darksiders bestiary · 2017. 6. 8. · darksiders bestiary angels angel traits, all angels have the...

Darksiders Bestiary Angels Angel Traits, All Angels have the following traits: Ageis of the White City: All angels regardless of hit die have an invincible defense against non-magical attacks. Words of the Creator: All angels are bound to at least one Word and can spend effort on miracles or gifts related to that word. Angel Soldier AC: -5 Move: 100’ flight Hit Dice: 12 Save: 9+ Attack: +10 x 3 attacks Damage: 1d8+4 Angelic Lance Morale: 12 Effort: 4 Angel Soldiers are airborne soldiers of light, armed with a halberd-alike melee weapon that doubles as a ranged weapon - Angelic Lance. Like all other Hellguard forces they wear a light dark-golden armor that appears to be made with advanced technology. As Angels, they fight for Heaven against the Demonic legions and stand in the front line against Destroyer's army. These Angel Soldiers appear to be quite noble, as they are referred to as great and honorable warriors, and as The Charred Council states "might they be Lords of Heaven...", indicating that they consider them to be high- ranking figures. They now fight under the command of Uriel, since Abaddon died. They harbor a deep hatred of War, as they see him as the responsible for the early Apocalypse and Abaddon's death. The remaining Hellguard forces are incapable of returning to Heaven until the Balance, that was lost due to the Apocalypse, is restored. Since Mankind has been obliterated by Demonic forces, the Light Angels along with all of the Hellguard are apparently trapped forever on Earth, never to return to the White City. They may take two actions every round. Typically bound to the Bow Word. Angel Champion AC: -7 Move: 90flight Hit Dice: 14 Save: 8+ Attack: +10 x 3 attacks Damage: 2d6+4 Angel Sword Morale: 12 Effort: 4 Angelic Champions are Large Angelic warriors wielding a huge shield along with a sword made of energy, these holy hulking juggernauts are far stronger than their normal soldier counterparts. Their wings are gold rather than blue in order to show their rank in the celestial hierarchy. Angel Champions are the some of the strongest type of angel, bested only by Storm Wardens, Archons, and Archangels including Abbadon and Azrael. They may act twice every round. Typically bound to the Sword Word. Strom Warden AC: -10 Move: 150flight Hit Dice: 22 Save: 4+ Attack: +10 x 4 attacks Damage: 3d6+4 Redemption Cannon Morale: 12 Effort: 6

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Page 1: Darksiders Bestiary · 2017. 6. 8. · Darksiders Bestiary Angels Angel Traits, All Angels have the following traits: Ageis of the White City: All angels regardless of hit die have

Darksiders Bestiary

Angels Angel Traits, All Angels have the following traits:

Ageis of the White City: All angels regardless of hit die have

an invincible defense against non-magical attacks.

Words of the Creator: All angels are bound to at least one

Word and can spend effort on miracles or gifts related to that


Angel Soldier AC: -5 Move: 100’ flight

Hit Dice: 12 Save: 9+

Attack: +10 x 3 attacks Damage: 1d8+4 Angelic Lance

Morale: 12 Effort: 4

Angel Soldiers are airborne soldiers of light, armed with a

halberd-alike melee weapon that doubles as a ranged weapon -

Angelic Lance. Like all other Hellguard forces they wear a

light dark-golden armor that appears to be made with

advanced technology. As Angels, they fight for Heaven

against the Demonic legions and stand in the front line against

Destroyer's army. These Angel Soldiers appear to be quite

noble, as they are referred to as great and honorable warriors,

and as The Charred Council states "might they be Lords of

Heaven...", indicating that they consider them to be high-

ranking figures. They now fight under the command of Uriel,

since Abaddon died. They harbor a deep hatred of War, as

they see him as the responsible for the early Apocalypse and

Abaddon's death. The remaining Hellguard forces are

incapable of returning to Heaven until the Balance, that was

lost due to the Apocalypse, is restored. Since Mankind has

been obliterated by Demonic forces, the Light Angels along

with all of the Hellguard are apparently trapped forever on

Earth, never to return to the White City. They may take two

actions every round. Typically bound to the Bow Word.

