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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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  • The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies (founded in 1978) is an independent, non-profit think tank, which has been engaged in the study of Jerusalem since its inception. JIIS research covers a vast range of areas of life in Jerusalem: population, economy, education, culture, tourism, environment, and more. Key to our success is our closely guarded integrity, independence, and quality.

    The Challenge Jerusalems unique historical and spiritual standing, its wealth of cultural treasures, and its holiness to Judaism, Islam and Christianity are known to be among the factors that make the city great. Indeed, more than almost any other place in the world, Jerusalem is held high by hundreds of millions of people. This highlights the fact that Jerusalem has considerable untapped potential as a world city. Finding ways to strengthen its place in the world, as a city for all, would advance Jerusalem in a host of positive ways. The challenge is to realize the potential inherent in the city and turn Jerusalem into a world center of spirituality and interfaith dialogue, wisdom, multiculturalism, and an extraordinary place to visit.

    The Project Plan To examine ways to tap Jerusalems potential, cultivate it as a world city, and enhance visitors experiences thereTo establish a multidisciplinary, interfaith forum for brainstorming ideas and ways to attain the goals To map the citys physical, educational, organizational and other infrastructures, identifying those that can contribute to its universal standing To identify actors and groups ( Jewish, other religious entities, foreign envoys, international communities and organizations, etc.) that could hold broad-scale activities (conferences, group tours, etc.) suited to boosting a universal Jerusalem To undertake an economic analysis in this context and identify potential focus areas to develop and reinforceTo formulate policy that would contribute to Jerusalems advancement as a city for all and a source of inspiration

    Anticipated Products A series of reports on different topics, including recommendations for policy and action Activities: Seminars, roundtable meetings, and the dissemination of reports stemming from this project The creation of a new database, Jerusalem as a World City

    Anticipated Impact The formulation of government and municipal policy aimed at strengthening Jerusalems status as a world cityReducing tensions between different groups in the city Reinforcing the universal significance of Jerusalem

    Lead Researchers Dr. Amnon Ramon, Prof. Yitzhak Reiter, Israel Kimhi, Lior Lehrs

    Cost Reports, activities and database: $160,000 per year for 2 years

    Jerusalem A World City