPA 5030B/8260

60228494001 448035QC-MW6-092216 EPA 826060228494002 448035QC-HOA-1-092216 EPA 826060228494003 448035QC-2019NRC-092216 EPA 826060228494004 448035QC-2025NRC-092216 EPA 826060228494005 448035QC-2001CC-092216 EPA 826060228494006 448035QC-2007CC-092216 EPA 8260

REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSISThis report shall not be reproduced, except in full,

without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, LLC.Date: 10/06/2016 09:24 AM

Pace Analytical Services, LLC9608 Loiret Blvd.

Lenexa, KS 66219(913)599-5665

Page 34 of 36

Page 44: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February

Page 35 of 36

Page 45: Darren L. Brown, P.G. - quailcrossingandover · 2019. 1. 10. · Darren L. Brown, P.G. 11601 E. Killarney Circle Wichita, KS 67206 Tel: (316)573-3485 E-mail: browndl1@yahoo.com February

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