Angel Champion AC: -7 Move: 90’ flight

Hit Dice: 14 Save: 8+

Attack: +10 x 3 attacks Damage: 2d6+4 Angel Sword

Morale: 12 Effort: 4

Angelic Champions are Large Angelic warriors wielding a

huge shield along with a sword made of energy, these holy

hulking juggernauts are far stronger than their normal soldier

counterparts. Their wings are gold rather than blue in order to

show their rank in the celestial hierarchy. Angel Champions

are the some of the strongest type of angel, bested only by

Storm Wardens, Archons, and Archangels including Abbadon

and Azrael. They may act twice every round. Typically bound

to the Sword Word.

Strom Warden AC: -10 Move: 150’ flight

Hit Dice: 22 Save: 4+

Attack: +10 x 4 attacks Damage: 3d6+4 Redemption


Morale: 12 Effort: 6

Page 2: Darksiders Bestiary · 2017. 6. 8. · Darksiders Bestiary Angels Angel Traits, All Angels have the following traits: Ageis of the White City: All angels regardless of hit die have

Storm Wardens are Heavenly Soldiers which were hand-

selected by Archangels themselves, as they are the elite of the

elites in the army of light. These angels carry with them a

Redemption Cannon that fires balls of flames against the

unfortunate ones that place themselves in the weapon's range.

Their armor is different from the rest of the Hellguard, as it is

silver with little ornaments in gold, while other angel soldiers'

armor is usually gold. They are rather difficult to defeat as

they are not only very resilient, but highly mobile. It takes

three actions every round. Typically bound to the Endurance


Ortho (Angelic Beast) AC: 3 Move: 120’ flight

Hit Dice: 30 Save: 5+

Attack: +10 x 3 attacks Damage: 2d6+3


Morale: 11 Effort: 5

The Ortho, also known merely as the Angelic Beast, is a large

Griffin type creature used as heavy support by the Angel

remnants. It fires energy bolts against its targets to bring them

down in addition to capably performing as an air vehicle. They

may act twice every round. Typically bound to the Sky Word

Demons Demon Traits, all Demons have the following traits:

Hellforged resilience: Regardless of hit die all demons have

an invincible defense against non-magical attacks.

Hellbound Heart: All demons are bound to at least one Word

and can spend effort on miracles or gifts related to that word.

Ashworm AC: 6 Move: 20’ burrow

Hit Dice: 15 Save: 8+

Attack: +10 x 2 attacks Damage: 3d10+4 bite/slam straight

Morale: 10 Effort: 5

Ashworms are very large worms that inhabit the Ashlands,

burrowing and tunneling underneath the sands. The Ashlands

are infested with these creatures, making traversing the ground

incredibly dangerous and almost impossible on foot. Typically

bound to the Earth word.

Abyssal Rider AC: 3 Move: 40’ run

Hit Dice: 6 Save: 12+

Attack: +6 x 2 attacks Damage: 2d6+1 sword

Morale: 11 Effort: 2

The Abyssal Riders, also known as the Dark Riders, are the

Destroyer's Cavalry. Beneath their armor, these pitiless

horsemen are cracked and pale, their flesh barely able to

contain the hellfire that roils within. They can release this

energy in sorcerous attacks, or channel it into phantom steeds

which shriek with the agony of their riders' tortured souls.

Their Horses are disgusting corpses which spout blue flames

where they ride. Typically bound to the Sword Word.

Phantom Horse AC: -4 Move: 90’ flight

Hit Dice: 6 Save: 12+

Page 3: Darksiders Bestiary · 2017. 6. 8. · Darksiders Bestiary Angels Angel Traits, All Angels have the following traits: Ageis of the White City: All angels regardless of hit die have

Attack: +6 x 2 attacks Damage: 1d8+3 bite, 2d8+3


Morale: 11 Effort: 2

Phantom Horses are, as the name implies, horses with a

tainted or shadowy appearance. Phantom Horses are

commonly seen ridden by Abyssal Riders, and noticeably The

Four Horsemen. Typically bound to the Alacrity Word.

Broodling AC: 6 Move: 30’ climb

Hit Dice: 3 Save:

Attack: +3 Damage: 1d6 bite

Morale: 6 Effort: 1

The Broodling, also called Chain Spiders, are the demonic

offspring of Silitha. They appear to be huge spiders, similar to

their mother, with huge legs and sharped mouths. Typically

bound to the Alacrity Word.

Loom Warden AC: 3 Move: 20’ climb

Hit Dice: 5 Save:

Attack: +5 x 3 attacks Damage: 2d6+3 claws, 1d8+3 bite

Morale: 11 Effort: 1

They are the guardians of Silitha that must be destroyed along

with Broodmother to gain entrance to Silitha's Loom.

Typically bound to the Endurance Word.

Shadowcaster AC: 0 Move: 30’ flight

Hit Dice: 9 Save:

Attack: +9 x3 attacks Damage: 1d12+5 hellfire blast

Morale: 11 Effort: 3

The Shadowcaster (or merely the Caster in some cases) is a

resilient spellcasting demon encountered in the Iron Canopy,

and occasionally in the challenges of the Shadow Lurkers. It is

known that a journey through the Destroyer's kingdom is one

few survive. His servants watch every street, with ears cocked

for the slightest sound and eyes open for the slightest

movement. And some, like the serpentine Shadowcasters, are

impossible to evade. These demons do not rely on sight- they

can taste vibrations on their snaking tongues. An errant soft

footfall on the powdered ash will drive them to a murderous

frenzy. Once their prey is targeted, the Caster's clawed hands

knead energy into crackling balls of fire, which explode in all

directions. This hell-bred beast will attack until it tastes the

sweetest vibration of all- the last shallow beat of a dying heart.

Typically bound to the Word.

Page 4: Darksiders Bestiary · 2017. 6. 8. · Darksiders Bestiary Angels Angel Traits, All Angels have the following traits: Ageis of the White City: All angels regardless of hit die have

Duskwing AC: 3 Move: 40’ flight

Hit Dice: 4 Save: 13+

Attack: +4 Damage: 1d8+2 bite

Morale: 11 Effort: 1

Duskwings, sometimes called Duskbats, are fairly weak

enemies which have the appearance of a bat and are most

commonly found in the Twilight Cathedral as well as the

Choking Grounds. There is also a fiery variant, found in Echo

Gorge and the Twilight Cathedral which can shoot fireballs.

Fallen AC: -2 Move: 50’ flight

Hit Dice: 15 Save: 8+

Attack: +10 x 2 attacks Damage: 2d6+4 claws/tail

Morale: 11 Effort: 3

These rare fallen angels saw themselves lured to a path of

darkness by appealing promises made by Hell. They are

opportunistic hunters, prowling the skies over destroyed cities,

perhaps looking for people to punish or angels to kill. They

look somewhat similar to a Grappleclaw, but much larger in

body and wings. Fallen look like giant twisted creatures with

hardly, if any, resemblance to their former selves. They are

usually driven by and insatiable bloodlust, and are stronger

even than the Trauma beast. Their incredible endurance,

strong attacks and maneuverability make them a difficult

opponent to defeat. Rare creatures, they can be encountered

during the Apocalypse. The Fallen that can be fought is on the

Angelic Beast while War makes his way through the Echo

Gorge towards Twilight Cathedral.

Gholen AC: 0 Move: 30’

Hit Dice: 10 Save: 10+

Attack: +10 x2 attacks Damage: 1d12+1

Morale: 11 Effort: 3

Gholens are massive and durable Demons whose hands erupt

with fire. They are extremely resilient to attacks that would

normally kill other demons and are very dangerous when dealt

with. There is nothing subtle about the massive Gholens. The

very ground trembles under their monstrous weight. Each

hand is impossibly hard and smolders with fire that cannot be

quenched. Gholens shake off blows that would fell trees, and

crush skulls as if they were clay.

Page 5: Darksiders Bestiary · 2017. 6. 8. · Darksiders Bestiary Angels Angel Traits, All Angels have the following traits: Ageis of the White City: All angels regardless of hit die have

Minion AC: 6 Move: 40’ run

Hit Dice: 7 Save: 12+

Attack: +7 Damage: 2d6+2 claws

Morale: 11 Effort: 2

The minions are the destroyer's hounds, pack hunters that

scour the wastelands for prey. Their misshapen masses of

heads, torsos and limbs are fused into a hideous array.